Total area of ​​Greenland. School encyclopedia. Life and work in Greenland

Greenland is an island almost completely covered by glaciers. What else do people know about him? Where it is located? Who lives there? And who owns Greenland?

Geographical information

Greenland is the largest island in the world. Its area is slightly less than 2,200 thousand km 2. The length is about 2600 km, and the maximum width is 1200 km.

It is located near the northeastern part North America, between the Atlantic and Arctic oceans.

Despite its impressive size, it is sparsely populated. This is easily explained by the fact that less than 20% of the total area is suitable for life, since Greenland is an island covered by more than 80% with a thick layer of ice.

The island's population is about 56 thousand people living on its southwestern coast due to the milder climate. In summer, the air temperature here rises to +10 degrees, in winter it averages -7. In the central part, in winter the temperature often drops below -40 degrees, and in the summer it does not reach positive levels, mainly fluctuating around -10 degrees. The largest city is the capital - Nuuk (Gothob).

Colonization of the island

Europeans learned about the island only in the 10th century. Then it was a completely empty place without permanent residents. Therefore, the question of who owned Greenland simply did not arise in those days. The Vikings began to truly explore the island. The first was Erik Rowdy (Red), who was banished from Iceland for three years for a murder he committed.

Together with his family and servants, he sailed towards Greenland in 982. From the tops of the Icelandic mountains on clear days one could observe its lands, so the Viking went in this direction out of curiosity.

During his stay there, Eric was able to explore a large area quite well, but did not meet a single person. He is the author of the name of the island, which literally means “Green Land”. Regarding this interesting name there are several versions. According to one of them, in those days the climate was warmer and milder, so Greenland was an island that was truly covered with greenery.

According to the second version, the name was nothing more than an advertising gimmick that served as a bait for the residents of Iceland to go explore new territories. After returning from exile, Eric began to recruit volunteers to go to explore Greenland. As a result, the Viking was able to gather a sufficient number of volunteers, but not all ships managed to reach Greenland: only 14 out of 25 successfully completed the very difficult journey. And as a result, the first European state was founded.

End of independence

Greenland retained its absolute independence until 1261, when the inhabitants of the colony decided to swear allegiance to the king of Norway. He had to ensure that the island was supplied with everything necessary, and the inhabitants of Greenland, in turn, paid taxes to the Norwegian treasury. At the same time, the colony retained the opportunity to live according to its own laws.

Norway entered into a personal union in 1380 with Denmark. This union became the basis for Denmark's claims to the island, which it presented several centuries later. Since the 18th century, Denmark has been the state that owns Greenland.

New period of development

For various reasons, the colony of European settlers disappeared from Greenland by 1540. Only the Inuit remained.

Due to the final unification of the Norwegian and Danish kingdoms into one in 1536, the question of who owned Greenland was resolved by itself. It has now become the place of jurisdiction of Denmark rather than Norway.

At the same time, the island was an abandoned territory. Regular expeditions resumed only in 1578. And in the 17th century, the waters of Greenland became more visited due to the development of whaling. On the shores of the island there were sometimes short-term stops for sailors, but no new settlements were created.

In 1814, Norway separated from the Danish Kingdom, which retained Greenland. Denmark managed to retain all of its overseas colonies. The kingdom's influence grew stronger in Greenland, but its laws applied only to the Danes who lived here. The Inuit who also inhabited these lands and their descendants who migrated from Canada were not subject to these laws.

At the beginning of the 20th century, after Norway gained sovereignty, it laid claim to Greenland. As a result of legal disputes, the island was finally transferred to Denmark.

During World War II, Denmark was physically unable to govern such a remote territory. Due to various strategic interests in Greenland, the island's relationship with Canada and the United States has intensified.

Modern life

Greenland's colonial status ended in 1953 when it officially became part of Denmark. But due to the divergence of interests of the population of the island and the kingdom, they began to fight for autonomy, which they achieved in 1982. It was further expanded in 2009. And in 1985, Greenland left the EU, which is an absolutely unique case.

The area of ​​Greenland is 50 times larger than Denmark, and the population is 100 times smaller. Most of the inhabitants are Inuit, and only 10% are European.

The main activities of the local population are fishing and hunting. The island has good air connections, with a sufficient level of high technology development.

It is an attractive place for tourists. Here you can enjoy unforgettable views, admire the northern lights, and get acquainted with Eskimo cuisine.

