How to quickly rent out an apartment. How to rent out an apartment without intermediaries and do it correctly? Renting from the owner, without realtors and agencies - what to pay attention to? Huge number of residents

First, you need to decide who has the right to rent out residential premises? First of all, these are apartment owners, that is, citizens in whose name it is registered.

If the owner cannot be personally present when renting out his property, then another person can act on his behalf with a notarized power of attorney.

If there are several apartment owners, then consent to rent out housing must be obtained from each of them, also certified by a notary.

Those living in the city on the basis of a social tenancy agreement can also rent out part of their apartment, but only after receiving the appropriate permission from the local authorities.

It is important to know! Regardless of whether the housing is owned or rented by municipal authorities, when deciding to rent out parts of square meters in an apartment in which more than one person lives, it is necessary to obtain written consent all adult family members, living and registered in this apartment.

If there are minors, official permission from the guardianship authorities at the place of residence is required to rent out part of the living space.

Consent in writing must also be obtained from neighbors if the room being rented is located in a communal apartment.

For the information of those whose apartment is located, it will not be possible to rent it out without the consent of the bank. The main reason is that the mortgage loan was issued for the use of residential premises for private purposes. Renting out an apartment is already considered a business activity. The bank has the right to demand early repayment of the loan.

Is it possible to do without intermediaries?

The decision to rent out the apartment has been made. The question arises, how to proceed? Of course, you can contact a real estate agency and use its services. Most likely, a decent company will even have ready-made candidates for moving into an apartment.

But, it should be borne in mind that the agency does not bear any obligations to the landlord. That is, the client is usually a stranger, and if a conflict situation arises in the future, the owner of the apartment is left alone with the tenant.

Therefore, you can do rental housing on one's own. It is necessary that during the period of searching and renting out housing the landlord has free time for conducting telephone conversations and showing apartments.

To successfully rent out an apartment, close attention should be paid to the following questions:

  1. Prepare the apartment for rent: remove unnecessary things, make cosmetic repairs if necessary, be sure to put the plumbing, electrical, and all counters in order.
  2. Decide on the price of renting an apartment.
  3. Decide how to search for clients.
  4. Prepare in advance.
  5. Have all the documents necessary to rent an apartment.
  6. Find out what taxes you will need to pay on income from rental housing.

Determining the optimal rental cost

First you need to determine which category the apartment you are renting belongs to. The division in the real estate market is purely conditional, not enshrined in any way by law, but this is a rather important, practically decisive point in determining the monthly rent. So, housing can be:

  1. Elite– houses are usually located in prestigious areas, with individual layout and European-quality renovation.
  2. Business Class- these are apartments in mass-construction buildings, quite spacious, the renovation is usually good.
  3. Economy class– small-sized apartments, most often on the outskirts of the city, the quality of repairs is at the discretion of the owner.

In addition to the apartment category, the rental price is influenced by the following factors:

  1. Distance of the residential building from the center(the closer to the outskirts of the city, the lower the price).
  2. How much developed infrastructure (availability in walking distance shops, kindergartens, schools, sports and entertainment centers).
  3. Transport interchange(how quickly and conveniently it is to get from the location of the house to other areas of the city).
  4. The apartment is filled with furniture and household appliances.

Having soberly assessed the level of the apartment for rent, you need to conduct your own marketing research. To do this, a selection of advertisements is carried out from the Internet or from printed publications with prices on the rental housing market of the exact category and location to which the apartment being rented belongs. Based on the collected data, the rental price is determined.

How to look for clients

When renting out your own home, there are several ways to find tenants.

  1. First you need to try to find a client through your friends or relatives. Perhaps this best option, since the client will not be a person from the street, but with a recommendation from people he trusts.
  2. Placing an advertisement for an apartment for rent in various media mass media: on special websites on the Internet, on television (creeping line), in print publications.

The advertisement must provide the most complete information about the housing for rent: area, floor/number of floors, area where the house is located, infrastructure, availability of repairs, furniture, household appliances. It is also necessary to list the requirements for the future tenant (gender, age, marital status, presence of animals) and rental price.

When you first meet a potential tenant, you should definitely look at his passport.

