Province of Tierra del Fuego. Open left menu Tierra del Fuego Average temperature and precipitation

The sun's rays, passing through transparent bodies, heat them very weakly. For this reason, direct sunlight almost does not heat the air of the atmosphere, but heats the surface of the Earth, from which heat is transferred to the adjacent layers of air. As the air heats up, it becomes lighter and rises, where it mixes with colder air, in turn heating it.

As the air rises, it cools. At an altitude of 10 km, the temperature constantly remains at around 40-45 °C.

A decrease in air temperature with height is a general pattern. However, an increase in temperature is often observed as one rises upward. This phenomenon is called temperature inversion, i.e. by rearranging temperatures.

Inversions occur either when the earth's surface and surrounding air rapidly cool, or, conversely, when heavy cold air flows down mountain slopes into valleys. There this air stagnates and displaces warmer air up the slopes.

During the day, the air temperature does not remain constant, but continuously changes. During the day, the Earth's surface heats up and heats the adjacent layer of air. At night, the Earth radiates heat, cools, and the air cools. The lowest temperatures are observed not at night, but before sunrise, when the earth's surface has already given up all the heat. Similarly, the highest air temperatures are not established at noon, but around 3 p.m.

At the equator daily temperature variation monotonous, day and night they are almost the same. The diurnal amplitudes are very small in the seas and near sea coasts. But in deserts during the day the surface of the earth often heats up to 50-60 °C, and at night it often cools down to 0 °C. Thus, daily amplitudes here exceed 50-60 °C.

In temperate latitudes, the greatest amount of solar radiation reaches the Earth on the days of the summer solstices, i.e. June 22 in the Northern Hemisphere and December 21 in the Southern. However, the hottest month is not June (December), but July (January), since on the day of the solstice great amount radiation is spent on heating the earth's surface. In July (January) radiation decreases, but this decrease is compensated by the strongly heated earth's surface.

Likewise, the coldest month is not June (December), but July (January).

At sea, due to the fact that the water cools and warms up more slowly, the temperature shift is even greater. Here, the hottest month is August, and the coldest month is February in the Northern Hemisphere and, accordingly, the hottest month is February and the coldest month is August in the Southern Hemisphere.

Annual amplitude temperatures largely depend on the latitude of the place. Thus, at the equator the amplitude remains almost constant throughout the year and amounts to 22-23 °C. The highest annual amplitudes are characteristic of territories located in mid-latitudes in the interior of continents.

Any area is also characterized by absolute and average temperatures. Absolute temperatures established through long-term observations at weather stations. Thus, the hottest (+58 °C) place on Earth is in the Libyan Desert; the coldest (-89.2 °C) is in Antarctica at the Vostok station. In the Northern Hemisphere, the lowest temperature (-70.2 °C) was recorded in the village of Oymyakon in Eastern Siberia.

Average temperatures determined as the arithmetic mean of several thermometer indicators. So, to determine the average daily temperature, measurements are made at 1; 7; 13 and 19 hours, i.e. 4 times a day. From the obtained figures, the arithmetic mean is found, which will be the average daily temperature of the given area. Then the average monthly and average annual temperatures are found as the arithmetic mean of the daily and monthly averages.

On the map you can mark points with the same temperature values ​​and draw lines connecting them. These lines are called isotherms. The most indicative isotherms are January and July, i.e. the coldest and warmest months of the year. Isotherms can be used to determine how heat is distributed on Earth. In this case, clearly expressed patterns can be traced.

1. The highest temperatures are not observed at the equator, but in tropical and subtropical deserts, where direct radiation predominates.

2. In both hemispheres, temperatures decrease from tropical latitudes to the poles.

3. Due to the predominance of the sea over land, the course of isotherms in the Southern Hemisphere is smoother, and the temperature amplitudes between the hottest and coldest months are smaller than in the Northern Hemisphere.

What climate is Tierra del Fuego? and got the best answer

Answer from Condorita[guru]
Temperate maritime climate
We look carefully at the map. According to Alisov’s classification, there is no other climate there

Due to the proximity of Antarctica and high air humidity, the snow line starts almost from the surface of the sea.

Answer from Zinaida[guru]
The climate of Tierra del Fuego is very humid, except in the extreme east. The archipelago is constantly exposed to harsh and humid southwesterly winds. In the west, up to 3000 mm of precipitation falls per year, with drizzle prevailing, which occurs 300-330 days a year. In the east, precipitation decreases sharply.
The temperature is low throughout the year, and its fluctuations between seasons are insignificant. We can say that the archipelago Tierra del Fuego In summer temperature it is close to the tundra, and in winter it is close to the subtropics.
The climatic conditions of Tierra del Fuego are favorable for the development of glaciation. The snow line in the west is at an altitude of 500 m, and glaciers fall directly into the ocean, forming icebergs. Mountain ranges covered with ice, and only isolated sharp peaks rise above it.

