Riga seaport. See what "Riga seaport" is in other dictionaries

Rizhsky sea ​​port

commercial, Soviet port on the Baltic Sea, located at the mouth of the river. Daugava, at 12 km from the Gulf of Riga. Founded in 1201. The development of the port was facilitated by the construction of a network railways in Russia (1861-89), connecting Riga with extensive markets and sources of raw materials. At the beginning of the 20th century. R. m. p. in terms of trade volume was the first export port of Russia. In 1875-96, a customs harbor, berths in Milgravis, Andreevskaya harbor, a port elevator, etc. were built. After World War I (1914-18) and during the period of the bourgeois regime in Latvia (1920-40), cargo turnover decreased.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, the port suffered significant damage. Restoration work was completed in the first post-war years. By 1960, the reconstruction of port facilities and the provision of modern transshipment mechanisms were completed. By 1970, new berths, warehouses, industrial and household facilities, and a marine passenger terminal were built. Freight turnover in 1974 exceeded 6 million. T various cargoes, the port was visited by more than 1,500 sea and ocean vessels, of which more than 600 foreign vessels flying the flags of 26 states. General cargo (paper, cement, cotton, etc.), bulk cargo (coal, chrome and copper ores, etc.), metals, equipment, etc. are handled.

The port is equipped with cranes capable of moving cargo weighing up to 100 T. Container ships and ships with horizontal loading and unloading are handled, they are serviced around the clock by pilots, powerful tugs, vehicles, etc. In 1974, 93% of cargo was handled using a complex mechanized method. R. m. p. is the base port of the Latvian Shipping Company. There is a ship repair plant.

V. V. Poniatovsky.

Lit.: Skolis Y. Ya., Zhikharev N. A., Khmelev N. S., Riga Sea Port, Riga, 1974.

Big Soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

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    I Riga is the capital of the Latvian SSR. A large industrial, scientific and cultural center, transport hub, seaport. Located on the banks of the river. Daugava (Western Dvina), at its confluence with the Gulf of Riga of the Baltic Sea. Within the city... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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Riga Freeport(Latvian: Rīgas brīvosta) - a large port on east coast Baltic Sea, located in Riga, the capital of Latvia. Stretching for 15 kilometers along both banks of the Daugava River inside the city limits, the port area is 1962 hectares, the water area is 6348 hectares. Navigation is carried out all year round. The majority of cargo turnover is made up of transit cargo from and to the CIS territory. The main objects of cargo turnover are coal, petroleum products, timber, fertilizers and container cargo. While Ventspils Free Port and Liepaja port specialize in exports, a significant part of the activity of the Freeport of Riga is import. In the early 2000s, cargo arriving at the port of Riga accounted for 70 percent of the volume of incoming cargo turnover of all Latvian ports combined.

In 2012, the Freeport of Riga took 4th place in total cargo turnover among the ports of the eastern Baltic (after Primorsk, St. Petersburg and Ust-Luga) and 3rd place in container cargo turnover (after St. Petersburg and Klaipeda). The total cargo turnover of the port in 2015 amounted to 40.055 million tons.


Since its foundation, Riga was primarily a trade and transshipment point, so its development was directly related to maritime trade. The first harbor for the settlement was the so-called Lake Riga - an extension of the channel of the Riga River. In the 13th century, the city joined the Hanseatic League, and a large port grew on Lake Riga. The main export products at that time were furs, timber, wax, flax and hemp.

At the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th century, the main port of the city moved to the Daugava. The basis of trade turnover at this time was fabrics, metal, salt and fish. Over the next century and a half, the city successively passed into the hands of the Poles (1581), Swedes (1621) and Russians (1710). In the Russian Empire, the port played an important role, at the beginning of the 20th century it ranked third among the state’s ports in terms of foreign trade volume and first in timber exports. During each of the world wars, the city fell under German occupation - before this, the port equipment was evacuated, and some buildings were destroyed. During the years of Soviet power, the port expanded: the container terminal, built in the early 1980s on the island of Kundzinsala, was one of the largest in the USSR at the time of its commissioning.

