Best places 737 800 s7. S7 Airlines aircraft fleet: age, diagrams and reviews. General principles of passenger seating

Many people often have to use airplanes when traveling on vacation or on a business trip. What does everyone think about when they are planning to fly somewhere? Of course, about a calm, safe and comfortable flight.

To do this, before you buy a plane ticket, you need to make sure it is reliable and find out how the seats are located in the cabin. The main aircraft manufacturer is Boeing, which produces a wide range of aircraft different types and configurations.

On this moment the world's most widely used narrow-body jets passenger planes The aircraft are Boeing 737.

Since the Boeing 737-800 medium-haul aircraft has gained the most popularity among airlines around the world, this article will be devoted to its characteristics and the location of its seats.

This is the third group of aircraft from the Boeing 737 - Next Generation group, created in competition with the manufacturer Airbus A320. The aircraft differs from its predecessors in that the new generation of aircraft is produced with digital cockpits, new wings extended by 5.5 m, tail fins and an improved motor.

The Boeing model 737-800 aircraft was developed to replace the Boeing 737-400 model, began use in 1998-1999 and flies today. Two modifications are produced aircraft This model: a variant for passenger flights Boeing model BJ2 and a modification used for military purposes - Boeing 737 type 800ERX.

Main characteristics of the Boeing 737-800

We list the main characteristics of the Boeing 737-800 aircraft:

  • his dimensions are 39.49 m (length) and 12.51 m (height);
  • the span of each wing is 34.31 m and their area is 125 m.
  • the fuel tanks are quite spacious (volume -26,020 l), allowing the aircraft to fly over distances of up to 5,400 km;
  • the aircraft can reach speeds of up to 851 km/h, with a range of 1,630 m;
  • the plane is controlled by two pilots (there are only 2 seats for the crew).
  • The interior cannot be called that spacious. Its width is only 3.54 m. This aircraft has seats for the first (189) and second (16) classes. By the way, the developer provides the possibility of changing the location and changing the number of seats depending on the customer’s requirements. For example, most airlines have 184 seats in first (tourist) class, 12 (16) seats in business class and 144 (or 148) seats in economy class in second class.

Number and location of seats in Boeing 737-800

This plan shows an image of a Boeing model 737-800 aircraft, which has 184 first class seats (no second class). The following places with a low degree of comfort are indicated in red and yellow colors on the diagram:

  • first row seats located near the galley (there is less legroom and a folding table is attached to the armrest);
  • in rows 10 and 11 (there is no porthole);
  • 13th and 14th rows (there, due to the location near the emergency exit, it is impossible to recline the chairs and the temperature near these seats is lower).

The greatest discomfort is felt by passengers sitting in the last row seats. The seats there do not recline and are located near the toilet. Places are marked in green increased comfort(16th row). Due to the absence of chairs in front, you can freely stand there and stretch your legs.

This plan shows the cabin of a Boeing 737-800 aircraft with 16 seats for passengers flying in business class and 144 for passengers flying in economy class. In economy class, increased comfort can be experienced in row 15 due to the absence of front seats.

Low comfort in the seats of row 7 (there is a front partition between classes), in rows 10-11 (there is no window), in rows 13-16 (there are emergency exits and the wing blocks the view from the window) and in the last row (there is toilet).

Boeing 737-800 safety

Sometimes, unfortunately, aviation accidents do happen, but the frequency of their occurrence is constantly decreasing, thanks to permanent job Boeing designers are working to improve the level of safety in aircraft designs.

Thus, in the aircraft of this company the probability of losses is very low - several times lower than the global average, for this reason Boeing aircraft can rightfully be called safe. Use Boeing aircraft and all your fears about accidents and discomfort will definitely not be confirmed.

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Flying by plane is a stressful experience for many passengers due to fear of heights or discomfort associated with enclosed spaces. To minimize discomfort, before checking in for your flight, you should select appropriate place in the salon, having previously studied the diagram.

We will talk about the interior diagram of the Boeing 737-800 s7 aircraft of S7 Airlines, which uses in great demand thanks to the optimal combination of ticket prices and flight quality.

Aircraft information

The Boeing 737-800 of S7 Airlines belongs to the Next Generation aircraft and is an improved version of the Boeing 737-400 family. The advantages of the new generation aircraft are obvious:

  • improved engine system;
  • presence of a digital cockpit;
  • the presence of a tail unit;
  • new wing.

