Charter flight: what is it and how does it differ from a regular flight? Charter flight: what does it mean? Difference between charter and scheduled flight

When buying a tour package, many travelers for the first time wonder what it is chartered flight, and how it differs from others. Let's figure it out.

To make it easier to trace the entire chain, let’s draw an analogy with school trips. In case anyone has forgotten, this is when the teacher tells the joyful children that tomorrow, instead of lessons, they will go, say, to pick mushrooms. How to organize such a trip? After all, at the bus station there is no regular flight “School - For mushrooms”. This means that the school director (tour operator) negotiates with the bus fleet (air carrier) to provide a bus on a certain date for a trip along a specific route.

The situation with charters is not much different. The task of a travel agency is to deliver a group of tourists from point “A” to point “B” with minimal costs. If exists regular flight in the right direction - great, but what if not? For example, from Odessa to Antalya it’s just a stone’s throw, but direct flight does not exist, you need to change planes in Istanbul. In such cases, the tour operator negotiates with the airline to provide him with an aircraft. Roughly speaking, rents a plane with crew.

The role of such a “tenant” can be not only Travel Company, but also, say, a football club, a political party, public organization... At the same time, the degree of wear and tear of the aircraft, the level of comfort and quality of service directly depend on how much the customer is willing to pay.

The difference between a charter flight and a regular flight

The first thing that distinguishes a charter flight from a regular one is that it is not as easy to organize as it might seem. After all, in addition to the airline and the airport, there is a third party - a tour operator. This means that everyone’s interests must be taken into account when drawing up the schedule, cost of services and other nuances. It is precisely because of failures in the interaction of these three links that problems most often occur, giving grounds to say that charters are worse than regular ones.

In fact, in both cases the same aircraft and crews are used. The only visible difference by which you can unmistakably recognize a charter is the absence of division into first class, business and economy. Here, all the seats are the same, often even moved closer for greater interior space.

  • Do not miss:

It is clear that the travel agency is trying to save as much as possible in order to reduce the final price of the tour package. You can say that he is trying for us. This is why services and meals on board are being reduced to the required minimum. So, when buying a “last minute tour” for $300, you shouldn’t make hasty conclusions, like “I was poorly fed on the plane, which means all charters are bad”...

Charter flights are also different in that they can easily be rescheduled or delayed. This is really true. Whenever emergency situation at the airport, regular routes are always released first. Which is logical, because many passengers flying on them will have to transfer, and neither the airline nor the airport wants to take responsibility for the connection failure.

What are charter flights? That's right, direct flights, no transfers. Moreover, you are flying on vacation, and people are late on business. So relax, there is no malicious intent here. Regular airlines are distinguished by the fact that they arrive on time even if there are only a few passengers on board. This does not mean that rescheduling charter flights is normal practice, you just need to be prepared for it.

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Perhaps the main difference between charter flights is that you cannot book tickets for them or even buy them in advance. Exact time Departure dates may change a few days or even hours before your upcoming trip.

Benefits of charters

  • The main thing, of course, is the price. They are significantly cheaper than regular flights.
  • No transfers, only direct flights. This means that you are not worried about the upcoming running around unfamiliar terminals. Don't be afraid of losing your luggage at the transfer airport.
  • The opportunity to get to resorts where there are simply no direct flights, except perhaps on transfer flights.

Disadvantages of charter flights

  • The schedule is not always convenient. Since charters are released when there is a free “window” between regular routes, this often means a too early or late departure. This means that you will have to wait a long time to check into a hotel upon arrival, or sacrifice a whole day of rest. In addition, the regularity of such flights differs from ordinary ones, and directly depends on the sold package tours. If these are, for example, trips for 7, 10 or 14 days, then return flights will be made exactly with this frequency.
  • Those who fly often will not like the fact that bonus miles are not awarded for such flights.
  • You can only check in for a charter flight in the “traditional” way, online registration is extremely rare.
  • Well, the main drawback is the inability to return or exchange a ticket if departure is impossible.

How to buy a ticket for a charter flight without a voucher

Typically, travel agencies sell such seats on planes exclusively as part of package tours, since it is more profitable for them. However, you need to understand that they reserve planes at the very beginning of the tourist season, relying mainly on statistics from last year. This means that they don’t always guess right. And the closer the departure date, the cheaper the company is ready to sell the remaining tickets, even separately from the tour. Sometimes you can find very tasty options, cheaper than any low-cost airline.

