Interactive map of Altai with attractions. Sberbank has issued a card with views of Altai to attract tourists with big bonuses. Ilgumensky threshold. Cordon Cor-Kechu

The Altai branch of Sberbank intends to issue 5 thousand cards by the end of 2017, encouraging people to come to the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic and make purchases here. The card can be purchased in any region of the country, but its holders receive bonuses when making purchases in the territory of the two Altai. So far this is a rather limited range of acquisitions, but the bank promises to expand the functionality.

Maxim Volkov demonstrates the Altai Tourist Sberbank card.

The “Altai Tourist Map” has a specific design - it depicts a blooming maralberry. According to the manager of the Altai branch of Sberbank, Maxim Volkov, the idea of ​​​​popularizing tourism in Altai appeared two years ago: I wanted to create a product that would help develop tourism in the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic.

Now this product exists and can be purchased throughout Russia. But it is focused specifically on Altai.

Maxim Volkov,
Manager of the Altai branch of Sberbank:

Carrying out transactions using this card in the territory of the region and the Altai Republic, paying with this card for gasoline at gas stations, air and Railway tickets, the client receives “Thank you” bonuses - 3% of the purchase amount. “Thank you” bonuses are the same money that can be spent in partner stores to purchase goods.

Sber bank card"Tourist of Altai".

Sberbank says that the amount of bonuses on the Altai Tourist card is significantly higher than on the classic cards of this bank. At the same time, when you open a card, 500 welcome bonuses are awarded.

Maxim Volkov explained that the functionality of the card will be developed in the future. And now negotiations are underway with the owners of sanatoriums, tourist centers and pharmacy chains so that they can receive bonuses or discounts there too.

Since June 26, when the Altai branch of Sberbank launched the project, 350 cards have already been issued. True, as of August 10, only one card was purchased outside the region - in Omsk.

It must be said that in the first year after receiving the card, its annual maintenance will cost more than for classic cards: 1,250 rubles. In the future, it will cost 450 rubles - like classic “plastic”.

In general, other banks also issue cards for travelers. So, at B&N Bank they informed us that under the Binbonus program you can connect to the “travel” category and receive increased bonuses when purchasing air and train tickets, booking hotels or renting a car.

Otkrytie Bank has a “Travel” card - it allows you to accumulate rubles in a bonus account and use them to pay for air and railway tickets and hotels, and the “Autocard” of this bank allows you to receive cashback from amounts spent at gas stations, service stations and car washes .

VTB24 issues a credit “VTB24 World Card”: with it you can purchase air tickets or book a hotel room and accumulate miles.

But so far only Sberbank has issued a card to stimulate the influx of tourists to Altai. Maxim Volkov hopes that it will become a tool to attract tourists here.

Hello everyone, friends! Today I want to tell you about the sights of Altai that we were able to see during our trip by car. This not an exhaustive list Altai attractions, there are countless of them. Today we briefly talk only about what we managed to see!

For convenience, I place all the attractions on the map of Altai. Perhaps this map will help you plan the route of your trip to Altai. I would like to note that the road to all the sights of Altai listed below perfect, with the exception of a couple of places (points 6 and 15 below).

1.Mount Devil's Finger (Altai Territory!)

Devil's finger is a rock shaped like a protrusion resembling a claw or finger, which is how it got its name. An ecological trail leads to the rock.

Location: near Lake Aya and Maima village

2. Lake Manzherok (or Manzherok)

Natural monument. Best view You can see the lake from the ski lift ski resort"Manzherok"

Location: the lake is located 2 km from the village of Manzherok

3. Patmos Island on the Katun River. Temple of the Apostle John the Theologian

Patmos Island - small island- a rock with steep walls, on the top of which is the Church of St. John the Evangelist. You can get to the temple only by suspension bridge.

Location: Chemal district, outskirts of the village of Chemal

4. Chemalskaya hydroelectric station. Confluence of the Chemal and Katun rivers

The Chemal hydroelectric power station was once a reservoir and a working hydroelectric power station, but now it has been turned, so to speak, into a kind of tourist centre. Firstly, because here you can observe the confluence of the Chemal and Katun rivers. Secondly, from Chemalskaya HPP along the goat path you can reach the suspension bridge leading to the island of Patmos. Thirdly, they also added a couple of attractions here, such as bungee jumping over a hydroelectric power station, a Ferris wheel, etc.

