Methodology for compiling a report on a tourist trip. Report on practice based on Eden Travel LLC. Electronic marking system

MBOU "Yuledur Secondary School"

Head: Yakovleva L.V.

With. Yuledur

year 2014

Information about the trip:

Route thread:

School building -

rural cemetery -

crossing the ravine -

visiting springs -

dam -

parking layout -

return to the school building

Departure at 9.00 on foot 3 km.

The total length of the route is 6 km.

The duration of the hike is 5 hours.

The participants of the trip are 3rd grade students.

Goals of the trip:

1. Getting to know the sights native land.

2. Raising patriots of our region.

3. Instilling an interest in history.

4. Fostering a caring attitude towards nature.

Composition of the group:


List of tourists

Date of Birth

Alena AlexandrovaAlexandrovna

26. 03. 2002.

Andreeva AnnaAlexandrovna

22. 09. 2004.

Berezin AntonValerievich

24.07. 2004.

Lefonov EvgeniyRudolfovich

10.02. 2005.

Makarov RodionOlegovych

1.10. 2004

Mamaeva KristinaVasilevna

20.06. 2004

Sedelnikov AlexeySergeevich

27.02. 2004.

Fedorov Konstantin Ruslanovich

28.05. 2004.

Khudyakova Elena Olegovna

26.08. 2004.

Yuferev IvanNikolaevich

27.12. 2004

Yakimov Konstantin Alexandrovich

8.04. 2004.

Distribution of duties:


Khudyakova Elena

Deputy Commander

Andreeva Anna

Responsible for equipment

Sedelnikov Alexey

Responsible for the first aid kit

Mamaeva Kristina

Responsible for repair kit

Makarov Rodion


Lefonov Evgeniy


Yakimov Konstantin

On May 30 at school we discussed the plan for the hike and distributed responsibilities.

At 8:30 we gathered at the school building. The teacher gave us instructions, and we set off.

If you are going on a hike,So do this:Fill up on foodPack your backpack.

Farewell to dad and momHug me tightPut a Panama hat on your chaldon,Take off your boots.

Chorus:Let's go on a hike! Let's go on a hike!The huge world is calling us!The unknown beckonsLike a needle magnet.

Warm your palms by the fire.The flame is hot.If you're a little tired,Here's my shoulder.

Know that it will always help youYour comrade, friend.You will help me too,If you need it suddenly!

Chorus:Let's go on a hike! Let's go on a hike!Romance is calling usOur only home is the Earth,And you and I live here!

We leave at dawn.Wet meadow from growing.We are just children for now.Temporary question.

And let the road dustUnrecognizable faces...We will remember how we were friendsYoung hearts.

Chorus:Let's go on a hike! Let's go on a hike!The group is walking along the path.Greet the sun in the morning.Sing a song with us!

We passed through a rural cemetery and crossed a ravine. And then we visited the springs. We know that the water in the springs is holy, and we know how to behave around holy springs. Every person should respect these places.

Having reached the dam, we set up a bivouac. The boys went fishing, and the girls prepared dinner. We made a salad and set the table from the products our parents sent. After lunch we played ball, solved riddles, and talked about conservation.

We know how to behave in nature, so nature did not suffer after us. She remained as beautiful and pure.

Clear morning on a quiet pondSwallows are flying around briskly,They descend to the water itself,The wing barely touches the moisture.

On the fly they sing loudly,
And the meadows are green all around,
And the pond stands like a mirror,
Reflecting its shores.

And, as in a mirror, between the reeds,
The forest overturned from its banks,
And the pattern of clouds goes away
Into the depths of the reflected skies.

The clouds there are softer and whiter,
The depth is endless, light...
And it comes steadily from the fields
Above the water there is a quiet ringing sound from the village.

(I. Bunin)




In the last decade, the quality of reports on tourist trips submitted to the IWC at all levels has noticeably decreased. In many cases, reports do not meet the requirements for these documents. It is not always possible to get an idea of ​​the actions and real qualifications of the group from such reports. Poor quality reports cannot be used in preparing routes, which leads to the aging of information stored in libraries and can significantly affect the safety of trips.

At the same time, MCCs at all levels have reduced their requirements when reviewing reports. Certificates of passing a trip are often issued based on reports in which the technical description is reduced to a detailed calendar plan for the trip. It is extremely rare for low-quality reports to be returned for revision.

This situation cannot be considered normal. Apparently, most trek leaders are not familiar with such a document as the “Standard form and contents of a report on tourist trip, travel and sports tour." (Form No. 1). This document, in almost the same edition, was published in issue No. 6 of the collection “Russian Tourist” and in earlier collections of normative documents of the Tourist and Sports Union of Russia. Unfortunately, many tourists today do not know about the existence of such instructions for compiling reports on trips. Even in the reports submitted to the Russian Championships, it is difficult to find the information necessary to evaluate a hike (route) according to one or another parameter. All this suggests that the deterioration in the quality of reports, especially those coming to competitions of various ranks from lower ICCs, is largely explained by the lack of accessible guidance and methodological materials. These recommendations are intended to fill this gap.


A report on a tourist trip is a document by which the ICC determines the qualifications of the group, evaluates the actions of tourists on the route and the competence of tactical decisions. Based on the results of consideration of the reports, the ICC decides the issue of qualifying the campaign and assigning ranks. Judging of championships in sports treks is also carried out according to reports submitted to the panel of judges.

Reports are the main source of information about the travel area. According to the information contained in them, tourists are preparing for hikes. Based on data from the reports, the ICC decides whether the complexity of the declared route corresponds to the qualifications (capabilities) of the group. The library of tourism reports serves as the information basis for the work of route, personnel, species and other commissions of tourism federations.


The main task tourism report- convey maximum reliability useful information about the area of ​​travel and about specific obstacles. It should contain information about routes of communication with the hiking area, features of the organization of movement, nature reserves and border zones, natural obstacles, climatic features etc. The report should tell how the group acted on the route and contain recommendations for subsequent trips.


4.1. Reports on trips are compiled in accordance with Form No. 1 (Appendix 2.1 Collection “Russian Tourist”, seventh edition, M. 2001)

4.2.The report must contain only reliable information.

4.3. The report must unambiguously answer the question: where and how the route ran, how the group acted while passing it.

4.4. The report, in addition to purely technical descriptions, should contain the impressions of the group members about the area, the route and the obstacles passed.

4.5 The report on the tourist trip can be written or oral. Submission of a written report is mandatory for hikes of grades 4-6, as well as for hikes participating in championships and tourism championships at various levels (district, city, regional and federal). In other cases, for hikes 1-3 k.s. the form of the report, its volume and content are established by the ICC) when considering application materials, taking into account the novelty and availability of information on the given area in the ICC library. The decision of the ICC is recorded in the route book. Sections 5-6. "Traffic schedule" and " Technical description group's route" are required for all reports. 4.6. Along with the report, a route book with notes on the passage of route points and PSS marks is submitted to the ICC. The report contains a photocopy (page by page) of the route book (route sheet), completely filled in with the relevant notes (messages to the KSS that issues the ICC). A copy of the route book is submitted as an attachment and not as a separate document. Also included are notes taken from passes or other key points on the route, postal receipts for sending control telegrams, and other documents confirming the passage of the route. Attached to the report are completed certificates of travel credit in the established form for all participants.

