The port of Qingdao is the largest center of international trade. The port of Qingdao welcomes the liner "diamond princess" Port in China Qingdao

There are many different sights in China, but the port of Qingdao represents its beauty and power. The port is located on the shores of the Yellow Sea, in the south of the Shandong Peninsula. It is a famous ice-free deep-sea port and is considered a center for shipping and international trade. During its existence, it has established cooperation in 130 countries with more than 450 ports.

It should be noted that containers with iron ore, oil, coal and grain regularly pass through the port of Qingdao. This is very convenient, since the port is equipped with the largest grain and oil storage facilities in the country, and there are also first-class coal terminals on the port territory.

The port's infrastructure is at the highest level, and all facilities are made with the latest technology, which is why it is on the list of the five main ports in China. It is the connecting component between the continental part of the country and the whole world.

Components of Qingdao Port and their features

The Port of Qingdao consists of three major divisions, namely:

  • oil port;
  • new port;
  • old port.

Surface ships and submarines are also based on the port territory. From the sea, Qingdao port is surrounded by three dams with a total length of more than 1 km. The width of the entrance to the port is 260 m, the depth is 12 m, which makes it possible for ships with a carrying capacity of up to 30 thousand tons to enter the port.

Features and advantages of Qingdao Port

The presence of a port of this level has an excellent effect on the development of the city itself from a financing point of view; the thing is that the multimillion-dollar turnover of profits generated has an incredibly positive effect on many aspects. Import and export of goods makes it possible to cooperate with many global companies; suppliers are always interested in the availability and mobility of receiving and sending goods. Let's not forget that thanks to this many people get permanent job and good wages.

Customers always choose reliability, so qualified Qingdao Port employees provide them with the necessary assistance, and the level of service is facilitated by a complex consisting of highly qualified services and equipment. No wonder the port administration is investing cash to warehouses and storage facilities for many types of cargo, carrying out container transportation protected from damage and negative environmental influences.

The well-established operation of the port of Qingdao (China) brings benefit and development to the entire city; financial investments of this level are welcomed both among the local population and among tourists who visit the city throughout the year, admiring its sights and the port itself with its majestic buildings.

Being a logistics center connecting many countries and providing high-quality exchange of goods at any level, enhances the status of the port of Qingdao, strengthening its prestige.

It should be noted that the port systematically takes part in competitions at various levels; naturally, only the fact of participation in them adds prestige to the port. But its leaders do not cease to improve the activities of their field, and in 2001, Qingdao port became the winner of the National Quality Award among all enterprises state level operating in the service sector. To this day, the port of Qingdao is considered the fastest growing logistics center in northern China.

Qingdao is a modern and unusually beautiful port city, industrial centre And military base Eastern China. This place is also notable for the fact that 40 kilometers from the city is located one of the five sacred Chinese mountains - the majestic Laoshan.

The article provides some information about the seaport of Qingdao (China), located in close proximity to the city of Qingdao.

Brief history of the city

Numerous finds from archaeological excavations indicate that the first settlements on the site of the current port city of Qingdao first appeared 6 thousand years ago. During the reign (770-256 BC), the city of Jimo was created, and in 221 BC, the first emperor of the Qing dynasty sailed from here to Japan and Korea.

Qingdao was founded in 1891 - during the reign - as a military fortress protecting the city from attacks from the sea. At that time, it was part of a German colony, which quite significantly influenced architectural appearance cities. It resembles a Bavarian city, as the houses have red tiled roofs, and the gardens and streets are more like European ones. However, in last years Some attempts are being made to modernize the city.

It should be noted that Qingdao is the birthplace of the famous Chinese Beer Festival of international importance. In August, the Beer Festival of international importance is held here annually, which attracts many tourists to this specific


Sea port Qingdao stretches along the southern coast of the Shandong Peninsula. Geographically it occupies central place among other ports of the state - between and the Yangtze River Delta. It is washed by the waters of the Yellow Sea. The main port facilities are concentrated in the southeastern and southern parts of Jiaozhou Bay, connected through a strait (width just over 3 kilometers) with The Yellow Sea.

