How many seats are in the Boeing 777 300. How it is made, how it works, how it works. Cost of different models

Aeroflot is the largest airline in Russia. Among other reliable aircraft, the carrier's fleet includes several dozen Boeing aircraft from the largest American manufacturer. This corporation has 2 divisions, of which Boeing Commercial Airplanes deals with civil aviation. The main aircraft production facilities are located in Seattle, where the now world-famous corporation was once born.

Boeing 777

The first models of wide-body aircraft under the symbol “3 sevens” began to be produced in the early 90s of the last century; they are intended for operation on long-distance routes. The Boeing 777 is completely different from all previous models of this brand, not only in terms of comfort. This machine can be called the embodiment of a virtual idea, since it was completely developed on a computer.

The 777 airliner made its first commercial flight in 1995 and immediately gained popularity. Nowadays, all the leading airlines in the world strive to have aircraft of this model in their fleet (Russia has not been left out). Aeroflot's fleet was replenished from 2013 to 2017 with 16 aircraft modified Boeing 777-300er (type B 77w), the average age of which is just over a year.

In total, the corporation has developed several options for airliners with 3 sevens:

  • the base model is the Boeing 777-200, designed for a flight range of 4.2 thousand nautical miles (7.78 thousand km);
  • the Boeing 777-200/er model is an option for an increased range - at least 6.6 thousand nautical miles (12.22 thousand km);
  • 7.8 thousand nautical miles (14.45 thousand km) are easily overcome by the 777-200/LR models;
  • The 300th modification is a slightly modified version of the 200th, which received a more elongated fuselage. It became an excellent replacement for the Boeing 747 model;
  • The Boeing 777-300er, which Aeroflot uses on international flights, is designed for an increased range and is capable of competing with Airbuses.

Realize long flights This model is made possible by the powerful jet turbofan engines installed on it.


Today, the Boeing 777-300/er is one of the best-selling aircraft in the world due to its technical characteristics. The 2-motor design used in the car made it possible to reduce operating costs by 9% and fuel costs by 20%. The main parameters of this model are shown in the table below.

Technical features of the Boeing 777-300/ER

IndicatorsUnit changeOptions
Aircraft lengthm73,9
Aircraft heightm18,7
Fuselage widthm6,19
Cabin capacityclasses/places3/402
Mach takeoff weighttn351,5
Max speed (cruising)km/h945 (905)
Mach flight rangethousand km14,69
Ceiling (echelon) heightthousand km13,14

This model also differs in its interior. The largest windows were used on these planes. The configuration of the cabin makes it possible to move around freely. And since 2003, the 77w model has introduced rest areas for crew on long-haul flights.

Layout of seats in the aircraft cabin

Boeing 777-300/er aircraft differ in their design seats. This model no longer has 2 classes of service, but 3:

  • 30 seats with increased comfort are allocated for “business”;
  • under "economy" - 324 seats;
  • Between the 2 main compartments there is also a “comfort” class with 48 seats.

The diagram of the Aeroflot Boeing 777 300 aircraft is shown in Fig. below.

Description of seats by block of rows

The entire Boeing 777-300/ER aircraft inside the cabin is designed to maximum comfort for passengers. But, as in any other liner, there are good places and the worst (especially for passengers with children). This applies not only to economy class; such gradation also exists in other compartments.

Business Class

Business class in the 77w model – these are the conditions increased comfort. Comfortable leather chairs occupy 5 rows and are arranged in a 3x2 pattern (with 2 aisles).

Note! The seats are located one after another at a distance of 150 cm, which allows the chairs to be turned into beds (even in the last row) without causing discomfort to neighbors.

All the seats in the compartment can be called quite comfortable, but there are still some undesirable places: the 1st row is located not far from the toilet. This will not cause any aesthetic inconvenience in this class of service, but the walking of people may interfere with rest. Although this particular row is preferable for passengers with small children, since there are devices for attaching the cradle.

Comfort class

This compartment is more convenient for passengers compared to economy class, but is somewhat inferior to the business option. The seating arrangement here is as follows: 6 rows (from 11 to 16) contain 4 seats in the center and 2 seats at each side.