Recently the situation has been changing, and some travel agencies, seeing that everything more tourists They prefer to travel independently and sell seats on charters almost all year round. The problem is how to find them. Despite the existence of specialized platforms for the sale of such air tickets as, for example, the information on them is often very different from reality.

To buy charter flight tickets yourself, start by searching the websites of several major tour operators. This is where you can most often find the most “up-to-date” availability data. free seats. At the same time, you should not get hung up on buying a ticket for a charter flight without a tour. Often, a trip to some seedy “troika” with a flight costs less than a similar “regular” air ticket.

To buy a charter ticket without a voucher, you will need patience and nerves of steel. By waiting until travel agencies have lost all hope of selling a flight “in a package,” you can really get good price, and even bargain.

They have a number of advantages over charter ones, primarily thatare being carried out major airlines strictly on schedule.The aircraft cabin is usually divided into three classes: first - the most comfortable and most expensive, business and economy class. Flying in business class is, of course, much more expensive, although it is much more comfortable than flying in economy class. Here there are leather chairs, large distances between the rows, and lunch is served not on plastic trays with cheap disposable tableware, but with restaurant chic. All your requests and wishes will be fulfilled instantly. But even in economy class you will be offered the latest newspapers, goods Duty Free and lunch with wine.

Regular flights have an advantage on the takeoff field: if it is overloaded, they will be sent first, and charter passengers will have to sit and wait for their turn.

The price of a regular flight usually includes all possible risks, hence the steep ticket price. True, you can be sure that the plane will fly, even if it is not fully loaded with passengers. True, from time to time airlines organize sales of tickets at low prices, with good discounts - and then it becomes possible to fly, say, to Europe for ridiculous money. In addition, if you purchase tickets for regular flights yourself, you choose your own convenient departure time, favorable tariff, use various discounts (for example, for young people, for students, for pensioners). And also, if the airline has bonus program, you count miles, which in the future may turn into a free ticket for you.

Charter flights

They are operated by the same airlines as regular airlines, but their owner (consolidator), customer and lessee is most often large tour operator, which “lifts” the plane in a certain direction. Therefore, tickets to the “charts” are most often included in the standard “tour package”.

Then the tour operator can manage the sale of seats on the plane at its own discretion: it can keep everything for itself, or it can sell some of it under contracts to other travel agencies, companies or individuals. Sometimes tour operators unite, distribute a quota of seats and charter a plane jointly. By the way, the word “charter” comes from the English charter – freight, rent. Sometimes a tour operator that buys a charter then sells seats to other tour operators, and if after that there are still empty seats, then the ticket can be bought on free sale.

“Charters” appeared in our country with the development of external tourism - when it turned out that there were many more people who wanted to fly to distant countries than regular flights could provide. In addition, a number of popular beach resorts Regular flights simply do not operate or their number is minimal.

The frequency of flights depends on the seasonal needs of travel agencies and the workload of this line. For example, “charters” to, say, Spain and Italy have seasonal nature– they begin to be carried out at the end of April and end with the end beach season, in October.

The type of aircraft also depends on the number of passengers: it can be a Tu-154 or a Boeing, depending on how many tickets will be sold and to what destination. Charters fly in “windows” between regular flights and operate in the form of a “chain”: they deliver new tourists and immediately take away the previous ones.

The main advantage of “charters” is - But be prepared for the fact that if you bought a ticket on your own, and not as part of a tour package, then, if something happens, you are unlikely to be able to return its cost. However, the same “non-refundable fare” is also available on regular airlines – if you buy a ticket at a low cost.

Tourists who purchase a full tour package, which includes a charter flight, have the opportunity to cancel the purchase without such financial losses. For this, operators provide penalties that are specified in the contract with the agency, but they are not directly related to the cost of air tickets, but depend on the number of days remaining before the start of the trip. Each company sets its own penalties, so when booking a tour, be sure to inquire about these conditions. The exception is “high” seasons - New Year, National holidays, school break: If you cancel your trip with less than 30 days notice on these dates, the penalty will be 80-100%.

The disadvantages of charter flights that cause inconvenience to passengers also include the following:

Inconvenient departure and arrival times. Although the time is most often known when booking a tour, it can change even on the very last day. And not always in your favor. If the flight is changed from morning to evening, you lose a day of rest. And if you take a morning flight back, then two. If you depart (or arrive) very early, you will have to wait several hours before checking into your room. If it’s late, either pay extra to extend your room, or leave your luggage in a special room at the hotel and languish while waiting for departure.

