The most beautiful castles in the world photos descriptions. The most beautiful castles in the world: rating, names, interesting facts and reviews. Reichsburg Castle, Germany

After all, medieval architects were geniuses - they built castles, luxurious buildings that were also extremely practical. Castles, unlike modern mansions, not only demonstrated the wealth of their owners, but also served as powerful fortresses that could hold a defense for several years, and at the same time life in them did not stop.

Even the very fact that many castles, having survived wars, natural disasters and the carelessness of their owners, still stand intact, suggests that more reliable housing has not yet been invented. They are also incredibly beautiful and seem to have appeared in our world from the pages of fairy tales and legends. Their tall spiers remind of the times when the hearts of beauties were fought for, and the air was saturated with chivalry and courage.

Reichsburg Castle, Germany

The thousand-year-old castle was originally the residence of King Conrad III of Germany and then King Louis XIV of France. The fortress was burned by the French in 1689 and would have fallen into oblivion, but a German businessman acquired its remains in 1868 and spent much of his wealth restoring the castle.

Mont Saint Michel, France

Swallow's Nest, Crimea

Initially, there was a small wooden house on the rock of Cape Ai-Todor. And its current appearance " bird home"received thanks to the oil industrialist Baron Steingel, who loved to vacation in Crimea. He decided to build a romantic castle that resembles medieval buildings on the banks of the Rhine River.

Castle Stalker, Scotland

Castle Stalker, which means "Falconer", was built in 1320 and belonged to the MacDougall clan. Since that time its walls have survived great amount strife and wars, which affected the condition of the castle. In 1965, the owner of the castle became Colonel D. R. Stewart from Allward, who personally, together with his wife, family members and friends, restored the structure.

Bran Castle, Romania

Bran Castle is the pearl of Transylvania, a mysterious fort museum where the famous legend of Count Dracula - the vampire, murderer and commander Vlad the Impaler - was born. According to legend, he spent the night here during his campaigns, and the forest surrounding Bran Castle was Tepes’s favorite hunting ground.

Vyborg Castle, Russia

Vyborg Castle was founded by the Swedes in 1293, during one of the crusades against Karelian land. It remained Scandinavian until 1710, when the troops of I drove the Swedes far and long. From that time on, the castle managed to be a warehouse, a barracks, and even a prison for the Decembrists. And today there is a museum here.

Cashel Castle, Ireland

Cashel Castle was the seat of the kings of Ireland for several hundred years before the Norman invasion. Here in the 5th century AD. e. Saint Patrick lived and preached. The castle walls witnessed the bloody suppression of the revolution by the troops of Oliver Cromwell, who burned soldiers alive here. Since then, the castle has become a symbol of the cruelty of the British, the true courage and fortitude of the Irish.

Kilhurn Castle, Scotland

The very beautiful and even slightly creepy ruins of Kilhurn Castle are located on the shores of the picturesque Lake Euw. The history of this castle, unlike most castles in Scotland, proceeded quite calmly - numerous earls lived here, who replaced each other. In 1769 the building was damaged by lightning and was soon abandoned, as it remains to this day.

Lichtenstein Castle, Germany

Built in the 12th century, this castle was destroyed several times. It was finally restored in 1884 and since then the castle has become a filming location for many films, including the film “The Three Musketeers”.

Today you have a unique opportunity to make virtual trip To 10 most beautiful castles on the planet. I am sure that their history, interesting architecture and many mysterious legends that surround the castle walls will definitely surprise you and be remembered for a long time. What can I say, if the names of the castles alone awaken your imagination!

White Heron Castle

The incredibly beautiful White Heron Castle in Japan has a very unusual architecture, not at all similar to European architecture. Built on flat mountain peak, it consists of 83 buildings. Himeji - and this is exactly what the name of the castle means in translation from Japanese - is a real fortress. The main citadel of the White Heron Castle is protected by a labyrinth of paths. It is almost impossible for unwanted “guests” to get out of there - the paths lead the invaders to a dead end, where they are attacked from above!

Schönbrunn, Austria

The most interesting part of Schönbrunn Castle in Vienna, built by the Habsburg dynasty, is the “Roman ruins” from the 18th century. Their wonderful architecture imitates ancient Roman architecture. Therefore, walking around this part of the castle is very interesting - as if you are in ancient Rome.

Wartburg, Germany

This castle in Thuringia is about a thousand years old. The castle is often associated with the name of Martin Luther. They say it was here that Luther translated the Bible into German. And it’s not surprising, because old castle and the truth evokes thoughts of morality, harmony, and peace.