Answer from Tata[guru]
The climate of Tierra del Fuego is a subpolar oceanic climate with short, cool summers and long, wet, moderate winters: average precipitation is 3,000 mm
Cold and wet weather helps preserve ancient glaciers.
The most southern islands They have a sub-Antarctic climate, typical of the tundra, which makes tree growth impossible.
Some areas within the region have a predominantly polar climate.
Areas in the world with climates similar to those of southern Tierra del Fuego are Aleutian Islands, Iceland, Alaska and the Faroe Islands.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What climate is Tierra del Fuego located in?

When the phrase comes out of our mouths: “Yes, even to the ends of the earth...”, we don’t even think that we are thereby mentioning the picturesque expanses of Tierra del Fuego, which was once separated from the snow-white glaciers of Antarctica, and is now divided between Chile and Argentina.

The wild nature, thanks to the harsh climate, blood-chilling stories of insatiable sea waters that swallow thousands of ships every year and the remoteness from civilization, has remained almost untouched. Only in the stone embrace of cities do comfortable hotels and sparkling neon stubbornly reach out to the low gloomy sky shopping centers- a breath of comfort and warmth for tourists eager to see the horizon with their own eyes, standing on the southernmost cliff of the planet. What if the silhouette of a city of a civilization that perished many centuries ago appears in the depths of the sea, and with the piercing arctic winds comes revelation and absolute knowledge of the truth of existence?!

The 40 thousand islands of the archipelago are like a handful of rough diamonds of various sizes and shapes, carelessly thrown by the Creator into gray-emerald waters, warmed only by the stingy January sun. The largest of the islands is Isla Grande. But the harsh climate for humans is a blessing for the main inhabitants of Tierra del Fuego - the hilariously touching penguins, seeing which is one of the first goals of any visitor.

Main tourist town archipelago - Ushuaia (it is also the most Southern City Land), the economic capital of the region is the city of Rio Grande.

How to get there

From Buenos Aires to Ushuaia - more than 3000 km. The smartest way to overcome them is by plane; travel time is about 4 hours. From El Calafate to Tierra del Fuego is just an hour's flight.

Search for flights to Buenos Aires (the closest airport to Tierra del Fuego)

Weather in Tierra del Fuego

Spring, summer and early autumn are especially good in Tierra del Fuego. This time is ideal for walking around national park, cruises, fishing and other trips to these places.

Tierra del Fuego

Popular hotels in Tierra del Fuego

Entertainment and attractions of Tierra del Fuego

The main attractions became the reason for the creation of an extensive infrastructure in the capital of the burning islands - Ushuaia. Here you can first explore the city prison, or rather the museum, imposingly located in it, and, of course, the regional museum Fin del Mundo - the Museum at the End of the World. After which it is recommended to board one of the boats in order to perform boat trip on the Beagle Channel. For the impatient, a two-hour tour with a visit to a couple of colorful islands inhabited by sea lions and Arctic birds is enough; for a more detailed immersion into the world of fauna and flora of Tierra del Fuego, a 4-hour cruise with dessert - viewing Magellanic penguins. National Park Tierra del Fuego is a whole day of impressions that have no analogues in tourist leisure, and the entrance fee is only 10 dollars.

An unforgettable journey will be a walk to Cape Horn National Park, over which rises the one-eyed watchman of sailors - the famous Horn Lighthouse. King penguins have taken a liking to the icy rocks of Snow Hill Island, a visit to which is a real pleasure, because this is already the land of the Arctic Peninsula, although not everyone decides to take such a desperate step.

It is worth visiting the lake with almost black water due to the peat bottom, going by jeep to lakes Escondido and Fagnano, or sailing on a rented yacht to the Beagle Channel and to the island of Los Lobos.

When going on a jeep safari, it is better to take care of your lunch in advance and take with you everything you need for barbecue. If the guide is experienced, he will definitely suggest parking lots, where you can stop and how to stop, and most importantly, enjoy refreshment.

