The most modern airports in the world. The most beautiful airport in the world. Changi, in Singapore

I have visited more than a hundred different airports in the world - from small sheds on the outskirts of the world to huge airport cities largest metropolises. But nowhere have I received such aesthetic satisfaction as in Baku. I could say that it’s worth coming to Baku even just to look at the airport, but I’m too in love with this beautiful city, so today I’m just inviting you to the Museum of Contemporary Art... Which is actually just an airport!

The airport in Baku cannot be directly compared with Dubai or Singapore, the scale and traffic are not the same, there are no swimming pools or butterfly gardens, for example, but an atmosphere has been created here in which waiting for a flight is so cozy and comfortable, and the arrival is accompanied by surprise at what you see! I already wrote on my Facebook that the two most beautiful airports are located in two diametrically opposite points in Europe - Terminal 4 of Barajas Airport in Madrid and Heydar Aliyev Airport in Baku, today we will walk through the second with you.

Outside new terminal in Baku looks in the spirit of most modern airports: a mix of geometricity, futurism and high-tech materials - concrete, glass and metal. Inside, Turkish architectural studio Autoban was inspired by oriental hospitality and created a lively and unusual interior with wooden cocoon elements.

The terminal itself is relatively small. At the same time, it now looks underutilized, so there are reserves of capacity here.
New complex capable of serving 6 million passengers per year, its area is 65 thousand square meters.

The airport has 4 floors and a spacious entrance hall:

The first floor serves departing passengers and baggage collection for arriving passengers. The second floor of the complex is provided for arriving passengers. Here is located border control, control aviation security transit passengers, issuance of visas, as well as rest areas for arriving passengers.

There is even a makdacha, but going there in Azerbaijan is blasphemy! This is a country of gastronomic orgasm with amazing (but not always healthy) cuisine.

The construction contractor was MAPA and the equipment supplier was SITA. WAAGNER-BIRO designed and built the building's façade, and Woods Bagot architects and Buro Happold engineers installed structural and seismic systems. AUTOBAN created the interior design, VANDERLANDE created the luggage management system, CAVAG supplied the passenger access platforms and telescopic bridges, and SCHINDLER supplied the elevators and escalators.

On the third floor, intended for the departure of passengers, customs and border control are carried out. There are shops on this floor Duty free and a cafe.
One of the few airports where there is no compromise between clean and dirty areas - it is equally comfortable for those arriving and departing on a trip.

The four floors of the building at all levels are entwined from the inside with structures of peculiar “cocoons” made of oak veneer, and the architects hid cafes, bars, and shopping kiosks in the Salam Lounges business area on the top floor in wooden hemispheres.

Just a coffee shop, but how cozy it is here on the second floor!

In the arrivals and departure areas there is carpet and, accordingly, it is quiet and soft. This does not happen very often - in Singapore, Delhi, and partly in Hong Kong.

There is no terrace overlooking the platform in Baku, but there is a cafe with panoramic windows:

The base carrier is the national airline AZAL. Classic airline with 4 stars SkyTrax rating on par with Lufthansa, for example. I have flown with them several times and have always been absolutely delighted! Now the company has introduced differentiation of tariff policy and budget tariffs in some directions, for example Moscow and Istanbul.

I visited the airline and will devote the next few reports to interesting stories about their fleet, girls, service on board and, most importantly, airplanes! After all, this is the first airline in the post-Soviet space to have two Dreamliners in its fleet!
In total, AZAL has 25 aircraft in its fleet; the average age of the company’s fleet is 9 years.

These are the spectacular ladies who control air traffic here!
More about this next time :)

Welcome to Baku!
Haven't been here yet?! Be sure to come! A beautiful city for a weekend at any time of the year. Here

-=Special Project=-

Where is the coolest, most convenient and beautiful airport in Russia? It would seem that he should be in Moscow... Yeah, to hell with it! Despite a lot of money, there is not a single good airport in Moscow...

Domodedovo? Are you joking now?

Primitive design from the 90s. Terrible organization of traffic on the station square. Some cramped corridors. And the story with two floors on passport control I still can’t understand - who invented this and why? The international baggage claim area makes me feel claustrophobic. I hate this airport.


Not sure! Let's start with the most modern terminal D. It was opened quite recently, but what's the point? Try, upon arrival, to quickly go up to the third level, where the departure hall and the exit to the Aeroexpress are. Will not work! You have to look for a long time for the elevator, which immediately leads to the third level, or go to the second, and then take the escalator to the third. In general, the airport is terribly cramped, although it was built in an open field and could have been made more spacious. Again, a design from the last century.

