Airbus a320 best seats. "Airbus A320": description, interior layout, best seats, photos. Among the flight characteristics, it should be noted

Aeroflot operates 63 Airbus A320-200 aircraft. This is the most numerous model from Aeroflot. The aircraft were received from the manufacturer and were not operated by other airlines. The first aircraft was delivered to the company in October 2003. The youngest aircraft in this series flew in November 2013. We can assume that the A320 airliners have just been run-in.

The planes come in two configurations. The first, which is also the most common, can carry 140 passengers. Of these, 20 seats are allocated for business class, the remaining 120 seats are in economy class. The second configuration has 158 seats, of which 8 are business class and 150 are economy class.

Airplane diagrams were taken from the company's official website: link. In this review we will analyze the model with 140 seats.

Location of the best seats on the Airbus A320

Row 1-5.

Business class aircraft. These are the best and most comfortable seats on the plane, of which there are only 20. The seats are arranged in pairs, two pairs in each row. At the same time, the first row is considered the most comfortable, since there is no other row of seats in front of it, which means there is a lot of legroom. However, the distance between the rows in business class is already large (more than 100 cm), so we won’t consider this a big advantage. But the fact that no one will recline the chair for you is a completely different matter.

  1. Row 6. The first row of economy class on the Airbus A320, which is separated from business by a partition. Some of the most comfortable seats in this class. There are reasons for this:
  2. No row in front means there is extra legroom.
  3. There is no row in front, which means no one will recline the chair for you.
  4. If you are flying with a small child, then this is the only row for you, as there are mounts for a cradle here.

There is no unnecessary fuss and walking here, since the toilets and kitchen are far behind.

Row 8. Marked in brown in the diagram. Not the best places to fly. The emergency exit is located just behind the row, so the seats here are limited in reclining. Staying in one position can greatly spoil the flight experience.

Row 9. Just like in row 8, the seats are limited in reclining. However, the distance to the row in front is quite large, so there is additional legroom (more than in standard rows).

Row 10. On the Aeroflot diagram they are designated as seats increased comfort. Indeed, these are the best places in Airbus economy class A320. There is a lot of legroom (there is an emergency exit from the row in front), no one will be disturbed by a reclined seat. Good view from the porthole. Such places must be reserved in advance.

Row 15. View from the window onto the wing of the plane, so if it’s important for you to contemplate the beauty of the flight, it’s better to choose another seat.

Row 24. Disadvantages of places in the tail of this aircraft the fact that there are toilets here - the only ones in economy class. It turns out that if the plane is full, passengers pass by the last rows endlessly throughout the flight. Queues, jostling, fuss will not bring joy to even the most patient person.

Row 25. Most worst places in this configuration. Behind the row are only the toilets, which the entire plane uses. Places C and D are even worse, since they are the outermost ones towards the aisle. The biggest movement on board will be in this place. Adding to the negativity is the fact that the seat backs are limited in reclining due to the partition from the toilet.

The Airbus a320 is considered one of the most frequently used passenger airliners. In the world air fleet Today there are more than 3.5 thousand aircraft of this series. The largest Russian air carriers, such as Aeroflot, S7, Rossiya, have 50-60 Airbuses in their fleet. Due to its characteristics, A320 aircraft fly in the skies of Europe, Asia, as well as the Americas and Australia.


The Airbus A320 is produced by the Airbus S.A.S. aircraft manufacturing group, its headquarters is located in Toulouse, France, and the aircraft itself is assembled in factories in three countries: France, Germany (Hamburg) and Britain.

Since 2011, another assembly line has been launched in China. Airbus Corporation's workforce exceeds 50 thousand people. The very name of the airliner, “Airbus,” translates as “air bus”; it was the only acceptable linguistic option for the French management of the company.

Start of release and modification

The most popular aircraft in this series can be considered the Airbus 320, which was designed to become a competitor to the popular Boeing 727 series. Production began with modifications A320-100 (capacity 130 people) and A320-200 (150 people). Today, the “A320 line” also includes models 318, 319 and 321 modifications of Airbus.

