Why is Cape Ilya interesting? The rich history of the cape in Crimea. Why does this place attract tourists?

Cape Ilya, located near Feodosia, is the extreme eastern point Main Ridge Crimean mountains. It is part of the Tepe-Oba ridge (from Tatar “end of the mountains”). The Feodosia Bay begins right behind the cape. This place has a rich historical past. Several Scythian burial mounds are located here. The famous marine painter I.K. Aivazovsky and the archaeologist Prince of Siberia organized excavations in the mid-19th century, during which, in addition to many objects, a female burial of the 4th century BC was discovered. e.

But a particularly famous find on a cape in Crimea was a pair of gold earrings, known throughout the world as “ Feodosia earrings" They are a disk to which is attached a pendant with amphoras hanging on chains. The earrings depict a real composition where the goddess of victory Nike drives a chariot drawn by four horses. A unique work of art today rightfully occupies its place among the exhibits of the Hermitage. The best jewelers, including Carl Faberge, tried to replicate the decoration, but were powerless.

Since the Great Patriotic War, wood-earth firing points (bunkers) have remained on the cape. Sometimes they are called the “Cape Ilya battery”. Unfortunately, the buildings are gradually being destroyed under the influence of time and vandals. According to Vacationers are invited to take a fascinating walk along the route along the slope of the cape to Dvuyakornaya Bay, popular among “wild” tourists. You can not only enjoy the unique landscapes, but also learn a lot about the nature of the peninsula and its history.

Legends and secrets of the Crimean cape

On the most high point Cape once stood the Church of St. Elijah, which gave its name to the entire cape. There are several legends about her. According to one of them, the temple was built by fishermen who managed to escape from a storm not far from these places. The Feodosian legend tells about the merchant Ilya, the son of Tamara, who was twice caught in a storm off the coast of the cape. This happened on the day under the prophet Elijah. When he went out to sea, a storm began. Anticipating possible death, the merchant prayed to the prophet Elijah to soften his anger and calm the storm, promising to build a church on the cape if the outcome was successful. After this, the storm subsided, and the merchant reached land safely. He didn't tell anyone about what happened. This promise was gradually forgotten, remaining unfulfilled, until shortly before the day of Elijah the merchant again found himself at sea. A strong storm arose again, which threatened to carry away both the ship and the people on board. Ilya fell to his knees, vowing to fulfill what he had not fulfilled before.

Having survived a severe storm for the second time, Ilya, the son of Tamara, kept his word and built a temple on the top of the cape. It is unknown how many years the temple stood, but already in 1816, on the site of the wooden church, the chapel of St. Elias was built. Divine services were held here only once a year - on St. Elijah's Day on July 20 (August 2, New Age). When many people gathered, a prayer service was served, accompanied by the blessing of water and a procession of the cross. In 1861, Emperor Alexander II visited this chapel. Unfortunately, today only the foundations of the walls remain from the chapel.

The saving light of the Ilyinsky lighthouse

At the top of the cape stands one of the famous lighthouses of Crimea. Associated with its construction amazing story. The western part of the Feodosian Gulf poses a threat to sailors - the rocky Cape of St. Elias seems to cover the entrance to the harbor. Sometimes in stormy weather it is difficult to determine this, because shipwrecks have happened off these coasts more than once. It was necessary to somehow indicate dangerous place. On February 16, 1890, near Feodosia, the steamship Grand Duke Konstantin sank after crashing on underwater reefs. Soon, a similar fate befell the steamship Vladimir, in the wreck of which many people died. In 1894, Cape Ilya was examined by specialists, a place was chosen to install a lighthouse, but Money there was none, because construction still did not begin.

A real miracle helped. At that time, the son of State Councilor Rukavishnikov, who was sick with tuberculosis, was brought from Moscow to his dacha in Feodosia. Under the influence of healing Crimean nature, taking daily walks through the mountains to Cape St. Elijah, the young man began to recover. Evdokia Nikolaevna Rukavishnikova, wanting to thank the city for her son’s recovery, vowed to build a lighthouse on the top of a cape in Crimea. But there was not enough money. The family had to mortgage their own dacha to get a loan for construction. And to raise funds for the bell, Evdokia Nikolaevna sold coin purses she had made with her own hands at the port. The sailors suggested that the woman name the built lighthouse after her, but she refused. This is how the Ilyinsky Lighthouse appeared, the fire of which was solemnly lit on February 17, 1899.

