West Coast of the USA: sights and photos. Indians of the northwest coast of North America Coasts of America

June 8th, 2013 , 07:36 pm

We followed the Cascade Mountains, some distance from Pacific Ocean. We now head up the coast to the Coast Ranges of the three Pacific US states.

California Coast Ranges - Symbols of America

The California Coast Ranges stretch over 800 km and consist of four chains of parallel short ranges separated by valleys and transverse mountains. Parallel ridges are characterized by low, smooth landforms: their peaks usually do not exceed 1500 m. Transverse mountains rise above 3000 m.

On the southern edge of the Coast Ranges, in the area of ​​Los Angeles and San Diego, are Transverse ridges, so named because of their east-west orientation, while most coastal mountains are oriented in a north-south direction. In addition, they differ from other ridges of the Pacific coast geologically - in composition rocks and age. Part of the Transverse Ranges are the Santa Monica Mountains, which include the Hollywood Hills. On southern slope Mount Hollywood is home to the Griffith Observatory, whose observation deck offers views of Los Angeles and the famous inscription. The huge Los Angeles metropolitan area occupies a basin at the foot of the Transverse Ranges - the only stretch of coastal plain.

Along the west coast of the United States - from southern California, through Oregon, to the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state - runs Pacific Coast Highway, which includes US-101 and California SR-1. Along its 2,500 km, numerous scenic sections of the highway are located where the Coast Ranges rise above the Pacific Ocean. The Pacific Coast Highway is widely known through popular culture; it is one of the symbols of the American way of life along with the famous Route 66. By the way, Highway 66- "Main Street America" ​​- ends on the Pacific coast in Santa Monica.

Big Sur in California, 140 km long - a very popular part of the Pacific Coast Highway. Sandwiched between Los Angeles and San Francisco between the mountains and ocean, the road runs along one of the most picturesque coastlines in the world.

The Big Sur viaducts, built in the 1930s, are some of the most photographed sites on West coast.

Near the coast of Morro Bay there is a 177-meter cliff Morro Rock ancient volcanic origin. In 1542, the rock was discovered and mapped by the first European to reach the coast of modern California, the Portuguese navigator and conquistador Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo. Since then, Morro Rock has long served as an important landmark for European sailors exploring the Pacific coast of the New World.

On the Pacific coast you can see a sea lion rookery.

North of Big Sur low mountains Santa Cruz, part of the Pacific Coast Ranges, separates the Pacific Ocean from San Francisco Bay and the Santa Clara Valley, which is home to the famous Silicon Valley, or more accurately, Silicon Valley- world center of high technologies. In one of the towns in the valley, with the telling name Mountain View, the main office of Google is located.

A magnificent view of the Golden Gate Bridge - another symbol of America - opens from the observation deck Golden Gate National Recreation Area. The recreation area covers 95 km coastline San Francisco Bay and Pacific Coast.

At the entrance to San Francisco Bay is Point Bonita Lighthouse, built in 1855.

Behind the lighthouse there is another observation deck - to the Pacific coast.

North of San Francisco is redwood national park listed World Heritage UNESCO. The area of ​​natural distribution of mahogany from the cypress family is preserved in the park. These trees are the tallest on our planet: in 2006, a specimen with a height of 115.5 m was discovered in Redwood National Park.

There are several trees in the park that you can drive through by car.

Pacific coast of northern California no less picturesque than Big Sur.

This is also where Fort Ross- a former Russian settlement and wooden fortress founded by the Russian-American Company for fishing and fur trading in 1812. Fort Ross was the southernmost Russian settlement in North America. It is now a California State Historic Park.

Oregon Coast Ranges - Classic Headlands

The Oregon Coast Ranges are low, flattened mountains ranging in height from 600 to 1200 m, only in the south of the state Klamath Mountains rise to an altitude of 2751 m. About 30 species of coniferous species grow in this area, making the Klamath one of the richest coniferous forest species in the world.

Pacific Coast in Oregon- another picturesque coastline.

Located on one of the capes along the Oregon coast Heceta Head lighthouse, built in 1894. The light at the top of the 17-meter lighthouse is visible 34 km away - the strongest beam of light on the Oregon Coast.

Observation deck Cape Perpetua at an altitude of 240 m above the ocean. The high, steep rise above the ocean is a typical headland on the Pacific Northwest coast. On a clear day, up to 70 miles of Oregon coastline can be seen from the cape.

Cape Foulweather.

On the Oregon coast is Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area- a sandy landscape formed over millions of years under the influence of wind, sun and water erosion. This is the largest area of ​​coastal dunes in North America; some dunes reach a height of 150 m.

Washington Coast Ranges - from alpine meadows to rainforest

In the northwest of Washington state, on the Olympic Peninsula, is the national park of the same name, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List due to its biological diversity. Thanks to the long-term isolation of the peninsula from the vast mainland spaces, a unique flora and fauna has formed here: 15 endemic animal species and 8 endemic plant species are still found in the park.

In the territory olympic national park there are lakes, virgin forests and alpine meadows. In the center of the park there is a mountain range, the maximum height of which, Mount Olympic, reaches 2724 m. The slopes of these mountains are highly dissected, and there are many glaciers in the upper zone.

The Olympic Mountains divide the park into western and eastern parts, determining their different climatic conditions. The western part of the park receives the most rainfall in the United States, as a result of which it grows a tropical forest, and in the eastern area a dry climate prevails.

The park territory includes a section of the Pacific Ocean coast.

Between the Olympic Mountains and the Cascade Range a system of bays or, more precisely, a system of flooded glacial valleys has formed Puget Sound, part of the Salish Sea that separates Vancouver Island from northwestern Washington State and British Columbia.

Deception Pass Bridge in one of the Puget Sound bays.

