Year of manufacture Boeing 767 300 Azur Air. Azur Air aircraft: seat locations. The best and worst seats in the cabin

When you need to fly long distances, choose Boeing. The plane is an airliner with a wide fuselage. The model was twin-engine and was used to fly across the Atlantic Ocean for the first time.

Airplane was released in 1981. For 25 years, the aircraft has had time to prove itself as a reliable, economical, and comfortable airliner for passengers. It is not surpassed by any model in its class.

The Boeing 767 300 was first produced for Azur Air in 1983. The fuselage of the model is 6.5 meters longer than the base one, so it can accommodate forty more people on board. The cargo compartment is more powerful, the chassis is strengthened. The wing was built according to a new modification, the thickness of the strut was increased, and the support area was added.

The liner has two passages. This successful cabin configuration is still used in aircraft for long-haul flights.

Boeing flight

How does the liner work?

The length of the Boeing reaches 54.94 meters. Purpose – medium and long-distance transportation. Aircraft design characteristics:

  • Passenger comfort comes first;
  • The noise from the engines in the cabin is practically inaudible;
  • The flight is controlled by an on-board computer.

The cabin is configured in accordance with the requirements of each carrier. Passenger capacity ranges from 224 to 350 if the aircraft is used by a charter company.

Note! The liner is equipped with a cargo compartment with a volume of 114.2 cubic meters. Boeing is the record holder among aircraft designed for long-haul transportation. The airliner reaches speeds of up to 910 kilometers per hour and flies a maximum distance of 11 thousand kilometers.

What is the liner like inside?

Scheme Boeing salon Azur air 767 300 is represented by the 2-4-2 option. The 767-300 model is the most popular, as the cabin has a three-line seating arrangement and two aisles.

There are three aircraft configuration options:

  1. Three classes of seat layout: for first, business and tourist class;
  2. Two classes: economic and business;
  3. If the flight is charter, then there is only one economy class.

View of the liner from the inside

Three classes

Layout 2-2-2. There are six rows in total. The seats recline almost horizontally, so during a long flight there is no inconvenience for anyone.

From rows 10 to 16 there is the first economy class. Next are the toilets and kitchen. After them there is first class up to row 26. The seats are arranged in a 2-3-2 configuration. There is plenty of legroom, more than the next touring section. It is located between rows 27 and 42. At the end there are toilets and a technical room.

Two classes

Here the salon is not located immediately behind the cockpit; the kitchen comes first. The first five rows are business class. There are a total of 30 seats in this type of cabin. The chairs recline 165 degrees, practically turning into a bed. Every passenger flying in business class will be able to sleep. The seats are wide and can be transformed using an electric drive. At the end of the classroom there is a kitchen and toilets. The seating arrangement is 2-2-2.

Business Class

Economy class starts from the 11th row, it is located immediately behind the partition that separates it from the luxury seats. Seat arrangement formula: 2-3-2. There are exits between 5 and 11 nearby. The class is divided into two parts, the first block has 25 rows, followed by a toilet and an emergency exit.

In the rear, economy class starts from row 26, the last one is number 36, behind which there is a kitchen and an exit.

One class - economic

Note! Economy class is used by airlines that fly charter flights.

The cabin can accommodate 350 seats. There are 7 toilets:

  • 4 behind;
  • 2 in the center;
  • 1 ahead.

The seats have a 2-4-2 layout. Places with more legroom cost more. They are located near the emergency exit, so pregnant women, disabled people, and parents with children cannot sit here.

How to choose the right place?

Boeing offers to sit in business class, where all seats are increased comfort. There are also the best seats here - this is the first row, since it is located farthest from the toilets. There is less noise and distractions from enjoying the flight.

Interior layout

In economy class there is more legroom at the seats near the exit; it is better for tall people to sit here. These places also have disadvantages: they are located next to the toilet!

In addition, not everyone is allowed to fly on them - we are talking about disabled people, pregnant women and parents with children.

On a note: For those flying with a child, it is preferable to sit near the window to distract the child with clouds and the sky. It is better to choose seats near the toilet in order to less disturb other passengers with frequent visits to the bathroom.

To travel as a couple, you should choose a place where there are two seats next to each other, so as not to sit next to someone, this way you can have privacy.