Boeing is suitable for short and long term travel. This is a versatile, comfortable, safe aircraft, and it continues to be constantly improved.

Airplane Boeing 737-800

Interior layout - best seats

The cabin of the Boeing 737-800 s7 aircraft has 160 seats, 12 of which are in business class, the rest in economy class. The seats are located in 28 rows, 3 of which are business class.

Business Class

The seats in the first row of the business class cabin have both positive and negative features:

  • located near the kitchen and toilet, which is why all sorts of noises and smells can cause inconvenience to passengers;
  • There is no other row in front of you, the reclined seats of which can prevent you from relaxing.

The seats in the third business row also have a drawback: they are too close to the economy class. Of course, there is a screen that separates these halls, but it is thin and allows noise to pass through.

The seat spacing in Business Class is 87-5-97.5 cm, providing maximum legroom. There are 2 chairs on each side.

It can be concluded that best places Boeing's business class is the second row. You won't be bothered by extraneous smells or sounds, and your neighbors won't be too active and annoying.

Economy class

The seats in the economy class lounge are located in rows 4-28. Here, every seat can present surprises to passengers. Rows with merits:

  1. Passengers in the 4th row are served first when food is served, so you will have the opportunity to enjoy your chosen hot dish. Other passengers will not constantly walk nearby, and the screams of children sitting in front will not drive them crazy. After landing, you will leave the cabin immediately. But there is a drawback: there is a screen in front that separates business class from economy class. It is impossible to stretch or place your legs in a more comfortable position. Also in front of this row there are cradles for infants - this causes inconvenience for passengers without children. This is one of the most comfortable economy rows; airlines often charge an additional fee for such seats.
  2. Rows 5 to 8, as well as 10, are ordinary, have neither distinguished advantages nor significant disadvantages. They are located in the bow and are comfortable to sit on unless there are too noisy neighbors nearby.
  3. 11 is comfortable, but the porthole is located next to the wing, which can block the view. The wing engine produces increased noise during takeoff and landing. In some cabins, the backrests of row 11 seats do not recline due to the emergency exit located nearby.
  4. 13 allows you to position your legs comfortably. There are 2, not 3, seats on each side, so if you are flying together, no one else will interfere. Of the minuses: it is impossible to recline the seat back, you cannot freely position your hand luggage, the view of the ground is completely blocked by the wing. Passengers with children, elderly people, and passengers with disabilities are prohibited from staying here. If you like to lean against the side of the plane, do not choose these seats, as there is half a meter of space between the seat and the upholstery.
  5. 14 is one of the comfortable rows of economy class. There is everything for the convenience of passengers: space for a comfortable position of the legs, space for hand luggage, reclining seat backs. However, seats A and F lack one armrest and have slightly angled seats.
  6. Rows 15 to 26 are standard, there is nothing there that can create discomfort.
The distance between rows in economy class is 72.4-80 cm, so if you need legroom, choose appropriate seats. If you choose a seat in the center section of the plane, you will be one of the last to be served as food starts at the front.

We were talking about the best business and economy class seats. Now let's talk about seats that you should avoid sitting on if possible.

Bad places - how not to make a mistake

The Boeing 737-800 s7 has bad seats located in economy class. They have the following disadvantages:

  1. There may not be windows at the 9th row level - you should check this with airport staff when checking in for your flight. This detail depends on the interior configuration.
  2. The 12th row is located in close proximity to the emergency exit, so the seats do not recline.
  3. In row 27, seats C and D are in close proximity to the aisle, so you'll be faced with ever-increasing queues for the toilet during your flight.
  4. 28 row of this aircraft located immediately in front of the toilets, which entails unpleasant odors and sounds throughout the flight.

When booking an air ticket, you need to take into account the personal needs of the passenger. What is important to you: reclining seat backs, distance from a busy part of the cabin, sufficient distance between seats, or the ability to quickly ask for help from a flight attendant at the right time? The choice of convenient places depends on these parameters.

