Is it calm now? Is it dangerous to travel around Europe now? Tour operators at a low start

Türkiye on the map:

Antalya and nearby resorts

Some of the most protected cities are Antalya, Belek and Kemer. Security here consists of special natural conditions and actions of the authorities.

Security factors:

  1. Geographical location and landscape features. On one side, the coastal waters act as a kind of border for the resorts, and on the other, the mountain range. This landscape has contributed to the fact that the places of entry and exit from the resort are strictly limited and are under the control of Turkish security forces.
  2. Since 2017, the number of police stations, including mobile ones, has been increased in the tourist area. The result is an inspection of almost every car entering and moving through the resort lands. The check includes control of documents and purposes of entry, as well as direct inspection of the trunk and interior. Inspections are also carried out Shuttle Buses, if their route runs through the territory of regions bordering Syria.
  3. In the zones of Antalya, Belek and Kemer, the number of police officers, including in civilian clothes, has been increased to monitor and ensure the safety of vacationers.

Special security measures apply in:

  1. Complete check of incoming vehicles. It is worth noting that the time spent on inspecting documents, the interior and the trunk is compensated by an increase in the number of entry lanes (5 instead of the previous two), so there is no special transport delay.
  2. The number of passengers subject to personal search at the entrance to the airport has been increased.
  3. Expansion of the staff responsible for security in the building and on the territory of the resort air harbor. Today, more than 1,600 employees are employed here, compared to 350 people in 2017.

By the way, the adequacy and effectiveness of the security measures taken at Antalya Airport were confirmed by the International Civil Aviation Commission.


Due to its territorial location and special distance from the Syrian border, this Turkish town is among the safest.

By the way! Experienced tourists claim that Bodrum’s atmosphere is more Greek than Turkish.

An additional safety factor is the fact that it is possible to get to the resort by direct flight from the Russian capital, which eliminates forced transfers, for example, at Istanbul airport. IN summer period the number of flights to Bodrum may increase as charter programs are often launched.

The atmosphere of Bodrum in the video:


Unlike the provincial and cozy, but not devoid of youth entertainment, Bodrum, this Turkish resort is a city with a European atmosphere. There is everything for a good holiday - luxury shops, beautiful park areas, picturesque embankments and streets and, of course, the gentle sea.

The only factor worth considering if you plan to travel regular flights that the flight will involve a connection at Istanbul airport. Plus, the nearest airport is Dalaman Airport, which is 50 km from Marmaris itself.

Criteria for choosing a holiday destination

So the direction is open, chartered flight- Scheduled. However, when going on vacation, you should adhere to some rules.

Try to choose the right hotel. To do this, find out all the information about the current situation in the area, as well as the level of stability in nearby cities. It would be a good idea to write down emergency phone numbers. Ambulance, fire and police numbers may be helpful. Be sure to always keep the address of your embassy and its telephone number with you, if you are going to travel outside the hotel, always take all documents and money with you. But it is still better to refrain from excursions that require a long journey.

Be sure to constantly monitor events taking place in the state, especially at the time of arrival and departure. Be aware of the rules for visiting the country. Often a tour package is purchased long before the scheduled departure date, so it is necessary to control possible changes in the level of stability in the selected region.

The vigilance and full awareness of the tourist is the key to a good and, most importantly, safe holiday on.

Why you should go to Turkey

The attractiveness of the country and the affirmative answer to the question of whether it is worth going to Turkey in 2019 are caused by a number of factors:

The attractiveness of the country is caused by a number of factors:

  1. Visa-free regime, which means the possibility of “spontaneous” travel on a “last minute” package.
  2. A short flight from the central part of Russia, as well as the availability of non-stop charter flights from other cities in the country. The Turkish authorities provide subsidies for charter flights from Russia. In the past year, the amount for each flight was 6-8 thousand US dollars.
  3. Excellent price-quality ratio, including the opportunity to choose all-inclusive accommodation and meals, while paying less than for a similar range of services in other countries.
  4. Optimal temperature ratio of sea water and air. In Turkey, for example, in the summer there is no sweltering heat felt during the same period in Egypt.
  5. The presence of ideal conditions for relaxation with children of different ages. This includes the level of equipment for children's play areas, a variety of entertainment and the presence of Russian-speaking staff.

