Sights of Taormina - what to see. A complete guide to iconic places. Italy, Taormina: attractions. Photos and reviews from tourists What to visit within walking distance of Taormina

small town Taormina- located 49 km south of Messina on the Tauro plateau, Sicily. Steep slopes descend sharply to the waters of the Ionian Sea between Cape Taormina and Cape Sant'Andrea. The city looks great against the backdrop of the smoking silhouette of Mount Etna.

Guide to Taormina

Taormina owes the beginning of its fame to the great German writer Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832): while traveling through Sicily, he left wonderful travel notes about the island, including about Taormina. After enlightened Europe became acquainted with the poet’s enthusiastic diaries in the 1830s, hundreds of tourists from England went to Sicily to see the wonderful, romantic city with their own eyes. It is interesting that the first travelers preferred to relax in Sicily not in summer, but in winter.

Previously, there were many monasteries in Taormina, but after Sicily became part of the united Kingdom of Italy, the monastic lands were transferred to the state. Many ancient monasteries have been converted into cozy hotels.

Now Taormina is a beautiful tourist town. On its streets you can see buildings erected in different eras: under the Arabs, under the Normans, under the Bourbons. Many buildings belonging to the Jewish community, which existed in Taormina since the 14th century, have survived; these buildings are usually decorated with the six-pointed Star of David. Taormina was widely popularized by the stunning Sicilian-themed collections of the fashion house Dolce&Gabbana, whose advertising campaign was filmed here.

Taormina weather:

Taormina Tourist Office

  • Corso Umberto I, next to Largo Santa Caterina(largo Santa Caterina).
  • 09 42 2 32 43
  • Mon–Sat 08.00–14.00, 16.00–19.00

Find your way around Taormina

The Taormina-Giardini railway station is located at the foot of Mount Tauro. The bus station is located on via Pirandello (Pirandello street). After walking up the stairs, you will find yourself at the city gate, behind which begins Corso Umberto I (Umberto Primo Avenue) - the central street of Taormina.

Interbus buses run from the railway station to the center of Taormina.

Sights of Taormina

A walk around Taormina traditionally starts from Messina Gate.

1 Greek theater

To see the famous Greek theater (Teatro Greco), you need corso Umberto I get to piazza Vittorio Emanuele(Piazza Vittorio Emanuele) and continue along via Teatro Greco(via Teatro Greco).

The theater was built in the 3rd-2nd centuries BC, then 300 years later it was rebuilt by the Romans, who adapted the arena for gladiator fights. The diameter of the structure is 109 m, it is the second largest theater in Sicily after Syracuse. From the walls of the arena there is a view that Goethe called “a panorama of perfection.” IN summer time The theater hosts musical performances.

  • Via Teatro Greco
  • May–Aug. daily 09.00–18.00,
  • Apr-Sep 09.00–18.30,
  • March–Oct. 09.00–17.00,
  • Nov.–Feb. 09.00–16.00

2 Palazzo Corvaia

Next, it’s worth returning to piazza V ittorio Emanuele. The main decoration of the square is considered Corvaia Palace (Palazzo Corvaia). In the 11th century, the Arabs erected a tower on this site, then in the 14th-15th centuries they rebuilt it, adding new rooms formed around the courtyard. It is noteworthy that in 1411 the first Sicilian parliament met here.

Church of Santa Caterina d'Alessandria

Chiesa Santa Caterina d'Alessandria

Next to the Parliamentary Palace stands Church of Santa Caterina d'Alessandria(XVII century), built on the foundation of the Greek temple of Apollo.


Behind the church are the ruins of another most valuable monument dating back to the Roman era (II century) - Odeona(Teatro Odeon, 2nd century), probably intended for public meetings and chamber performances. Over several centuries, the cultural layer gradually absorbed the small scene. The Odeon was again revealed to the world only in 1893.