4.8. An oral report is made by the leader and group members at the ICC meeting. In this case, the documents listed in clause 4.3, photographs, video materials, etc., as well as maps and route diagrams are presented. The oral report is built on sections of the written one (see 5.).

4.9. The written report must be typewritten (computerized), have continuous page numbering, and be bound in cardboard, leatherette, etc. For the content of the written report, see section 5.

4.10. Photographs and sketches included in the report should characterize difficult sections of the route and the group’s actions on them, provide subsequent groups with orientation, and display the nature and attractions of the area. The photographs show the route taken and the recommended route, and dangerous zones are highlighted. Photographs must have continuous numbering and MANDATORY signatures, allowing you to identify the displayed object without referring to the text of the report. The text of the report must contain links to photographs and other illustrated material.

4.11. The report is accompanied by an overview map (diagram) of the hiking area with a plotted route, alternate options, directions of movement and possible evacuation, as well as overnight stays indicating their serial numbers, dates of the main obstacles. The map is supplemented with sketches or large-scale diagrams difficult routes with instructions on the route, landmarks and photographing points.

For hikes with significant elevation changes, a route profile (elevation chart) is compiled.

The text part must contain the sections specified in the “Standard form and content of a report on a hiking trip, travel and sports tour.” (Annex 1)

5.1. Title page (see Appendix 2).

5.3. Chapter 1 of the report provides in expanded form “Background information on

The name of the conducting organization, country, republic, city, type of tourism, category of difficulty of the hike, length and timing of the hike, route book number and information about the powers of the IWC are indicated. This section provides a detailed itinerary, identifying obstacles, a list of the group indicating the date of birth, tourist experience and responsibilities in the group, as well as addresses for consultations.

5.4. At the discretion of the group (leader), this chapter of the report can be supplemented with the section “General geographical and tourist characteristics of the hiking area.”

This section may include geographical position area, its tourist opportunities, characteristics of the development of the transport network (including fares and transport schedules), emergency and backup options for this route, information about medical centers, retail outlets, the location of border and protected areas. the procedure for obtaining passes to restricted areas, addresses and telephone numbers of relevant organizations, location and addresses of PSS and PSO, the most interesting natural and historical sites, climatic and other characteristics of the route.

5.5. CHAPTER II (“Contents of the report”) is the main part of the report, because of which it is actually compiled. Without it, the report cannot be considered by the ICC.

The first 4 sections of this chapter 1. The general semantic idea of ​​the hike, its unusualness, uniqueness, novelty, etc.; 2. Arrival and departure options; Emergency exits from the route and its alternate options; 4. Changes in the route and their reasons.) can be conditionally combined under the name “organization of a hike.” These sections describe the features of pre-trip preparation and training, the features of the chosen route, the rationale for choosing the main and backup options, the organization of drop-offs, and the reasons for changing the original hike plan. The section should answer the question of why this particular route was chosen; how successful the initial plan of the campaign turned out to be. Here the main idea of ​​the hike, its unusualness, uniqueness, and novelty should be revealed. In general, the authors of the report should provide the most complete information about the features of the route, its differences from routes already taken in the area, and the advantages of this route compared to previous ones. This section provides a table of the actual and declared route lines in a form convenient for comparison. Participants in sports trekking championships in these sections should try to cover as fully as possible the questions posed by the “Methodology for judging competitions in Sports Walking classes” (SP).


This section provides the characteristics of individual sections of the route in tabular form and in chronological order.

Recommended columns: Day of travel., Date. Route section, length (km). Pure running time. Defining obstacles on the site, safety requirements. Weather conditions. Height difference (for mountainous areas). At the end, the total duration, length and height difference are indicated.


The route description is broken down by day, which is reflected in the section title. The heading of each day indicates the date, day of travel, route section, mileage, elevation difference, net running time in hours and weather conditions during the day. Sample titles is given in Appendix 3.

The text indicates the object (point) to which the group is striving, landmarks and direction of movement. Descriptions of the sections are given in strict sequence; the characteristics of the section to be overcome (obstacles), the time of movement, the technical and tactical techniques used, dangerous sections, and methods of insurance are indicated.

As an appendix to this section or as a separate document, passports of Local (LP) and Extended Obstacles (LO) can be drawn up.

To facilitate the work on the report, it is convenient to use the following diagram when drawing up descriptions of medicines and medicines:

SCHEME FOR DESCRIPTION OF A LOCAL OBSTACLE (using the example of a pass)

2. Where it is visible from, where it is located, landmarks for searching.

3. Characteristics (description) of a transfer takeoff, dangerous areas.

4. Group actions, insurance, running time, possible options.

5. Description of the saddle.

8. Characteristics (description) of the opposite slope.

9. Group actions on the descent, insurance, running time, possible options.

12. Places of possible overnight stays.


1. Indicate the final goal (landmark) of the movement, for example, a local obstacle (pass, crossing) to which the group is going, and its location.

2. Indicate landmarks, direction of movement, points from which landmarks or the goal of movement are visible.

3. Characteristics of the path to the chosen goal (road, path, forest, scree, etc.)

4. Movement of the group from landmark to landmark, indicating the time of movement, characteristics of obstacles and group actions, insurance, dangerous places.

5. Total travel time.


In accordance with Form No. 1, Sections 7-10 of the report provide additional and clarifying information about the organization of the trip and accident prevention. Basically, this is reference material that can be used by other tourists when preparing a trip. There is no point in piling up the report with generally known facts and information.

Material equipment of the group. A list of special equipment, features of personal and public equipment and comments on them are provided. Calculation of the weight of the backpack is also given here. It is not recommended to overload the report with a complete list of equipment, menus, and products. It is necessary to pay more attention to the analysis of the equipment used, individual species products, recommendations for their use. Cost of the trip. The cost of travel, accommodation, food and all other expenses is given. Recommendations are given to reduce costs.

This section summarizes the results and draws conclusions about the achievement of the goals. The correctness of tactical decisions, route lines and schedules are analyzed, recommendations are given for passing and changing the route and individual obstacles.



1 . Title page. (see Appendix 2) 2 . Contents (table of contents)

I Background information about the hike.

1. Conducting organization (name, address, telephone, fax, e-mail, www)

2. Country, republic, territory, region, district, subdistrict, massif (venue)

3. General information about the route.

Type of tourism

Length of the active part of the hike (km)


carrying out


4. Detailed itinerary.

5. Defining obstacles of the route (passes, traverses, peaks, canyons, crossings, rapids, vegetation, swamps, screes, sand, snow, ice, water areas, etc.), presented in the form:

Type of obstacles


Length of obstacles (for extended ones)

Characteristics of the obstacle (character, height, novelty, name, etc.)

Path of passage (for local obstacles)

6. Group list. Full name, address, phone number, e-mail, leader and participants.

7. Address where the report is stored, availability of video and film materials.

8. The hike was reviewed by the ICC ____________

1. The general semantic idea of ​​the hike, its unusualness, uniqueness, novelty, etc.;

2. Arrival and departure options.

3. Emergency exits from the route and its alternate options.

4. Changes in route and their reasons.

5. Traffic schedule.

6. Technical description of the group’s route.

7. Potentially dangerous areas (obstacles, phenomena) on the route.

8. List of the most interesting natural, historical and other objects (activities) along the route.

9. Additional information about the trip (list of special equipment, features of personal and public equipment, characteristics of vehicles, features weather conditions and other information characteristic of this type of tourism).