With Latvia's independence begins modern history port.

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the Freeport of Riga

“Where is it, this high sky, which I did not know until now and saw today?” was his first thought. “And I didn’t know this suffering either,” he thought. - Yes, I didn’t know anything until now. But where am I?
He began to listen and heard the sounds of approaching horses and the sounds of voices speaking French. He opened his eyes. Above him was again the same high sky with floating clouds rising even higher, through which a blue infinity could be seen. He did not turn his head and did not see those who, judging by the sound of hooves and voices, drove up to him and stopped.
The horsemen who arrived were Napoleon, accompanied by two adjutants. Bonaparte, driving around the battlefield, gave the last orders to strengthen the batteries firing at the Augesta Dam and examined the dead and wounded remaining on the battlefield.
- De beaux hommes! [Beauties!] - said Napoleon, looking at the killed Russian grenadier, who, with his face buried in the ground and the back of his head blackened, was lying on his stomach, throwing one already numb arm far away.
– Les munitions des pieces de position sont epuisees, sire! [There are no more battery charges, Your Majesty!] - said at that time the adjutant, who arrived from the batteries that were firing at Augest.
“Faites avancer celles de la reserve, [Have it brought from the reserves,” said Napoleon, and, having driven off a few steps, he stopped over Prince Andrei, who was lying on his back with the flagpole thrown next to him (the banner had already been taken by the French, like a trophy) .
“Voila une belle mort, [This is a beautiful death,”] said Napoleon, looking at Bolkonsky.
Prince Andrei realized that this was said about him, and that Napoleon was saying this. He heard the one who said these words called sire. But he heard these words as if he heard the buzzing of a fly. Not only was he not interested in them, but he did not even notice them, and immediately forgot them. His head was burning; he felt that he was emanating blood, and he saw above him the distant, high and eternal sky. He knew that it was Napoleon - his hero, but at that moment Napoleon seemed to him such a small, insignificant person in comparison with what was now happening between his soul and this high, endless sky with clouds running across it. He didn’t care at all at that moment, no matter who stood above him, no matter what they said about him; He was only glad that people were standing over him, and he only wished that these people would help him and return him to life, which seemed so beautiful to him, because he understood it so differently now. He mustered all his strength to move and make some sound. He weakly moved his leg and produced a pitying, weak, painful groan.
- A! “He’s alive,” said Napoleon. – Raise this young man, ce jeune homme, and take him to the dressing station!
Having said this, Napoleon rode further towards Marshal Lan, who, taking off his hat, smiling and congratulating him on his victory, drove up to the emperor.
Prince Andrei did not remember anything further: he lost consciousness from the terrible pain that was caused to him by being placed on a stretcher, jolts while moving, and probing the wound at the dressing station. He woke up only at the end of the day, when he was united with other Russian wounded and captured officers and carried to the hospital. During this movement he felt somewhat fresher and could look around and even speak.
The first words he heard when he woke up were the words of the French escort officer, who hurriedly said:
- We must stop here: the emperor will pass by now; it will give him pleasure to see these captive gentlemen.
“There are so many prisoners these days, almost the entire Russian army, that he’s probably bored with it,” said another officer.
- Well, however! This one, they say, is the commander of the entire guard of Emperor Alexander,” said the first, pointing to a wounded Russian officer in a white cavalry uniform.
Bolkonsky recognized Prince Repnin, whom he had met in St. Petersburg society. Next to him stood another, 19-year-old boy, also a wounded cavalry officer.
  • Address: Eksporta iela 3A, Ziemeļu rajons, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia;
  • Port area: 1962 ha;
  • Freight turnover: 40 million tons;
  • Website: rigasosta.lv;
  • Working hours: every day from 09:00 to 18:00.