4 things to do at the End of the World

  1. Having visited Tierra del Fuego, it is sacred to repeat the route of the legendary Charles Darwin, who in the 1830s took a promenade along the islands of the archipelago. Who knows, maybe this journey will inspire you to a great discovery that will amaze the world, like the theory of Darwinism, which arose in the mind of a scientist precisely while examining the unique beauties of this land. To do this, you can rent a boat and a guide, having previously insured both of them, and yourself at the same time.
  2. You can become the owner of an unusual trophy by rounding Cape Horn, the coastal waters of which are the largest ship graveyard, for overcoming which everyone receives a certificate, which a couple of centuries ago looked like a silver earring in the left ear. It is recommended to do this on your own exclusively from November to March, when the weather is not so violent.
  3. IN local restaurants On the menu, look for dishes made from Kamchatka crab Centola, the aromatic meat of which must be washed down with local Chilean vodka Pisco 35 degrees. Dinner costs 30-50 dollars.
  4. In order to confidently declare to everyone: “I have seen the ends of the world” after an exciting trip to the islands of Tierra del Fuego, you need to visit the southernmost locality The land is the fishing village of Puerto Toro, where one of the 50 remaining old-timers will pat you on the shoulder with a calloused, rough hand while you stand in shock on the rocky boulders, fighting the sharp gusts of the sea wind. Address: Navarino Island, Tierra del Fuego archipelago.

In the very south South America, separated from the mainland by the Strait of Magellan, lies the Tierra del Fuego archipelago, consisting of one large island, bearing the same name, and a large number of small islands, almost all of them uninhabited. The islands are divided between Argentina and Chile.

Tierra del Fuego attracts tourists with its unusual harsh nature and proximity to Antarctica. They regularly start from here tourist trips to the ice continent.

Main tourist centre The islands are the young city of Ushuaia, founded in 1884 by members of an Argentine expedition. At the beginning of the 20th century, a prison was built here, the prisoners of which became the first residents of the city.

Today it is a tourist center with an international airport and all related services. This southernmost city in the world is often called the “end of the world.”

How to get there

Most travelers arrive in the city by plane. There are direct flights from Buenos Aires to international Airport Ushuaia. Travel time is about 3.5 hours. There is also a direct flight from El Calafate. The airport is located near the city. There is no special route connecting them, but you can get there quickly and inexpensively by taxi.

You can also get here by car or bus. Direct flight from the capital no, you need to get there with a transfer through Rio Gallegos, from where the journey will take about 36 hours.


Mainly taxis and buses.

Communication and Internet

There are three mobile operators: Claro (America Movil), Movistar (Telefonica), Personal (Telecom Argentina). SIM cards from Russian operators work, but roaming is very expensive. You can buy a local SIM card at the operator’s or its representative’s stores. For this you need a passport and a phone number. See the article about for more details.

Recreation places

The harsh climate does not allow swimming in the ocean. But on the coast, in the bays of Lapataya and Ensenada, you can admire huge albatrosses and petrels.

Treatment in the city

There are no clinics or sanatoriums here. Tourists coming here can enjoy clean air and natural beauty.

What to bring

Common souvenirs from Tierra del Fuego are woolen knitwear, chocolate and products self made made from local raw materials. In addition, Ushuaia is a tax-free zone, so you can buy many products here at very low prices. low prices. There are several breweries in Ushuaia that make good beer.

What and where to eat

Typical local dishes these are lamb and black hake, as well as king (Kamchatka) crab. You can try all this in one of the many restaurants.

You should not eat shellfish found on local beaches– it is poisonous due to red tide.

Entertainment and attractions

Almost all the attractions here are of natural origin. One of the most important is the Tierra del Fuego National Park with an area of ​​63 thousand hectares. It is located on the border with Chile. The terrain here is predominantly mountainous, and in the valleys you can see many streams and glacial lakes. It preserves rare species of trees and animals: beavers, red foxes, otters.

In summer you can do here walking tours, and in winter skiing. 30 km from the city is located ski resort, where you can ride from June to October.

Weather by month in Ushuaia (land of fire)

The weather here is very changeable and depends on the prevailing winds. Ingoda it changes several times a day. The average temperature in January is about 10ºC, although sometimes the air warms up to 23ºC. At this time, you can observe white nights here, when the day lasts up to 18 hours. The coldest months of the year are July and August with an average temperature of +1ºC. Spring is usually very windy.


daytime air temperature °C

air temperature at night °C

water temperature °C

+15 +6
February +14 +5
March +12 +4
April +10 +2
May +6 0
June +5 -1
July +5 -1
August +6 -1
September +9 0
October +11 +2
november +13 +4
December +13 +5

Detailed map of Ushuaia (land of fire)


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