There is no terminal E at all, and F looks more like some kind of shopping complex from the 90s.

Maybe Vnukovo? By the way, I like it better than all Moscow airports. It's spacious: high ceilings, lots of space. But I don’t like Vnukovo because the roads there are always blocked because of the government terminal.

But in other cities of Russia there are cool airports! For example, in Yekaterinburg. Bliss! Everything seems simple, but very stylish and comfortable. I like. There is also a luxurious business lounge. A good airport was opened in Nizhny Novgorod, . And recently I arrived, or rather, flew to Platov! This new airport in Rostov-on-Don. And I can say that this is the most beautiful airport in Russia!

I want to make a reservation right away that I am now considering it separately from the city, since the logistics there are a complete mess! It is located 35 kilometers away, and it takes an hour to get to the center of Rostov!!! From public transport so far only minibuses. In general, nothing good. But I hope this will be fixed. For now, let's take a look at the design and device.

So, the airport was built by the Airports of Regions holding, part of the Renova Group of Companies, and this is the most beautiful and stylish airport built as part of the program to prepare airports in the regions for the 2018 World Cup!

There was such an airport in the city before:

Photo: tvc

If you have been to regional airports, this should not surprise you:

Photo: travelask

But the new airport will definitely surprise you! It's beautiful and modern complex with an interactive museum exhibition that tells about the history of the city, the Don River and Ataman Platov, who was born on these lands and took part in the wars of the Russian Empire.

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Before you is the Platov airport in Rostov-on-Don!

Photo: aquatek_filips

The building was designed by the British bureau Twelve Architects. The idea was based on the Don River, its waves and bridges.

Photo: photografersha

Photo: photografersha


The passenger does not need to wander for a long time and confusedly through the huge space, as he immediately gets to the check-in counters. There is a single area for passengers on both domestic and international flights. There is not even a visual separation of check-in counters, because each of them has different operating modes, which allows you to combine check-in types depending on how busy the terminal is.

After check-in, the passenger can remain for some time in the common area, where not only those registered for a flight, but also those meeting and seeing off have access. There is also an information desk, phytosanitary and veterinary control, cafes and souvenir shops.

All sales points are designed in the form of houses with a green roof. Pay attention to the souvenir shop from the agricultural machinery manufacturer Rostselmash! They have a toy but working combine harvester on the roof! By the way, the grass on the roof is real!

And the same combines can be bought here as souvenirs!

The cafe outlets are also decorated in the same style as the airport. Very cool!

You can climb to the next floors and to the security check area using a large escalator, elevator or stairs. Notice how much space there is!

On the second floor there are airline offices so that passengers can resolve issues on the spot, and a mother and child room. This is the arrival area.

Arriving passengers proceed through navigation to the baggage claim area, and the flow of people does not mix.

Photo: aquatek_filips

Throughout the airport there is an interactive museum exposition that introduces passengers to the history of the Don region. Here, on a 12-meter screen, we are shown a video about the scale of the Don River.

Another exhibition is on the next floor, in the departure area for passengers who have passed security. Inside this structure there is a 28-meter screen closed in a circle, which shows a video about the Don Cossacks and conveys the spirit of brotherhood and unity. This beauty cannot be described in words, so watch the video at the beginning.

The next exhibition is the painting “The War of 1812”.

It depicts the “Lava” attack method, which helped the Cossacks win this war. The tactical technique was different in that it was built for each battle, based on the enemy’s strength and the landscape.

One of the most complex and effective varieties of “Lava” was “Venter”. That's what they called it on the Don fishing tackle, consisting of decreasing rings and ending in a bag - the fish, deceived by the space, fell into a trap. The combat technique was based on the same principle, and if the enemy could be lured into the venter, extermination or capture awaited him. Ataman Platov was a brilliant performer of this maneuver.

Next to the exhibition there are three binoculars, looking through which you can see three scenarios from the painting come to life.

Another interactive exhibition is Cossack costumes. On large screens, passengers are shown different Cossack costumes with signatures of each item of clothing.

And another type of exhibition - these are portraits made from quotes.

You can get stuck around them for a long time.

The waiting area. We have a problem here. Modern airport, but not a single socket next to the seats! But they promised me that this would be fixed in March, as chairs with built-in power sockets would be purchased, and about 300 of them would be installed in each waiting area! Let's see!