This is not a complete list of benefits that many Russian travelers seek to get from their holidays.

The Turkish authorities are no less interested in the presence of Russians at their resorts, so security issues foreign citizens are placed on a par with further development tourism infrastructure.

How much does it cost to go to Turkey in 2019: prices and special offers

It remains interesting that despite the steady growth in demand for the Turkish destination among Russian tourists, there are no proposals from the Turkish authorities to increase the number of specially designated flights. At the same time, representatives of the Turkish tourism industry are talking about a possible increase in prices for travel packages, the percentage increase in price will be 10-20%

A reasonable question arises: how to save money on a trip to Turkey. The solution on the surface is early booking and redemption of the tour. This will not only allow you to buy a ticket without an additional increase in price (savings will be about 15%), but also eliminate the fact that there will simply be no space left for the charter

Expected prices for September 2019

A trip for two to Antalya with a departure from 7 days will cost at least 40,000 rubles. This price is available for accommodation in a 3-star hotel and breakfast included.

It is worth noting that even taking into account the rise in the cost of a trip to Turkey, this route remains the best-selling among operators such as Anex Tour, Pegas Touristik, TUI, Intourist. These companies note an average increase in demand for safe resorts in Turkey by 60%.

And since the beginning of the year, flights have been available for the entire tourist season in Turkey.

Türkiye is a country of unique culture and service. Following safety measures and choosing the right resort can make your trip to this country unforgettable.

“There are armed police at the airport, hotels and beaches”

Is it safe to holiday in Turkey? The story of a Ural resident who returned with his family from Belek

Turkey, lost for the Russians for almost a year (last fall, the Russian Federation imposed a ban on charter flights due to a Turkish-made Russian plane) is trying to regain the favor of our compatriots low prices, high service and all-inclusive system. However, not all vacation lovers in Turkey are ready to go on vacation to the beaches of Antalya, Kemer and Belek, which once became almost their own. After all, Türkiye borders on warring Syria, and the media constantly reports on terrorist attacks on the territory of the state. Security-related questions arise reasonably. A resident of Yekaterinburg, partner of the law firm Veritas Law Office, Roman Lukichev returned with his family from a vacation from Turkey a couple of days ago and told the site whether tourists should be afraid.

Considering that this year we have already vacationed three times in Spain and Greece, this vacation was not planned. But the worsening weather, which coincided with the end of several projects, led to the thought: it’s time to warm up.

We are in love with Portugal and initially considered it and, as an option, Greece. But the travel agent suggested seeing Turkey. The wife’s initial reaction: “of course not, it’s not safe there.” The travel agent insisted - in tourist areas everything is calm, there is no reason to worry.

Prices for one week for two adults and two children at the 5-star hotel started from 90 thousand rubles! This is against the 250 thousand that we paid for a vacation in Rhodes this summer. The flight to Portugal alone cost this amount.

Preparing for the trip, I monitor the Internet on the situation in Turkey, while at the same time reading reviews of those who have just arrived. I understand that it is possible to go, and I finally decide: we are going to a country with a red flag, which we have not been to since 2008. On the advice of the agent, we choose a hotel - Port Nature Luxury Resort in Belek. The hotel is new, ultra all inclusive, price for two is just over 120 thousand for 7 days. Let's take it.

The Boeing 757-800 plane departing from Yekaterinburg is full, only four free seats. Antalya Airport is greeted by a large queue for passport control and unsmiling officials.

There are quite a lot of police officers with guns (in holsters) at the airport. Later we notice that armed guards are also present in the hotel, but this is not annoying: at night they patrol the territory, and during the day they are seen near the beach and in the reception area.

In this case, no danger or inconvenience is felt.