Lease contract

Having decided on a tenant, an apartment rental agreement is signed. You should approach this document not formally, but with all responsibility, and try to cover all the important issues in it:

  1. Information about the apartment and the landlord: address, number of rooms, document confirming ownership of the rental space.
  2. Information about the tenant: a list of everyone renting the apartment by name, their passport details, permanent registration address.
  3. The terms of payment for rent are negotiated: monthly amount, terms and methods (transfer from hand to hand, transfer to a bank account, credit to the landlord’s card). It is necessary to provide for payment of the “last installment” - a deposit when payment is made for the first and last month residence, which is a kind of insurance for the apartment owner against unforeseen situations.
  4. The owner will no longer be able to come to his apartment at will, so the time and timing of the visit must be noted in the contract.
  5. A clause on the tenant's responsibility and cases is required early termination contracts: violation of public order, accidents caused by the tenant and damage to property, delay in rent.
  6. There must certainly be a clause stating that the apartment is rented only for personal use (residence) and subletting is prohibited.
  7. Other living conditions: number of people, presence of animals.
  8. Contract time.

It is important to know! An agreement concluded for a period of more than one year is subject to mandatory registration with authorized state bodies. Therefore, the contract is usually concluded for 11 months with further extension. It is also necessary to register the agreement if the tenant is a legal entity.

Documents required for renting an apartment

To ensure that no one has any unnecessary questions when renting an apartment, the following documents are required:

  1. Certificate of ownership of residential premises.
  2. Passport of the lessor or a person representing his interests.
  3. Notarized power of attorney from the representative of the apartment owner.
  4. Written permission from all residents of the apartment and co-owners of the property.
  5. Certificate of absence of debt on utility bills as of the date the tenants moved in.

For your information! The residential rental agreement must include: The act contains an inventory of the property transferred for use and its condition. The condition of the apartment, communications and plumbing is also described.

Taxation of income received from rent

Income received from renting out an apartment is subject to personal income tax.

The declaration in form 2-NDFL is submitted to tax office once a year until April 30 of the year following the reporting year. Let’s say the apartment was rented out in 2015, the declaration is submitted within the specified period in 2016.

A copy of the premises rental agreement is attached to the declaration.

Mistakes when renting out an apartment

Usually mistakes are made by inexperienced owners of living space who are renting out their apartment for the first time. This material will not even consider the case of renting housing without a contract. No contract - no obligations.

The main mistakes in a frivolous approach to the clauses of the lease agreement are their incomplete coverage. If any of the conditions are not specified, then the following situations are likely to arise:

  • new residents or animals appear in the apartment;
  • housing;
  • property is damaged, and it is not possible to recover the damage.

Another common mistake: no additional information about the tenant. Of course, his main document is a passport, but it’s a good idea to inquire about his place of work (study), take the phone numbers and addresses of close relatives.

How to minimize problems when renting out an apartment? Answers to the video

Quickly, with maximum profit and without hassles - this is what every landlord dreams of. And indeed, among the tenants there are cunning guys who are capable of renting out the apartment to ten more citizens, taking the owner’s TV as a farewell. How to anticipate such situations?

Before renting out an apartment, it will be useful to know the dangers of illegally renting out residential premises. Recently, the country has significantly tightened the activities of state bodies to combat the illegal residence of citizens and there are two good reasons for this: firstly, the state budget is not replenished from this type of entrepreneurship and, secondly, the country is taking measures to combat illegal migration. Therefore, a landlord who has not formalized relations with a tenant in accordance with the requirements of the law becomes the target of the relevant enforcement services.

What are the consequences of illegally renting out an apartment or house? If such a fact is discovered, the tax authorities draw up a protocol on administrative violation, which results in a large fine. But these are just the beginnings, and if the court proves non-payment of taxes on a large scale, then such a would-be landlord will face criminal liability, and this already threatens punishment in the form of forced labor or even a real prison term. Therefore, it is not recommended to play cat and mouse with the state, and in order to sleep peacefully, it is better to draw up an official agreement with the prospective residents, especially if a long-term lease is planned.

How to rent out an apartment legally without intermediaries for a long time?

How can a real estate agency help?

Remember that if you want to rent out your home, the most reasonable decision would be to contact a real estate agency at least at this stage, where they will help you correctly draw up an agreement that will stipulate all possible risks, as well as the responsibilities of the parties and will certify this document with their seal. But if avoiding intermediaries is a fundamental decision, then sample contracts can also be found on the Internet. After this, all that remains is to register with the tax authorities and start receiving the long-awaited profit.

