The forest to find a new victim. How to find your son in The Forest, this is possible in the latest version! How to survive in The Forest when attacked by mutants during the day

On the peninsula
It is assumed that the peninsula is located in Canada or another similar area located in the north, due to climate, animals, geography and the location of the developers. It includes most of the settings for the forest, and includes both an extensive underground cave system and big mountains, in addition to the main forest. It is assumed that the caves suffer from regular collapses, the sounds of which the player can hear while in the caves. Some bodies (such as the Christian missionaries inside) are in a location accessible only with a rebreather.

Alleged events before the game's plot
Something falls onto an unnamed peninsula, forming a crater. Local cannibals used the artifacts found there and created mutants. Soon missionaries arrive on the peninsula. They try to teach the cannibals Christianity, but the latter release mutants on them, and they, in turn, drive the missionaries into caves, before dying they write a message in Latin (the words are written with errors. The only thing that could be translated is a woman with four legs, some the babies are dead, the crosses don't help, the traps are useless), they leave a sketch of Virginia and a sketch of the crater. A year later, miners, divers (where is the rebreather and flashlight on the island from?) and others arrive on the island normal people for the sake of exploring the island and mining gold. Among the corpses in the caves there is a magazine, one of the headings on it reads: 7 people went down into the caves. Only one returned. He sailed away on the ship they arrived on, and for some reason the anchor fell off the ship. And this same person tells the public about this, as reported by another magazine with one of the headlines: “Ancient artifacts. Can the device return to death.” After this, scientists from the Sahara corporation arrive on the island and build the well-known laboratory for the purpose of studying artifacts. Realizing that they will need test subjects, they begin to kidnap children. At the same time, Matthew Cross divorces his wife, with whom their daughter decides to live. Additionally, something causes Matthew to get fired and leave the island. A group also arrives on the island to film a film about missing children. After filming the film, they are going to sail away, but under some circumstances they all die. Their cells are scattered throughout the island, as are the missionary boats. At the same time, Matthew's daughter Megan dies. He steals her body, arrives at the laboratory, which by that time had already been destroyed, shoots down the plane with our hero, it crashes, Matthew turns red, posing as a cannibal, and takes our son. And this is where the game begins.

The hero (judging by the list of passengers, Eric Leblanc) and his son are flying somewhere. But suddenly the plane crashes onto the peninsula. The hero and his son survive, but his son is carried away by a certain red man. The hero gets accustomed to the peninsula, finds a passage to the laboratory complex and gets into it after finding the key card. Moving through the laboratory, he learns about the activities of the bunker, the fate of the red man and information about certain artifacts found on the peninsula. During the search, the hero is smeared with red paint. In the end, the hero finds his son. Dead. The hero loses hope, but notices some pipes. He sticks them to his son, and learns that he can be resurrected, but at the cost of another person’s life. Walking through the premises, the hero finds Megan Cross, a girl who was resurrected by her father (judging by all the information found, he is a red man), at the cost of Timmy's life. She considered him a red man, showing on the toy that he shot down a plane, mutates before the hero’s eyes, and he enters into battle with her, eventually winning. He carries her body to the artifact, but it needs a living sample. Having lost hope, the hero walks through the laboratory and finds an artifact that can disable various equipment. We were shot down with this artifact at the beginning of the game. The hero shoots down the plane, thereby falling into the chain of events that Megan's father began. He, apparently, finds a living person in the wreckage of the plane and, with his help, resurrects his son. A year later, when the hero, along with Timmy, get out of the island, and the hero demonstrates his new book about survival on the island, and shows an ax (seemingly gold/modern) that helped him survive. But then Timmy begins to convulse, just like Megan did. The screen goes dark, but after a few seconds they show a shot of Eric holding his son and he opens his eyes. This is where the game ends.

Story items.
In update 0.18, story items were added. Drawings, photographs, scraps of magazines, etc., once found, go into the Notes section of the Survival Guide and are listed in the Notes article. Other items go into inventory. Their list:

Parts of a Timmy toy that can be assembled into a complete one;
Timmy's drawings;
Camera and 6 video cassettes;
Old photographs with designations of caches - 8 pieces in total;
Passenger list;
Key card;

Interesting Facts
Once picked up, story items go into your inventory (with the exception of photographs, which end up in the book).
The only story item that can be interacted with once picked up is the passenger list.
The Bible disappears after being found, possibly a bug.

