Information and sights about Europe. ​25 unique sights in Europe. Northern Lights, Scandinavia or Iceland

World Travel


04.08.17 10:53

When residents of the New World plan a trip to Europe, their imagination most often draws standard pictures: the Eiffel Tower illuminated by hundreds of lights, ancient Roman ruins like the Colosseum and Forum, Big Ben and the Tower Bridge. The natural attractions of Europe do not come to mind for all tourists, but the continent is filled with the most beautiful corners of pristine flora and fauna! One can only wonder how in a part of the world where more than 700 million people live, there are so many incredible plains, mountains, gorges, and forests, which, it seems, have never been trodden by a traveler. In fact, of course, everything is not like that: the feet of tourists have trampled the natural attractions of Europe up and down, just nature reserves and National parks They require special treatment, certain rules are followed, and cultured people do not allow themselves to be barbaric.

We have compiled the top 12 most beautiful natural attractions in Europe, admire and be inspired!

From the stone curtain to the sanctuary of Pan: natural attractions of Europe

Cliffs of Moher: Irish Wonder

The western tip of Ireland ends abruptly at Atlantic Ocean like a heavy stone curtain. These are the Cliffs of Moher, a natural wonder named after an 18th-century fortress that stood on a picturesque cliff. Surely it was this natural landmark of Europe that inspired the authors of the cult fantasy “The Princess Bride” to create the Rocks of Madness. Powerful walls rise 120 and 200 meters above the waves roaring below. Just imagine: these ancient formations are about 300 million years old! One of the legends about the Cliffs of Moher says that the golden city of Kilstiffen once stood here, but its leader lost the keys to the stunning castle, and the city plunged into stormy waters.

Verdon Gorge in France: turquoise waves

The French Verdon River makes its way through Triassic limestone, forming a bizarre gorge. This is a kind of Grand Canyon of the Provence region, permeating the space from the outskirts of Paris to the beaches of the Riviera. The dazzling turquoise waters of the river rush through a 25-kilometer ravine between high limestone walls that rise 700 meters. Charming views and the unusual color of the water attract climbers, kayakers and just tourists who admire the panorama and take great photos.

Valley of the Portuguese Douro River: ornament on emerald hills

If you move south, “moving” to Portugal, you will witness a completely different show put on by the Douro River. Cruises on this river have long become a favorite attraction for travelers (such voyages have a bonus: tasting of local wines). The fertile lands of the Douro River Valley make it an excellent place for growing grapes. So for almost two thousand years people have been growing first-class grape varieties here and protecting and nurturing olive groves. The intervention of farmers does not interfere with natural harmony, and the orderly rows of vineyards on natural emerald hills above the river look like an intricate ornament.

The Deadly Charm of the Matterhorn

According to Swiss tour operators, the Matterhorn, which rises proudly above the Swiss-Italian border, is the most photographed mountain in the world (we wondered if Japan's Mount Fuji is photographed less often?). And yet the Matterhorn - impressive sight! It resembles a bizarre pyramid 15 thousand feet (4478 meters) high. This is one of the highest and dangerous mountains in the Alps, and although it is shared by Switzerland and Italy, the summit of the Matterhorn rises above Switzerland. This beauty is deadly and has not been conquered by climbers for a long time; about 500 people died trying to defeat it.

Norway's fjords: scars of ancient glaciers

One of the most amazing natural attractions in Europe is the fjords of Norway. These are unique ancient granite masses, falling almost vertically to the dormant water below. The impressive landscapes of Western Norway are “scars” left over several (!) Ice Ages. The best time to explore the fjords is river cruise, which depart daily from Bergen during the season. From Nærøyfjord to Magdalenafjord, from Lysefjord to Hardangerfjord, glaciers and waterfalls are a breathtaking sight!

And, of course, let's not forget the famous Troll's Tongue (Trolltunga), a long rocky outcrop that hangs (700 meters above sea level) above Lake Ringedalsvatn. Daredevils love to pose on it.