Flight delay. In this case, we are talking about a delay due to technical reasons, and not due to bad weather. Of course, departures are delayed on regular flights, but this happens more often with charter flights. If there is a disruption in the schedule or the airfield is overloaded (as we wrote about above), regular flights will be sent first. In the event of an aircraft malfunction, passengers will most likely have to wait for the problems to be fixed - there is no need to expect backup aircraft, as on regular lines.

Things to remember

Very often, tourists address their dissatisfaction with a charter flight to tour operators and travel agencies where they purchased the tour. But an air ticket issued in your name, according to Ch. XV, art. 103, 105 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation - this is already an agreement air transportation between you and the airline. Therefore, for all the inconvenience caused to you The air carrier is responsible.

Every traveler who prefers any type of transport to air will sooner or later come across the concept of a charter flight. What does this mean, how does it differ from the usual one and in what cases is it convenient - it’s better to sort out all the questions in advance.

A charter flight is a non-scheduled flight ordered by a consolidator. It could be a travel agency, an intermediary company or the airline itself. The consolidator charters the plane and sends it in the desired direction.

In simple terms, the differences can be explained as follows: if a regular flight can be compared to a bus running on a schedule, then a charter flight is a taxi that is ordered and paid for for a one-time trip.

What is the difference between a charter flight and a regular flight?

There are several fundamental differences between charter and regular flights:

  • a ticket for a charter flight can be obtained the day before departure or already at the airport, whereas for a regular flight travel document issued at the time of purchase;
  • the tour operator will cancel the return ticket if the passenger fails to catch the charter flight. If a tourist plans to get to the resort in some other way and return by charter, it is necessary to notify the travel agency selling the tours in advance;
  • The charter flight may be moved to another airport or the aircraft may be replaced. This is not possible with regular flights;
  • It is not possible to book a ticket for charter flights. Occasionally, consolidators open bookings, but not for more than one day.

The main difference is that a passenger planning a trip on a charter flight does not organize the flight, but only provides his information to the travel agency. Upon arrival at the airport he picks up boarding pass and registration goes through with it.

Types of charter flights

When purchasing charter plane tickets, you need to clarify what features you may encounter during the flight. So, they can offer you:

  1. split - a flight in which part of the journey is covered using a regular flight;
  2. shuttle - the aircraft immediately after delivering one group of passengers picks up the next;
  3. poly - a charter flight with one or more transfers;
  4. a layover charter will bring tourists to their destination, and will take them back after waiting;
  5. corporate charters are ordered by large organizations to transport scientists, businessmen or other significant persons to conferences, councils, or even corporate vacations.

The most expensive type of air transportation is VIP charter, when the customer chooses the time and terms of use of the aircraft.

Advantages of charters

The best thing about charter flights is the price. This in particular explains the popularity of holidays in Turkey, Antalya, Egypt - charter flights make these tourist destinations accessible to all groups of tourists. On short routes the price can be half the cost of a regular flight. The cost of tickets does not change, but a few days before departure they usually decrease. Other benefits will be appreciated by passengers planning flights to rare destinations:

  • purchasing a ticket for a charter flight is a rare and usually the only chance to fly to a place where regular flights do not fly. The absence of transfers will allow you to save additional money;
  • a ticket for a non-scheduled flight can be easily reissued to another person if the passenger’s plans have changed;
  • Charter flights are completely non-stop. For this reason, they do not have departure priority over regular flights, since the air corridor for regular flights is strictly planned.

Low ticket costs, the opportunity to get to an unvisited place and the absence of tedious transfers are the secret to the popularity of charter flights.

Disadvantages of Charters

The advantages of irregular routes also entail their disadvantages, which air carriers compensate for with low prices:

  • Charter flights are more often postponed or delayed, because they are not a priority for airlines. If malfunctions occur, passengers will have to wait until the plane is repaired;
  • If a ticket is purchased without the help of a travel agency, you need to be prepared for the fact that the flight may be canceled if few tickets are sold. This can be a big problem since charter tickets sell out in just a few days;
  • When buying a trip with charter delivery, you need to keep in mind that it is impossible to change the duration of your stay at the resort, they strictly depend on the flight schedule;
  • unlike regular flights, bonus miles are not awarded for charter flights;
  • If reissuing a ticket is not a problem, then you won’t be able to get your money back in case of refusal.