I had a wonderful life safety teacher at school. She taught me how to determine the direction of the world by the moss on the trees, how to make a dwelling when there is an impassable thicket around; how to find food for yourself... I managed to put some things into practice, once I got lost with a full box of mushrooms in the forest.

But many years later, after playing alpha, I realized that this is not the same.

Lesson #1: Don't leave things unattended

You are not alone. Even in outer space you are not alone - let alone huge island. If you go even a little deeper into the thicket, you will find crowds of rabbits and lizards around you. They crawl through trees and get underfoot. They step into snares and traps, they themselves go under the ax and even climb into the fire of your fire. But don't let them fool you! If you gape, your life will hang by a thread: you threw a raw carcass on the fire, but an evil animal has already dragged it away - to eat it or, what the hell, bury it. In any case, lunch cannot be returned. That's an extra half minute of cooking!

One - there is food, two - there is no food. It's nice to know that a couple of laws of nature are already working in the alpha version.

But there is no end to the work. The birds do not react to the murdered friend and even fly to sit astride her.

Lesson #2: Finish what you start quickly

Cruel world The Forest doesn't know half measures. Do you want to light a fire, build a hut or set a trap? Go to the survival guide, select the desired item - and first of all, put its layout. Then you will carry everything you need to him.

The future camp is shining. But for now this is just a mirage, and in order to bring it to life, half the island will have to be cut down. But it is necessary to build a camp. This is the only way to save, and ideally - good protection from uninvited guests.

And it's very convenient. However, no matter how much you insert boards into the fence, until it is assembled, it does not exist. Even the inserted boards can be passed safely, which the owners of the island will be happy to take advantage of.

We cut trees by hand. If it is thick, there will be a lot of logs. Thin - a lot of branches. And there are trees that cannot be cut down. Apparently, they are there for beauty. I carry everything I have with me. The capacity of the backpack is impressive, but you still have to carry the logs in your hands.

Lesson #3: Beware of the locals, they don't like you

They really love it. But not in its raw form - which automatically leads to conflict. Cannibals are the main thing and on this moment pretty much the only problem with The Forest. Do you want them not to find you? You can hide in some miniature cave, swim to a broken yacht, or wall yourself up within four walls. Otherwise you will have to greet guests.

If on land your main problem is people, then in the water there are toothy sharks kindly waiting for you. The best tactic against them is to stay away.

Local people walk in small groups of three or four individuals.

But the longer you sit in one place, the more often they will visit you. Don't be surprised if you see about twelve hungry savages in one frame, say, in the dead of night. If you manage to survive such an invasion, then the entire coast will be littered with bodies - but do not think that this will scare away the others.

A sleeping structure helps you stay awake and get enough sleep. But savages can always interrupt a ward’s sleep. At first, this is almost inevitable.

Lesson #4: Take advantage of your opponent's stupidity

A long stay on the island leaves its mark on a person. Firstly, the island people are shortsighted. Their vision is so poor that during the day they will only see you at point blank range. And the rumor is so lousy that they can pass by while you are cutting down a thick tree.

At such moments it seems as if the savages are completely harmless. Seems.

Perhaps the excess human meat in the diet is to blame. However, a healthy lifestyle makes cannibals incredibly resilient. A blow to the head with an ax is not an argument for them - the blow will take a long and tedious time. And at any moment the thug can take off and disappear into the thicket of the forest. It's not easy to catch up with the scoundrel. And who knows whether he will return or not! Most likely he will return. It is possible that even with friends.

The reaction speed of the locals is so-so. If you constantly weave around them and hit them non-stop with an axe, sooner or later you will fall. But he will not die immediately; first he will writhe in agony.

At one point, two suspicious individuals simply came out of the forest to say hello. They were not embarrassed by the structures made from the bodies of their predecessors: the guests walked around me in circles, glaring at me. I didn’t know how to react to this, so I just kicked them with my tribemate’s foot.

Lesson #5: Don't eat everything.

Rabbits and lizards are, of course, nutritious. Chocolate bars and other junk food from chests that fell from the sky too. They take up space in the stomach and restore energy (drinks do not clog the stomach). Good food can also replenish your health, and reptile skins are used for clothing and give additional protection

from savage axes. There are also mushrooms and berries in the game, both healthy and poisonous. It is not difficult to distinguish one from the other - “bad” berries will clog your stomach, but will take away your health. And the hero will unequivocally gasp.

