Evia island Greece how to get there. Open the left menu of Evia. Late history and modern status of Evia

Entertainment, sports and leisure very popular in Euboea. There are plenty of opportunities for events on the island. unforgettable holiday outdoors and in sports or health centers. Classic diving is especially popular on the island - diving to the seabed with special equipment. Prices for a dive vary on average from 40 euros to 50 euros, the duration of the activity is approximately half a day. Abbey Island offers holidaymakers mountain bike rides through its picturesque area with inimitable scenery. Week-long cycling tours through the wild south of the island are organized here, the route of which runs through the slope of Mount Okha, the Dimosari gorge and several secluded beaches. Hiking in Euboea is gradually gaining momentum: more and more tourists coming to the island prefer this particular type of outdoor activity.

Evia is also famous for its hot springs, and a holiday on the island allows you not only to relax on the shore Aegean Sea, but also to improve your health in sanatoriums and specialized centers. There are several hot springs on the island that contain small amounts of radon. Treatment in Ebway is recommended for people suffering from rheumatic diseases, gynecological and endocrine disorders and diseases of the cardiovascular system. There are many spa centers on the island with a wide range of services: body wraps, massages, hot baths, mud treatments and more.

Transport features of Evia

Euboea's transport is mainly represented by public buses transportation by Ktel, city taxis, cars and motorcycles, which can be rented both on the island itself and on the mainland. They allow you to move outside the island or to different parts of it. air Transport and sea communication. There is an excellent railway connection between the Chalkis peninsula and Evia.

Tourists are delivered to the island by ferry, bus, taxi or plane, and only ground transport eg buses. Buses are the most inexpensive form of transport in Euboea. Renting a car will cost a little more. A taxi is a kind of luxury in terms of moving around the island. Scooters or motorcycles are chosen by the most courageous tourists who are not afraid of the scorching sun or dusty roads.

The island of Evia (Greece) is one of the largest in the Aegean Sea. It stretches along the coast of Attica for 160 km. The width of the island reaches 40 km, and the area is about 3,684 square meters. km or 368 thousand hectares.

Evia is almost a separate state with its own capital and inhabitants. The island's territory is divided into 7 municipalities, home to 200 thousand people. At the same time, tourists are welcomed in each district. There are hotels, private cottages, apartments, and individual houses to suit every taste and at varying prices.

The island's territory is covered with mountains, which divide it into three parts. There are three regions - northern, central and southern. And also three mountain range- Ohi, Dirfi, Kandili. Big cities located on the coast, small villages huddle on the shores of bays, mountain slopes and river valleys.

The combination of mountains and sea creates beautiful landscapes, gives the opportunity for walks and trips to mountain passes. The spurs and slopes of the peaks offer stunning views of the surrounding area. Here you can take a photo of the island of Evia and mainland Greece against the backdrop of the sea.

On holiday in Euboea: why here?

Koukounaries Beach

Evia or Euboea is a beach holiday destination for Greek residents and visiting tourists. The popularity of the island is ensured by the diversity of landscapes, scenery and pastimes. There are mountains and sea, bays and caves, forest slopes and river valleys, modern entertainment and historical sites. There are picturesque ancient ruins, fortresses, castles and modern small villages, comfortably located in fishing harbors and fertile valleys.

In addition to tourism, the island is thriving Agriculture. Therefore, the products on Evia are truly environmentally friendly, with their own natural taste. There is real honey, figs, vegetables, seafood and meat, the taste of which guarantees love for the national Greek cuisine at first sight.

The island of Euboea gives visitors a lot of positive things. The mountains create amazing landscapes, and the favorable location at the crossroads of ancient trade routes provides a rich historical heritage. What else attracts tourists?

  • Unique diving - there are many cracks and underwater caves in the seabed, which were formed as a result of frequent earthquakes and underwater eruptions.
  • Surfing is also developed here. The wind on the Aegean coast almost always blows. Therefore, amateur and professional surfers from different countries come here.
  • Despite the wind, there are no big storms on Evia. This allows the water to remain clear and clean, and vacationers to swim throughout the entire beach season.