We felt how much the Turks were waiting for the Russians on the way to the hotel.

EXPO 2016 is taking place in Antalya, along the route there is advertising in Russian: they say that “Russian pop stars” perform at EXPO every week (I don’t really like them, I only remember “VIA Gra”). The guide talks about this when he invites you to the EXPO.

With rare exceptions, the staff at the hotel is very friendly: more than once they came up and asked if we were happy with our vacation and wished us a great continuation.

The weather is excellent: at night plus 18-20, during the day plus 29-31, water temperature - plus 25. Very comfortable, no sizzling heat.

The hotel is really new, the rooms are of high quality renovation, good furniture. In numerous halls there are comfortable and beautiful sofas in incredible quantities. The question arose whether the entire furniture factory had been bought. The hotel has six or seven bars, each of them with imported drinks of famous brands: gin, rum, whiskey, vermouth and liqueurs. For children - Movenpick ice cream. Cocktails are also made from high-quality ingredients. Bottled beer and soda, juice in bags. There is a lot of food, it is varied.

The hotel is full, this is especially evident in the restaurant during peak hours - streams of people flow from the places where food is laid out to the tables and tables located in four differently decorated areas. There are a lot of people on the beach, where towards lunchtime almost all the sun loungers are occupied. There are significantly fewer people at the pools, with the exception of the pool with children's slides.

The contingent is Russians (80 percent), Kazakhs (10 percent), there are Ukrainians, a few Germans, and French.

When I asked why there were so few foreigners, the hotel employee replied that after the terrorist attacks in Istanbul, the number of tourists from Germany and others had sharply decreased European countries. He also connected this trend with disagreements between Turkish President Erdogan and the Europeans over the conditions for joining the EU.

Compared to the last trip to Turkey in 2008, tourist places have changed for the better. For example, new expensive five-star hotels are being intensively built in Belek. Just recently, the Rixos Hotel amusement park opened with the largest water park in Europe.

There is no nervousness, no sense of danger either in the hotel or on the streets, everything is very calm - like at resorts in other countries, for example, in Greece. The strengthening of security measures can only be judged by the presence of police on the streets (usually there are almost none), and a small gendarme checkpoint has been set up near the airport (you can’t even call it a checkpoint). When we arrived past the checkpoint, there were several policemen nearby, only one car was searched, the rest passed freely. To avoid traffic jams at the checkpoint, the roadway was widened to four or five lanes.

In Belek, we talked with a photographer who makes his living photographing tourists with a parrot. He said that when the flow of tourists from Russia dried up, hotels were almost empty, many did not have jobs, and this affected people’s mood. Therefore, the return of Russian tourists is welcome here.

This, in my opinion, manifested itself in the attitude of locals towards Russians.

It feels like before the service staff paid a little more attention to tourists from Europe. Now they are almost gone, but the Russians have left.

And our compatriots, it seemed to me, began to behave more restrained and calmer than in previous years. Despite the predominance of Russians, we have not seen any manifestations of the irrepressible national holiday. A seriously drunk fellow countryman was observed only once... There were no fights or scandals.

My photographer interlocutor says that neither the echo of the Syrian war nor the echoes of political events in Istanbul reach the tourist areas. He learned about the July coup attempt in the mosque from the words of the mullah. And it was an ordinary holiday day, like all the others.

...The youngest daughter, she will soon be 5 years old, asked yesterday: “Dad, are we going to Turkey in three days? No? And in five? Is it really only in March? Türkiye has found a place in the hearts of my children. My wife and I are happy too. So, we'll come back again.

Help website

According to the executive director of the Ural Tourism Association, Mikhail Maltsev, in September alone, more than 7 thousand Ural residents visited Turkey, and about 30 flights were made. This is more than expected by tourism market participants. Encouraged by demand, they are increasing the number of flights to Turkey. For example, since yesterday another one appeared in Koltsovo new flight operator Tez Tour. However, the load on flights is beginning to decline - this is due to the seasonal factor.