The main stereotype that arises when we talk about the United States of America is numerous skyscrapers, traffic jams of cars and great amount people on the streets. This is partly true, but this is not all of America, it has many faces, and some states are radically different from each other. Outside of metropolitan areas such as San Francisco, Los Angeles and Las Vegas, on the west coast of the country, you can see prairies, canyons, dense forests and mountain ranges.

This article talks about the west coast of the United States, which originates in Alaska and stretches to California.

In contact with


West Coast

There is no consensus on which territory should be considered the west coast of the United States. For example, the Mojave Desert, Sierra Nevada and Cascade Mountains belong to this coast, although the states of Nevada and Arizona do not have access to the ocean. Hawaiian Islands completely washed by the ocean, but not adjacent to the mainland of the west coast of the United States.

The state of Alaska has no border at all with the rest of America, such as Kaliningrad region with the main part of the Russian Federation. But despite this, Alaska is included in the territory in question, as are the main states of this region - California, Oregon and Washington. Following a map of the United States from north to south along the west coast, we will plot a route from Washington State to California.


In the north of the mainland USA is the 42nd American state - Washington, whose capital is the city of Olympia. In the northwest of the state there is a famous national nature reserve, called "Olympic".

On the territory of the reserve you can see:

  • numerous mountain peaks;
  • cascades of waterfalls;
  • clear lakes;
  • crystal clear streams;
  • the extraordinary rain forest "Hoch".

Flora and fauna national reserve amazes with its sophistication and diversity of nature lovers. One of the most visited tourist attractions in Washington state is the layered volcano (stratovolcano) Rainier. This volcano has become highest point Cascade Mountains, and in clear weather its peak can be seen from the neighboring state of Oregon.

Seattle is the largest city in the northwestern United States., whose population is more than 600 thousand people. Seattle is located on the shores of the Puget Sound and is called one of the major seaports in this region.

In the eastern part of the city is Lake Washington, behind which the Rocky Mountains originate. Like other US cities, Seattle has a list of must-see attractions. For example, this is the Space Needle tower, 184 meters high, built in a futuristic style, and opened in 1962.

From the observation deck of the tower, which is located at an altitude of 159 meters, you can see beautiful view on the:

  • city;
  • Mount Rainier;
  • Cascade Mountains;
  • Eliot Bay.

Tourists are recommended to see the Fremont Troll sculpture, which is located under the George Washington Memorial Bridge. The sculpture is so big that a 1:1 scale Volkswagen Beetle fit in her hand.

Oregon State

Oregon is located next to Washington. The city of Salem, with a population of about 160 thousand people, is the administrative center of the state. Portland is the most Big city state and one of the three largest cities in the west. It is the only state that has a double-sided flag. More than 570 thousand people live here.

Just like Washington, Oregon is famous for its national park, which is home to:

  • Mount Hood stratovolcano;
  • Deschats National Forest;
  • the purest Crater Lake;
  • Great shield volcano Newberry.

The Rocky Mountains stretch from north to south, attracting numerous travelers. To the east of this mountain range are the Alvord and Owyhee deserts. There are many picturesque lakes in the state, including the most deep lake USA - Crater, whose depth is 589 meters.


California is the last state on the American West Coast. It has the longest extent along the Pacific coast. California is home to large and world-famous cities such as Los Angeles, Las Vegas and San Diego. This state is home to amusement park Disneyland. The numerous beaches on the California coast attract millions of tourists all year round.

Besides beach holiday, the state has eight national parks to explore California's diverse nature.

California national parks are:


We will look at some of these parks, starting with the world famous Yosemite Park, whose diversity of flora and fauna is amazing. The park's territory covers an area of ​​3081 km2. About 95% of the park is wilderness, and all human activity is prohibited. Yosemite became famous for its landscape beauty, waterfalls, clear water rivers and groves of redwood trees, these are the largest trees in the world. More than 5 million people visit this national park every year.

Death Valley

This park is called the driest in the entire United States and has an area of ​​13,518 km 2. Death Valley has the hottest and driest climate, with summer temperatures reaching around 60 C° in the shade. Here is the second deepest point below sea level in the Western Hemisphere - 86 meters. The park has a large number of animals and plants that have been able to adapt to difficult climatic conditions. More than 90% of Death Valley remains wild and undeveloped by humans.

Lassen Volcanic

This national park is located in the center of Northern California. Its main attraction is the eponymous largest volcano in the world that has a lava cone, which is also active. The park has many mud pots, fumaroles, from which hot gases and springs burst out. Lassen Volcanic is also famous for that all types of volcanoes are represented in it: stratovolcanoes, shield volcanoes, as well as volcanoes with cinder and lava cones. Many of them still have geothermal activity.

Los Angeles

When visiting Los Angeles for the first time, most tourists begin their acquaintance with this city by visiting Hollywood Boulevard. It is home to the Hollywood Actors and Directors Walk of Fame, Grauman's Chinese Theater, and the Kodak Theater, now called the Dolby Theater, where the Oscars are presented annually.

Los Angeles is home to the famous Griffith Observatory, which is located on the slope of Mount Hollywood. The observatory has a large planetarium, telescopes and an exhibition hall with many interesting exhibits.

Downtown is the historical part of Los Angeles, which is very popular among many tourists. There is a complex in this area The Eastern Gate, which is lined with ancient buildings from the early twentieth century, and the beautiful Golden Pagoda. Downtown has several national residential areas, such as Little Tokyo, Chinatown, Koreatown, as well as Thai and Armenian quarters, which surprise with their diversity and vibrant color.

Las Vegas

The world famous Las Vegas is located in the center of the Mojave Desert. The climate here is hot and dry, with summer temperatures often reaching above +40C°. Today, about two million people live here. The city is one of the most major centers gambling business and entertainment in the world. Every year, millions of tourists visit Las Vegas to play in numerous casinos, relax in luxury hotels and see the sights of this beautiful city.