Affordable prices also explain the impossibility of changing flight class. On charter flights all seats are economy class. This way, more seats can be accommodated, which means more profit for the travel agency.

What documents are required for a charter flight?

To purchase a ticket for such a flight, you only need a foreign passport for traveling to another country or a regular one for traveling around Russia. To reserve a seat, the passenger will need to indicate the series and number of the document, full name, date of birth and citizenship. You will be able to receive your boarding pass one day before departure, subject to full payment. To get on board the plane without any problems, you need to remember:

  • the travel document must be filled out completely and without errors - both passenger and flight coupons;
  • the passenger must familiarize himself with the rights and obligations indicated on the ticket;
  • any damage or correction to the document will invalidate it;
  • the passenger must be ready to present the ticket to the air carrier representative at any time.

Subject to these conditions the journey will pass calmly and without surprises.

How to buy a ticket for a charter flight without a voucher

Finding a ticket for a charter plane on your own is not easy, as they go on sale several days before departure. Search engine sites will help you navigate. Several online resources specialize specifically in selecting charter tickets, but large online search engines can also offer them.

The search procedure is simple:

  • you need to register on the search engine website;
  • on the main page select the “Charters” section;
  • fill in all the necessary fields - place of departure and arrival, dates, number of passengers and click on the “Find” button - the search results will appear in front of you;
  • in confirmation, applications with completed personal data have priority, so all of them must be accurately transferred from the international passport;
  • After filling out all the fields, including contact information, click on the “Book” button.

After some time, the operator will contact you and clarify further actions. One day is given to pay for the ticket, otherwise the reservation is cancelled. You can pay for your purchase by bank card on the website or in cash. This service is provided by Svyaznoy salons.

An electronic ticket is usually ready several days before departure, but personal account it appears no later than 24 hours before departure. If the airline provides an online check-in service, the passenger will be able to check in in advance, select a seat and print a boarding pass.

It should be noted that online check-in for a charter flight is possible in extremely rare cases. This opportunity is not offered by every airline. For example, Aeroflot and S7 do not provide it at all, and Ural Airlines allows it only for some charters.

Another option to purchase a ticket for a charter flight would be to contact travel agencies that regularly sell last-minute, that is, unclaimed tickets.

Which airlines operate charter flights?

This service is provided by almost all airlines - Aeroflot, S7, NordStar Airlines, Yakutia, Utair, Rusline, Ural Airlines and others. The following airlines also operate charter flights in Russia:

  • I FLY - enters into contracts with TEZ TOUR and flies from Vnukovo to Spain, Egypt, Turkey, Italy and Thailand;
  • Pegasus Fly— organizes irregular flights to airports in Europe, Asia and Africa;
  • Red Wings Airlines— sends planes from Domodedovo to the most popular tourist destinations: to Spain, Greece, Egypt and other countries;
  • Azur Air - works together with Anex Tour;
  • Royal flight - cooperates with Coral Travel and operates flights on mass tourist routes: Goa, Barcelona, ​​Sharm el-Sheikh, Kemer, Antalya, popular resorts South-East Asia;
  • Nordwind - performs charter flights to Europe, the UAE, and others popular places recreation.

The word “charter” has come into common use among modern travelers, but as surveys show: few people understand exactly what it is and how it differs from a regular flight. Most often, when asked: “What is a charter?”, people answer something like: cheap flight, direct flight over long distances. But how does it differ from regular flights? AND what's better— charter or regular flight? We invite you to understand this topic together once and for all.

What is the difference between a charter and a regular flight?

The biggest difference between a charter and a regular flight lies in the terrible word - “chartering” :). But in fact, there is nothing wrong with it. Freight is when someone pays the owner. vehicle(airplane, ship) for the opportunity to transport its passengers in it.

Who uses it? Of course, tour operators who are interested in optimizing the cost of tours and their expenses for transporting tourists. Let’s say a tour operator wants to sell as many tours to Bali from Moscow as possible, but understands that regular flights take a long time (several transfers) and are expensive (airline fares change all the time). Then the tour operator buys all the seats, for example, on a Rossiya Airlines plane and launches its charter to Bali. Because Since all the seats were purchased in bulk, the cost of the flight as part of the tour is often not as high as on a regular basis.

Thus, it is also beneficial for airlines, because... Their ships are not idle and tour operators can reduce the costs of transporting tourists.

Which is better: charter or regular flight?