Note! The distance between the seats is optimal so that you can travel reclining. But in this compartment, the seat backs do not recline, but the seats move forward, which is convenient for rear passengers.

The 11th row is available for passengers with babies, as there is room to hang a cradle. But for others, such a neighborhood may not be entirely desirable. It will be difficult to relax on this row also because of the close-located partition (you cannot fully stretch your legs).

In front of the same row, on the left side, there is a toilet, which also cannot be called a pleasant neighborhood. The 16th row is also inconvenient, since there is a thin partition behind the seats, through which noise can be heard from the economy class cabin.

Economy class

The largest compartment is economic. It is divided into sections - in the middle, each row contains 4 seats, in the side rows - 3 (with some exceptions, they are visible in the above diagram).

Most of the seats on the plane are standard, with an average degree of comfort. But here we can highlight some features of a number of passenger seats - they are shown in the table below (the interior layout of the Boeing 777-300/er is taken as a basis).

Features of some seats in economy class

17 A, C, H, KThere are 2 chairs on each side, which is convenient for traveling as a couple.
D, E, F, GThe absence of seats in front gives free legroom. The carrycot attachment allows these seats to be used when traveling with babies.
The disadvantage is the lack of an entertainment monitor, passengers are forced to look at the wall.
18 C,HThere are no seats in the previous row in front of these seats, which provides sufficient legroom.
20 - The absence of windows will suit those who like to sleep in flight, but will be inconvenient for those who prefer to look out the window.
24, 38 - Quite comfortable rows, as there are free places in front of the seats due to the presence of emergency exits.
Disadvantage: no place to put it hand luggage, and pregnant women, disabled people, passengers with children and animals are not allowed to fly on these seats.
C,HThe toilets and kitchens located nearby cause inconvenience - there are constant smells, and the periodic movement of people interferes.
23, 36, 37, 50, 51 Aisle SeatsDue to the close location of the toilets, the constant movement of passengers interferes, and sometimes queues arise.
47-51 - There are 2 chairs on each side, which already provides some convenience. Despite the fact that turbulence is more noticeable here, these rows are considered the safest.
The disadvantage is that due to the narrowness of the tail of the aircraft, the distance between the seats in these rows is tighter.

Having studied the layout of the best seats in Boeing cabin 777-300/ER, having found out some of the features, it will be easier to book tickets for this Aeroflot aircraft for a long-distance comfortable flight.

If you are not lucky enough to get the highest priority seats on the plane, do not despair. Most seats can be quite comfortable if they are located in the middle of the cabin and not adjacent to the aisles. The remoteness of the windows can even be a plus for those who are afraid of flying on airplanes.


Monitors are mounted on the back walls of the seat backs, allowing passengers to have a little entertainment during the flight. Entertainment system allows you to enjoy watching interesting films or broadcasts, listen to music and even read online books. Little passengers will also find entertainment for themselves - they can play computer games or watch their favorite cartoons.

This diversity on board the aircraft ensures Internet accessibility. You can also connect any gadget you have at hand (mobile phone, tablet, laptop) to it.

Business and comfort classes have large monitors and comfortable wide armrests between the seats. Each seat is equipped with controlled lighting.

If the price of a ticket does not matter when purchasing a ticket, then you should choose your seats on a Boeing 777 in the luxury compartments. But you can also stay comfortably in economy class if you correctly assess the situation and set your own priorities.


When planning to fly to the islands for vacation or on business abroad, the inexperienced traveler has a question: how to fly safely and comfortably, how to choose the best places. Intercontinental transportation of passengers is carried out by comfortable air Boeing airliner 777 (made in the USA) with three-row seating. The aircraft's capacity ranges from 300 to 550 people. Interior layout Boeing aircraft(Boeing) 777 200 will help you choose comfortable spot appropriate class so that the flight provides maximum comfort.

The aircraft's flight range is 17,000 kilometers. Boeing modifications 200 and 300 have been operated by world airlines since 1994, during which time they have acquired a reputation as the safest aircraft.