Airplane cabin diagram

A good seat location is not a guarantee of a comfortable flight. Here are some helpful tips:

  1. If you have a fear of flying, avoid window seats. The seats next to the space between the rows are not very comfortable, but when you go to the toilet, you won’t have to disturb your neighbors.
  2. For passengers with small children, seats in row 14 are suitable. There is enough space for the child to sit comfortably. Choose seats close to the aisle so you can quickly get to the toilet if necessary. If you are flying with a baby, ask for a seat with a bassinet - these seats are located at the front of the cabin.
  3. For the best seats, tickets must be booked at least 3 months in advance, otherwise you may be left without the desired seat.

After comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each seat, choose the best seat based on individual preferences. Treat this responsibly so that the flight does not become a test for you. As a conclusion, we will collect the characteristics of each row of the aircraft in one table.

Row Business/economy Near the kitchen/toilet Wide variety of food options when serving food Constant flow of passengers Place for legs and things Emergency exit nearby You can recline the seat backs The wing blocks the view
1 Business Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No
2 Business No Yes No Yes No Yes No
3 Business No Yes No Yes No Yes No
4 Economy No Yes No No No Yes No
5 Economy No Yes No Yes No Yes No
6 Economy No Yes No Yes No Yes No
7 Economy No Yes No Yes No Yes No
8 Economy No Yes No Yes No Yes No
9 Economy No Yes No No Yes Yes No
10 Economy No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
11 Economy No No No Yes Yes No Yes
12 Economy No No No No Yes No Yes
13 Economy No No No Yes No No Yes
14 Economy No No No Yes No Yes Yes
15 Economy No No No Yes No Yes No
16 Economy No No No Yes No Yes No
17 Economy No No No Yes No Yes No
18 Economy No No No Yes No Yes No
19 Economy No No No Yes No Yes No
20 Economy No No Yes Yes No Yes No
21 Economy No No Yes Yes No Yes No
22 Economy No No Yes Yes No Yes No
23 Economy No No Yes Yes No Yes No
24 Economy No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
25 Economy No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
26 Economy No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
27 Economy No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
28 Economy No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No

For your convenience, the row numbers in the table are highlighted in green, which, in accordance with the analysis of all factors, are the most comfortable. Don't make a mistake in choosing the best place.

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(Novosibirsk city). Currently, the fleet consists of 72 aircraft of six types:

  • Airbus A319 (19 aircraft);
  • Airbus A320 (18 aircraft);
  • Airbus A320neo (two aircraft);
  • Airbus A321 (seven aircraft);
  • Boeing 737-800 (19 aircraft);
  • Embraer ERJ-170 (seven aircraft).

The average age of aircraft in service is just over 10 years. The airline plans to launch 36 more aircraft.

Aircraft manufacturers

The airline's aircraft manufacturers are the American corporation Boeing (since 2007), the European aircraft manufacturer Airbus company(since 2008) and the Brazilian company Embraer (since 2016). Until 2008, aircraft of the S.V. Ilyushin Aviation Complex (Il-86) and the Tupolev Aviation Design Bureau (Tu-154, Tu-204) were operated.

Start of aircraft production and modification


Airbus fleet:

  1. Airbus A320 is a narrow-body aircraft for small and medium aviation. Production and operation of the aircraft began in 1987-1988. Maximum capacity – 180 air passengers. A variant of the classic layout is 150 people in business class (four seats) and economy class (six seats);
  2. Airbus A319 is a modification of the Airbus A320 aircraft. The number of passenger rows has been reduced by two, due to which the fuselage has been shortened. Depending on the type of cabin of the aircraft, the capacity of the aircraft can range from 116 to 158 people. Production began in 1990, operation in 1995;
  3. Airbus A321 – modification Airbus aircraft A320 with zoom seats, designed for low-cost air travel and charter flights. Various layouts allow the cabin to accommodate from 170 to 220 passengers. The start of production was in 1990, the start of work in 1994;
  4. Airbus A320neo is a new model of the Airbus A320 airliner with more environmentally friendly engines, a modified structure of the wings and cabin. Production began in 2010, flights in 2016. Maximum capacity – 236 passengers.


Boeing aircraft include the Boeing 737-800, a modification of the 737-700 model (long version). Production began in 1994, flights began in 1998. Maximum capacity – 162 or 189 passengers.


Embraer supplies aircraft of the Embraer ERJ-170 version - narrow-body airliners for medium-haul flights with a capacity of 70 to 80 passengers. Aircraft production began in 2002, operation since 2004.

