Features of organizing weekend tours. Weekend travel. How to organize? Bus tours and excursions to Russian cities

It is important to analyze the impact of a tour on the rehabilitation of people after a working week, analyzing the essence of weekend tours as a phenomenon in a person’s life. Determine the functions of a weekend tour, selecting an area and staffing a group.

After a working week, a person often experiences a loss of strength, emotional and physical stress, decreased physical activity, a state of stress and even depression. Freeing a person from the feeling of fatigue through a contrasting change of environment and type of activity is the main task of a weekend tour.

The purpose of the weekend tour from an experimental point of view is

analyze the impact of the tour on the rehabilitation of people after a working week. Analyzing the essence of weekend tours as a phenomenon in human life, we can highlight some general functions: “sports” - restoration of physical tone and performance, strengthening muscles, developing endurance, etc.; “emotional” - increased mood, improved psycho-emotional state; “ecological” - environmental non-harmfulness, human connection to nature and respect for it; “social” - development of communication skills and mutual assistance in a group in natural conditions, organizational skills; “cognitive and developmental” - study of recreational (historical, religious, natural) attractions of the area, cultural development, etc. .

In general, the organization and conduct of recreational weekend tours are not subject to any standard requirements established by regulatory documents, except in the case of trips with students. Neither this nor any other regulatory documents regulate the quantitative parameters of a health hike (duration of the tour and length of the route), the choice of area, staffing of a hiking group, the choice of equipment and the order of meals for participants in hiking conditions, etc.

These, undoubtedly important aspects of organizing and conducting recreational tours, are determined by the organizers themselves (tour companies or leaders of amateur tours), based on the goals and objectives, safety requirements, availability of organizational and material resources, etc. Thus, the very effectiveness of achieving the goals of each of a particular campaign will dictate the basic requirements for its organization and conduct.

When choosing an area for a tour, you should take into account, first of all, the goals and objectives set for it, the composition of a particular group (age, health status, aspirations and wishes of the participants), and the amount of free time that the participants have. For recreational and health hikes, an area is selected that will allow the best fulfillment of the objectives of health improvement and proper rest of the participants in the natural environment. Cognitive tasks can also be successfully combined with recreational tasks - expanding the horizons of the participants, their knowledge of nature, the cultural and historical heritage of their ancestors, etc. Usually such trips are made “on native land"and pursue, among other things, local history purposes.

Thus, the choice of an area for a health tour is dictated by the presence of natural recreational resources in it (forests: clean reservoirs suitable for swimming, clean air, aesthetically attractive landscapes, etc.). In addition, it is determined by the presence of targeted recreational and educational sites that will arouse the greatest interest among tour participants. Such objects include, for example, local sections of the route with the most beautiful landscapes, picturesque lakes or groups of lakes; rivers, attractive areas of forests (light pine forests, groves of broad-leaved trees), etc.

Organization tourist tour certainly includes staffing the group. A health trip group is formed on the basis of common interests and the desire to take part in a specific tourist event. In the case of weekend tours and multi-day recreational and health hikes, the health status of the participants may serve as a limitation (it must allow them to endure the physical stress of the hike). It is recommended to form a group of participants of approximately the same age and social status (then a commonality of interests and ease of communication is achieved). For example, you can create a school, student, family group, etc. At the same time, from tourist practice It is known that the effectiveness of managing a group and achieving the goals of the trip will be maximum if the group of tourists does not exceed 12-15 participants. In the case of more massive hikes, it is advisable to divide the entire hiking group (“team”) into “sections” with their own tourist leaders (instructors).

In any form of organizing a health trip (amateur, commercial, social), there is a formal or informal leader in the group who takes responsibility for its successful implementation. When a trip is carried out by a tourist organization, the leader is appointed officially (by order of the organization).

A weekend hike is the simplest form of active tourism , it is especially attractive to residents of cities and towns. Urbanization, the movement of people within a limited space, the lack of interpersonal communication and direct contact with the natural environment all lead to a person being isolated in his own world. One of the possible solutions to this most pressing problem of our time could be weekend hikes.

This form of spending free time is especially important for children, because During the hike, they have the opportunity to communicate, learn, prepare for work, and gain social experience. On such trips, children will learn self-service, collectivism, discipline, and responsibility.