For those who are afraid of flying, it is better to sit in the central part of the cabin between the aisles, so that you are away from the window.

Important! The worst place is the row at the back of the plane. Toilets and technical rooms are located at the rear, so passengers are ensured of bustle.

An uncomfortable place is also located in the center of the cabin between two rows, since there are three seats in a row, then sitting between two strangers, a person can experience double discomfort. In addition, if you need to get out, you will have to constantly disturb the passenger sitting next to you.

The cabin layout is distinguished by well-thought-out ergonomics, so every passenger, no matter where he sits, will be comfortable throughout the flight.

The best seats are where there is extra legroom and are located near emergency exits.

An airline that sends flights to Moscow or the Dominican Republic offers to fly in economy class. The layout of the seats is clearly visible in the photo.

Airplane diagram

In total the plane has 350 seats. This number is only valid for economy class. The number zf-9633 guarantees reliability during flights.

A few more important points

Azur Air does not provide business class for its charter flights. There is no need to despair; comfortable places can still be found. Every seat is new and comfortable, they are all leather. In the middle of the plane, the luggage rack can be lowered and raised, unfolding, thanks to a special mechanism. This innovation is unique to Boeing.

During the flight, flight attendants serve not only food and drinks, but also anti-sickness lollipops. This kind of service shows care. If the plane flies during the day, there will be three meals a day; when flying at night, only drinks or food on request. In the morning they give you a bun, sausage, cheese, butter, tea, coffee. It's hot during the day and evening. In addition to tea and coffee, they provide water and juice.

The second block of economy class is not so comfortable; here you cannot admire the view from the window, as the wings are in the way. Seats near escape hatches have more legroom but are limited in ticket sales. Pregnant women, disabled people and children are not allowed to fly here.

View from the porthole

There is more shaking towards the tail. Lots of noise due to passengers constantly passing by to go to the toilet.

The most convenient places For tall passengers there will be seats where you can stretch your legs. This is near the emergency hatches, the side seats. Ticket prices are higher for them.

Among the comfortable seats are seats on the 1st, 14th, 32nd row, side seats on the 16th and 33rd row. The first row has the advantage of additional space, but the disadvantage due to its proximity to the toilet, so the flight is accompanied by constant queues and noise.

Important! It is better for the elderly and pregnant to sit in the first row; it will be closest to the toilet. There are also cradles for babies, so passengers with small children should buy a ticket for these seats.

Rows 12, 45, 46 contain the most worst places, as they are located near the toilets. Passengers sitting on the edge will constantly be hit by those passing into the bathroom. There is more noise here from the constant conversations of people going to the toilet. The seat back in these rows does not recline. The 46th row is sandwiched by two bathrooms, there are two booths in the back, which increases anxiety significantly.

Sitting in the back is bad because of the shaking, severe motion sickness, and when the plane lands, your ears hurt. Such problems will turn the flight into a test.

Three layouts of the Boeing cabin were considered, used different airlines. The scheme for Azure is standard: 2-4-2. Since this airline offers a charter flight, the flight class will be purely economic.

"Boeing 767-300" - large airliner, designed for a maximum load of 350 people. It has been in production for about 30 years, but this does not prevent the model from being popular and used in many airlines around the world. The fact that Roman Abramovich has just such a plane speaks volumes. During operation there was "lost" only 17 aircraft and, unfortunately, 2 of them caused the tragedy in the USA on September 11, 2001.

Boeing 767-300 parameters

  • Length– 54.5 meters.
  • Wingspan– 47.6 meters.
  • Height– 15.8 meters.
  • Flight range (maximum) – 11,300 kilometers.
  • Maximum height – 13,200 km.
  • Maximum speed – 914 km/h.
  • Empty weight – 86 tons.
  • Takeoff weight– 186,880 kg.

Azur Air is a private company owned by the Turkish holding company Anex. It primarily operates charter flights on popular tourist destinations. On this moment has 7 in its fleet "Boeing 767-300".

These aircraft are designed for medium and long-range flights. If you look at the flight board, they are all not close - Thailand, Mexico, India, Vietnam, Spain, Tunisia, Dominican Republic. There are also domestic flights.