In addition, in the northern part of Euboea there is a developed green tourism, educational and walking recreation. This is real Greece, without crowded crowds and loud nightclubs.

Features of an island holiday:

  • To travel around Euboea you need a car. The size of the island is impressive, so vehicles are indispensable for free movement.
  • The service on Evia is unobtrusive and very loyal.
  • You can easily find a secluded getaway.
  • You can find inexpensive apartments or an affordable 3 or 4 star hotel.
  • You can find out that there is a church nearby by following the characteristic path, lined with stone and painted white along the edges.
  • Many vacationers swim here in rubber slippers. In the sea you can step on sea ​​urchin. However, the likelihood of finding a spiny sea animal is low.

Bridges and straits

The island of Euboea, according to legend, has divine origin. It was formed when the god Poseidon struck the land with his trident. Part of the coastline broke away and formed a beautiful island. Evia is separated from mainland Greece by several straits. They differ in width, length and legends. The most unusual of them is the Euripus Strait.

Homer wrote about this mysterious strait. Aristotle walked along its banks, trying to unravel the mystery of changing currents and anomalous movement of water. For thousands of years, sea currents circled the island on both sides and met at the narrowest point. Three times a day, every 6 hours, a rare occurrence occurs in the strait a natural phenomenon- change of currents. The water, which moves at a speed of 12 km per hour, freezes for a few minutes and then goes in the opposite direction. The mysterious current was named Euripos, named after the island around which the sea waves so unusually flow.

In some places the mainland comes so close that you can cross the strait on foot on the old bridge. One of the bridges that connects the island and the mainland spans the Euripus Strait in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Chalkida. Its length is only 38 m.

Weather and beach holidays

Evia's climate makes it possible beach holiday for six months, from May to October. Note: the island climate is mild, with comfortable, cool summers and humid winters. In summer it stays around +30, in winter – around +10. In this case, the temperature column usually does not fall below +5°C.

There is no influx of people on the island's beaches even in the summer months. There is always a place for solitary, quiet time family vacation. On weekends the number of vacationers increases. Residents of Greece come to the coast from neighboring mainland cities.

The Aegean Sea differs from the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, which is familiar to us, in purity and transparency. There are no jellyfish or algae in it, and even with strong winds the sea remains calm.

The island of Euboea (Greece) has 680 km of beaches. Among them there are popular crowded places and secluded bays. Near the beaches there are various hotels, inns, and private apartments.


Most of the hotels in Euboea are mid-level. Many are located on the mountain slopes, where almost every room has a sea view. There are impressive sea sunrises and sunsets here, which you can admire every evening right from your balcony. And also take amazing photos of the island of Evia.

The swimming pools in many hotels are filled with sea water. They have night lighting, so you can swim in them at any time of the day.

Many hotels offer real Greek dishes. Food prices in hotels are higher than in neighboring villages. Therefore, if you have free time, you can go to a neighboring town or village and buy water, fruits, and juices there.

Affordable accommodation options in Euboea.

Cities and resorts

There are two ancient cities on the island - Chalkis and Eretria. Chalkida - located on the site of an ancient settlement, in the place where the island is separated from the mainland by only a few meters of the strait.

Karababa Fortress

Chalkida has ancient quarters and a 17th century fortress called Karababa. From the fortress wall there is a stunning view of the strait between the island and the mainland.

Fans of any religion will find refuge here. Chalkida has a Christian church, a mosque and a synagogue, and also has a preserved pediment ancient temple Apollo, ruins of ancient temples. By the way, there are 16 monasteries on the island of Euboea. Quite a lot for such a isolated piece of land.

The resort combines beaches and attractions. There are ruins here ancient city with the remains of a temple, an amphitheater and ancient baths. And also famous Archaeological Museum and excavations accessible to tourists. Eretria is one of the best resorts islands.