After the strait, Jiaozhou Bay expands quite sharply, reaching a length of up to 20 km. It is fed by the waters of 13 rivers, the largest of which is Dagu (length 179 km).

Port characteristics

A small strait connecting the bay with the Yellow Sea conditionally divides the port of Qingdao into 2 harbors: external and internal with basic infrastructure. This conditional line runs from Cape Tuandao to Cape Cuyong Shan. To the west of this line is the inner harbour.

The port, in addition to two container terminals CoSport International and Qianwan, has a large terminal designed for processing iron ore.

There are 3 port complexes in Qingdao (Port of Qingdao). These are Qianwan New Port, Dagang Port and Huangdao (Oil Terminal). Also 46 miles from the port, Dongjiakou adjoins it, which is also administratively subordinate to the port of Qingdao.

The area of ​​the territory with covered warehouses located on it for storing goods is 200 thousand square meters. The port's total cargo transportation is 50 million tons.

The city's attractions

In addition to the port of Qingdao, a particularly attractive object in the city is famous bridge Zhanqiao, which is the symbol of the city. It is called the Qingdaos Dam and extends 440 meters in length (8 meters in width). It was built by German builders. On the pier at the very end of the bridge there is a gazebo called Hoilange, which allows you to view the expanses of the sea and the panorama of coastal Qingdao. A little further from it there is a picturesque park of the same name with cypress alleys and flower beds.

The city TV tower is 232 meters high and has observation deck, where excursions are held, and in the tower itself there are cafes, souvenir shops and a gallery with photographs Olympic Games 2008.

The Qingdao Brewery building houses an exhibition with exhibits about the history of brewing. There is an opportunity to watch the process of making the drink and taste the finished product.

There is also a military museum in the city, opened in 1989. It reflects the entire history of the development of the Chinese fleet.

Industry of the city

In the eastern part of the port city of Qingdao, in the Ladshan district, there is an industrial development zone latest technologies. This includes industrial enterprises, the center higher education, science Center, residential area, tourist area, etc. The seaport is subordinate to this particular zone. The main industries are new energy and latest materials, household appliances, biotechnology, electronic information, etc.

The economy of Qingdao is built on the following industries: extraction and processing of marine products, metallurgy, production of medicines and household appliances, food and textile production and much more

The city is one of the five largest ports in China.


Sights of the port city

Qingdao (English: Qingdao – ‘green island’) – chinese city on the shores of the Yellow Sea, 500 km from Beijing. The port city of Qingdao is one of the five main foreign trade ports of China, a large industrial, economic, resort and tourist centre with a population of about 2.8 million, with skyscrapers of 54 floors.

"German trace" in Qingdao

History largely determines the features of modern Qingdao: China handed it over to late XIX century as part of the colonial part of the country under the authority of Germany. The fishing village of Qingdao became a seaport of strategic importance. The presence of the Germans for more than 20 years influenced the appearance of the city. The construction of the streets with mansions with red tiled roofs, Gothic churches, and their mixing with Buddhist pagodas created an unusual look for the eastern part of the city.

The brewery, built by the Germans in 1903, made this town the beer capital of China, preserving German brewing traditions: Chinese-made beer is known under the Tsingtao brand.

Symbols of Qingdao

The main symbol of the city, located far from the port of Zhanqiao Pier in the south of Qingdao, stretches for 440 m. Its tip is a semicircular breakwater, on the platform of which stands a two-tiered octagonal gazebo in the style of a pagoda. From the pier you can see the lighthouse of Little Qingdao Island.

40 km east of the city’s coast is located mountain range Laoshan, rising 1113 m above sea level (Giant Peak). Laoshan is rich in architectural and natural attractions. Main architectural monument- Taoist monastery Taiqing. The northern part of the slopes from the monastery abounds mountain rivers with waterfalls. Known for Laoshan mineral springs, the Buddha's cave, which is illuminated by the sun's rays through a round hole at the top.