The installation height of this Crimean lighthouse is 66.3 meters above sea level. At the beginning of the twentieth century it was reconstructed. Then they built a stone building with a pneumatic siren, which produced sounds of high and low tones. During the Great Patriotic War, the lighthouse was destroyed. Only in 1954 did sailors again see saving light on Cape St. Elijah. In the 60s, the lighthouse equipment was modernized with modern installations (light beacon, radio tubes), and in 1974 the structure was overhauled. Today, the Ilyinsky lighthouse continues to operate. Entry into its territory is prohibited, but you can appreciate the much-needed structure from a short distance.

Unspoiled wilderness

Cape Ilya remains a virtually untouched corner of nature, where you can indulge in solitude, relax and enjoy the peaceful tranquility. No annoying advertising and a large number of vacationers. Wonderful views open up from here panoramic views to the bay, the villages of Beregovoe and Primorsky. Rare plants also grow on this part of the peninsula - Turchaninov’s bug and Crimean kendyr, there are rose hips and a large number of herbs (wormwood, thyme, etc.).

The shores of the cape are low, but quite steep, gradually eroded by sea water. In the coastal zone there are stone blocks that were knocked off the shore by waves or fell into the water during rain. Because of this threat, being on the beach in rainy weather is dangerous. The water on the wild beach is clean and transparent. The entrance to the sea is gentle, the ground is covered with small pebbles. But be careful, the stones lying at the bottom are overgrown with algae, making their surface slippery.

The main thing in relaxation is impressions, without which a person cannot exist! We need bright emotions like fresh air. They help the birth of bold ideas, overcome obstacles and achieve your goals!

Holidays in Crimea- the choice of hundreds of thousands of people. Feodosia- one of the most vibrant cities on this peninsula. All tourists who want to spend their holidays on sea, Feodosia opens the doors.

What attracts private holiday in Feodosia visitors?

  • Historical value. The birth of the city dates back to the 6th century BC. e, which certainly makes it interesting for geologists, historians and tourists.
  • Location. Crimea And Feodosia- two inseparable concepts. Free sandy and pebble beaches, crystal clear water, high level of service - this is what the city by the sea is famous for.
  • Interesting entertainment program. Educational excursion programs of all kinds water attractions, parachute flights and many other entertainments are available to guests of this corner Crimea - Feodosia (Kafa old name).
  • The proximity of villages interesting for their historical value and natural beauty: Feodosia, Beregovoe, Primorskoye, Koktebel - all these places are located in close proximity to the city.
  • Possibility of recovery. A few kilometers from Feodosia there are natural salt lakes and estuaries with healing mineral springs and healing mud. You can be treated with their help yourself (having received preliminary consultation from specialists) or in sanatoriums located directly in Feodosia.
  • Affordable prices for vacationers. Accommodation is the main issue that tourists have to decide. Housing prices in Feodosia They delight with their democracy and flexibility: high, medium, low price offers are made by the owners of apartments, hotels, private houses and boarding houses to their guests.

Prices in Feodosia prices for entertainment, souvenirs and food products are also low.

Our website is an opportunity for tourists to find their option housing in Feodosia on conditions that are favorable to them. Feodosia (Crimea) vacation - beautiful and safe. We guarantee these travel benefits to our clients thanks to many years of cooperation with reliable and responsible owners of the properties presented in the catalog.

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  • Boarding houses and boathouses in Feodosia and nearby villages
  • Rest in Feodosia

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If you want to forget about the kitchen and cooking issues during your vacation, section “ Boarding houses of Feodosia» - will open the best offers.

In the catalog presented on our website, every visitor will find all the necessary information about housing in Feodosia, number of rooms, availability of equipment and furniture, proximity/remoteness of necessary infrastructure benefits, about holiday in Feodosia, and, of course, beaches of Feodosia.

Get an opinion about holidays in Feodosia clients who have already used the services of our agency can be found in the corresponding section of our website "

Cape St. Elijah has long attracted tourists coming to Feodosia. The reason is simple - it was built here Ilyinsky lighthouse, one of the most romantic buildings on the South Coast. The Genoese fortress in conjunction with the lighthouse represents Business Cards cities, so you should definitely visit them. We recommend inspecting the object after reading this article - this way you can feel the spirit of this place and better understand its history.