This is a question that interests many travelers. After all, they worry about their comfort and safety in flight. Let's look together at the main advantages and disadvantages, as well as the main differences between a charter flight and a regular flight.

Is this a regular flight?

This constant flights, which are organized by the airlines themselves according to a clear schedule approved in advance. That is why, long before departure, you have a ticket in your hands, which contains all the necessary details for you: the name of the airline, flight number, departure time, and so on. Tickets for regular flights can be purchased at airport ticket offices or on the Internet - for example, at Aviasales.


  • Clear schedule and fixed departure time.
  • A ticket for a scheduled flight is a legal document between the customer and the airline, and in case of anything the airline is directly responsible for everything.
  • Behind unused ticket You can get a full or partial refund.
  • The client immediately knows which airline he is flying with (and for many this is important).
  • Regular flights allow you to accumulate miles and participate in all bonus programs.
  • In case of flight delay, the airline is guaranteed to provide the client with all amenities: food, drinks and hotel. And if none of this was provided, you can.
  • For regular flights, you can choose the level of comfort on board: economy, business or first class.


  • Insufficient coverage - direct scheduled flights operate on a limited number of routes.
  • The price of traditional flights tends to constantly change and increase closer to the departure date, which is not the case with charters.
  • Most regular long-distance flights involve transfers, sometimes very long and inconvenient.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW: To save on the cost of regular flights, tickets should be purchased in advance and preferably immediately there and back. This is often an order of magnitude cheaper than purchasing tickets separately.

What is a charter flight?

From what was said earlier, it is clear that a charter flight is a flight operated not by an airline, but by one or another tourism operator that charters the entire aircraft or some part of it. Such flights are most often a seasonal phenomenon. A large number of them occur in two seasons: summer (from May to September) and winter (from December to March). A ticket for such a flight cannot be purchased at the ticket office or from the airline directly; they are sold only through tour operators or through special online services- more about this below.

To better understand the specifics of such a flight, let’s consider its main pros and cons.


  • The main advantage is that the price is often lower. Especially on short routes (30 - 50 percent benefit compared to regular routes).
  • Right before departure or a few days in advance, the cost of a ticket often drops significantly.
  • Charters fly to rare destinations. To places where regular flights either do not fly directly or fly infrequently.
  • Direct flights only - no transfers.
  • Passenger lists are compiled right before departure, so you can change your last name on your ticket for free or with a minimal surcharge.
  • Luggage is always included. Recently, this has been very relevant, due to the fact that most airlines are trying to introduce baggage-free fares.


  • The charter flight schedule is nominal. The exact time becomes known just 24 hours before departure. Thus, think about the docking in advance,
    if you need it, it is not possible.
  • Tickets for charter flights are non-refundable.
  • Charter flights do not earn miles and do not participate in bonus programs at all.
  • All passengers are in the same conditions. There is no choice in terms of comfort level.
  • Information about the air carrier often becomes known to the client only after purchasing tickets.

General conclusions

From all of the above, it is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion - which is better, a charter or a regular flight. The decision to choose one or another flight option, in our opinion, should be made situationally - depending on the direction you are flying, the availability of charters and their prices.

If we talk about the low cost of charters - a factor that is decisive for many people, then it is not always lower than that of regular flights. In addition, the lowest price for a charter is almost always set just a few days before departure, which complicates the process of preparing for the vacation, because... you cannot be sure that it will fall. It depends on the tour operator’s flight load and other factors.

Therefore, before making a decision and making a choice between a charter flight and a regular one, thoroughly study the cost of tickets for regular flights (if such exist at all in your direction). And if the cost is not much different, we still recommend that you fly on regular flights. This is both safer and more comfortable for many reasons.

Purchasing air tickets for regular or charter flights

You can buy tickets for both flight options using various online ticket offices. There are a lot of them, prices everywhere differ in one direction or another, and it is worth noting that tickets for charters, unlike regular ones, are sold by a very limited number of ticket offices, which can literally be counted on one’s fingers. However, if you search for tickets through the Aviasales service, you will be offered all flight options available from more than 100 ticket offices and airlines from around the world and you can be sure that you are seeing the lowest price.

In order to find air tickets at the lowest prices, use this search form, indicating the flight directions, the dates you need and the number of people.

If you do not have a strict departure/arrival time frame, then you can find out which dates the cheapest tickets are sold for using the low price calendar, which marks dates from low prices in green.