For the first time, the narrow-body (in the cabin there is only one aisle between the rows of seats) new product from airbus industry a320 took to the skies in February 1987. For this aircraft, for the first time in the world, a plane control system was installed not from the helm, but from external devices via a hydraulic drive system. Despite being classified as a narrow-body aircraft, the Airbus A320 has one of the most impressive fuselages in size - about 20 cm wider than similar airliner models. This feature makes it possible to make the seating areas for passengers even more comfortable and install up to six seats in each row.

Flight characteristics

The A-320 airliner has the following technicalcharacteristics:

  • wing length - 34.1 m;
  • aircraft height – 11.8 m;
  • vessel length – 37.6 m;
  • take-off weight - 73.5 tons;
  • empty weight of the aircraft is 42.2 tons (a significant reduction in weight was achieved by the designers through the use of lightweight composite materials: plastic reinforced with carbon or fiberglass).

Flight characteristics include:

  • maximum flight range – 6150 km;
  • cruising speed – 840 km per hour;
  • maximum speed – 890 km per hour
  • maximum flight altitude – 11.3 km;
  • fuel consumption – 2.5 t/hour.

For your information. The cost of 1 unit of Airbus A-320 is about 94 million dollars.

Meats on the plane:

  • maximum – 180;
  • with two-class accommodation - 150.

In the liners of this model, the cabin height has been increased, which made it possible to create shelves for hand luggage more extensive.

The Airbus A320 was the first to use wingtips called sharklets. These parts, about two and a half meters long, are made of lightweight composite materials and serve to improve the aerodynamics of the airliner’s wings, and also increase engine efficiency (up to 4 percent). The wings of Airbuses elongated in this way do not prevent them from easily maneuvering on the runways and taxiways. It is technically possible to mount sharklets on already produced and flying airliners. These details also visually improve the design of the aircraft and give it a futuristic, memorable look.

Layout of seats in the aircraft cabin

The layout of the Airbus cabin has two main options. Thus, the Aeroflot A320 airliner in one of the layouts has a 5-row seat system for business class, and the remaining seats are intended for economy class. Less used layout: two-row business class and even more economy seats.

Rows 1 to 5 (or 1-2) are reserved for business class passengers, 2 seats on each side of the aisle.

Row 6 (or 3) – economy class seats located in front of the partition between classes. Rows 8 to 10 (12 to 14) are located along the escape hatches (on both sides of the aircraft body). All other rows of seats are ordinary standard business class seats. Toilets are located behind rows 24-25 (29-30).

Description of seats by block of rows

The location of the most convenient seats for flying in the cabin of the Airbus A320 is easier to imagine on the diagram of the airliner used by Aeroflot.

The first row of business can hardly be called comfortable - you have to look at the wall the entire flight. There is no room to stretch your legs, and there will also be no footrests that are mounted on the seats in front. In addition, cradles for babies are usually attached to the partitions, and there is a high probability of listening to children's cries throughout the flight. Odors from the adjacent toilet and kitchen may also be disturbing. There is still one plus - no one will recline the seat back onto the passenger’s lap.

The seats in the 6th row of economy class also rest against the wall, which brings the same inconveniences and advantages as for business passengers. The inability to recline the front seat back due to the lack of one is even more pleasing, since in economy class there is even less space between the rows than in business class. The disadvantages of these seats include the location of the folding tables not in the back of the chair from the previous row, but in the armrest - this is unusual and not very convenient. Service in-flight meals starts from here, so passengers have the opportunity to choose what they like, and not what is left. For passengers with children, the first rows of seats are the best and most recommended: for infants, you can attach the cradle to the wall, and with older children, you don’t have to be afraid that the child will kick the passenger in front in the back.

Rows 8 to 10 (12 to 14) are adjacent to emergency exits, this has both advantages and some inconveniences. The seats in these places are slightly sloping due to the presence of hatches on the sides of the cabin, for the same reason it can be a little colder here (the problem can be solved simply - with the help of a blanket from the flight attendant). Hand luggage will definitely have to be placed on the luggage racks above the seats, because you can’t put anything in front of your feet, because... this will complicate possible evacuation. Despite these shortcomings, rows 8-10 are the most comfortable (however, they are not accessible to everyone: due to the nature of these seats, the elderly, pregnant women, sick people and passengers with small children are not seated here - they will not be able to help the crew in emergency situations). The best seats on the airbus a320 are shown in green on the diagram. This is row number 10 (14), except for seats A and F. They even sell tickets for it with a small premium for comfort (the so-called space seats) - due to the location of the seats immediately behind the emergency exit hatches, an increased space is created where you can stretch legs, while the backs of the seats can be easily lowered (but in the previous two rows they are blocked).