And something you can’t eat in principle. The hero will not dare to put raw meat in his mouth. The corpses of birds, sharks and turtles should not be touched at all. But the most questions are raised by the mortal bodies of people. Completely inedible. Why? Not quite clear. They look quite delicious!

However, bodies can be dismembered and limbs can be used as weapons or decoration. An inedible dead shark crushed the unfortunate seagull. It is impossible to eat the way to her salvation. Even these delicious ones sea ​​stars


Lesson #6: Don't be too afraid of hunger

You can not hold a crumb in your mouth for at least two weeks - and you will survive everything. Well, yes, you can’t swing an ax on an empty stomach, and you can’t run away or fight off cannibals. But you are not in danger of starvation. Perhaps the fresh sea air is so beneficial that it can feed and, most importantly, give water to the newly minted Robinson Crusoe. After all, water is not needed here at all. It would seem that the main concern of the islander is to establish supplies of fresh food, otherwise hello, dehydration! But no, all this is nonsense, rabbits with berries are enough for us.

To temporarily replenish energy, you can turn on the audio player. Upbeat music will provide several minutes of vigorous activity.

In the thicket of the forest, the animal itself climbs into its mouth. But if you set up camp on the beach, hunger may become a problem: you won’t be able to catch fish.

No pauses. Pressed Esc and went for a snack? They will find you, and you will return to the cave. You and the company can form - and just move once again. TO such Life safety does not prepare us. True, this Silent Hill monster does not show aggression. Maybe they haven't finished it yet.

* * *

The game is still in alpha stage (0.03), and a lot can change in the coming months. If the developers try, The Forest will not have a price. In the meantime, too many elements are either missing, unfinished, or working with flaws.

There is no real need to protect yourself from cold and dirt (they promise infectious diseases), but the savages climb even too persistently, and you spend most of the time in the dark.

The next update will be released very soon. So let's see how many new rules will be brought to the ill-fated island!

Something falls onto an unnamed peninsula, forming a crater. Local cannibals used the artifacts found there and created mutants. Soon missionaries arrive on the peninsula. They are trying to convert the island's aborigines to Christianity, but the latter release mutants on them, and they, in turn, drive the missionaries into caves. Before they die, they write a message in Latin (the words are misspelled. The only thing that could be translated is a woman with four legs , some babies are dead, crosses don't help, traps are useless), leave a sketch of Virginia and a sketch of the crater. Years later, miners, divers (where is the rebreather and flashlight on the island from?) and other normal people arrive on the island to explore the island and mine gold. Among the corpses in the caves there is a magazine, one of the headings on it reads: 7 people went down into the caves. Only one returned. He sailed away on the ship they arrived on, and for some reason the anchor fell off the ship. And this same person tells the public about this, as reported by another magazine with one of the headlines: “Ancient artifacts. Can the device return to death.” After this, scientists from the Sahara corporation arrive on the island and build the well-known laboratory for the purpose of studying artifacts. Realizing that they will need test subjects, they begin to kidnap children. At the same time, Matthew Cross divorces his wife, with whom their daughter decides to live. Additionally, something causes Matthew to get fired and leave the island. A group also arrives on the island to film a film about missing children. After filming the film, they are going to sail away, but under some circumstances they all die. Their cells are scattered throughout the island, as are the missionary boats. At the same time, Matthew's daughter Megan dies. He steals her body, arrives at the laboratory, which by that time had already been destroyed, shoots down the plane with our hero, it crashes, Matthew turns red, posing as a cannibal, and takes our son. And this is where the game begins.

Where does the game take place?

On the peninsula

The peninsula is assumed to be in Canada or another similar area to the north, based on factors such as animals, peninsula geography, and developer locations. It includes extensive timber reserves for buildings, an extensive underground cave system, and large mountains. It is assumed that the caves suffer from regular collapses, the sounds of which the player can hear while inside. Some bodies (for example, Christian missionaries) are located in a place accessible only by using a rebreather.