Location: outskirts of the village of Chemal

5. Chech-Kysh waterfall

The waterfall is located in a picturesque narrow gorge. The waterfall is small, the fall height is no more than 4 meters. Here, not far from the waterfall, you can also find several petroglyphs - images of humans and animals. And also - climb to the observation deck and look at the Katun Valley.

Location: Chemalsky district, not reaching 3 km to the village. Elanda

6. Beltyrtuyuk waterfall (Beltyresk)

A very beautiful, two-cascade waterfall with fall heights of 29 and 10 meters.

Location: there is a lot of information on the Internet about perfect road to the waterfall, I would call this place inaccessible, the road is bad and you won’t be able to get to the waterfall itself, you will have to walk a little for about 20-30 minutes to the waterfall, or transfer to a local field. Chemal district, 56 km from the village of Chemal, 20 km from the village of Belteresk from the village of Kuyus

You will pass it on the way to the Beltyrtuyuk waterfall and it will definitely capture all your attention. Not only the bridge itself, but also the cosmic landscapes of the Katun River will impress you. One of the most beautiful places, which I remember in Altai! It is here that the Katun has the greatest depth.

Location: Chemal district, the bridge is located between two settlements Orokta and Edigan

8. Seminsky Pass

Natural monument. The height of the pass reaches 1717 meters. Ascent to the pass along scenic road 9 km long gives way to an equally picturesque descent of 11 km. At the top of the pass a stele was erected in honor of the 200th anniversary of the voluntary entry of the Altai people into Russia

Location: 583 km of the Chuysky tract

9. Mountain pass Chike-Taman

Natural monument. The new modern road leading through the pass cost a lot of money and labor. Earlier, back in the 10th-12th centuries, a completely different road was built and operated, which in some places can still be seen today when you move along the new road.

Location: 659 km of the Chuysky tract

10.Ilgumensky threshold. Cordon Cor-Kechu

The Ilgumen rapids belong to the 4th class of difficulty in rafting. It is located at the confluence of the two rivers Bolshoi Ilgumen and Katun. There are powerful shafts up to 3 meters high here. In 2006, the World Cup of rafting was held here, in which, by the way, the Altai people became the winners.

Location: 680 km of the Chuysky tract. Cordon sign with left turn

11. Confluence of the rivers Chuya and Katun (Chui-Oozy)

Is holy/ sacred place in Altai. For Altai people, the natural elements generally play a special, important role. You can see the confluence of two rivers from observation deck, from where it also opens beautiful view to the river valley.

Location: 712 km of the Chuysky tract

12. Kalbak-Tash

The tract where there is large cluster Altai petroglyphs. Petroglyphs are the oldest rock carvings in Altai, which (for a minute!) date back to the 8th millennium BC. In Kalbak-Tash you can meet up to 3 thousand rock paintings. Most often there are images of animals, people and the strangest thing - images that are very reminiscent of current space rockets!

Location: 723 km of the Chuya tract, the right bank of the Chuya River, between the villages of Iodro and Inya

13. Katun terraces

The Katun terraces are cool, sandy shores with unnaturally smooth outlines, reaching heights of up to 200 meters above sea level. The Katun terraces are formed from several layers, which makes them resemble either a layer cake, or one gets the impression that deep mountain rivers flowed in a cascade here, their surface is so smooth and even!

Location: Katun River valley, terraces stretch from the Bolshoi Ilgumen River to the mouth of the Chuya River. Were seen at the confluence of the Chuya and Katun rivers, as well as near Kalbak-Tash

14. Kurai steppe and North Chuysky ridge

The Kurai steppe and the North Chuysky ridge are the natural beauties that you will observe in tandem. One of beautiful views which I happened to observe in Altai. In the distance stretches the North Chuisky ridge with its snow caps. The average height of the ridge is about 3600 meters, and there are two largest peaks on it - Ak-Tru and Maashey-Bash (more than 4000 meters). The most postcard look!