The cabin consists exclusively of economy class seats, so choosing the best seats will be problematic. Due to the heavy workload, the aircraft has 2 kitchens in the bow and 7 toilets - 1 in the bow, 2 in the center and 4 in the rear of the aircraft.

All seats are divided into three rows. There are 4 seats in the central one, 2 in the side ones, which is very convenient for those traveling together.

Unfortunately, in last years airlines began separating seats in their cabins. More popular and convenient to sell at a premium. Azur Air has special Azur Space seats. They cost 1000-1500 more, depending on the flight range.

Why are they better?

The distance between the chairs is about 1 meter, you can stretch your legs - this is important for tall people.

But there are also limitations. Pregnant women, minors, disabled people and passengers with children are not allowed on them. Plus, if the airline replaces the plane, you lose your right to upgraded seats. This is stated in the terms and conditions Azur Air. Where are these places? In the 1st row, immediately behind the cockpit and in front of the emergency exits.

Azur Space Improved Seat Scheme


  • Entire 1st row – seats A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H.

Middle of the cabin

  • Row 14 – seats C, D, E in the center row.
  • Row 16 – seats A, B and G, H on the sides (at the windows).
  • Row 32 – seats C, D, E, F in the center row.
  • Row 33 – seats A, B and G, H on the sides (at the windows).

However, it should be noted that rows 14 and 16 are located right next to the toilet. What is more important to you is up to you to decide.

By the way, not everyone likes to have a large space in front of them. As the plane descends, some passengers instinctively look for support. You won’t find such support in the form of seats in front at the Azur Space seats.

Convenient places

In addition to the officially recognized best places You can also find those for which you don’t have to pay extra.

For those flying together, these will be all side seats. You won't have to ask strangers to let you through, and no one will have to walk through you. You can calmly go about your business - sleep, eat, watch a movie or listen to music.

Some passengers like to sit "at the window", some, on the contrary, are panicky afraid to look down. Some people only prefer bow, someone likes to look at the wing, and someone wants to sit in the tail, because they once heard that in the event of an accident there is a chance of survival there. Therefore, each passenger chooses comfortable places for myself.

Inconvenient places

Traditionally, these will be seats near the toilets. More precisely - 12, 14, 15, 16 rows at the transition of the new part to the central one and 45, 46 rows at the very tail. In addition to unpleasant sounds and smells, you will be “annoyed” by people constantly walking and slamming doors who want to “wash their hands.” However, on short flights the planes are quite clean, but the second factor is much more annoying.

Next episode uncomfortable places located in the very center of the salon. These are places D, E. In any case, you will have to ask someone to let you through if necessary. It's inconvenient, even if yours is sitting next to you. close person. It’s good if the flight is short and the need arises infrequently.

In addition, there is a lot of crowding in the center row. The surrounding passengers are in your personal comfort zone, which not everyone likes. This is partly why most people consider flying an airplane an uncomfortable experience.

Why do you need to choose comfortable seats and how to survive a long flight?

The question is rhetorical. It is asked by those who have never flown for more than 3-4 hours. Imagine a flight from Moscow to Southeast Asia, which lasts 9-10 hours, or to the American continent - across the ocean, which is even longer. How can you spend so much time in one position? Moreover, squeezed from all sides by neighbors. You'll be lucky if you can sleep.

Therefore, it is better not to pump yourself up with alcohol, but take a small dose of a sedative. This way you won't break the law and will "adequate". Keep in mind that a drunk person can be removed from a flight both at the airport of departure and at the destination. Which is even more offensive.

If you have problems with the spine and blood vessels, be sure to take medications with you and try to change your body position if possible. Buy yourself an inflatable pillow in advance. Some airlines even provide them, but they won't take up much space in your luggage.

Pleasant flight!

They operate 12 Boeing 767-300ER aircraft. All aircraft have significant differences in their internal layout, number of seats and placement of escape hatches.

By mid-2014, the airline plans to bring them to a single type of cabin configuration. Now only 4 ships have the same seating layout - this is a classic two-class “business/economy” option. The tail numbers of these aircraft are as follows: EI-UNF, EI-UND, EI-UNB, EI-UNA. Just such a scheme will be considered.