If a person has free space, he can rent it out. Action allows you to make a profit. However, not everyone knows how to rent out an apartment correctly according to the law. Violation of the established procedure may result in penalties. If a person wants to act correctly, he will have to enter into an agreement with the client and notify the authorized bodies about renting out the apartment.

Additionally, you will have to start paying taxes. The contract must be completed correctly. In another situation, the paper may be declared invalid. Transfer is carried out in accordance with the standards Money towards payment of rent. If a person wants to avoid mistakes, he must familiarize himself in advance with the procedure for drawing up an agreement and concluding a transaction. We will talk further about what package of documentation needs to be prepared, the specifics of drawing up an agreement, as well as the nuances of paying taxes.

Compliance with the norms of current legislation can protect a citizen from a whole list of problems. Thus, the apartment owner does not have to be afraid that the tenant will dispose of the property outside the scope of the concluded agreement. By complying with all legal requirements, a person protects himself from the fact that his home will be used for fraudulent purposes.

Experts do not advise renting out an apartment to friends or relatives by concluding a verbal agreement. The only positive feature of this method is the fact that the person knows the people he allows into his apartment.

If the landlord plans to earn income from renting out an apartment, it is better to start collaborating with unfamiliar tenants and provide them with real estate at a good price.

To ensure that such an action does not cause problems, registration must be carried out in compliance with all the rules of current legislation. By concluding an agreement with a tenant, the property owner can plan in advance all expenses, including the smallest ones. A formal contract can include all the rights and obligations of each party. In addition, a citizen does not have to worry that he will have problems with the tax authorities due to concealing profits.

Preparation of a package of documents

If you plan to officially rent out the apartment for long term, you will need to prepare a package of documents. The process does not require a large list of papers, as when concluding a purchase and sale transaction. However, some documents still need to be prepared.

To rent out an apartment according to the law, you must provide:

  • certificate of ownership of housing, designation if the apartment was privatized, or an agreement confirming the existence of ownership rights;
  • certificate of all persons registered in the apartment;
  • notarized consent to rent out housing.

All apartment owners must provide the latest document. They must be present at the time of conclusion of the transaction. Compliance with this rule will avoid a number of problems that may arise in the future. A tenant wishing to rent an apartment under a contract must also provide documents. However, on his part, only a passport is enough.

Features of concluding an official apartment rental agreement

When figuring out how to properly rent out an apartment to an individual, a citizen will find out that the process must be carried out with the drawing up of an appropriate agreement. It confirms that the deal has been concluded. The contract contains all the information about the terms of the agreement, as well as the rights and obligations of the parties. The deal is between the tenant and the landlord.

Today, there are two types of official agreement on the temporary provision of property for the use of another person.

The first piece of paper is the official tenancy agreement. It is concluded if real estate is leased to individuals. Such an agreement does not need to be registered. This rule is not affected by the period for which the agreement is concluded.

The second type of document is a lease agreement. The document is used if a transaction is concluded with a legal entity. The document must be registered if the property is leased for a period of more than 1 year.

The official contract is important document. It is able to protect the property owner from a whole list of problems. Therefore, you should approach the preparation of paper as carefully as possible. If there is no agreement, this significantly increases the risk for both parties to the transaction.

This happens for the following reasons:

  • A citizen will not be able to defend his violated rights in court if he comes across unscrupulous tenants who do not pay rent for the property and public utilities. It will also not be possible to reimburse the cost of damaged property.
  • Authorized authorities will refuse to accept a statement about problems with a tenant if the transaction is not officially registered.
  • If residents cause damage to their neighbors, the owner of the premises will be liable for compensation.

Mandatory information in a formal contract

For a contract to be valid, it must contain mandatory information.

The parties must indicate the following information:

  • the amount of money that the tenant is required to provide for the use of the premises;
  • the number of residents who will live in the rented apartment;
  • information about owners;
  • information about whether the premises are privatized;
  • features of providing payment indicating the date or even time;
  • the exact time and procedure for checking the property by the owner of the premises;
  • features of the use of the apartment owner’s property;
  • information about payment of utility costs and who will perform the action;
  • procedure in case of non-payment;
  • specifics of compensation for losses to the lessor if they were caused;
  • additional agreements that do not contradict current legislation.