Due to the fact that the inhabitants of the island zealously defend their interests, it is quite difficult to say unconditionally who owns Greenland. Legally it is Danish territory, but with such broad autonomy it belongs to the inhabitants themselves. Perhaps, after some time, Greenland will completely separate from Denmark and become an independent state.

Greenland is a country of northern lightning and eternal ice. Huge island washed by two oceans: the Arctic and the Atlantic. Disputes about which country Greenland belongs to have been going on for quite some time. Currently, its lands are controlled by Denmark, and the island is an autonomous region of this country.

“Land of Greenery” is such a literal translation of the name of the island, which surprises all historians. In fact, with its fabulous snowy landscapes, captivating the eyes of everyone who comes on vacation for the first time. During their stay on the island, every vacationer will be able to see and appreciate:

  • northern lights(this is the only point on Earth from where the phenomenon is best seen);
  • the largest icebergs;
  • drifting ice blocks;
  • thermal springs;
  • White Nights.

Tourist interest in Greenland has not decreased for many years. Tours attract not only the uniqueness of natural spaces, but also the absence of traces of human activity. Amateurs especially loved Greenland winter species sports

Virgin tundras, huge glaciers (listed by UNESCO), amazing animal world attract vacationers - this is Greenland. Which country considers its snow-ice territory to be its own has been of interest to many for several years. The island is recognized as an autonomy of the Danish Kingdom, and claims to it by the Norwegian authorities have long been rejected. Legends and myths have been preserved in the history of the state. According to one version, the settlements were formed by the Vikings, who knew how to survive among the snow and icy mountains.


The island's territory is more than 2 million kilometers, 80% is covered by an ice sheet reaching a thickness of 3 kilometers.

The population of Greenland are Eskimos living on a narrow coastal strip free of ice. The population of the island is about 60 thousand people.

Symbol - Polar bear, decorating the coats of arms of the Danish kings.

At 3,700 meters high, Mount Gunbjorn is the highest point in Greenland, while the main elevations do not exceed 1.5 km in height.

Near the island is the most large cluster glaciers It was from here that a block of ice once broke off, causing the death of the famous Titanic.

The southern part of the island is green. Alder, rowan, juniper and many birch trees grow here.

The fauna is not very diverse. The main inhabitants of the island are bears, deer, hares, arctic foxes and stoats. Among the marine inhabitants, sea bass, flounder, and catfish predominate. Near the water you can find partridges and seagulls.

Tourism to Greenland began to develop relatively recently. The number of tourists does not exceed 5,000 people per year. Many tour operators are gradually including a visit to the icy country in their offers.

For those who have at least once visited this wonderful land, it does not matter at all which country Greenland belongs to. The icy land with its nature and extraordinary landscape will never be forgotten and will make you want to come here again and again.

Geographical position

Greenland Island(local name - Kalallit-Nunaat) - the most big Island Land located northeast of the North American mainland. It is washed by the Baffin Sea in the west, the Labrador Sea in the south, and the Greenland Sea in the east (all belong to the Atlantic Ocean) and the Arctic Ocean in the north.

The length of the island from north to south is 2690 km, the greatest width is 1300 km. Total area - 2166 thousand square meters. km (of which only 410.4 thousand sq. km are to one degree or another free from ice).


The administrative center is Nuuk (Gothob).

How to get there

The most convenient way to get to the island is from Denmark
. National carrier Air Greenland flies from Copenhagen to Kangerlussuaq (four flights per week in winter and eight in summer) in the west of the country and Narsarsuaq (one flight per week in winter and three in summer) in the south. The flight time to Kangerlussuaq and Narsarsuaq is the same - 4.5 hours.

Icelandic airline Air Iceland (NB! not Icelandair, namely Air Iceland;) flies all year round from Reykjavik airport to Kulusuk (twice a week in winter and every day in summer) and Nerlerit Inaat in eastern Greenland. During the summer, Air Iceland also flies to Narsarsuaq and Ilulissat several times a week, and to Nuuk 2-4 times a week. Travel time to Kulusuk and Narsarsuaq from Reykjavik is ~2 hours.


To travel to Greenland, you must obtain a visa in advance. The visa is issued at the visa centers of Denmark and Iceland in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnodar and Krasnoyarsk.