Dragon houses


Second resort town Evia is called Karystos. It is located in the bay, next to Mount Ohi. There is also a fortress and ruins of ancient buildings, which were dubbed the “Houses of the Dragons.” Near the resort there are unique natural areas - petrified as a result volcanic eruption forest, picturesque sea cape, river gorges.

Healing springs Edipsos

Edeps (Edipsos) – mineral balneological resort not the northern coast of Evia. Famous for its hot radon springs. Here, according to legend, the hero of the Greek epics, Hercules, regained his strength. Roman emperors and generals visited here, as evidenced by three ancient arches. Near Edeps on the city beach there are places where thermal waters pour out waterfalls directly into the sea.

Temple of John the Russian

Kimi is located on the northern coast. Its old part was built in the neoclassical style. During the period of active silk trade, city squares were shopping centers. Rich merchants built houses around them. It is to them that the city owes its beautiful stylish architecture, neo-Gothic style reaching into the sky.

Located not far from Kimi convent and chief christian temple island - its name reminds of the unity of religions and peoples - the Church of St. John the Russian. Inside the sights are unique icons and relics of the saint.

In addition to the famous temple, Kimi has a mineral spring and, of course, beautiful beaches.


This is not an ordinary resort, but a whole resort area, which includes 7 small islands. They are called Lichades and Greek Seychelles. In the past, the islands were inhabited; today, buildings left by people have been preserved on them. Lihadonisya is a completely eco-friendly zone where vacationers will find a quality beach holiday.

The Lihadonisya Islands are a popular day trip destination. Traveling to the islands by boat or ship will allow you to appreciate the beauty of their coastline and the splendor of crystal clear emerald sea water.

Evia Island: how to get there

Fly to Greece at any time better by plane. But upon arrival in Athens, you need to change transport several times to get to the green island. Travel stages:

  • Flight by plane to Athens.
  • Taxi from the airport to the ferry. The ferry closest to the airport is named after St. Marina. Moving to him from international airport takes 20 minutes by car.
  • Ferry to the island. There are 6 operating in different parts of the island ferry crossings. You can take a ferry to Kimi (from Skyros, Skopepos, Alonesosis - these are the longest crossings, which take 2-3 hours). To the towns of Panagea and Nea Stira (40 minutes from the port of Agia Marina). There is a ferry to Eretri (25 minutes from Orops), to Karystos and Marmari - from the port of Rafina. And also to Edipsos - from the port of Arkitsa.
  • Next - travel around the island, by rented car or public bus.

For those who have not been on ferries before, the crossing will leave indelible impression. Seagulls flying close, mysterious and uninhabited islands passing by.

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Sights of the island of Evia in Greece

Greek culture is unique, like the Greek language, which has no linguistic analogues. All the sights of Euboea are associated with ancient and medieval history– the life of aristocrats, the defense and protection of the Venetians, Turks, Romans. In addition to the fortresses, temples and museums of the island of Evia, you can visit mainland historical and cultural attractions. For example, to the capital of Greece - Athens. You can even get here by public transport. First, by bus to the nearest port, then by ferry across the strait and by bus or car to Athens.

Chalkis: old and new bridge

The old bridge, built in 1962, is 38 m long and is vehicular and pedestrian. It allows you to walk from the mainland to the island and back. If desired, from the bridge you can observe the unusual movement of water and changes in its directions. Nearby there is a beach, an island and mainland promenade, and many cafes.

In addition to the old pedestrian bridge, a new road bridge leads to the island. Its length is 600 m. It is the largest suspension bridge Europe.

Museum of Archeology in Eretria

Mineral springs in the northern part of the island rise from depths of about 3 thousand m. Their temperature reaches +75°C. These are the most ancient baths in southern Greece. They were visited not only by generals and emperors, but also by the legendary hero of the epic - Hercules. Today Edipsos is a balneological resort. Here you can swim in a hot radon bath right on the seashore or in a spa salon or thermal pool.

Medieval castle of Karababa in Chalkida

Karababa is a 17th century Turkish fortress built on a high hill, providing an overview of the surrounding area and beautiful views to the strait, bridge, Chalkis and the adjacent mainland.