Spanish park Cabo de Gata Nijar: the kingdom of birds

But you may not even know about this natural attraction of Europe. In vain, because the Cabo de Gata Nijar park, located in Southern Spain (Almeria province), is one of the most picturesque reserves of the Old World. Home to thousands of birds (including graceful flamingos, amazing purple herons, proud eagles) and rugged coastline make this place amazing. It's all there: beauty sand dunes, volcanic formations, reefs protruding from under the water ( undersea world also impressive), hidden beaches, rock pyramids.

Montenegrin Durmitor: mosaic of mountain peaks

Montenegro is worth visiting at least for the park natural wonders Durmitor - you will get tired of photographing the local landscapes! Almost two dozen crystalline glacial lakes, a mosaic of mountain peaks, forest thickets, the deepest gorges on the continent - Durmitor is amazing. This is one of the oldest nature reserves in Eastern Europe, formed almost immediately after World War II. In 1980 he became part of the list World Heritage UNESCO.

Among the many treasures of the park, the canyon of the Tara River stands out, stretching 80 km and reaching a depth of 1300 meters. There is a photogenic bridge across Tara, cutting through a wooded plain.

Necklace of Plitvice Lakes: the pride of Croatia

But Croatia is famous for another national park that receives more than a million visitors a year. How disappointed they must be to learn that you can’t swim in the local lakes! Otherwise, the reservoirs simply would not have been preserved in their splendor. The park is named after them - Plitvice Lakes.

This is a series of 16 cascading lakes in the karst mountains of Croatia, connected together like precious stones in an intricate necklace. Each transition is a new shade of blue and green, from sky blue to deep emerald. Waterfalls, cheerfully chirping streams, lush vegetation along the banks - you can walk endlessly in the park.

Austrian Eisriesenwelt: the world of ice giants

In north-central Austria there is an underground natural "crystal" palace, Eisriesenwelt (which means "world of the ice giants" in German). It's a fitting name for the truly otherworldly caves, the entrance to which was discovered by a Salzburg resident in the late 1800s.

Eisriesenwelt - the largest ice caves more than 400 meters deep and 42 km long, the ice in which never melts. Now it's laid here cable car, excursions to this natural attraction of Europe are conducted from May to October (avalanches are possible in winter). By the way, the cave had been known to local hunters since ancient times; superstitious people believed that it was an icy entrance to the Underworld.

The Black Forest: inspiration for storytellers

If you're planning to explore Baden-Württemberg in Germany, stock up on big amount bread crumbs: you, like Hansel and Gretel, will have a hard time finding your way around the forested mountain area. Black Forest (Black Forest) – impressive world, a special kingdom of diversity of fauna and flora. It is cut by a network of rivers, even their names are similar to the names of trolls (Kinzig, Enz, Neckar, Murg, Wiese, Nagold, Rench).

The Black Forest region is more than 7 thousand square kilometers of pines, spruce trees, hills, mini-waterfalls, and glades covered with strange forest flowers. These fantastic places evoke thoughts of evil witches hiding in the thicket. However walking routes are safe here, so we were kidding about the bread crumbs!

Santorini: “shards” of Atlantis?

The Greek island of Santorini, an expensive resort, is associated with cute little snow-white houses, temples with blue domes, narrow streets entwined with red flowers (mostly bougainvillea), and staircases going down to the sea.

But, first of all, Santorini is an amazing natural attraction of Europe and Greece. According to myths, the companion of Jason (who stole the Golden Fleece) received a handful of earth as a gift from Triton, but dropped it into the waves Aegean Sea. An island emerged from a lump of earth. Another legend says that Atlantis was on this site. In fact, everything is much simpler: Santorini was once an island of land with a volcano in the center, which awoke about 3,500 years ago. What was once an almost regular island has become a loop of debris and wild beaches.

Greek Melissani Cave: grotto of a loving nymph

Our top list of the most beautiful natural attractions in Europe is completed by another Greek wonder - Melissani Cave. This miracle is safely hidden on the island of Kefalonia in the Ionian Sea. Guides take tourists on boats through 3,500-meter underground passages to find themselves in the Melissani cave lake. The water here is so clear that it seems like boats are floating in the air. The attraction received its name in honor of the nymph Melissa. This cave was the sanctuary of the god Pan, and Melissa, according to legend, killed herself in an underground reservoir because of her unrequited love for Pan. In the center of the cave there is a wide window through which you can see the sky: part of the arch overhanging the lake collapsed several thousand years ago.

