How normal people spend their summer. What should you do in the summer? List of “150 things to do for the summer. Drop a nice message into your loved one's mailbox

Summer is the favorite season of the year for many. And you are probably waiting for him too. Beautiful light dresses, sunrises and sunsets, picnics, trips to the sea and mountains - all this summer! Surely you already have some plan for this wonderful time of year. But we will give you a few more ideas on how to spend an unforgettable summer.

6 ideas on how to spend an unforgettable summer

1. Try to take notes on this wonderful and bright time of year. Come up with a scenario for a photo project and take funny selfies and landscapes every day, some interesting moments, because in the summer there are plenty of them.

At the end of the summer season, create a beautiful slide show that will remind you of these wonderful warm days. In September you will see that you had an unforgettable summer!

3. In the summer we remember our childhood much more often, and this is perhaps not surprising. So why not plunge into it again? A summer day will become truly magical if you visit an amusement park.

To spend an unforgettable summer, take a ride on the carousels you loved as a child, and be sure to try those rides that you never dared to try as a child. Scary? Bring a friend or girlfriend with you - it’s more fun and less scary together. And for the full feeling of childhood, do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating a huge cotton candy and buy yourself a bright helium balloon!

4. Sky lanterns– magic lamps flying skyward. How great it is to watch them! In the summer, be sure to choose a day, or better yet more than one, to launch this miracle into the sky. And don’t forget to make wishes!

5. Does your soul require a movie show? Have a vote with your friends and choose three best movie on a summer theme, then arrange a non-stop night!

6. We remember summer not only for long trips, but also for such cute little things. And it is in your power to make sure that there are as many such pleasant moments as possible. Just your desires and imagination - and your plan for how to spend an unforgettable summer is ready!



Summer is a wonderful time. In every hard worker, the desire is seething with might and main for at least short term say goodbye to boring everyday life. And don’t hesitate with this!

Below are 25 ways you can have a great summer in the city and make this period truly special and unforgettable.

Trip to nature

If you live in small town, then you won’t have any problems with this point. If the city where you live is large, find alternative options: get together for the weekend and get away from the bustle of the city and stone walls, or visit the city’s green parks.

Picnic in nature. Some consider picnics an outdated and useless activity, but in vain. So feel free to fill your basket with food and drink, find a long-abandoned deck of cards or board games, invite friends or family - and enjoy have a pleasant holiday in the fresh air.
Relax by the nearest body of water. And the type of reservoir is not even so important: is it a river, a lake, or a sea. , go fishing or diving. Being near a body of water, you can relax in different ways.
Kebabs. If your grill has been collecting dust in the garage or on the balcony for a long time, it’s time to remember it and use it for its intended purpose. Just the memory of the smell of fried meat can drive you crazy. And you shouldn’t limit the list of invitees, because the more people, the merrier.
Hike. A worthy and undeservedly forgotten way to spend time. But this is a great opportunity to leave civilization and enjoy the benefits of nature. How long has it been since you slept under the stars or ate food cooked over a fire? Yours is enough old tent collecting dust in the closet, take it out and go on a hike.
Bonfire. To spend a pleasant evening with friends by the fire, you don’t have to go into the forest for the night. Find beautiful place in an authorized place, provide yourself with a fire and sausages, and enjoy the memories of the pioneer past with scary stories for the night and a pleasant company of friends and family. Just remember to take your guitar, and try not to set anyone or anything on fire.
Picking fruits or flowers. Surely, not so far from you, there is at least a part of nature that has not been gnawed by man. Walk through the field, pick daisies, or pick berries in the forest nearby - this way you will relax yourself and be able to please someone close to you without any reason.


How long have you met and chatted about nothing with friends? Maybe it’s worth renewing old relationships or making new friends this summer?

Meetings with friends. Unfortunately, today the Internet consumes the lion's share of humanity's time. Even when in the company of friends, every second person finds it difficult to take his eyes off the screen. Try to resist the urge and conduct an experiment: choose one evening, turn off the means of communication and spend time with friends or family as you did before the Internet. At the same time, give your brain a break, for which it will definitely reward you later.
Movie. Even if you often visit the cinema, try to plunge into the world of cinema not in ordinary stuffy halls, but in a cinema under open air. Fresh air, interesting film, pleasant company - isn’t that wonderful?
Flash mob. Flash mobs are sources of unusually bright and what should you do: dance with a crowd in a supermarket, swim in a fountain or shoot strangers with water pistols? The most wonderful thing is that it’s all free.
Fireworks. There is no need to wait for a special occasion if you love fireworks. Gather your loved ones and cheer them and your neighbors up! Of course, it is worth remembering that it is better not to do this late at night, because at this time people are sleeping.
Summer blockbuster. Summer is the right time for the release of the brightest and most unforgettable action films, which then never leave the lips of people around. You shouldn’t hug your laptop at home with the thought that the torrent will download all the blockbusters you want. Gather your friends or family, buy some popcorn and have fun with others in the room. And don't forget about have a nice walk after.