Also by S7 airline for purposes civil aviation the following types were used aircraft:

  1. Boeing 737-400 is a modification of the 737 model with an extended body and increased capacity up to 168 passengers. Operation of the aircraft began in 1988. In 2015, the Boeing 737-400 ceased operation; they were gradually completely replaced by the Boeing 737-800 modification;
  2. Boeing 767-300ER is a modification of the 767-300 aircraft by increasing the distance covered. Production and operation began in 1988-1989. Passenger capacity is from 218 to 350 people. The aircraft are currently out of service and are being prepared for return to the lessor;
  3. The Airbus A310-200 is a wide-body aircraft with a capacity of up to 218 passengers. Liners of this type were produced from 1982 to 1997. Currently almost completely out of service due to replacement new model A330. S7 Airlines suspended the use of these aircraft in 2010;
  4. Tupolev Tu-154 and Tu-204. The Tu-154 aircraft is a three-engine airliner for medium-range flights, with a capacity of 152-180 passengers, produced in the period 1968-2013. The Tu-204 is a narrow-body aircraft intended to replace the Tu-154, capable of traveling longer distances and accommodating more passengers (215 people). Aircraft production began in 1990, operation in 1996. S7 Airlines abandoned the use of these aircraft in 2008 due to the renewal of its air fleet;
  5. The Ilyushin Il-86 is a wide-body aircraft designed for medium-distance flights with a maximum capacity of 350 passengers. Production took place from 1976-1997, operation – from 1980-2011. The use of Il-86 in S7 was discontinued in 2008 due to the renewal of the aircraft fleet.

Aircraft characteristics

The existing fleet of s7 Airlines aircraft has the following characteristics.

  1. Airbus A319:
  • capacity – 144 seats;
  • flight range – 4200 km;
  • speed – 845 km/h;
  • flight altitude – 11900 m.
  1. Airbus A320:
  • capacity – 158 seats;
  • flight range – 4300 km;
  • speed – 850 km/h;
  • flight altitude – 11900 m.
  1. Airbus A320neo:
  • capacity – 164 seats;
  • flight range – 6000 km;
  • speed – 845 km/h;
  • flight altitude – 11900 m.
  1. Airbus A321:
  • capacity – 197 seats;
  • flight range – 4630 km;
  • speed – 850 km/h;
  • flight altitude – 11900 m.
  1. Boeing 737-800:
  • capacity – 168 seats;
  • flight range – 5765 km;
  • speed – 840 km/h;
  • altitude – 12500 m.
  1. Embraer ERJ-170:
  • capacity – 78 seats;
  • flight range – 3800 km;
  • speed – 830 km/h;
  • altitude – 12500 m.

Airplane cabin diagram

The Airbus A319 cabin accommodates 144 economy class passengers in 24 rows.

The best seats are located in the first and 11th rows. The tenth row is not the most comfortable due to the proximity of emergency exits and the inability to recline the seat backs, the 24th row - due to the proximity of the toilets. It is better to sit in the front row with children.

The Airbus A320 cabin accommodates eight business class passengers in two rows and 150 economy class passengers in 25 rows.

The best seats are business class. In economy class, the most comfortable seats on the plane are the third and 11th rows. The ninth and tenth rows are not the most convenient due to the proximity of emergency exits, the 27th - due to the proximity of the toilets. It is better to sit in the third row with children.

The Airbus A320neo cabin accommodates eight business class passengers in two rows and 156 economy class passengers in 26 rows.

The seat layout of this type of aircraft is almost identical to the Airbus A320, with the exception of the increased number of rows - 28 instead of 27.

The Airbus A321 cabin accommodates eight business class passengers in two rows and 189 economy class passengers in 33 rows.

The best seats on this plane are business class. In economy class, the most comfortable seats are the third row - it is for this row that air tickets are purchased increased comfort economic class. The ninth, tenth, 22nd and 23rd rows are located near the emergency exits - not the most comfortable places due to the inability to recline the seat backs. In the ninth row there are no seats A and F, in the 22nd row there is no seat F, in the 21st and 22nd rows there are no seats A, B, C. Accordingly, the legroom for passengers in the tenth and 23rd rows has been increased. Row 35 is not the best due to the proximity of the restrooms. It is better to sit in the third row with children.

