Riddle about a balloon for adults. Research paper "balloon mystery". For children: riddles about a balloon

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I hold him by the leash
Although he is not a puppy at all.
And he got off the leash
And flew away under the clouds.

Answer: Balloon

Tied by the tail, behind us
He flies under the clouds.

Answer: Balloon

Your ponytail

I held it in my hand

You flew -

I ran.


I hold him by the leash

Although he is not a puppy at all.

And he got off the leash

And flew away under the clouds.


Round, smooth, like a watermelon...

Any color, for different tastes.

If you let me off the leash,

It will fly away beyond the clouds.


Today everyone is rejoicing!

In the hands of a child

They dance for joy


Balloon games


This game is good to play at the very beginning, especially if the children do not know each other very well, because it liberates and unites the company.

All children stand in a circle, the leader in the center. He throws it up to the ceiling balloon. While he falls, everyone should laugh out loud. As soon as the ball hits the floor, everyone should be silent. This is where the fun begins. It turns out that staying silent is not so easy. There are one or two kids who cannot stop and continue to laugh. Then there are more funny people - a chain reaction ensues.

Color show

This is also a team game. We will need a large number of balls of two colors, for example, red and blue.

The players are divided into two teams and, at the leader’s signal, they begin to collect their colors: one team has red balls, the other blue.

Riddles about balloons

Whoever collects his color faster wins.

Air shooting gallery

We glue strips of double-sided tape onto a large thick sheet of cardboard, and inflated balloons on it. We distribute darts to the participants and place them in one line (at a distance of approximately 2 m from the cardboard with balls). At the leader's command, the children begin to throw darts at the balls. The one who can pop the most balloons is considered the winner.


All participants stand in a circle. The presenter launches four balloons filled with water. Participants pass balls to each other to the music. The one who still has the ball in his hands after the music stops is eliminated from the circle. The competition is repeated and continues until a winner or winners are identified.

Duel at sea

There is no water in our “sea”, but there are fins! Participants put a fin on their right leg and tie a ball to their left leg. It is necessary to “drown” the opponent’s ball, i.e. slam it.

Finger games

We went to the market
Buy a balloon.
Here it is green, like a leaf,
Blue, like cornflower.
Red, brighter than tomatoes,
Yellow - the color of lemon peel

Don't waste your time,
Choose quickly!
We need it for the game
Multi-colored balls.

Game "Inflate a balloon"

The tips of the fingers of the left hand are pressed against the tips of the fingers of the right hand: thumb to thumb, index to index, middle to middle, etc.

We blow on our fingers - “inflate the ball.” Without taking your fingers off each other, slowly spread your fingers apart - this is a “ball”.

You can “inflate” a large balloon.

Continuing to blow, we tear our fingers apart from each other and spread our arms to the sides to the size of an imaginary ball. We say: “Bang!” - and wave our hands (“the ball has burst!”).

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did not you find what you were looking for? Use the search:


A warm wave splashes
On the banks of cast iron.
Guess, remember:
What kind of sea is in the room?

White trough
Nailed to the floor.

For children: riddles about a balloon

White Lake –
Sometimes it’s full, sometimes it’s shallow,
Clear water from the sky -
It will fill the lake,
Otherwise it will disappear without a trace.

iron house,
The walls slope in it,
There is no roof - there is a bottom,
And at the bottom there is a window.

Can I dive to the bottom in it,
But I can't drown
And if it gets deep
I can open the cork easily.


And what happened! And what happened!
Mom let a river into the house.
The river gurgled merrily,
Mom washed clothes in it.
And then, and then,
I swam in the rain.

In a small house
Full of people live
Everyone is honest and simple,
Everything is transparent and clean,
And when the guest comes -
People will run out
He will attack the guest -
Yes, the guest will not be offended,
Once he hugs, another -
It will shine with purity.

The rain is warm and thick,
This rain is not easy:
He is without clouds, without clouds
Ready to go all day.

Wash basin

Parashka stands -
Holds a cup
bowed her head,
She lowered her nose,
And it flows from the nose
Pure water in a cup.

Silver trumpet,
From the pipe - water,
Water runs and pours
Into the whiteness of the well,
There are two brothers on the pipe,
They sit and have fun.
One in a red caftan,
The second one is in blue,
Both friends are brothers
They manage the water.


I saw my portrait.
He walked away - there was no portrait.

And it shines and shines,
It doesn’t flatter anyone,
And he will tell anyone the truth -
He will show everything as it is.

Even though he didn't leave for a moment
Since your birthday,
You haven't seen his face
But only a reflection.

There is a portrait in the room,
Similar to you in everything.
Laugh - and in response
He will laugh too.

Didn't look out the window -
There was only Antoshka.
Looked out the window -
There is a second Antoshka.
What kind of window is this?
Where was Antoshka looking?

The sage saw a sage in him,
Stupid - stupid
ram - ram,
The sheep saw him as a sheep,
And a monkey - a monkey,
But they brought him to him
Fedya Baratova,
And Fedya saw
A shaggy slob.


When they wash with me,
Then tears are shed.

Look, look -
Drowning in the river and in the trough!
Why is it always
Only where there is water?

Slipping away like something alive
But I won't let him out.
The matter is quite clear -
Let him wash my hands.

Blowing bubbles
Foam climbed up -
And he was gone
It all disappeared.

Take me,
Wash, bathe,
And what am I -
Guess quickly
And know:
It would be a big disaster
Whenever it’s not me and not the water.

Smooth and fragrant
Washes very clean
Everyone needs to have one.
What is this?

Slipping away like something alive
But I won't let him go,
Foams with white foam
Hand wash does not foam.

Pink brick, fragrant
Rub it and you will be clean.


Elastic band Akulinka
I went for a walk along the back.
And while she was walking,
The back became pink.


Bone back,
Stiff bristles, C
mint paste makes friends,
Serves us diligently.

The tail is made of bone,
And on the back there are bristles.

Skinny girl -
Hard bangs,
It gets cool during the day.
And in the mornings and evenings
Accepted work:
will cover your head
Yes, it will wash the walls.


Flew into the cave,
It comes out along the stream -
He removes everything from the walls.


Waffle and striped
Fleecy and shaggy,
Always at hand -
What it is?

I wipe, I try,
After the boy's bath.
Everything is wet, everything is wrinkled -
There is no dry corner.

The path says -
Two embroidered ends:
“Wash yourself a little,
Wash the ink off your face!
Otherwise you're in half a day
You'll get me dirty."

Hanging on the wall, dangling,
Everyone grabs hold of him.


toothy saw
I went into the dense forest.
I went around the whole forest,
I didn't cut anything down.

He has a lot of teeth, but he doesn't eat anything.

I'm not wandering through forests,
And by the mustache, by the hair,
And my teeth are longer,
Than wolves and bears.