– one of three large Latvian ports on the Baltic Sea (the other two are Liepaja and Ventspils). This is the largest passenger port in. History of the port

Due to its location, Riga has always been a center of maritime trade. At the end of the 15th century, with the beginning of the era of massive sea freight transport, the city’s port moved from the Ridzene River to, and in subsequent years fabric, metal, salt and herring were transported from Riga by sea. In the 19th century The Western and Eastern piers were built. At the beginning of the 20th century. large-scale export of timber was carried out through the port. The passenger seaport was built in Riga in 1965. In the early 80s. One of the largest container terminals in the USSR at that time was built on the island of Kundzinsala.

Now the seaport of Riga stretches for 15 km along the banks of the Daugava. The area of ​​the port is 19.62 km², including the water area – 63.48 km².

Port sights

There is a lot to see in the seaport of Riga. On the territory of the port there are 3 reserves: the island of Milestibas, the Vecdaugava reserve and the Kremeri reserve - nesting places for dozens of bird species, including protected ones.

The Daugavgriva lighthouse is located on the eastern pier. The current lighthouse has stood here since 1957. Before that, it was blown up twice - during the First and Second World Wars. And the lighthouse was first built on this site in the 16th century.

Near the Mangalsaly pier, the Tsar's stones are walled up in concrete: one indicates that Emperor Alexander II visited here on May 27, 1856, the second marks the date of the visit of Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich - August 5, 1860.

Tourists love to walk along the shore and take pictures against the backdrop of the sea - beautiful pictures remain as memories.

Freight and passenger transportation

The port of Riga specializes in imports and is a transit point for goods from and to the territory of the CIS countries. Objects of cargo turnover are coal, oil products, wood, metals, mineral fertilizers, chemical cargo and containers.

The port's cargo turnover grew continuously in the 2000s, reaching its maximum in 2014 (41,080.4 thousand tons), after which there was a slight decline in figures.

There is daily service between Stockholm and Stockholm. cargo-passenger ferry, transportation is carried out by the Estonian company Tallink (ships Isabelle and Romantika).

How to get there?

The passenger terminal is located near the city center. There are several ways to get to it.

  1. Walk there. The road from the Freedom Monument will take no more than 20 minutes.
  2. Take tram number 5, 6, 7 or 9 and ride to the Kronvalda Boulevard stop.
  3. Take the shuttle bus from Tallink Hotel Riga.


The Freeport of Riga Authority yesterday presented a development program for the capital's harbor for the next 10 years. There is a pessimistic and an optimistic scenario. Consultants for the Port of Rotterdam, who participated in the development of the strategy, consider Riga to be a promising sea gateway.

The port of Riga will install new stations for monitoring air quality 02.08.2018

The Board of the Freeport of Riga will acquire two new air quality monitoring stations, one of which will be installed in the north-western part of the new multifunctional terminal on Krievu Island, and the second - on the territory of Bolderaja adjacent to the terminal in the Lielupes Street area.

The port of Riga is ready to work with large ships 06/07/2018

In the sea freight transport Vessels of ever larger sizes are being used. The desire of cargo owners to reduce costs and carry out transportation by vessels of greater carrying capacity is also fully felt by the Port of Riga, the Freeport of Riga Authority reported.

17,472 pairs of counterfeit Nike sneakers found in the port of Riga 03/26/2018

Employees of the Customs Department of the State Revenue Service conducted an inspection at the Freeport of Riga, where they found counterfeit products in two containers: more than 17,000 pairs of Chinese fake Nike sneakers. The cargo was intended for Russia.


The number of cruise ship calls at the port of Riga continues to grow rapidly - 91 cruise ships have already announced calls at the capital's port this season, six of which will visit Riga for the first time. This was reported by the Freeport of Riga Authority.

Augulis held Russia responsible for the failures of the port of Riga 02/20/2018

Freight turnover itself major port in Latvia - Riga - has fallen, but transshipment volumes in smaller ports are growing, and in the future the transit industry can count on development due to cargo from India and Iran, said the Minister of Transport Uldis Augulis

Management of the Port of Riga: the drop in cargo turnover in January was planned in advance 02/15/2018

The fact that 13.5% less cargo passed through the Freeport of Riga in January than during the same period last year was planned when drawing up the enterprise’s budget for the current year. The port employs analysts who monitor processes that do not happen out of thin air.