The largest air carriers in Russia are the following companies:

Interior diagram of a Boeing 777 aircraft operated by Transaero airlines

Using the example of Transaero aircraft, the layout of the seats in the Boeing cabin is shown in the photo. To improve conditions, the carrier modernized the cabin, so the capacity of the aircraft is 323 people. The distances between rows have been increased and seats have been added. The arrangement of seats on different Transaero ships is different: 2-5-2 or 3-3-3 for economy, tourist, 2-3-2 for business class (groups of two and three seats are staggered).

On Transaero flights, travelers will be provided with:

  • warm blankets, pillows;
  • varied food, drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • travel kits.

Nord Wind airline Boeing 777 interior diagram

Nord Wind airlines have two sectors with different levels of comfort: business and economy. For a high class of comfort, the Nord Wind company allocates only the first row (for 6-7 people). There are 10 seats in one economy class line - the order is 3-4-3 (see photo). The interior spaces of Nord Wind's aircraft are cramped compared to other carriers (see photo). But the liner carries more passengers per flight - its capacity is 393 people.

Aeroflot airline uses an improved modification. The space of the Boeing 777 300 aircraft (see photo) is divided into 4 sectors:

  • business – rows 1-5 with 2-2-2 placement, located at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • comfort - arrangement 2-4-2, 11-16 rows;
  • space plus – rows 24-37, arrangement 3-4-3;
  • economy - rows 38-51 (up to 46 rubles - order 3-4-3, from 47 rubles grouping is used
  • 2-4-2).

Aeroflot Boeing 777 interior diagram

  • business level menu;
  • individual lamps;
  • folding table;
  • step;
  • video monitor.

Orenburg Airlines offers the following classes:

  • Business - 14 places;
  • Premium – 34 seats;
  • Economy – 316 seats.

How to sit comfortably in the cabin

Best places, of course, are located in the front part of the aircraft, where business and first (comfort) class are located. Some aircraft have an additional imperial level for elite passengers (Transaero). The business level has more comfortable seats. But there are nuances here too. The proximity of toilets and the occasional queue for them can cause discomfort to passengers sitting nearby. This applies to companies that allocate more than 20 seats for the business level (Aeroflot). In this sector, the seats are located at a considerable distance from each other (125-150 cm), which allows passengers to relax during a long flight and stretch their legs.

In the middle of the aircraft there are seats for economy class passengers. Here the distance between the seats is smaller, so a tall person will be uncomfortable.

Proximity to the kitchen, toilets of the first and last rows can cause discomfort. You should not choose chairs close to the aisle; there is a possibility that those passing by will touch you with their hands or step on their feet.

On passenger seats ah, in the tail of the plane you can clearly hear the sound of running engines. The distance between the seats is only 20-25 cm. In addition, turbulence in the rear is felt harsher.

The best seats on a Boeing 777, regardless of level, are those located in the middle. You should also choose a plane with no more than 3 seats in a row in one line. For example, the landing option is 3-3-3. When arranging 2-5-2 seats, it is better to choose those that are located near the hull of the ship.

The breakdown of seats by sector, like other systems, was designed using computer modeling, but carriers retain the right to modernize the seating arrangement, remove or add seats. It directly depends on the airlines how comfortable the flight will be for the passenger.

With the development of aviation, aircraft began to appear that rightfully took their place in history. And indeed, when they talk about Boeing, even people who are far from airliners understand that we are talking about an airplane. The company name has become a household name. Some models became legendary and made a certain breakthrough in aviation. In general, we can say that almost all Boeings were quite large in size, while they did not lose speed in flight.

The company began its existence in 1916, its founder - William Boeing, was literally a fan of aviation and was ready to spend his entire fortune on creating aircraft. The company quickly gained momentum. From the creation of the first planes for the masses (they were used to deliver mail) and then when they began to conquer civil aviation. Boeing created its own airfields, pilot schools, and new models. Soon his planes began to fly all over the world, they became reliable and stable in the air. By the way, it was in the airliners of this company that flight attendants first worked.

Boeing 777 airlines Air France

Over time, the company began to create military equipment - various, powerful bombers. And even more so in the 60s, active development of cosmetic devices began. It was the engineers of this company who created Apollo 11, which took American astronauts to the moon.