Holidays in Europe have long established themselves with positive side and is associated with excellent interesting vacation and high tourist service. And millions of tourists from all over the world strive to visit many of the sights of Europe, which have become famous throughout the world for their unique beauty and chic.

Sights of Europe that everyone wants to see

For centuries European countries came into close contact with each other, thereby becoming closely linked economically and historically. However, each state carefully preserves its traditions and characteristics. Looking and comparing sights of Europe, you can easily discern the differences in the culture of these countries.

However, some attractions foreign Europe turned into legends that many travelers dream about. To such famous places include the Colosseum and Pantheon in Rome, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, London's Big Ben, the Reichstag and the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. Each European capital has its own unique and historically significant places.

Architectural monuments of Europe

As you know, European countries are famous for their luxurious palaces. The walls of many of them remember the times of the real kings and knights who lived there. And these days, visiting these places is a great way to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of that distant time. Looking at these sights of European countries, willy-nilly you will believe in fairy tales about dragons and brave princes.

To do this, it is worth traveling to the south of Germany to visit Hohenschwangau Castle, where the German king used to live. This majestic castle stands on the border with Austria, where another crown of German architecture, Neuschwanstein, is located nearby. French palaces also look very impressive, and a prime example of this is Brissac Castle. And when visiting Rome, don’t forget to admire the Castel Sant’Angelo, which houses a large collection of paintings.

As is known, the most interesting places Europe are the most visited among tourists. One of these places is the Ferris wheel, which is installed in London on the banks of the Thames. From the top you can see classic London in at its best, looking at all the sights from a bird's eye view. Having visited Venice, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of riding gondolas through the narrow streets.

Lovers of mysticism will love a trip to Romania, because this is where the famous Dracula lived. Writer Bram Stoker settled his character in Bran Castle, which is now the main stronghold of vampires. In general, Europe is a single territory with the most interesting features, the study of which will take great amount time and will give strong unforgettable emotions.

If the topic “historical monuments of Europe” is really interesting for you, then before you go on one or another trip to this ancient continent, you should probably immerse yourself a little in the mass of guidebooks. In them, of course, you will find a lot of educational information dedicated specifically to European culture. But we would advise you to take a slightly different path. Look at the information on our website, I am sure you will find a lot of useful information for yourself.

Monuments of Europe and its artifacts – what to choose

By and large, if you really prefer to wander among the silence of museums or architectural masterpieces, and not just bask in sandy beach French Riviera or Spain, then in this case you have quite a wide choice, because the monuments of Europe are Europe itself with its diversity of cultures and national characteristics.

Take, for example, those cultural monuments of Europe that are located in Greece or Italy, then not only your short vacation, but also, perhaps, half of the conscious part of your life, is simply not enough for even a cursory inspection of everything that is located in Rome. After all, for example, the ruins of the Colosseum or Athenian Acropolis, can be looked at for hours. And if you are lucky and you get a fairly advanced Russian-speaking guide, thoroughly knowledgeable about history countries and these architectural monuments of Europe, then this simply cannot be commented on.

And if you take advantage of the Schengen visa and take a comfortable bus, then in a few hours you can find yourself practically in the very heart of the continent - Paris. And believe me, your celebration simply will not have enough emotions to express the surging feelings. After all, having climbed for just a few tens of euros to the very top of the Eiffel Tower, you will see not only the whole of Paris, but also... somewhere around the whole of Europe.

Be careful with emotions

However, according to many travelers who are, to one degree or another, interested in such a topic as European cultural monuments, it is worth remembering that excessive emotionality in the perception of everything seen can also have somewhat negative consequences. This mainly applies to the part of any trip when you have to return. And here, behind the closing doors of a train or the same plane, the “fairy tale” ends and after a while those same gray everyday life begins from which we tried to escape with such selflessness. And here is the familiar door of our home entrance, the elevator and we are already home. But one thing is good - you already know exactly where you will spend your next vacation...