If housing is being rented out from the owner or from a real estate agency, in addition to the contract, an act of acceptance and transfer of the personal property of the owner of the premises must be drawn up. It indicates the fact of transfer of the apartment and the things that are in it. Thanks to the preparation of documents, transaction participants can reduce all kinds of risks.

However, a number of risks still remain even after concluding an agreement. Thus, the tenant has the right to receive accurate information about whether the landlord is the owner of the premises and whether he can rent it out. Additionally, it is worth finding out whether there are any problems with the housing, whether payments for utilities have been made, and whether there is any debt on the premises. All this information must be honestly discussed in advance. Then the information is necessarily recorded in the contract. The tenant must confirm that he has read the data and has no complaints.

As additional information the contract may contain information confirming the solvency of the tenant. Thus, a citizen can provide a certificate from his place of work and telephone numbers of contact persons who can confirm the information provided.

A separate point is the fact that the premises are not rented to other persons and are legally clean. You shouldn’t limit yourself to standard phrases. It is necessary to record in as much detail as possible in the document information about the premises and the property located in it. All oral agreements must also be reflected on paper. By approaching the drafting of the contract as carefully as possible, the parties to the transaction will be able to minimize risks.

Transfer of funds to pay for apartment rent

At the final stage of the transaction, which they want to formalize according to the law, funds are transferred. This stage should be approached as seriously as possible. Today there are two ways to provide funds. The fastest and easiest of them is from hand to hand. However, it is not always convenient for the parties to the agreement. The point is that to complete the process you will need to find time for a meeting. In practice, sometimes neither side has time. This is explained by the fact that most people work during the daytime and prefer to relax in the evening. If the parties nevertheless decide to transfer money in cash, it is recommended to necessarily conclude an act of acceptance and transfer of funds or a receipt indicating the amount, date at the time of receipt of payment and signature. An alternative to the method is the use of non-cash settlement accounts. The tenant transfers rent to them within a certain period of time. In this case, experts recommend that the employer save all receipts.

All actions are carried out on the basis of a concluded agreement. None of the parties has the right to change the specifics of the calculation unilaterally.

Each of the parties to the transaction must follow pre-agreed conditions. If funds are provided to trustees, they must confirm that they have the appropriate authority. To do this, a power of attorney must be provided in accordance with the rules. Transferring money to a bank account greatly simplifies the procedure. The fact of transfer of funds will be confirmed by receipts. In this case, the seller will not be able to deny receiving money to pay the rent.

How to pay taxes to the state?

If a person wants to legally rent out a premises, he must understand that he will have to pay taxes. Failure to comply with the rule is a violation of current legislation. This is fraught with consequences. Often, negligent landlords are exposed to the tax authorities by the neighbors themselves. This usually happens if residents disturb the peace and behave like hooligans at night. This leads to neighbors starting to complain. As a result of their appeal, the fact of renting premises in Moscow without paying taxes comes to light.

You can avoid deductions to the state by leasing your property through a special agency. They act as a mediator. However, in this case, most of the profit will go to such an organization.

Statistics show that it is much more profitable to pay taxes yourself. However, not everyone knows how to perform the action. If a citizen wants to rent out the premises he owns, the tax base will be the rent specified in the agreement. The amount of deductions to the state in this case will be 13% of the profit received from leasing the property. In some cases, the interest rate may increase. The amount of deductions to the state will be 17% if the income for the reporting month from renting out the premises is 10 times higher than the minimum wage.

The tax payment process in practice

To make payments to the state, the owner of the property must fill out a declaration. It is drawn up in form 3-NDFL. The document is submitted to the tax authorities at the place of business activity. Otherwise, the document completed in accordance with the rules is provided at the location of the apartment. After representatives of the Federal Tax Service receive the document, they check the declaration for correctness. If all requirements are met, after some time the property owner will receive a receipt by email. Based on this, payment must be made.

The deadlines for submitting the declaration and depositing funds are established by current legislation. Documents must be provided and payments must be made by April 30 of the year following the reporting period.