Frightening terrorist attacks: explosion in Cairo, shootout in Luxor - popular tourist place, a terrible tragedy in Sousse (Tunisia), a bomb explosion in Thailand - led to a huge number of refusals of trips to hot spots. The armed conflict on the border of the Sinai Peninsula has left many tourists baffled. This is understandable, because Sharm el-Sheikh is just a stone's throw from the places where armed groups clashed. Egyptian authorities, trying to prevent future guests from fearing the country, say that the troops are in complete control of the peninsula. They can be understood. The three billion dollars that flow into the Egyptian treasury annually are the contribution of our compatriots. Question: “Is it dangerous to go to Egypt now?” every sane tourist asks. We will try to answer it. Our story is based on genuine reviews from Russians who spent the summer of 2018 in Egypt.

Sofia Egorova (vacated in Sharm in July 2018):

“The atmosphere throughout the resort is calm. The only thing that immediately caught my eye was the large number of roadblocks. At the exit from the city, at the entrances to entertainment centers, at the main attractions there are armed men in black uniforms. I have never heard a single warning or word about a threat.”

The country is truly unsettled. For 4 years, reports about Egyptian military events have constantly appeared in news releases:

Chronology of events

Winter - 2011. Revolution in Egypt. Resignation of President Hosni Mubarak. Street demonstrations, thousands of victims.

On Egyptian resorts in February 2011, about 40 thousand Russians were on vacation. However, Moscow companies have stopped selling tours to Egypt.

Summer 2013. The overthrow of President Mohamed Morsi, anti-government demonstrations, riots. A state of emergency has been declared in the country.

Egypt has begun evacuating tourists from Finland and Norway. Tour operators in these countries have canceled the sale of Egyptian tour packages. The Russian Foreign Ministry recommended that Russian citizens refrain from traveling. Rostourism did not deal with evacuation, because, according to him, Russian tourists are in no hurry to go home, despite the state of emergency introduced in the country. Excursion programs: travel to Israel, Cairo, etc. is prohibited, but the curfew at the main resorts has been lifted.

Summer - 2015. June 10 - suicide bombing at the Karnak Temple in Luxor. July 1 - Fierce clashes occurred between government forces and Islamist militants in the Sinai Peninsula.

The huge flow of tourists holidaying in Egypt reminds mountain rivers exactly the opposite. In bad weather, rivers boil and overflow their banks, and on fine days they become shallow. During the political calm, tourists travel to Egypt in orderly ranks, or rather, by plane, and in times of troubles these ranks noticeably thin out. But they don’t run out! Some citizens are attracted by tempting discounts, others by low occupancy of hotels, etc.

Two views on one situation

The country is “storming”, but our tourists continue to relax in Sinai. What is this - the stupid Russian “maybe it’ll blow by” or something else? We are publishing two views on the situation with the sale of tours to Egypt in the summer of 2013.


REN program “News 24 Hours”:

“Russian tourists, apparently, have adopted the principle: Egypt is a godsend for extreme sports enthusiasts. Against all odds, they travel to a war-torn country. The Federal Tourism Agency provided data that no more than 2-3 people come on the flight. Those who are already vacationing on the Red Sea are not going to return ahead of schedule.”


“I bought a tour to Sharm six months before the trip. Attracted by the system early booking- I wanted to save money. A month before departure, when I learned about the unrest in Egypt, I was horrified. How to fly with a child to a troubled country? I ran to the agency to return the ticket or redirect the tour. But, alas! “Until Rostourism bans flights, we will not return money if you cancel your trip!” - this was the response of the tour operator. They reassured me that the resorts were carefully guarded, that it was safe there and there was no reason to worry, in general, they persuaded me. I flew with a heavy heart. And although everything went well, even excellent, I decided for myself to never use the early booking service, our world is too fickle.”