4 Corso Umberto I

Corso Umberto I serves as the main promenade in Taormina, where the main cultural sites, offices of various companies, shops and cafes are located. The next place that attracts the attention of tourists in this area will be piazza IX Aprile (Piazza Nono Aprile). Here are located Church of San Giuseppe(Chiesa San Giuseppe, XVII century) and Sant'Agostino(Chiesa SantAgostino, XV century), and also Clock tower(Torre dellOrologio).

6 Taormina Cathedral

Cattedrale San Nicolo

Taormina Cathedral is located almost at the very end of the avenue. Temple dedicated to St. Nicholas, was built in the 13th century, but greatly modified as a result of a number of reconstructions.

  • Piazza del Duomo
  • daily 08.00–12.00, 16.00–19.00

On the square in front of the cathedral - fountain in the Baroque style, it is decorated with an exotic female figure. Residents of Taormina consider this legless statue a symbol of the city.

Aeolian archipelago

The Aeolian (Aeolian) archipelago belongs to the province of Messina. These are seven beautiful islands of volcanic origin: Alicudi, Fulicudi, Lipari, Panarea, Salina, Stromboli and Vulcano. The climate here is very mild, temperature fluctuations depending on the season do not go beyond 13.-27.C, so it is good to relax here at any time of the year, but it is especially wonderful on the archipelago in spring and autumn, when there is no large influx of tourists.

Nature has generously gifted the small islands: black rocky formations rise straight from the azure sea waves, colored by the green of forests, the white of pumice, the red of volcanic rocks and the yellow of sandy beaches.

The formation of the islands began approximately 700,000 years ago, at the same time new volcanoes appeared, many of them later sank into the sea again, but the unique surface fire-breathing giant Stromboli still remains one of the decorations of the archipelago.

On isolated from " big land“On the islands, life developed according to a special scenario. Since it was not easy to deliver products from the mainland or from neighboring Sicily, the inhabitants of the archipelago were forced to show miracles of ingenuity in the development of local Agriculture Fortunately, the fertile volcanic soils made it possible to do this all year round.

Map of the city of Taormina

Festivals of Taormina

  • May: festival of Sicilian costumes and floats.
  • May and June: festival of classical Greek plays on the stage of the Greek amphitheater.
  • July and August: international festival of music, theater and dance Taormina Arte.

Map of Taormina with attractions:

Taormina is an attractive town in all respects, located in Italy. Here you can endlessly admire the enchanting landscape, in which steep hills give way to the azure-colored Ionian Sea, and all this splendor is bordered by lush greenery mixed with bright flowers.

In the city of Taormina, attractions are found everywhere. This resort with its rich history and the bewitching terrain will produce indelible impression- there is no doubt about it!

Brief history of Taormina

This ancient Greek city was founded in 365 BC on the slope of Mount Tauro. Probably, it was the picturesque surroundings of the territory that became the reason why the Greeks wanted to settle here. They formed a settlement, which later received the name “Tauromenium”. The population consisted mainly of indigenous people called Siculs.

It is not for nothing that they say that beauty is the cause of many tragedies. It doesn't matter whether it refers to a person or a place. From the moment of her birth Taormina did not know peaceful life. Uprisings ending in brutal wars, transition from one nation to another, attacks by Arab troops and long, endless battles - this was the case throughout the city’s existence, until the Normans cleared Taormina of Muslims in 1078 and until the Christian religion was revived here.

Popular places

In the city of Taormina, attractions are located at almost every turn. As a rule, people want to see the oldest buildings first. In Taormina it was built in the 3rd century BC. It was capable of accommodating up to 10,000 people, but building it at that time was not an easy task. And it's not even about technology. Workers had to level the area because there was a hill there, and they also removed no less than 100,000 m² of limestone. And all so that the viewer has the opportunity to admire not only the performance, but also the sea.

Next we go to the indoor Roman theater in Taormina. Sights that are several hundred years old also include the Naumachia, an interesting building recreated by the hands of the Romans. It is a pool that was used in ancient times for sea gladiator battles.

Corvaggio, a palace with an 11th-century Arabic tower, the only one preserved in Europe, can also be called an attractive architectural creation. This masterpiece is famous for its unique combination of several styles - Norman, Arabic and Byzantine, as it was built over three centuries.