A person renting out an apartment can register as an individual entrepreneur. Completing the procedure will significantly simplify the income tax payment scheme. To do this, you will have to go through the registration procedure by contacting the Federal Tax Service. An individual entrepreneur has the right to contribute 6% of the profit received to the budget if settlements with the state are carried out according to a simplified taxation system.

how to properly rent out an apartment without intermediaries, we will analyze the mistakes of most landlords. Have you decided to rent out an apartment and receive a stable profit?

Simply put, don't start raking until your forehead is protected.

Have you read it? Fine! Did you score? It’s okay - we’ll repeat it here)) So, determine the cost of renting an apartment, find good tenants either yourself or by involving realtors whom you can trust.

Renting an apartment is quite a profitable business. You can even become a rentier if you wish, although you will need several apartments for this purpose.

At current prices for apartments, few can afford to buy an apartment, and therefore renting an apartment is currently the only way to live and work in the city.

This is especially true for young families and ambitious individuals building a career. The demand for rental apartments will always be sufficient, because the city, as the capital of the region, attracts many people from the periphery.

At the same time, a landlord who decides to rent out an apartment for the first time without intermediaries may encounter several difficulties.

How to rent out an apartment without intermediaries - we eliminate mistakes

Incorrect apartment rental price

The question of what price to rent an apartment for is the most important one for a landlord. This is the first step in renting out an apartment without intermediaries.

Factors in determining the cost of renting an apartment

  • the number of rooms in the apartment intended for rent, its square footage and the layout of the apartment. As you know, the most popular apartment rentals are 1-room apartments, followed by 2-room apartments and so on. As for the square footage and layout of the apartment, it depends on the preferences of the tenants and you probably won’t guess;
  • condition of the apartment being rented. The presence of renovations in the apartment has a greater impact on the cost of renting the apartment. After all, a clean and comfortable apartment creates a more pleasant impression than the “after-grandmother” state, or even bare walls. Tenants are more willing to pay good price for the corresponding good condition of the apartment;
  • the geographical location of the house and the development of infrastructure in the area where the apartment is for rent. Areas that are popular for renting apartments are located closer to the center due to the relatively moderate rental prices, and also gravitate towards educational institutions and shopping centers. Equally important is the development of infrastructure near the rental apartment. The proximity of schools, pharmacies, kindergartens and public transport stops will also have a positive effect on the cost of renting an apartment;
  • the presence of calm and adequate neighbors will help, if not in determining the cost of renting an apartment, then it will simplify the search for tenants who will not need extra noise for a comfortable stay.

Algorithm for determining the cost of renting an apartment

It must be remembered that in determining the cost of renting your apartment, you need to be as realistic as possible. Start by finding out the average rental cost of similar apartments.

The newspaper “Present”, the website “From Hand to Hand” or AVITO will help you with this. Realtors can also help you determine the cost of the apartment you want to rent out.

In 7 steps

Having collected enough information and data for comparison, you are more likely to determine the adequate cost of renting an apartment and will be able to rent out the apartment at a favorable price for you.

Avoid the temptation to inflate the cost of renting an apartment.

In this case, the search for a tenant may take a long time and you will not only not make a profit during the waiting period, but also incur expenses. because Payments for heating and other services will be charged regardless of their use.

Plus, the high rental price of your apartment will help other landlords. who are more loyal in price to get your potential tenants.

If you reduce the price by 3-5% of the average cost of renting apartments, then your offer can be appreciated by a conscientious tenant and will rent the apartment for a long time, while appreciating the luck that has turned up and not creating problems for you.

If you are no longer afraid of anything and you have a bike and glasses like the Terminator, and you have also decided to make the most of your apartment rental, then this special is for you:

Undesirable tenants when renting apartments

Choosing a tenant is quite a responsible task, especially if you are renting out an apartment for a long time.

If the decision is made incorrectly, this can result in unnecessary hassle, minor troubles and loss of time. In order to mitigate such risks, you can ask potential tenants about their place of work and income level.

These questions may seem incorrect, but it will make it easier for you to explain their need to tenants. than to then decide the consequences of a wrong decision.

Take a special look at young people; they tend to live noisily, which can negatively affect your relationships with your neighbors.

As for families with small children and animals, this is at your discretion, because... You must calculate in advance what degree of wear and tear on the apartment will be acceptable for you.