Separately, we note that, unlike others search engines, on Aviasales charter tickets are marked with a special “CHARTER” icon, as in the picture below. So it will be easy for you to distinguish a charter from a regular flight.

Modern realities provide every person with the opportunity to see the world. Most citizens prefer to travel by air - this method significantly reduces travel time and is considered quite comfortable. People who have flown by plane have heard of the concept of “charter flights.” We invite you to learn the nuances about the specifics of such travel and clarify what this term means.

Let's start with a clear definition, What is a charter plane flight? Compared to regular transportation, such routes are carried out by prior agreement. The intermediary in this scheme is the tourist operator, who submits applications to the contractor for routes that are optimal for tourists. Sometimes this role is played by an ordinary independent reseller, who subsequently offers convenient routes for specific travel companies.

A charter flight involves transporting passengers along a specific route that is not listed on the schedule.

If we compare this method of movement with the usual for many people by land transport, readers will easily answer the question: “Charter flight – what does it mean?” After all, the first analogy here is transportation to order. Accordingly, it is impossible to fly such planes on your own - such routes are not listed on the schedules. You can only buy air tickets here from a specific tour operator. Of course, this also presupposes an order finished tour in this company, although there are exceptions.

The intermediary offering this method of transportation is responsible for its quality and timeliness. In addition, a third party is preparing to assemble the aircraft for departure. This will require completing the necessary paperwork for passengers to fly, preparing a list of reservations, and implementing a set of related activities.

According to experts, charter flights are a way to reduce the load on airlines during the holiday period of most citizens and peak tourist seasons. Although this option has some features and inconveniences, there are also advantages. Let’s take a closer look at all the rumors associated with this type of transportation and see how true they are.

Charter classification

Charters provide separate types of flights. The cheapest planes are those chartered for up to 10 days. They carry out the flight, stay for the agreed time and take passengers back. Experts call this method a layover charter or a time charter. Let's list other types of such methods of delivering tourists:

  • shuttle– regular flights to deliver passengers to the required point;
  • split– combining a flight with a regular route that involves transfer of tourists; experts call a route involving more than two transfers a poly charter;
  • closed flight– corporate transportation of passengers;
  • VIP – chartering a liner for a certain period of time with the customer’s full right to use the board at his own discretion.

Time charters are flights where the board delivers passengers to the desired point, stays there for an agreed period of time and takes people back

In addition, the intermediary has the right to buy and. This option is called block charter. This is usually done by operators who do not have a sufficient number of passenger requests to buy the entire plane.

Route specifics

People who have used such services talk about the imperfections and low comfort of such flights. But at the same time Passengers note the low cost of travel.

Let us briefly explain the reasons for this phenomenon. Since such routes are purchased by an intermediary, and often this is done for commercial purposes, there is a third party in addition to the carrier and tourists. Coordination of the interests of the parties interested in the transaction does not exclude the manifestation of poor organization of the business. As a result, possible flight schedule overlaps and other nuances appear.

However, the cheapest flight today is a charter flight. Here they use aircraft only with an economy class cabin. The seats here are the same and the number of seats is increased relative to aircraft flying on a regular route. In addition, food provided for passengers is limited here. This causes frequent complaints from tourists.

There are also features with . Regular routes require the passenger to reserve a seat or purchase a ticket in advance. A charter is a flight on which the seats are purchased by an intermediary, so air tickets for such a flight are available only at the time of check-in. However, there are exceptions to this as well. general rule. We'll discuss them later.

A charter flight differs from a regular flight in the presence of an intermediary

Since such flights involve some inconvenience, many people mistakenly believe that charters are not the most the best way planning your route. Experts agree with this statement, but also note the advantages of this method. Let's talk about the advantages of such flights.

Positive sides

Let us list the advantages of this method over regular flights.

  1. Flights on rare routes. As a rule, this type of travel allows the tourist to reach countries where there are no flights. Often a charter becomes the only option to get to exotic and little-known places.
  2. Cheap travel. It is foolish to deny the fact that such a flight has a fairly low cost. This is due to a combination of different factors, but the cheapness of the charter is obvious. These flights sometimes cost half the price of a regular flight.
  3. No transfers. Here experts note that this plane follows a direct route and thereby reduces the inconvenience of passengers.

Charter flights - cheap way get to remote corners of the planet

The complex of such aspects makes this type of flight an attractive method for a certain category of tourists. Although we note that such flights are characterized negatively due to large number shortcomings. Let's talk about them too.