10. Cost of accommodation, food, equipment, means of transportation.

12. The report is accompanied by an overview and detailed map route indicating alternate options and emergency exits, photographs of identifying obstacles confirming the passage of them by the group (all photographs must be numbered, linked to the text of paragraph 6 and signatures that allow identifying the depicted object without referring to the text), passports of local obstacles passed for the first time. To create a data bank of routes and simplify the exchange of information, it is recommended, in addition to a written report to the ICC, to provide a report prepared (preferably with maps, photos, etc.) on a CD (floppy disk) in one of the formats pdf, html, rtf , doc text format).




(Organization that conducted the hike)


O (type of tourism) tourist trip

committed by a group of tourists (city, team)

in the period from _____ to 200.

Route book No.__________ Group leader____________

Address, phone number, manager

The route qualification commission ________considered the report and considers that the hike can be credited to all participants and the leader in the _______difficulty category.

Store the report in the library__ ___





08/22/04. day 6

R. Subashi - trans. Jikaugenkez (1A, 3520, sn-os.) - Kyngyrsyrt glacier - Dzhylysu tract - Emmanuel glade

13 km +1020 m

6 hours 30 minutes -320m


"This material is compiled on the basis of the project “INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING REPORTS ON TOURIST TRIPS”, developed by



1. Introduction

Over the past few years, the quality of route application documents received by the TSSR CMCC has declined unacceptably. Systematically, this documentation is drawn up with gross violations, and since most of the application materials received from the regions to conduct a sports trip are considered by the CMKK in absentia, without the presence of a team representative, the CMKK expert often cannot form an objective idea of ​​​​the group’s readiness to complete the declared trip.

As a result of the current situation, almost every second hike of the fifth or sixth difficulty category is issued by the CMKK for a route with the wording: “The difficulty category of the hike is specified after completing the route.” This instruction is intended to correct the current situation, to minimize errors and inaccuracies in the route documentation received by the CMCC from the teams

2. General information

2.1. The route book is the main document by which the IWC determines the qualifications of a sports group, assesses the team’s ability to complete the planned hike, and decides whether or not to release the group on the route.

2.2. The route book is a mandatory document along with the technical report during the expert assessment of the category of difficulty of the completed hike/route, in the process of judging at regional and Russian championships.

2.3. The route book becomes one of the basic documents on which the investigation of the incident is based in all interested authorities when analyzing emergency situations on the route: the team did not report the beginning or end of the route to the MKK or PSS, a participant or team went missing, an accident occurred and a participant or participants were injured or died, and so on. Why is there a procedure for confiscating a route book in accordance with existing administrative and criminal legislation. In this regard, it should be especially emphasized that the leader of the expedition bears personal responsibility for the truthfulness of the information provided about the group, logistics and information support of the expedition, and so on.

3. Requirements for the route book, the most common errors in their preparation

3.1 The route book must contain in all sections absolutely reliable information about the participants of the hike, the features of the route declared for the passage

3.2. When completing the “Group Composition” section, the trek leader is obliged to bring to the attention of the participants the “Rules for conducting competitions in tourism, travel and organizing sports tours”, as well as safety rules when conducting sports trips on the territory Russian Federation. In knowledge of these “Rules” the participants personally are signed in the appropriate column. If a forgery of the signatures of participants is detected, the route documents will not be accepted for consideration by the CMCC, and the leader of the trip is removed from his duties until a special hearing in the regional ICMC or CMCC. The authenticity of the information in this section is confirmed by the signature of a representative of the regional ICC and is sealed with a triangular stamp. Upon registration walking routes For categories 3-6 of difficulty, the CMCC recommends that in the section “Experience of participants” you indicate the mountain pass experience of the participants and the leader, as well as the experience of climbing categorized peaks, the level of their sports and instructor training.

3.3. In the “Travel Plan” section, the route line with calendar dates for passing sections is indicated in detail. The route line must indicate the nature and category of difficulty of obstacles, both known and those expected to be passed for the first time (existing or estimated).

3.4. In the “Route Scheme” section, it is necessary to indicate what cartographic materials the group used when planning the trip. Cartographic material of any convenient scale is sent to the CMCC for consideration, indicating:

1) detailed itinerary,

2) places of expected overnight stays with their calendar dates;

3) alternate route options and emergency evacuation routes for the group from each individual section of the route.

3.5. In the “Difficult sections of the route” section, it is advisable, first of all, to indicate sources of information; used when developing tactics and techniques for overcoming complex local and extended obstacles on the route: books, reviews, monographs, reports, sections of Internet pages, names and addresses of tourists with whom correspondence was conducted or personal consultations were held.

In case of first ascents of obstacles or passing a known obstacle along new scheme It is necessary, if possible, to indicate in detail the route of passage, and to justify the expected category of difficulty of the obstacle. The inclusion of brief diagrams and drawings in this section is encouraged. At the end of the section, the leader signs and puts a calendar date.

3.6. In the section “Material support for the group” - a set of food products, a repair kit, a first aid kit - the leader of the trip, without listing their contents, signs for availability and puts a calendar date.

3.7. In the “Special equipment” section, a list of equipment required for the proposed route is given, the leader signs it, and a calendar date is set.

3.8. In the section “Weight loads on the participant and the group as a whole,” real weight characteristics are given, taking into account throws, shuttle movements, and so on, the leader signs, and a calendar date is set.

3.9. It is welcome to include in the route book a preliminary assessment of the category of route difficulty according to the existing methodology (see section “Methodology for categorizing a walking route”).

3.10. For absentee consideration, materials are sent in advance to the CMCC address

4. Conclusion

When drawing up route documents, trek leaders should remember that the contents of the route book are an objective reflection of the quality of the group’s preparation for the planned tourist sports trip, and an objective expert assessment of the declared route, the possibility of its successful and accident-free passage can only be made if the rules for preparing these documents are fully observed. volume.

Municipal budget educational institution additional education for children

"Inzhavinsky regional center of additional education "Raduga"



Type of tourism – water

Age group – 12 – 17 years


With. Karaul, st. Sadovaya, 7

Deputy Head: Kokorev Alexander Vitalievich

Tambov region, Inzhavinsky district,

With. Karaul, st. Caucasus, no. 16.



Background information about the hike

A hike along the Vorona River was carried out with pupils of the Karaul orphanage, studying in the association “Tourists - Water Workers” of the Inzhavinsky RCDO “Rainbow”.

Start of the journey from. Guard. By bus to the village. Parevka, where the children attended school local history museum and then by bus to the beginning of the water route - the river bank. Crow.

Hiking route:

S. Parevka - r. Inzhavino village - Uvorovo city - Muchkapsky village - from Shapkino (Tambov region, Inzhavinsky, Uvarovsky, Muchkapsky district;

Type of tourism - water

Method of transportation: kayaking

Age group - 12-17 years

The total length of the route is 168 km.

Duration - 8 days (active part - 7 days)

The route along the Vorona River was chosen taking into account the composition of the group, the tourist experience of the participants in the hike, their age and physical capabilities. There are a number of interesting excursion points along this route.

objects: school local history museum with. Parevka; O. Ramza; the manorial estate of Petrovo - Solovova (village Karai - Saltyki); reserve

"Voronensky"; estate and park of the Chicheren family; Uvarovo.