Main attractions of Qingdao

The city attracts those who like to combine resort peace on the sea coast with walks around the metropolis: Qingdao is one of those cities in China in which neighboring active tourism, beach holiday, therapeutic recovery.

Oceanarium and Botanical Garden, a zoo with animals from different continents and pedestrian streets, karaoke clubs and beer restaurants, night markets and contemplation of the seascape, a “gourmet street” with exotic dishes and antique-style cafes, a port with modern liners and a picturesque coastline - Qingdao surprises with a kaleidoscope of unique places

The city has many parks with garden and architectural complexes. He is famous, for example, architectural ensembles, made in traditional Chinese style, Lu Xun Park.

Situated along the coast on a 60-meter hill, Xiaoyushan Park is good for viewing the city and the coast. The best panoramic point is the wave observation pavilion (18 meters above the top of the hill). Along the paths of the park there are replicas of the main attractions of Qingdao: catholic church, railway station, Taiqing Monastery.

Best museums in Qingdao

In the eastern part Old city Badaguan (Eight Paths) attracts with its architectural eclecticism. Badaguan is based on 8 streets named after eight military forts of the past. Until the middle of the twentieth century. emigrants from Europe, including Soviet Russia, inhabited this area, erecting dwellings according to the canons of the national architectural style. Buildings in Gothic, Greek, pseudo-Byzantine, classical styles are combined into an architectural museum under open air.

The Naval Museum in this port city is unique with its exhibition dedicated to the formation and development of the Chinese Navy. Located on the coast of the Yellow Sea, the museum consists of three departments: halls with collections of naval uniforms and awards; open-air exhibitions of military equipment; water areas with frigates, submarines, destroyers.

The Beer Museum operates in a Gothic building on the territory of a former German brewery. Demonstration rooms not only introduce the history and technology of brewing. A mandatory element of a museum tour is tasting different types of beer with the option of purchasing them.

Accommodation in Qingdao

Vacationers with any income level will find accommodation in Qingdao - accommodation with a daily rate, as in other cities of China, is provided by numerous hotels, inns, and hostels.

The most affordable prices in youth hostels (accommodation with a sleeping place without additional services in room). From $11 (USA) you can rent a bed in a 6-bed room with shared amenities and a shower, a safe for storing personal belongings. Double Room with a bed, TV, wardrobe, electric kettle - from 30 US dollars.

Three-star hotel 10 min. drive from railway station, half an hour from the airport - from 1079 rubles.

4-star apart-hotels offer rooms for 2-3 people from 2,162 rubles. close to the venue of the international beer festival, from RUB 1,827. – in the central business district of Qingdao.
Five star hotel on coastline 5 minutes walk from the beach - from 2212 rubles.

Qingdao Port situated on south coast Shandong Peninsula, occupies a central place among the ports of China between the Yangtze River Delta and the Bohai Bay, washed by the waters of the Yellow Sea.

The bulk of Qingdao's port facilities are concentrated in the southern and southeastern parts of Jiaozhou Bay, which is connected to the Yellow Sea through a small strait. A little more than 3 km wide.

From the strait, Jiaozhou Bay increases sharply, having a length of more than 20 km at its maximum boundaries.

Jiaozhou Bay is fed by over 13 rivers flowing into it, the largest of which is Dagu, 179 km long.

The strait connecting Jiaozhou Bay with the Yellow Sea conventionally distinguishes two harbors in the port of Qingdao: the internal one, where the main infrastructure is concentrated, and the external one.

The conventional line dividing the inner and outer harbor runs from Cape Tuandao Zui (36°02"39"" latitude, 120°16"55" longitude) to Cape Kuiong Shan (36°00"58" "latitude, 120°17"11” longitude). The Inner Harbor is located west of this line.

The port of Qingdao has three port complexes: Da Gang Port, Qianwan New Port and Huangdao (Oil) Terminal.

Approximately 46 miles from the port of Qingdao, the port of Dongjiakou is administratively subordinate to the port of Qingdao.

Port Dagan

Port Dagan is an old port located in the southeastern part of Jiaozhou Bay ( West Side Qingdao).

