What does it mean to have superior seats on an airplane? Rossiya will sell good seats for online registration. The most uncomfortable places

How to choose the most comfortable and safest seats on a plane? What should you pay attention to based on your needs?

Spending several hours in the sky is quite difficult. Therefore, airline passengers try to get comfortable with maximum comfort. The first step is to choose the optimal chair. Of course, you need to arrive at the airport at the start of check-in, and not 30 minutes before departure. Otherwise, you will not get the best, but worst place in the cabin.

Another option: check in for the flight yourself using an online service - there will definitely be a place to show your skills in practice.

How to choose a comfortable and safe place?

There is heated debate about the tail section of the aircraft. Proponents argue that the seats in the rear of the aircraft are the safest. Air crash statistics confirm this. In addition, most of the rear seats are often left empty, so on a night flight you can always fold out several seats and go to bed in comfort. But many passengers don't like the tail section of the plane because the toilets are located there. Therefore, you will constantly have to endure a queue of people in the immediate vicinity of your place. This is not always convenient.

Many passengers choose exclusively a seat near the window. Some people like to look at the sky and earth through the clouds, while others value natural light. And luggage from the upper compartments will never accidentally fall on your head. But if you have to go to the toilet, you will have to disturb two neighbors at once.

Near the passage the places are the most restless. Flight attendants with trolleys and other cabin passengers will constantly walk by. But during quiet hours, you can easily put your feet into the aisle and fly in more comfortable conditions. When leaving the plane, you will not need to wait or disturb anyone. The most uncomfortable chairs are those located in the middle of two neighbors.

If you come across a 3-lane salon, then it is especially important to choose comfortable seats.

At the front of the aircraft, mounts for cradles are often installed. Therefore, passengers with babies are most often seated there. And it doesn't come close worthwhile places comfortable for other passengers.

Onboard service most often begins from the bow, less often from the tail. Therefore, passengers occupying the front seats experience more possibilities for a selection of dishes and soft drinks. The gangway is also located closer to the front of the aircraft. When disembarking from the plane, passengers sitting in the front section have a slight advantage over other people.

Are the emergency exit seats comfortable?

There is another type unusual places, which can also be intentionally selected on an airplane, are the emergency exit seats. For example, in airbus 320/321 they are located in the area of ​​row 10. Many travelers consider them to be the most advantageous in the entire cabin - the distance between the seats is wider, and therefore it is possible to stretch out your legs comfortably. True, there are three nuances that may warn you against flying on these specific rows:

  • The distance to the seats in front, although impressive, is the backrests do not recline . Be prepared to spend the entire flight sitting at an angle of almost 90 degrees. There's no time for stretched legs here!
  • Passengers who unexpectedly received tickets for “emergency” seats, on foreign flights knowledge will be required in English . The flight attendant will certainly ask you how “do you speak English”? And if you do not immediately understand what this pretty girl wants from you, she will strongly suggest that you change what is comfortable and certainly the most safe place on the plane to the one that comes to her hand first.
  • In the rows of seats near the emergency exits you will be asked to send upstairs all hand luggage prepared for flight. This applies to absolutely everything - even women's handbags. Getting anything - water, pillows, books, tablets, napkins, warm clothes, comfortable shoes, etc. - will have to happen during the process. And the flight attendants will not be happy about it. This is because the passages in these rows should be as free as possible and ready to provide access to emergency hatches at any time.

The most comfortable seats on the plane

The right seat on the plane means both comfort and safety!

Now let's summarize. What seats to choose on the plane to make the trip comfortable, and at the same time protect yourself and your loved ones?

  • Seat by the porthole . The advantage is daylight. In addition, passengers enjoy the most breathtaking views. The disadvantage is the neighbors who will have to be disturbed every time they leave the chair. But in the end, these are not your problems 😉
  • Seats in the rear section at a relative distance from the toilets . The advantage is that they often remain free, and therefore give the opportunity to get comfortable! Again, getting to the toilet is not difficult 😉
  • Seats near the aisles towards the front . These are the most comfortable seats on the plane for short flights. If you don’t want to waste extra time when going out, choose them!