Beaumaris, Wales

The name of this castle in translation sounds like “Beautiful Swamp”. In terms of architecture, Beaumaris is considered the most ideal castle in Great Britain. It was built by order of Edward II. Construction lasted for 35 years, starting in 1295. However, due to lack of funds, it remained unfinished.

Chapultepec, Mexico

Rising above the capital of Mexico is a luxurious castle - Chapultepec. His rich mansions are considered the most luxurious in the whole North America. Now Chapultepec - historical Museum, and once lived in the royal family. The castle was both an observatory and a military academy.

King Ludwig's Castle (Neuschwanstein), Germany

Neuschwanstein Castle is the design of the Bavarian King Ludwig II. The castle walls offer a view that no other castle in the world can boast of! There is no more photographed place in Germany than Neuschwanstein. The king conceived it as a mountain refuge: there is a gatehouse, a citadel, and a Knight's House with a square tower. WITH German language The name of the castle sounds like “New Swan Stone”.

The image of Ludwig II's palace was often used in Disney cartoons - Neuschwanstein is so beautiful!

Chambord, France

Beautiful Chambord, which amazes tourists from all over the world with its enormous size, was built just as a hunting lodge. Here the king could take a break from the daily worries of government. The castle closely intertwines medieval French and classical Italian architecture. Chambord is one of the most famous castles on the planet.

Chenonceau, France

Chenonceau Castle, which, like a bridge, crosses the Cher River, was built in the 16th century. by order of Catherine Briconnet, and since then its history has been closely connected with women's names. In the east lie the lush gardens that were once tended by Diane de Poitiers, and in the west are the gardens of Catherine de Medici.

Maria Stuart also stayed at the castle. In the 18th century Madame Dupin lived here, who glorified this place by inviting teachers here - famous writers Voltaire and Rousseau - for her son.

Alhambra Castle, Spain

A castle with red walls appeared in Spain in the 9th century. “Red Fortress” - this is how the name of the palace is translated. Surprisingly, for a long time the castle was abandoned, or served as barracks for Naoleon's troops. And only in 1870 justice was resumed - the Alhambra was taken under protection and declared a national treasure.

Prague Castle, Czech Republic

Residence of Czech rulers. According to the Guinness Book of Records, it is the largest castle in the world. Its length is 570 m, and its width is 130 m. There are churches, residences, towers, and even stables here. Prague Castle is especially beautiful at night, under the light of lanterns.

The royal regalia of Bohemia is kept in Prague Castle. According to legend, if the country is led by a usurper, the regalia will bring him death within a year. This is exactly what happened to Reinhard Heydrich during World War II. He died a year after he ascended the throne...

The best way to create an exciting trip for yourself is to complement it unique history and the beauty of architecture, visiting the most beautiful castles in Europe. The fairy tale environment will take you to another world, the world of medieval castles. This selection includes 10 European castles, each of which has an unprecedented architectural style, as well as a rich history. For example, the world's most famous Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany is an amazing historical and cultural treasure that is surrounded by unique fabulous landscape. Separate articles have already been written about most of these structures; by following the links in the collection you will find a lot of additional material.

1. Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
3. Brodick Castle, Scotland

Brodick Castle is a real historical gem of Scotland, located on east coast Isles of Arran. The entire area around the castle is covered in country park, and during your scenic walk through the picturesque castle gardens you will be amazed by the green trees and meadows. The castle, which was built in the 16th century, captivates with its reddish hues, large windows and mighty towers. Read also about other castles in Scotland in a separate selection.

4. Bran Castle, Romania

8. Marienburg Castle, Poland

Marienburg Castle is one of the largest castles in the world, located along the banks of the Nogat River in Poland. Malbork was built by the Teutons in the early 15th century, when it was the world's largest brick castle. The castle is impressive with its medieval architecture, with the predominant colors being red.

9. Spis Castle in Slovakia

In the heart of eastern Slovakia lies another impressive addition to the largest and most famous castles Europe. This is the spectacular Spis Castle, built in the 12th century and famous for its white color, Romanesque architectural style, as well as numerous Gothic elements. Since Spiš Castle is located at an elevation of more than 600 meters, from its top you can enjoy an incredible panoramic perspective.

10. Palace of Versailles

The Chateau de Versailles amazes with its gigantic area. And even if this is not exactly a castle, it still closes the top ten on our list. Versailles is one of the most famous architectural complexes in France, which is located in southwestern Paris. Among the attractions of Paris, this is one of the most visited places.

Which castle inspired Pyotr Tchaikovsky to create Swan Lake? Where was Indiana Jones filmed? How do ancient European castles function today? Lovers of mystical landscapes, romantic travel and mysterious legends! Our material is especially for you!

