Everything you wanted to know about flying with S7 Airlines. Cabin layout and the best seats on the Airbus A319 aircraft of S7 Airlines Flying with an infant s7

Siberia Airlines clients have been successfully using various online services for a long time, which allows them to save both time and money. On the S7 website you can book a ticket, a seat on the plane, and check in for your flight.

Buying tickets

Since 2008, S7 has been selling e-tickets. What is their advantage? It is impossible to lose an e-ticket - it is stored in a database and can be printed over and over again. And you can purchase such a ticket online - just go to the company’s website and place an order. Moreover, in one application on the S7 website you can book tickets for an entire group of passengers.

Placing an order

On the company’s website, go to the “Flights” tab and enter the search parameters: where and from where we are flying, in what composition, expected flight dates.

After a few seconds, the system will display all possible options. Add the optimal one to the cart.

The next point is choice. additional services. You can get insurance, pay for luggage, order a car at your destination.

Having selected a flight, you need to fill out information about passengers: indicate first and last names in Latin letters, enter the number and series of your passport or birth certificate.


After entering all the data you need to proceed with payment. This can also be done online by entering your card details. It is also worth mentioning whether it is possible to book air tickets online with S7 without paying. Sometimes it is the possibility of deferred payment that influences our choice of airline.

In S7 the maximum time that booked ticket can be carried out without payment, depends on the chosen fare and the number of days remaining before departure.

Within the specified time (in hours), the money must be credited to the account, otherwise the reservation will be cancelled.

Rate12 days or morefrom 7 to 12 daysfrom 12 hours to 7 daysfrom 3 to 7 hours
Promo 24 12 3 -
Economy 48 24 6 1
Standard 72 48 6 3
Business 120 72 12 4

So, the tickets have been purchased. You should receive an order confirmation and reservation number by email. Why is it needed? With its help, you can find information about your reservations on the company’s website, make changes if necessary, and check the status.


You can check in for a flight 30 hours before departure. Just go to the “Online registration” tab on the website. Check the boxes next to the names of the passengers you want to register. Now you can proceed to selecting a seat in the cabin.

Selecting a location

Previously, there was no need to reserve seats on the plane - they were indicated on the ticket. But now this has become a separate service. Since the places differ in their degree of comfort, it is worth taking care of them in advance.

In general, the allocation of seats in the cabin occurs at check-in. Therefore, those who register online in advance have advantages. Before the end of registration, you can always change your mind and choose another free seat.

Boarding pass

After selecting the locations, make sure once again that the data is entered correctly and click the “Register” button. Now all you have to do is print it or download it to your phone. boarding pass– and you are ready to go through control.

S7 Airlines: Video

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When traveling by air, minor children must be accompanied by parents or other adults. But it happens that it is not possible to fly with your child and accompany him to his destination. Most air carriers have solved this problem and offer customers the option of having their child accompanied on the plane by airline staff.

Thanks to this service, parents can send their children to visit their grandmother, who lives thousands of kilometers away, or to a health resort Kid `s camp during the holidays, without worrying about their safety during the flight. They will not only be looked after, but will also be provided with proper care and service at top level. Accompanying minors during a flight is mandatory in the following cases:

  • if the baby is flying unaccompanied by adults (parents, guardians or other trusted persons);
  • when an accompanying adult flies in a different class of aircraft than the minor passenger.

What does the service of accompanying children on an airplane offer?

The service of accompanying minors means accompanying children during a flight from one point to another. They are accompanied by a flight attendant (stewardess) or a specially trained employee of the airline operating the flight on which minor passengers are flying. Accompaniment is provided from the moment of check-in for the flight until the transfer of the ward under the responsibility of the person meeting him.

The service is provided in three stages:

  1. Departure.
  2. Flight (on the way).
  3. Arrival.

Immediately before departure, an accompanying sheet is issued at the airport building, containing information about the persons who will accompany and about the person who will meet the minor upon arrival at the destination. This document is specially attached to the child in the chest area and remains with him until he is handed over to the welcoming relatives or other persons whose full name is indicated on the accompanying sheet.

Anyone can book flight tickets in a convenient way, but registration must be completed at the airport registration counter in the presence of a accompanying person and a minor traveler. It is advisable to arrive at the airport 2.5 -1.5 hours before check-in begins. Upon arrival, a minor passenger is met by an accompanying person and helps him through all stages of check-in - checking in luggage, escorting him on board the aircraft, etc. Unaccompanied children are among the first to board. The accompanying person must remain on the airport premises until the plane takes off.