Another distinctive feature of weekend trips is the increased degree of freedom of action of the child in a group and direct contact with the natural environment, which contains a storehouse of knowledge and unforgettable sensations. At every step something new, previously unknown, awaits him, something that teaches and educates.

A weekend hike includes: the preparatory stage, the actual implementation and summing up its results. All this constitutes a cycle of tourist activity.

The first part of the cycle consists of preparatory work:

    Selecting an area and developing a route. Drawing up a travel schedule.

    Group recruitment. Distribution of duties.

    Calculation of the trip budget. Menu creation.

    Preparation of trip documentation.

    Preparation of group and personal equipment.

Purchasing food.

    The second part of the series includes:

    Overcoming the intended route.

    Maintaining a traveling lifestyle.

    Self-service for trekking participants.

Collection of educational and local history material (photos, videos, etc.)

    The third part of the series includes:

    Preparation of written reports, design of photo newspapers, etc.

    Discussion of the results of the trip.

Preparation for any trip begins with determining its goal. And although main goal A weekend hike is an active recreation in the natural environment, however, the goal of the route for the participants should be something interesting, special from the point of view of knowledge of the surrounding world or obtaining aesthetic impressions of the beauty of the places visited.

The purpose of a weekend trip depends on the composition of the group and the tourist opportunities of the native land, knowledge of which is necessary for everyone, regardless of age and profession. Visiting historical or natural monuments, picking mushrooms, berries, medicinal herbs, observing flora and fauna, combined with games, competitions, competitions will make a weekend trip meaningful and memorable.

When developing a weekend hiking route, you need to consider the following important principles:

1. The hike must correspond to the preparedness of the leader and the preparedness of the group to complete the planned route. There should be no rush to include complex obstacles in the route that pose physical and psychological difficulties for travelers (large climbs, water obstacles, swampy or difficult areas, etc.).

2. The route should pass through the most beautiful places. The presence of interesting tourist sites will contribute to the emergence of positive emotional arousal, which in turn will relieve accumulated fatigue. A difficult route through unattractive places will not contribute to the development of children's interest in tourism.

3. The route of the hike should teach and educate. Therefore, when developing a hiking route, it is necessary to provide for everything that would contribute to the replenishment of children’s knowledge, their education (diversity of flora and fauna, places of military and labor glory, places of life and work of outstanding people), the development of self-service and self-sufficiency skills when performing bivouac work, collecting firewood, working by the fire.

4. The hiking route should be designed so that its end point is as close as possible to transport communications. The return home after a hike for tired travelers should be short so that the positive impressions of the hike are not spoiled.

You can go on weekend hikes with overnight stays when the participants have experience of country walks and long-distance weekend hikes without an overnight stay.

In preparing for a weekend hike with an overnight stay, participants must take an active part: prepare group and personal equipment for the hike, purchase food, ensure its safety and transportation.

The selection of a weekend hiking area is carried out on the basis of an analysis of topographic maps, diagrams and other information documents containing information about excursion sites in the hiking area, natural monuments, tourist sites, etc. From this point of view, the most optimal areas for a hike are those with the largest recreational potential.

These should be territories not polluted by economic activity, containing large forest areas (light pine forests, broad-leaved forests), picturesque landscapes, with well-defined relief and observation points, hydrographic objects (rivers and lakes suitable for swimming and recreation).

In the hiking area there should be convenient starting and ending points for the group from the point of view of the group’s arrival and departure by public or charter transport. The area should contain a set of convenient, not tiring forest or field roads and trails for walking.

From the point of view of preserving the environment and maximum comfort for participants in a weekend hike, the advantage is given to the area that contains equipped places for tourists to spend the night and rest. Moreover, such tourist stops are usually arranged in the most picturesque places suitable for recreational purposes with the presence of sources of clean water.

An important factor when choosing a weekend hiking area is the amount of free time that the participants have and their potential material costs. A hiking area located as close as possible to your place of residence will reduce travel time and financial costs.