The territory of the Dagan port complex includes the waters of three adjacent bays known as Da Gang, i.e. Big Bay, Zhong Gang, i.e. Middle Bay and Xiao Gang, i.e. Small Bay.

Zhong Gang and Xiao Gang bays are used only by coastal and local vessels. Zhong Gang Bay is also protected by a floating jetty on one side and the jetty that forms Terminal 6 at Dagang Port on the other side. The Chinese Navy is located in the northwestern part of the Dagang port complex.

The port of Dagan mainly handles the transshipment of steel, aluminum oxide, bauxite, fertilizers, metal ore, coal, and grain.

From the port of Dagan goes Railway in Jinan. Expressways connect Dagang Port with Jiqing, Yanqing, and Jiaozhou.

The port equipment includes container gantry cranes, cranes that ensure the movement of cargo in the port, forklifts, cargo packaging equipment, and tow trucks. There is a floating crane with a lifting capacity of 320 tons.

Dagan Port has one of the best grain reception and processing technologies in the world, which includes a modern ventilation system, the use of computer technology, the use of steel grain silos, as well as the provision of fumigation services, grain packaging in bags and loading onto vehicles.

Control over the unloading of grain from the vessel is carried out using a computer system, which can take into account the transshipment of up to 1200 tons of grain per hour.

The steel grain silo holds 100,000 tons of cargo.

The port of Qingdao has 16 automatic grain packaging machines, each processing 50 tons per hour.

Grain ranks fifth in Qingdao port's cargo handling after containers, coal, oil and mineral ores.

Berths of the port of Dagan (Da Gang).

Berth Nature of the cargo
Terminal No. 1
№1 146 7,2 - 7,6 20,000 General cargo, steel and containers
№2 180 8,1 - 8,3 20,000 General cargo, ore and containers
№3 200 9 -
№4 220 12,0 20,000 General cargo, grain and steel
№5 312 14,0 60,000 Corn
№6 157 7,8 7,000 General cargo and steel
Terminal No. 2
№11 168 9 10,000
№13 162 9 10,000 General cargo, steel and reefer cargo
№14 160 8,3 8,000 General cargo, steel and reefer cargo
№15 120 7,9 -8,0 7,000 General cargo, steel and reefer cargo
№16 112 5,0 - General cargo
Terminal No. 3 For hydrographic and government vessels only
Terminal No. 4
№25 160 7,2 - 7,8 5,000 Chemicals. Tankers with a maximum length of 130 meters and a maximum draft of 7 meters
№57 570 - - General cargo
№58 570 - - General cargo
Terminal No. 5
№53 120 - - Containers
Terminal No. 6
№35 146 7,9 8,000 General, bulk cargo, sand
№36 150 7,9 - 8,0 8,000 General cargo and steel
№40 180 5,9 - 6,5 3,000 General cargo
№41 120 6,0 - 6,8 5,000
№42 162 7,0 - 7,4 8,000 General cargo and passengers
- 490 12,5 150,000 tons The new (2015) passenger terminal is located at the end of Berth No. 6. Covers an area with a radius of 340 meters in the northwest of the pier.

Potential of the Dagan port for receiving and storing cargo

(as of 2014).

Qianwan New Port

Qianwan New Port located southwest of the old port area along the Qingdao Port area in Canwan Bay, Huangdao City.

On the territory of the Qianwan New Port there are container transshipment terminals, the Xigang Bulk Terminal, and the Qiangang Terminal.

Container transshipment terminals

1) Container terminal Qingdao Qianwan Container Terminal Co., Ltd (QQCT)

2) Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Ltd. (QQCTU)

Canwan Container Terminal is formed by the merger of New Qingdao Qianwan Container Terminal Co., Ltd. (QQCTN) and China Merchants International Container Terminal (Qingdao) Co.,Ltd.

The Canwan Container Terminal operates 37 Super Post Panamax (maximum crane reach 24 rows of containers), over 100 RTG container gantry cranes (RTGs), and 44 forklifts of various lifting capacities.

In addition, the Canwan Container Terminal is equipped with the latest technology, two double 40-foot container cranes, which simultaneously lift two 40-foot containers or four 20-foot containers.