A popular attraction among tourists is the tower called the Stratosphere, which reaches 356 meters. The tower has an observation deck, it offers a beautiful view of the city, especially impressive after dark. At the top of the Stratosphere there is the Big Shot ride, which is the highest in the world.

Fountains of Bellagio

One of the most popular attractions in Las Vegas is undoubtedly the Bellagio fountains. On weekdays from three o'clock in the afternoon until midnight, and on weekends from 12:00 to 24:00 you can see a delightful spectacle. Numerous jets of water rise up to 150 meters in height, moving synchronously to the beat of musical accompaniment. Decorated with multi-colored lighting, they attract a huge number of city guests. This whole water performance is a gift for tourists from the Bellagio entertainment complex.

The Bellagio complex has a gallery visual arts, which houses an extensive collection of sculptures and paintings from the 19th and 20th centuries. In the gallery you can find paintings by Vincent Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet and other European artists of that time. An audio guide in Russian will help our tourists get acquainted with the exhibits.

Las Vegas Museums

In Las Vegas there is the Guinness World Records Museum, which contains the most unusual achievements of mankind. It is also recommended to visit the natural history museum, where you can see numerous exhibits ranging from minerals to dinosaur skeletons. There is also an aquarium complex at the museum, where the variety of sea creatures is amazing.

Not far from the museum is the popular attraction Vulcan. Near the Mirage Hotel, a real volcano crater has been created, which is calm during the day, and with the onset of darkness it begins to erupt, accompanied by special effects and sound.

Having walked this entire route along the western coast of the United States, one can note the diversity and richness of the nature of this territory. Of course, at the first opportunity you should visit these beautiful places that will appeal to both nature lovers and lovers of urban culture. Time in this region of the USA differs from Moscow by 8 hours.

Some come here for work, money and freedom. Others curse the country, its people and culture. Few people remain indifferent to the United States of America.

General information

The USA is the 3rd largest country in the world, located in North America. 48 continental states are located between Canada in the north and Mexico in the south, the state of Alaska is on the peninsula of the same name, and the state of Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean. The state also owns several islands in the Caribbean Sea. The capital of the USA is Washington, DC.

The country is washed from the west by the Pacific Ocean and from the east by the Atlantic. The state of Alaska has access to the Arctic Ocean. The western part of the country is covered mountain ranges from the coast to the Great Plains. Between the Cordillera and the Rocky Mountains lies the endorheic Great Basin. The ancient Appalachian Mountains separate the most populated Atlantic Plains on the East Coast (Washington, Philadelphia, New York) from the Central Plains. The Mexican Lowland stretches along the Gulf of Mexico to the mountains.

The largest freshwater system in the United States, the Great Lakes, is located on the border with Canada. The largest endorheic reservoir is Bolshoye salt Lake. The most significant river, the Mississippi, flows into the Gulf of Mexico with its tributary Missouri. Large rivers: Colorado with the Grand Canyon and Mead and Yukon Reservoir in Alaska.

The United States was formed after the 13 British colonies on the east coast signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The young state immediately entered the War of Independence, which ended in victory for the colonists.

In 1861, the southern slave states formed the Confederacy, leading to the Civil War. After the victory of the northern states, slavery was abolished throughout the United States. New states joined existing ones through the purchase of land from Great Britain, France and Russia, as well as during the Mexican-American and Spanish-American wars.

According to 2013 data, 316 million people live in the United States, of which 78% are white, 13% are African-American, 17% are Latino, 5% are Asian. The most populated state is California (37 million people), the most sparsely populated is Wyoming (560 thousand people). More than half of Americans are Protestants.

USA climate

On the west coast of the United States, winters are warm (up to 9 ºC in January in Los Angeles) with heavy precipitation, which even in the north in Seattle falls mainly as rain. Summers are cool (17 ºC in San Francisco) due to cold currents and dry. Best time for visiting - from spring to autumn.

The Great Basin and Arizona deserts are very dry (100 to 400 mm of precipitation per year). Summers are much hotter than on the coast, and winters are colder: already in Salt Lake City in winter the temperature is below zero.

In the southeastern United States (Houston, New Orleans, Atlanta, Charleston) winters are warm (about 10 ºC) and quite dry. But in the summer (from May to September) most of the precipitation falls (up to 150 mm per month) and it is very hot (29 ºC in August in Houston). Unlike the dry heat of deserts, humid heat is very difficult to tolerate.

In the south of Florida (Miami, Palm Beach) there are only two seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. Even in winter it is hotter here than in Moscow in summer. During the rainy season (from May to November), about 200 mm falls per month, which, combined with heat up to 35 ºС, makes this time not very favorable for visiting.

The Atlantic Coast from New England to North Carolina and the Midwest is cold, wet and windy in winter. Summers are not as hot as the rest of the east coast, but still quite humid.

The climate of Alaska is oceanic on the coast with fairly mild and snowy winters and warm summers. Inland areas may experience temperature fluctuations from -50 ºC in winter to 35 ºC in summer.

In Hawaii, the dry season and rainy season are weak. Temperatures range from 24 ºC in winter to 27 ºC in summer.

US regions

Northeastern states

The northeastern United States - the territory in the north of the east coast - is the most economically developed and populated part of the country, where small area Home to about 20% of all US residents. It was here that the Pilgrim Fathers founded the first Plymouth Colony and where the oldest cities in the United States arose. The main cities of the Northeast form merging agglomerations - the Northeast metropolis, stretching from the northern suburbs of Boston to the southern suburbs of Washington.

  • - the largest city in the United States and a global financial center. The Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building rise here, the Brooklyn Bridge connects the banks of the East River, and the famous Wall Street and Times Square are located.
  • - the American capital with the White House, the Capitol, the Pentagon and the museums of the Smithsonian Institution.
  • - the intellectual center of the United States, home to Harvard and MIT, as well as monuments from the Revolutionary War, which are united by the Freedom Trail.
  • - the city where the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were adopted.