1 row belongs to business class. The main advantages are modern finishing, comfortable chairs that recline almost 180 degrees. 17.1" wall-mounted monitors. Exquisite menu. You will feel very comfortable in these places.

WITH 10 rows Economy class starts. In economy class, the row spacing is 83 cm (33 inches).

The advantage of these seats is that no one will lean back on the passengers.

Among the minor drawbacks, it can be noted that some passengers feel uncomfortable looking at the “wall” during a long flight. Also here can be placed mounts for baby bassinets and it is possible for passengers to be close to small children.

IN 16th row (C,D,E) and 17th row the backs of the chairs may be limited in reclining, as they come into contact with the dividing partition or the kitchen wall. Staying upright can be uncomfortable during a long flight.

The row spacing in economy class is 83 cm (33 inches).

18 row belongs to the first row of tourist class. The disadvantages and advantages are the same as those of the 10th row. Additional disadvantages are the close location of the restrooms; other passengers will constantly walk past, creating queues for the toilet.

Also, during the flight, passengers may be disturbed by the sound of the drain tank and unpleasant odors. In fact, these places are the busiest.

IN 23rd row (A,B,G,H) and 24th row (C,D,E,F) the seats are located close to the emergency exit. In accordance with safety regulations, in order not to impede access to emergency doors, the seat backs may be limited in reclining or locked. Passengers will have to sit in one position throughout the flight. Taking into account the fact that these airliners are used on routes long distance, this brings inconvenience.

Before 24 nearby (A,H) There is free legroom as there is an emergency exit nearby. At the same time, there may be no armrest on the side of the hatch, and the door may “bulge out” slightly.

And here 24 row (B,G) and 25 row (C,D,E,F) can be called the most comfortable seats in this cabin configuration. They are located far from restrooms and other technical rooms. Thanks to the location of the emergency exits, there is ample legroom in front of these rows. The best seats on the plane!

The disadvantages of these places are that elderly passengers, parents with small children and transporting animals are prohibited.

In addition, hand luggage cannot be placed in the aisle; all items will have to be placed in the overhead cabinet.

IN last 45 row tourist class, the seat backs can be fixed. In addition, during the flight you can feel the proximity of the toilet rooms and kitchen. It is advisable to register tickets for these seats as the last thing.

The distance between rows is 74-78 cm (29-31 inches). In which rows the distance is greater/smaller, we do not know.

Boeing 767s are rightfully considered one of the most reliable airliners that fly not only on Russian airlines, but all over the world. The plane first took off in 1988.

The airliner's cabin is equipped with 2 classes: business class and economy.

The seats in business class are arranged in a 2-2-2 configuration. Most airline seats are located either at the aisles or at the windows.

The seats in economy class are arranged in a 2+3+2 configuration. The airliner fuselage has large compartments for hand luggage, comfortable lighting, has good sound insulation, and a significant number of toilets.

Best places:

3rd row - the presence of free space in front, the absence of toilets nearby.
Row 10 – fastenings for baby cradles for flights with children begin
Row 18 – enough distance to stretch your legs
Row 19 is the greatest distance to the seats in front; the backrests recline completely.
Due to the fact that the seats of the 3rd and 18th rows are slightly narrower due to the tables built into the fixed armrests, people with a heavy build may experience some discomfort

The Boeing 767 is a wide-body aircraft for medium and long-haul flights. The first to pass international certification for intercontinental flights over oceans as a machine with two engines.

The debut flight took place in 1981. Commercial use began the following year. The airliner was slightly inferior to Airbus aircraft in terms of range. Boeing immediately began developing a design for longer routes. One after another, the Boeing 767-200ER and Boeing 767-300 were born. The first had the best characteristics in terms of range, and the second - in terms of capacity.

In 1987, Japanese freighters received the first B767-300.

The developers increased the length of the fuselage by more than six meters, other dimensions remained the same. Passenger capacity has increased by almost a quarter. The maximum number of seats is 360.

The first engines were made by General Electric and Pratt & Whitney, then Rolls Royce also participated in production. The power parameters of the motors of this company had great thrust. Customers subsequently chose engines at their discretion.

The operating costs of the airliner have been significantly reduced thanks to the use of modern technologies. A more comfortable level has been created for passengers and pilots.