We use it often
Even though she has teeth like a wolf.
She doesn't want to bite
She would like to scratch her teeth.

As many as 25 cloves,
For curls and tufts.
And under each, under the tooth -
The hair will lie in a row.

Light field-side,
A harrow is walking across the field,
Rakes the wheat
Maintains order.

Clean, toothy
Clings to the curly forelock

Hair and comb

Wooden fence
Fences the yard
There is a herd of horses in the yard,
And in the fence there are a hundred doors,
To get free
Yes, run in an open field.
The horses rushed in a wave,
Flowed like a living river.


Lay down in his pocket and guard -
Roaring, crying and dirty.
They will have streams of tears in the morning,
I won't forget about the nose.


Where a sponge can't handle it,
It won’t wash you away, it won’t wash you away,
I take on the labor:
I rub my heels and elbows with soap,
And I rub my knees,
I don't forget anything.


Sliding along the path
His leg is
In the wrong hands
Rides upside down
Let him scrape the path.

Massage brush

Iron hedgehog
With rubber skin
It goes down like needles,
It rakes the grass with needles.


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I really love my birthday. Every year, as a family, we decorate our house for the holidays. And, of course, balloons are an important decoration element. Usually my brother and I compete to see who can inflate a balloon with his mouth faster. We are in a hurry, everyone wants to win, and suddenly, the almost inflated balloon breaks out of our hands and quickly flies away, rushing around the room until it completely deflates. I decided to find out why a balloon flies away if it is not tied and what determines its flight range.

Experiments with a balloon

Hypothesis 1. Let's say the wind helps the ball fly.

Let's inflate two balloons. We will tie one of them with thread. Let's go outside in windy weather. Let's release the balls. They are flying. A tied ball flies from gusts of wind. And the one that is not tied flies faster. And then they both fall to the ground. In an apartment where there is no wind, a tied ball slowly falls to the floor. And when not tied, it flies, although slower than on the street. And then it falls. Still, the wind helps the ball fly. But he flies even without wind. This means that my hypothesis was partially confirmed.

Hypothesis 2. Suppose that the gas in the ball is lighter than air, so it flies.

I know that the warmer the air, the lighter it is, so the balloon rises. Maybe carbon dioxide is also lighter than air? Let's carry out the following experiment. Let's take two identical balls. We will inflate one ourselves with carbon dioxide, and the other with air using a pump. We tie them with a thread and throw them over a stick. We see that the balloon, inflated with carbon dioxide, has dropped lower. That means it's heavier. In the reference book I found confirmation of my conclusion. It turned out that carbon dioxide is 1.5 times heavier than air. This hypothesis turned out to be false.

Hypothesis 3. Perhaps the ball is pushed by the air coming out of it.

When we inflate the balloon, the rubber shell stretches and fills with air. When the inlet hole is released, the air rushes out with force. The ball shrinks. The air from the balloon flies in one direction, and the shell of the balloon flies in the other. They repel each other. The path of the ball is unpredictable. When all the air leaves the ball, it stops. I asked physics teacher Sergei Vyacheslavovich about this. He said that the ball flies away under the influence of reaction force. Jet motion occurs when a part of it is separated from a body at a certain speed. This means that the ball pushes the air that comes out of it. My ball is a jet!

Experiments showing jet propulsion.

Let's carry out a few more experiments showing the reactive motion of the ball.

1. Inflate a balloon, insert a bent tube and tie it. Attach the ball to a small machine. The tube should point backwards.

Riddles about a hot air balloon

We release the tube. The air comes out backwards. The car moves forward under the influence of reaction force.

2. Place the same ball with a tube in a bowl of water. The tube should point to the side. We release the tube. The ball begins to rotate through the water under the influence of reactive force.

How do the shape of the ball and the thickness of the rubber affect the flight range?

I wonder what factors determine the flight range of the ball? Let's take balls of different sizes and rubber thickness and conduct an experiment. Let's take a fishing line and stretch it across the room. We will put part of the straw on the fishing line. We will inflate the balloons with a pump with the same amount of air (10 pumps). Attach the balls to the straw with tape and release. The ball will fly along the fishing line for some distance and stop. Let's measure the distance traveled. For clarity, let's fill out the results table. ( Table 1)

Table 1

Conclusion: The thicker the rubber and the larger the ball, the farther it flies.

Jet propulsion in wildlife

Jet propulsion is used by many mollusks. Octopuses, squids and cuttlefish have a special pouch. They take water into it and release it out in a strong stream. This jet pushes the animal back. The squid can reach speeds of up to 60–70 km/h.

Examples of jet propulsion can also be found in the plant world. The ripe fruits of the “mad” cucumber, when touched lightly, bounce off the stalk, and liquid with seeds is forcefully thrown out of the resulting hole; the cucumbers themselves fly off in the opposite direction. The “mad” cucumber shoots at more than 12 meters.

How scientists used knowledge about such a movement.

One of the most important inventions of mankind in the 20th century was the invention of the jet engine, which allowed man to rise into space. This is how rockets appeared, and then jet planes. Later, engineers created an engine similar to the squid engine. They called it a water cannon. This engine is found on some fast boats.

While studying this topic, I discovered information that blowing up balloons is not only fun, but also useful! It turns out that they “give” health to our lungs. Inflating balloons has a positive effect on our throat (even serves as a means of preventing sore throat), and also helps strengthen our voice. Singers often use this help, as this training helps them breathe correctly while singing.

I believe that this work can be used in the classroom to demonstrate in a simple and colorful form the action of reactive force, to clearly show that carbon dioxide is heavier than air. After all, when we ourselves conduct various experiments or observe them being carried out, it is easier for us to understand the principle of operation of something, especially if these experiments are so bright and cheerful!


1. Aron K. D., Sakharov S. V. Let’s go. We swim. Let's fly.. - M.: PO Children's Book, 1993.

2. Galileo. Science by experience. Issue No. 1, 2011.

3. Gorev L. A. Entertaining experiments in physics. - M.: Education, 1985.

4. Rabiza F. Simple experiments. - M.: Children's literature, 2002.

5. Sikoruk L.L. Physics for kids. - M.: Education, 2005.

6. What is it? Who it? - M.: Pedagogy, 1990.

Riddles about balloons

I don't look like a piano
But I also have a pedal
Who is not a coward or a coward
I'll give him a ride
I don't have a motor
My name is...

Answer: Bicycle

My father sat me down
On the Iron Horse.
Only my steep-horned horse
Suddenly he took the wrong road.
Now left, now right
Pit, hummock and ditch.
And then he sang like a beast,
What should we do now?
On a rubber heel
Dad and I are putting a patch on it.

Answer: Bicycle

Two wheels and two pedals
I spin them and drive off into the distance
I want to travel around the world
After all, I have...!

Answer: Bicycle

The rings are spinning
Above are little people.

Answer: Bicycle

Chasing distances.