Throughout the flight, the accompanying flight attendant pays special attention to his charge, taking care of his safety and leisure. The minor passenger of the airliner is helped to fasten his seat belts, and the rules of behavior on the plane during takeoff, landing and in flight are explained in an accessible form. Children, depending on their age, are provided with entertainment materials that could occupy their attention and brighten up their leisure time during the flight.

Parents have the opportunity to order a special menu for their child for a fee, but this should be taken care of in advance, no later than 36 hours before departure. On board, children are fed fresh and healthy food. If necessary, an accompanying person will escort you to the toilet and back.

Important! The escort service is provided by specially trained persons who have experience communicating with small children, can answer all their questions and easily find an approach to each minor passenger.

Upon arrival of the airliner to its destination, the accompanying person takes the children out of the aircraft cabin after all other passengers have already left the board. At the airport, little travelers must be met by the person whose details were indicated on the accompanying sheet. The person meeting you must have an identification document with you and must include a photo. If he is late, the ward will continue to be under the supervision of an accompanying person until the moment when the greeter arrives at the airport and presents his documents.

Although rare, it still happens when, due to current circumstances, the greeter cannot meet the arriving little guest. Then the airline employee, accompanied by the minor, will be obliged to deliver the ward to the departure airport, but this is a last resort, since this issue can be resolved more easily. The accompanying flight attendant has all the contact information of the parents and the greeter. He can contact them and find out the reason for the delay and clarify the time when the baby can be picked up.

Some air carriers not only provide the service of accompanying minors, but also accompany young passengers traveling not on direct flights, but with transfers. In case of connections at transit (transfer) airports, the accompanying airline employee will take the student to the playroom or relaxation room so that he can play, relax, and eat before boarding the plane.

Attention! Accompaniment with transfers is provided only when the transfer occurs within the same airport. If you need to travel from one airport to another to transfer to another flight, most companies refuse to provide accompaniment for children on the plane.

Rules and restrictions

Each airline that provides the service of accompanying minors sets its own conditions and sets rules for the flight of small passengers. There are also a number of restrictions that may differ among air carriers, but on average it all comes down to the following:

  • the service of accompanying minors does not apply to children under 5 years of age;
  • the age category of minor passengers for whom ordering this service is mandatory is from 5 to 12 years old, but at the request of parents they can order escort for older children - up to 16-18 years old (depending on the air carrier);
  • It is necessary to book a plane ticket accompanied by children in advance, this also applies to a special diet, if necessary (religious preferences, diet, etc.);
  • there is a limited number of seats on board the airliner for unaccompanied children (from 2 to 6 depending on the carrier);
  • Only a parent or legal guardian can order an escort service (aunts, uncles, grandmothers and other relatives cannot use this service);
  • the accompanying person can be anyone, but if a minor traveler is flying abroad, he must have a notarized permission from each parent/guardian, otherwise he will simply not be allowed on board;
  • check-in for a flight takes place only at the airport before departure; it will not be possible to check-in in any other way;
  • If a minor passenger flies alone, that is, with an accompanying service, regardless of his age, the cost of a plane ticket for him will be full (discounts and benefits do not apply in this case).

Attention! Children flying with parents or other official representatives in different classes of aircraft are considered unaccompanied and require an escort service. Their ticket price will be full, excluding benefits and discounts.

To avoid problems with sending children to independent travel, you must prepare and check the availability of all documents in advance:

  • passport or birth certificate;
  • air ticket;
  • permission from parents (guardians or trustees) for a person under age to travel abroad, certified by a notary;
  • international passport (if children leave the Russian Federation);
  • insurance policy;
  • visa (if the country to which the minor is sent has a visa regime);
  • medical certificate indicating the diagnosis and a list of necessary medications (if a small passenger is transported in hand luggage medications).

To order and use the service of accompanying young children on an airplane, parents will need to fill out several documents that will contain the following information:

  • information about the passenger himself (full name, date of birth, point of departure, point of arrival, etc.);
  • information about parents/guardians (full name, telephone numbers, residential address, etc.);
  • information about those meeting (full name, contact details, etc.) and other important data.