The shops are decorated in the same way as on the ground floor

Cafes and food courts. Just look how cool the interiors are

And this is the waiting area for business class passengers: there is free Buffet, a bar where you can buy alcohol and even has a shower.

Exits to buses and boarding bridges

Not all aircraft are equipped with telescopic bridges. Some aircraft they are simply not adapted to them, and it all depends on the downtime of the plane: if it stops for 3 hours, then during this time with the help of the jet bridge it will be possible to service several other flights with less downtime, so a bus will take passengers to such an airliner.

Access to the buses is only by stairs or elevator.

Now I’ll show you something that most of you will never see. This is an incredibly beautiful VIP terminal, which is located in a separate building!

It was designed by the Moscow architectural bureau Nefa Architects. It turned out very modern and stylish!

Look at the ceiling!

This is one of the general waiting areas. In general, I was pleasantly surprised that such a stylish VIP terminal was made in Rostov.

Another waiting area.

Baggage inspection at the entrance. Here, the passenger goes through the same procedures necessary before departure as in a regular terminal.

The interior is made of concrete panels. Exit to the inner garden courtyard:

Such beauty was created in Rostov-on-Don!

In addition to concrete, there is a lot of glass in the interior. During the day it transmits a large amount of light from the street, and in the evening it reflects electric lighting.

In addition to waiting in common areas, passengers can spend time in individual rooms. To do this, you just need to book one of them in advance, or check if there is one available upon arrival. This is the first room of three:

It is more suitable for passengers with children. There is a puzzle on the wall, from these sticks you can collect different pictures and words.

The horses here were clearly chosen for the sake of design, not comfort)

Second room. Perfect for a solo traveler.

It has a bathroom with shower and a wardrobe.

And a third room for large companies, designed for 10 people.

Banquets can be organized here upon prior reservation.

I'm sure there were passengers who were outraged by the lack of carpets, wood and crystal chandeliers in the interior.

VIP terminal passengers are transported to and from the ramp by an executive vehicle. This is not the case in other VIP lounges in the country.

There are also conference rooms available for negotiations and meetings with business partners. One for 20 seats:

Second at 45:

You can also rent a work office.

In which you can also hold small negotiations.

Take a closer look at this wall! Beautiful!

The terminal looks as impressive from the outside as it does from the inside!

VIP in Platov costs 15,000 rubles, by the way) Maybe you want to test it.

Platov is a beautiful and modern airport! Especially if they fix the situation with sockets)

-=This is a joint project with the National Resort Association=-

The vast majority of airport interiors are extremely practical, and sometimes even boring. This is due to the fact that for a very long time only one simple idea reigned in the minds of architects. It seemed that passengers only needed high-quality infrastructure and clear navigation within the facility. It is for this reason that when creating airport terminal complexes, designers cared only about the comfort of the halls and the visibility of the signs.

However, over time, the needs of tourists have also changed. Today, airports expect not only convenience, but also beautiful design. After all, this is the face of the country! The terminal building should intrigue, amaze and create a special mood while passengers wait for their flight. This idea has resulted in a modern trend in the construction of an air harbor, which is most clearly observed in Asian countries.

For example, China and South Korea They consider airports to be one of the symbols of the nation. Therefore, the costs associated with creating a unique architectural style are not considered a waste. Moreover, by building phenomenal structures, they demonstrate not only their wealth, but also their technological mastery. Following Asia throughout to the globe New terminals appear, which are more and more impressive each time.

Although this is not surprising, because their goal is to revive the once-lost magical feeling of traveling by plane. To be fair, it is worth noting that the original ideas for building air terminals also did not go by the wayside.

The architecture of modern airports combines unique design, beauty and increased comfort. Thus, the world's most beautiful airports not only delight in their appearance. Their interior helps travelers get to their desired exit in a timely manner.

Beijing international Airport, Terminal 3, China. The so-called "Gateway to China" is two kilometers long and resembles a huge hidden dragon at the very edge of the airfield. This impression is created thanks to the architects' idea. They created an extremely complex structure on the roof. Namely, a mesh of glass and metal parts that filters sunlight at a special angle. As a result, it is divided into yellow and red spectra, which not only gives the ceiling color, but also helps guide travelers in the building. The architects also took a very practical approach to the use of cardinal directions. The terminal itself is oriented from north to south, which helps newly arrived passengers adapt faster. The window system is directed to the southeast, which allows to extend the presence of daylight in the rooms. Terminal 3 is different developed infrastructure. If you want to eat, there is a special area called "World Kitchen". 72 restaurants offer food for a wide range of tastes: from fast food to traditional food, from Chinese to Western, from baked goods to ice cream, and so on. Moreover, there is a shopping, duty-free and business zone where there are banks, business and Internet centers, and much more.