Protected natural areas with the possibility of hosting tourist events - national parks - best meet the above criteria for choosing an area for weekend hikes. It is there that the development of tourism activities is as important a task as the conservation of natural recreational resources. In the territories of national parks, marked hiking routes are laid out, there are educational objects of interest with the possibility of conducting excursions by qualified specialists, equipped tourist bivouacs and lunch stops, etc.

After choosing a hiking area, based on available cartographic material and other information, tourists develop a specific hiking route (route thread). The route line, plotted on a topographic map of the hiking area, represents the following sequence of landmarks: the starting point, reference points for the day's treks, tourist bivouac sites and the finishing point.

When developing a hiking route, the following creative work is performed:

    the required length of the route and duration of the hike are determined (taking into account the composition of the group and the intended goals of the hike);

    from all those present in the hiking area, specific target recreational and educational objects of visit are selected (“highlights” of the trip);

    the points of arrival and departure of the group from the route that are convenient for reaching the intended recreational and educational sites are determined;

    places for organizing bivouacs and large halts are determined, which should maximally satisfy the tasks of safety, recreation and health improvement of participants, as well as the implementation of excursion and educational tasks;

    the tactical route scheme is determined (linear, circular, with sections of radial movement);

    the ways to reach the intended main recreational and educational sites and points for organizing lunch stops and bivouacs are determined (the group’s route);

    the route, as a result of the above actions, is divided into separate, feasible for the participants, day trips of a certain length;

    During daytime crossings, reference landmarks are outlined for precise movement along the route (point, linear, area).

As stated above, the length of the route is determined by the composition of the group. Along the route of the hike, the most convenient and suitable points for lunch stops and the organization of field camps for overnight stays (bivouacs) are outlined. Having identified bivouac points in the hiking area, the route will automatically be divided into a number of day trips, which should be feasible for the participants and not cause them excessive physical and mental fatigue.

Based on the location of target recreational facilities in the selected area and convenient starting and finishing points of the hike, tourists determine the optimal tactical route design: linear, circular, combined (including circular sections and radial sections).

The linear route is not closed, and has different start and finish points, distant from each other.

In the case of a circular (closed) route, a single start and finish point is assumed.

Hiking often uses a combined route scheme with the inclusion of circular sections on a generally linear route or sections of radial movement. Radial exits are carried out from bivouac or rest areas to target objects with subsequent return to the starting point along the same path. The use of radial movement along the route allows tourists to effectively conduct sightseeing and more fully enjoy unique natural sites, since they are not burdened with traveling cargo and can cover significant distances.

When choosing the optimal route to the locations of bivouacs and target objects along the route, forest and field roads (it is recommended to refuse to travel on highways and highways) going in the required directions, other linear landmarks for movement (clearings, river banks, etc.) .d.). The length of crossings along clearings and off-roads should be limited. Overcoming obstacles is not the goal of a weekend hike. Thus, a specific route for each day's journey is determined on the map.

Within each day's transition, a number of reference points for movement should be outlined. These landmarks will be needed for the purpose of confident orientation and adherence to the intended route. Various terrain landmarks serve as reference points for the route: point landmarks (road intersections, individual buildings, bridges, etc.); linear (roads and clearings used for movement or crossed during movement, river banks, boundaries between forests and fields, etc.); area (settlements, lakes, small forests).

In conclusion, you should evaluate the intended route as a whole: the distance of the starting and ending points of the route from transport routes, the attractiveness of the selected recreational and educational sites, the convenience and reliability of the chosen routes to them, the logic of the chosen tactical route scheme, the places where bivouacs will be organized, etc.

Based on the scale of the map, it is necessary to once again carefully (strictly along the line of the intended movement) measure the length of all planned daily crossings; determine the total length of the route and compare it with the planned parameters for a specific group of tourists. If necessary, the necessary adjustments are made to the planned route.

The next step in preparing for a weekend hike is collecting group equipment. This includes: food, plastic film, an axe, a saw, buckets or pots, a ladle, matches, a compass, a route map, a first aid kit and sports equipment. All group equipment is distributed among the participants of the trip. Matches and a map should be stored in a plastic bag during the hike.