The route is not difficult, so it is accessible to first- and second-year students.

Access to the river is by bus, to almost any settlement along the hike route. Along the entire route there are many settlements near the water where you can buy the necessary food products.

Main obstacles: rubble, bridges, remains of bridges, sloughs, fallen trees, shallows.

Goals and objectives of the trip:

· acquaintance with the history of the native land;

· acquiring and consolidating in practice the skills and abilities in water tourism acquired in the classroom;

· teaching children safe behavior in the natural environment;

· improving tourism skills and meeting sports standards;

· improving the health of children and introducing them to a healthy lifestyle.


participants of the hike along the river. Crow

date of birth

home address

responsibilities in the group

tourist - I'm prepared

Mednikova Olga

With. Guard

st. Sadovaya,

honey. sister

Suzdaltseva Anastasia


Rasskazov Anton

equipment manager

hike 1 class.

Sokolov Vadim

Shcherbakov Alexander

hike 1 class.

Taidakova Marina

Taidakova Natalya

food manager

Teplova Antonina

Teplov Semyon


hike 1 class.

Trunin Sergey

repair master

hike 1 class.

Shapkin Maxim

food manager

hike 1 class.

Demidov Dmitry


Popov Alexander

With. Guard

Sadovaya 7


hike 1 class.

With. Guard

deputy head

hike 1 class.

Brief description of the travel area.

For residents of the Tambov region, accustomed to the flat, monotonous, low Oka-Don Plain, the landscapes of the Vorona River valley, which originate from the Volga Upland, are somewhat unusual. Rivers and steep gullies here cut into squeaks of meters, and there are chalk deposits. Steep and high banks allow you to admire the river valley for kilometers up and downstream. Amazing viewing platforms there are near the villages of Volkovo and Karaula. Walking along the Vorona you can see the habitats of muskrat beavers, fish-breeding reaches and lakes, outcrops of Cenomanian sands and glacial madders, Amur velvet, shrubby steppes with vernal odonis and low sedge.

The Vorona is a right tributary of the Khopr, with a total length of 454 kilometers. The source of the river is at an altitude of about 215 meters above sea level. The Crow crosses the border of the Tambov region at an altitude of 133 meters, the average slope of the river flow is ]6 cm per 1 km. River flow speed Crow 0.2 m per second, on shallow rifts - up to 0.5 m per second. Depth ranges from 10 to 50 m.

The river valley in the upper reaches is deep, in places horse-shaped, the riverbed is wide, winding, and the flow is calm. Gradually the valley expands, the slopes become stepped and high. Forests grow almost all along the slopes of the riverbed, on the floodplain, and on terraces on the steep right bank. There are many lakes in the valley, some of which can be crossed by kayaks. Settlements are almost inaccessible to the water, so a complete illusion of the virginity of nature is created.

On the banks of the Vorona grow oak, pine, birch, alder, aspen, elm, and poplar. The river is home to crucian carp, pike, carp, perch, roach, rudd, gudgeon, and catfish.

one of the most large lakes Ramza region has an area of ​​250 hectares, an average depth of 1.5 m, and 10 holes. The lake is fed by the waters of the Vorona, precipitation, and underground oxen. During high water, the lake basin absorbs a huge mass of water, so below lakes Ramza and Kipets the rise of water is not great. The northern and western shores of the lake are low and swampy, covered with thickets of willows, reeds, reeds, and sedges. South coast rises 7-8 meters above the river, is composed of ancient alluvial sands and represents a fragment of the Vorona terrace deeply protruding into the floodplain.

Technical description of the route

First day . A group of tourists gathers at the Karaulsky orphanage at 8.00 and goes by bus to the village. Parevka, where we visited the school local history museum.

At 12.00 o'clock our route begins on the bank of the old bed of the Vorona (Zuyak) along which we go to the island. Ramza. The banks of the old riverbed are swampy, in some places completely overgrown with reeds. Kayaks can only be carried by portage. We move south across the lake and after 50 minutes we reach the island. Kipets. Then along a narrow channel, also overgrown with reeds in places, we flow into the main channel. We stop for the night at about one o'clock, on the left bank near the village. K - Saltyki is not far from the mill. In the evening we examined the remains of the estate of the landowner Petravo-Solovov.

Second day. At 9.00 we got on the water. The current is calm and even; there are a lot of driftwood and fallen trees. After half an hour of walking, we encountered the first large blockage, which we had to carry around along the right bank. Before stopping for lunch, we encountered two more rubble. One of which was dismantled on the left side, and the next one was carried along the left bank. When passing this section of the route, it is necessary to maintain a distance and inspect obstacles. Around noon we passed the “people's bridge” near the village. Balykley. The low bridge can be crossed with great difficulty, better without a crew; for lunch we stopped near the river. Inzhavino village (on the islands) - a large clearing on the right bank.

After lunch we got on the water at 15.00. The river was meters wide, the current was calm, the banks were steep, especially the left one, overgrown with deciduous forest. During the first 20 minutes. There are baths along the right bank. The river turns are infrequent and sharp. After 50 min. the piles of the old sanatorium bridge, the passage is free. After 15 minutes, s appears. Beautiful, behind him the river flows again through the wooded area. The river narrows to 20 - 30 meters, the current accelerates, and there are many bathing places and vacationers along the banks. On the right bank, out of sight remains the village. Thorn. Closer to 19.00 we stop for the night on the left bank near the village of Krivoluchye (Switzerland).

The third day. We got on the water at 9.00 a.m. Ahead, on the steep right bank, a two-story manor house is visible. The river meanders strongly. The current is strong and there is chalk at the turns.” After half an hour, the river widens to several meters, the current is almost unnoticeable. This section is difficult to navigate with a headwind. Near the village of Volkove the riverbed is heavily overgrown with reeds, and the river narrows. Particularly dangerous are the remains of fishing gear - stakes, iron rods. The fast current carries you to the open shore near the village. Khoroshavki. On the left bank there is a big nice beach. On the opposite, elevated bank are the remains of a forester's house. Further the river flows through a wooded area. The current is fast, there are frequent turns, and there are a lot of snags. Beaches are common. We stopped for lunch at about 13.00, on the right high bank, local name 2Golden Sands.” There is a large sandy beach here.

At 15.00 we continued the rafting. The character of the river has not changed. An hour later, when approaching the village of Nashchekino, two large beaches, then low wooden bridge, which was surrounded along the left bank. Then the river widens and after a minute we moor to the right bank. The approach point is inconvenient due to the muddy, viscous bottom. But the clearing for parking is very good (stadium), but in the spring, the period is infested with mosquitoes. This is the only parking lot convenient for visiting the Chicherenykh estate.

Here we set up camp. Before dinner we went to the orphanage and visited our friends. Other tourist groups can go to the village. Guard, on an excursion. They can visit the orphanage, in which there is a museum room and not far away the remains of a manorial estate and a park.