Madrid-Barajas Airport, Terminal 4, Spain. Terminal 4 opened in Madrid in 2006. Now 35 million passengers annually pass under the light, undulating roof covered with bamboo and supported by colorful pylons. The single terminal space consists of several levels. It is illuminated mainly by daylight, which enters through special openings in the roof. Of course, the main achievement of the airport is the atmosphere created with the help of visual effects. Glass panels and gentle light filling the space create a feeling of calming harmony and relieve tension. Thanks to the simplicity of the linear design, it is quite difficult to get lost even in such a huge space. In the same time large premises do not put pressure on passengers: travelers seem to be in a colorful rainbow. With this new terminal, Madrid is trying to establish itself as Europe's premier air hub.

John F. Kennedy Airport, TWA Terminal, New York, USA. TWA Terminal (full name - "Center International Airlines"), today called "Terminal No. 5". It was opened in 1962. The design of the building belongs to the Finnish-American architect Eero Saarinero. The structure is an abstract symbol of flight, as a result of which it received the nickname "winged gull". This building was considered one of the most original airports in the world. Due to the airline crisis, the TWA terminal was closed for reconstruction. In 2008, renovation work came to an end, and the building became the property of JetBlue Airways. For the first time in the history of airports, baggage conveyors appeared here. , electronic displays, the forerunners of modern luggage scales and even cable television. In this air harbor there is a wonderful opportunity to feel that very “pleasant excitement of traveling by plane.”

Carrasco International Airport, Montevideo, Uruguay. The new terminal was opened in 2009. Its architecture is absolutely simple. The huge, luxurious arc fits perfectly into the local landscape. And underneath are spacious arrival and departure halls, gently flooded with sunlight. The 400-meter-wide dome is made of glass, allowing maximum use of natural light. It reveals a fascinating view of the runways. It is believed that the smooth curve and lower profile of the building's monolithic roof are designed based on the views of the dunes along coastline Uruguay. Cozy terraces and comfortable airport lounges are designed to provide a warm welcome not only to the travelers themselves, but also to their loved ones.

Sondica Airport, Bilbao, Spain. Sondika Airport opened in the Spanish province in 2000. He was immediately nicknamed la paloma - “the little dove”. And this is no accident, because with its outline it really resembles a bird. The terminal's interior is decorated with a variety of architectural elements. Rigid intersecting “ribs” on the walls, floor and ceiling, handrails of the stairs intertwined with the sun’s rays create a special rhythm of modern baroque and remind passengers of the precious heritage of the famous architect Gaudi.

Denver International Airport, USA. The air harbor opened in February 1995. Its construction cost 4.8 billion dollars. This building completely refutes all traditional ideas about what a real airport should look like. Travelers are delighted not only by the convenient location of the premises, but also by the unusual roof, which is not surprising. After all, the design of the building resembles rocky snowy Mountain peaks, which are a local landmark. The airport terminal looks most impressive against the background Rocky Mountains, if you move towards it from the east. The roof covering is a unique development that allows you to retain solar heat in winter. Moreover, this particular building took first place in the list of the most sustainable structures on the planet. The unusual atmosphere of the air pier is created by the whimsical music that accompanies the arrival of the airport's moving walkway. It was created by Denver musician Jim Green (his idea is also the "laughing escalators" at the local Convention Center).

Incheon International Airport, Seoul, South Korea. Incheon Airport opened in 2001. Since that time, it has regularly been included in ratings of the best airports in the world. Thus, every year since 2005, it is recognized as the best in the world according to Airports Council International and receives the highest rating of “Five Stars” according to the British research company Skytrax. The building of such a valuable transport hub has an exclusive infrastructure of amenities, including golf courses, casinos, massage rooms, bedrooms and winter gardens. However, this air harbor is not just convenient for travelers. It fascinates them with its beauty against the backdrop of the bright blue sea and immediately introduces visitors to the local culture. The roof arch is similar to a traditional Korean temple. The corridors of the arrivals area are decorated with various elements that recall the five thousand years of history of this land. In addition, this building is one of the few on earth that, even 10 years after construction, still looks futuristic.