Location: 802 km of the Chuisky tract, Kosh-Agach district, after Aktash

15. Katu-Yaryk pass and Chulyshman valley

If the Seminsky and Chike-Taman passes are passes crossed along the ideal Chuysky tract, then the Katu-Yaryk pass is a breathtaking view of the Chulyshman Valley, which is worth the 4-hour drive off-road (that’s just the climb!). The descent from the pass will lead you to the southern shore of Lake Teletskoye, but the descent is only possible by off-road vehicles or on foot. The height of the observation deck of the Katu-Yaryk pass is 1200 meters, it offers an incredible view of the Chulyshman Valley - a gorge with mountain river Chulyshman.

Location: a place inaccessible for an ordinary car, Ulagansky district, in order to get to the Katu-Yaryk pass you need to turn from the Chuysky tract in Aktash (approximately 780 km of the Chuysky tract) to Ulagan

Detailed post about the Katu-Yaryk pass and the Chulyshman Valley

16. Ulagansky pass

One of the highest in Altai, its height is 2080 m above sea level, crossed on the way to the Katu-Yaryk pass. It is a sacred place, a place of worship of the Altai gods, which is why you will see at the pass many trees tied with ritual white ribbons (dialams) and stone pyramids (oboo tash). There are many around the pass the most beautiful lakes, including Lake Uzun-Kol

Location: 26 km of the Ulagansky tract, section of the road from the village. Aktash to Ust-Ulagan

17. Lake Teletskoye

The most big lake Altai, on the northern shore of the lake there are the villages of Artybash and Yogach with numerous tourist centers. Essentially no one lives on the southern shore of the lake; there is one cafe and the opportunity to stay in tents on the shore of the southern lake. Impassable from the west and east mountain ranges, covered with forest with waterfalls flowing into the lake. This entire territory is the Altai State Natural Biosphere Reserve.

Location: Turochaksky district ( north shore lakes), Ulagansky district ( South coast lakes). A normal road leads to the northern shore of the lake, through Gorno-Altaisk to the village of Artybash. You can get to the southern shore of the lake either by swimming (by boat) or by all-terrain vehicle through the Katu-Yaryk pass

18. Korbu Waterfall

Most famous waterfall, flowing into Lake Teletskoye.

Location: Altai State Natural Biosphere Reserve, right bank of Lake Teletskoye, access to the waterfall is only possible by boat

19.mountain Tilan Tuu

Mount Tilan Tuu is not high (741 km high), but with a rather steep climb. It is from this mountain, or rather from its observation area, that one can see panoramic view to the northern shore of Lake Teletskoye, Yogach and Artybash, as well as to the bridge over the Biya River flowing from the lake

Location: Artybash village, northern shore of Lake Teletskoye, not far from the Golden Lake camp

20. Third River

The third river in the lower reaches is quite calm, and higher up it is a cascade of small waterfalls, which you will reach through fallen trees and over rocks. Fascinating climbs where I caught a tick) Be careful. But even despite this, the Third River really impressed me, it’s incredibly picturesque!

Location: Artybash village, northern shore of Lake Teletskoye, behind the “Horizon” t/b, you can turn right in front of the bridge over the Third River

In the next posts I will tell you in detail about each attraction you saw in the Altai Mountains, as well as about those attractions that you were NOT able to visit, but would really like to do, for example, on your next trip!)

The Altai Republic is located in the south of Western Siberia. In the north-west it borders with the Altai Territory, in the south-west - with Kazakhstan, in the south - with China and Mongolia, in the east - with the Republic of Tyva and Khakassia, in the north-east - with the Kemerovo region. The length of the territory from north to south is 400 km, from west to east - 360 km. Total area 92,903 sq. km.

The relief is characterized by high ridges separated by narrow and deep river valleys and rare wide intermountain basins. The most high mountain Belukha (4506 m), is highest point Siberia. On the territory of the Republic there are more than 20 thousand watercourses with total length more than 60 thousand km and about 7 thousand lakes with total area more than 600 sq. km. Most large rivers- Katun and Biya, from the confluence of which the largest river in Siberia is formed - the Ob. The largest lake - Teletskoye - has an area of ​​230.8 sq. km, a depth of 325 meters and is considered largest lake Russia after Lake Baikal.

This is a Sberbank project, which gives a number of privileges to the owner in the territory of the Altai Republic and Altai Territory. The main features are an individual design of a bank card and increased bonuses.