The climate on the island of Greenland is subarctic marine and arctic.
And the continental Arctic is characteristic of the ice sheet region. Quite often the island is crossed by cyclones, which very dramatically change the climate in Greenland. This is how constant temperature changes occur, strong winds blow and precipitation falls. The ice here covers a colossal area, more than 10 times the size of Great Britain. The weight of this ice forces the earth's crust to subside, forming a concave-shaped basin that reaches a depth of 360 m below sea level. Icebergs constantly float near the coast and are constantly in motion.


The total population is about 56.3 thousand people.
Of these, the indigenous inhabitants of the island - Greenlanders (Inuit, people of the Arctic group of the Mongoloid race) - make up about 87%, and Danes and people from other European countries- 13%. At the same time, the local population is heterogeneous - the inhabitants of the western part of Greenland consider themselves a separate people (it was they who were the founders of the term “Greenlander”, since, unlike the inhabitants of the eastern part of the island, they do not consider themselves Inuit). Europeans call local residents Eskimos, which is not entirely true - the term "Eskimo" ("raw foodist") was born in the languages ​​of the Indian tribes of North America and gradually began to be used to refer to the Inuit tribes of the continental USA and Canada, to which the inhabitants of Greenland do not belong.

Almost the entire population of the island lives on a narrow coastal strip between the ice sheet and the sea.

Political state

The island of Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat) has been a self-governing territory within Denmark since May 1979, a unique case of parliamentary democracy within a constitutional monarchy.

Officially, the head of state is the Queen of Denmark, represented on the island by the High Commissioner (appointed by the monarch). The head of government is the prime minister, elected by the country's parliament (usually this position is given to the leader of the party or coalition that won the last election).

The legislative body is the unicameral Landstinget parliament (31 deputies are elected by secret ballot on a proportional basis, the term of office is 4 years). Parliament is responsible for all matters of domestic policy and legislation (Denmark remains in charge foreign policy, defence, justice and finance). The people of Greenland elect two representatives to the Danish parliament, the Folketing.

Administratively, the country is divided into 3 districts (landsdele) - Avanna (Nordgrönland), Tuna (Ostgrönland) and Kita (Vestgrönland), which in turn are divided into 18 municipalities.


Severe climatic conditions The islands also affected wildlife.
Naturally, the island's vegetation is present in places that are free from ice cover. Thus, in the south of the island, dwarf birch, rowan, dwarf alder and willow grow, and there are thickets of shrubs, sedge and mixed-grass meadows. On west coast islands up to approximately 80° north latitude in the tundra - dwarf birch, blueberry and crowberry, closer to the north - mosses and lichens, on the northern coast (Piri Land), free from ice - Arctic desert vegetation (mosses and lichens).

The fauna, unlike the plant world, is more diverse. The coast is home to mammals such as reindeer, polar bear, musk ox, and sometimes polar wolf and arctic fox. In oceanic coastal waters there are large numbers of bowhead whales, harp seals, walruses and many other polar animals.

Birds on the island are represented mainly by eiders, gulls, and white (arctic) partridge is a little less common.

Among the fish that live in the waters adjacent to the island, the commercially available species are halibut, cod, capelin, salmon and arctic dwarf shark. There are also a lot of crustaceans in the waters of Greenland, especially shrimp and crab.

Hotels, hotels, prices

Like all five-star hotels in the world, this category can be safely classified as
- best hotels Greenland. They fully feel comfort and national flavor. As for such things as fitness centers, saunas, swimming pools, hydromassage baths, they are available here in abundance. All this allows you to experience all the charm of luxurious life in a hotel. All five-star hotels in Greenland are mostly located in major cities countries. Their location is typical in close proximity to all major attractions. A feature of hotels of this level is the ability of the staff to speak several languages. The luxury of such hotels is simply amazing.
There are also a large number of hotels with lower levels of service - these are three-star hotels. The three-star hotel in Greenland is an equally comfortable option; the daily rate also includes a delicious breakfast. You can book a hotel in Greenland via the Internet; our website will help resolve all issues related to this. It is possible to choose the best option in terms of price and location. Opt for inexpensive hotel, located in a picturesque rural area or choose a more luxurious option, for example, hotels in the center of Greenland, in the center of the main cities.