Another palace attractive to tourists is Santo Stefano. Its construction is attributed to XIV century, however, during the Second World War it was heavily destroyed. But it is still visited by tourists traveling around the city of Taormina. Attractions are also churches, of which there are many. For example:

  • St. Nicholas Cathedral;
  • Church of St. Augustine;
  • Temple of St. Pancras and the Mother of God in the rock.

These are the most famous, but in general there are really a lot of churches here, you can literally spend your entire vacation visiting each one. Almost all cathedrals and temples were built in the 15th-16th centuries, and they commemorate a specific event.

You should definitely visit the central square of the city - it is called April 9th. From here, tourists admire the charming Ionian Sea and, if they're lucky, Etna.

The city of Taormina is beautiful; the sights, photos of which are presented in this article, are simply mesmerizing. But sometimes it gets boring. The person seems to be oversaturated with emotions, and he wants to rest. If this happens, it’s worth taking a break, especially since you can occupy your time with other interesting activities. For example, go shopping. There are a lot of similar establishments here, but antique shops will be especially interesting. You should definitely visit Taormina Art - this is a festival that has been held in the town for more than 30 years. The program includes dance, music and theater performances.

Are there hot springs in Taormina?

There are various attractions in the city of Taormina. Hot springs are perhaps the only exception. But there are many of them in other places on the island of Sicily. For example, Sciacca (almost 200 km from Taormina), Acireale (28 km) and Termini Imerese (234 km). Thermal springs in a certain locality help cure any diseases: some are intended to treat the gastrointestinal tract, others save from pathologies in the field of gynecology, others restore the child’s body and perfectly improve immunity, and so on. So don’t waste your time and money on travel - it’s worth it.

Is a beach holiday possible in Taormina?

Taormina is not very suitable for a beach holiday, especially if you are traveling with a child. But there are still places for swimming here. True, the beaches are all pebbly, and the entrance to the sea is inconvenient. Most often, tourists come here to contemplate the beauty, and go swimming to other places. The closest one is located 5 km away, in the village of Giardini Nakos. It is sandy, protected on both sides by capes, and therefore ideal for recreation, including with children.

Taormina (sights): route

You can make a travel plan while at home (open a map on the Internet and mark out all the points so that it is convenient to visit them), or you can already navigate the area by purchasing a city map indicating important places or picking it up for free at the information desk for Taormina guests. In general, it is very difficult to get lost here. You wander through the Italian streets, and eventually you come out to some already familiar place. In this regard, a little advice: aside tourist routes! Better than independent walk, there is nothing.

First of all, you should go to the Messina Gate. The main historical street begins here - Corso Umberto. And this is where the main attractions are located, interesting houses, various shops and restaurants with aromatic dishes. On the left side of the street you will meet the Church of St. Catherine of Alexandria, where masterpieces of painting and architecture by famous masters are kept. Then the paths diverge, and you can visit these places on different days to give you enough time.

  • Directly (along Corso Umberto): you will find the ruins of Naumachia, many shops, restaurants, hotels, and churches. Here you can endlessly admire the architectural beauty. There are always a lot of people on the main street of the city, and the majority are tourists.
  • There is also something to see along Via Teatro Greco, which crosses Corso Umberto. If you turn right, you can see the Odeon, and next to it the library, which was once the Church of San Giuseppe. Turning left, the city visitor will first meet the Corvaia Palace, and then it will be at the very end of the street.
  • A must-see is Villa Communale, a huge park created by Florence Trivilian. It is located on Via Bagnoli Croce.
  • At the other end of the city, if you walk along the winding street Salita Castello, is the Church of the Madonna della Roca. To the left of it is Badia Vecchia, and to the right, if you go a little further, are the ruins of the Arab castle. Both of these places boast panoramic views.
  • It is also recommended to visit the Dome Cathedral of St. Nicholas. To get to it, you need to turn off Corso Umberto onto Via Damiano Rosso. Along the way there will be churches, restaurants and hotels.

How to get to the resort city?