What to include in an apartment rental agreement

The main provisions that must be specified in the apartment rental agreement are clear and detailed conditions for the tenants to live in the rented apartment.

Be sure to indicate provisions such as the amount of rent, payment terms, contract term, conditions of termination or extension.

It would not be amiss to indicate in the apartment rental agreement the consequences of violation of the specified terms of the agreement by the parties. We will talk more about the rules for drawing up an apartment rental agreement later.

The safest thing to do would be to contact specialists who will draw up an apartment rental agreement, in accordance with the law and your conditions, in order to preserve the interests and protect both parties - both the landlord and the tenant.

I consider this topic of how to properly rent out an apartment without intermediaries closed. Good luck to you in this difficult task!

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Before renting out an apartment, decide how you will pay taxes on income for renting out your home. You can:

  • before renting out housing, register an individual entrepreneur and for renting out residential premises - 6% of the potential income;
  • at the end of the year, submit a tax return and (personal income tax) - 13% of the actual income received;
  • register as self-employed and - 4% of the income actually received from renting out housing to individuals or 6% - to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

If you are a tenant of residential premises under a social tenancy agreement, you can only sublet housing as an individual. Thus, you will need to pay personal income tax.

2. How to rent out an apartment and pay taxes on a patent?

A patent is a taxation system for individual entrepreneurs, which works on the following principle: the state establishes the approximate annual income that an individual entrepreneur can receive from his activities (in this case, from renting out housing). This is the tax base. The cost of a patent is 6% of this amount. From other taxes, in particular In relation to real estate that is used to generate income.

">real estate tax, the entrepreneur is exempt.

In Moscow, the cost of a patent for renting out residential premises depends on the size of the apartment and the area in which it is located. To accurately calculate the cost of a patent, you can use the page of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of Moscow on the website or the service on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

If the patent tax system suits you, follow these steps:

Step 3.

Step 4. If necessary.

3. How to rent out an apartment and pay personal income tax?

Personal income tax (NDFL) is a tax that is paid on any income you make. Most often (for example, when you receive a salary), contributions to the tax office are made by the organization or individual entrepreneur from whom you receive income (employer). If you rent out housing, you need to pay personal income tax yourself. The rate is 13%.

To do this, you first need to declare your income by filing a tax return in Form 3-NDFL, and then pay income tax.

If this tax system suits you, follow these steps:

Step 1. Conclude a rental agreement (sublease, lease).

Step 2. If necessary.

Step 3. File your tax return and then .

4. How to rent out an apartment and pay tax on professional income?

Professional income tax (PIT) is a special tax regime that has been applied since 2019. It is designed for those who receive income from independent activities, in particular from renting out housing. Individuals and individual entrepreneurs can switch to it. The rate is 4% if you rent out housing to an individual, 6% if you rent it to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

If the special tax regime “Professional Income Tax” suits you, follow these steps:

Step 1. Register with the tax authority as a professional income tax payer (or, more simply, register as self-employed) through free mobile app“My Tax”, the taxpayer’s account of the “Professional Income Tax” on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia or through authorized banks. To register, you will need a passport and a photo, which you can take with your smartphone.

Step 2. Conclude a rental agreement.

Step 3. If necessary.

Step 4. The tax is paid automatically in the application.

5. How to conclude a rental agreement?

The rental agreement is concluded with individuals. A lease agreement is concluded if the tenant is a legal entity (in this case, the tenant can use the residential premises only for the residence of citizens).

The agreement can be concluded in free form, but must be drawn up in writing. It must reflect to the maximum extent all agreements reached by the parties as a result of negotiations.

  • last names, first names, patronymics and passport details of the parties;
  • a detailed description of the property that is for rent (address, area, number of rooms, floor and number of floors of the house); information about documents confirming the owner’s ownership of the apartment. You can also attach photographs to the contract illustrating the condition of the apartment;
  • the amount the tenant pays monthly and the conditions for its revision (how many times a year, on what grounds);
  • procedure for paying utility bills;
  • the maximum number of inspections, visits by the apartment owner (per month, per year) and the conditions for such visits;
  • purpose of lease (hiring) (recording the fact that the apartment is provided specifically for the tenant’s residence, and not for sublease or other needs);
  • a list of persons who may permanently reside with the tenant;
  • grounds for termination of the contract;
  • apartment rental period;
  • other details.


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