The facility is located in the southeast of Feodosia. GPS coordinates: N 45.012644, E 35.421971. We noted especially for you Ilyinsky lighthouse in Feodosia on the map, so don't get lost. From there, by the way, there is a magnificent view of the sea, and the building itself deserves close interest.

History of the lighthouse

The end of the Feodosia Gulf has long been a threat to ship captains, which is why the lighthouse has been operating here for more than a century. Cape Ilya is surrounded by treacherous rocks that are difficult to spot without assistance. Light indicating safe road into the water area, appeared on the cape 2.5 thousand years ago. Looking through the plan of Kafa, dated 1784, one can see the Greek chapel. The architects marked it with the phrase “once a coastal lighthouse,” which indicates a long history.

Archaeologists have found that the first lantern appeared on the slope of the cape in the 4th century BC. e. In those days, Greek, Scythian and Taurian tribes lived in the vicinity of Feodosia, subordinate to the Bosporan kingdom. When merchant ships began to wreck on the rocks, the inhabitants of the policy decided to build a lighthouse. Further fate the object is unknown, but there is an assumption that the lighthouse was destroyed. This led to the fact that in the Middle Ages ships continued to break on the reefs of Cape Ilya.

In the 19th century, two died at once large ships- “Vladimir” and “Grand Duke Constantine”. In 1890, the main naval base of the Black Sea Fleet moved to Sevastopol. The city turned into a military fortress, and the commercial port had to be moved. The choice fell on Feodosia. The bay here is very convenient, but passage was made difficult by the reefs in the vicinity of Cape Ilya.

In 1894, the crew of the ship "Ingul" was tasked with finding a place to install the lantern. The main problem for a long time remained the financial issue. In 1897, Evdokia Rukavishnikova wished to finance the construction. The Lighthouse Directorate developed drawings of the structure and assigned technician Alexei Polonsky to manage the project. Here are a few more interesting facts about the attraction:

  1. The Ilyinsky lighthouse in Feodosia was completed in 1898.
  2. Lighting equipment of the Swedish fire category was used inside.
  3. Sailors received the first notice of the lantern's operation in 1899.
  4. Initially the structure was wooden.
  5. The light was variable, with green and white flashes.

In 1912, the facility underwent reconstruction. The lighthouse and trestles became metal, and the power of the lighting apparatus increased. The bell was replaced by a pneumatic siren. During the Second World War the building was destroyed again. The current capital construction dates back to 1955.

Why does this place attract tourists?

Interesting fact: it doesn't. In all guidebooks, the object is mentioned in connection with the cape on which it was installed. Now the landmark appears in the form of a white fifteen-meter tower, the top of which is crowned with a lantern cylinder. In 2006, a light-optical module was installed inside the cylinder, increasing the brightness of the glow.

The lighthouse tower is visible from anywhere in the Feodosia Bay. Relative to sea level, the height of the object is 65 meters. The LEDs are powered by a quartz oscillator, which can operate autonomously for many days. Every three seconds a whitish flash appears, the pause between signals is 6 seconds. Here are the main reasons to visit the site:

  1. It is a beautiful structure that maintains the spirit of a seaside town.
  2. In the film “Such beautiful people", filmed in 2013, the lighthouse appears in the frame.
  3. At night, the semicircular window openings, illuminated from within, look mesmerizing.
  4. Excursions to the tower are regularly organized.
  5. From the cape there is a magnificent view of the bay.

The beacon's activities are controlled by a miniature computer. The control room is lined with oak paneling. To get from the room to the lantern structure, you need to get out onto the vertical ladder. Note that there are 18 lighthouses between Novorossiysk and Odessa. Of these, only four can be compared in level to the main attraction of Feodosia.

The lantern is considered a strategic site and is carefully guarded. To get inside, you will need special permission. On the territory of the facility there is a memorial plaque dedicated to Evdokia Rukavishnikova. Evgenia Gippius, the granddaughter of a woman philanthropist, asked the city authorities to install this sign.

Helpful information

Were going to visit Ilyinsky lighthouse in Feodosia, A how to get there do not know? This attraction is remote from the historical center and familiar tourist routes. From the Free Flight Museum to own car you will have to drive 20-25 minutes. On the way you will meet the Tsvetaev Museum and the Constantine Tower.