The application form and application, which must be filled out by parents sending their child accompanied by Aeroflot airline employees, can be downloaded. " Ural Airlines» parents of unaccompanied children are asked to fill out only for registration of the service.

How much does it cost to accompany children on a plane?

When sending their child on a plane alone without accompanying adults, parents worry not only about their safety and comfort. The cost of the escort service plays a significant role. Some airlines assign an accompanying person to children without charging an additional fee for the service. Other carriers set a fixed cost for accompanying minors within one country and when traveling to countries near and far abroad. To choose the best option, you need to know how much the service of accompanying a child on an airplane costs from several popular airlines, and compare their conditions.

Table. Cost and terms of service for different air carriers.

Characteristics"S7"Aeroflot"Ural Airlines"
Service costWithin the country – 3 thousand rubles.

Abroad – 50 euros

Within the country 3.4 thousand rubles.

Abroad – 40 euros per plot

Within the country – 3 thousand rubles.

Abroad (Georgia, CIS, Far Abroad) – 50 euros for each segment

Ticket priceChildren's ticket (taking into account the age of the small passenger at the time of booking)Full price without discounts or benefitsFull price excluding benefits and discounts
Ticket booking deadlinesTwo days before departure36 hours before departureNo later than three days before departure
Flight typeDirect flightsDirect and transfer (connecting) flightsDirect and transfer flights
Age category of children in need of this service5-11 years (required)

12-16 (at the request of parents)

From 5 to 12 years

12-16 years old (at the request of official representatives)

From 5 to 12 years – in the CIS countries

Other directions – children from 6 years old

Attention! From June 15, 2018, S7 Airlines will stop taking on board minor passengers without parents or other adult official representatives.

The cost of accompanying a child on an airplane may increase if parents express a desire to order an additional service for their little traveler. For example, Aeroflot offers:

  • during a transfer lasting up to 3 hours in transit airport– soft drinks (service cost -5 euros/400 rubles);
  • for a transfer that lasts more than three hours - hot meals (cost - 20 euros/1700 rubles).

The service of accompanying a child on an airplane is convenient and useful service, which is provided by leading air carriers in Russia and other countries. An accompanying airline employee stays next to the baby throughout the flight, providing him with proper care and attention. Parents can be calm about their child and his safety during air travel. And this is much more expensive than that nominal fee for the service.

In 2017 the airline S7 Airlines, member of the global aviation oneworld alliance®, won the Skyway Service Award in three categories. Passengers recognized the airline's service in economy class on domestic routes, the S7 Priority loyalty program and online services for passengers as the best. And also, the TravelPlus Airline Amenity bag Awards-2016 for the amenity kit for business class.
At the end of 2016, the airline took fourth place in Europe in the FlightStats international air carrier punctuality rating, demonstrating the best result among Russian airlines. More than 13.1 million passengers used the airline group's services in 2016, making it one of the most popular Russian airlines. Therefore, we have collected in this article everything that may be useful when booking tickets and flying on S7 Airlines flights.

How to choose the best seats on a plane?

When purchasing a ticket for S7 Airlines flights, you can choose any seat in the cabin that is convenient for you. It is free for business class passengers and for passengers with children. For those who prefer maximum comfort, there is a service Extra Space. These are the places increased comfort with increased distance between seats. The cost of the service depends on the flight. These services can be ordered when booking and after ordering tickets on aviakassa.ru. Or register for the flight yourself on the airline’s website. Check-in for S7 Airlines flights opens 30 hours before departure - hurry to reserve best places!

How to upgrade to business class?

You can upgrade to business class if available free seats in him. This can be done during online check-in or at the airport counters. The service is available at check-in counters no earlier than 3 hours before the scheduled flight departure, and on the website no later than 3 hours before departure. Read about restrictions on s7.

Flight with a transfer: how to spend time comfortably?

S7 Airlines offers convenient connections at Moscow and Novosibirsk airports, so transfer passengers you won't have to spend too much time at the airport. But passengers can spend even a few hours in comfort using the S7 Airlines business lounge service. For passengers traveling on the Business Flexible fare, it is free, as for status participants S7 Priority Platinum and Gold levels. Other passengers can pay for their visit directly in the business lounge of Domodedovo and Tolmachevo airports.

How to prepare for a flight with a baby?