Such a set of equipment is necessary if you plan to cook hot food over a fire, and if you plan a “buffet” of products taken from home by all participants in the hike, then there is no need for this. But the romance of travel involves smoke, fire and hot tea. In addition, on hikes, a variety of situations can arise, including extreme ones: it started to rain, a participant rubbed his leg or burned his hand, or even got completely lost in an unfamiliar area...

When choosing personal equipment, the following recommendations should be followed.

Weekend hikes take place depending on the season: comfortable clothes(sports or trouser suits) and loose shoes (sneakers, sneakers, hiking boots). Shoes must be worn, otherwise abrasions and calluses on the feet are inevitable. Wool and cotton socks are also a must. Socks made of synthetic threads are unacceptable for hiking, because they do not provide adequate heat and air exchange when walking. Feet sweat quickly and calluses may form.

A hat made of synthetic fabric is also undesirable, as are fur hats for skiing and hiking. A headdress for summer hikes should be made of simple light-colored fabric; for autumn-winter hikes, it should be made of woolen fabric of varying thicknesses. Depending on the time of year and weather, bring wool sweaters, windproof suits and spare cotton T-shirts, although experienced tourists They never count on the mercy of nature, but rely only on themselves.

A mandatory attribute of personal equipment is a backpack. The use of sports bags is not advisable, since the design of the backpack optimally distributes the load along the body, which allows you to comfortably cover the route.

Short description

Weekend tours are short-duration tours (1-2 days), allowing you to fully relax in a couple of days. Compared to other types of tours, weekend tours have many advantages:
1.This is a unique opportunity to visit various historical places our Motherland, as well as travel abroad without any interruption from work;
2.This is a great opportunity to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, or just a meeting with friends in an unusually fun way;
3. This is the most economical type of vacation, since you do not need to spend money and time packing your suitcases.

Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….. ….3
Chapter 1. Weekend tour
1.1 History of tourism, travel and excursion activities in Russia…………………………………………………………………………………..
1.2 The concept of weekend tours, free time, leisure, and recreation………………………………………………………………………………..1
1.3 The concept of weekend tourism and its content……………………….19
Conclusion for Chapter 1…………………………………………………………………………………25
Chapter 2. Technology for developing a weekend tour
2.1 Principles and procedure for organizing weekend tours……………....26
2.3 Family tourism……………………………………………………………..30
2.4 Weekend tour program from travel company"Rus-Travel", Dinopark on Lake Bannom"
Conclusion for Chapter 2………………………………………………………………………………......39

Attached files: 1 file

ANOSPO Chelyabinsk College Principal

Course work

In the discipline "Tour Operator Technology"

On the topic: “Drawing up service programs for weekend tours”

Student: Safina Indira Rifatovna

Specialty: "Tourism"

Teacher: Tarkhanova Galina Petrovna

Chelyabinsk 2014

Introduction………………………………………………………… …………….. ….3

Chapter 1. Weekend tour

1.1 History of tourism, travel and excursion activities in Russia……………………………………………………………… …………………………..

1.2 The concept of weekend tours, free time, leisure, and recreation………………………………………………………………………..1

1.3 The concept of weekend tourism and its content……………………….19

Conclusion for Chapter 1………………………………………………………………………………… 25

Chapter 2. Technology for developing a weekend tour

2.1 Principles and procedure for organizing weekend tours……………...26

2.3 Family tourism……………………………………………………………. .thirty

2.4 Weekend tour program from the travel company "Rus-Travel", Dinopark on Lake Bannom"

Conclusion for Chapter 2……………………………………………………………… …………………......39


Bibliography…………………………………………………… ……….............

Appendix……………………………………………………… …………………...4


Weekend tours are short-duration tours (1-2 days), allowing you to fully relax in a couple of days. Compared to other types of tours, weekend tours have many advantages:

1. This is a unique opportunity to visit various historical places of our Motherland, as well as travel abroad without any interruption from work;

2.This is a great opportunity to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, or just a meeting with friends in an unusually fun way;

3. This is the most economical type of vacation, since you do not need to spend money and time packing your suitcases.

Such tours are ideal for families with children. By purchasing a weekend tour, you can spend an unforgettable weekend with your child, for example at Disneyland. This is a weekend he will definitely never forget!

Very often such tours are purchased for various corporate events. Isn't it great to celebrate an anniversary in a company somewhere in Europe!?