The Midwest combines opposites: endless fields on the vast Great Plains and giant factories in the cities of the Rust Belt - the Great Lakes region. This territory was ceded to the British colonies by the Treaty of Paris in 1763 after the French and Indian War, described in the novels of James Fenimore Cooper. Despite the decline of heavy industry, the region remains the second-largest in GDP after the Northeast.

  • - a city of winds, skyscrapers, mafia and jazz.
  • Detroit is a symbol of the decline of the American automobile industry.

Western states

The Western United States includes the area from the Pacific Ocean to the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains. The Pacific coast began to be developed after the construction of the Oregon Trail through the Rocky Mountains in the 19th century. The timber industry is developed here, Agriculture and winemaking, as well as high-tech production. The Rocky Mountain states are known for their numerous national parks and ski resorts.

  • - a city of rains, museums and emerald parks. Boeing, Amazon.com and Microsoft are headquartered here.
  • Denver is the capital of Colorado, built during the Colorado Gold Rush.

Southwestern states

The southwestern states joined the United States as a result of the Mexican-American War in the mid-19th century, but the influence of Spanish-Mexican culture remains to this day. Here is the Grand Canyon and numerous Indian reservations.

  • - a city of casinos and entertainment in the heart of the desert.
  • Phoenix is ​​founded on the site of a lost Indian civilization. The population growth rate is second only to Las Vegas. average temperature July 35ºC - one of the hottest cities in the USA.
  • Salt Lake City is a Mormon city on the Great Salt Lake.

Southern states

The southern states of the United States sided with the Confederacy during the Civil War. Agriculture is of great importance in the economy of the region, and in life - traditional way of life. It's called the Bible Belt - it has the most religious population, the lowest average income and the fewest people with college degrees.

  • Dallas is the center of the oil industry. President Kennedy was assassinated here in 1963.
  • connected to the Gulf of Mexico by a canal built up with petrochemical plants. Mission Control Houston controls the ISS.
  • Miami is a city of beaches, banks and financial corporations. Most of the population are Cubans. The main language of the city is Spanish.
  • Atlanta was almost completely burned during the Civil War. It now houses the offices of Coca-Cola and CNN.

Other states

Alaska is the largest state in the United States, a significant part of which is located beyond the Arctic Circle. Separated from the continental states by the territory of Canada. IN late XIX century, a gold rush broke out on the shores of the Yukon and Klondike, and already in the 20th century oil and gas fields were discovered. In addition to mining, tourism plays a significant role in the region's economy.

Hawaii was discovered by Cook in the 18th century and was actively used for growing sugar cane. Now the main source of income is tourist resorts. Pearl Harbor is located here, after the attack on which the United States entered World War II.

Transport USA


American cities were built for motorists: low-rise buildings and wide highways. IN small towns public transport poorly developed and personal transport is the only means of transportation. Americans also prefer to travel long distances by car. The US highway system consists of major interstates and numerous local highways.


The only way to get to the United States from most countries is by plane. You can fly non-stop from Moscow to New York, Los Angeles, Miami and Houston. The country's territory is large, so the most convenient and fastest way to travel between remote cities is by plane. There are many low-cost airlines in the USA, so the cost of flights is not high.


The railroad connects the United States with Mexico, Canada and Alaska. Long-distance travel by rail is long and expensive, often with delays, but it allows you to explore the natural attractions of almost the entire country. For example, the California Zephyr (Emmerville - Chicago) travels through deserts, the Rocky Mountains and the Great Plains.

Most of the carriages are equipped with seats, even if the route lasts several days. Coupes are sold only as a whole, so strangers do not end up together. Passengers from cities without a railway (from the large cities of San Francisco and Las Vegas) are transported to the station by special buses.

Air travel competition Railway is only on the Northeast Corridor, where the only US high-speed train, the Acela Express, connects Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington.

Suburban rail services are developed in large agglomerations, but such trains often carry passengers only during working hours on weekdays.


There are city bus routes in large and medium-sized cities. Sometimes buses can travel on special dedicated lanes or even roads. Intercity bus service is the cheapest. The largest bus company- Greyhound.


The metro serves passengers in major cities(Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington).

A high-speed tram (trolleybus or light metro) complements the metro or works instead of it. Tram routes can connect the city with the outskirts and suburbs. Movement is carried out on rails on dedicated lines or on overpasses.

Nature USA

  • The Grand Canyon in Arizona reveals billions of years of history on the earth's surface. The Colorado River flows at a depth of 1.5 kilometers; the bizarre outlines of rocks stretch to the very horizon. The Skywalk observation deck allows you to look deep into the canyon directly through the glass bottom.
  • Niagara Falls is located on the border with Canada and very slowly recedes to the south. It consists of four waterfalls 53 meters high, the width of the largest - “Horseshoe” - 792 meters. A bridge was built across Niagara, allowing one to cross into Canada, from where the most best views to the waterfall.

US National Parks

  • Denali is a national park in the state of Alaska. Famous for grizzly bears, huge glaciers and high mountain North America - McKinley (6193 m).
  • Yellowstone Park became the world's first national park in 1872. Located in the states of Wyoming, Idaho and Montana. It is famous for geysers, hydrogen sulfide springs, mud volcanoes, caves and canyons.
  • Yosemite National Park is located on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada. El Capitan, a rock popular among rock climbers, is located here. Ancient sequoiadendrons grow in the groves of the park. Their age can reach 3500 years, their height is 100 meters, and their width is 10. There are many waterfalls, glaciers and lakes in the park.