Fourth day. We got on the water at 9.00 a.m. After one and a half to two kilometers, the river meanders through the forest again, the bed is quite wide, the current is fast. After s. There are islands on the river, on the high left bank there is a pine forest, here a stream flows into the river. There are many large sandy beaches. At one of these we stopped for lunch. After lunch we continued our journey. The nature of the river is the same, there are few places for swimming. In front of the village of Pushchino, the Panda River flows into the Vorona. We walk along the village located on the right bank for about half an hour. Further, the right bank becomes steep, from which it opens beautiful view. After 50 min. village of Perevoz. Next to the old destroyed bridge (the remains of which are dangerous), there is a new concrete bridge that can be walked freely. There is a store in the village where you can buy food. Along the village the river is shallow and there is a high probability of running aground. Behind the village there is an extensive rift. We stop for the night in about 20 minutes closer to the left bank on an island with an extensive sandy beach. Above, behind which there is a good, small clearing for parking. Tourists who often walk this route took a liking to this place and built a small bathhouse. Here we decided to stop for the day.

The fifth day is a day's rest.

Sixth day. We got on the water at 9.00 am. The forest grows on the left bank. On the right bank there is first meadow vegetation, and after 1-2 km. thickets of bushes begin. The river is picturesque, winds strongly, and has a good flow. Two and a half hours later, pioneer camps appear. We make a stop in one of them, examine the wooden sculptures, and have lunch on the opposite bank. After lunch, 15-20 minutes later, the city of Uvarovo appears. A serious danger is posed by the remains of the destroyed bridge - wooden piles, reinforcement and a strong current that presses the kayaks to the right bank. Closer to the left bank, passage is not possible due to shallows and shell rock. The surroundings of Uvarov stretch for about an hour, with crowded beaches. After another two hours of walking, we stopped for the night, on the right bank, near the village. Petrovskoye around 19.00.

Seventh day. We got on the water at 9.00 am. The current is good. The river is almost

meanders. The left bank is covered with forest almost throughout the day. The right bank is flat, muddy, and in places overgrown with reeds. There are practically no places for swimming. Before lunch at the village. Moiseev bridge is easily passable. After lunch we started dating sandy beaches, good places for parking. The end of our route is the village of Muchkapsky at the large road bridge. Parking lot behind the bridge, on the right bank, large beach. Here on the shore there is a large bathhouse with a steam room, where we naturally took a swim. We got up for the night early at 15.00 before the village. Chashchino.

We got on the water at 8.00 am. Today we need to get to final destination(at 15.00 a bus should come for us). The current is good, the river winds a little, we are going well. There are many beaches on both sides of the river. By lunchtime the village appears. Shapkino, in front of which big bridge, on the right side of which there is a large nice clearing, for assembling kayaks. While lunch was being prepared, the kayaks were dried and collected. We loaded the bus and headed home at 16.00.

Material support for the trip.

Equipment supply manager for Rasskazov Anton.

Public equipment.

Group equipment was collected based on a group of 15 people.

Group documents: maps of the Tambov region, travel route map, route schedule, route description, route sheet, extract from the order to go on the route, business trips, road atlas.

Tents - 8 pcs.;

Kayaks - 7 pcs. (triple - 1, double - 6);

Spare parts for kayak;

Fire accessories;

Kitchenware and cleaning supplies;

Emergency kit: hermetically sealed kit for making a fire in two groups;

Camera with accessories;

Compass - 2;

Notepads, pencils, pens;

Repair kit;

First aid kit;


Public equipment was evenly distributed among the canoes.

The group documents were with the commander. Cartographic material from the navigator. Food supplies were distributed by food managers to the crews in advance, according to the days of duty, so that they could pack them. During the trip, fire supplies and cooking utensils are handed over to the crews on duty. Repair kit, first aid kit, emergency

the set was with the tourists in charge of them, as well as the guitar and


All personal equipment is in the kayak of this tourist.

Personal equipment of trekking participants.

Backpack, sleeping bag, mat, jacket, tracksuit, shirts, underwear, woollens, socks, belladonnas, rubber shoes, sun hat, raincoat or cape, gloves, life vest, toiletries, swimsuit, cup, spoon, mug, knife in a case, matches, flashlight, seat, backrest, waterproof bags.

Upon returning from the trip, all public equipment - kayaks, tents, sleeping bags, rugs, life jackets, fireplaces and kitchen utensils - were checked for safety, completeness, repaired, and put in order.

KostrovoySuzdaltseva Anastasia.

For this hike, we collected and repaired the following campfire equipment and equipment: for cooking on a fire - 2 iron racks and a crossbar, a metal grate, three iron hooks to adjust the height of the cooking utensils above the fire. They took 2 axes, a saw, a shovel. All these items were sheathed to ensure the safety of the group during the entire journey and canoe. We also took two pairs of canvas mittens for cooking over the fire.

I collected a set of cooking utensils and kitchen utensils: two buckets with lids, two pots, a ladle, a cutting board, and detergents.

I collected an emergency kit: a large box of matches in a sealed package, a candle, dry fuel - alcohol in a sealed package. Birch bark. All this was also hermetically sealed.

RemmasterTrunin Sergey.

Equipment repair.

To repair camping public equipment in camping conditions, I have assembled a repair kit consisting of tools

repairing the shell and frame of kayaks, tents and personal equipment.

Means for repairing kayak shells were available on almost every vessel. Means for repairing the frame of kayaks and other public and personal equipment were stored centrally, in a single repair kit for the group. To repair the shell of kayaks, tents and personal equipment, I put in the repair kit: nylon and simple threads, sewing

and darning needles, an awl, scissors, coarse sandpaper (waterproof) and a whetstone, gasoline, rubber glue, pieces of thin rubber and rubberized fabric, small pieces of tread, keeper tape, cotton patches. Repairs are speeded up by pre-cleaned patches coated with rubber glue and covered with plastic wrap and rolled up, which I also put in the repair kit. To repair the frame, they put in: a set of tools - a screwdriver, pliers, a file, pieces of duralumin pipes, plates, wiring (aluminum and steel), screws, screws with nuts, rivets, insulating tape. Repair of frame elements in field conditions is temporary; real repairs were made upon returning from the trip.

Nurse Olga Mednikova

Organization of provision of first-aid care.

All tourists in our group underwent a medical examination, i.e. everyone is practically healthy and does not have chronic diseases (which can worsen during the hike). Therefore, I was ready to provide first aid for simple diseases, wounds and injuries, and also knew the ways and techniques of removing tourists from life-threatening conditions that can occur on a boat trip. I also knew that with more serious

symptoms, the victim should be taken to a hospital as soon as possible locality, if necessary, give painkillers and mild tranqualizers. You can also call ambulance transport from the nearest locality, if time and the patient’s condition allows it.


A report on a tourist trip is a document by which the ICC evaluates the real experience of the group, the actions of tourists along the route and the competence of tactical decisions. Based on the report, the ICC decides on the classification of the trip and the assignment of categories, and the panels of judges hold tourism championships.

Tourist reports are one of the main sources of information about the travel area. Using them, tourists prepare for hikes, and the ICC determines whether the complexity of the declared hike corresponds to the qualifications (capabilities) of the group. The library of tourism reports serves as the information basis for the work of specific and interspecific commissions of tourism federations.


The main task of a tourist report is to reliably present maximum useful information about the travel area and specific natural obstacles. It should contain information about routes of communication with the hiking area, features of the organization of movement, nature reserves and border zones, natural obstacles, climatic features, etc.

The report should tell how the group acted and contain recommendations for subsequent travel.


4.1 The report must contain only reliable information.
The report must clearly answer the question: where and how the route ran, how the group acted while passing it.
In addition to purely technical descriptions, the report may contain impressions of group members about the area, the route and the obstacles passed in a special section. Household and literary notes should not clutter up the main sections of the report.