Usually tourists fly to the international To see the city of Taormina and others interesting places, you need to find a bus. The duration of the trip is one and a half hours. The fare is 7 euros. You can also order a taxi or transfer.

Italy, Taormina. Sights: reviews

This is probably one of the few resorts that made an extremely favorable impression on everyone who vacationed there. Taormina - truly unique place, “divine”, as tourists write about it. The splendor of this town cannot be overestimated, no matter what epithets are used to describe it. Goethe also wrote that Taormina is the most heavenly place on earth. So the time spent here will be remembered for a long time, and only on the positive side.

Taormina is a charming town on the slopes of the east coast of Sicily. It is one of the main tourist resorts of the island. Although Taormina may seem hot and busy during July and August, crowded with Italian tourists, it is much more pleasant and less busy the rest of the year. You can find your way around prices for tours to Taormina.

Many tourists stay in nearby beach resorts Giardini Naxos (Taormina down the coastline, about 3 km to the south) and Letojanni about 5 km to the north. I usually look for hotels on, and you can compare prices from different sites. You can study offers for renting private apartments and cottages in Taormina and the surrounding area, for example.

How to get there

By plane

Look for flights to Catania (for example,). There you can rent a car to get to Taormina. You can familiarize yourself with car rental prices and rental conditions in advance.

Alternatively, to avoid any inconvenience upon arrival, you can book your private transfer online in advance. There are companies that offer this service from Catania airport. For example: “123Transfers offers from Catania Fontanarossa Airport to Taormina an E-Class Mercedes for €86.62 and a minivan for €100.50.”

By train

Regular trains from Messina and Catania. However, the Taormina Giardini station itself is located on the seashore, two kilometers below the center. There are several buses to Taormina (cost about 1.70 euros), but it’s more convenient to use by intercity bus from the center and straight to your destination. The walk from the station is, of course, picturesque, but very tiring.

By bus

Regular buses run between Messina and Catania. An express bus ticket from Catania bus station costs around 3.70 euros. From Catania airport to Taormina bus station on Via Luigi Pirandello is 7.90 euros per person. Taxi to the center of Taormina, going uphill - approximately 10.00 euros.


Taormina - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 1

Kazan 1

Samara 2

Ekaterinburg 3

Novosibirsk 5

Vladivostok 8

When is the season? When is the best time to go

Taormina - weather by month


Taormina - weather by month

Main attractions. What to see

Teatro Greco - an impressive theater under open air(mostly Roman) with excellent views up and down the coast and across Mount Etna. Entry fee - 8 euros.

Torre Dell - clock tower.


What to see in the area

Castelmola is a village located on a hill 5 km above Taormina, with stunning views. Several buses go up (you can walk if you have time). Walk back down the road, past the Madonna on the left and the car park on the right. Continue to the far end of the car park and exit onto the brick road. Further down, where the bricks end, cross the road. Look for pedestrian crossings on the road. On a hot day, take it with you more water.

Many agencies offer day trips to Mount Etna. You will be allowed to go all the way to the top if you have a guide. It also depends on the condition volcanic activity. But the lava flows are truly impressive. The altitude is over 3,000m maximum, so wear warm clothing: it can be cold even in summer, and the peaks are often covered in clouds.

Novara di Sicilia - located in the Messina region on the northern side of Mount Etna. It is a picturesque medieval town located in the mountains, overlooking ancient Tyndaris and Abacaenum. This is the archetype of the typical medieval city with friendly and helpful people who speak a special dialect.

Food. What to try

There are many restaurants in Taormina. In Spada they will be able to recommend swordfish to you, but tourists should remember that the number of swordfish is sharply declining and by eating it they contribute to its complete disappearance.

Pizzeria Mirage, Via Roma 13. Located on the terrace next to the Hotel Monte Tauro. Excellent food, good service and stunning views of Naxos Bay with Etna in the background.

Mamma Rosa (Taormina restaurant), Naumachie, 10, (+39) 0942 24361. The restaurant is located on Naumachie street, in the historical center of Taormina. Offers wide choose traditional Sicilian dishes.