Public transport regularly runs to Cape Ilya. Having arrived at the bus station, go to the nearest bus stop. Take minibuses No. 14, 15, 1 and 2A - they all go in the direction of the City Hospital stop. After leaving minibus, walk along Korabelny Lane until you come to the Mayak SEC.

Then the open area begins, and you will have to walk along a dirt road. This is a winding path that stretches one and a half kilometers towards the cape. The military fortifications located nearby will serve as your guide. Many travelers come to the Cape at night to do beautiful pictures lighthouse illuminated from inside. Every year hundreds of images of a white stone tower appear on the Internet, showing the way to sea captains.

Reading time: 1 minute

On the day of Elijah, the clouds hang low, at this time night thunderstorms thunder more often, and lightning crackles across the entire sky. It is the prophet himself who reminds himself on this day. God forbid you end up in the sea then. It will be good if he breaks the rigging, otherwise he will destroy the ship or throw him onto a rock near Cape Ilya.

If the sailors prayed to the church of the prophet, then trouble would pass by. The church was visible from afar, although it was not very large, like most of them in those days. People did not invent that Ilya, the son of Tamara, who built this church, went to sea on an ordinary boat.

And when he got his own ship, during December storms, he could leave the harbor on the open sea. Once he had to go under the prophet Elijah. That day the sea was raging, the skies were angry and people were hiding in their homes. And Ilya Tamara raised the sails and flew off into the distance like a white seagull. Only a madman could risk this.

Tamara went far out to sea, the shores disappeared from view. He was not afraid of danger and did not believe in the fisherman's tale about Ilya. And as soon as I thought so, a high wave rolled onto the ship, higher than the mast.

Vasta temoni, put down the rudder Tamara shouted to the helmsman, but the rudder came off and the ship flew straight downwind towards the rocks. And Ilya realized that death was near, and a doubt arose in him whether the prophet was punishing him for his lack of faith.

At that same moment, a thunderclap sounded, and a fiery chariot descended near Cape Elijah, where the church is now.
- Ilya! Tamara exclaimed and thought in his soul: “In the place where I saw him, I will build a church, even if I have to send a ship.”
- Matim bistin, I swear on my faith. Before Tamara had time to move away from this thought, the thunderstorm subsided and the wind from the shore drove the waves into the sea, and Tamara’s ship with them.
- Vasta temoni, someone’s menacing voice sounded over Tamara, and he saw himself standing at the helm, which was swimming up to the ship, and took his place.
By evening, Tamara was already in Sugdei (Sudak), where he handed over the goods and, loaded with new ones, went back to Kafa (Feodosia).

Tamara didn’t tell anyone about what happened to him, regretting selling his ship and deciding to earn more money, and only then build a temple. At first I thought so, but then I changed my mind.
- It can't be that all this happened. I probably just dreamed. And calming himself down, he eventually forgot about his oath. Time passed, and with it things went well, for ten years not one of his ships was wrecked, and Ilya became the richest merchant in the Cafe. However, in my soul, something reminded me of my younger years. Tamara did not like to look at the mountain where knowledge appeared to him, and did not go to sea on the day of Elijah. But one day, shortly before this day, he still had to return from the Amastrid shores.
- Blessed be the name of George, the patron of that country!

A fair wind carried the ship sharply to the shores, where the Taurus Mountains (Crimean Mountains) were visible.
And suddenly the wind died down, and the ship fell into complete calm. The sailors feared him most of all, but Elijah’s day came, when the wind rushed throughout Pontus, and Tamara calmly rested at the stern, counting the profits from a successful trade. Rising from the bed, he looked at the shore. From there a cloud was slowly approaching, and the lightning sparkled with an ominous eye. The wind began to raise waves on the sea. The ship raised its sails and headed east towards Kafa, but once caught in the current, it could not go far. The wind began to whistle and tear off the sails; the main mast could not stand it and broke in half.
- That's bad!
And in the last twilight light they saw the mountain where knowledge had once happened. Darkness fell, rain poured down the deck, and the holds began to leak. The control of the ship was impaired, the rudder did not obey.
- One thing can save! And people prayed for a miracle; begging Ilya to soften his anger, promising to give him the entire first catch for the candle. And Tamara fell to his knees and swore in his hearts to fulfill what he had once failed to do.
Someone menacing and angry raised his hand over the ship.
-Eleison imas, Kyrie! Have mercy on us!