Eltz (German: Burg Eltz) is a castle located in Rhineland-Palatinate (Wirsch commune) in the valley of the Elzbach River. Together with the Bürresheim Palace, it is considered the only building in western Germany that has never been destroyed or captured. The castle was not damaged even during the wars of the 17th and 18th centuries. and the events of the French Revolution.

The castle has been perfectly preserved to this day. It is surrounded on three sides by a river and rises on a cliff 70 meters high. This makes it consistently popular among tourists and photographers.

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Bled Castle, Slovenia (11th century)

One of the oldest castles in Slovenia (Slovenian: Blejski grad) is located on the top of a 130-meter cliff near the lake of the same name near the city of Bled. Most ancient part The castle is a tower in the Romanesque style, which was used for housing, defense, and to monitor the surrounding area of ​​the castle.

During World War II, the headquarters of German troops was located here. In 1947, there was a fire in the castle, due to which some of the buildings were damaged. A few years later, the castle was restored and it resumed its activities as a historical museum. The museum's collection includes clothing, weapons and household items.

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(XIX century)

The romantic castle of King Ludwig II is located near the town of Füssen in southwestern Bavaria. The castle was the inspiration for the construction of Sleeping Beauty's Castle in Disneyland Paris. Neuschwanstein (German: Schloß Neuschwanstein) is also featured in the 1968 film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang as a castle in the fictional land of Vulgaria. Pyotr Tchaikovsky was fascinated by the view of Neuschwanstein. According to historians, it was here that he came up with the idea of ​​​​creating the ballet “Swan Lake”.

Neuschwanstein Castle is shown in the films “Ludwig II: The Splendor and Fall of the King” (1955, directed by Helmut Keutner), “Ludwig” (1972, directed by Luchino Visconti), “Ludwig II” (2012, directed by Marie Noel and Peter Zehr).

Currently the castle is a museum. To visit, you need to buy a ticket at the ticket center and go up to the castle by bus, on foot or by horse-drawn carriage. The only person who "lives" in the castle on this moment and is its keeper - the watchman.

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The castle in Livorno received its name due to the fact that the local coastline is known as Boccale (Jug) or Cala dei Pirati (Pirate Bay). The center of the modern Castello del Boccale was an observation tower, built by order of the Medici in 16th century, presumably on the ruins of an older structure from the period of the Pisan Republic. Throughout its history, the appearance of the castle has undergone changes more than once. Behind last years A thorough restoration of the Castello del Boccale was carried out, after which the castle was divided into several residential apartments.

The legendary castle (Romanian: Bran Castle) is located in the picturesque town of Bran, 30 km from Brasov, on the border of Muntenia and Transylvania. It was originally built at the end of the 14th century with the help of local residents for exemption from paying taxes to the state treasury for several centuries. Thanks to its location on top of a cliff and its trapezoidal shape, the castle served as a strategic defensive fortress.

The castle has 4 levels connected by a staircase. During its history, the castle changed several owners: it belonged to the ruler Mircea the Old, the inhabitants of Brasov and the Habsburg Empire... According to legend, during his campaigns the famous governor Vlad the Impaler-Dracula spent the night in the castle, and its surroundings were the favorite hunting ground of the ruler the Impaler.

Currently, the castle belongs to a descendant of the Romanian kings, the grandson of Queen Mary, Dominic of Habsburg (in 2006, according to the new Romanian law on the return of territories to the previous owners). After the castle was handed over to the owner, all the furniture was taken to museums in Bucharest. And Dominic Habsburg had to recreate the decoration of the castle, buying various antique items.

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Alcazar Castle, Spain (9th century)

The fortress of the Spanish kings Alcázar (Spanish: Alcázar) is located in the historical part of the city of Segovia on a cliff. Over the years of its existence, the Alcazar was not only a royal palace, but also a prison, as well as an artillery academy. According to archaeologists, even in ancient Roman times there was a military fortification on the site of the Alcazar. During the Middle Ages, the castle was the favorite residence of the kings of Castile. In 1953, the Alcazar was turned into a museum.

Currently, it remains one of the most visited tourist destinations in Spain. The palace has a museum in which furniture, interiors, a collection of weapons, and portraits of the kings of Castile are exhibited. 11 halls are available for viewing and the most high tower- Tower of Juan II.

Chateau de Chambord, France (XVI century)

Chambord (French: Château de Chambord) is one of the most recognizable castles in France, an architectural masterpiece of the Renaissance. The length of the facade is 156 m, width 117 m, the castle has 426 rooms, 77 staircases, 282 fireplaces and 800 sculpturally decorated capitals.