Al Paladino (Taormina Restaurant), Naumachie, 12, (+39) 0942 24614. The restaurant "Taverna on Paladino" is located in picturesque Taormina, in the historical Naumachia.

La Tavernetta (Taormina Restaurant), Timoleone, 12, (+39) 0942 23378. On the ancient staircase to Via Timoleone, very close to the Greek theater you will find The Tavernetta, a restaurant with typical and refined cuisine.

Things to do

Wandering up and down the main street, Corso Umberto, is also considered a landmark.

Buy mulberries ("Gelsi" at Italian), granite and other delicious ice cream.

Vintage stand-alone or thematic excursions for the classic Fiat 500, starting from Taormina and Giardini Naxos. The most popular excursions are themed based on the film “The Godfather” by Francis Ford Coppola and wine road- to Mount Etna. You can visit amazing villages such as Savoca, Forza d'Agro and Taormina. 500 Vintage Tour - classic car rental and tours in Taormina. Phone +39 0349 723 4906, [email protected].

Excursions to Mount Etna from Taormina and Giardini Naxos with ethno-gastronomic tasting. Etna People Excursions - Taormina. Phone +39 3458923933, [email protected].

How to get around the city

On foot

Taormina's main street is pedestrianized, allowing you to roam freely on foot.

By car

If you go by car, you will only be able to get into the city center to check into a hotel or rental house: local police may require proof of your reservation. It is better to leave your car in one of the two large public parking lots (Lumbi car park or Catania port car park), which you can find on the immediate outskirts of the city. From there you will either have to go to the city center or take a shuttle bus that runs through the center.

However, there are also regular buses to Giardini Naxos, the train station, Letojanni and Kastelmola.

There is also a permanent funicular down to the beach at Mazzaro. Cable car Open from 8am to 1am during all summer months.

The history of this resort town in the eastern part of Sicily is very rich - from a small Greek colony to Roman rule, from Arab motifs to the influence of the Normans. Today, the territory of the city of Taormina is a lively resort in Italy - the pearl of the island of Sicily.

A little about the resort

The city that has become a popular tourist resort today was not always called Taormina. In ancient times, more precisely in 365 BC, a small settlement was called Tauromenion. Tauromenion was founded by the Greeks - residents of the neighboring port of Nakos, which was destroyed during one of the wars by Dionysius of Syracuse.

Centuries later, in 210 BC, the city fell into the hands of the Romans, and gradually its economy began to decline. At the beginning of the 10th century, Tauromenium was conquered by the Arabs, who named the city in their own way - Muizia.

After the Arabs, the Normans became the owners of the city.– they finally drove the Muslims out of the settlement. Christian traditions were gradually revived, and with the advent of Christianity, the original name of the city, Taormina, also returned. By the 13th century, the city’s squares were already occupied by huge buildings of majestic cathedrals and churches.

The beginning of mass tourism dates back to the beginning of the 19th century. The resort owes this to wealthy city dweller Florence Trevelyan: she bought their shacks from poor fishermen on the coast, laid out a beautiful garden in that place, and built the first hotel in the city. Noble Europeans began to come to Taormina on vacation, and over time the small settlement turned into a cozy Mediterranean resort.

The climate in the city is so mild that tourists can come to the resort throughout the year, at any time.

Find out more about - On your trip you might want to visit this ancient city in Italy!

And you will find detailed map Giardini Naxos with attractions, hotels and other tourist attractions.

Let's talk about the wonderful town of Italy - Cefalu, which is famous for its clean beaches and exciting excursions!

What to see?

Since Taormina traces its history back to ancient times, Numerous traces of the presence of various civilizations remain on this land. The entire city architecture will allow you to immerse yourself in different eras, since many attractions date back to the Middle Ages, and some to an earlier period.

We list the most famous sights of Taormina and attach photos of these majestic places on the island of Sicily:

  • The most striking (and oldest) attraction is Ancient theater – Teatro Greco. It was built by the first inhabitants of Taormina around the 3rd century BC.