4.2 The report on the tourist trip can be written or oral. Submission of a written report is mandatory for hikes of grades 4-6, as well as for all hikes participating in tourism championships. The volume and content of reports on difficult hikes, as well as the FORM, volume and content of reports on hikes 1-3 k.s. establishes the ICC when considering application materials, taking into account the novelty and availability of information on the given area. The decision of the ICC is recorded in the route book. The section “Technical description of the route” (see 5.7) in connection with the “Extended route schedule” (see 5.6) is required for all reports.

4.3 Along with the report, the route book and documents confirming the passage of the route, completed certificates of travel credit in the established form for all participants are submitted to the ICC.

4.4 An oral report is made by the leader and group members at the ICC meeting. In this case, the documents listed in clause 4.3, photographs, video materials, etc., as well as maps and route diagrams are presented. The oral report is built on sections of the written one (see 5.).

4.5 The written report must be typewritten (computerized), have continuous page numbering, AND MUST BE HARD BACKING, ensuring its long-term preservation.

4.6 The number of abbreviations in the text should be minimal. Accepted abbreviations must be deciphered unambiguously, their meanings must be given along with the symbols of maps and diagrams.

4.7 Photographs and sketches included in the report should characterize difficult sections of the route and the actions of tourists on them, provide subsequent groups with orientation, and display the nature and attractions of the area. The photographs show the route taken and the recommended route, and dangerous areas are highlighted. Photographs must have continuous numbering and MANDATORY signatures, allowing you to identify the displayed object without referring to the text of the report. The text should contain links to photographs and other illustrative material.

4.8 The report is accompanied by an overview map (diagram) of the hiking area with a plotted route, alternate options, directions of movement and possible evacuation routes, as well as overnight stays indicating their serial numbers and dates and main obstacles. The map can be supplemented with sketches or large-scale diagrams of complex areas with indications of the route, landmarks and photographic points. Non-standard symbols must be deciphered.

For hikes with significant elevation changes, water and caving trips, at the request of the IWC, a route profile (elevation chart) is drawn up.

In reports on water trips directions are provided indicating obstacles and their landmarks, diagrams of obstacles with the route of passage, belay and mooring places.

The reports on caving trips provide topographic materials on underground cavities and equipment hanging diagrams.

In reports on motor vehicle trips, possible refueling and repair points are indicated. Vehicle.

These recommendations comply with the “Standard form and content of a report on a hiking trip, travel and sports tour” approved by the TSSR. Individual sections are discussed in more detail below, as well as in the “methodological recommendations” (see Appendix 3).

5.1 Title page (see Appendix 1).

5.3 Background information about the hike.
The name of the conducting organization, country, republic, city, type of tourism, category of difficulty of the route, length and timing of the active (credit) part of the trip, route book number and information about the powers of the ICC are indicated. What follows is a detailed route thread with a highlighted active (testing) part, identifying obstacles, a list of the group indicating the year of birth, tourist experience and responsibilities in the group, and addresses for consultations.

For water routes Weather features, water level, and means of transportation are indicated.

5.4 General geographical and tourist characteristics of the hiking area.
Includes a brief geographical location of the area (according to the scheme: region, district, subdistrict, massif), its tourist opportunities, options for entry and exit, characteristics of vehicles, including fares and transport schedules, information about medical centers, retail outlets, location border and protected areas, the procedure for obtaining passes to restricted areas, addresses and telephone numbers of relevant organizations, location and addresses of PSS and PSO, the most interesting natural and historical sites, climatic and other characteristics of the hiking area.

For caving trips it is given short description caves, where the following is indicated: the absolute height of the entrance mark above sea level, GPS - entry coordinates, the most likely unloading location with an altitude mark, the position of the cave, morphometric, geological, morphological, hydrogeological and microclimatic characteristics. At the end of the section, it is MANDATORY to provide Short story cave exploration.

5.5 Organization of the trip.
The features of pre-march preparation are described and the choice of route, main and backup options is justified, an overview of evacuation routes from the route and the possibilities of organizing drop-offs. The section should answer the question of why this particular route was chosen and how successful the initial plan for the hike was. This section provides the declared route line and the separately actually passed one in a form convenient for comparison (except for caving trips).

5.6 Expanded graph.
It is presented in the form of a table, for which the following columns are recommended:
day of travel, date, section of the route, photo numbers, length (km), net running time, defining obstacles on the section, weather conditions, elevation difference (for mountain hikes).
At the end, the total duration, length, and elevation difference are indicated. Separately, an altitude chart is given for hikes in the mountains, and a route profile for water hikes.

For caving trips, a plan for getting to the ground camp is provided (tactics, number of walkers, method of getting there, etc.), a work schedule in the cave, a planned and actual assault schedule, from which it should be clear who, at what time, where and what kind of load he worked with, what task he performed. The application contains a log of outputs.
The information in this section is expanded below.

5.7 Technical description of the route.
Without this section, the report cannot be considered by the ICC.

Main section of the report. Includes a detailed, without any exceptions, description of the route in the order in which it is passed, difficult sections according to the diagrams below, technique and tactics for passing the route, dangerous sections and safety measures.

The route description is divided into tactical sections, which in turn are divided into days. The heading of each day indicates the date and day of the journey, as well as, for the convenience of users, the section of the route, mileage, elevation difference, net running time in hours and weather conditions during the day. A sample title is given in Appendix 2.

The text indicates the object (the point to which the group is striving), landmarks and direction of movement. Descriptions of the sections are given in strict sequence, indicating the characteristics of the section (obstacles) to be overcome, the time of movement, the equipment and tactics used, dangerous sections, methods of insurance, conclusions and recommendations for passing tactical sections.

To make working on the report easier, it is convenient to use the ready-made diagrams given below. Examples of their application and methods that facilitate the preparation of this section are given in Appendix 3.

Using the pass as an example:
- Name, category of difficulty (c.t.), height, characteristics of the slopes, where it is located, what valleys, glaciers, etc. connects where it comes from and where it leads. First ascent data.
- Where it is visible from, where it is located, landmarks for searching.
- Characteristics (description) of approaches and transfer takeoffs, dangerous areas.
- Group activities, insurance, running time.
- Description of the saddle.
- View from the pass.
- Characteristics (description) of the opposite slope.
- Group actions on the descent, insurance, running time.
- Recommendations for those going to the pass reverse direction.
- Total driving time.
- Places convenient for overnight stays.
- Required special equipment.
- Recommendations for equipment and insurance.
- Assessment by a group of c.t. obstacles and options for passing them.

Using the valley as an example:
- Indicate the final goal (landmark) of the movement, for example: a settlement, a cave or a local obstacle (pass, crossing) to which the group is going and its location.
- Indicate landmarks, direction of movement, points from which landmarks or the goal of movement are visible.
- Characteristics of the path to the chosen goal (road, path, forest, scree, etc.)
- Movement of the group from landmark to landmark, indicating the time of movement, characteristics of obstacles and group actions, insurance, dangerous places.
- Total driving time (net running time).
- Places convenient for overnight stays.
- Recommendations for groups going in the opposite direction.
- Assessment by a group of c.t. obstacles.