USA Beaches

  • The beaches of Florida's Canaveral Coast form the longest undeveloped beach on the East Coast. Access to the southernmost one - Playalinda - is closed during spaceship launches at Cape Canaveral.
  • Beaches on Cape Cod in Massachusetts border sand dunes, pine trees and glacial lakes.
  • South Beach in Miami is the most expensive and famous resort in USA. The peak season is in winter.
  • Main Beach in the Hamptons (a suburb of New York) is known for its cleanliness and waves. Surfers gather here.
  • Hanalei Beach in Hawaii is shaped like a crescent moon and is surrounded by cliffs on three sides.
  • Ocean Beach in San Francisco on the Pacific coast is not suitable for swimming due to cold water. But there are excellent surfing conditions here.
  • Malibu is the most famous beach Los Angeles.
  • The beaches of Big Sur in central California are prized for their privacy. The mountains reach right up to the ocean, and on Pfeiffer Beach you can see the sunset through a stone arch.

sightseeings of USA

  • The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco links the city to the mainland to the north. The length of the bridge is 1970 m. This is the most popular place suicides in the world.
  • Times Square is the area in the center of New York where 7th Avenue meets Broadway. Named after the New York Times, whose office was previously located here. A symbol of the city and all of America, a popular place to celebrate the New Year.
  • Mesa Verde is a park with ruins of rock palaces and other buildings. The Anasazi Indians created them here until the 12th century, after which, for unknown reasons, they left this territory forever.
  • Mount Rushmore in South Dakota has a bas-relief with portraits of 4 presidents: George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. It was completed by the sculptor Borglum in 14 years and dedicated the work to the 150th anniversary of his country.
  • Manhattan is the historical center of New York, located on an island between the Hudson and East rivers. Here is Fifth Avenue, the Empire State Building and other skyscrapers, including the World War II towers. shopping center, destroyed as a result of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001.
  • Fifth Avenue in New York is the street of the most expensive shops in the world. There is a museum mile with ten museums.
  • Las Vegas hotel-casinos on Fremont Street and the Strip present miniature replicas of Paris, New York, Venice, knight's castle and other attractions of the world.
  • Hollywood, the center of the American film industry, is located west of Los Angeles. The famous memorial sign in the form of white letters HOLLYWOOD is visible from afar. The Walk of Fame has more than 2,500 stars embedded in the sidewalk in honor of actors, directors and even fictional characters. Tours of the Paramount studio are available for tourists.
  • The National Mall in Washington is a cross with the Washington Monument in the center, the White House to the north, the Thomas Jefferson Memorial to the south, the Capitol to the east, and the Abraham Lincoln Memorial to the west. Along the alley are the museums of the Smithsonian Institution, surrounded by parks.
  • The White House is the residence of all US presidents with the most famous Oval Office. Tours were held through the halls of the White House, which were discontinued after the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001.
  • Alcatraz is a former prison for especially dangerous criminals in the San Francisco Bay, where Al Capone served his sentence. The island now houses a museum, which can be reached by ferry from San Francisco.
  • The Statue of Liberty in New York was given to America by French citizens in honor of the centennial of the Revolution. Located on Liberty Island south of Manhattan. The pedestal houses a museum of the history of the statue. A staircase of 356 steps leads to the observation deck in the crown.
  • Highway 66 - the first major and most famous US highway was opened in 1926, but only 10 years later it was completely paved. Connects Los Angeles with Chicago. The discovery led to economic development in the states through which the highway passed. Songs and even television series are dedicated to him.
  • Willis Tower in Chicago - the most high building USA 443 meters high - built in 1974. Equipped for tourists glass balconies on the 104th floor. The tower is served by 104 elevators.
  • Hoover Dam, built in 1936 on the Colorado River, forms the Mead Reservoir, the largest reservoir in the United States. Named after the 31st President Hoover.
  • Faneuil Hall in Boston remembers the performances of Samuel Adams and other fighters for American independence. Located on the Freedom Trail.
  • Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco is famous for its restaurants, marine aquarium, and resting sea lions. Place of major holidays in the city.
  • Navy Pier in Chicago is a popular entertainment destination with museums, theaters, an amusement park, and a winter garden. Tourist cruises depart from here.
  • The Lyndon Johnson Space Center in Houston has been training astronauts and managing spacecraft missions since 1963.
  • Carhenge in Nebraska parodies the English Stonehenge. Old cars painted gray are displayed on poles arranged in a circle.

US Amusement Parks

  • Disney World Florida opened in 1971. The largest and most visited amusement park in the world, built by Walt Disney.
  • Disneyland in California contains several themed areas dedicated to different cities, eras and cartoons. There are railways and monorails running through the territory, allowing you to explore the entire park.

US Museums

  • The Philadelphia Museum of Art is one of the most significant fine art museums in the United States. The museum displays world masterpieces by Renoir, Salvador Dali and works by American artists.
  • The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York is the largest Art Museum peace. Works of ancient and modern art are collected here.
  • The Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago opened in 1993. Its exhibits include a Nazi German submarine, a railroad, an active coal mine and an Apollo 8 spacecraft.

US culture

National characteristics of the USA

  • The US does not have official language. Most of the residents speak English language, the second most popular language is Spanish.
  • In the United States, it is legal to carry weapons - this is defined in the Second Amendment to the Constitution.
  • Americans prefer to live in detached houses in the suburbs, although the popularity of apartments in large metropolitan areas is beginning to increase again.
  • The USA is the most religious state among all developed countries. More than half of the residents are Protestants, about a quarter are Catholics.
  • Most popular types Sports in the USA are baseball, American football, hockey and basketball. Typically, each educational institution has its own teams for one or more sports.

US traditions

  • Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. It began to be celebrated in 1621 by colonists who survived the first winter on the new continent as a sign of gratitude to God for their salvation. The symbols of the holiday are stuffed turkey and pumpkin pie.
  • Black Friday, after Thanksgiving, kicks off the Christmas shopping season. Huge crowds of people are hunting for the biggest discounts before the holidays.
  • Baby shower is a tradition of giving gifts to pregnant women before the birth of the child.
  • Teddy is a teddy bear, the most popular toy, named after President Theodore Roosevelt.