Among all the achievements and models, one can highlight the epoch-making Boeing 777. This is a long-range aircraft with a wide fuselage. It is one of the largest twin-engine airliners. It appeared when in the 70s the public was in dire need of roomy and powerful aircraft. The corporation began active development. Indeed, the passenger capacity of the Boeing 777 is impressive; various modifications can carry from 300 to 500 people on board.

At this time, three main Boeing models were created:

  1. The Boeing 757 is an economical aircraft with low fuel consumption.
  2. Boeing 767 for long distances.
  3. Boeing 777 with three engines.

Surprisingly, it was the last option that was scrapped, considering it unfeasible for now. Despite the fact that the capacity of the Boeing 777 was supposed to cover the deficit in large airliners, the designers did not know how to create a car with three engines (and fewer engines would not be able to lift it into the air). However, in the 80s it was no longer possible to ignore market needs and growth large aircraft from competitors.

At first, the designers wanted to improve the 767 and make it more spacious. However, the company itself wanted the seemingly impossible. They needed an economical, yet spacious aircraft that would fly between continents and short distances equally. Moreover, its production would cost less than the 767 model, and inside it would be possible to change the configuration, add or remove seats.

Boeing 777 interior

Features of creation

Only in the late 80s did the real and possible concept of the Boeing 777 appear. It is noteworthy that during development the company allowed major airlines make corrections and recommendations. Subsequently, thanks to this, it was possible to create a truly popular, high-quality product aimed at a wide audience. For example, it was possible to increase fuel efficiency by 10% or install modern instruments and screens for pilots in the cockpit.

Another interesting fact: The Boeing 777 was the first aircraft to be designed entirely on a computer. Not a single paper drawing was produced during the process. All of them existed in electronic form and were created using programs. This also became the reason for the development of mechanical engineering and design. As a result, in 1990 they released a new Boeing 777 aircraft, which was a huge success.

Technical characteristics of the Boeing 777

This aircraft was a change from the era of the aging 767 and 747 aircraft. The digital control system allowed for convenient and more reliable control. Initially, about 30 models were released, but now it is simply impossible to calculate how many of them are used all over the world. You can cite following characteristics models:

  • the speed of the Boeing 777 in flight is 900 kilometers per hour;
  • length - almost 74 meters;
  • wingspan - 64.8 meters;
  • number of seats – 300 – 500 (it is possible to remove or deliver chairs);
  • the crew consists of 2 people.

If you're wondering how much a Boeing 777 weighs, the empty figure is 160 tons. With fuel, luggage and passengers, it sometimes grows to 200 tons.

Now there are two main modifications - the 20th and 30th models. The latter is more modern and spacious; it can accommodate 510 seats. She received an extended interior.

In 2000, more and more new additions to existing models were released. Some allowed long flights without refueling. Others were created specifically for the transport of heavy loads and were equipped with innovative, powerful engines. It is noteworthy that in the same 2000s, the Boeing 777 remained the concern's best-selling model.

Boeing 787 Dreamliner - Boeing's newest model to date

Recent history of Boeing

The Boeing 777 marks an era for the company of the same name, as it immortalized it in history and became the best-selling aircraft worldwide. The aircraft, which was rejected several times as too bulky and expensive, became exactly the airliner that the time required. In 2007, the company received an order for a large number of second-generation models. At the same time, the concern simply could not cope with orders, falling behind all plans. In 2008, the factories were hastily expanded. It takes up to 50 days to assemble a modern modification of the 777 model.

Rossiya Airlines began its operations back in 1992. During this time, the company gained great popularity among passengers, and now Rossiya is part of the Aeroflot groups. The company transports one million passengers annually, increasing route network. For all flights you need to have a good fleet in your arsenal. That is why the fleet includes modern aircraft, for example Boeing 777.


The Boeing 777 appeared not so long ago, in 1994. The liners immediately became popular; many leading companies in the world ordered them. The airline has several such aircraft and several more are on order. Specifications Boeing 777-300 the following:

  • Length – 74 meters.
  • Capacity – about 400 people.
  • Cruising speed is 905 kilometers per hour.
  • Flight range is up to 12 thousand kilometers.
  • The maximum flight altitude is 13,100 meters.