Marrakech Menara Airport, Morocco. Marrakech Menara is much more than just an airport. It can safely be called a “time machine”. Arriving in a high-tech building built in the 21st century, you nevertheless find yourself in a city where the spirit of antiquity reigns. The traditions of distant ancestors, as well as the art of the ancient East, are honored here. The airport itself may well be considered a real wonder of the world. Indeed, in its design, the architects managed to incredibly harmoniously weave into a single whole the fast pace of life and modern technology with ancient local traditions in art. And here is the result - an openwork, snow-white, airy miracle, more reminiscent luxurious palace. When constructing the airport building, local architects were guided by two main ideas - light and environmental friendliness. The entire structure consists of huge rhombuses, and their hollow planes are filled with graceful arabesques in the oriental style. The light entering through such original windows creates wonderful patterns in the rooms. And to preserve the environment, there are 72 photovoltaic pyramids on the roof of the building, which generate the required amount of energy. Marrakech Menara Airport is considered small by world standards. However, its extraordinary surroundings give it the right to call it one of the most beautiful airports on the planet.

Chek Lap Kok Airport, Hong Kong. The airport opened for commercial use in 1998. And, despite its relatively short history, Hong Kong International Air Harbor has repeatedly won international awards, such as best airport peace. Although it is likely that this project may seem very modest when compared with other amazing air terminals. However, its beauty is still special. It is directly related to functionality and exemplary infrastructure. After all, the passenger can easily navigate it almost with his eyes closed (which is especially valuable for travelers after such a tiring 17-hour flight from New York). The undulating roof of the building has a subconscious effect on travelers. It, like a pointer arrow, forces tourists to move in the right direction. The glory of one of the largest transport hubs support a comfortable express train going directly to the city center and a 12-lane highway leading to the airport. By the way, the train is very difficult to miss, since it departs directly from the main terminal building.

Malvinas Argentinas Airport, Ushuaia, Argentina. The airport is located 4 kilometers south of the center of Ushuaia, a city on the island Tierra del Fuego. This is perhaps the southernmost international airport on the planet. It seems to be the gateway to Patagonia and the Arctic. Sky Jetty is located right next to the Beagle Channel (the latter is named after the ship in which Charles Darwin sailed around South America). It would seem that for such a remote air harbor it would be quite normal to see ugly bunker terminals. However, all the buildings are not just elegant. They are in absolute harmony with the majestic Andes.

Kansai International Airport, Osaka, Japan. The air harbor, built according to the design of Renzo Piano, was located on artificial island off the coast of Osaka Island. Here, right in the middle of the bay, a corner of the earth appeared 4 thousand meters long and a thousand meters wide. According to the plan, this complex structure was supposed to withstand severe typhoons, high tsunamis and strong earthquakes. On January 17, 1995, Japan was struck by a terrible earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale. More than 6 thousand people died, but the airport still remained undamaged. Later, three years later, a typhoon swept over it. The wind speed reached 200 kilometers per hour. And the building survived again thanks to its thoughtful design, which in appearance resembles an airplane wing. Today Kansai is a unique airport that has no analogues in the world. It is the only one located directly in the sea and, moreover, quite successfully. After all, water muffles the noise of endlessly taking off and landing planes. Thus, the air terminal operating without interruption does not cause any inconvenience local residents. Not far from it there is an air park. Here, tourists can have fun with flight simulators or watch takeoffs and landings from the observatory. In addition to the original location, Kansai has another interesting characteristic: like Great Wall, it is clearly visible from space.

Some airports amaze with their scale, and some with their beauty. At the end of April, the research company PrivateFly published a ranking of the most picturesque airports on the planet. The list was compiled based on the opinions of travelers and resource users.

Juancho Irausquin Airport, Saba Island, Caribbean Sea

This is not only the most beautiful airport in the world, but also one of the most dangerous. Here is the shortest runway in the world (only 400 meters!), where only three types of aircraft are allowed to land.

However, this did not prevent Juancho Irausquin Airport from becoming the most beautiful. The air harbor truly offers stunning views, which you can begin to admire from the plane. Indeed, the island rises lonely above the waters of the ocean, and all around there are only endless blue expanses.

Donegal Airport, Ireland

Donegal also cannot boast of huge passenger traffic: regular flights There is only one airline operating to this airport, Aer Arann. Also in season there are charter flights, but only to one city - . What did travelers especially like here? Rugged coastline and runway along it is a particularly impressive sight from the air.

Nice Cote d'Azur Airport, France

This air harbor is located right on the coast Mediterranean Sea near the mouth of the Var River. The airport looks really impressive: Mountain landscape, magnificent and endless turquoise sea.