On S7 Airlines flights, passengers with children can book seats in the cabin free of charge. When flying with a baby, you can choose whether to buy a separate seat for him or to hold him in your arms. A ticket with a seat is issued at standard children's rates. A ticket without a seat is free on domestic flights, and on international flights it will cost 10% of the adult fare. When transporting an infant, you can transport a baby stroller free of charge. You will need to check it in as baggage at the check-in counter or before boarding the plane.

You can also take on board what you need baby food. Or order it 24 hours before flight departure.

What's included in business class?

The business class cabin is equipped with wide and comfortable seats, the distance between which is at least 89 cm. For sleep and relaxation, passengers are offered blankets, pillows and amenity kits, and during the flight - soft and alcoholic drinks, a special menu, and a selection of hot dishes. To pass the time during the flight and keep up to date with the latest events, there are always several publications of business and entertainment press on board S7 Airlines.
For passengers traveling in business class, there is an increased allowance for baggage and hand luggage, as well as priority procedures at the airport. As a rule, business class passengers are delivered to the plane on a separate vehicle, and disembarkation from the cabin takes place first. Passengers traveling on the Business Flexible fare can also use the business lounge service.

How many things can I take with me on a trip?

Please carefully check your free baggage allowance before your flight. The rate depends not only on the class of service, but also on the fare at which your ticket was purchased. If your baggage exceeds the maximum permitted weight or dimensions, you will be required to pay for carriage excess baggage. You can find out the current tariffs on the airline's website. If you are traveling as a family, you can add up the weight of allowed baggage. The main thing is that the weight of one piece does not exceed 32 kg.

Free baggage allowance on S7 Airlines flights:

How to transport animals?

If you plan to travel with a pet - a dog, cat or bird - get confirmation from the airline before purchasing tickets for S7 Airlines flights. You can contact support even before paying for your ticket so that our operators can contact the airline and confirm your flight with your beloved pet. Transportation of the animal will need to be paid for (exception: guide dogs).
You can take animals into the salon whose weight together with the carrier does not exceed 8 kg, and the dimensions of the cage do not exceed 115 cm in the sum of three dimensions. Also, no more than 2 animals of non-antagonistic species can be transported in the aircraft cabin on one flight. Unfortunately, not all animals and not all destinations can be carried on an airplane. Read more about restrictions on the airline's website. Pets are transported in cages made of thick plastic, wood or metal rods. The bottom of the cage should be covered with absorbent material, and the container should have a reliable locking device.

How to transport a bicycle, ski and snowboard equipment?

You can transfer a packed bicycle as 1 piece of luggage. If it does not exceed 203 cm in the sum of three dimensions and 23 kg in weight, then it can be carried as part of the free baggage allowance (for the Economy Flexible fare). It is advisable to pack it in a special case to protect it from mechanical damage.

Each passenger can, in addition to baggage, carry free of charge 1 set of ski/snowboard equipment with a total weight of no more than 23 kg for economy class fares and no more than 32 kg for business class fares. Alpine skis/snowboards and additional equipment can be packed in a single case or in 1 case and 1 piece of luggage. A case weighing over 32 kg is charged as oversized luggage.

Greetings to all those who stopped by.

I'm starting my long story about S7 airline, take a comfortable position and get ready for a long journey.

Over the past few years, I periodically fly planes to different cities of Russia with different airlines. I have flown with Siberia Airlines many times and each time the flight has been interesting.

Siberia Airlines has been on the air transportation market for quite a long time.

Year of foundation S7 Airlines: 1957.

The company's fleet includes more than 70 aircraft, most often flown by Airbus, less frequently by Boeing. The airline operates both domestic and international flights. S7 is based at 2 airports: Tolmachevo (Novosibirsk) and Domodedovo (Moscow).

The planes of this airline are easy to recognize; they are green. The planes are quite clean and tidy. I haven't seen any broken chairs.

The airline staff are quite polite and smiling. Despite multiple flights, I did not observe any conflict situations on board the ship. All flights were soft and smooth, without rumble or shaking.

Purchase and return of tickets

You can buy tickets both at air ticket offices and on the Internet. Refunding a ticket depends on the fare you chose when purchasing (either impossible or a loss of money).

S7 application

By installing this application on your smartphone, you can control your bonus account, buy and book a ticket, check in for a flight, watch the departure board, etc.


You can check in for a flight on the airline's website 30 hours before departure, in the S7 app or at the airport.