The most uncomfortable seats on a plane

As a result of the article, it turned out that there are seats on planes that you shouldn’t rush to occupy:

  • Seats in the middle of the row . There may be 1 or 2 of them (if it is large airliner, like Boeing 777). No particular advantages were found. There is only one drawback, but a significant one - neighbors, neighbors and again neighbors.
  • In the popular airbus 320 and 321 airliners catastrophically uncomfortable 8th and 9th rows , where not only the distance between the seats is narrowed, but also the trajectory of the reclining backrest is limited. All thanks to the 10th row, where the emergency exit is located (see plan below).
  • Seats in the front with provisions for carrycots . The advantage is comfortable seats if there are no children under 1-1.5 years old on board. If they are present, then the advantages turn into one continuous disadvantage.

The most controversial places on board

These, of course, are the rows of seats at the emergency exits - the same 10th row. We found a lot of disadvantages in such accommodation, but passengers continue to snap up these seats like hot cakes. This is partly explained by the layout of the classic airbus 320, where the seats near the emergency exits are called “increased comfort seats” (see plan).

Frequent flyers know how important it is to choose best places on the plane in order to have a pleasant time at altitude and arrive at your destination fresh, rested, and not sit stiffly throughout the flight and tensely look at your watch, dreaming of being in place as quickly as possible. For those passengers who know what type of airliner they will fly on: an Airbus or a Boeing, it is definitely worth getting acquainted with the seat layout on the plane in order to take care of choosing the best seats in advance.

Someone, when purchasing a plane ticket, hopes for luck and expects that he will get a good seat anyway, but is often disappointed when he finds himself in a middle row seat, finding himself sandwiched between full neighbors, while others are “lucky” to find themselves in the very back seats on the plane, with your back to the toilet, and these seats cannot be reclined, and there are a lot of people constantly cruising past you. In order not to get into a similar situation and not to let everything take its course, we recommend that you take care in advance of choosing the best seat on the plane. But for this you need to know all the subtleties, which is why we decided to give you a few useful recommendations How to get a good and comfortable seat in the cabin.

First, you need to find out exactly what model of aircraft your flight will be operated on; this is easy to do, you just need to go to the website of your carrier airline. There are many airlines and their aircraft fleet varies, however, it is possible to find out about the layout of the airliners and see the layout of the seats in the aircraft cabin. By the way, there you will also see information that is important for passengers, such as the location of sockets, toilets, you will learn about the presence of televisions on the back of the seats, and the size of the intervals between the rows. At first it will seem to you that this information is not so important, perhaps yes, if you are flying for only a couple of hours, but for long flight this will be important. Let's look at the pros and cons of each type of seat on the plane.

– many passengers love them, and no wonder, because you can admire the beauty through the glass: fluffy clouds, small towns, rivers, mountains, ships at sea. But if your flight takes place at night, there is no point in having a window, because you won’t see anything anyway. It’s convenient to just sleep in this place, because you won’t have to let anyone through on the way out and no one will bother you. During daylight hours it will be no less comfortable to read here, especially since the natural light from the window creates additional convenience. The only disadvantage of choosing a seat by the porthole is the need to disturb your neighbors if you need to go to the toilet or just want to stretch your legs and walk around the cabin. It is best to choose such places for thin people, not taller than average, as well as for those who plan to sleep on the road.

- Very good places on the plane, you can get up from them at any time to go to the toilet, without disturbing anyone, stretch your legs, in addition, you will leave the plane faster after landing. But, not everything is so rosy, as you will have to get up to let passengers out of the window and middle seats. Also, people will constantly walk past you, flight attendants will carry carts. However, a seat next to the aisle is perfect for a tall or overweight passenger, because he will be able to stretch his legs into the aisle, if necessary.