    It is the second largest ancient Greek theater in Sicily - at the same time in the theater there could be up to 10 thousand spectators! Today, part of the theater has been restored, and this has made it possible to hold annual music and film festivals on the theater site.

    The cost of a ticket to the Greek Theater of Taormina is 8 euros.

  • Odeon is also a theater, this time ancient Roman. Unlike the Greek one, this theater is small - its capacity is only 200 seats.

  • Porta di Mezzo are a symbolic entrance to the Old Town.

  • Ancient tower of Palazzo Vecchio.

  • Cathedral (Dom San Nikolo). It is built on site over ancient church Nicholas the Wonderworker, therefore St. Nicholas became the patron of the new Cathedral. Compared to the Duomo of Florence or Rome, the Cathedral looks rather modest, but for the residents of Taormina it is a symbol of faith and Christianity.

  • One of the walls of the Duomo contains another attraction - icon of the Byzantine Madonna, decorated with precious stones and silver. It was discovered by chance under a layer of paint and plaster. Residents of Taormina believe that the icon is not made by hands - supposedly it was made by angels who hid the icon from invaders in the wall of the Cathedral.

  • Churches of Taormina They are distinguished by external modesty and rich decoration inside. Ancient churches, the construction of which dates back to the 15th-17th centuries - the Church of St. Augustine (built in the 15th century in honor of ridding the city of the plague), the Church of St. Catherine (17th century).

    One of the churches of a modern construction is the Church of St. George, in honor of St. George the Victorious. The Church of Madonna della Rocca (XVII century) has a rather unusual architecture - it is partly built into the rock.

  • Palace Caravaggio- the oldest building in the city - is located in the central square of Taormina. The architectural style cannot be called unambiguous: it contains Arabic motifs, and the Roman style, and the Norman one.

    In the 15th century, the premises of the Palace were reconstructed - now it housed the Sicilian Parliament. Today, part of the building is given over to a folk art museum, and part is occupied by various travel companies.

When going on excursions, take into account their features. When visiting churches and Cathedrals, remember the special rule - a headscarf or scarf on your head, no short skirts or T-shirts, shoulders and knees must be covered. And during an excursion to the Teatro Greco, you should take into account that the sightseeing will take place under the scorching sun - a hat and a supply of drinking water will not be superfluous.

You can take a look at the beauty of Taormina in this video:

On the map

This map of Taormina with attractions will help you find the most convenient one for you excursion route:

Recreation and entertainment

The main street of the city – Corso Umberto– will delight those who follow global fashion trends. This street is lined with dozens of fashion and accessory stores, as well as souvenir shops.

By the way, here are located restaurants and cafes that do not close for siesta(unlike the majority of establishments).

Avid partygoers may enjoy nightlife Taormina by visiting discos and entertainment centers.

The whole family can go for a walk in Parco Colonna – the city garden. Sitting in the shade of trees, walking along the shore of the lake, looking at the exhibition of Italian weapons - all this will be of interest to everyone. And for children the park has a special playground with slides.

For those who want to take a break from ancient sightseeing and shopping for a while, the resort offers luxury beach holiday on the Ionian coast. Sandy beaches Taormina and its flat seabed are a real beach idyll.

Tourists are provided plenty of options to get to the coast: buses and taxis go here from the city center, and from the outskirts you can get to the beach by special funiculars (fare 3.5 euros).

With small children it is better to visit the beaches in the village of Giardini Nakos(5 km from Taormina). Small bays that protect from the wind and a gentle approach to the sea will make a beach holiday even more comfortable.

The city is not so large in area, so you can expand the geography of your tourist exploration: get acquainted with the Etna volcano () and the nearby water park, visit Mazzaro Bay and soak up the warm sands, get to the picturesque waterfalls in the Alcantara gorge.

Hotels and inns

More than 150 hotels offer tourists various accommodation options. Hotels in Taormina are considered one of the most expensive in Sicily, but the service and wide range of services in hotels justify it high price. Some hotels are unique in their kind. For example, the Hotel Alberto San Domenico is located in former monastery, built in the 16th century.