Mount Belukha, blooming maral and many other beauties Gorny Altai now on a bank card. "Altai Tourist Map", issued by Sberbank, will be useful both for those who come on vacation and for local residents. One of the goals of the project is to increase the tourist attractiveness of the region. The more project partners there are, the more bonuses, which means that holidays in Gorny Altai will also become profitable.

MARINA MEZENTSEVA, MANAGER OF THE GORNY-ALTAI BRANCH OF SBERBANK PJSC: “The Altai tourist card is a debit bank card with an individual design, with increased accrual of “Thank you” bonuses from Sberbank.
With this card, its holder, in addition to increased bonuses, can receive a discount when paying for services from partners and project participants. 37 partners are already participating in the project: sanatoriums, hotels, tourist centers, cafes and restaurants, as well as tour operators of the Altai Territory and the Republic of Armenia. The network of partners is constantly expanding.”

More than 2 million tourists visit our region every year. Relax in popular tourist places Altai and getting bonuses for it is easy. One of the first partners of the project is the all-season resort "Manzherok." Thousands of tourists from all over the country and even the world come here to admire the pristine nature and relax. Great news for guests is a discount on the tourist card. The entire list of partner organizations is posted on the website of the RA Center for Tourism and Entrepreneurship Support. Among them tourist complex"Taiga". Generous discount for tourist card holders.

TATYANA ZYABLITSKAYA, DIRECTOR OF THE ALTAI ACTIVE TOUR TRAVEL COMPANY: “We are Sberbank’s partners in the Altai Tourist Card project and offer our guests discounts both on accommodation at the Taezhnik tourist complex and on active tours which we organize. As a participant in the project, we expect an increase in both regular and new clients, because... this project extends not only to the Siberian Federal District, but throughout Russia.”

This card can be purchased throughout Russia. But it is focused specifically on the Altai Republic and the Altai Territory. By paying for gasoline at gas stations, air and train tickets with this card, the client receives increased “Thank you” bonuses - 3% of the purchase amount.

VYACHESLAV TUPIKIN, FIRST DEPUTY MINISTER OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM OF THE RA: “Sberbank is a long-time partner tourism industry, with his assistance, large projects are also being implemented, support is provided to tour operators, he offers a number of interesting credit products, including, he would like to draw the attention of the travel industry to the tourist card, and to draw the attention of tourists to this map, today it provides interesting discount packages, and it is possible to receive bonus points. Sberbank has a fairly extensive network of partners for this card, so those who use it receive bonuses under a preferential program.”

A bank card can be ordered at any Sberbank branch, or on the website It is worth noting that when making the first payment using the Tourist Card, the owner receives 500 welcome “thank you” bonuses, which can be used to pay for purchases in partner stores.

Anna Skorokhodova

The Altai Territory is located in the southeast of Western Siberia between 50 and 55 degrees north latitude and 77 and 87 degrees east longitude. The length of the territory from west to east is about 600 km, from north to south - about 400 km. The distance from Barnaul to Moscow in a straight line is about 2940 km, by road - about 3400 km.

It borders on the south and west with East Kazakhstan and Pavlodar regions Kazakhstan, in the north and northeast - with the Novosibirsk and Kemerovo regions, in the southeast - with the Altai Republic.

The territory of the region belongs to two physical countries - the West Siberian Plain and the Altai - Sayan Mountains. The mountainous part covers the plain on the eastern and southern sides - the Salair Ridge and the foothills of Altai. The western and central parts are predominantly flat in nature - the Priob Plateau, the Biysk-Chumysh Upland, and the Kulundinskaya Plain. The region contains almost all natural zones of Russia - steppe and forest-steppe, taiga and mountains. The flat part of the region is characterized by the development of steppe and forest-steppe natural areas, with ribbon pine forests, a developed girder-gully network, lakes and ridges.

The water resources of the Altai Territory are represented by surface and groundwater. The largest rivers (out of 17 thousand) are the Ob, Biya, Katun, Chumysh, Alei and Charysh. Of the 13 thousand lakes, the largest is Lake Kulunda, its area is 728 sq. km. The main water artery of the region - the Ob River - is 493 km long within the region, formed from the confluence of the Biya and Katun rivers. The Ob basin occupies 70% of the region's territory.


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