S7 Airlines Boeing 737-800 aircraft are used in the Winglets modification (with new wingtips). The cabin can accommodate eight business class passengers in two rows and 168 economy class passengers in 28 rows.

Business class has the most comfortable seats, while economy class seats have the third and 14th rows. The 12th and 13th rows are not the most comfortable due to the proximity of the emergency hatches, the 30th - due to the proximity of the toilets. It is better to sit in the third row with children.

Note! Flight safety rules do not allow passengers with children, animals, disabled people and the elderly to occupy seats near emergency exits. Hand luggage must be stored in the upper compartment above the seats.

The Embraer ERJ-170 aircraft has 78 economy class seats in 20 rows.

There are no provisions for emergency hatches in the aircraft cabin. Almost all places are the same. The most comfortable seats are the first (seats C, D) and second (seats A, B) rows. Row 20 is not the best for flying due to the proximity of the toilets.

Passenger amenities

Active passenger aircraft airlines are equipped with sockets for charging mobile devices and other gadgets. Passengers are also provided with food and drinks (depending on the chosen fare). There is no Wi-Fi on board.

Thus, S7 Airlines offers its passengers comfortable flights to many countries in Europe and Asia in comfortable aircraft of several types, with the ability to choose seats in both economy and business class. The company regularly updates its aircraft fleet, replacing old models with new ones and increasing the number of aircraft in general.


"Russia" - largest airline in the Aeroflot group. The geography of its flights covers 120 routes within Russian Federation and 22 foreign destinations. In 2014, the Zenit football club appointed Rossiya as its official air carrier.

The main airport is Pulkovo in St. Petersburg. The aircraft fleet includes 61 aircraft, 16 of which are Boeing 737-800.

Boeing 737 airliners are used on short and medium-haul routes.

Boeing 737-800 interior diagram

Rossiya uses 3 types of seat layouts on its Boeing 737-800 aircraft. Two of them are in full economy class for 189 passengers. They differ only in the placement of the 1st row: it can start on the left side with seats A, B, C or on the right - D, E, F.

The two-salon layout is designed for 168 seats.

Is it possible to choose your own seat and fly with greater comfort? And where is the best place to sit on a Boeing 737-800?

Cabin layout for one class

Let's consider the arrangement of seats on an airplane of only one class. Rossiya has such a layout of the Boeing 737-800 cabin, designed for 189 passengers and consisting of 32 rows.

Layout for 189 passengers

1-10 row - bow. If you are asked about your preferences during check-in, feel free to choose seats in this part of the plane, they are considered the most comfortable. Why?

The most comfortable in this area of ​​the Boeing 737 "Russia" are considered to be the first row A, B, C and the second D, E, F (and vice versa, see the cabin diagram). It will be comfortable for pregnant women, disabled people and passengers with small children to sit here: the space in front of the seats is very comfortable and there are holders for the cradle (see photo).

Baby bassinet in the first row

If you require a carrycot, please request it at least 36 hours before departure. Upon registration you will receive priority to use it.

Rows 11-21 – the middle part of the plane above the wings. If you are afraid of turbulence, choose places here, this zone is the most stable. The view from the windows will be partially blocked by the wings, so those who like to look out the window will not like it here.

22-32 row. The tail of the plane is the most uncomfortable area. Here you can hear the noise of the engines and feel more turbulence. The queue for the toilets is crowded at the last five rows. The worst seats are considered to be the last row. The backrests do not recline because they are blocked by a partition.

Seats near emergency exits

In front of rows 15 and 16, on both sides, there are 4 emergency exits. Sitting here is very comfortable thanks to the large space in front of the seats. If you look at the layout of the cabin, in this area the most comfortable in the Boeing 737-800 is row 16. Rossiya does not provide these seats to the following categories of passengers:

  • Passengers with children from 2 to 12 years old.
  • Unaccompanied children under 18 years of age.
  • Pregnant.
  • For passengers with animals.
  • Foreigners who do not speak Russian and English.
  • For disabled people.

These restrictions are introduced for flight safety. The people sitting here, in the event of an accident, will have to strictly follow the instructions of the pilots and flight attendants.