The lifting height of such cranes is 43 meters, and the maximum reach of the crane is 65 meters.

Canwan Container Terminal has connections with 450 ports around the world. A network of feeder vessels connects the port of Qingdao with the coast of Bohai Bay and the north of Jiangsu province.

The infrastructure of the port of Qingdao is organically included in the developed land transport network of China

The Qingdao-Jinan and Qingdao-Yantai highways provide connections to the Canwan container terminal within Shandong Province.

Through National Highway 308 Qingdao (Shandong Province) - Shijiazhuang (Hebei Province), 637 kilometers long, and China National Highway 010 Tongjiang (Heilongjiang Province) - Sanya (Hainan Province), China's longest highway (5,700 km), the Qianwan Container Terminal is connected With inland areas China.

The Jiaozhou - Huangdao Railway connects the Canwan Container Terminal with China's railway network.

Container trains depart from the port of Qingdao along five routes, moving at maximum speed, since there is no need to sort containers at intermediate stations.

In 2008, a bridge was built across the Jiaozhou Strait to connect the Canwan Container Terminal with the city of Qingdao, significantly reducing the distance.

Xigang Bulk Terminal

The Xigang Bulk Terminal covers an area of ​​over 38 hectares. Cellulose, alumina, steel, iron ore, sulfur, lumber and fertilizers are transshipped through it.

Qiangang Terminal

The terminal primarily handles the transshipment of coal and iron ore.

Quays of Qianwan New Port

Berth Pier length, unit meter Depth, unit meter Displacement of the vessel, unit of measurement deadweight Nature of the cargo
Qiangang Terminal
Coal Pier 560 14,1 100,000 Coal and bulk cargo. Two berths.
Ore transshipment berth 415 21 300,000 Ore. Vessels with a maximum width of 40 meters.
North pier 660 14,1 50,000 - 100,000 Ore transshipment
South pier 900 14,1 50,000 - 100,000 Ore transshipment
Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Ltd. (QQCTU) New Qingdao Qianwan Container Terminal Co., Ltd. New Qingdao Qianwan Container Terminal Co., Ltd. (QQCTN)
Four berths 1300 15,0 - 20,0 Containers. Maximum size vessels from 12,000 to 15,000 TEU
Six berths 2,120 Containers. Under construction.
Container Terminal China Merchants International China Merchants International Container Terminal (Qingdao) Co.,Ltd.
Two berths 780 17,0 100,000 Containers.
Three berths 1,000 17,0 - Containers and bulk cargo
Universal berth 425 17,0 - Bulk cargo
Qingdao Qianwan Container Terminal Co., Ltd (QQCT)
Eleven berths 3400 17,5 - Containers. Shared in half with the Xigan Bulk Terminal, berths No. 72-74
№ 72 - 74 570 17,5 - Ore, general and bulk cargo and refrigerated cargo

Huangdao Oil Terminal.

The Huangdao Oil Terminal is located north of the new port site and west of Cape Tuandao Zui. There are berths for receiving supertankers with a capacity of 320,000 tons and above, and berths for receiving small tankers and chemical cargo are under development.

Berths of the Huangdao Oil Terminal.