Revealing the whole plot

The hero (judging by the list of passengers, Eric Lk) and his son are flying somewhere. But suddenly the plane crashes onto the peninsula. The hero and his son survive, but his son is carried away by a certain red man. The hero gets accustomed to the peninsula, finds a passage to the laboratory complex and gets into it after finding the key card. Moving through the laboratory, he learns about the activities of the bunker, the fate of the red man and information about certain artifacts found on the peninsula. During the search, the hero is smeared with red paint. In the end, the hero finds his son. Dead. The hero loses hope, but notices some pipes. He sticks them to his son, and learns that he can be resurrected, but at the cost of another person’s life. Walking through the premises, the hero finds Megan Cross, a girl who was resurrected by her father (judging by all the information found, he is a red man), at the cost of Timmy's life. She considered him a red man, showing on the toy that he shot down a plane, mutates before the hero’s eyes, and he enters into battle with her, eventually winning. He carries her body to the artifact, but it needs a living sample. Having lost hope, the hero walks through the laboratory and finds an artifact that can disable various equipment. We were shot down with this artifact at the beginning of the game. The hero shoots down the plane, thereby falling into the chain of events that Megan's father began. He, apparently, finds a living person in the wreckage of the plane and, with his help, resurrects his son. A year later, when the hero, along with Timmy, get out of the island, and the hero demonstrates his new book about survival on the island, and shows an ax (seemingly gold/modern) that helped him survive. But then Timmy begins to convulse, just like Megan did. The screen goes dark, but after a few seconds they show a shot of Eric holding his son and he opens his eyes. This is where the game ends.

The plane crashes over desert island; The protagonist, who miraculously escaped, has one task - to survive on this island, escaping during the day from wild animals, and at night from mutant cannibals using improvised means. The creators of the game have embodied in it all the scariest things from such cult films as “The Hills Have Eyes”, “Predator”, “I Am Legend” and many others.

By the way, you also need to worry about food! Your task is to survive.


The player must actively explore the surrounding area.

The tasks are to search:

  • water;
  • medicines;
  • shelters;
  • weapons;
  • camouflage.

You will need a shelter that is secure enough for you to feel protected and able to get some sleep. You must remain vigilant and not part with your weapon - you will be attacked by both animals and scary natives (natives attack at night: during the day they either sleep or are weakly active).

You can use dirt as a camouflage so that enemies do not smell you - actively use objects found in suitcases near the disaster site.

Your task is also to explore lakes, forests, and underground caves.

You can cut down trees and light fires, you can build a small hut from branches or a well-defended fortress (by the way, it wouldn’t hurt to make your home not only reliable, but also cozy), engage agriculture, collect berries and mushrooms (they will help you survive, but, on the other hand, there are also poisonous ones among them), create new weapons and tools (for example, you can make strong armor from the skin of the monitor lizard living here)

At night you will either have to hide reliably, or fight with mutants that very closely resemble people. Also, life is threatened by local animals - giant spiders and “octopuses” living in caves (these are mutants formed in an unknown way from several natives), and in reservoirs - sharks that attack as soon as you enter the water.

The release date is not known exactly, so far, in May 2014, only the alpha version was released.

Watch the review in the video below.

Hello to all survivors. The game "The forest" was released at the end of May, but fans are growing like mushrooms every day. I heard about the game before its release, watched several videos, but the next day I didn’t even remember, I wasn’t impressed. When I saw the distribution, I downloaded it anyway, tried it, got stuck and off we go. To date, the third has already been released.



Hello to all survivors.

The game "The forest" was released at the end of May, but fans are growing like mushrooms every day. I heard about the game before its release, watched several videos, but the next day I didn’t even remember, I wasn’t impressed. When I saw the distribution, I downloaded it anyway, tried it, got stuck and off we go. As of today, the third addition has been released, which has made the task much easier for gamers - items are finally saved in the backpack, which is cool. But, as they say, everything is in order.

The main character flies towards the tangerine lands with a happy smile and a carefree mood. But bad luck! Suddenly, the cabin of the plane falls off along with the pilots, and since none of the passengers flight school didn't finish - I had to fall. The landing was soft, there would have been time to live and live, but that was not the case - like thunder among clear skies a fully pumped-up ala Gosha Kutsenko appears, sparkling in the rays of the setting sun, like a bodybuilder smeared with palm oil, and in the best traditions of a super hero movie, takes our son (everyone says it’s a son, so we won’t argue) towards the horizon. Probably smear my knees with green paint or something.