Using the threshold as an example:
- Name (number) of the threshold.
- Difficulty category interval for different water levels.
- Assessment of k.t. group for a specific case.
- Landmarks.
- Place the chalk in front of the threshold.
- Exploration capability.
- Places and methods of insurance.
- Designated route for all vessels.
- Implemented traffic line for all vessels.
- Analysis of the causes of deviations.

- Local obstacles (well, siphon, meander, etc.).
- The amount of special equipment for each obstacle.
- Methods and features of hanging equipment, location of attachment points, deflectors, stops, protectors, etc.
- Options for moving from one obstacle to another.
- Areas with difficult orientation (blockages, labyrinths, multi-level meanders, etc.)
- All data must be linked with photographs and topographic survey results. The topographic diagram of the cave should indicate a diagram for hanging equipment. The results of topographic survey of areas covered for the first time are presented as in general scheme caves and separately. On the topographical diagram of the sections traversed for the first time are indicated total length sections, amplitude, dates of first ascent and dates of topographic survey. The appendix contains the picket log.
- The group gives an assessment of the category of difficulty of the cave, taking into account sections passed for the first time.

5.8 Material equipment of the group.
A list of special equipment, features of personal and public equipment and comments on them, if necessary, are provided. performance characteristics. Features and weight characteristics of food, composition of the repair kit and first aid kit. Calculation of the weight of the backpack is also given here.

For caving trips, these data are given for work on the surface and underground.

5.9 Cost of the trip.
The cost of travel, accommodation, food and all other expenses is given (for foreign territories in USD). Recommendations for optimizing costs are given.

The results are summed up and conclusions are drawn about the achievement of the goals. Tactical decisions, choice of route and movement schedule are analyzed. Recommendations are given on how to complete it and possible changes. The compliance of the actual category of difficulty of the route and individual obstacles with the declared ones, as well as the reasons for changing the original trek plan are assessed.

For caving trips, the prospects for working in the cave and in the given area, the most likely areas and directions for further research are assessed. The leader's recommendations are given for which difficulty category to assign this hike to each participant.


about (type of tourism) hiking
______ difficulty category by (geographical area)
committed by a group of tourists (city, educational or work team)
in the period from _____ to _____ 200__.

Route book No. __________
Team leader ____________
Address, phone number, e-mail of the manager

The route qualification commission _______________ reviewed the report and considers that the hike can be awarded the _______ difficulty category to all participants and the leader.
Use the report in the library ________________

City _________ 200__


Municipal state-financed organization

Information and methodological center

Department of Education of the Myskovsky Urban District

Municipal budgetary organization of additional education

Tourist Station

“Preparation of reports on tourist trips”

Developed by:

Methodist IBO DO Tourist Station

Pinzhina O.I.

Myski 2016

This work contains requirements for the development and execution of reports on tourist trips and is intended for methodologists and teachers of additional education. The proposed recommendations can be used in compiling and developing reports on tourist trips aimed at improving the level of professional skills of teachers. When compiling the brochure, the basic requirements for the development and execution of reports on tourist trips were taken into account.

contact phone 8-913-318-92-08

Table of contents

    Explanatory note……………………………………………………4

    General information about the report on the tourist trip………………………..4

    Purpose of tourist reports…………………………………………4

    Requirements for a tourist report………………………………………..4

    Contents of reports……………………………………………………….5


    List of references………………………………………………………..9


1. Explanatory note

Relevance This topic is due to the fact that in the last decade the quality of reports on tourist trips has noticeably decreased. Many reports do not meet the requirements for these documents. It is not always possible to get an idea from such reports about the real qualifications of the group and its actions on the route. When preparing routes, poor-quality reports are useless and, moreover, significantly affect the safety of trips. At the same time, MCCs at all levels have reduced their requirements when considering incoming reports. Certificates of passing a hike are often issued based on reports in which the technical description is reduced to a detailed calendar plan. It is extremely rare for low-quality reports to be returned for revision.

Purpose compilation of these methodological recommendations is to provide methodological assistance to teachers and organizers of educational work with children in writing reports on tourist trips.

This manual is intended to facilitate the writing of full-fledged tourist reports, to fill the shortage of relevant methodological literature that has formed in the grassroots ICC, and to contribute to the creation of a modern data bank about tourist routes and natural obstacles.

2. General information about the report on the tourist trip.

A report on a tourist trip is a document by which the ICC evaluates the real experience of the group, the actions of tourists along the route and the competence of tactical decisions. Based on the report, the ICC decides on the classification of the trip and the assignment of categories, and the panels of judges hold tourism championships.

Tourist reports are one of the main sources of information about the travel area. Using them, tourists prepare for hikes, and the ICC determines whether the complexity of the declared hike corresponds to the qualifications (capabilities) of the group. The library of tourism reports serves as the information basis for the work of specific and interspecific commissions of tourism federations.

3. Purpose of tourist reports.

The main task of a tourist report is to reliably present maximum useful information about the travel area and specific natural obstacles. It should contain information about routes of communication with the hiking area, features of the organization of movement, nature reserves and border zones, natural obstacles, climatic features, etc.

The report should tell how the group acted and contain recommendations for subsequent travel.

4. Requirements for a tourist report.

4.1 The report must contain only reliable information.
The report must clearly answer the question: where and how the route ran, how the group acted while passing it.
In addition to purely technical descriptions, the report may contain impressions of group members about the area, the route and the obstacles passed in a special section. Household and literary notes should not clutter up the main sections of the report.

4.2 The report on the tourist trip can be written or oral. Submission of a written report is mandatory for hikes of grades 4-6, as well as for all hikes participating in tourism championships. The volume and content of reports on difficult hikes, as well as the FORM, volume and content of reports on hikes 1-3 k.s. establishes the ICC when considering application materials, taking into account the novelty and availability of information on the given area. The decision of the ICC is recorded in the route book. Section "Technical description of the route" in connection with the “Expanded route schedule” required for all reports.

4.3 Along with the report, the route book and documents confirming the passage of the route, completed certificates of travel credit in the established form for all participants are submitted to the ICC.

4.4 An oral report is made by the leader and group members at the ICC meeting. In this case, the documents listed in , photographs, video materials, etc., as well as maps and route diagrams. The oral report is built on sections of the written .

4.5 The written report must be typewritten (computerized), have continuous page numbering, AND MUST BE HARD BACKING, ensuring its long-term preservation.

4.6 The number of abbreviations in the text should be minimal. Accepted abbreviations must be deciphered unambiguously, their meanings must be given along with the symbols of maps and diagrams.

4.7 Photographs and sketches included in the report should characterize difficult sections of the route and the actions of tourists on them, provide subsequent groups with orientation, and display the nature and attractions of the area. The photographs show the route taken and the recommended route, and dangerous areas are highlighted. Photographs must have continuous numbering and MANDATORY signatures, allowing you to identify the displayed object without referring to the text of the report. The text should contain links to photographs and other illustrative material.

4.8 The report is accompanied by an overview map (diagram) of the hiking area with a plotted route, alternate options, directions of movement and possible evacuation routes, as well as overnight stays indicating their serial numbers and dates and main obstacles. The map can be supplemented with sketches or large-scale diagrams of complex areas with indications of the route, landmarks and photographic points. Non-standard symbols must be deciphered.

For hikes with significant elevation changes, water and caving trips, at the request of the IWC, a route profile (elevation chart) is drawn up.

Reports on water trips contain directions indicating obstacles and their landmarks, diagrams of obstacles with the route, belay and mooring places.