US cuisine

  • Barbecue is reminiscent of Russian shish kebab: pieces of beef or pork are slowly smoked over a fire. The meat is served whole (ribs) or finely chopped. It is most popular in the southern states, where it has been a traditional dish since the 18th century.
  • Tex-Mex is a cuisine of the Southwestern United States based on Mexican traditions. The main ingredients are beans, rice, cheese, generously peppered meat and corn flour tortillas. Everything is topped with salsa or guacamole - avocado puree.
  • Italian pasta and pizza are served in specialty Italian restaurants and many cheap eateries.
  • Greek cuisine is often found in supermarkets and food courts. Gyros, reminiscent of doner kebab or shawarma, and hummus - chickpea puree with olive oil and spices.
  • Vegetarian cuisine is popular in large cities, where there are many specialized cafes and restaurants. Foods that contain fish, chicken, eggs, and even small amounts of beef or pork are often considered vegetarian.
  • Low-calorie foods are found even in fast food establishments.
  • Seafood is a favorite delicacy on both coasts. Lobster is popular in the Northeast, shellfish and shrimp are popular in the Southeast, and salmon is popular in Alaska. Spicy Caribbean fish dishes are served in Florida.
  • Beer is the most consumed drink. Most Americans prefer light lagers.
  • Wine is produced in every American state. The best is Californian (Napa Valley), and wine from Oregon, Washington State, Northern Virginia and Texas is also known.
  • Sparkling wines are usually served in bottles rather than glasses.
  • Whiskey and bourbon are the spirits of choice among Americans.

Shopping in the USA

The most popular souvenirs from the USA:

  • A cowboy hat and boots are the best gift from the southern states.
  • Copies of the Statue of Liberty, magnets and calendars with photographs of presidents and various American symbols are sold in every gift shop.
  • Indian products can be purchased from the craftsmen themselves on reservations and at fairs.
  • iPhone, MacBook and other Apple products will cost much less here.
  • The maple syrup and peanut butter are truly made in the USA.
  • Products of the American sports brand Nike.
  • Silver products from Tiffany - the most famous and expensive jewelry house in America.
  • American jeans Levi's, WRANGLER, Lee.

The USA is not only about the lights of New York, Hollywood stars and Las Vegas casinos. Landscapes change each other: from cosmic landscapes of lifeless deserts to the tundra of Alaska and tropical forests of Florida. Ancient Indian monuments coexist with the history of modern civilization. There is everything here to discover your America.

This trip is a Road Trip (road trip) in comfortable cars.
When traveling with us, you will not encounter any of the things that we don’t like so much about ordinary “package” tours. We do not have: cramped buses, dull or, on the contrary, feignedly cheerful guides with signs, standard boring excursions.
The number and type of cars we use depends on the size of the group and the preferences of its participants.

Many people associate the United States of America with huge metropolises, tall skyscrapers and noisy streets filled with people. And as much as this may be true for the states as a whole, it does not apply to the West Coast of the United States.

With the exception of a few oases of civilization, the Wild West remains the Wild West to this day - with its dense forests, endless prairies, Rocky Mountains, Indians and cowboys, although the latter have long preferred sports cars to fast horses, and neither of them scalps their enemies. , nor others.

Purpose of Travel

Visiting the most famous attractions of the west coast of the USA: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Yosemite and Sequoia national parks, as well as many other interesting places of the Wild West.

Band size: up to 12 people.

Price:$2779 per person.

Expedition program

1 day

Inimitable Los Angeles

Any journey begins with the first step - ours will begin upon arrival at the Los Angeles airport. The first exciting impressions will immediately cover your head - there is no doubt, this city is simply irresistible! Eternal summer, tall palm trees, convertibles, a great variety of shops and restaurants. First day in Los Angeles– getting to know the city and acclimatization.

Interesting fact: due to the 11 hour time difference between Los Angeles and Moscow, events in Los Angeles always take place on the previous day in relation to Moscow.

Day 2

Endless beaches of California

Our epic car journey begins today. On this day we will see the famous beaches of Malibu and the small town of Santa Barbara, and we will drive along California State Route 1, surrounded by enchanting views, which runs along the Pacific Ocean north of Los Angeles. Let's visit lovely town Californian winemakers Los Alamos and end our journey in the small coastal town of Monterey. If we're lucky, along the way we'll be able to see whales jumping out of the water, as well as vast rookeries of fur seals and herds of wild black-tailed deer.

Day 3

Contrasting San Francisco

After a trip along the wonderful road number 1 and visiting small American towns, we will devote the whole day to beautiful San Francisco - the same city on the hills of which cars fly high in American action films, beautifully escaping from being chased. San Francisco not only stands out from other American cities due to its unique architecture, but is also famous for its completely unpredictable weather. What else can I say about San Fran? “It’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times” - this is definitely about him!

“The coldest winter of my life was the summer I spent in San Francisco.”

Mark Twain

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4 day

Yosemite National Park

After visiting San Francisco, we will travel deep into the American continent to visit Yosemite National Park. What is your idea of ​​a national park? Whatever comes to mind, Yosemite National Park is a natural masterpiece of such beauty and diversity that it makes you want to preserve it unique place untouched, no matter the cost. You probably shouldn't even try to describe it in words. You can safely expect that this is not just a forest with paths - but something incomparably more. Just remember the word - Yosemite.

The next national park awaits us - Sequoia. And if Yosemite amazes with the great variety of natural wonders, then in this park the giant sequoias completely capture the attention. They are gigantic not because they are big trees. Gigantic – this means truly enormous in size! The General Sherman tree is one of the largest and heaviest living organisms on our planet, surpassed only by the giant mushroom from Oregon. And there are hundreds, if not thousands, of such trees. In such a forest you feel like a breadcrumb.

Did you know: the height of the General Sherman tree is 83.8 meters, the circumference of the trunk at the ground is 31.3 meters, the trunk volume is estimated at 1487 m³, the weight is 1900 tons, and the age is 2300-2700 years.