Having gradually recovered, we are bursting with the spirit of travel. Here, the first thing I did was grab a red miracle hatchet, at the same time cry on the corpse of the stewardess Zhanna, smashed several suitcases and rushed to get myself the best hut. I thought that with a hatchet you could immediately ask for clothes and a motorcycle. Didn't pass three minutes, how I met a detachment of Gosha’s brave comrades-in-arms, completely discouraging my desire to run in open areas, and at the same time my kidneys and head. And although, after a couple of friendly blows, I transformed into a Jamaican athlete, this did not help much, since the painted comrades came to the shootout in seven. Sadness-trouble-gray screen.

I woke up in a cave, with obvious signs of trepanation, and began to make my way closer to daylight, admiring the insides of my neighbors in the cabin along the way. My agility lasted about ten minutes. To tell the truth, in the first couple of hours I often died, if not from hunger, then from meeting the boys with open arms and lanterns on their heads. After surfing the forums, I learned that there was no way without shelter, so I decided to settle down thoroughly in order to at least a little prolong my miserable existence on the island. By the way, my hardware is fine, everything worked at maximum speed, the island is very colorful, I liked it in one word. But it so happened that living creatures, including rabbits, monitor lizards/iguanas, were found only near the plane; in the rest of the territory there were only birds and shaved brothers, which means I had to choose a place not far from the crash. Having taken a fancy to a clearing (the main argument was the blueberry bushes nearby), he began to build a Khrushchev house with the help of an ax and some kind of mother. An ambitious nature forced me to immediately start with a hut with a European renovation. But since after an inspired hundred-meter walk in the direction opposite to the appearance of smiling representatives of the local population, you can easily lose the construction site, we had to also erect a hut, fortunately it is indicated by a sign. Feeling like Samson, I jumped and carried two logs in one hand, building the house of my dreams. It turned out bad. Our hero is headless, in the literal sense of the word, items fall out of the loot after a reboot, I considered myself too cool for a vegan mod, and the bugs are simply a masterpiece, although it is precisely because of them that the game has such a unique charm. After I stepped on a tree stump in the dark and flew away towards the earth’s orbit, I am no longer surprised by anything in the forest, although suddenly appearing textures can cause cardiac arrest.

Taught by bitter experience, I didn’t light a fire at night, thank God that the felled logs glow in the dark. After building the house, it became a little easier, although it did not have doors, and the island psychics could easily see me through the walls, and sometimes walked through them in the style of Jesus and greeted me nicely. The fence was needed immediately. In general, it took me about two in-game weeks to build a normal shelter, with breaks to capture varanthus and wonderful runs from the herd of Bruce Willis in feathers. Now it was not scary to roast a rabbit at home and comfortably look at the stars. Only after that I began to explore the island, which, by the way, turned out to be very big.

After the release of the latest addition, a miracle happened, and items that had been hastily stuffed into a backpack now remained there. This prompted me to go to the yacht and pick up the flare gun and player. The first helps to explore the caves, the second restores energy. And in general, with a full backpack it’s somehow more pleasant to walk through wooded hills and enter into discussions with everyone who is dissatisfied. I’m now thoroughly familiar with the forest, but I’m not tired of the game yet, on the contrary, it’s the juice, I’m waiting for new features.

A couple of tips for beginners.

  • Don't worry about bugs. You can always turn bugs to your aid!
  • Don't light fires on the first nights. It’s better to “warm up” with logs on your shoulders than to wait for witnesses of the Forest Holy Spirit to visit; I think you won’t like their brochures. Eat bars and berries
  • Fishing is more productive. More will fit into a backpack.
  • Dead monitor lizards provide armor that you can stick to and pass for a transformer.
  • Thanks to a bug, when you shoot tasty animals with a rocket launcher, you can watch them multiply by two, which is not bad. The other side is that you can often catch fire yourself, thereby igniting joy in the hearts of the islanders.
  • Look for seeds (those plus signs above berries and flowers), plant them in your front gardens at home. Don't be shy, it will come in handy.
  • Running away is not cowardice. The block worked for me by 10-15 percent, and the lack of energy is now treated by the player. While there is no rocket launcher, it is better not to get up from low start because they will find you. Sooner or later.
  • If you are in a battle and your chances of winning are slim, try improvising. For example, by quickly pressing the space bar, you can swing at a tree, watching the surprised eyes of your enemies from there.
  • Water is your salvation. The natives did not take swimming courses. Legend has it that Tommy Varsati is among them somewhere.

  • It’s not difficult to get comfortable on the island, but then it’s difficult to get away from the computer. So good luck to everyone in surviving!


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