Weekend tours were invented for people who do not have enough time to relax. Every year, weekend tours are becoming more and more popular - this is a great opportunity to have a great rest without waiting for the holiday or for those who cannot disconnect from work for a long time.

How often do people wait for a day off in the hope of getting some rest, but still spend it at home. You can truly relax on the weekend, afford weekend tours with its variety.

The most attractive thing about these tours is the variety of recreational opportunities. These tours offer a variety of programs. Travel such as weekend tours allow you to escape from everyday life and have a great rest.

The topic of the course work was chosen because this type of tour is in great demand among the population.

Since most of the population lives in big cities, with a constant, often aggressive information flow and a poor environment. Weekend tours and various weekend entertainment programs that this destination offers will help solve some problems and meet the needs of people in short rest and restoration of physical and spiritual strength, a change of environment and impressions, a variety of leisure activities and emotional saturation, pastime.

Due to the short duration but high frequency of these tours, the population is actively involved in socio-cultural activities, which directly affects both the development economic infrastructure country or region, and on the cultural level of the population.

The problem is the contradiction between the features of weekend tourism, as an effective form of organizing recreational activities, on the one hand, and modern work practices that do not fully realize the recreational potential of weekend tourism.

This implies the purpose of the study. Based on the study of the features of weekend tourism, determine the main provisions for optimizing activities for organizing weekend tourism.

Research objectives:

1. Define the concept of free time, leisure, recreation for a more detailed study of such a phenomenon as weekend tourism.

2.Identify and consider the problems and challenges facing weekend tourism. Define the concept of a weekend tour and its content.

3. Summarize the collected material to define family and weekend tourism and describe the structure of weekend tours, goals and objectives, order and methods of developing tours, identifying the target audience, for subsequent effective promotion of the original product.

The object of the study is weekend tourism.

The subject of the study is the optimization of activities for organizing weekend tourism.

Research methods:

Studying specialized literature, documents, as well as Internet resources;

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that an attempt was made to study information about the organization of weekend tours, since it is fragmented, and there were many inaccuracies in the use of terminology regarding weekend tourism.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that this work can serve as methodological assistance to organizers of weekend tourism (recreation centers, sanatoriums, travel companies).



From the end of the 16th century, people began to travel not only for trade, but also for educational purposes. Peter I played a huge role in the development of Russian travel. Peter I sent people not only on business trips, but also for educational purposes. Peter instructed: “look, see and write down.” Peter traveled to Italy, England, Holland, he traveled not only himself for educational and health purposes, but also forced others to travel and receive treatment. Peter became the founder of balneological tourism. The first resort that Peter created was named after the god of war and iron, Mars, “Marcial Waters”.

A year before his death, Peter himself drew up a detailed plan for V. Bering’s journey. After Peter's death in 1725, Bering set off on his first Kamchatka journey. The purpose of the trip was to check if there was an isthmus between Europe and America. Peter, the first of the rulers who devoted a lot of effort to improving transport and roads. He was the founder of the Russian navy.

In the 18th century, travel became an important part of the life of secular society. Nobles traveled all over the world. In those days it was prestigious to visit Europe and the East. Travel was a means to take a person out of his everyday life, broaden his horizons, and master the language. In the 18th century, it became mandatory to send children to Europe, both for study and so that they could learn the life of travel.

Until the mid-19th century in Europe and Russia, travel was not an end in itself. Travel pursued trade, educational, medical, educational, missionary and religious purposes.
At the beginning of the 19th century, excursion activities began. Excursions are always created for educational purposes. In order to conduct excursions, it was necessary to create circles and various societies.

In Russia, the first excursions were conducted by the “Society for the Restoration of Christianity in the Caucasus.” The first excursions in 1870 in the city of Tiflis were carried out for students of the Alexander School, exploring the sights of the Caucasus. Many organizations used excursions to educate the people. The excursion activities of these organizations led to the opening of a museum, historical and cultural monuments, and various exhibitions.

In 1872, based on the first industrial exhibition, the first Polytechnic Museum was opened, and in 1873 it was founded Historical Museum. During this period, the “Society of Natural History Lovers” became widely known. The company had its branches in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Tiflis, Kazan, Yekaterinburg and other cities of Russia.