When purchasing a ticket with a cheap fare, free seat selection on the plane is not possible. EXCEPTION: passengers with children. Children under 12 years old are given certain seats in the cabin, so when you purchase a ticket, you will be assigned a seat.

Baggage transportation

There are a couple of nuances in transporting luggage with this airline. The baggage allowance for 1 adult passenger is 23 kg + hand luggage 7 kg. Several years ago, my wife and I flew from Novosibirsk with one suitcase that weighed a little more than 23 kg. The airline employee at the check-in counter offered 2 options for transportation: put the excess in a second bag (one piece of luggage for each passenger) or pay for the excess. Previously, we didn’t have such problems with other airlines; one baggage was taken into account for two passengers and we didn’t have to pay for excess baggage. We were not prepared for such a turn of events; we did not have a spare bag in our pockets and we were forced to pay for the excess. Now at home before a flight with S7, the weight of luggage is checked to the nearest gram.

Transporting a baby stroller

This service is provided by the airline free of charge, even if you divide the stroller into 2 blocks. When checking in your baggage, you can check the stroller right away and walk around the airport with your baby in your arms, or you can check it in as luggage at the boarding ramp. The stroller can be picked up either at the boarding ramp or together with your main luggage. Our stroller, weighing 13 kg, was divided into 2 blocks before flights and was always carried free of charge. At check-in, the stroller is weighed and checked in as oversized baggage at a separate check-in counter.

Meals on board

I have a couple of complaints about the airline's food. Once, after dinner on board the ship, I became seriously poisoned. The second incident occurred not so long ago; for breakfast, chicken and potatoes were offered, which contained quite a lot of ginger. Ginger is a product whose presence in food should be warned in advance.

The food portions are good and the dishes are filling. Even on short flights, a light sandwich lunch was provided (although another airline on the same route had no snacks at all and only served drinks).

Tea and coffee are of relatively good quality. They always offered lemon and milk with drinks. From soft drinks: drinking water with and without gas, 3 types of juice, sometimes Pepsi and similar sodas. The number of soft drinks is unlimited; you can order both water and juice at the same time. After the main meal, the staff re-offers hot drinks.

For an additional fee, you can order individual meals and baby food in advance.

The airline uses good quality disposable tableware, so you won't get poorly washed mugs.

Flying with a child

A child under 2 years of age is transported free of charge without the provision of an additional seat. A cradle is not provided; the child spends the entire flight in the arms of a parent. A seat for the child is assigned automatically, as this seat must be equipped with an additional oxygen mask. A child under 2 years old is entitled to free baggage allowance up to 10 kg + free carriage of a stroller.

On an airplane, the child is fastened with an additional seat belt to the parent's belt.

The airline gives gifts to children. On one flight we were given a bib and wet wipes, but on the second flight we did not receive a gift. The neighbors were given a bag containing pencils and a notebook with assignments.

Young children cope best with flying when they are breastfed.

Ways to save with S7

1. Participate in the loyalty program. This program is beneficial for frequent fliers. Flights are charged bonus miles, which can later be exchanged for a ticket, but in this case you will still have to pay for fees. The number of miles can be increased by online check-in (for online registration 50 bonus miles are awarded) using a joint bank card(S7-Tinkoff, Alfa-Bank, Promsvyazbank, Bank of Moscow), using the services of partner companies (hotels, car rental, insurance, online stores, etc.).

I would like to dwell in more detail on the accrual of bonus miles for purchases in online stores. The list of online stores is quite wide, among them: Lamoda, Aliexpress, Daughters and sons, M video, iHerb, Sportmaster, Obbi, etc. In order to receive bonus miles, you need to go to the S7 airline website--> to the S7 Priority section--> program partners--> online stores--> to the desired store to make a purchase.

You can also transfer the missing miles to your friend or family member. The minimum transfer is 500 miles. The cost of translation is 375 rubles.

From time to time the airline has Special offers for accrual of additional miles on certain routes.

3. Probably each of us paid attention to how much food costs at the airport. I have always been interested in the question - where do the airport staff, who earn the average salary, eat? wages. At Domodedovo Airport, in the parking area there is a building S7, which houses a canteen for employees with free entry for other visitors.

Canteen address: Domodedovo building 6/1.