August - 2016. Situation at the resorts of Egypt

Heat, a sparkling sea with a dozen boats on the horizon, tanned tourists bargaining furiously with stall sellers - this is what Sharm el-Sheikh looks like today. And although the situation in Egypt today is calm, soldiers with weapons are a common sight on the streets of resorts. For Egyptians, tourism is a huge, and sometimes the only, source of income. Therefore, they care about the safety of vacationers. D. Medvedev, having attended the opening of the Suez Canal in early August, recommended that Russians definitely go to the Red Sea.

Nadezhda (Rested in Hurghada at the Palm Hotel Beach Resort in August 2016):

“I am so glad that, on the advice of my relatives, I chose this hotel! The animation is luxurious. We were not allowed to get bored. The hotel photographer arranged a photo shoot for us, and we were envious of ourselves: we turned out so happy and beautiful. Rest for 5+.”

Andrey (traveled to Egypt in 2016):

“Everything was good. I didn’t like two things: ants in the room and lack of sunbeds on the beach.”

As you can see, Russians go to Egypt to relax and political situation They are less worried than the lack of sun loungers on the beach, and ants seem to be the main problem of an Egyptian holiday. Therefore, to the question: “Is it possible to go to the country of camels now?” we answer: “Yes!”. The situation in 2015 is difficult, but does not pose a danger to tourists. We will talk further about what is really dangerous in Egypt.

Forewarned is forearmed

Warning 1. Beware of sunlight!

There is a lot of talk about the Egyptian heat. In August 2016, the earth's star broke all records - it warmed the Arabian air to + 55 C°. Protective creams, Panama hats, and umbrellas should be packed in the suitcase first.

Warning 2: Avoid renting a car!

It’s convenient to leave the hotel, get behind the wheel and drive along your route. You can be free and not depend on tour operators and taxi drivers in any country in the world, with the exception of Egypt. Rules traffic for the Egyptians either does not exist at all, or they are compiled according to laws unknown to the whole world. We do not recommend understanding them. Get into a minibus and they will drive you in any direction for pennies. You will not see buses that overturn on the highways and you will not become passengers. The country's authorities have banned long trips until the situation for tourists in the country becomes more favorable.

Warning 3: Be picky about what you eat!

Horror movies about food Egyptian hotels rock the internet. These are fairy tales in which the truth reaches no more than 2%. For quality " buffet"replies the restaurant chef. Not everyone can be called a master of their craft. That's why reviews about nutrition are so contradictory. Sometimes tourists confuse poisoning with overeating, because the symptoms: nausea, bloating, diarrhea are the same for these conditions. Remember! The volume of a single meal should fit into a regular glass, no more. Use only bottled water to brush your teeth and drink. You can read more about food in Egyptian hotels.

Warning 4. Beware of poisonous aquatic life!

This is really dangerous! Stinging cells that corals release at night, stone fish, electric stingrays, poisonous fish and urchins - acquaintance with these representatives of the Red Sea should be avoided. “Don’t touch anything in the water!” - this is how Arab guides begin excursions in Egypt.

Warning 5: Sharks!

The Red Sea is among the outsiders in the list of zones where attacks by toothy predators on people are not uncommon. The first place in this list is occupied by the coasts of Australia, America and South Africa.

Alexander Kasumyan (Doctor of Biological Sciences ):

When going on vacation with your beloved child, you need to be prepared for any surprises, and when going on vacation to another continent, you need to be fully prepared, not 100%, but 200%! What medications to take with you, what to feed the child, what clothes to pack, what to do if the child suddenly gets sick - these and many other questions torment parents. To avoid troubles, before departure we recommend reading the tips for those traveling to Egypt with a child.

And finally

The purpose of our story is not to scare, but to warn about troubles that could disrupt relaxing holiday. Foreign travel from Russia due to economic reasons decreased by 30%. Egypt, according to statistics from the Federal Tourism Agency, lost only 14% of potential tourists. Our compatriots, trusting the advice of friends and relatives, boldly fly to Egypt. The Red Sea is amazing and everyone should see it!