- not very comfortable seats on the plane, you are in a space limited on all sides, between two neighboring passengers and it will be a great success if they are miniature in size. But more often the opposite is true. Of course, getting up and going to the toilet from the middle row chair will be easier than from the one by the window, but you will still have to disturb one neighbor, and another will bother you if he needs to go out. It is better to choose these seats for people of average build, so that there is no problem getting up and squeezing through the seats each time to let a neighbor out.

– an excellent option that people prefer to choose experienced travelers and tall people. The fact is that there is an increased interval to the next row, which is fifteen centimeters greater than the usual distance between the rows of seats. Sitting in such a place during a flight is much more comfortable, because you can stretch your legs and get up at any time without disturbing anyone. But before you plan to buy this seat, it is worth looking at the layout of the cabin of the aircraft with which you are going on a flight, because some types of airliners do not have seats near the emergency exit, or in such seats in some aircraft it is impossible to lower the backrest, this is problematic during during a multi-hour flight, in addition, you cannot place hand luggage on the floor near the emergency exit. According to the rules, tickets for such seats are prescribed to be sold only to tall people, but there are exceptions. But you shouldn’t hope to buy a ticket for these seats with children or an elderly person - this is prohibited by the instructions. The airline expects that during an emergency evacuation, the person sitting in this seat will help the flight attendants open the emergency hatch and remove people from the cabin.

– more comfortable and wider seats, they are taken apart at the beginning of check-in for the flight. It is very comfortable to sit here, in addition, food begins to be served from the “nose” of the cabin, so the passenger in these seats has the opportunity to choose something from a wider range of drinks and food. Also, you will be among the first to get off the plane upon arrival. There are also disadvantages here, since most often they try to seat passengers with small children on the “bow”; cradles are attached there. Being next to a small child who screams endlessly does not contribute to comfort during the flight, especially if you plan to spend a lot of time in the air.

- not the best popular places in the cabin, but are considered the safest, since according to statistics, most of the passengers who survived disasters and accidents occupied seats in the rear. Another advantage of these seats is the proximity of the toilet, but this is also their disadvantage, because people will pass by you throughout the flight. It will be a bit cramped to sit in the tail, and there is more shaking there, however, in the tail there are often empty seats, which gives passengers the opportunity to sleep while stretching out on the free seats. But there are still disadvantages: while the flight attendant delivers the cart with food to the passengers sitting in the back, there is practically no choice of food and drinks left. But, as compensation, on big planes Passengers leave the bow and tail at the same time, so you can quickly leave the aircraft if you sit in the back. These seats are often chosen by passengers with children, who often have to be taken to the toilet.

– they are located behind business class, that is, this is not the “first row” as such, but there are no seats in front of it, so it is comfortable to sit, no one can recline the back in front of your face. But it often happens that on some types of aircraft there is a partition in front of these seats or there is on-board kitchen, or a toilet cubicle, and what’s most uncomfortable is that children’s cradles are sometimes attached there. That is why these seats in the cabin are often given to families with small children, as well as elderly and overweight people. There are many advantages to such a place: they will bring you food and drinks first, offer you the press, and hand out blankets and pillows. Among the minuses, we can note the impossibility of removing the armrests, since they are fixed, due to the fact that there is a table hidden inside, and also, a person without children will feel uncomfortable being next to them, since because of their noise, he will not be able to help but sleep and concentrate at work or reading.

– this is not a very comfortable flight option, because passengers sitting in these seats are constantly surrounded by trolleys carried by flight attendants. This is also a very noisy part of the plane, where engine noise and the hum of turbines are concentrated. Most often this is row from eight to twentieth in the middle of the cabin.

How to choose the best seat on a plane?

You need to book it in advance. This is recommended for passengers flying with a large family or a group of friends, as well as with small children. Contacting the air carrier early will allow you to choose those seats that seem more convenient to you and meet all your expectations from the flight. Some European airlines They charge an additional fee for the service of choosing the best seat when booking, but most companies provide this option free of charge to those passengers who came earlier for check-in or purchased a ticket in advance with fixed place via the Internet or at the airline office. If you have used the service of pre-booking a seat on the plane, you have the right to choose a meal option from different types lunches.