Gibraltar Airport

Gibraltar Airport is located right at the foot of the Rock of Gibraltar, just 500 meters from the city center. Its runway is crossed highway(you can count such harbors on one hand).

Queenstown Airport, New Zealand

Harbour Air resort town Queenstown is incredible. Even during landing it is impossible to tear yourself away from the window: clouds, snow-capped mountains, cleanest lakes.

London City Airport, UK

London City Airport has just one runway, but landing in the harbor gives you a bird's eye view of the UK capital.

Princess Juliana Airport, Caribbean Islands

Another one of the most dangerous airports world, but also one of the most beautiful. The runway is located right on the shore, next to the city beach. So during landing, planes fly literally at an altitude of 10-20 meters above the heads of vacationers. Here you can swim in the sea or lie on the beach and enjoy watching the plane fly over you. And what photos you can take!

Orlando Airport, USA

When landing at the Orlando air harbor, you can enjoy breathtaking scenery: the blue sea, the beach, and in the distance - launch pads NASA.

Barra Airport, UK

Barra is actually unique: it does not have ordinary runways, but... sandy ones! During high tide, airport operations stop and the runways disappear under water.

Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport, Canada

The peculiarity of this airport is that it is located opposite the city, in the center of Toronto. And from the plane it actually seems like it’s a few meters away. During landing, you can enjoy the metropolis with its skyscrapers, parks and the tower towering over the city.

I have visited more than a hundred different airports in the world - from small sheds on the outskirts of the world to huge air cities of the largest metropolises. But nowhere have I received such aesthetic satisfaction as in Baku. I could say that it’s worth coming to even just to look at the airport, but I’m too in love with this beautiful city, so today I’m just inviting you to the Museum of Modern Art... Which is actually just an airport!

1. The airport in Baku cannot be directly compared with Dubai or Singapore, the scale and traffic are not the same, there are no swimming pools or butterfly gardens, for example, but an atmosphere has been created here in which waiting for a flight is so cozy and comfortable, and the arrival is accompanied by surprise from what you saw! I already wrote on my Facebook that the two most beautiful airports are located in two diametrically opposite points in Europe - Terminal 4 of Barajas Airport in Madrid and Heydar Aliyev Airport in Baku, today we will walk through the second with you.

From the outside, the new terminal in Baku looks like most modern airports: a mix of geometry, futurism and high-tech materials - concrete, glass and metal. Inside, Turkish architectural studio Autoban was inspired by oriental hospitality and created a lively and unusual interior with wooden cocoon elements.

2. The terminal itself is relatively small. At the same time, it now looks underutilized, so there are reserves of capacity here. The new complex is capable of serving 6 million passengers per year, its area is 65 thousand square meters.

6. The airport has 4 floors and a spacious entrance hall.

7. The first floor serves departing passengers and baggage collection for arriving passengers. The second floor of the complex is provided for arriving passengers. Border control, aviation security control for transit passengers, visa issuance, as well as rest areas for arriving passengers are located here.

8. There is even a makdacha, but going to it in Azerbaijan is blasphemy! This is a country of gastronomic orgasm with amazing (but not always healthy) cuisine.

9. The construction contractor was MAPA and the equipment supplier was SITA. WAAGNER-BIRO designed and built the building's façade, and Woods Bagot architects and Buro Happold engineers installed structural and seismic systems. AUTOBAN created the interior design, VANDERLANDE created the luggage management system, CAVAG supplied the passenger access platforms and telescopic bridges, and SCHINDLER supplied the elevators and escalators.

10. On the third floor, intended for the departure of passengers, customs and border control are carried out. Duty free shops and cafes are located on this floor. One of the few airports where there is no compromise between clean and dirty areas - it is equally comfortable for those arriving and departing on a trip.

11. The four floors of the building at all levels are entwined from the inside with structures of a kind of “cocoons” made of oak veneer, and the architects hid cafes, bars, and shopping kiosks in the Salam Lounges business area on the top floor in wooden hemispheres.

23. Just a coffee shop, but how cozy it is here on the second floor!

28. In the arrivals and departure areas there is carpet and, accordingly, it is quiet and soft. This does not happen very often - in Singapore, Delhi, and partly in Hong Kong.

31. There is no terrace overlooking the platform in Baku, but there is a cafe with panoramic windows.

34. Welcome to Baku! Haven't been here yet?! Be sure to come! A wonderful city for a weekend at any time of the year.


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