Disadvantages of charter flights

Answering the question: “Charter – what is it?”, experts simultaneously give a comprehensive description of the negative aspects of this type of flight. There are many disadvantages here - after all, the flight was created by an intermediary exclusively for commercial purposes. The main disadvantages of this method are:

  1. Possibility of flight delay or rescheduling. Because charters do not involve transfers, air traffic controllers give priority for landings and departures to planes that operate scheduled flights in order to meet the schedule.
  2. Inability to purchase a ticket in advance. As we said, you can only get a seat on such a plane when you check in for your flight. In rare exceptions, air tickets go on sale immediately before departure or the day before the planned flight.
  3. Strictly regulated periods of stay at the resort. The specifics of the charter imply specific days of departure from the country, so the passenger will not be able to shorten or extend the trip by purchasing seats in both directions.
  4. Flights in standard economy cabins. The desire of a tourist to travel comfortably in such cases cannot be realized. After all, there is no provision for the passenger to change his seat to a more prestigious equivalent.
  5. Impossibility of a refund for a purchased air ticket. If force majeure occurs, the passenger will not return the ticket. Refunds are also not possible. A purchased place can only be re-registered to another person.
  6. Lack of bonus accounting. This type of flight does not involve accrual bonus miles, as for regular flights.

Given the many disadvantages of chartering, many people are wary of this type of travel. However, in certain situations, such a route becomes the only way to get to the desired point in the world. We have briefly discussed the general specifics of the flight, and now we will dwell in more detail on the nuances of purchasing seats on such flights.

Features of purchasing air tickets

Since the entire flight is purchased by an intermediary, the purchase of seats here has its own specifics. When chartering a board, a travel company calculates the return on investment of the transaction. It is profitable for the company to sell everything charter flights. What does this mean? Experts talk about lack of general access to purchase these securities. Although today intermediaries place unsold remaining tickets on specialized portals. You will visit one of them by following the link. You can also purchase a seat on board directly from the tour operator..

It is believed that the most a reliable option for a passenger is to purchase a tour that includes a flight. Indeed, if the ship is not full enough, the flight is postponed for a certain period. And changing the airport depending on the departure time is not uncommon here. Independent purchase of an air ticket is possible only two days before the planned trip. This is rare here; sometimes operators use this technique, but only a day before departure.

Experts' opinion

There are many misconceptions passengers have regarding this flight option. Most people are sure that such transportation is carried out only by outdated models of airliners. Experts categorically disagree with this statement. Charters include flying on different aircraft, including modern aircraft.

Contrary to popular belief, a charter cannot be canceled - flights are only postponed with a significant time shift

Many passengers talk about poor food and lack of service. Here experts note the fact of providing the required minimum of services, which are determined by the flight range. In addition, if the plane is delayed, passengers have the right to use the service provided by the carrier airline - free meals at the airport and overnight accommodation in case of serious disruptions to the travel schedule.

Some tourists negatively characterize a charter flight due to the possibility of trip cancellation. Experts convince us of the opposite opinion. Upon full payment seat the passenger will be delivered to their destination. True, the departure dates are significantly shifted. Of course, for people who have strict time limits, such rules are tantamount to canceling a flight without financial compensation.

Existing restrictions on the transportation of baggage are also the reason for the widespread opinion that it is prohibited to transport things on such flights. Here experts are talking about set limits, and not about a complete restriction. This point depends on the specific airline. After all, traveling in economy class requires rationing of passengers' luggage.

For such flights, aircraft suitable for capacity and level of comfort are used, and not old models.

The review quite fully characterizes the specifics and nuances of this method of travel. After reading the material, readers have the right to draw their own conclusions and determine the advisability of such trips. After all, the lack of high-quality service and the listed inconveniences here are compensated by the price of the flight and the opportunity to directly follow a route that is not offered by airlines.

A charter flight involves transporting passengers along a specific route, which is not listed on the schedule, on a pre-chartered aircraft
Experts call time charters the cheapest option for such flights - flights where the board delivers passengers to the desired point, stays there for an agreed period of time and takes people back
A charter flight differs from a regular flight in the presence of an intermediary who buys seats on board and offers his own flight route.
Charter flights are a cheap way to get to remote corners of the planet
Many people consider the lack of business class seats in the cabin and the low comfort of transportation to be a serious disadvantage of charters
Usually, you can only get a ticket for a charter flight during check-in.


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