Choosing the best seat on the plane can be done through online check-in; this can be done either at the airport itself, going to a special kiosk, or by going to the airline’s website. This procedure saves time, but only passengers without luggage, children or animals can use it. But it is worth taking into account that a number of airlines do not offer good seats near emergency exits through the online check-in system; they can be obtained at the check-in counter, and only if you are tall, plump, or have enviable charm. And within our country, not everything is so good with online check-in counters: so far they are only at two Moscow airports, Dodomedovo, and the second, Sheremetyevo. Therefore, it is best to arrive in advance at the beginning of check-in for the flight, and then ask the airline employee for a better seat.

Regarding recommendations aviation experts, then if it doesn’t matter to you what day of the week you fly, then take a closer look at the days with the least flight traffic: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, when airplane cabins are half empty and you have the opportunity to choose seats. But Friday and Sunday are considered the most congested days.

Let's find out which seats are best to choose and which ones only as a last resort on popular types of airliners that are available in almost all airlines in the world.

- On aircraft like Airbus A319 good places considered: seventh row seats A, B, C, D, E, F; sixth and eighth row seats A, B, C, D, E, F; twentieth row seats C, D. Bad seats are considered: twenty-first row A, B, C, D, E, F.

- On aircraft like Airbus A320 good seats are considered: thirteenth row seats A, B, C, D, E, F; as well as all seats in the first row, eleventh row, twelfth row; in the twenty-eighth row, seats C and D. The worst seats on the Airbus A320 are all the seats in the twenty-ninth row.

- On aircraft like Airbus A321- the largest airliners from Airbus, the best places considered: eighth row seats A, B, C, D, E, F; twentieth row seats A and F; first row seats A, C, D, F; eighteenth row seats A, B, C, D, E, F; nineteenth row seats B, C, D, E; thirtieth row, seats C, D. The worst seats are considered to be: thirty-first row, seats A, B, C, D, E, F.

- On aircraft such as Boeing 737-800– This plane comes in two types. With a one-class cabin for one hundred and eighty-four passengers, where the best seats are considered to be: the fifteenth row of seats B, C, D, E; sixteenth row seats A, F; fourteenth row seats A, B, C, D, E, F; first row seats A, B, C, D, E, F; tenth row seat A; eleventh row seats A, F; thirteenth row seats A, B, C, D, E, F; the thirtieth row of seats C, D. Bad seats are considered: the thirty-first row of seats A, B, C, D, E, F. An aircraft with a two-class cabin, where there are sixteen business class seats and one hundred and forty-four economy class seats, there The best seats are: third row, seats A, B, E, F; seventh row seats A, B, C, D, E, F; tenth row seat A; eleventh row seats A, F; thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth rows seats A, B, C, D, E, F; thirtieth row of seats C, D. Bad seats are considered: thirty-first row of seats A, B, C, D, E, F.

- On aircraft such as Boeing 747-400- a huge aircraft designed to carry five hundred and twenty-six people. The best places in it are considered to be: the first row, seats A, C, H, K; third row seat D; ninth row seats A, C, D, E, G, H, K; twenty-fourth row seats A, C, D, E, G, H, K; twenty-seventh row seats C, D, G, H; thirty-second row seats B, C, H, J; thirty-third row seats A, K; thirty-fourth row seats D, E, F, Q; forty-second row seats A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K; forty-third row seats A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K. Bad seats are considered: fifty-sixth row seats A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, TO.

- On aircraft such as Boeing 777-300ER- also a large aircraft with three classes of service, designed for four hundred and two passengers. We are not considering business class, since all the seats there are good. The best seats in economy class are: eleventh row, seats A, C, F, Q, H, K; fifteenth and sixteenth rows seats A, K; seventeenth row seats A, C, D, E, F, G, H, K; eighteenth row seats C, H; twenty-fourth row seats A, C, D, E, F, G, H, K; thirty-sixth row seats A, C, D, E, F, G, H, K; thirty-eighth row seats A, B, C, H, J, K; forty-sixth row seats C, N; forty-seventh row seats C, N. Bad seats are considered: twentieth row seats A, K; fiftieth row seats A, C, N, K; fifty-first row seats D, E, F, G.