Beginning in 1899, a commission worked under the Pedagogical Society in Moscow to organize general educational excursions for students. These commissions created their own collections and magazines: “Excursion Bulletin,” School excursions and the school museum”, “Russian excursionist”, these societies also trained excursion leaders. The main purpose of the excursions was to maintain people's educational interest in travel.

Most of the territory of Russia is occupied by mountains and mountain ranges. Naturally, there was high interest in mountain tourism in Russia. In Russia, the first alpine club was created in 1877 in Tiflis. Soon the same club was created in Tbilisi and a few years later the two clubs merged into one, and it became known as the “Crimean-Caucasian Mountain Club”. Its founders were world-famous scientists: V.I. Vernadsky, P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, D.N. Anuchin and others. In 1895, the first Russian tourist club was formed in St. Petersburg. “Club of cyclists-tourists”, the so-called Russian touring club. Soon the club had many branches in Moscow, Kyiv, Riga, Kharkov, Tobolsk, Rostov and Blagoveshchensk.

Spreading hiking and cycling, mountain climbing and excursions, the attention paid to tourism by many educational institutions, scientific and professional societies, the desire of the Russian intelligentsia to use tourism and excursion activities to educate the people - all this formed the necessary preconditions for uniting tourism lovers into specialized organizations. The societies “Crimean-Caucasian Mountain Club” and “Club of Cyclists-Tourists”, which arose at the turn of the century, were the leading tourist organizations in the Russian Empire.

Tourism in the 19th century. in general, it was not widespread, as in Europe, because in the country after the abolition of serfdom in 1861. The cost of living for the bulk of the population was very low, while the lower strata of the population were completely illiterate. In 1900, the “Russian Mining Society” arose. Its founders were famous scientists: V.I. Vernadsky, P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, N.M. Przhevalsky and others.

In 1901, the “Russian Touring Club” was transformed into the “Russian Society of Tourists,” which existed until the summer of 1928. According to the charter, students, women and persons of lower ranks could not be members of the ROT. Roth members were privileged money people. The society set as its task the organization of tourist trips in Russia and abroad, acquaintance with the sights of ancient Russian cities, as well as the organization of trips to “holy places”.

In 1907, a commission was created under the “Russian Society of Tourists” to organize educational excursions around Russia for schoolchildren, which was engaged in excursions around Russia and acquaintance with ancient Russian cities. In 1911, the board of the company moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow. In 1914, the “Russian Tourism Society” numbered 5 thousand people.

After the events of 1917, many organizations and societies were banned. The emergence of Soviet tourism can be dated back to the 20s of the 20th century. In 1918, the first tourist organization “Bureau of School Excursions” was created. In 1919, decrees on healing areas were adopted. Resorts of various directions began to be built on their basis. In 1920, a decree “on the use of Crimea for the treatment of workers” was signed. In 1921, a decree was adopted on the organization of rest homes. Active construction of tourist centers, sanatoriums, resort centers, pioneer camps, etc. begins.

Churches, country houses, estates of landowners and other houses of rich people, which today are considered architectural monuments, were used as holiday homes. Since the 20s, the “Russian Society of Tourism” began its active work again. In 1928, the ROT was closed, and on its basis the “Society of Proletarian Tourism OPT RSFSR” was created, and in March 1930 - the “All-Union Voluntary Society of Proletarian Tourism and Excursions”, OPTiE, with 6.5 million members. The “Society of Proletarian Tourism and Excursions” united excursion and tourism societies and organizations, such as “Soviet Tourist”, “Tourist of Georgia” and others. In 1929, the All-Union Joint Stock Company “Intourist” was created to serve foreign tourists and organize tourist trips for USSR citizens abroad.

Over time, Intourist opened branches in many cities of the USSR and representative offices in foreign countries. Subsequently, the State Committee for Intourist of the USSR owned 4 travel companies and over 20 representative offices abroad, some of which were registered under the sign of VAO Intourist.

In the spring of 1936, management of domestic tourism and excursions was transferred to the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. A Center for Tourism and Excursion Management was established under the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions, with corresponding departments in the republics, territories and regions.

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