The reports on caving trips provide topographical materials on underground cavities and diagrams for hanging equipment.

Reports on motor vehicle trips indicate points for possible refueling and repair of vehicles.

5. Contents of the report.

These recommendations comply with the “Standard form and content of a report on a hiking trip, travel and sports tour” approved by the TSSR.

5.1 Title page .

5.3 Background information about the hike.
The name of the conducting organization, country, republic, city, type of tourism, category of difficulty of the route, length and timing of the active (credit) part of the trip, route book number and information about the powers of the ICC are indicated. What follows is a detailed route thread with a highlighted active (testing) part, identifying obstacles, a list of the group indicating the year of birth, tourist experience and responsibilities in the group, and addresses for consultations.

For water routes, weather conditions, water levels, and means of transportation are indicated.

5.4 General geographical and tourist characteristics of the hiking area.
Includes a brief geographical location of the area (according to the scheme: region, district, subdistrict, massif), its tourist opportunities, options for entry and exit, characteristics of vehicles, including fares and transport schedules, information about medical centers, retail outlets, location border and protected areas, the procedure for obtaining passes to restricted areas, addresses and telephone numbers of relevant organizations, location and addresses of PSS and PSO, the most interesting natural and historical sites, climatic and other characteristics of the hiking area.

For speleological trips, a brief description of the cave is given, which indicates: the absolute height of the entrance mark above sea level, GPS - entry coordinates, the most likely unloading location with an altitude mark, the position of the cave, morphometric, geological, morphological, hydrogeological and microclimatic characteristics. At the end of the section, a brief history of the cave exploration MUST be given.

5.5 Organization of the trip.
The features of pre-march preparation are described and the choice of route, main and backup options is justified, an overview of evacuation routes from the route and the possibilities of organizing drop-offs. The section should answer the question of why this particular route was chosen and how successful the initial plan for the hike was. This section provides the declared route line and the separately actually passed one in a form convenient for comparison (except for caving trips).

5.6 Expanded graph.
It is presented in the form of a table, for which the following columns are recommended:
day of travel, date, section of the route, photo numbers, length (km), net walking time, defining obstacles on the section, weather conditions, elevation difference (for mountain hikes).
At the end, the total duration, length, and elevation difference are indicated. Separately, an altitude chart is given for hikes in the mountains, and a route profile for water hikes.

For caving trips, a plan for getting to the ground camp is provided (tactics, number of walkers, method of getting there, etc.), a work schedule in the cave, a planned and actual assault schedule, from which it should be clear who, at what time, where and what kind of load he worked with, what task he performed. The application contains a log of outputs.
The information in this section is expanded below.

5.7 Technical description of the route.
Without this section, the report cannot be considered by the ICC.

Main section of the report. Includes a detailed, without any exceptions, description of the route in the order in which it is passed, difficult sections according to the diagrams below, technique and tactics for passing the route, dangerous sections and safety measures.

The route description is divided into tactical sections, which in turn are divided into days. The heading of each day indicates the date and day of the journey, as well as, for the convenience of users, the section of the route, mileage, elevation difference, net running time in hours and weather conditions during the day. A sample title is given in .

The text indicates the object (the point to which the group is striving), landmarks and direction of movement. Descriptions of the sections are given in strict sequence, indicating the characteristics of the section (obstacles) to be overcome, the time of movement, the equipment and tactics used, dangerous sections, methods of insurance, conclusions and recommendations for passing tactical sections.

Using the pass as an example:
- Name, category of difficulty (c.t.), height, characteristics of the slopes, where it is located, what valleys, glaciers, etc. connects where it comes from and where it leads. First ascent data.
- Where it is visible from, where it is located, landmarks for searching.
- Characteristics (description) of approaches and transfer takeoffs, dangerous areas.
- Group activities, insurance, running time.
- Description of the saddle.
- View from the pass.
- Characteristics (description) of the opposite slope.
- Group actions on the descent, insurance, running time.
- Recommendations for those walking the pass in the opposite direction.
- Total driving time.
- Places convenient for overnight stays.
- Required special equipment.
- Recommendations for equipment and insurance.
- Assessment by a group of c.t. obstacles and options for passing them.

Using the valley as an example:
- Indicate the final goal (landmark) of the movement, for example: a settlement, a cave or a local obstacle (pass, crossing) to which the group is going and its location.
- Indicate landmarks, direction of movement, points from which landmarks or the goal of movement are visible.
- Characteristics of the path to the chosen goal (road, path, forest, scree, etc.)
- Movement of the group from landmark to landmark, indicating the time of movement, characteristics of obstacles and group actions, insurance, dangerous places.
- Total driving time (net running time).
- Places convenient for overnight stays.
- Recommendations for groups going in the opposite direction.
- Assessment by a group of c.t. obstacles.

Using the threshold as an example:
- Name (number) of the threshold.
- Difficulty category interval for different water levels.
- Assessment of k.t. group for a specific case.
- Landmarks.
- Place the chalk in front of the threshold.
- Exploration capability.
- Places and methods of insurance.
- Designated route for all vessels.
- Implemented traffic line for all vessels.
- Analysis of the causes of deviations.

- Local obstacles (well, siphon, meander, etc.).
- The amount of special equipment for each obstacle.
- Methods and features of hanging equipment, location of attachment points, deflectors, stops, protectors, etc.
- Options for moving from one obstacle to another.
- Areas with difficult orientation (blockages, labyrinths, multi-level meanders, etc.)
- All data must be linked with photographs and topographic survey results. The topographic diagram of the cave should indicate a diagram for hanging equipment. The results of topographic survey of the areas traversed for the first time are presented both on the general diagram of the cave and separately. On the topographical diagram of the sections traversed for the first time, the total length of the sections, amplitude, dates of first passage and dates of topographic survey are indicated. The appendix contains the picket log.
- The group gives an assessment of the category of difficulty of the cave, taking into account sections passed for the first time.

5.8 Material equipment of the group.
A list of special equipment, features of personal and public equipment and comments on them, and, if necessary, tactical and technical characteristics are provided. Features and weight characteristics of food, composition of the repair kit and first aid kit. Calculation of the weight of the backpack is also given here.

For caving trips, these data are given for work on the surface and underground.

5.9 Cost of the trip.
The cost of travel, accommodation, food and all other expenses is given (for foreign territories in USD). Recommendations for optimizing costs are given.

6. Conclusion.

The results are summed up and conclusions are drawn about the achievement of the goals. Tactical decisions, choice of route and movement schedule are analyzed. Recommendations are given for its completion and possible changes. The compliance of the actual category of difficulty of the route and individual obstacles with the declared ones, as well as the reasons for changing the original trek plan are assessed.

For caving trips, the prospects for working in the cave and in the given area, the most likely areas and directions for further research are assessed. The leader's recommendations are given for which difficulty category to assign this hike to each participant.


    Alekseev A.A., “Manual for compiling reports on hiking trips, travel, sports tours.”


about (type of tourism) hiking
______ difficulty category by (geographical area)
committed by a group of tourists (city, group)
in the period from _____ to _____ 200__.

Route book No. __________
Team leader ____________
Address, phone number, e-mail of the manager

The route qualification commission _______________ reviewed the report and considers that the hike can be awarded the _______ difficulty category to all participants and the leader.
Use the report in the library ________________

City _________ 200__




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