Jun 6, 2018 Kate

Before the notorious events, Ukrainian resorts for our families were like a traditional summer schedule. The habit, clarity and democratic nature of the price tag were captivating in post-Soviet times. Now it's a different story. A trip to a Ukrainian resort destination is associated with real extreme sports. Before you decide, you weigh the pros and cons, surf the Internet, call those who have relatives still there. And now, of course, the questions are different: not prices and crowds on the beach, but calm, only calm. However, where is it different now?

The train is Belarusian. Therefore, the entire journey, which, however, seems short (I sat down in the evening, around noon in Odessa), does not leave you with the feeling that your homeland is with you. And this significantly relieves tension. The air conditioning again works properly, without adding ordinary irritability to the nerves. Music can be turned up to the ground when it gets boring. The process is generally manageable. The conductor scurries silently along the red carpet:

Tea, coffee, Bobruisk marshmallows in chocolate, Belarusian cosmetics...

That is, practically at home. Unless there is a delay at the border and customs. Ours wish have a nice rest, Ukrainian - the same, but with surprise:

Is it really for vacation? That's right. Last year there were no Belarusians at all.

Girl, how are you sitting? - he pulls back the young lady, who had thrown her legs into an empty seat.

Finally. Let's be patient. The main thing is to do it.

In Zatoka we get off at the first station - Limanskaya. The first recreation center with a sea view. The administrator, having learned that we are from Belarus, rolls his eyes and calls the director. He appears and fills the doorway:

And last year - not a single one. They were afraid, obviously. There was no reason to be afraid. It's calm here. Tell me personally: it’s still calm in Odessa. What city will you be from?

Gomel. The very border with Ukraine.

What are you telling me? Been there seven times. And every time I ate hodgepodge in a restaurant railway station. The hodgepodge was excellent.

Why was? Eat!

We are accommodated in a room “by the sea” with all amenities. Democratic and proletarian: 300 hryvnia per day with three meals a day (1 dollar - 23 hryvnia). A special bonus is an electric kettle, which no one is entitled to here. The director appears unexpectedly and often. Like, how is life? Don't they offend you? One day, early in the morning, he appears in the middle of the beach, stopping his jeep near us. The day before, the tractor had been cleaning the bank all night. So he was interested in the opinion of guests from neighboring countries, whether it had become cleaner. It did. After the cleanup, the beach looked like a UFO landing site for a couple of days. We dreamed that we would stay in such wonderful solitude (we had no neighbors on the left or right for a week) for another 17 days.

Alas. The current difficulties that Ukraine is experiencing have not affected the desire to relax, leaving it intact and self-sufficient. So much so that in a matter of days there was nowhere for an apple or a cigarette butt to fall. Inflow to joy local residents came to life. The market, which was only half open, also began to fill with content. The traders, however, lamented:

Few people, few. Therefore, not all tents work. Last year we divided property here on the sly. Several bases were burned. Those who managed to come to their senses began to work. And some didn't have time. But now it’s calm. It's calm here.

We were told so often that everything was calm in these places that we probably began to finally believe it ourselves. So Uncle Grisha, who was driving to the Odessa Dolphinarium, was in a hurry to tell that the city is not breathing unrest, carefully avoiding tragic stories from the recent past (by the way, everyone here bypasses the “military theme”):

Well, of course, there are people who make trouble. But it’s just brewing, people quit their jobs, close their tents and stalls, and quickly calm down the troublemakers. We have a peaceful city. Who are we without holidaymakers? Why scare holidaymakers?

Just don’t tell anyone at Privoz that you are foreigners, otherwise they won’t give you a refund.

We disguised ourselves. And we succeeded a lot. Again, convincing calm (except that a border helicopter flew over the shore every now and then) brought us to the nearest wine-making center. We drove along an ordinary country street into a mini-“Switzerland”, a separate state in the center of the village, where everything is covered in tiles, lawns, and glass. We arrived just in time for the opening. But a good group of people were already milling about at the massive gates. Do you think people were eager to have a tasting? Not at all. A few eventually went to eat. The rest were just interested. And this “interesting” was real. Although everything is on the little things, on the competent details.