Russian cargo leaves Latvian ports 02/14/2018

In January 2018, 5.02 million tons of cargo were handled in Latvian ports. This is 22.1% less than in January 2017. The cargo turnover of the port of Ventspils decreased by almost half (by 42%), and that of Riga by 13.5%. Only the port of Liepaja was in the black (by 9.6%).

Cargo turnover continues to fall at the port of Riga: oil products leave 02/12/2018

In January of this year, the Freeport of Riga handled 2.771 million tons of cargo, which is 13.5% less than in the corresponding period last year. The largest decrease in cargo turnover was recorded in the liquid cargo segment. These are mainly petroleum products supplied from Russia.

In the port of Riga, border guards collected 5 euros for the purchase of a car seat 08/02/2017

The State Border Guard began checking the circumstances of a case in which money was collected from employees, possibly to purchase a used car seat for official needs. The Latvian Trade Union of Internal Affairs Workers became aware of this fact.

Ameriks: I would advise those who do not believe in the future of Latvian transit not to go to extremes 01/16/2017

How is the Freeport of Riga preparing for Russia's promise to stop the transit of goods through Baltic ports? Chairman of the Board of the Freeport of Riga (FRP), Andris Ameriks, believes that skeptics should not be discouraged. “We work on the residual principle: what you, Russians, cannot “eat,” we will help you reload,” he says. At the same time, America’s attitude to the project of a new logistics center in Jelgava, which provides for the delivery of goods to Latvian ports on barges along the rivers , extremely skeptical: “This logistics project is a utopia. It’s more realistic to build a spaceport on the Moon.”

The port of Riga wants to compensate for the loss of Russian cargo with Chinese cargo 12/14/2016

The vice-mayor of the capital, Andris Ameriks, is also the chairman of the board of the Port of Riga. In his opinion, the loss of Russian transit can be replaced by transshipment of goods from other countries, for example, from China. Latvian media reported this.


Last year, the Food and Veterinary Service (FVS) was forced to guarantee third countries that, despite cases of African swine fever (ASF) in Latvia, feed exports through the port of Riga could continue, but this year due to the further spread of the infection it may be at risk. The general director of PVS, Maris Balodis, told the LETA agency.

The ports of Latvia and Estonia are “losing” cargo, in Lithuania there is a slight increase 07/03/2015

Baltic ports handled a total of 65.776 million tons of cargo in the first five months of 2015 - 4.706 thousand tons (6.7%) less than in the same period in 2014, the Central Statistical Office of Latvia reported.

Lembergs threatens to organize a referendum against port privatization 02/27/2012

Representatives of the Zatlers Reform Party are criminals, their place is in prison. Thus, in an interview with the Baltkom radio station, Ventspils Mayor Aivars Lembergs (“Latvia and Ventspils”) commented on the proposal to put shares of the Riga and Ventspils ports on the stock exchange.

Magazine: Shkele is a secret co-owner of a large company, the interests of oligarchs are intertwined in it 06/02/2011

Ir magazine claims that Andris Skele is a secret co-owner of one of the leading enterprises operating in the port of Riga. According to the publication, the interests of Skele, Ventspils Mayor Aivars Lembergs and Ainars Skele are closely intertwined in the company’s activities.

A new regular container shipping line of the Chinese holding COSCO began operating in the port of Riga

In the port of Riga, since 2018, a new direction of container shipping, Poland-Finland Express, has received the status of a regular shipping line. The route of the new line runs along Baltic Sea, connecting Latvia, Finland and Poland - the ports of Gdansk - Helsinki - Riga - Klaipeda - Gdansk - with a weekly return to the port of Riga.

Six container lines began operating in the new direction from Riga. New route using the capacities of the Port of Riga, it provides container transportation to COSCO Shipping Lines, one of the world's largest companies in the field of sea container transportation of goods.