Berth Pier length, unit meter Depth, unit meter Displacement of the vessel, unit of measurement deadweight Nature of the cargo
Xigang Bulk Terminal
№60 314 10,5 30,000 Oil
№61 314 14,0 65,000 Oil. Vessels with a maximum length of 239 meters and a maximum draft of 12.5 meters.
№62 498 22,0 320,000
№84 320 - 100,000 Chemicals and pure products. The vessel has a maximum length of 239 meters and a maximum draft of 12.5 meters.
№89 400 16,9 150,000 Aviation fuel. A vessel with a maximum length of 388 meters and a maximum draft of 16 meters
№90 500 24,0 450,000 Oil. ULCC class supertankers with a maximum draft of 20.5 meters
№91 216 11,1 10,000
№92 216 11,1 10,000 Liquefied natural gas and oil. Vessels with a maximum length of 210 meters.
Lixing Chemical Terminal
№1 238 9,0 10,000 Chemicals and pure products. Vessels with a maximum length of 130 meters, a maximum beam of 20 meters, and a maximum draft of 8.3 meters.
№2 362 14,9 85,000 Chemicals and pure products. Vessels with a maximum length of 228 meters, a beam of 43 meters and a draft of 14.0 meters.
Haiye Oil Terminal
Oil pier 480 21,5 250,000 Oil and contaminated products
Hongxing Terminal Logistics Chemical
№1 187 - 10,000 Liquefied natural gas, chemicals and clean products.
№2 280 - 50,000 Liquefied natural gas, clean products, oil and chemical gases.
Haiwan Liquid Chemical Handling Company at Qingdao Port (Liquid Chemical Handling Berth). Qingdao Haiwan Liquid Chemical Port Company (Liquid Chemical Wharf)
- 280 12,5 30,000 Liquid chemicals. Covers an area with a radius of 429 meters and a depth of 13.3 meters, located at the beginning of the pier.

In Haxi Wan Bay (36°00" latitude, 120°16" longitude) there is a Bei Hai shipyard with two dry docks for receiving ships with a deadweight of up to 25,000 tons and a floating dry dock 230 meters long. Shipyard Both the ferry terminal and most of the reclaimed land are located in Xuejadao Wan in the southwestern part of Haxi Wan. Xuejadao Wan Bay is located in the south of Haxi Wan Bay. Xuejadao Passenger Terminal is located in the southwestern part of Xuejadao Wan Bay, which has a depth of 7 meters on all sides and 4 meters at the exit of the bay.

On the eastern side of Xuejadao Wan Bay there is a new (2015) terminal for transshipment of large diesel engines. This terminal consists of two piers, 84 meters long and 7 meters deep.

Dongjiakou Port

Dongjiakou (35°34" latitude, 119°48" longitude) is a new port built on the eastern side of the Dongjiakou Peninsula on reclaimed land approximately 46 miles from Qingdao.

The port plans to handle large quantities of bulk cargo, liquid chemicals, general cargo, coal and ore. In the future, it is planned to open terminals for receiving containers and liquefied natural gas.

The port runs from the southeast along a new buoyed channel, approximately 7.7 miles long and 390 meters wide, having a dredged depth of 23.2 meters.

The new fairway for liquefied natural gas tankers has been deepened away from the main fairway and is approximately 0.74 miles long and 345 meters wide, with a design depth of 14.7 meters.

The fairway for tankers transporting liquefied natural gas occupies the following positions:

  • 35°33"12""latitude, 119°45"21""longitude
  • 35°33"16""latitude, 119°45"34""longitude
  • 35°33"58""latitude, 119°45"17""longitude
  • 35°33"52""latitude, 119°45"05""longitude

From Dongjiakou Cape at latitude 5°34"56.8"", longitude 119°45"46.2"", a breakwater 1.05 miles long was built, which runs south to latitude 35°34"26.4"", longitude 119°45" 46.3"" longitude, and then turns southwest to a point of 35°33"57.7"" latitude, 119°45"40.3"" longitude.

Although 112 berths are planned, the port currently (2014) has several operating berths and one liquefied natural gas terminal.

The port's berths include an imported ore pier on the east side of the pier, which is 520 meters long and has a depth of 25 meters, allowing it to accommodate vessels of 400,000 dwt.

Another pier for receiving ore from the same type of vessels is planned to be built on the other side of the pier.

The existing universal berth is 372 meters long and 19.2 meters deep and is able to accommodate ships with a displacement of 50,000 deadweight.

The terminal for receiving liquefied natural gas (Berth No. 1) is located on the eastern side of the breakwater. This pier is connected to the mainland by a bridge 852 meters long. The area of ​​Berth No. 1 is 485 meters long and 110 meters wide, with an estimated depth of 14.7 meters. Under current conditions, vessels transporting liquefied gas with a displacement of 210,000 cubic meters or more cannot be received at this berth until construction is fully completed.

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