The comfort of seats C and D in the 24th (29th) row (highlighted in yellow) has been reduced, people constantly walk past them and wait in line to get to the toilet.

The most unsuccessful in terms of comfort are seats 25 (30) of the last row (they are marked in red on the interior plan). Since there are toilets across a thin partition from them, all the unpleasant smells and sounds will disturb passengers throughout the flight. There will always be people coming and going to the bathroom and slamming the door. There is also no possibility to recline the back of the chair to a comfortable position. And, as a conclusion, by the last row there is practically no choice left from the food and drinks offered. Tickets for these seats can only be purchased in extreme cases.

The seats in other rows are ordinary, with no special advantages or disadvantages.

Facilities on board

Due to the considerable weight and high cost of equipment, A320 aircraft are not equipped with Wi-Fi-based entertainment systems. For passengers, there are screens in the backs of the front seats (they also provide data on the current location of the aircraft, flight altitude and temperature outside). There are powerful air conditioners for air purification, and there are also individual directional lighting fixtures - quite bright, but not disturbing to others. There are two sockets for every three adjacent chairs; gadgets can be charged via a USB port. It should be noted that not all boards are equipped with these amenities; it all depends on the specific aircraft.

The Airbus A-320 continues to be a very popular aircraft passenger aviation in Europe. Manufacturers continue to improve and modernize it. Thus, at the beginning of 2016, the new Airbus A320-Neo was put into operation, which is characterized by increased efficiency and reduced engine noise.


When traveling, people try to choose the most comfortable method of flight, trusted companies and planes with best reviews. Many don't tolerate it well air travel and try to book seats on the ship with maximum comfort for themselves. Let's consider one of the popular models among companies involved in by air transportation, - Airbus A320.

Cabin configuration features

This aircraft belongs to the category of medium-haul passenger aircraft, operating flights from 6 km to 150 km. The original version was the Airbus A320-100, which was soon modified with an additional fuel tank and a new wingtip. The configuration of both models is practically the same, with the exception of the number of seats in the business sector.

For information. If we compare other airliners of similar size and class, the A320 surpasses them in its spacious cabin for passengers, wide spaces for hand luggage, convenient hatches for loading luggage and significant deck capacity for cargo.

Passengers have access to change the lighting level near their seat, which is important during a long flight. Manufacturers updated the monitors in the computer network of the cabin and cockpit, and the displays were replaced with LCD equipment. The ease of flight at a low cost ensured the popularity of the Airbus A320 among passengers.


When considering the Airbus A 320, the interior layout suggests several options for the arrangement of seats in the cabin, but all of them are designed for maximum comfort passengers. The seats are fastened on both sides, and the space between them is spacious enough to move around the cabin. There are 2 comfort classes in total: Economy and Business class.

Business class sector

5 rows in the first and 2 in the second configuration of the cabin are allocated for seats of increased convenience. The space between the seats is limited, and the 1st line itself has its own characteristics:

  • Business class seats have a greater recline angle, but there are no seats or reclining backrests in front of the first row;
  • The high-comfort sector is rarely used by passengers with children, but there are mounts for bassinets near the seats in the first row;
  • On the A320 series aircraft, the footrests are installed on the seats in the previous row, so this convenience is not available in the first row of business class seats.

Economy class

In the Airbus A 320, the cabin is divided into economy and business class, and starting from the 6th row in both configurations there is an economy sector, separated by a partition from the luxury rows. In the second configuration, where the business class has only 2 rows, this part of the cabin begins with the 3rd line of seats.

3 (6) row

Seats in the first row of economy class have their advantages and disadvantages:

  • The distance between rows is limited, but due to the partition there will be no reclining seats in front, which provides some additional space;
  • This row of seats will receive food and water first during service, as flight attendants move from the business sector;
  • The partition prevents you from stretching your legs, but there is much more room for your knees due to the absence of front seats;
  • Each wall has mounts for bassinets, which can lead to flying in the company of children;
  • The view is blocked by a wall blocking off another sector of the aircraft cabin.