"The arrival of each new container line and new container carrier to the port of Riga opens the way for a new commercial activities and the ability to increase the volume of containers at the port. “In addition, this confirms that the Port of Riga has all the prerequisites to become a regional center for Baltic container transit, namely: an advantageous location in the center of the Baltics, high-quality port and terminal services, as well as a constantly growing volume of containers,” the manager of the Freeport of Riga commented on this news Ansis Zeltins.

Economics of the issue

The head of the port operator Transiidikeskuse AS, Vladimir Popov, admitted that such a direction of container transportation is not pleasant for Estonia, since it bypasses Estonian ports.

“If a new line opens, it’s always good for the port in which it opens. This is additional competition,” Popov explained.

In addition, geographically Latvia is in a more advantageous position than Estonia, it is closer to the regions of Moscow and Central Russia. Estonia gravitates towards the northern part of Russia, where the Russian ports of St. Petersburg, Ust-Luga, as well as Finnish ports are located. All of them are capable of receiving cargo traveling through the Central part of Russia directly.

As Vladimir Popov noted, China transports its cargo through Russia. Russia is a transit country, and it has the power, as well as the right, to offer the Chinese favorable transit tariffs. Tariffs could be such that the Chinese could carry cargo through Russia and end up in the ports of the Baltic countries, or transport it through Russia and end up at Russian ports in the Baltic. The domestic tariff in Russia and the transit tariff, which differ from each other and affect the overall price of transportation, play an important role in the decisions of Chinese partners.

Political aspect

Popov is convinced that Russia is capable of creating all the conditions for China to use Russian ports to a greater extent, which is reflected in the cargo flow of Estonian ports.

“In this case, I think they chose Riga and Klaipeda because there is a larger cargo volume there - a pool of import, export and transit cargo that COSCO processes,” said Vladimir Popov. There are three operating in the port of Riga container terminal. And every year, despite difficult political conditions, Riga shows an increase in container traffic.

The head of Transiidikeskuse AS explained this fact by the fact that Latvia more easily received railway plans from JSC Russian Railways. For Estonia, however, the railway plans have been a serious problem for a long time. The railway plans for Latvia concerned general cargo, which was already loaded into containers in the port of Riga or, on the contrary, unloaded from containers, but one way or another went from Russia and to Russia. Thus, the container turnover in Latvia is twice that of Estonia.

According to Popov, since the establishment of independence of the Baltic countries, Latvia has been a leader in the container transportation segment. For a long time, Estonian ports handled the same amount of cargo in terms of tonnage as Latvian ports. However, oil cargo mainly passed through Estonia. As for containers, if Tallinn at one time processed 130 thousand containers, then Riga - 250-260 thousand. Oil cargo left Estonian ports due to political decisions in 2007, and container traffic, due to Estonia’s location, did not grow much.

hope dies last

According to Vladimir Popov, the COSCO holding launched a feeder vessel on a new container line (A small vessel capable of sailing at relatively shallow depths. Feeders stand under the reload of containers arriving on a liner vessel and collect containers along their route - Ed.). Regarding the ship's call to Tallinn, it is possible that COSCO may also make a decision this year. In the meantime, cargo in Tallinn transported in COSCO containers is loaded onto other people's ships. “If the local office of the COSCO holding has enough cargo base to ensure the payback of a vessel that will come here, that’s already good. Having your own vessel gives you greater control over this line,” Popov explained.

Time will tell whether COSCO will decide to abandon the use of foreign ships in Estonia and launch its own ship in another container shipping direction.

In the meantime, in 2017, the Port of Riga processed 4.6 million tons of container cargo or 446 thousand container units (TEU), which is 13.5 percent more than before and is a record high result for the Port of Riga. Moreover, in the container transportation segment, the Port of Riga increased its market share by 9.8 percent.

COSCO Shipping Lines is part of the Chinese shipping holding COSCO. The company's fleet consists of 361 container ships with a total capacity of 1.84 million TEUs. The company also owns 2.68 million containers.


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