Not everyone can afford to fly in business class and take several seats. more space than a standard seat. Those who fly often know that the chance of sitting with a large person or someone with different ideas about hygiene than you is very high. It’s impossible to avoid this, but you can try to sit near a window or in an aisle if that makes it more comfortable for you to survive the hardships of the flight.

Russian Forbes gives practical advice on how not to make a mistake with your seat on the plane.

1. Find out more about the model and the location of seats on the plane

You can find out what model of aircraft a particular flight is on on the airline’s website. Aircraft different airlines They differ quite greatly from each other in terms of cabin comfort. The websites SeatGuru, SeatExpert have all the details about the layout of a wide variety of aircraft: the presence of electrical sockets and TVs in the backs of the seats, the location of toilets, the spacing between rows (usually it is 80 cm, but some companies, such as JetBlue, have increased it by 5 cm) - this seemingly small difference is very noticeable on long flights.

The first row behind business class is considered the most comfortable: there is more legroom, no one sits in front of you - which means no one reclines their seat back on you, you will be the first to receive food, drinks, newspapers, you will get blankets and pillows, for Traveling with small children, it is possible to attach a cradle for babies to the wall and install a child seat. But this also has its drawbacks - because of the tables hidden in the armrests, it is impossible to lift these armrests and turn the chair into a sofa, or to place a sleeping child on your lap. And if, for example, you are going to work on the road or prepare for a business meeting, you should hardly strive to sit in the front rows: being close to children (and there are usually more of them here) is unlikely to contribute to concentration.

Seats near emergency exits are also held in high esteem by experienced travelers: the spacing between the rows here is 15 cm greater than in the rest of the cabin, but depending on the layout of the cabin, the backrests of the seats often do not lower (on long flights you will regret this) and you cannot keep your hand on the floor luggage The rules require that only tall adults be seated in these seats.

“Honestly, for obvious reasons, when registering, first of all they look to ensure that the person is physically strong, energetic and, how can I put it, smart,” says Boris Rybak, director of the consulting company Infomost. - When emergency situation he must open the door and help the crew evacuate the passengers.”

Although there are cases when even a fragile girl could convince an airline employee that she needed to fly in this particular row.

In the middle of the cabin, for a significant part of the flight you find yourself “locked” by carts with food, drinks, newspapers, and duty-free goods. In addition, rows 8-20 are usually the noisiest area on the plane; all the noise from engines and turbines is concentrated here. But there is no such information on the websites and diagrams of salons, and help to find more quiet place Only airline employees at check-in will be able to different types aircraft have different noise distribution graphs.

In the back of the plane, the space is a little narrower (this is the geometry of the plane) - sitting there is more cramped, the shaking is stronger, there is a small selection of food, newspapers and magazines (based on the principle of what is left), next to it is a toilet, which most often has a queue - which means noise. The only plus is that the tail seats are considered safer.

2. Book your seats in advance

Advance booking allows you to choose your seats on the plane long before the flight. This is especially convenient for those who fly in large groups - it is difficult to expect that they will all be able to seat you next to each other. British Airways has introduced an additional fee for bookings since October of this year: now for the opportunity to choose convenient place Economy class passengers will have to pay 10 pounds ($16) on European flights and 20 pounds ($32) on long haul flights, and 20 pounds ($32) and 60 pounds ($98) respectively for business class passengers. But most airlines (with the exception of low-cost airlines, which charge everything) still provide this service for free when purchasing tickets both online and at airline offices. But few people know about it - because for some reason it is not particularly advertised by either the carriers themselves or the agents.