A wide selection of hotels will allow everyone to find an acceptable accommodation option: on the 1st beach line or in the center, for a family holiday or business trip.

If a beach holiday is not the main purpose of the trip, then it is better to settle in the city center - many shops and restaurants will provide a great time, and hotels provide a shuttle to the beach. You should also take into account the fact that the closer to the top of the mountain the hotel is located, the worse the water pressure may be (especially on the upper floors).


Taormina is a beautiful city on the east coast of Sicily. It is located three hours' drive from Palermo and is famous for its architectural heritage. So, if you come to Palermo, do not miss the chance to visit Taormina, because it is such a wonderful place. And here's what you can see here:

Taormina City Park (Garden of Villa Comunale)

This park was built in the 20s of the last century by an English traveler who was very impressed local beauties. In the park you can see a variety of exotic plants, flowers and trees (about 200 species), beautiful stone stairs, cozy oriental-style terraces decorated with mosaics, unusual shaped gazebos and, of course, classical statues. This brave Englishwoman had already died, but bequeathed her creation to the local residents. Well, guests are always welcome here, because the place is very beautiful!

Address: Garden of Villa Comunale (near Palazzo Corvaia)

Greek Theater (Teatro Antico di Taormina)

This is a magnificent ancient structure that was created around the 3rd century BC. Consists of a stage and stands for 10,000 spectators. By the way, various cultural events and concerts are still held here. Throughout its centuries-old history, the theater has not been particularly remodeled. In particular, after it was last changed to host gladiator fights in the 1st century BC. Of course, then they forgot about it for some time, and only in the 19th century it was restored again and began to be actively used in the cultural life of the city and country. For example, the International Film Festival is held here every year at the end of June.

Address: Via del Teatro Greco, 1

Corso Umberto I

This is the main street of Taormina. The street is small, no more than a kilometer, but it connects the once most important structures - the city gate of Messina (Porta Messina) and the city gate of Catania (Porta Catania). On this narrow cobbled street you can see many buildings covered with ivy, with ancient stucco moldings and bas-reliefs. Extremely interesting! Plus, this is a good place for shopping - there are a number of souvenir shops and stores, jewelry, shoe and pottery stores. And, of course, cute cafes and bistros.

Cathedral of St. Catherine of Alexandria (Chiesa Santa Caterina D "Alessandria)

Located on one of the central streets of Taormina. Scientists suggest that the basilica was built in the second half of the 17th century (judging by the stone embedded in the wall at the entrance of the cathedral). The cathedral arose on the ruins of an ancient Roman theater, which was built on the site of the Greek temple of Aphrodite. This is such a long multinational history! By the way, some parts of the old buildings are parts of the current church. Interesting fact: Excavations under the floor of the cathedral revealed 3 levels of roads. The first is square stone blocks belonging to the ancient Greek period, the second is smooth ancient Roman paving stones, and the last is the rough stone pavement of the Middle Ages.

The cathedral building itself is quite modest. Above the entrance you can see a pink marble statue depicting Saint Catherine with angels. The interior decoration is also quite austere, in the Sicilian Baroque style: light walls, columns, and also, the main asset of the cathedral, the statues of holy women, which were created by Paolo Greco himself. Of particular interest are the altar statue of the Virgin Mary, dating from the 16th century, the wooden crucifix from the 18th century and the luxurious chandeliers. Wedding ceremonies are often held in this cathedral, and they say that the favorite of the whole world, the handsome Frenchman Alain Delon, got married here.

Address: Corso Umberto, 37

Baroque fountain "Pony"

A fountain made of Sicilian marble in the Baroque style was erected here in the first half of the 17th century and subsequently became a symbol of Taormina. In the center of the fountain is an octagonal bowl supported by cupids. Three fur seals are “splashing” in the bowl of the fountain; a little higher you can see a bowl containing a basket of fruit. And the completion of the composition is a female centaur with a crown on her head, a scepter and a globe in her hands. Around the fountain there are four thick, low columns on which marble ponies sit, and from their mouths streams of water flow into bowls slightly lower.
Previously, one of the bowls was used for horse owners, who could water a tired animal here.