Best places

"" sells the best seats on the plane for an additional fee. They are called "Space+". Please check this information when checking in for your flight.

Increased comfort seats on Boeing 737-800

According to the diagram, the best seats in the Boeing 737 800 Rossiya Airlines cabin are:

  • 1 A, B, C and 2 D, E, F – wide pitch of seats and cradle mounts.

Be careful, on VQ-BUF and VQ-BUE aircraft this is:

  • 1 D, E, F and 2 A, B, C
  • 16 A, B, C, D, E, F (in all single-cabin Boeing 737 800) - large space in front of the seats.

Nice places

  • 15 A, B, C, D, E, F – comfortable legroom, but the backs of the seats are blocked.

Bad places

  • 31 C, D – aisle seats next to the toilets, there may be constant disturbance by people standing in line;
  • 32 A, B, C, D, E, F – blocked seat backs, proximity to toilets.

When can you choose the best seats on a plane? If you are flying with Rossiya on a Boeing 737-800, this can be done at check-in at the airport or independently online 24 hours before departure.

Cabin layout for two classes

Look for cheap tickets for any type of transport without leaving your home:

Boeing 737-800 "Russia" with two classes of service on board are designed for 168 passengers. According to the cabin layout, 12 seats are allocated to “business class” and 156 to “economy” class. Let's look at how to choose the best places.

100% comfort in business class

The business class cabin has 3 rows of 2 seats on each side. Comfortable space between the seats allows you to relax during the flight. This cabin is not as noisy as the “economy” one.

During the flight, business passengers can use blankets and sleep masks.

On board the aircraft you are allowed to use phones, tablets and computers without Internet access.

Comfortable stay in business class on a Boeing 737-800 Rossiya

Economy class

The Boeing 737-800 has 26 rows in economy class. It starts from row 4. Let's look carefully at the diagram and choose priority places.

Rows 4-9 – bow. If these places are free, choose them. Many airlines sell them at a premium rate.

The first row is the most comfortable for passengers with infants; there are mounts for a cradle. It will also be convenient for passengers with disabilities.

The carrycot is provided for children under one year weighing up to 9 kg.

For children over 2 years old, there is a child seat that is attached to the seat on the plane.

It is better to sit in this part of the plane transit passengers. After landing, they will get out faster and go to check-in at connecting flight. The photo shows the first row of economy class.

First row in economy class on a Boeing 737-800 Rossiya

Rows 10-17 – the middle part of the plane above the wings. If you are afraid of flying or are afraid of turbulence, choose seats in this zone, you will be more relaxed.

The view from the windows in the middle part of the plane is partially limited by the wings; for those who like to look at the panorama, this is not the best option.

Rows 12 and 13 – seats of increased comfort near emergency exits. The downside is that you can’t put bags under the seats, it’s cooler here and the seat backs in row 12 don’t recline. Not all categories of passengers may sit in the emergency exit seats (see above in the description of the cabin with one class of service).

17-26 row – tail section. The tail of an airplane is an uncomfortable zone. This is where the noise of the engines is loudest and chatter is greatest.

Worst places- These are the aisle seats at the end of the cabin and the very last row.

Designations of seats in the cabin

All seats on the plane are indicated by letters:

  • The windows have the letters A and F. For those who fly alone, who like to read or sleep, this is the best choice.
  • Middle – B, E. It is better for people with aerophobia to sit in the middle.
  • The extreme ones are C, D. The aisle seat is good for those who like to sit with their legs stretched out or often walk around the cabin during a flight.

Best places

At Rossiya Airlines, regardless of the layout of the Boeing 737-800 cabins, there are seats with a large seat pitch:

Nice places

  • 12 A, B, C, D, E, F – large legroom, but fixed seat backs;
  • 13 A, F – there are no armrests on the side of the aircraft.

Worst places

  • 28 C, D – aisle seats next to the toilets;
  • 29 A, B, C, D, E, F – the very last row, the backs of the seats are motionless.

Video review of the aircraft

You can look at the Boeing 737-800 aircraft of Rossiya Airlines in the presentation video dedicated to the Kaluga airliner, which arrived at the airport of the same name:

To make your flight on a Boeing 737-800 comfortable, carefully study the cabin layout in advance and choose the best seats, taking into account your own priorities. Rossiya wishes you a pleasant flight!


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