Accommodation prices in Greenland
Concerning average price in hotels in the country, they are approximately as follows. Five star double rooms cost approximately $300 to $500. Four stars from 150 to 300, then on a decreasing scale, the fewer stars, the lower, and accordingly the cost of the room. It is worth noting that inexpensive farm hotels are becoming increasingly popular in Greenland, located, as the name implies, in rural areas. In addition, there are a large number of establishments that operate on a bed-and-breakfast basis. Due to the fact that the country is small in size, distance from large cities does not matter.

Greenland is the largest island on our planet, which is almost completely buried under a thick layer of snow and ice. The impressive area of ​​Greenland is approximately 2 million km², which allows it to rightfully be called the second largest glacier, while the first place is occupied by Antarctica. It is worth noting that, despite such an impressive size, only 19% of the territory is suitable for human life, and they are located in the coastal strip. But, even taking into account the harshness of local conditions, the island of Greenland simply fascinates with its unique beauty and contrasts. Therefore, hundreds of tourists from different parts of the world arrive in this area every year.

If you look at the island from a bird's eye view, it may seem like an uninhabited shield of ice, on which there is no life at all. But upon approaching, Greenland changes its appearance and reveals all its richness and diversity to the guest. Green meadows and an unusual coastline with glaciers, numerous groves and colorful flowers - all this is an amazing sight that this country can give to everyone. Most travelers go to this area in search of active pastime. Tours to Greenland most often involve mountaineering, fishing, aquatic species sports or just walking.

Green Earth

To truly know and enjoy the beauty of the island of Greenland, you need to travel a little in time and touch its origins. On English language Greenland is the Green Land. Sometimes this seems far from reality, because almost the entire area of ​​Greenland is occupied by glaciers. However, this name has its own explanation.

The discoverer of this country is a man named Eirik the Red, a European by birth, who was expelled from Norway and also Iceland because of a murder he committed. As a result of this, he decided to travel and arrived in the south of Greenland. At that time, this area was covered with green meadows, which prompted Eirik to give it this name.

The history of the country Greenland also knows difficult times, which occurred from the 13th to the 17th centuries. This time was accompanied by wars and significant cooling. Such changes led to the almost complete extinction of the inhabitants of Greenland and the closure of the country. Only in the 18th century did Denmark remember about it and turn it into its colony. Only in 1979 did it gain autonomy.

Polar bear and crowns

Today, the island of Greenland has its own flag and coat of arms. The polar bear is a universal symbol of the country, which can be seen both on the coat of arms and on coins. By the way, the currency of Denmark is used here in the form of the Danish krone, as well as the kroner Faroe Islands. Once upon a time, it had its own currency and it is planned to resume it in the future. And today it is possible to make an exchange within the country, but only privately and at an exchange rate that is not very profitable for visitors.

If we talk about the location of Greenland on the map, then it took a place towards the northeast of North America. The Atlantic and Arctic oceans wash the country. South coast It has a warmer climate and accessibility, so the bulk of Greenland's population is concentrated here. Its length is almost 2.7 thousand km and its width is 1.3 thousand km. The most highest point The island is located at an altitude of 3.23 thousand meters above sea level, and the volume of ice that is located here is so impressive that if it melted, the world ocean would become almost 7.5 m higher.

Climate and population

The climate of Greenland is very diverse, from temperate maritime to arctic, from subarctic to continental. In summer the temperature can reach +20°C, but sometimes it stays at 0°C for a long time. IN winter period the temperature is down to -15°C, while at east coast it drops to -45°C. The most comfortable weather for travel remains during the so-called “white nights” from May to July.

According to 2008 data, the population of Greenland was approximately 56.5 thousand people, among whom you can find Eskimos, Danes and, of course, Europeans. Locals go fishing or hunting here and speak Greenlandic, Danish and English.

Local cuisine and attractions

All tourists should be attentive to the peculiarities of the national cooking in this country. After all, it has been repeatedly stated as specific and even daring. Among the most common dishes here you can find raw walrus or whale meat. And none other than partridge droppings combined with seal fat is considered an excellent and expensive delicacy. Therefore, it is unlikely that such a choice will be attractive or even edible to Europeans.

Despite the minimal inhabited area of ​​Greenland, there is a lot to see here. One of the most popular places Among travelers, the capital of Greenland remains a city called Nuuk. It was founded back in 1728 and is still rightfully considered not only an ancient city, but also the center of the country from an administrative, cultural and political point of view. As many as 15 thousand people live here alone. In Nuk you can visit National Museum, where a variety of exhibits are presented that reflect the history of the country and its cultural heritage.