It is impossible to imagine even a single person who has never heard of the famous Louvre, Colosseum or Eiffel Tower. They are located in Europe, famous for its many attractions. There are simply not enough pages to list them all.

1. The most short review All historical and cultural values ​​begin with France, which is the focus of the largest number of attractions.


Eiffel Tower

Tourists visiting France for the first time first of all go to Eiffel Tower. This is a symbol of France and the most romantic corner of Paris, 324 meters high and weighing 10 thousand tons. The tower is accessible to all categories of tourists; there are discounts for children and people with disabilities. More than 230 million tourists visited it.


One of the big ones art museums worldwide. The Louvre was originally a palace for monarchs and opened as a museum at the end of the 18th century. It is located in the very center of Paris on the banks of the Seine. The museum's exposition consists of more than 400,000 exhibits. The famous painting “La Gioconda”, captivating everyone with its mystery, the goddesses Venus de Milo and Nike of Samothrace comfortably and harmoniously fit into their number.

Triumphal Arch

Very close to the Louvre on Place Gaulle there is a majestic Triumphal Arch, built at the beginning of the 19th century in antique style. Its height is almost 50 meters, and its width is almost 45. Inside the arch itself there is a mini-museum of bas-reliefs, the theme of which is dedicated to the construction of the arch. It itself was built in honor of the great victories of France during the reign of Napoleon.

The main attractions of France on the world map:

2. Having visited the heart of Europe - France - a tourist cannot resist the temptation to visit the north of Europe in the capital of Foggy Albion. What does prim and conservative London offer tourists?

London, Great Britain

Big Ben

The clock mechanism, famous throughout the world for its size, is located on the Westminster Tower on all four sides. The diameter of the watch is 7 meters, and the total weight is 5 tons. Each base has an ornate inscription calling on God to protect Queen Victoria I. Big Ben is a symbol of London and Great Britain. Their melodic ringing is heard every hour.

London Eye Ferris wheel

One of the world's largest Ferris wheels, 135 meters high, is located on the banks of the Thames. It consists of 32 passenger air-conditioned cabins. The London Eye operates in a fast-paced, constant rotation, stopping only to disembark disabled people.

3. Having experienced the peculiar charm of English foggy gray days, the traveler will inevitably want to taste the richness of bright summer colors and the scorching heat with the coolness of the sea. Of course, the path lies to the south of Europe. Before that, if you wish, you can improve your health a little in German resort town Baden-Baden and explore another attraction along the way. It is worth noting that the city is intended mainly for tourists with a “tight” wallet, so other adventure seekers can immediately go further south.

The main attractions of Great Britain on the world map:


Faberge Museum

Founded in 2009 by Russian artist-collector A. Ivanov. He presented his collected collection of 700 exhibits to the future museum. The theme of the museum is entirely dedicated to the work of the famous jeweler Faberge. There are more than 3,000 exhibits on display here, including, in addition to the famous “eggs,” various household items and accessories.

The main attractions of Germany on the world map:

4. The south of Europe attracts tourists not only with the sea breeze and the “orange” sun, but also with a variety of natural and architectural monuments.


Roman Coliseum

A unique and huge amphitheater with a capacity of 50 thousand people was built during the reign of the Roman Flavian dynasty. Northern and southern places were intended for the imperial family. They offered the most gorgeous view of the action taking place in the arena. Now all that remains of this majestic cultural monument are ruins, which still retain the grandeur and spirit of the great Roman era. Despite this, the Colosseum is almost the main symbol of Rome.

The main attractions of Italy on the world map:


Athens Acropolis

Defensive fortresses in Ancient Greece, built on a hill, were called “acropolis”. The Acropolis in Athens was built at an elevation of 156 meters on a limestone rock. A whole royal palace with statues of various ancient Greek gods. During antiquity, meetings of the supreme rulers of Athens were held here. The Acropolis has undergone restoration work several times, many original sculptures have been replaced with skillful copies, but this does not contribute to the fading of tourist interest.

The main attractions of Greece on the world map:

5. “What about art?” – many music lover tourists will exclaim. And they will be absolutely right. Having visited Europe and not visited the famous Vienna Opera, it is impossible to appreciate the fullness of the sensations and impressions of the trip.