According to historical research, Leonardo da Vinci himself took part in the design. Since 1981, it has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Since 2005, the castle has the status of a state public and commercial enterprise. On the second floor of the castle there is now a branch of the Museum of Hunting and Nature.

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Windsor Castle, UK (11th century)

Situated on a hill in the Thames River valley, Windsor Castle has been a symbol of the monarchy for more than 900 years. Over the centuries, the appearance of the castle changed in accordance with the capabilities of the ruling monarchs. Modern look acquired as a result of reconstruction after a fire in 1992. The castle occupies 52,609 square meters and combines the features of a fortress, a palace and a small town.

Today the palace is owned on behalf of the nation by the Occupied Royal Palaces Estate (residential royal palaces), consumer services are provided by the Royal Household department. Windsor Castle is the largest residential castle in the world (about 500 people live and work there). Elizabeth II spends a month in the spring and a week in June at the castle to participate in traditional ceremonies associated with the Order of the Garter. About a million tourists visit the castle every year.

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Corvin Castle, Romania (XIV century)

The ancestral seat of the feudal house of Hunyadi in the south of Transylvania, in the modern Romanian city of Hunedoara. Initially, the fortress had an oval shape, and the only defensive tower was located in the northern wing, while on the southern side it was covered by a stone wall.

In 1441-1446, under the governor Janos Hunyadi, seven towers were built, and in 1446-1453. They founded the chapel, built the main halls and the southern wing with utility rooms. As a result, the appearance of the castle combines elements of late Gothic and early Renaissance.

In 1974, the castle was opened to visitors as a museum. Tourists are taken to the castle over a gigantic bridge, they are shown a vast hall for knightly feasts and two towers, one of which bears the name of the monk John Capistran, and the second has the romantic name “Do not be afraid.”

They also say that it was in this castle of Hunyadi that Dracula, who was overthrown from the throne of Vlad the Impaler, was kept for 7 years.

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Liechtenstein Castle, Austria (12th century)

One of the most unusual castles in architecture (German - Burg Liechtenstein) is located on the edge Vienna Woods. The castle was built in the 12th century, but was destroyed twice by the Ottomans in 1529 and 1683. In 1884 the castle was restored. Further damage was caused to the castle during the Second World War. Finally, in the 1950s, the castle was restored by the efforts of the townspeople. Since 2007, the castle, like more than 800 years ago, is under the jurisdiction of the relatives of its founders - princely family Liechtenstein.

The modern popularity of Liechtenstein Castle is associated with the Johann Nestroy Theater Festival held here in the summer. The castle is open to visitors.

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Chillon Castle (French: Château de Chillon) is located near Lake Geneva, 3 km from the city of Montreux, and is a complex of 25 elements from different eras of construction. The features of the location and construction allowed the owners of the castle to completely control the strategically important road that ran between the lake and the mountains. For a certain period of time, the road to the Saint Bernard Pass served as the only transport route from Northern Europe to Yuzhnaya. The depth of the lake ensured safety: an attack from this side was simply impossible. The stone wall of the castle facing the road is fortified with three towers. The opposite side of the castle is residential.

Like most castles, Chillon Castle also served as a prison. Louis the Pious kept Abbot Vala of Corvey prisoner here. In the middle of the 14th century, during the plague epidemic, Jews who were accused of poisoning water sources were kept and tortured in the castle.

George Byron's poem "The Prisoner of Chillon" takes place in Chillon Castle. The historical basis for the poem was the imprisonment in the castle by order of Charles III of Savoy François Bonivard in the years 1530–1536. The image of the castle was romanticized in the works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Percy Shelley, Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas.

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Hohenzollern Castle, Germany (XIII century)

Hohenzollern Castle (German: Burg Hohenzollern) is located in Baden-Württemberg, 50 km south of Stuttgart, on the top of Mount Hohenzollern at an altitude of 855 meters. Over the years of its existence, the castle was destroyed several times.

Some of the most famous relics kept in the museum are the crown of the Prussian kings and the uniform that belonged to Frederick the Great. From 1952 to 1991, the remains of Frederick I and Frederick the Great rested in the castle museum. After the reunification of East and West Germany in 1991, the ashes of the Prussian kings were returned to Potsdam.

Currently, the castle belongs 2/3 to the Brandenburg-Prussian Hohenzollern line and 1/3 to the Swabian-Catholic line. About 300 thousand tourists visit it annually.

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Castle Walsen, Belgium (11th century)


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