Answer: Bicycle

This horse doesn't eat oats
It has two wheels
He doesn't sit on a chain,
There is a chain, he runs with it,
There is a saddle and two pedals.
Did you recognize the horse with the rudder?

Answer: Bicycle

Steering wheel, wheels and pedals.
Do you know the transport for the ride?
There is a brake, but there is no cabin.
It rushes me...

Answer: Bicycle

Steering wheel, wheels and pedals
I was whisked away on a long journey.

Answer: Bicycle

There is a frame, but where is the window?
Once you get into the saddle, you can’t say: “But!”
There is a bell, but no door!
Same …

Answer: Bicycle

Clear morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass,
Feet are moving along the road
And two wheels run.
The riddle has an answer -
This is my …

Answer: Bicycle

I don't walk, I roll.
I’m not spinning, but I’m spinning.
Press harder on the pedals:
Pedestrians have been overtaken!
I'll rush with the wind, I'll go,
On asphalt, on parquet,
Green light: ....y

Answer: Bicycle

I just keep going,
And if I do, I’ll fall.

Answer: Bicycle

I don't look like a horse
And I have a saddle.
There are knitting needles. They admit
Not suitable for knitting.
Not an alarm clock, not a tram,
But I’m calling just so you know.

Answer: Bicycle

It has two wheels
And the saddle on the frame.
There are two pedals below,
They spin them with their feet.

Answer: Bicycle

I run with two legs
While the rider is sitting on me.
My horns are in his hands
And the speed is in his feet.
I'm only stable when I'm running,
I can't stand for a second.

Answer: Bicycle

It's my birthday -
They gave me a horse.
What a wonderful one!
You need to drive carefully
You can hold on to the horns
The only pity is that there is no mane...
What kind of horse? ...

Answer: Bicycle

I have countless friends.
There is also a goat among them.
He has a cheerful voice -
With a ringing bell.
Taking him by the horns,
I'm driving along the path!

Answer: Bicycle

This horse doesn't eat oats.
Instead of legs there are two wheels.
Sit on horseback and ride it,
Just steer better.

Answer: Bicycle

Round legs run along the road:
One leg, two legs, three legs,
There are horns ahead.

Answer: Bicycle

Riddles about transport with answers.

Balloon festival. Entertainment scenario for middle group children.

Riddles about the metro, about the tram, about the truck, about the motor ship, about the bus, about the plane, about the bicycle, about the helicopter and other vehicles.

Transport riddles

Underground through the capital

This train is rushing proudly

Overtaking without congestion

All cars and trams. (Metro)

Sparks fly like fireworks,

A ringing sound is heard above the avenue.

It's on the route

Electric carriage.

There would be rails, wires -

It will take us for a ride without difficulty. (Tram)

In the cities late at night

The bus and tram are sleeping.

If you need transport urgently -

Call the car.

She will come: “I’m free!

I'll take you anywhere!" (Taxi)

He's not a moose, but he's two-horned

It is important to drive on the road.

If the horns suddenly fly off

From two contact wires -

The driver corrects them,

And the trailer is ready to go! (Trolleybus)

We ride passengers

Along the routes here and there,

And we deliver tourists

To historical places.

Let's go to the goal together

Along avenues and highways. (Buses)

I'm not a simple machine

All made of aluminum.

And on wings I fly

This sky is blue.

Passenger, cargo,

Sometimes supersonic. (Airplane)

I'm an important machine

There is a body and a cabin.

I carry any cargo

Along the ribbons of roads.

And desks and watermelons

I will deliver it to you on time. (Truck)

On the road of iron

I'm driving quickly past the forest,

Past the tundra and sands,

Villages and cities.

I am already many years old.

My grandfather was a steam locomotive. (Train)

The old steamer is not in vain

I call you Grandfather.

Through rivers and seas -

I'll swim everywhere.

And along the Volga, up and down,

I'll take you on a cruise. (Motor ship)

He spread out in an arc

Over the ravine and the river.

Back and forth along it

Trains can travel. (Bridge)

I raised my eyes to the sky -

There's a big dragonfly there

Lifeless, made of metal,

Everything flew and flew,

Rumbled and soared

And she spun the propeller. (Helicopter)

Here is a large underground passage,

But it was not a mole who dug it.

Three kilometer long walk

They broke through with technology.

It's faster than the wind

Cars are rushing. (Tunnel)

You need to buy a ticket here -

And you will travel around the whole world.

If there is a whole pound of luggage,

The porter is waiting, right there.

And everywhere - left, right

Passenger trains. (Railway station)

To take flight,

The liner takes a running start here.

On wheels-chassis

He rushes faster than a taxi

And flies up into freedom.

Give this field a name. (Aerodrome)

I'm a good car

I drive briskly without gasoline.

I'll take you anywhere,

Just turn the pedals. (Bike)

That's how transport is, it's alive!

By name - horse-drawn.

He drove in the twentieth century

Drogs, sleighs and carts. (Horse)

I hold him by the leash
Although he is not a puppy at all.
And he got off the leash
And flew away under the clouds.

Answer: Balloon

Tied by the tail, behind us
He flies under the clouds.

Answer: Balloon

Your ponytail

I held it in my hand

You flew -

I ran.


I hold him by the leash

Although he is not a puppy at all.

And he got off the leash

And flew away under the clouds.


Round, smooth, like a watermelon...

Any color, for different tastes.

If you let me off the leash,

It will fly away beyond the clouds.


Today everyone is rejoicing!

In the hands of a child

They dance for joy


Balloon games


This game is good to play at the very beginning, especially if the children do not know each other very well, because it liberates and unites the company.

All children stand in a circle, the leader in the center. He throws a balloon to the ceiling. While he falls, everyone should laugh out loud. As soon as the ball hits the floor, everyone should be silent. This is where the fun begins. It turns out that staying silent is not so easy. There are one or two kids who cannot stop and continue to laugh. Then there are more funny people - a chain reaction ensues.

Color show

This is also a team game. We will need a large number of balls of two colors, for example, red and blue.

The players are divided into two teams and, at the leader’s signal, they begin to collect their colors: one team has red balls, the other blue. Whoever collects his color faster wins.

Air shooting gallery

We glue strips of double-sided tape onto a large thick sheet of cardboard, and inflated balloons on it. We distribute darts to the participants and place them in one line (at a distance of approximately 2 m from the cardboard with balls). At the leader's command, the children begin to throw darts at the balls. The one who can pop the most balloons is considered the winner.


All participants stand in a circle. The presenter launches four balloons filled with water. Participants pass balls to each other to the music. The one who still has the ball in his hands after the music stops is eliminated from the circle. The competition is repeated and continues until a winner or winners are identified.

Duel at sea

There is no water in our “sea”, but there are fins! Participants put a fin on their right leg and tie a ball to their left leg. It is necessary to “drown” the opponent’s ball, i.e. slam it.