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Day 6

Lifeless Death Valley

Until this day, the national parks we visited were covered in forests. Today we will visit a national park that has several records, which can also be called anti-records. Death Valley is the most low point North America - 86 meters below sea level, the hottest point on the planet with an officially registered temperature of +57 °C (the temperature in a Russian bath is about 20 degrees higher). It is no coincidence that this park is called Death Valley - it is indeed very difficult to survive in this place. We will learn more about this during our trip, but for now I’ll tell you one secret: there is a lake there that we will walk on without getting our feet wet!

During the year, no more than 40 mm of precipitation falls in Death Valley. For comparison: in the UAE desert, on average, about 100 mm of precipitation falls, and on the entire northern coast of Africa, where the famous Sahara Desert is located, up to 384 mm per year.

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After passing through the magnificent and varied national parks, we head to the heart of entertainment and gambling, not only on the West Coast, but throughout the United States - Las Vegas. Some call it a city of sins, while others say it is an oasis in the desert. It's up to you to decide what Las Vegas will be like for you, but one thing we can guarantee 100% is that you will never forget Las Vegas. Endless halls with slot machines, huge casinos, daily jackpots and complete freedom of action relative to the rest of America.

In Las Vegas everyone will have free time For independent walks, the opportunity to visit huge outlets, and see what is not available to ordinary tourists (we will not reveal all our cards in advance in order to pleasantly surprise you).

Did you know that 7 of the 10 largest hotels in the world are located in Las Vegas?

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After a short stop in Las Vegas, it was time for a further journey by car, into the interior of the American continent. On this day we will go to Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park. These places, not as well-known as the previous ones, are completely unfairly deprived of the attention of ordinary tourists and are located away from popular tourist routes. They will remind you that our goal is not only the most famous places. We want to show the most interesting things - and even though the names of these places rarely appear on the pages of guidebooks, after the trip they will definitely remain in your heart!

According to an ancient Indian legend, all the sinners of the earth were gathered in one place and turned to stone - this is how Bryce Canyon was formed.

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Day 11

Super mega Grand Canyon

On this day we will see something for which, perhaps, someone traveled to the west coast of the United States. Grand Canyon. They say that there are still places in it where there were no people, at least those who would return from there. Stretching over 440 kilometers, spanning 29 kilometers at its widest point and over 1,800 meters at its widest deep place. Introduced? I think that in reality it will surprise you much more than dry numbers! It’s not for nothing that its name contains the word “grand”, which means “great”.

The Indians of the Anasazi culture lived in the Grand Canyon, which originated long before the first Europeans arrived there - around the 12th century. BC e. Currently, representatives of two large tribes live on the reservations around the canyon - Hualapai and Havasupai.

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After natural attractions, sightseeing and historical ones await us. Route 66 is the most famous road in the United States. Initially, it was a road connecting the developing east coast and the still wild west. In colloquial speech it is often called “America's Main Street” or “Mother of Roads” - every American dreams of driving the entire length of Highway 66 from start to finish. Some will do it on a motorcycle, some in a motor home, and we will travel along Route 66 by car. Of course, only in part, but in the most interesting part! Here we will see different eras of America coming of age, from the Wild West to modern times. For some, Highway 66 is empty words, but for others it is the salt of the whole trip; no one remains indifferent.

Many experienced travelers they say that the West Coast of the United States is a completely different America. People here are more relaxed, the atmosphere is more inclined towards spending money than making it. There is no bustle of New York or Chicago, no pathos of Boston or Philadelphia, but there is the natural beauty of countless national parks, the sophistication of San Francisco, the gloss of Los Angeles and the recklessness of Las Vegas. The influence of Spanish-speaking culture on the West Coast of the United States is much stronger than on the East Coast; one might even say that Spanish is the second language here after English, in which people speak fluently. local residents. But even on the West Coast of the USA itself there are cultural differences. For example, Seattle is not as influenced by Mexican traditions as, say, San Diego. The climate also varies significantly from north to south. Even though it's only a half hour flight from Los Angeles to San Francisco, the air temperature can vary greatly: when flying out of the City of Angels in a T-shirt, don't forget to bring a long sleeve sweater to windy San Francisco.


Seattle is located in Washington state and is a large seaport. Situated between the Pacific Bay and the lake, in close proximity to the Cascade Mountains, Seattle in the USA has great recreational conditions. Many city dwellers prefer to go out into nature on weekends, especially since the nature in these places is so rich and varied: someone goes to the Olympic Peninsula to breathe in the sea air and take part in numerous cultural events spent here, some go fishing on Lake Washington or Sammamish, and others go to the mountains in the summer to study hiking and rock climbing and snowboarding in winter. Seattle itself in the USA is spread over several hills, which is why each area has significant self-sufficiency. Seattle is sometimes called the "city of neighborhoods." Perhaps the most famous landmark of the city is the tower « Space Needle”, made in the shape of a kind of needle extending into the sky. On cloudless days, from the Space Needle observation deck you can see not only the surrounding city, but even the Cascade Mountains, Mount Rainier and Eliot Bay. The tower is open daily from 10.00 to 21.30. You can buy tickets online on the official website; a single ticket for an adult will cost $22.

In addition to the Space Needle, the city center is literally filled with skyscrapers: the Smith Tower, the Columbia Center, and the Washington Mutual Tower. Seattle in the USA successfully combines futurist architecture, however, it cannot be called concrete and soulless, because... the city is surrounded by dense evergreen forests, and in the city itself there are many green park areas. No wonder Seattle's unofficial name is the Emerald City. The city hosts many festivals and cultural events throughout the year, so tourists often time their visit to coincide with these events. Seattle hosts an annual international film festival, a folk arts festival, Bon Odori dance events, food battles, and numerous maritime-themed sports competitions. Annual attractions include the Seattle Art Museum and Woodland Zoo.