8 (12) and 9 (13) rows

These seats are located near the emergency hatches, which is not very convenient for passengers - the backrests are blocked vertically. This gives an advantage to passengers in the 9th line of seats (13th in the second configuration) - it appears significantly more space for the feet, which is very convenient on long flights. If a neighbor needs to visit the toilet, he will pass by freely due to the sufficient space. Central places are located more freely, and closer to the emergency hatches there is a slight misalignment of the backs, which can cause discomfort when sitting for a long time.

10 (14th) row

The seats in the 10th row (14th if the airbus is of the second configuration) are the most comfortable, since they are located immediately behind the emergency exit hatches from the plane. The legroom is sufficient for the passage and free position of the passenger, but it will not be possible to place things, since free passage to the hatches is required.

Important! Pregnant women, small children or elderly people should not be in these places. At emergency situation will have to provide assistance to both passengers for evacuation and the crew if necessary.

24 (29th) row

On the 24th (29th) row, the aisle seats are not suitable for a comfortable flight, because there is a toilet compartment nearby. Thus, near the backs of the chairs in these places there will often be people waiting in line to use the restroom. A stream of toilet visitors will constantly pass by these places against the backdrop of constant drainage of water, smell and sounds from the sanitary premises.

25 (30th) row

This row is the last in the aircraft cabin and is considered the most inconvenient, since it is located directly next to the restroom. Because of this, the seat backs do not recline, and the toilet door closes almost at the passenger’s shoulder. There are smells from the restroom and the sound of water. These places are considered the worst and are not recommended for purchase.

All seat arrangements in the A320 Airbuses are standard for all aircraft models in this group and do not have any particular disadvantages or advantages in terms of comfort during flights.

Airbus A320 in various airlines

The Airbus A320 airliner is used by many companies for flights to various destinations. This Ural Airlines, Aeroflot, Russia, S7, Yamal, Air Arabia and others. Air carriers can change the cabin layout for the convenience of passengers, but for the Airbus A320 the seat layout remains the same in most cases.

Air Arabia - Airbus A320 aircraft

The carrier company Air Arabia is a typical low-cost airline that uses only one model of aircraft. In that Airbus airlines The A320 differs from others in its cabin layout - it has 168 seats, not 180. 12 seats have been removed to improve passenger comfort, since the main flight routes last more than 3 hours. The best places on these liners are in the first four rows of seats, as well as in the 12th, near the escape hatch. These seats will require an additional payment when purchasing a ticket.

Airbus A320 at Rossiya Airlines

The Rossiya company (Moscow) uses the Airbus 320 standard configuration with the first three rows of increased comfort. The first row behind the cockpit is considered less convenient, since it is in this place that there is a partition that interferes with the stretching of the legs and the view of the seated passenger. Economy class seats start from the 4th row, in which the seats recline, and the stewards' meal service begins in ascending numbering. The most uncomfortable places located at the end of the cabin, on row 29. This is due to the proximity of the toilets and the inability to recline the seat backs.

Airbus A320 at S7 Airlines

S7 Airlines also uses this aircraft, and the seat layout of the Airbus A320 is no different from similar models from Aeroflot. The Airbus industrie A320 is identical in its 3rd row to the 6th in the Aeroflot airliner, and the lines of seats from 10 to 12 are similar to the 8-10th of Aeroflot.

Airbus A320 at Ural Airlines

Ural Airlines offers 3 rows of business class and 24 rows in the Economy sector. Of all 156 seats on the plane, the 10th row is located near the emergency hatches, and there are restrictions on the category of passengers for these seats.

Airbus A320 in Red Wings

The Red Wings airline's fleet of aircraft is constantly being replenished with new Airbus models, including the Airbus A320 Red Wings. The landing pattern is similar to other models in this group.

The interior of the Airbus A320 airliner from Red Wings.

Before purchasing air tickets for charter and regular flights You should check the boarding plan based on the photo on the official website of the carrier company and the availability of tickets in the online help system. Comfort in flight is an extremely important component of any trip.

From the moment of commissioning A320 absolutely surpassed all others civil aircraft in terms of the use of high technologies - both in aerodynamics and in the field of on-board equipment.

History of creation

After ten years of discussions, in which almost all aircraft manufacturers in Europe took part, the consortium Airbus Industry in 1981, he began implementing a project for a 150-seat airliner for short- and medium-haul routes.