Fresh air

Have you worked for a whole year, and then ran home to cook dinner and get ready for work? It's time to take a break and finally get some fresh air.

Hiking. Do not forget that legs can replace transport. In addition, the warmth of the sun during a walk will give you a lot of vitamin D. So don’t miss the chance to get it.
Help grandma in the garden. Of course, you need to help your family not only in the summer. And now we are not talking about the moral principles of society, so at this point it is worth paying attention to the word “garden”. It is a well-known fact: working closer to the land has a positive effect on a person both physically and mentally. So, in addition to helping your grandmother, you will relieve your nerves and calm down. Plus, that's not all the pros: at the end of the summer, you can literally reap and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Hammock. Finding and installing a hammock may not be the most pleasant and easy task, and not everyone succeeds in getting into it the first time. However, you will certainly appreciate its benefits, as sleeping in nature is a very satisfying and beneficial thing.
Watching the sunset. Regardless of where exactly you live, you will find a place convenient for enjoying this miracle of nature within an hour's drive from you. This could be the beach, the top floor of a high-rise building, or some other similar location. Of course, everyone likes sunset photos on the Internet, but this cannot be compared with the real sensations.
Open air. Just in the summer there are many outdoor festivals. You can, of course, hang out with other lovers of inadequacy right next to the stage, or you can sit comfortably a little to the side and enjoy what is happening from there.

A great activity to have a great summer in the city, don't miss your chance to find new hobbies.

New skills and abilities. Summer as a child was a time of new beginnings every year. Childhood has passed, but this tradition can be continued. If you have long had a desire to jump with a parachute, learn a foreign language, kiss the first person you meet, or realize another dream for which there was no place in your schedule, you have three months. So make a plan - and go for it.
Do some handicrafts. At school, everyone was taught labor skills: sewing, knitting, embroidery, or the ability to create interesting crafts or useful things in other ways. Why not remember what you were taught and find application for the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired long ago? After all, you just have to put in the effort and you will definitely end up with something useful.


There’s nothing even to talk about here, sport means health, a great mood and a great pastime. Rate it.

Sports activities. There is no other time of year that is so ideal for getting in shape. How to do this is up to you, because the weather allows a lot: from a group game of football to a basic jog around the house. But even if it’s raining outside, don’t let that stop you! Do the simple ones. Of course, this is far from a full-fledged workout, but it will give tangible results by the fall, and ten minutes three times a day will not harm you in any way for the benefit of the body.
Seasonal sports. Of course, watching different sports is not bad, and even interesting. However, it is the summer ones that you can experience more conveniently and fun for yourself. Playing football, badminton, tennis or volleyball will not only get you in shape, but will also help you spend an interesting evening in pleasant company.

Other matters

Besides nature, meeting friends and sports activities, there are many other ways to have fun in the city during the summer. Look and choose.

Vacation. What could be more obvious? However, this does not mean that it is not worth mentioning. Be sure to take as much as possible. After all, having escaped the tenacious clutches of gray everyday life for at least a week, you can completely reboot your body, giving it strength for a very long time.
Housework. Surely everyone has whole list a task that is still waiting to be completed. It's time to tackle them. Fix something, clean behind or under bulky interior items, wash windows or baseboards. Let your enthusiasm last as long as possible large quantity business
Zoo. If you have children, then visiting the zoo should become an integral part of your life. This type of pastime will benefit not only your children, but also you. You will learn more about the various inhabitants of our planet, including those whom you would otherwise never see in person. In any case, you will have the opportunity to take a photo with them.
Volunteering. Help is always needed. You can entertain children in hospitals, donate things to children from an orphanage, volunteer to renovate it, chat with elderly people from a nursing home, walk dogs from a shelter, or buy what you need at any of these or other help centers. Choose one of them or figure out how you can help and help. After all, there is greater happiness in giving than in receiving.
Sale. That pile of completely unnecessary things that is discovered every time during a total cleaning does not necessarily have to vegetate in a landfill. Different people's views on the same things can be very different, and what you call junk may just as well turn out to be practically priceless to another person, so try listing all these things as lots in online auctions. After all, sometimes crazy collectors are ready to pay a considerable amount for a simple trinket.

Summer is a wonderful time, three sunny months that you can fill with fun, meetings with friends and evening gatherings.

You yourself are the architect of your own happiness, so start a diary and plan at least five of the above types of recreation.

Have a nice holiday and a fun summer!