The dining room is clean, cozy, there are a lot of visitors in it, there is enough space for everyone. For 150 rubles in 2018, I bought a full meal consisting of chicken noodle soup, rice with chicken cutlet and compote. The portions are large, the food is delicious. The dining room has a fairly large assortment of dishes, cash and non-cash payments are possible.

Canteen opening hours:

From 6.00 to 23.00.

Breaks: 10.45-11.15, 16.00-17.00

Example prices from the menu:

Buckwheat 150 grams - 35 rubles

Chicken cutlet 100 grams - 75 rubles

Bread - 3 rubles per 1 slice

Fruit drink 200 ml - 25 rubles

This is where the journey ends. Thanks for stopping by.

Traveling with a child? Do you want to take a stroller with you, but don’t know all the nuances of transportation on an airplane? Let's look at all the questions that may arise before the trip.

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Can I take a baby stroller on a plane?

Yes, all airlines carry strollers, most of them do it for free. However, depending on the carrier's regulations, as well as the weight, size and folding method, strollers may end up in either the luggage compartment or the aircraft cabin.

What are the restrictions on the weight, size and age of the child? How much does it cost to transport a stroller on a plane?

Most airlines have only one limit for strollers - weight. But be sure to check your airline's transportation regulations before you travel. Let's look at a few examples.


  • Price: free.
  • Child age: up to 2 years.
  • Restrictions on the weight and dimensions of the stroller: up to 20 kg (must not be in the original packaging), dimensions are not limited.
  • In addition to the stroller: 1 piece of luggage up to 10 kg, luggage size in the sum of 3 dimensions up to 115 cm.
  • Read more about the rules for flying with children.


  • Price: free.
  • Child's age: up to 2 years old you can take a baby cradle or car seat with you, up to 11 years old inclusive - a baby stroller.
  • Restrictions on the weight and dimensions of the stroller: no restrictions. You can take a folding stroller into the aircraft cabin if its dimensions do not exceed 55x40x20 cm. A folding cane stroller is checked in as baggage.
  • Read more about the rules for flying with children.


  • Price: free.
  • Child age: up to 2 years.
  • Restrictions on the weight and dimensions of the stroller: unlimited.
  • In addition to the stroller: 1 piece of luggage or hand luggage weighing up to 10 kg and dimensions up to 55x40x20 cm, regardless of service class. In the case of transportation at tariffs where the free baggage allowance is zero, the child’s belongings are transported only as hand luggage.
  • Read more about the rules for flying with children.

Ural Airlines

  • Price: free.
  • Child age: up to 2 years.
  • Restrictions on the weight and dimensions of the stroller: unlimited. Carrying a stroller in the aircraft cabin is not allowed.
  • In addition to the stroller: 1 piece of luggage or hand luggage weighing up to 10 kg, regardless of the fare.
  • Read more about the rules for flying with children.


  • Price: free.
  • Child age: up to 2 years.
  • Restrictions on the weight and dimensions of the stroller: unlimited. All strollers must be checked in as checked baggage. Their transportation is free if an infant is included in the route. However, if the child is not present, the stroller will be transported for an additional fee.
  • Read more about the rules for flying with children.


On airline flights, only a stroller cane is carried free of charge, and all other strollers are carried as one piece of baggage.

Czech Airlines

  • Price: free.
  • Child age: up to 2 years.
  • Restrictions on the weight and dimensions of the stroller: unlimited.
  • Read more about rules for flying with children .

Orenburg Airlines

  • Price: free.
  • Age: up to 2 years.
  • Weight and size restrictions: no more than 5 kg, size no more than 115 cm.


Price: free.

Age: up to 2 years.

Dimensions restrictions: no more than 158 cm.

Turkish Airlines

For children under 2 years old, the stroller can be carried free of charge and used before boarding the plane. If the child is over 2 years old, then the stroller is weighed along with the luggage.

When do I need to return the stroller and where can I get it upon arrival?

Depending on the rules of the airline and the airport, the stroller must be handed over at the check-in counter, or taken to the entrance to the sleeve, or taken with you into the aircraft cabin. You can find out exactly the transportation rules by calling your airline's call center.

Once you arrive at the airport, you can pick up your stroller at the boarding ramp, if you have arranged with the flight attendants in advance, or at the baggage carousel. In some cases, strollers are issued at counters for non-standard luggage.

Which airlines and airports can you rent a stroller at?

For example, at Sheremetyevo airport when checking in terminals E,F,C Strollers are provided free of charge. Airline


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