At pre-booking seats, you can also order special food for yourself (which few people know about either) - all airlines have different lunch options. Transaero, for example, offers a choice of about 30 different lunches - vegetarian, kosher, Muslim, low-calorie, diabetic and others, plus 2 types of baby food.

3. Use online registration

You can also choose a seat that is convenient for you during online check-in; this procedure is becoming increasingly popular - you can check in at the airport at special kiosks, and even on the airline’s website. This way you save a lot of time (you can arrive at the airport at least 50 minutes before departure), however, there are a number of restrictions - you must travel without luggage, without small children, without animals. In general, this option is suitable for a businessman traveling light. In addition, some companies, for example, Delta or Air Berlin, do not display seats near emergency exits (which are considered good by travelers) in the online check-in system, reserving them for tall and large passengers. The second point is that not all companies in Russia have online registration desks, and so far only in Moscow - at Dodomedovo and Sheremetyevo-2.

In the near future - the creation of a single group boarding pass, which will allow, for example, a large family or a group of passengers to get seats next to each other - for this they will not all have to be at the airport at the same time, 1 person will be able to register the entire group: The data of several travelers at once will be stored on the chip of one ticket.

4. Arrive early for registration

Do not neglect the simplest and most proven way to get the desired seat in the cabin: do not be lazy and arrive at the beginning of registration. According to the director of the press service of Transaero airline Sergei Bykhal, “the airline’s employees at check-in always try to meet passengers halfway and take into account their wishes.” For those traveling alone, this option is also possible: take a chance and play the lottery - on the contrary, arrive at the very end of check-in: if you are lucky, you may be given a seat in business class, and if you are unlucky, you will get a seat from which all other passengers have already refused.

5. Choose days of least traffic to fly.

Experts recommend, if possible, scheduling flights on days and times when airports are least busy - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. The busiest days are Friday and Sunday. The busiest flights are morning and evening. In the half-empty cabins of “weekday” flights, the flight attendants themselves will offer you to change seats to unoccupied rows - it’s quite possible to sleep on three seats.

6. Try "unofficial ways"

Just a few years ago, it was a widespread practice to get good seats on board or to get into business class by bribing airline employees (500 rubles included in your passport can still open your way to a seat at the emergency exit, but we do not recommend this). American Forbes.com tells the story of a passenger who, on a flight from New York to Germany, was helped by a hundred-dollar bill to get into business class. True, on the way back with the German airline staff, the same trick did not work.

When registering online. Previously, this could only be done when checking in at the airport counter (or at the ticket office of an authorized agent, which no one knew about), which forced passengers using this service to arrive in advance, otherwise there might not be enough seats. What are these places and how much?

On this moment The airline offers 4 categories of seats available for an additional fee:
“Space+” - seats with increased legroom, mainly near emergency exits; it costs 1000-3200 rubles. for domestic routes and 15-55 euros for international routes (depending on the duration of the flight - there are three gradations:<3, 3-6 и >6 hours).

“Space+ Upper Deck” - seats with increased legroom on the upper deck of a Boeing 747, it costs 3000-5600 rubles. on domestic flights and 75-90 euros (or $85) for international ones.

“Front Rows” - seats in rows 1-4 of Boeing 737-800 (300-500 rubles on domestic flights and 5-8 euros ($10 on international flights).

“A-zone” - seats in the bow of a Boeing 747 (the first cabin of the lower deck with 55 seats): 700 rubles or 12 euros ($14).

It is worth noting that all the innovations concern Rossiya flights (FV5501-5900), which are operated without a code share with Aeroflot; For check-in, DCS “Astra” (Sirena-Travel) is used here, and not Saber, which does not have such a function: only a platinum-level passenger can choose comfortable seats in Aeroflot not at the counter, and for free. Privileges on bonus cards of Aeroflot elite levels do not apply on these Rossiya flights, so you can only get these seats for free by chance by going to the airport counter at the very end of check-in.

Issues of a comfortable flight are of concern to beginners who are traveling this way for the first time and want the trip to be enjoyable. The relevance of the topic increases when you have to travel to distant countries or have to fly with a child. Choosing a good seat on board determines the passenger’s comfort, so let’s figure out how to find your seat on the plane.