30 March 2014, 18:25

001. don't sleep for 24 hours
002. launch a sky lantern
003. make pizza with someone together
004. take a picture of the sea
005. write something nice under someone's window
006. walk barefoot in the rain
007. have breakfast at the pizzeria
008. drink a liter of water in one gulp
009. spend the day alone
010. throw a party (hen party)
011. lose weight
012. confess your love to your eyes
013. heart-to-heart talk all night
014. eat a kilogram of ice cream per day
015. meet the sunrise on the embankment
016. read a book
017. drink champagne for breakfast
018. refuse all means of communication for a day
019. run into the water with a running start
020. fall asleep to your favorite music
021. watch the sunset on the roof
022. talk on the phone with a complete stranger
023. watch 20 films
024. swim in clothes
025. make coffee for a dear person
026. write a poem
027. write a letter to god
028. swim in the rain
029. play spin the bottle
030. sleep more than 12 hours
031. create your own cocktail
032. ride a bike (rollerblades) all day
033. eat cotton candy
034. ride the Ferris wheel
035. roast marshmallows on the fire
036. see the rainbow
037. take a picture of a wild animal
038. "train" with a person of the opposite sex
039. visit 3 cities
040. correspond for a long time
041. meet 10 new people
042. go to the cinema to watch a horror movie
043.go to a professional photo shoot

044. go to church
045. see a shooting star
046. collect a bouquet of wild flowers
047. have dinner by candlelight
048. listen to the birds singing at 5 am
049. talk all night on the phone
050. buy a lot of helium balloons and release them
051. Listen to music for 12 hours straight
052. ride a minibus all day
053. prepare summer soup: okroshka or gazpacho
054. talk to a foreigner, on Skype, chatroulette or Facebook
055. take your morning photo
056. talk to a person you haven’t dared to talk to for a very long time
057. watch your favorite movie
058. take a photo from a bird's eye view
059. if you are a girl, then learn to do pull-ups or push-ups
060. make peace with the one you miss
061. take part in a flash mob
062. make a dream catcher
063. go ice skating for a change
064. go to another city, go to the cinema and return
065. spend the whole day with your child
066. drop it in a loved one's mailbox nice message
067. feed the pigeons
068. go to a deep forest or field and scream properly, scream at the top of your lungs, this is an incredibly effective way!
069. listen to all the albums of some artist for the whole day
070. try 10 types of cocktails
071. give someone a massage
072. bake a cake
073. listen to a song played on a guitar
074. leave a tip for the waiter
075. see fireworks
076. talk under the moon
077. assemble a puzzle with 1 thousand pieces.
078. don't drink coffee all day
079. slow dance with a person of the opposite sex some chocolate
081. walk down the street blowing soap bubbles
082. make fruit salad
083. douse yourself with water
084. determine your perfume style and always be faithful to it
085. feed someone from your hand
086. learn strange phrases from a foreign language
087. cover yourself with chocolate
088. always say “yes” (agree to everything all day, decent things naturally)
089. play a board game with a large group
090. write and send someone your favorite poem by letter
091. start a summer album
092. get a summer manicure
093. learn to cook well 1 dish
094. smile at a passerby
095. cover someone with whipped cream
096. drink for brotherhood
097. have a picnic
098. wake up to birdsong
099. meditate - just relax, turn on some nice music, don’t think about anything
100. Every day write down 1 word characterizing this day

Hi all!

There is very little left until summer, which means it’s time to think about how to make it bright and interesting.

To help you spend this summer unforgettable, I have prepared a marathon " Bright summer with Club for Girls"and a to-do list for every day of summer.

I hope these ideas are enough for your bright and unique summer!

Things to do for every day of summer

1. Prepare a dessert with berries or fruits (hint - it could be ice cream to which you add fruits or berries).

2. Make a list of movies you want to watch this summer.

3. Make a list of places you would like to visit this summer.

4. Make a list of books you want to read this summer.

5. Make a list of habits that you would like to have before the end of summer.

6. Write a list of what new things you want to learn this summer.

7. Make your summer playlist

8. Inflate balloon(you can have several) and go for a walk with him (you can give them to someone there).

9. Have a picnic (for friends or family)

10. Go to the beach

11. Go on a swing

12. Go to an amusement park

13. Learn to cook a new dish

14. Ride a bike

15. Go to the cinema

16. Eat ice cream

17. Make a bouquet of fresh flowers

18. Enjoy the sunset

19. Go to the zoo

20. Feed ducks/swans on the pond in the park (the easiest option is sparrows in the yard :)).

21. Go bowling

22. Have a pajama party

23. Make breakfast in bed for your parents and brother/sister

24. Make a fruit salad

25. Learn to do a new hairstyle

26. Admire the sunrise

27. Go fishing

28. Make lemonade or a cool, fresh cocktail

29. Learn to fly a kite

30. Make a cucumber face mask

31. Write a poem or short story

32. Take a photo of a rainbow

33. Smile at passers-by on the street

34. Go to some interesting master class or festival

35. Give your room a deep cleaning

36. Do something with your own hands

37. Print out photos and make a photo album out of them

38. Sort out all your things and throw away/give away/sell the extra ones

40. Make something with strawberries

41. Walk barefoot on the grass

42. Go on an excursion in your own or a neighboring city

43. Buy or download and print a coloring book and color it

44. Ride a boat, speedboat or catamaran

45. Experiment with your appearance

46. ​​Clean up your computer

47. Bake a fruit or berry pie

48. Call or write to people you haven’t talked to for a long time (for example, your grandmother or a friend from kindergarten :)).