The center of the southern part is the town of Qaqortoq. It is here that you will find the only fountain in the entire country, which is decorated with plaques made of copper indicating the names of local residents, as well as a sculpture called “Stone and Man.” Qaqortoq is the most attractive city in all of Greenland.

You can experience real cold in the city of Upernavik. In summer, the mark on the thermometer here does not rise above 5°C. There is also a local museum with big amount kayaks and a variety of harpoons.

One of the most attractive attractions in this area is the dog sled. By going to explore the city in this way, you will get a lot of impressions and new experiences.

When choosing Greenland for a vacation, be sure to visit the city of Narsaq, which gives a complete picture of the peculiarities of life in this country. Book a tour and visit places where the remains of dwellings that were once inhabited by the Vikings have been preserved. The city is also known for its deposits of rare minerals and stones.

Not only the capital of Greenland has amazing beauty, but also Northern part country with its National Park. Despite the fact that getting here is not so easy, the result is worth all the wait. Here you can meet a variety of representatives of the local flora and fauna, enjoy the beauty of beautiful icebergs and the northern lights.

If you have already decided to go on your dream trip and visit Greenland, do not doubt your choice and make your plans come true. Today, traveling independently has become a pleasure accessible to absolutely everyone, because the company website is ready to help you with this. With us you can find the best prices for air tickets and accommodation, and also learn a lot useful information about the culture, attractions and currency of the country you are traveling to. It doesn’t matter at all whether your destination is the capital of Greenland or another city, with us you will always learn how to spend your time usefully and get positive impressions from your stay in any corner of the world.

With the onset of the holiday season, many are racking their brains over the question of where to spend their quality holiday. There are many in the world wonderful places, in which all the necessary conditions for a comfortable pastime are created. Among the abundance of offers in tourism industry Tours to Greenland stand out. Greenland is a country of eternal ice and unforgettable northern lights. Disputes about which state Greenland belongs to have been going on for quite some time. Currently, the territory of the island is under the control of Denmark and is an autonomy within it. The world of eternal ice is located at the very large island planet and is washed by the waters of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. The capital of Greenland, Nuuk, is populated by 15 thousand people. Thanks to warmer climatic conditions than on the rest of the island, the sea does not freeze, which has contributed to the emergence of active fishing.

Literally, Greenland is translated as “the land of greenery,” which causes some confusion among almost all researchers and scientists. One of the main factors influencing the popularity of tours to Greenland is its fabulous snowy landscapes, which fascinate all vacationers with their appearance. While relaxing on the island, everyone will be able to fully enjoy the unforgettable local nature and its inhabitants:

  • the northern lights, which are visible from the island better than anywhere else;
  • huge icebergs and drifting ice floes;
  • thermal springs;
  • White Nights;
  • Fjord glacier, listed world heritage UNESCO, etc.

Which country owns the island of Greenland?

The question “to which state does Greenland belong?” has lost its relevance for some time now. After lengthy disputes and clarifications, Greenland was recognized as an autonomy within the Danish Kingdom and all claims to the territory from Norway and other countries came to naught. There are many legends and myths associated with the history of the state. According to some reports, the first European settlements were founded by the Vikings. For a long time, harsh climatic conditions did not allow settlers from the mainland to settle on the island. But having learned to survive among the snow-capped mountains and glaciers, the local population gradually began to build villages, and subsequently entire cities.

The interest of tourists from all over the world is focused on Greenland because unique nature. Tours to the island are interesting because there are practically no traces of human activity. Vast virgin territories attract lovers extreme recreation and connoisseurs of ecotourism. The endless tundra, majestic glaciers along the picturesque coastline, unique wildlife and excellent opportunities for winter sports attract tourists from all over the world all year round. The highlight, or even business card Greenland is rightfully home to the northern lights and polar mirages, which can be admired almost all year round. When going on a trip to Greenland, you need to choose the most suitable one in advance. a tourist route, following which you can visit a lot of wonderful places:

  • The capital of Greenland is Nuuk, one of the smallest capitals in the world. Surrounded on three sides by the sea;
  • Savur Church;
  • the incredible beauty of the Arctic Garden;
  • Bradtet meat market, where you can enjoy exotic dishes;
  • Ilulissat is one of the most popular tourist destinations;
  • the Cold Museum with its amazing exhibits;
  • northernmost ferry crossing all over the world - Upernavik and much more.


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