Tiffany Von Arnim/flickr

2.Lake Tahoe

The length of this amazing fresh lake is as much as 35 km! It is the 11th deepest lake in the world! Most of it is located in the state of California in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Surrounded by coniferous forests and wet meadows, Lake Tahoe has a unique microclimate. The closest city to the lake is Carson City, and it is most convenient to plan your trip from there. The most beautiful places in Lake Tahoe, Emerald Bay on the west side and Secret Beach on the Nevada side are considered. Both of these attractions are included in the 270-kilometer ring a tourist route. It is worth coming here both in summer and winter. In summer it is developed sailing, there are many competitions taking place. Parasailing and scuba diving are also popular here.

Ridge Tahoe Resort Hotel/flickr


Yosemite National Park is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the United States. It’s not surprising, because on 3000 sq. km there are rocky mountains, dense forests, giant sequoias, waterfalls, fields, lakes, groves and numerous species of animals and birds. A trip to Yosemite is a favorite activity for local American families on vacation or vacation. Tourists also liked the park; there is a developed transport infrastructure. If it is not possible to rent a car (and many Americans take cars with trailers), then from the nearest towns of Merced, El Portal, Mariposa there are trips to Yosemite Valley Shuttle Buses. The park itself can also be explored on special free shuttle buses, although they only run in summer time. The most popular places to visit the park among travelers are Yosemite Valley, the Falls and Glacier Point.

Yosemite Valley is a huge meadow surrounded by rocky mountains. From the valley you can climb to the two-stage Yosemite Falls, whose height is a total of more than 500 meters. Also in the valley is the Mirror Lake, which is of interest to tourists, in the waters of which the very rocks surrounding the valley are reflected. In addition to Yosemite Falls, there are several more slightly smaller waterfalls in the valley - Nevada, Vernal, Ribbon, Bridalveil. You can look at the valley from above by climbing observation deck Glacier Point, from here the valley with waterfalls is clearly visible. The routes around Yosemite Valley are perhaps the most popular and are easily accessible both by car and by car. free buses. To see the giant sequoias, you need to enter the park from its south side. The redwood grove is located near the settlement of Wawona.

Luca Castellazzi/flickr

4. Sequoia Park

Sequoia National Park is located in California on the southern slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and is famous for its giant sequoias. Some of the specimens are considered the largest trees on Earth. The largest of them is the General Sherman tree, the second largest is the General Grant. You can visit Sequoia Park all year round; you can get to the park by private car along 2 routes - the main route No. 180 and the southwestern route No. 198. There are also special shuttles here, this option is suitable for those who are not driving.

Shuttles operate from the nearby cities of Visalia and Three Rivers. This trip will cost $15. It is advisable to book seats in shuttles in advance on the official website, because... There are always a lot of people willing. There are free shuttles inside Sequoia Park. These free buses can take you along 5 different routes within the park. It will also be useful to use the official website because every year there is a schedule of days on which admission to the park is free. On other days, entry to Sequoia Park by car will cost $20, individual entry will cost $10.

Gilad Rom/flickr

5.San Francisco

People come from San Francisco for various reasons: some want to be in an atmosphere of free views and morals, some are attracted by the romance of the fogs rising over the Golden Gate Bridge, others have long dreamed of taking a walk in the Western Addition area, where friends are huddled closely together to a friend’s Victorian-style house, but someone decided to see modern America, fortunately in San Francisco there is a huge Soma skyscraper district. When coming to the city, you need to remember that San Francisco, despite its friendliness towards tourists, is a metropolis with a population of up to 8 million people, which makes orientation in the city very problematic, at least at first. The best way to get your bearings is to understand the local zoning system. San Francisco is divided into 14 districts.

The most notable areas for tourists will be the Golden Gate areas (the embankments of the Marina District, Pacific Heights and Cow Hollow offer the best views of the Golden Gate Bridge), Fisherman Wharf (the so-called fishing pier, from where excursion boats depart to Alcatraz Island and where there are many sea restaurants), Nob Hill ( historic district, where those same cable trams run), some may be interested in looking into the colorful Chinatown area, while others, on the contrary, in Union Square, the financial center of the city, Western Addition (an area of ​​Victorian buildings), Heights (former hippie area), Ocean Beach (area famous beach near the Golden Gate Bridge, popular among surfers). To execute cultural program, it is worth going to the Museum of Modern Art or the Museum of Fine Arts, each of them has its own noteworthy collection. A popular entertainment for city residents is visiting various fairs and festivals. It hosts the annual Carnival, Lovefest rave, Castro Street Fair, Union Street Art Festival, Haight-Ashbury Fair and much more.

Tim Dickey/flickr

6.Los Angeles

City of Angels is the second largest metropolis in the USA and is considered a recognized center in the field of film and television production. The city is located on the shores of Santa Monica Bay and is surrounded by small mountain ranges, which makes Los Angeles' microclimate unique. The climate here is mild most of the year, with the majority of sunny days a year. However, the city is located in a seismically active zone due to the San Andreas Fault, which runs through the city. Los Angeles has an extremely complex zoning system. The areas are scattered, there is simply no city center in the traditional sense, plus there are many satellite towns around Los Angeles, which some also consider areas of the city itself. In total, there are about 80 districts in the metropolis!

Neil Kremer/flickr

The West Coast of the United States is a distinctive region of the United States, and its contrasts are striking. Differences in climatic conditions, ethnic composition, natural conditions make the region unique and unlike anything else. The lifestyle here is more leisurely than on the East Coast, people here pay more attention to their physical fitness, active species relaxation, all kinds of entertainment. It’s worth coming here at least once in your life to feel the spirit of freedom and tolerance, see the beauty of the Pacific coast, take a walk in the unique national parks, relax on the beaches of Los Angeles and recharge solar energy California.

Practical and eventful travels to you!


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