Boeing's latest design has the best fuel efficiency and reduced noise. On board there is electronic system management.

In the manufacture of the case, all advanced technologies at that time were used: flexible and durable alloys and materials.

The passenger cabin has a two-aisle system, which is more convenient, according to carriers. The interior space has been expanded by 1.5 meters, which allows you to take more passengers on board.

The cargo compartment is also increased, its capacity is almost half that of similar class aircraft.

Competitive advantages and modifications of Boeing 767 – 300

Since the start of service in 1982, the Boeing 767 has carried more than eight hundred million passengers. The average flight time for all manufactured vehicles of this family is about ten hours a day. Many wide-body competitors are no longer flying, much less in production. This aircraft has been in production for more than three decades and is still in active use today.

Commercial carriers have adopted abbreviated model designations. For example, Boeing 767 - 300 is called B763, and 767 - 200, usually abbreviated as B762.

Base model Boeing 767-300 has a fuselage length of 54.94 meters. Currently, these models are gradually being replaced by the Boeing 787 - 8. In total, more than 700 aircraft were produced different models this row.

Boeing 767 - 300ER is an elongated airbus that covers long distances. In 1989, this car with two powerful engines covered the distance from the USA to the state of Hawaii. Manufacturers increased the take-off weight to almost 190 tons and increased the volume of fuel tanks. Such transformations were necessary for the desired flight range. Examples of 763ER routes are impressive: from Los Angeles to Germany, as well as from Moscow to Beijing. The stretched 763ER model became the best-selling and most operated of the B767 line. The aircraft of this modification is owned by billionaire Roman Abramovich.

767-300F is a cargo version of the 763 ER. The huge machine can accommodate twenty-four pallets measuring 2.2 m * 3.2 m on one deck, and almost thirty on the second. There is a large hatch on the upper deck for loading and unloading. There are three doors on the lower deck for the same purposes.

The Boeing 763 F cargo planes were planned to be converted into military aircraft. Military – air force The US saw these models as tankers, military transport vehicles and other purposes. The release of these series was never established.

Flight technical parameters of Boeing 767 300

  • Aircraft length - 54.94 meters
  • Wingspan – 47.57 meters
  • Passenger capacity – from 219 to 360
  • Maximum take-off weight – up to 187,000 kilograms
  • Empty liner weight – up to 90,000 kilograms
  • Flight range – up to 11,500 kilometers
  • Cruising flight speed – up to 852 km/h

Location and description of the best seats in the 767 ER cabin (diagram)

This model can accommodate up to 370 passengers. There are two classes of salons here.

From the first to the fifth row there are business class seats. The best seats are in rows 1, 2, 3 and 4. The fifth row seats are located near utility rooms: kitchens and bathrooms. However, the business lounge is separated from the rest by a partition or screen, which still favors a quieter flight.

From the eleventh to the thirty-ninth row (depending on the models), there are economy class seats. Unlike the previous, higher class, the seats are arranged in a 2/3/2 pattern. Therefore, the passages in this option are much narrower. The gaps between the rows are sufficient, but the best are still in the 11th and 27th rows. There is no row of seats in front of them, and there are no backrests that recline for the passenger.

When ordering tickets, please note that the seats preceding the emergency exit (row 25) may have limited backrest reclining capabilities. They may even be blocked altogether.

The thirty-eighth row, the last, is traditionally the worst option. The backs of the seats can be fixed in one position. There is a bathroom at the rear, so frequent foot traffic will disturb you from time to time. There may also be queues, which will interfere comfortable rest in flight.

All seats on the plane have their advantages and disadvantages. So, seats near the windows are traditionally a priority. But when going out, you need to disturb your neighbor. If you get an aisle seat, the passenger is prevented from walking in the cabin.

In general, many will appreciate the large, roomy, comfortable interior.

Long history of success

The Boeing 767-300 is perhaps one of the most successful and successful models of the great aircraft manufacturing company. For many decades, the popular airliner was profitable and competitive.

Currently, many more specimens of this family are in use. They are gradually being replaced by modernized Boeing aircraft.

The Boeing 763 became a timely, progressive and successful project in the history of aircraft manufacturing.


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