Finger games

We went to the market
Buy a balloon.
Here it is green, like a leaf,
Blue, like cornflower.
Red, brighter than tomatoes,
Yellow - the color of lemon peel

Don't waste your time,
Choose quickly!
We need it for the game
Multi-colored balls.

Game "Inflate a balloon"

The tips of the fingers of the left hand are pressed against the tips of the fingers of the right hand: thumb to thumb, index to index, middle to middle, etc.

We blow on our fingers - “inflate the ball.” Without taking your fingers off each other, slowly spread your fingers apart - this is a “ball”.

You can “inflate” a large balloon.

Continuing to blow, we tear our fingers apart from each other and spread our arms to the sides to the size of an imaginary ball. We say: “Bang!” - and wave our hands (“the ball has burst!”).

Without me there will be no light
Without me there will be no summer
In the morning, I knock on the window:
Wake up, it's up...


So as not to be “dirty”,
You should be friends with me.
Foamy, fragrant,
Handles will be clean.
If I get in your eyes,
I'll pinch it a little...
But as soon as the foam was washed away,
Stopped pinching...


I'm big but empty.
I will fly into the sky above the earth.
And not proud, but inflated,
Entangled with a thick thread.
I’m with the children, I’ve always been friendly,
And my name is...

Comment on the article "Riddles about a bicycle, the sun, soap and a balloon"

Please tell me some riddles about transport. the answer to the riddle "this is my bike". write something please. I HIP-HOP monyak 12/26/2002 14:44:30, 5nrgr.

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Coming up with a truly original and creative scenario for a wedding can often be difficult. Living in modern world a person, as a rule, is experienced in all kinds of spectacles, has seen a lot, and visited a lot of places, and therefore it is not easy to surprise him, and even more so to amaze him with an extraordinary event or incident. But a person always remains a person and many of us want romance, a storm of emotions, and something beautiful, but at the same time new, unknown. One of the examples of not only very beautiful, but...

Birthday in the Kitchen of Homemade Animation All children love cartoons! At the festival, guests, under the guidance of multi-masters, will create a special birthday cartoon! Children and parents will have a fun and useful time and learn how to make cartoons at home. A camera, a TV and a little imagination - and such a holiday can be organized at home every day. The program is suitable for children from 4 years old (if the birthday boy is under 4 years old, call and we will come up with something)...

They walk without taking a step, Without stopping and with courage. In them, time awaits us, A second, a moment, and a whole hour. (Clock) If you find yourself in the forest, you will always find her there. Well, on holiday, on New Year You will lead a round dance to her. (Christmas tree) Snow falls in winter, runs through the summer like rain. In the spring, an icicle made of ice... Well, in general, it’s always different. (Water) He floats on the sheet, like a motor ship on a river. Just don’t touch him, he’s too hot. (Iron) Two wheels and two pedals. Well, where have you seen this? You turn the pedals - he...

help me solve the riddle. A child was asked a riddle at school. Let's guess with the whole family. Opinions vary. Bicycle.)) The wings are pieces of iron that are above the wheels. The teeth are on the gear.

ALL bikes are without tires. Why? riddle B. Dunlop came up with the idea in 1887 of putting wide hoops made from a garden hose on the wheel of his 10-year-old son's tricycle and inflating them with air.

He doesn’t really know a single riddle, so he gives non-standard answers to them. Very funny :)) “Winter and summer in the same color” - Sunny. In fact - a Christmas tree, but why a Christmas tree, the sun is also quite suitable.

Hmm, I'm shocked by such riddles small child.... We advise you to read: the number of births of the child. how to choose a bike. 26 years, what a wedding. View topics in other conferences

Rhyming games, riddles with rhymes - This is what I persistently search for and collect. My daughter really likes it, but so far... only a couple of printed pages have been collected. It’s a pity, but there’s no mane... What kind of horse? (Bicycle).

The contents of any riddle are glued to the wrapper. Turns around again. And again the riddle sticks. And so 10 times, maybe more. The players sit in a circle. The host gives one person a prize wrapped in 10 wrappers.

GBDOU No. 49, Kolpinsky district, St. Petersburg

Final lesson of the game week

  1. Tasks
  2. Project plan
  3. Application

Goal: Broaden the horizons of younger children preschool age about a hot air balloon.

Objectives: To introduce children to the simplest generation of static electricity by sound vibrations. Learn to use balloons in games.

Project plan:

  1. Riddle about a hot air balloon as transport.
  2. A riddle about balloons, what they are like.
  3. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Bubble, Straw and Bast Shot” on flannelgraph.
  4. Physical exercise.
  5. Experiments with balloons.
  6. Games with balloons.


  1. Riddles about balloons.
  2. Poems about balloons.
  3. Experiments with balloons.
  4. Games with balloons.

Educator: Today we will go to the country of Sharoland. Guys, what transport do you think we can use to get there?

(children's answers)


A balloon with warm air,

And under it is a basket,

The earth is under your feet

Just like in the picture


Educator: Of course, in a hot air balloon.

Get into the basket quickly, let's fly!!!

Educator: And here comes Charolandia. Unusual inhabitants live in this country - these are... Listen to the riddle and guess.

They pump helium into us,

So that we can fly higher

Katya, Dima, Ira, Vovka,

Dasha and Vadim;

Hold us by the rope

Otherwise we'll fly away.


(children's answers)

Educator: Yes, various balloons live here. What are they like?

(children's answers)

Educator: Did you know that balls are made of rubber?

But we will now learn from this fairy tale what kind of balls there were once upon a time, a very, very long time ago.

Educator: Which fairy tale character filled the balloon?

(bubble, they inflated it, tied it, it flew away)

Educator: In this fairy tale, the bubble is very lazy.

But in Sharoland, the balls love to work, what can they do? Listen carefully to the poem, and then answer what a balloon can do.

My light balloon,

Pulled naughty thread,

Cut off , said: “Bye.”

AND rushed off into the clouds.

T. Efimova

Blue ball inflatable
Didn't want to play with me.
For some reason today he
looked at me inflated.

N. Yaroslavtsev

To me ball bought
And we became friends.
Around the house all day
Like snowflakes were spinning!
Offended deflated,
He became sad with me.
For this you
Dad hung it from the chandelier.

A. Malaev

I had a ball.
Bright as a flashlight.
The ball was wow!
And then he's like bang!
I sat down on the button: once and - BAM!
In general, the ball burst myself.
And there were scraps left
Unprecedented beauty.

(children's answers)

Educator: And now you and I will turn into balloons.

We stand up straight.

Now turn on the pump,

We pump air into the ball.

"sh-sh-sh-sh sh-sh-sh-sh sh-sh-sh-sh"

Left - once, right - twice,

Left - once, right - twice,

We did a good job.

We're flying under the clouds

And the earth floats beneath us.