The hand of curse descended and showed the way for the dead to escape. The Kafa lights came on to the side. Everyone slept like the dead, only old Tamara could not sleep. He stood at the troparion temple and whispered: “Heal those who worship you, Elijah.” He stood there all night, and in the morning he was found there. They didn’t recognize him, he had changed so much. His face breathed with peace and his eyes shone with the proximity of the sky. And when, years later, the icon master painted the image of the prophet Elijah for the new temple, which was built on Mount Tamara, he copied the face of the prophet from it.
When you look at the icon, you cannot see anger in the prophetic eyes and there is no fear.
Tamara died at an old age, at the end of his days he avoided talking about what he had experienced, but people read it in his pure gaze. For the gaze of the human soul often penetrates deeper than speech suggests.

In the main ridge of the Crimean Mountains there is the Tepe-Oba ridge, its very extreme point his is Cape St. Elijah. And once upon a time, here on the outskirts of Feodosia, stood the Church of Elijah the Prophet.

If you look at geographical location, then on one side Feodosia borders resort village Beregovoe, and on the other side it is covered by the Tepe-Oba ridge. It protects the city from strong winds, and also closes the main ridge of the Crimean Mountains, stretching from Sevastopol to Cape St. Elijah in Feodosia.

Today I will talk about the best way to get to the cape and what interesting things you can see there.

Cape St. Elijah is the most protruding part of the Tepe-Oba ridge. Tepe-Oba translated from Crimean Tatar means the top of a mountain or the end of the mountains. So it is, we can safely say that in Feodosia the mountains end, or vice versa, they begin. Who likes it more?

Only then beyond the Kerch Strait, on Taman Peninsula they will connect with the chain of the Caucasus Mountains.

Beyond Feodosia you can only find plains and fields stretching beyond the horizon.

The best way to get to Cape Ilya is by car.
The road is of poor quality, mostly country roads.

Having reached the cape, a wonderful view of the Feodosia Bay opened up.
I parked the car and decided to take a walk.

From above you can see many kilometers ahead!

The villages of Beregovoe and the village of Primorsky, neighboring Feodosia, are clearly visible:

By the way, from the sea Cape Ilya looks like this:

Along the road, on the slopes, wild Caper cucumbers bloom beautifully.

Down in the bay, fishermen set up nets and catch fish.

Construction of luxury real estate is now in full swing.

During the war, pillboxes were built on the cape to hold off the enemy's siege.
They have been dug up and are sticking out of the ground.

The name of Cape St. Elijah is associated with legends:

Once upon a time there was a place on the highest point of the cape ancient temple. The Feodosian legend tells about a sailor whose name was Ilya Tamar, who was shipwrecked twice at the cape on the day of Elijah the Prophet. Both times he asked the gods for forgiveness. And both times Elijah the Prophet appeared to him and saved him from death.

After that, he built a church here in the name of St. Elijah the Prophet.

From that moment on, this place began to be called Cape St. Elias.

If you look closely at the western part of the Feodosia Gulf, then it is at the rocky Cape Ilya that a strong illusion is created for incoming ships. Cape Ilya, as it were, covers the entrance to the harbor. And this cannot always be clearly defined and understood. During autumn-winter storms, ships often sank here. There was a need to identify a dangerous place.

On February 17, 1899, a lighthouse was built on the Swedish Lindbergh optical system.
That’s why they called it Ilyinsky Mayak. It was far from the current modern one, but it really helped to orient the ships and subsequently protected them from crashing.

Photo of the Lighthouse in 1899.

Now the lighthouse looks different:

Today, from Odessa to Novorossiysk, there are 18 lighthouses, but there are only 4 such as Feodosia.

Access to the lighthouse area is prohibited.

I walked parallel along the lighthouse grounds to look at the opposite shore.

There is no way down, but a very beautiful view to Dvuyakornaya Bay and the village of Ordzhonikidze.

I looked and admired the bay. There was a lighthouse to my left.

On the right, 50 meters away, there is a fence and a fenced military area.
And goats were grazing near me.

There were lonely trees here and there at the top.

This perfect place, where there are no excursions.
From the cape, as I already said, it opens beautiful view, from here you can see the entire Feodosia Bay.

It feels cool here. Very clean air blows from the sea, which you want to breathe deeply.

I stayed some more time at the cape.
Then I got into the car and went downstairs at sunset...


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