Boeing 777-300 is good for long-distance flights, which are often carried out by the airline. The liners are in excellent condition, because they entered service not so long ago. The average age of all aircraft is two and a half years. You should know that in general the entire Russian fleet is very new, the average age of all Boeings is 4 years.

Cabin diagram of a Boeing 777-300 Rossiya Airlines

The seats on the company's plane are located as follows:

Rossiya Airlines Boeing 777-300 divided for several classes:

  • Business Class. Located in the bow of the aircraft, it can accommodate 30 passengers.
  • Comfortable class. Located behind business class, the number of seats is 48.
  • Economy class. Standard service on board, accommodates approximately 330 people.

The seats are usually arranged according to the principle: 9 seats in a row or 10 seats in a row (4 seats in the middle, 3 on the sides). According to tourists, the Boeing 777-300 is quite comfortable liner. Occasionally, people complain about uncomfortable seats, narrow aisles or the lack of windows in some seats.

The best seats on a Boeing 777-300

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When choosing places to fly, study the layout of the aircraft and listen to your desires. The picture shows a photo of the aircraft interior to make it easier to navigate:

  • From the first to the fifth rows - Business Class. There are two seats here, a total of 6 chairs in a row. The chairs themselves are quite wide, the distance between them is increased, which means that here more space for legs. The chairs themselves are comfortable and soft.
  • Rows 11-16. These seats are in the compartment comfort class. The seats here are arranged according to the “2-4-2” pattern. The distance between the seats has been slightly reduced, resulting in less legroom. But this class has its pros and cons. The most uncomfortable row is row 11; its downside is that the partition in front of the seats is too close. In addition, there is a toilet nearby, which can interfere with your peace of mind during the flight.
  • 17th row. This is the first row economy class, there are no neighbors in front, so the seats won’t recline on you, and your legs can be straightened as you wish. Only in this row the side seats are arranged in pairs, while in others the seats are already arranged in groups of three.
  • Row 18, seats C and N. There are no neighbors in front, so there is plenty of legroom. These seats are located in the middle of the plane, the pitching will be minimally noticeable.
  • 24 row. Located after the emergency exits, there are no neighbors in front of you. But there is a toilet nearby, so unpleasant sounds and smells may reach you, especially noticeable in seats D and G.
  • 38 row. Similar to 24. There is an emergency exit and a kitchen area nearby. But there is a lot of legroom.
  • Rows 47-49, seats A, C, H and K. From these seats, the side seats are again arranged in pairs. But because of this, the aisles do not become wider; it is quite possible that passing passengers or flight attendants will interfere with you.

Good seats in Boeing 777-300

Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of Boeing 777-300 passenger seats:

  • 12th row, places C, D, G, H. All these places are side by the aisle. People will often pass here to the toilet, so they may disturb you, since the passages themselves are not very wide.
  • 20 row, window seats. The key word is “Window,” which may not even be there. Passengers often complain that there is no window in this particular row.
  • 23 row. This last places Before exits, the backs of the seats can be reclined. But behind you will be toilet, so people will often walk past you, especially the aisle chairs.
  • 36 row. Similar to row 23. Behind you will be toilet and technical rooms. The movement of people will be most noticeable in areas near the edge.
  • 50 row. The situation is similar with the previous rows. Toilets located behind your seats can be a nuisance recline the seat back, besides, people will often flash past you.

Worst seats on a Boeing 777-300

There is little in the Boeing 777 bad places. Each seat has its pros and cons. But these are the places you shouldn’t choose:

  • 37 row. The row is located in front of the buffet and toilet; the walls of these rooms will prevent you from reclining the backrests completely. In addition, the outer seats - D and G - will be touched by passers-by.
  • 51 row. The situation is similar to row 37. There is a buffet behind the chairs, which means that the backs of the chairs cannot be reclined.


Business class has comfortable leather seats. They have a folding table, comfortable armrests, and a plasma screen. The seats themselves can be reclined 180 degrees. The design of this part of the interior is usually made in classic colors - blue, red, white.

Boeing 777-300 business class looks something like this

Comfort class is very comfortable and spacious. The seats here are arranged according to the “2-4-2” pattern. The interior is slightly different from business class. The chairs here are not leather, the distance between them has been reduced. The seats are made in corporate colors. Not every flight offers this class of service.