Let's start with general information about the interior design. Considering that most people prefer to fly in economy class, let's consider the arrangement of passenger seats on boards of this type. After all, in order to find out where it is better to sit on a plane, you will need to clarify the nuances seats and figure out which of them potentially becomes the optimal choice.

When developing the interior of the airliner, the designers plan to divide the side into three parts: bow, middle and tail sections. Moreover, traditionally, the best seats on the plane are located immediately behind the cockpit. According to reviews from travelers who fly frequently, there is less shaking in the first compartment of the cabin. Turbulence is most pronounced in the tail of the airliner.

On different models of aircraft, developers install seats according to several possible schemes - on small airliners, the seats are attached to the sides. Modifications of aircraft that are adapted for long-haul flights require additional installation of seats along the central center line.

Typically, designers design chairs in a 3:3 or 3:4:3 format. Thus, another evaluation criterion appears. In addition, it should be clarified here that on any board there are chairs, the distance between which is large enough and allows you to sit comfortably. Also, on all airplanes there are seats where there are small defects: restrictions in folding, curvature, close placement with the adjacent seat. Let's look at the details of how to choose a seat on a plane, and learn the secrets of experienced tourists.

We sit on the edge

The seats on the farthest aisle are a bad choice for a person who wants to get some sleep during the flight. After all, the passenger who occupies such a seat is forced to let his neighbors pass when they want to leave the seat. In addition, there is a risk that the stewards will hit you with a trolley while serving food and drinks. Travelers say the only advantage here is mobility and the ability to sit comfortably, stretching out to your full height.

Middle seats

The seats that are installed in the middle of the block can hardly be called comfortable due to the lack of a “personal” armrest. Here you will have to let your neighbor through, who takes a seat at the porthole. In addition, leaving the seat inevitably requires disturbing the person sitting on the edge. This place is not suitable for single travelers.

Watching the flight from the window

The good thing about window seats is that no one will disturb the passenger who is flying in this seat. Moreover, in such areas of the cabin the lighting is much better than in the seats next to the aisles. The only drawback is the difficulty of getting out - you can leave the seat only by lifting your neighbors.

Such seats are good for people who like to watch the flight from the window. True, flights to dark time days deprive travelers of such an opportunity. Although you will be able to sleep or work well here, the somewhat remoteness of the seats from the center of the plane, where it is always too noisy, contributes to this.

Selecting a cabin compartment

Now we’ll find out which part of the plane is best to fly in. As we have already briefly described, the forward bow compartment is traditionally more comfortable. Because on board small sizes The kitchen blocks are located right here, and food and drinks begin to be offered to passengers in the first rows. True, on liners where several catering units are installed, the relevance of this point is somewhat lost.

In addition, airline customers flying in these rows are the first to leave the cabin after the plane's boarding announcement. Equipment for installing baby carriers is also located here, so the bow compartment is occupied by passengers with children. However, other travelers assess this factor ambiguously. After all, babies often cry, which disturbs the peace of their seat neighbors. And parents of infants are forced to periodically go out with the baby to warm up, which also does not have the best effect on the comfort of neighbors.

The middle part of the cabin is considered a neutral choice. Tourists cite the lack of portholes on several rows in some airliner models as a disadvantage here. In addition, on large board models it is always quite noisy here, especially near the seats that are installed close to the catering areas or bathrooms.

If the neighboring seats are empty, company employees will be loyal to the passenger’s desire to take them

The last compartment is considered the cheapest. There are usually no comfort elements here, and there are restrooms at the end of the cabin, so passengers occupy the seats in the last rows only if there are no other options. However tail section The airliner is characterized by high safety relative to the rest of the cabin. In addition, there are situations when seats here remain free. So, the passenger has the opportunity to occupy several seats in order to get a good night's sleep. On large airliner models, customer service begins both from the bow and the tail, so on such boards the client will also have a good selection of food and drinks.