Grove, field, garden and river

Both houses and people.

(Fly your arms like wings)

We're tired of flying,

We landed in a swamp.


Educator: Guys, what do balls like to do in their country?

They love to show tricks!!!

  1. Ball magnet.

Rub the ball on your hair. It’s better to be stronger and about strangers (try to choose a person whom you don’t feel sorry for, and he is smaller than you, or runs worse). Bring them to the pieces of paper - they will stick to the ball like shit!

  1. Attraction of balls.

Educator: Balloons also love to play. And now we'll play with them.

Balloon Games:


The team that completes the task faster than the other wins.

2. “Slam the ball, slam!”

They play in pairs. Two balloons are tied to each leg of the player. When the presenter blows his whistle, the competition begins. Task: step on your foot and slam the opponent's ball, but save your own balls.

3. Tightrope walkers

  1. Who can keep the ball on their nose longer?
  2. Who can hold the ball on a pencil or pointer longer?

Educator : So our journey to the country of Sharoland has ended. Oh guys, look what a big unusual ball it is. It seems to me that there is something inside!

(Yes, the children are looking at the ball)

Educator: Let's burst it.

Educator: Guys, these are balloon gifts.

(Thank you!)


  1. Riddles about balloons

I hold him by the leash
Although he is not a puppy at all.
And he got off the leash
And flew away under the clouds.

Answer: Balloon

Tied by the tail, behind us
He flies under the clouds.

Answer: Balloon

Your ponytail

I held it in my hand

You flew -

I ran.


I hold him by the leash

Although he is not a puppy at all.

And he got off the leash

And flew away under the clouds.


Round, smooth, like a watermelon...

Any color, for different tastes.

If you let me off the leash,

It will fly away beyond the clouds.


Today everyone is rejoicing!

In the hands of a child

They dance for joy


  1. Fairy tale "Bubble, straw and bast shoe"

Once upon a time there was a bubble, a straw and a bast shoe.

They went into the forest to chop wood. They reached the river and don’t know how to cross the river.

Lapota says to the bubble:

Bubble, let's swim across you!

No, bast shoes! It’s better to let the straw stretch from bank to bank, and we’ll cross it.

The straw was pulled from bank to bank. The bast shoe went over the straw, and it broke. The bast shoe fell into the water.

And the bubble laughed and laughed and burst.

  1. Poems about balloons

My light balloon
He pulled the thread disobediently,
He interrupted and said: Bye!
And rushed off into the clouds.

Blue inflatable ball
Didn't want to play with me.
For some reason today he
He looked at me poutingly.

A joyful hedgehog ran through the forest,

Only suddenly the sun went behind a cloud...

It became dark... The wind blew...
The owl hooted... and the forest was empty...

Sun, oh! Night has come to earth...

He unclenched his paw and let go of the thread...

The paths are visible between the trees!

“How does my ball look like the sun!”

If the balloon is pumped up,
Then he will fly.
I need to tie a thread,
To hold the ball.
Created for kids
Multi-colored balls.

They bought me a blue ball.
It was light and airy.
Oh, how handsome he was
But terribly naughty.
He was always rushing to the sky,
I didn't want to be submissive.
And, as soon as I gaped,
He took the ball and flew away.
I'll wave my hand at him,
Although I feel a little sorry for him.

Carefree balloon,
He is irrepressible, disobedient,
If only he could fly in the blue sky
And dream about the carefree wind.

I have a hot air balloon
Bright, light and obedient.
When I go for a walk,
I'm holding the ball by the string.
I really regret the ball
Why is he losing weight?

  1. Experiments with balloons.

Ball magnet.

You will need an inflated balloon and small pieces of paper.

Rub the ball on your hair. Bring it to the pieces of paper - they will stick to the ball.

Experience clearly demonstrates the existence of mysterious static electricity. When we rub the ball against our hair, it receives a negative electrical charge. And since unlike charges attract, pieces of paper that have a positive charge in addition to a negative charge are also attracted to the ball. The ball will attract not only pieces of paper, but also hair, dust particles, stick to the wall and even bend a thin stream of water from the tap.

Attraction of balls.

Like electric charges repel, unlike electric charges attract. This physical law can be demonstrated by charging balls with different materials. If both balls are electrified by friction with hair, then suspended side by side by threads, they will deviate from each other (by friction with hair, we electrified the balls so that they both acquired a negative charge). And if one of the balls is electrified on some synthetic fabric, and the other on hair, then the balls will begin to stick to each other. Those. they received a different charge - one ball is positive, and the second is negative.

The principle of operation is that a stream of air escaping from the balloon, after it has been inflated and released, pushes the machine in the opposite direction.

If the car is light enough, it may fly away, so close the window in advance and warn the cat and fish.

Balloon listening device.

Place an inflated balloon to your ear and listen - surrounding sounds will be heard much better. If the second person whispers very quietly very close to the surface of the ball, then his voice will be heard as quite loud.

The fact is that in this experiment the balloon acts as a sound lens. The shape of its surface collects sound waves and directs them to one point.

  1. Balloon games


All children stand in a circle, the leader in the center. He throws a balloon to the ceiling. While he falls, everyone should laugh out loud. As soon as the ball hits the floor, everyone should be silent. This is where the fun begins. It turns out that staying silent is not so easy. There are one or two kids who cannot stop and continue to laugh. Then there are more funny people - a chain reaction ensues.

Color show

The players are divided into two teams and, at the leader’s signal, they begin to collect their colors: one team has red balls, the other blue. Whoever collects his color faster wins.

Air shooting gallery

We glue strips of double-sided tape onto a large thick sheet of cardboard, and inflated balloons on it. We distribute darts to the participants and place them in one line (at a distance of approximately 2 m from the cardboard with balls). At the leader's command, the children begin to throw darts at the balls. The one who can pop the most balloons is considered the winner.


All participants stand in a circle. The presenter launches four balloons filled with water. Participants pass balls to each other to the music. The one who still has the ball in his hands after the music stops is eliminated from the circle. The competition is repeated and continues until a winner or winners are identified.

Duel at sea

There is no water in our “sea”, but there are fins! Participants put a fin on their right leg and tie a ball to their left leg. It is necessary to “drown” the opponent’s ball, i.e. slam it.



GBDOU No. 49, Kolpinsky district, St. Petersburg

Game Week Project

On the topic: “Balloons”

year 2014

  1. Target
  2. Tasks
  3. Project plan
  4. Application

Goal: To expand the horizons of preschool children about a hot air balloon.

Objectives: To introduce children to the simplest generation of static electricity by sound vibrations. Learn to use balloons in games.

Project plan:

  1. Riddle about a hot air balloon as transport.
  2. A riddle about balloons, what they are like.
  3. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Bubble, Straw and Bast Shot” on flannelgraph.
  4. Physical exercise.
  5. Experiments with balloons.
  6. Games with balloons.