Seat arrangement in comfort class Boeing 777-300 Russia

Economy class is the simplest in design; the seats are standard, but comfortable. Cabin layout may vary slightly from aircraft to aircraft. The main colors in the design are dark. The aisle and distance between rows are very narrow.

In general, the Boeing 777-300 of Rossiya Airlines is a large and comfortable airliner that is capable of carrying a large number of passengers over long distances.

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The Boeing 777 is a long-range twin-engine airliner with a wide fuselage. The aircraft has more than three hundred passenger seats and, depending on the modification, can fly a distance from 9,695 kilometers to 21,560 kilometers. Its characteristic feature is the presence of jet engines with the largest diameter in the world. This is approximately 3.5 meters. Eight leading air carriers were consulted before the aircraft was built. The group's first meeting took place in January 1990. It includes such airlines as: Japan Airlines, American Airlines, British Airways, Cathay Pacific Airways, Delta Airlines, All Nippon Airways, Qantas United Airlines.

Boeing 777 photo

The Boeing 777 was designed to replace the previous generation of wide-body aircraft, as well as to fill the gap between the Boeing 767 and Boeing 747 models. It is one of the first aircraft from the Boeing aircraft manufacturer to be equipped with the Fly by Wire digital control system. It is also the first commercial aircraft for passenger transportation developed using computer technology. Individual components of the aircraft were developed using software 3D CAD CATIA developed by IBM and Dassault Systemes.

On October 14, 1990, United Airlines placed its first order for 34 Boeing 777s, worth $11 billion. On January 4, 1993, the first “triple sevens” began to be produced. And on April 9, 1994, the first Boeing 777 was produced with serial number WA001. The first flight took place on June 12 of the same year. Test flights were carried out over the next eleven months. Nine aircraft were tested in different climatic conditions from the arid deserts of Edwards Air Force Base in California to the cold of Alaska. On April 19, 1995, after passing all tests, the Boeing 777 received a certificate of airworthiness from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Joint Aviation Administration (JAA).

Boeing 777 interior photo

The Boeing 777 is available in two lengths. The base model 777-200 has a length of 63.7 meters, which entered service with United Airlines in 1995. After two years, a model with an extended flight radius was released - 777-200ER (Extended Range). This model first entered service with British Airways. The second version of the Boeing 777 is the 777-300 model. This is a version extended by 10.1 meters compared to the 777-200 model, which can accommodate up to 550 passenger seats. This version began flying in 1998.

Boeing 777 interior diagram

In 2004, a version was released - 777-300ER. This version allowed longer flights than the 777-300. And in 2006, the airline received a Boeing 777-200LR (Longer Range). At this time he became passenger airliner with the longest flight range. This model was called "Worldliner". And since 2009, the cargo Boeing 777F (Freighter) began flying. The 777F, 777-300ER and 777-200LR are powered by General Electric GE90-115B engines. Also, to reduce fuel consumption, the curved wingtips became slightly larger. All other models are equipped with GE90, Pratt & Whitney PW4000, or RollsRoyce Trent-800 engines. The cockpit is equipped with multifunctional Honeywell LCD screens. The wings are angled at 31.6 degrees to achieve an optimal cruising speed of Mach 0.83. Each 777-300ER main landing gear tire can carry a load of nearly 27 tons. There is also a modification for the Air Force. This is a KS-777 model used as an aerial tanker.

After 2000, the Boeing 777 became the best-selling model of the manufacturer of the same name. The most common variant purchased by airlines is the 777-200ER.

Characteristics of Boeing 777-300ER (777-200ER) :

  • Length: 73.9 m (63.7 m)
  • Height: 18.7 m.
  • Wingspan: 64.81 m.
  • Empty weight: 166881 kg. (142900 kg.)
  • Cruising speed: 910 km/h.
  • Maximum speed: 955 km/h.
  • Flight range: 10200 km. (10745 km.)
  • Fuselage diameter: 6.20 m.
  • Ceiling: 13100 m.
  • Number of passenger seats: 301-550 seats.
  • Crew: 2 people

Boeing 777. Gallery.


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