At that time, aircraft with large
passenger capacity, so two cars with 154 and 172 seats were taken into development. These were two models A320-100 And A320-200, but in 1984 such a project was abandoned in favor of one 162-seat vehicle. New project provided for two versions of the aircraft, differing only in the capacity of the fuel tanks and designation A320-100 And A320-200 remains relevant.

First flight A320

The new aircraft was first flown on February 22, 1987, under the name A320-100, only 21 aircraft were produced in the series of such airliners. Second option A320-200 became the main representative of airliners A320, the airworthiness certificate for this model was issued in November 1988. This plane is different from A320-100 increased maximum take-off weight, wingtips with delta-shaped winglets and an additional fuel tank of 8016 liters in the center section.

Consortium Airbus is constantly working to modernize its aircraft, a program has been launched New Engine Option by equipment A320 new economical power plants. Pratt & Whitney engines PW1000G According to the company's management, operating costs will be reduced by 20%, and the airliner itself will receive improved aerodynamics and a new passenger cabin design.
The Russian company Transaero has signed a firm contract for the purchase of 8 units А320neo, which began to enter service in 2015.

Design features of the A320 airliner

In its own way aerodynamic design A320 is a monoplane with a low-swept wing, under which engines are located on both sides and a single-fin tail.

The airliner's wing is thin with high aerodynamic efficiency, all the mechanization is made of composite materials, the fin and the leading edge of the stabilizer are also made of composite. Side winglets on the wing tips save fuel and reduce induced drag.

Airbus A320 - flying throughout Europe

Power plants since 1989 have been equipped with the quietest and most powerful engines in their class, the V2500. Engines A320 during takeoff mode they produce a noise level of no more than 82 decibels. The aircraft has a three-wheel landing gear, each bogie has two wheels. The main struts are retracted in flight into the center section, the nose strut is retracted into the front part of the fuselage.

A distinctive feature of the aircraft is fly-by-wire control. In the cockpit, the commander on the left side and the co-pilot on the right have two sidesticks, replacing the usual steering wheel. The sidesticks do not have a direct connection with the control surfaces; any deviation is calculated by the computer and the signal from it gives a command to the hydraulic drive to deflect the rudders.

Video: Airbus A320 - flight from the cockpit

These side control sticks freed up space for the pilots' fold-down tables and improved visibility of the six color LCD displays, two directly in front of the pilots and two in the center of the instrument panel. The displays provide pilots with all the information about the navigation situation, operation power plants and other equipment of the airliner.

Passenger cabin A320 made very spacious, the shelves for hand luggage have a large volume, there is a lot of space for cargo on the lower deck and wide hatches for loading luggage. The cabin is lined with modern panels, a touch display on the Flight Attendant Panel, LED lighting for each passenger seat and the ability to change the brightness of the entire interior lighting from 0 to 100%.

Flight performance

  • The length of the aircraft is 37.57 m.
  • The height of the aircraft is 11 m.
  • Wing span – 34.1 m.
  • The cabin width is 3.7 m.
  • Maximum take-off weight – 77 tons.
  • Minimum take-off distance – 2090 m.
  • Engines – 2 x IAE V2500-A5.
  • Thrust – 2 x 104.5 kN.
  • Cruising speed is 840 km/h.
  • Number of passengers – from 140 to 180.
  • Fuel consumption – 2700 l/hour.
  • Range – 6150 km.
  • Practical ceiling – 12 thousand m.
  • Crew – 2 people.

Features of choosing the best places

Flying an airplane is still very tiring and depends on the right seat and A320 gives you the opportunity to spend time in the air calmly and comfortably. The rules for choosing seats are usual; on the booklet, which you can buy at the ticket office, there is a layout of seats in passenger compartment.

The choice of seat depends on your taste, there is only one peculiarity - the chairs next to the toilet and in the back are the most uncomfortable and restless. If you want to relax and sleep well during the flight, choose a seat near the bulkhead; if you like the view from the window, please look at the ground or admire the view of the clouds.
Aeroflot names the best seats in the cabin A320 the following: in the fourth row - A, B, E, F and in the eleventh - B, C, D, E.

In the cabin A320 The first five rows are considered business class; the seats in these rows can be reclined far back without creating inconvenience for passengers in adjacent rows. Business class has seating for baby cots, but no dedicated legroom.