Vienna State Opera

Founded in the mid-19th century, it was the largest building in Vienna. It was originally the Vienna Court Opera. The walls of the Opera are painted and decorated with bas-reliefs based on the works of great composers. Unfortunately, the building was destroyed in 1945 as a result of bombing and was restored only 10 years later. The opera has 1313 seats. Thousands of tourists from all over the world come here every year. From May to October, outdoor concerts are held here, which anyone can attend for free.

You can talk endlessly about the sights of Europe. It is best to personally go to the city or country you like, see everything with your own eyes and capture beautiful shots on film and in your memory.

The British publication The Telegraph compiled list of outstanding attractions in Europe, which you should definitely visit at least once in your life - to admire nature, touch history, or just relax and change the scenery. The list included tourist centers Russia - Red Square was in 14th place, and the Hermitage - in 29th. And this is what the top 10 main European attractions look like versions of The Telegraph.

10. Atlantic Road, Norway

Part of the national tourist road No. 64 connects a series of rocky islands off the coast of Norway. The bridges themselves are an interesting sight from an architectural point of view (especially the so-called “drunk” bridge). But the surrounding views amaze with the harsh northern beauty - dark sea, dazzling snowy peaks, and if you're lucky, you can spot whales swimming by.

9. Chenonceau Castle, Loire department, France

The beautiful castle, located on a bridge over the Cher River, was once built by King Henry II for his favorite, Diane de Poitiers. It’s as if it came straight out of the pages of a fairy tale, and even children (it’s no secret that children rarely have respect for architectural monuments) will be happy to look inside. When going to, be sure to visit France.

8. Matterhorn, Switzerland

Travel to the top of the Matterhorn is recommended only for the most experienced climbers. Therefore, it is better to enjoy the views of the majestic snowy peak from Zermatt, one of the most famous resorts Switzerland. The pyramid-shaped mountain, 4,478 meters high, was conquered by man only 150 years ago and cost the pioneers four human lives.

7. Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Türkiye

Once upon a time Hagia Sophia was Christian temple, then, after the conquest of Constantinople, it became a mosque, and now it is a museum (although calls to prayer are still heard from the minarets several times a day). Inside the huge building you can see the remains of brilliant Byzantine mosaics and masterpieces of Arabic calligraphy.

6. Semana Santa, Spain

Semana Santa is Holy Week, the week leading up to Easter. At this time, many religious processions take place in Catholic Spain. As if the figures in pointed hoods have come down to us from the depths of the Middle Ages, they carry platforms with figures depicting scenes from biblical history from church to church.

5. Pamukkale, Türkiye

This one is freaky natural monument resembles a series of giant steps - stone pools filled with bright blue water. Nearby is ancient city Hierapolis. True, admiring the wonder of nature can be spoiled by endless crowds of tourists: Pamukkale is one of the most visited attractions in Turkey.

4. Acropolis, Greece

Almost three million people visit this place every year historical monument antiquity of 26 centuries. It's worth visiting at night, when the Parthenon is bathed in golden light against the dark southern sky.

3. Sistine Chapel, Italy

The masterpiece of Michelangelo's masterpieces is located in Apostolic Palace in Rome. A fresco depicting the Last Judgment occupies the entire wall behind the altar, and the ceiling, measuring 40 by 13 meters, is covered with paintings on biblical themes.

2. Cathedral of the Holy Family, Barcelona, ​​Spain

Although the cathedral, designed by Gaudí at the end of the 19th century, has not yet been completed, it is a magnificent sight. And on the surrounding streets there are houses built by the same architect with lollipop windows, as if straight from a fairy tale.

1. Var, France

And the leader in the ranking of attractions that are recommended to be seen at least once in a lifetime is an area called Var, one of the administrative units of the Provence region, France. Var is considered one of most beautiful places in France, but there is so much to see in this country. Greenish blue waters of Gorges du Veron, luxurious lavender fields, tiny stone houses hidden in the folds of the hilly terrain, winding serpentine roads... And, of course, hotels and guesthouses where you can have a great lunch, admire the views, take a break from the city crowds and taste the real Provence.


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