Address: Piazza del Duomo

Duomo di Taormina San Nicola di Bari

This Cathedral considered one of the most important medieval monuments in Taormina. Built in the 12th and 13th centuries from volcanic tuff, the cathedral changed its appearance an infinite number of times - from Gothic to Baroque and vice versa. Finally, in the 20th century it was restored and never changed. The cathedral is shaped like a Latin cross, and there are small altars in the side projections. The main value of the cathedral is the Byzantine Madonna (it is also called “not made by hands”). This precious icon was accidentally discovered inside the wall of the building during restoration. And, although, most likely, it was simply hidden there, representatives of the clergy claim that angels put it there, that is, the icon, it turns out, is not made by hands. Also of interest are the 15th century paintings by Antonio Giuffre and the polyptych (segmented paintings) created by Antonello de Saliba in the 16th century.

Address: Piazza Duomo, 2

Messina Gate (Porta Messina)

This is the oldest gate of the city, and it is named after the town of Messina, because the gate is located on its side. Taormina has often received and continues to receive guests from Messina, so this is such a gesture of hospitality. A very beautiful gate made of stone, entwined with ivy. Behind the gate begins the main street of the city with numerous attractions.

Address: Corso Umberto, 1

Church of St. Augustine (Chiesa di Sant "Agostino)

This Gothic cathedral was built in the 15th century as a thank you from local residents who suffered a terrible plague epidemic. The oldest parts of the cathedral are the portal and the rose (a large round window with a stone frame in the form of radial rays). In the cathedral on this moment the city library is located.

Ruins of Naumachia

Naumachia or naumachia is, in general, a gladiatorial naval battle in Ancient Rome, or a show with an imitation of a naval battle. The ancient Roman ruins (the building was built in the 1st century BC) where such shows took place can be found today on a street running parallel to Corso Umberto I in the city center. The structure is a brick arcade wall 122 meters long and 7 meters high, with niches for statues. Inside the structure you can see the ruins of a reservoir. Also, scientists are still arguing about the functions of this building. Some argue that no gladiatorial shows took place there, and the building was only used as a reservoir from which water was supplied to the city. We certainly don’t know, so all we can do is admire this ancient beauty!

Address: street Via Naumachia

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Greek theater in Taormino the second largest of all surviving Greek theaters in Sicily. It is carved into limestone. The Greeks played only comedies here. If we judge the most ancient comedies that have come down to us, they had no plot and were simply antics and parodies of actors in masks and animal skins. The theater was built around the 3rd century BC. It was about 5.5. thousand places

View of the stands

The Romans, about 400 years later, greatly “modernized” it, adapting it for gladiator battles. The re-equipment, among other things, consisted of digging a ditch for crocodiles in the middle of the arena. The remains of the gladiators were simply thrown into this ditch, and on the other side of the stage a Roman comedy immediately began. Which immediately began to seem funny to the public, simply by contrast. The dressing rooms for actors under the stands and the orchestra pit date back to the Roman period. It is clear where the elevation for the stage was. The Roman theater could accommodate approximately twice as many spectators.

"Grand Room"

The theater is partially destroyed, as over the centuries the local population gradually dismantled it for building materials. In the 19th century it was restored as best they could. Now festivals are held there, just like in most surviving ancient theaters.

Near the open air theater there is a small exhibition – Antiquarium. This is just a small collection of different types (or rather belonging to different eras) pieces of columns and plinths.

Bases from different eras

Marble and limestone look very impressive on black volcanic sand Mount Etna

The theater closes at six, so it is advisable to get there no later than five. In bad weather, that is, when it is slippery, it is better for older people not to climb to the upper tiers of the arena. Otherwise, as our guide (by the way, who wrote a book about the Taormino theater) sarcastically noted, “Your relatives will be lucky and they will save money on your funeral.” You can fall down from there for a very long time and there have already been plenty of accidents on the slippery stone.


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