AND ancient fortress nearby in the town of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky delighted me with its unreality. It stands in ruins and scorched grass. There are signs everywhere: “Danger.” But the people flow like a river. You can try on knight's armor, fight along the way, shoot with a bow. Keep yourself busy and give some money to local enterprising people. And I didn’t mind giving it away. Of course, I really wanted to go back to Odessa, to see all the places and nooks and crannies that it is famous for and impressive. But they didn’t take the risk until they took the risk.

Uncle Grisha is taking us to the station in Odessa again. Not us alone. Family from Ivano-Frankivsk region Same. We started talking. When they found out that we were from Belarus, we perked up:

This is how Belarusians also lived with us. More precisely, Ukrainians who moved from Donetsk to Belarus. They said a lot of good things about your country.

It all depends where you are going. Of course there is a risk. But we still have to live until September.

On the other hand, we must remember that in Israel there is a very good system security. For example, in terms of aviation, Israel Airlines is considered the safest airline in the world. The fact is that the Israelis do not even pay attention to ICAO recommendations. The signed convention states that the signatory states trust the security services of airports departing flights. As a rule, the security service of the airport where the flight departs from is responsible for the safety of bringing prohibited items on board and for terrorists getting on board. This is true for all airlines except Israeli Airlines. They don't trust anyone here. The check is carried out in each port only by their service. Little of. Their inspectors can exclude any person from boarding a flight, without any explanation. Even just for profiling. Profiling is a set of measures to identify passengers harboring criminal intentions based on facial expressions, behavior, and other signs that give reason to consider them undesirable on board. And Israeli SAB inspectors don’t care if you’re just nervous or look like an Arab terrorist. Guys in civilian clothes will just come up and throw you out of line. Such rigor has an effect. Look how many Israeli planes have been hijacked throughout history. And for recent years 10 not a single case at all and not even an attempt.

Next, you don’t have to be afraid that you will be taken hostage in Israel. But the fact is that in Israel, at the legislative level, a law has been passed prohibiting negotiations with terrorists. They are given time to surrender and the attack begins. That is why in Israel hostage-taking cases are an extraordinary event. There will simply be an assault and the terrorists will be killed. They will not reach an agreement with anyone and will not waste time.

Please note. A country that is sitting on a keg of gunpowder, hostage-taking does not happen. Even recently there have been bombings on buses and shopping centers has become several times smaller. This speaks about the work of the Israeli intelligence services at the highest level and some other measures. Of course, legislation plays a huge role. Terrorists understand that even if they capture an entire stadium, they will achieve nothing and will simply die. But there is one more feature that is not usually discussed. Israeli intelligence services are identifying and arresting relatives of terrorists. They go to jail. Their houses are destroyed. They just explode. MASSAD, regardless of any agreements with other states, reserves the right to destroy terrorists and criminals on the territory of any state. So they easily poison and kill in London, the USA, and anywhere. First they try to take him out and put him on trial. If it doesn't work, they kill. And everything is sewn covered. And this also has its effect. Look how they couldn’t simply cope with Chechnya. Otherwise, being surrounded by hostile states... and it’s like water off a duck’s back. Look how many casualties there are in the army and among the civilian population of Israel. Sorry, but the cat cried. There is no comparison with the number of Arabs killed. Over the years of their country's existence, the Israelis have learned to defend themselves quite effectively. Even Khasan missiles, against which there was no protection previously, due to their small size and uncontrollability, now reach their targets less and less often.

Now look where you are going. Jerusalem will be relatively calm. The Dead Sea will also be calm. So, you don’t have to worry too much. Well, I think you yourself won’t be happy to go to the Gaza Strip. And it is unlikely that the Arabs will see their goal in tourist centers and tourists. Moreover, they have enough problems with the military. I have not heard of rockets exploding on the territory of hotels and beaches. I have not heard that explosions were being prepared and carried out in holy places, both Islamic and Christian. So, you probably shouldn’t be too afraid.


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