  1. Riddles about balloons.
  2. Poems about balloons.
  3. Experiments with balloons.
  4. Games with balloons.

Educator: Today we will go to the country of Sharoland. Guys, what transport do you think we can use to get there?

(children's answers)

Educator: Well done guys, you know a lot, a lot of transport, but we will only get to Sharolandia by…. Guess what:

A balloon with warm air,

And under it is a basket,

The earth is under your feet

Just like in the picture


Educator: Of course, in a hot air balloon.

Get into the basket quickly, let's fly!!!

Educator: And here comes Charolandia. Unusual inhabitants live in this country - these are... Listen to the riddle and guess.

They pump helium into us,

So that we can fly higher

Katya, Dima, Ira, Vovka,

Dasha and Vadim;

Hold us by the rope

Otherwise we'll fly away.


(children's answers)

Educator: Yes, various balloons live here. What are they like?

(children's answers)

Educator: Did you know that balls are made of rubber?

But we will now learn from this fairy tale what kind of balls there were once upon a time, a very, very long time ago.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Bubble, the Straw and the Bast Shot.”

Educator: Which fairy tale character filled the balloon?

(bubble, they inflated it, tied it, it flew away)

Educator: In this fairy tale, the bubble is very lazy.

But in Sharoland, the balls love to work, what can they do? Listen carefully to the poem, and then answer what a balloon can do.

My light balloon,

Pulled naughty thread,

He interrupted and said: “Bye.”

And rushed off into the clouds.

T. Efimova

Blue inflatable ball
Didn't want to play with me.
For some reason today he
looked at me

N. Yaroslavtsev

They bought me a balloon
And we became friends.
Around the house all day
Like snowflakes were spinning!
Offended, deflated ,
He became sad with me.
For this you
Dad hung it from the chandelier.

A. Malaev

I had a ball.
Bright as a flashlight.
The ball was wow!
And then he's like bang!
I sat down on the button: once and - BAM!
In general, the ball burst myself.
And there were scraps left
Unprecedented beauty.

(children's answers)

Educator: And now you and I will turn into balloons.

We stand up straight.

Inflate the balloons “f-f-f-f f-f-f-f f-f-f-f”

Now turn on the pump,

We pump air into the ball.

"sh-sh-sh-sh sh-sh-sh-sh sh-sh-sh-sh"

Left - once, right - twice,

Left - once, right - twice,

One-two-three-four (2 times)

We did a good job.

We're flying under the clouds

And the earth floats beneath us.

Grove, field, garden and river

Both houses and people.

(Fly your arms like wings)

We're tired of flying,

We landed in a swamp.


The balloons deflated “s-s-s-s s-s-s-s s-s-s-s.”

Educator: Guys, what do balls like to do in their country?

They love to show tricks!!!

(Showing experiments with balloons).

  1. Ball magnet.

Rub the ball on your hair. It’s better to be stronger and about strangers (try to choose a person whom you don’t feel sorry for, and he is smaller than you, or runs worse). Bring them to the pieces of paper - they will stick to the ball like shit!

  1. Attraction of balls.

Like electric charges repel, unlike electric charges attract. This physical law can be demonstrated by charging balls with different materials. If both balls are electrified by friction with hair, then suspended side by side by threads, they will deviate from each other (by friction with hair, we electrified the balls so that they both acquired a negative charge). And if one of the balls is electrified on some synthetic fabric, and the other on hair, then the balls will begin to stick to each other. Those. they received a different charge - one ball is positive, and the second is negative.

  1. Balloon listening device.

Educator: Balloons also love to play. And now we'll play with them.

Balloon Games:

  1. Kangaroo

This game is probably familiar to you. I played it back in the pioneer camp, and now my daughter plays it in the camp.

All players are divided into two teams. The leader marks the starting line and places a stool with a basket (or any other container) at a distance of about 5 m from it.

The first player stands at the start. He has a bag around his neck (or a large scarf tied to form a pocket, like a kangaroo), in which lies a soft toy. The player squeezes the ball between his feet and jumps to the stool. He takes out the toy, puts it in the basket, jumps back and passes the ball and pocket bag to the next player. He also jumps to the stool, takes out the toy, puts it in his pocket bag and jumps back.

The team that completes the task faster than the other wins.

  1. “Pop the ball, pop it!”

They play in pairs. Two balloons are tied to each leg of the player. When the presenter blows his whistle, the competition begins. Task: step on your foot and slam the opponent's ball, but save your own balls.

  1. Equilibrists
  1. Who can keep the ball on their nose longer?
  2. Who can hold the ball on a pencil or pointer longer?

Educator : So our journey to the country of Sharoland has ended. Oh guys, look what a big unusual ball it is. It seems to me that there is something inside!

(Yes, the children are looking at the ball)

Educator: Let's burst it.

(The ball bursts with a pin and candies fall out of it)

Educator: Guys, these are balloon gifts.

(Thank you!)


  1. Riddles about balloons

I hold him by the leash
Although he is not a puppy at all.
And he got off the leash
And flew away under the clouds.

Answer: Balloon

Tied by the tail, behind us
He flies under the clouds.

Answer: Balloon

Your ponytail

I held it in my hand

You flew -

I ran.


I hold him by the leash

Although he is not a puppy at all.

And he got off the leash

And flew away under the clouds.


Round, smooth, like a watermelon...

Any color, for different tastes.

If you let me off the leash,

It will fly away beyond the clouds.


Today everyone is rejoicing!

In the hands of a child

They dance for joy


  1. Fairy tale “Bubble, straw and bast shoe”

Once upon a time there was a bubble, a straw and a bast shoe.

They went into the forest to chop wood. They reached the river and don’t know how to cross the river.

Lapota says to the bubble:

Bubble, let's swim across you!

No, bast shoes! It’s better to let the straw stretch from bank to bank, and we will cross it.

The straw was pulled from bank to bank. The bast shoe went over the straw, and it broke. The bast shoe fell into the water.

And the bubble laughed and laughed and burst.

  1. Poems about balloons

My light balloon
He pulled the thread disobediently,
He interrupted and said: Bye!
And rushed off into the clouds.

Blue inflatable ball
Didn't want to play with me.
For some reason today he
He looked at me poutingly.

A joyful hedgehog ran through the forest,
He held a balloon by a thread.
The birds are chirping! Light and warm...
Only suddenly the sun went behind a cloud...

It became dark... The wind blew...
The owl hooted... and the forest was empty...
The hedgehog said: “What is this?
Sun, oh! Night has come to earth...

You can’t hear the birds, the flowers are closed...
Who will help me find the path?
The hedgehog asked his ball to help -
He unclenched his paw and let go of the thread...

The ball took off over the forest and floated...
He was yellow, like the sun!
It's light again. And the flowers opened,
The paths are visible between the trees!

The darkness is over! Our hedgehog smiled:
“How does my ball look like the sun!”