Economy class is separated by a partition; the distance between the seats is less than in business class, but the backrest can be reclined to its full extent without interference. The chairs in front of the partition have their inconveniences; if you don’t bring reading literature, you will have to look at the wall all the time, but service begins from this row.

a320 - interior

Due to the proximity of the toilet, seats in the twenty-fourth row are the most restless; children and older people are not recommended to purchase seats in the tenth and ninth rows. The location of the fourth and eleventh row seats near the emergency hatch makes them the safest. The passenger cabin is not comfortable enough for a tall person due to the technical features of the aircraft, but despite all these errors, “ Airbus 320» is considered quite convenient for this class. Have a good flight!

IN aircraft park Aeroflot Airlines currently has 60 Airbus A320s, designed for short- and medium-distance flights with a maximum length of up to 4,000 kilometers.

The company owns Airbus A320 in two configurations:

Airbus A 320-214: 20 seats in business class, 120 seats in economy class.

Airbus A 320: 8 seats in business class, 150 seats in economy class.

IMPORTANT: if you are booking or purchasing a ticket, but do not know what configuration aircraft you will be flying on, be guided by the number of seats. The Airbus A320-214 has only 25 rows, 5 of which are in the business class cabin. The Airbus 320 of a different configuration has only 30 rows, 2 of which are reserved for business class.

If you know the cabin layout, it will be easy for you to choose the best seats for a comfortable flight and avoid the worst places.

The best seats in business class

The business class cabin in the Airbus A320 is less spacious than, for example, in the Airbus A330: the distance between the seats is not very large, but greater than in economy class. The backrests of the chair recline at a sufficiently large angle to achieve a comfortable position. Despite this, seats in business class on the Airbus A320 are considered the most comfortable and desirable, since comfortable conditions have been created for the flight (calm atmosphere, comfortable seats, a varied food menu and an expanded entertainment system, attentive service).

The seats in the business class cabin of the Airbus A320 are arranged in two lines. Rows 5 or 2 (in different aircraft configurations).

In general, all seats in the business class cabin are comfortable and good. When there are only 8 people flying in the cabin, there is no need to worry about anything.

1st row: seats C and D in business class on the Airbus A320-214 may be a little uncomfortable due to the proximity of the bathroom. The noise of flushing water and the walking of passengers can disturb your peace.

5 row It may be uncomfortable due to the close location of the economy class cabin, where it can be quite noisy.

Best Economy Class Seats

Row 6 located directly behind the partition, which adds some special features to these places. On the one hand, there is more legroom; there are no seats in front of you whose backs can be reclined. On the other hand, throughout the entire flight you will be looking at the wall in front of your eyes. In addition, these seats are favorite and convenient for passengers with small children, because baby bassinets are attached to the walls. Therefore, it may turn out that you will be flying in a noisy company. The good thing about the front rows is that food service starts from here, and you will have more menu choices than passengers sitting at the back of the plane.

Rows located near emergency exits also have their own characteristics.

Row 8(or row 12 in a different configuration) is inconvenient because the backs of the seats are fixed so as not to block the passage to the emergency exit located at the rear.

Row 9(or row 13 in a different configuration) is also equipped with seats without a reclining function, but it has some advantage, namely, free legroom in front, which will allow you to take a freer and more comfortable position.

Row 10(or row 14 in a different configuration): seats in this row are considered the most comfortable, as there is enough legroom in front, and the backrest reclines in the standard mode. These seats (except for seats A and F in row 10) are called Space+ and have special requirements for passengers. According to safety regulations, such seats must be occupied by healthy, capable passengers, because in the event of an unforeseen situation, they must be able to help the on-board crew evacuate the remaining passengers. Therefore, passengers with children under 12 years of age and those transporting animals, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with disabilities are not allowed to sit here. It is also important to note that, also for safety reasons, emergency exits are prohibited from cluttering with bags and hand luggage.

Row 25(or row 30 in a different configuration): these are the worst seats, since they are located next to the toilet, and the backs of the chairs do not recline. All this involves an uncomfortable upright position throughout the flight and a constant flow of people who create noise and movement that disturbs your peace.

Thus, to choose the best seats on the plane, you need to know the cabin layout. The best seats are in the front rows and near the emergency exits. The least desirable seats to book are at the back of the plane.


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