Seats near technical blocks

We will separately highlight the groups of seat lines that are installed in front of the emergency evacuation hatches and between them. Here the seats closest to the exits are slightly curved. In addition, all such places imply the impossibility of fully reclining the chair. Considering that the passengers sitting in front are unlikely to refuse the opportunity to travel reclining, the situation is further complicated by the difficulties of entering the cabin. After all, the back of the front seat blocks the exit of a person and creates discomfort during the flight.

Although there will be an advantage - an increased distance between the rows of seats. This moment slightly eliminates the described inconveniences and allows you to periodically change the position of your legs.

A similar situation occurs with chairs that stand in front of technical blocks - dressing rooms, kitchens, restrooms. In addition, there is also extra noise caused by other passengers and staff frequently passing by you. When occupying these seats, be prepared to patiently endure slamming doors and constant crowding of people next to the chair. Such shortcomings are especially pronounced in the last row of the cabin.

Passengers call the best seats on the plane the rows located immediately behind the airliner's emergency hatches.

Now let's look at the best seats to choose on the plane. Travelers and airline employees unanimously claim that in economy class cabins, the best option is the seats located immediately behind the emergency exits. Some airliner models offer paired seats rather than three. In addition, sufficient space in front of the seats contributes to comfortable travel. Such seats cannot be reserved upon purchase. electronic ticket– after all, airlines require an additional payment for such seats. In addition, childless and physically strong passengers will be able to occupy these seats; a similar opportunity will not be available for other categories of citizens.

In order for the trip to be remembered as pleasant impressions, it is advisable for a beginner to take care of the comfort of the trip in advance. Today you can buy air tickets online and check in yourself. This method is recommended by experienced travelers - after all, the passenger chooses seats by looking at a schematic representation of the aircraft’s interior in a calm home environment. At the same time, it is appropriate to remember that different models aircraft are characterized by individual layout. Therefore, look for the cabin layout of your aircraft on the airline portal.

To choose a seat in the cabin that suits you, when checking in for your flight, clarify the details you are interested in with an airline employee

When buying a ticket at a carrier company branch, ask an employee about the number and quality of class service, the number of seats on the line, and the space between the rows. It is advisable to find out about the availability of monitors, the ability to charge gadgets, the layout and specific location of technical units on board and the immediate proximity of the proposed location to these elements. Feel free to voice your personal preferences - if you want to take a chair by the window, ask about this opportunity. In addition, arriving at check-in on time will guarantee successful and comfortable seat reservations.

Keep in mind that the airliner’s workload varies with the seasons of the year, days of the week and hours, so try to choose a departure date and time with the least amount of people. This method increases the chance of finding a good seat on board. Airline employees note a decrease in demand on weekdays except Friday. Accordingly, it is appropriate to plan the departure time at lunchtime, since morning and evening flights fly with a full cabin load.

Focus on choosing a place where you will be comfortable flying. When planning to spend your flight reading a book, it is appropriate to choose the sunny side of the cabin. You won't be short of natural light when flying south on a morning flight while sitting on the left side of the aircraft. Other tasks will determine the choice of a chair on the opposite side.

How to fix the situation

In cases where registration has been completed and boarding pass identifies a bad seat, experienced passengers correct the unpleasant situation. When planting, pay attention to the places that would suit you and remain empty. The passenger has some time to take his fancy free place after the end of boarding is announced. Airline employees are loyal to such situations, so there will be no difficulties here.

Buying air tickets in advance and checking in for your flight yourself is a smart choice. Typically, this function is available one day before the flight’s departure. Remember, the comfort of a flight is an individual criterion, so it is important to focus on personal needs and preferences.

Cabin seating safety diagram
The seats furthest to the aisle are not suitable for travelers planning to sleep during the flight
The window seats allow you to watch the clouds, but leaving these seats along the way is quite problematic
Each compartment of the aircraft has positive and negative characteristics, so the choice is determined by the needs and preferences of the passenger.


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