49. Make a wish album

50. Watch your favorite childhood cartoon

51. Look at the sky and, like when you were a child, imagine what the clouds in the sky look like

52. Launch a sky lantern

53. Learn to make a variety of vegetable salads

54. Build a sand castle or tower

55. Buy a can of soap bubbles (or make your own) and blow them up

56. Go for a walk in the park and buy yourself some cotton candy.

57. Cook vegetables or meat on the grill (grill)

58. Spend the evening by the fire

59. Admire the starry sky and find some constellations

60. Draw something funny on the pavement with crayons.

61. Make a wish when you see a shooting star

62. Buy a summer hat and go outside only in it to protect your delicate facial skin from the scorching sun

63. Go for a massage

64. Make some jelly

65. Play badminton or tennis

66. Every evening, write down 3 pleasant events of the day.

67. Write a letter to your idol

68. Compliment someone every day

69. Have a spa evening with your friends

70. Take a walk around the evening city

71. Write a letter to your …-year-old self (add, for example, 5 years - if you are 15, then this will be a letter to your 20-year-old self).

72. Play beach volleyball

73. Sit in silence

74. Visit a water park or water slides

75. Jump on the trampoline

76. Get out of town with tents for at least one day

77. Go down the slide at the playground

What are your plans/ideas for the summer? I look forward to your comments!

Olga Dubro

Columnist for Tricolor TV Magazine

Don't sleep! What an interesting way to spend the summer in the city

Summer is a small life, and you need to live it in such a way that it does not cause excruciating pain for the months spent aimlessly. After all, even in the city, summer can be spent in such a way that others will envy. Here are some ideas to make the summer months memorable.


Collective exercise is not new to us (somewhere deep in the genetic memory lives the habit of doing exercises in the morning; we are simply lazy). Now it is not only useful, but also fashionable. Yoga mornings in city parks in support of a healthy lifestyle have become commonplace. In every big city There are enthusiasts who gather like-minded people in nature to achieve Zen together, and for free.

If you have long wanted to do yoga, but were looking for a reason, here it is - summer, the nearest park and suitable company are already available. Join us!

RAIDS ON SUMMER VERANDAS AND BARS The bar life in the city becomes twice as active in the summer and can easily compete with the entertainment of Ayia Napa and Hurghada. The establishments present summer menus, which will take you the summer months to taste. You can spend the whole summer on the open verandas, watching the life of the city.

And on weekends, go to the busiest bar street in the city to dance until you drop and walk home in the morning.

LEISURE On autumn and winter evenings, you want to quickly get home to take a hot bath, lie under the blanket and watch a TV series. In the summer you want to stay outside longer. The season of bicycles, rollers, scooters and skateboards is coming

. It's time to discover new routes while enjoying the weather with health benefits.


Business life calms down for the summer - everyone goes on vacation or disperses to the summer verandas. If you are not one of those, then use the general calm for your work purposes. As a rule, people start looking for work starting in September, so now you have minimal competition for the desired position or new project.

For some reason, we always look for a reason for a picnic: a birthday, meeting with friends, a photo shoot. If you stay in the city in the summer, you don’t need a reason for a picnic in nature, because the idea of ​​a picnic is a great reason in itself. This is very European: stock up on suitable food, take a blanket, a book, put everything in a basket, walk or drive to the nearest park and spend the entire sunny half of the day there. You don't even need a company for this.


At school, the summer reading list was depressing, but now let it be longer, please. You don't always have time to read on vacation, unless you're spending it on the beach. But in the city you can find a thousand opportunities to be alone with a book.

Take it with you on the subway, to a cafe, read while you wait for a friend, go out on a bench in the evening with a book, in general, use any excuse to read. It will enrich you no less than the tourist experience.

DOMESTIC TOURISM Nothing prevents you from feeling like a tourist, even if in the summer you were left without a visa and the plane with a silver wing flew away without you. You can explore your own city and its surroundings from the point of view of a visitor. When was the last time you visited the main city museum or climbed the observation deck ? You can create a route tourist places


and methodically get around them, or go on a weekend trip to the nearest suburb.