If the balloon is pumped up,
Then he will fly.
I need to tie a thread,
To hold the ball.
Created for kids
Multi-colored balls.

They bought me a blue ball.
It was light and airy.
Oh, how handsome he was
But terribly naughty.
He was always rushing to the sky,
I didn't want to be submissive.
And, as soon as I gaped,
He took the ball and flew away.
I'll wave my hand at him,
Although I feel a little sorry for him.

Carefree balloon,
He is irrepressible, disobedient,
If only he could fly in the blue sky
And dream about the carefree wind.

I have a hot air balloon
Bright, light and obedient.
When I go for a walk,
I'm holding the ball by the string.
I really regret the ball
Why is he losing weight?

  1. Experiments with balloons.

1. Ball piercing trick.

You will need an inflated balloon (if you don’t have one, or if you have one but it’s deflated, then alas, the trick won’t work), tape, a metal knitting needle or a long awl.

Unbeknownst to the child, stick pieces of tape on diametrically opposite points of the ball. It will be better if these points are close to the “poles” (i.e. the top and the very bottom). Then the trick can work even without tape.

Announce that you are about to pierce the balloon, but it will not burst! Feel free to insert an awl or knitting needle so that it passes through the areas sealed with tape!

The secret of the trick is that although a hole is formed, ideally the tape will prevent the pressure from breaking the ball. And the knitting needle itself will close the hole, preventing air from escaping from it.

Ball magnet.

You will need an inflated balloon and small pieces of paper.

Rub the ball on your hair. Bring it to the pieces of paper - they will stick to the ball.

Experience clearly demonstrates the existence of mysterious static electricity. When we rub the ball against our hair, it receives a negative electrical charge. And since unlike charges attract, pieces of paper that have a positive charge in addition to a negative charge are also attracted to the ball. The ball will attract not only pieces of paper, but also hair, dust particles, stick to the wall and even bend a thin stream of water from the tap.

Attraction of balls.

Like electric charges repel, unlike electric charges attract. This physical law can be demonstrated by charging balls with different materials. If both balls are electrified by friction with hair, then suspended side by side by threads, they will deviate from each other (by friction with hair, we electrified the balls so that they both acquired a negative charge). And if one of the balls is electrified on some synthetic fabric, and the other on hair, then the balls will begin to stick to each other. Those. they received a different charge - one ball is positive, and the second is negative.

A balloon as a jet engine.

The principle of operation is that a stream of air escaping from the balloon, after it has been inflated and released, pushes the machine in the opposite direction.

If the car is light enough, it may fly away, so close the window in advance and warn the cat and fish.

Balloon listening device.

Place an inflated balloon to your ear and listen - surrounding sounds will be heard much better. If the second person whispers very quietly very close to the surface of the ball, then his voice will be heard as quite loud.

The fact is that in this experiment the balloon acts as a sound lens. The shape of its surface collects sound waves and directs them to one point.

  1. Balloon games


This game is good to play at the very beginning, especially if the children do not know each other very well, because it liberates and unites the company.

All children stand in a circle, the leader in the center. He throws a balloon to the ceiling. While he falls, everyone should laugh out loud. As soon as the ball hits the floor, everyone should be silent. This is where the fun begins. It turns out that staying silent is not so easy. There are one or two kids who cannot stop and continue to laugh. Then there are more funny people - a chain reaction ensues.

Color show

This is also a team game. We will need a large number of balls of two colors, for example, red and blue.

The players are divided into two teams and, at the leader’s signal, they begin to collect their colors: one team has red balls, the other blue. Whoever collects his color faster wins.

Air shooting gallery

We glue strips of double-sided tape onto a large thick sheet of cardboard, and inflated balloons on it. We distribute darts to the participants and place them in one line (at a distance of approximately 2 m from the cardboard with balls). At the leader's command, the children begin to throw darts at the balls. The one who can pop the most balloons is considered the winner.


All participants stand in a circle. The presenter launches four balloons filled with water. Participants pass balls to each other to the music. The one who still has the ball in his hands after the music stops is eliminated from the circle. The competition is repeated and continues until a winner or winners are identified.

Duel at sea

There is no water in our “sea”, but there are fins! Participants put a fin on their right leg and tie a ball to their left leg. It is necessary to “drown” the opponent’s ball, i.e. slam it.

Municipal treasury educational institution

Novokhopersky municipal district

"Beryozovskaya basic secondary school"

Section #1 Start exploring

Research topic:

3rd grade student

Vorozheeva Zarema


primary school teacher


Yulia Vladimirovna

2015-2016 academic year



Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….. 3

A little history……………………………………………………………4

    Theoretical part. “The Balloon Mystery” ......................... 5

    Practical part. “Experiments with a balloon”…………….7





All children love to play with balloons, and so do I and my sisters. Inflate and throw up, watch how it flies and then falls to the ground. I wonder why the ball flies? And why don’t all balls make different flights? It happens that, unable to hold it in your hands, the ball flies away. Why? After all, he has no wings...

And I decided to do a little research and find out what properties a balloon has and what affects its flight range.

Purpose of the study: Find out why an untied balloon flies away and what determines its flight range.

Subject of study: balloons of different sizes.

Research objectives:

    Conduct experiments showing the movement of the ball.

    Find out how the size of the ball affects the flight range.

    Find out if there are representatives in the plant and animal world that move like a balloon.

    Find out how scientists used knowledge about this movement, and what this movement is called.

Research hypotheses:

    Let's say the wind helps the ball.

    Perhaps the balloon is helped by the air escaping from it.

    Let's assume that the size of the ball will affect the flight range.

Research methods:

    Studying literature.

    Search on the Internet.

    Conducting experiments.


    Compiling tables.

A little history...

Looking at modern hot air balloons, many people think that this bright, cuddly toy has only recently become available. Some, more knowledgeable people, believe that balloons appeared somewhere in the middle of the last century.

But in fact - no! The history of balloons filled with air began much earlier. In former times, painted balls made from animal intestines decorated the squares where sacrifices and festivities of noble people of the Roman Empire were held. Afterwards, balloons began to be used by traveling artists, creating balloon decorations to attract new spectators. Subject balloons also touched upon in Russian chronicles - buffoons, performing for Prince Vladimir, used balls made from bull bladders.

The first balls of the modern type were created by the famous English researcher of electricity, professor at Queen's UniversityMichael Faraday. But he did not create them to distribute to children or to sell at a fair. He was just experimenting with hydrogen.

The way Faraday created his balloons is interesting. He cut out two pieces of rubber, placed them on top of each other, glued the outline together, and sprinkled flour in the middle so that the sides did not stick to each other.

Faraday's idea was taken up by rubber toy pioneer Thomas Hancock. He created his balls in the form of a DIY kit consisting of a bottle of liquid rubber and a syringe. In 1847, vulcanized balls were introduced in London by J. G. Ingram. Even then, he used them as toys to sell to children. As a matter of fact, it is they who can be called the prototype of modern balls.

About 80 years later, the scientific hydrogen bag turned into a popular pastime: rubber balls were widely used in Europe during city holidays. Due to the gas filling them, they could rise upward - and this was very popular with the public, who had not yet been spoiled by either air flights or other miracles of technology.

In 1931, the first modern latex balloon was released by Neil Tylotson. And since then, balloons have finally been able to change! Before that, they could only be round - but with the advent of latex, for the first time it became possible to create long, narrow balls.

This innovation immediately found application: holiday designers began to create compositions from balloons in the form of dogs, giraffes, airplanes, and hats. Clowns began to use them, inventing unusual figures.

1. Theoretical part.

In the theoretical part, I decided to look on the Internet and look for something about the movement of a balloon. On one of the sites I read that the movement of a balloon is based on jet propulsion.

I asked my physics teacher, Olga Vladimirovna, what is jet propulsion?

To which I received the following explanation: Reactive movement occurs when some part of it is separated from the body. And what’s most interesting is that jet motion can be observed in living nature, in flora and in technology. And I decided to learn more about these movements.


Jet propulsionused by many shellfish.

Octopuses, squids and cuttlefish have a special pouch. They take water into it and release it out in a strong stream. This jet pushes the animal back. Squid can reach speedup to 60–70 km/h.

A sea scallop mollusk sharply compresses the shell flaps and jerks forward due to the jet stream of water thrown out of the shell.The jump of a large scallop can reach half a meter or more in length.

The salpa is a sea animal with a transparent body that, when moving, takes in water through the front hole and pushes it out through the back hole. So she moves forward.


The ripe fruits of the “mad” cucumber, when touched lightly, bounce off the stalk, and liquid with seeds is forcefully thrown out of the resulting hole; the cucumbers themselves fly off in the opposite direction. The mad cucumber shoots at more than 12 meters.

3. The invention of humanity in the 20th century. [fig.:3]

One of the most important inventions of mankind in the 20th century was the invention of the jet engine, which allowed man to rise into space. This is how rockets appeared, and then jet planes. Later andengineers created an engine similar to a squid engine. They called it a water cannon. This engine is found on some fast boats.

  1. Practical part.

Experiments with a balloon.

To begin with, I decided to find out the opinions of my classmates and students of other first grades. What do they think makes a balloon that isn't tied fly away? For this purpose, I conducted a survey. I offered them three answer options:

1) The wind helps the ball fly.

2) The gas in the ball is lighter than air, which is why the ball flies.

3) The air coming out of it helps the ball fly.

    Find out what makes the balloon move.

I'll blow up two balloons. I’ll tie one, and just hold the other in my hand and go outside in windy weather. After I released the balls, the tied ball flew into the sky, and the one that was not tied flew up very quickly, and then deflated and fell to the ground. And after a while, the tied ball flew under the gusts of wind and also fell to the ground. In the apartment, the tied ball slowly fell to the floor. And if not tied, it flies very quickly, and then just as quickly falls to the floor.

Still, the wind helps the ball fly. But he flies even without wind. This means that my hypothesis was partially confirmed. [pic:4]

I know that warm air is lighter than cold air and the warm air in the apartment is near the ceiling, I think that’s why the balloon rises. It’s interesting that we inflate a balloon most often with our lungs, which means carbon dioxide. Then it turns out that carbon dioxide is lighter than air?

I will conduct the following experiment. I'll take two identical balls. I will inflate one with my lungs, and the other with air using a small pump. I will tie them with thread and throw them over a stick. [fig.:5] It is immediately noticeable that the ball, inflated with carbon dioxide, sank lower. That means it's heavier. In the reference book I found confirmation of my conclusion. It turned out that carbon dioxide is 1.5 times heavier than air.

This hypothesis turned out to be false.

When we inflate the balloon, the rubber shell stretches and fills with air. When the inlet hole is released, the air rushes out with force. [Fig.: 6] The ball decreases in size. The air from the balloon flies in one direction, and the shell of the balloon flies in the other. They repel each other. The path of the ball is unpredictable. When all the air leaves the ball, it stops.

I asked my physics teacher Olga Vladimirovna about this.

She explained to me that the ball flies away under the influence of reactive force.

Then I looked at the magazine “Galileo. Science by experience" to read in more detail what jet propulsion is and when it occurs. “Reactive motion occurs when a part of it is separated from a body at a certain speed...”.

It turns out that the ball pushes the air that comes out of it?

Wow! My balloon is a jet!

    Conduct experiments showing jet motion.

I will conduct more experiments showing the reactive motion of the ball.

    I’ll inflate a balloon, insert a bent tube and tie it. I'll attach the ball to my typewriter. Turn the juice tube back. I release the hole in the tube. The air rushes back sharply. Hooray! The car is moving forward!

    I put the same ball with a tube in a bowl of water. The tube should point to the side. I release the tube. The ball begins to rotate through the water under the influence of reactive force. A very exciting spectacle![fig.:7]

    Find out how the size of the ball affects the flight range.

I wonder what determines the flight range of the ball?

Let's take balls of different sizes and conduct an experiment. [fig.:9]

I'll take the fishing line and stretch it across the room as far as possible. I'll put a small piece of juice tube on the fishing line. I’ll inflate the balloons one at a time and secure them to the straw with tape and release them. The ball will fly along the fishing line for some distance and stop. After this, I measure the distance traveled with a tape and record everything in a table.

Conclusion : The larger the ball, the further it flies.


In my work, I set a goal: to study the movement of a balloon.

To achieve this goal I:

I studied the properties of a balloon,

Identified factors influencing the flight range of the ball.

After doing my own research, I found out that a balloon flies under the influence of reaction force. And without experiment, without practical justification, any science turns into a dry, boring set of facts and formulas. Exploring the balloon turned out to be interesting, educational and, most importantly, a lot of fun.

After finishing my work, I realized how important jet propulsion is in nature and human life.

For me, this work was not just an exciting activity, but also an educational study!!!


    Galileo. Science by experience. Issue No. 1, 2011.

    “Entertaining physics”, Ya.I. Perelman, Moscow, Nauka, 1982.

    L.L. Sikoruk. Physics for kids.

    http: // www. class- fizika.ru


Picture 1

Jet motion in wildlife.

Figure 2

Examples of jet propulsion in the plant world.

Figure 3

The invention of mankind in the 20th century.

Figure 4

Hypothesis 1. Let's say the wind helps him.

Figure 5

Hypothesis 2. Suppose that the gas in the ball is lighter than air and therefore flies.

Figure 6

Hypothesis 3. Perhaps the ball is pushing the air coming out of it.

Figure 7

Experiments showing jet propulsion.

Figure 8

How do the dimensions of the ball affect the flight range?


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