Church of John the Russian in Prokopi

Not far from Chalkida and Edipsos there is a unique church in which the relics of John the Russian are kept. The temple building is distinguished by its beauty and grace, and the attraction itself is popular among Christians. People come here to touch the relics of a Russian saint who was captured by the Turks, spent several years in prayer, and after his death was canonized (consecrated).

The island of Evia (Greece) is a holiday in real Greece. Without crowded crowds, surrounded by beautiful nature, close to unique cultural values.

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The islands of Greece are a traditional holiday destination for a large number of holidaymakers, which are visited annually by tourists from many parts of the world. Thanks to its mild climate, ancient and fascinating history, traditional and special culture of Greece, convenient hotels and developed infrastructure, proximity warm sea and beaches - a holiday on the Greek islands will be an attractive alternative to visiting more famous places in the tourism industry.

Description of the island

Beaches of Greece and greek islands- a place to relax alone with nature, the sea, try healthy Mediterranean cuisine, visit ancient Greek churches and other attractions, and improve your health.

Euboea (island, Greece) is the second largest in the Aegean Sea. Only Crete is bigger. Euboea belongs to the Northern Sporades archipelago, separated from the mainland by the Euripus Strait.

Evia Island Greece

Euboea (Greece) is great for a summer beach holiday. Although the island is mountainous, it is covered with picturesque forests; olive groves, vineyards, and orchards grow on its fertile soil. View of clean beaches with a transparent sea surface make the island even more attractive. Its beauty and watercolor transparency of views attracts artists and aesthetes.

The area of ​​the island is about 3662 square kilometers. Located along the northeastern coast of Greece. Population - 193,720 inhabitants (excluding tourist flow). Evia island in Greece on the map.

Boat crossing

History of Evia

The history of the island is very rich. The inhabitants of the island were Abantes, Ionians, Dryopes and Thessalian tribes. Until the end of the 6th century BC. e. The Greek policies of Chalkis and Eretria operated on the island. The island reached its greatest development during the period of Antiquity. The cities of Euboea during this period were included in the Roman Empire, from the 4th to the 13th centuries AD. e. the island was controlled by Byzantium (East Roman Empire).

By this time, Orthodoxy had finally established itself on the island. In the 13th century, the island was plundered by participants in the 4th Crusade, and the island itself became the lordship of Negroponte. From the mid-13th century, Byzantium again controlled the area, but by the end of the century this control was lost again.

This is interesting! In the 14th century, the island of Evia was controlled first by Catalonia, then ruled by the Venetian Republic for almost a century. In 1470 the Venetians surrendered the island Ottoman Empire, which owned it until 1829. From 1830 to the present day it has been part of Greece. Now famous for its resorts.

Climate of Evia

The island's climate is dry subtropical (temperate Mediterranean). In the summer months there is usually heat, which is easily tolerated due to low air humidity. Temperatures in summer range from 25 to 35 degrees, in winter - from 5 to 15 °C. From mid-winter to early spring it is cold and windy, but there is little precipitation. Basically, these are short rains, sometimes thunderstorms from October to April, but no more than 12-13 days a month.

Island Monument

Sights of Euboea, Greece

There are not many attractions on the island of Evia, but they are all unique.

Note! The main attraction is the monastery of St. John the Russian in the village of Prokopi, where his incorrupt relics are kept. And a church in honor of John the Russian.

The city of Chalkida is the first city that welcomes tourists coming from Athens. Chalkida is a city with a long history and will be attractive to those interested in antiquity. It houses one of the very first Orthodox churches in Greece - the Church of St. Paraskeva. The building was rebuilt. The temple is still in operation.

In the northern part of the city there is an interesting building - the Red House, which belonged to the noble Malliu family. Interesting buildings include the House with Statues. This is the city hall. From the Red House there is the Chalkida embankment, which is interesting for vacationing tourists to walk along.

Holidays in Evia

In the city you can see the only surviving mosque of the 11 mosques of Chalkida, Emir Zadeh. It was built in the first years of the Muslim yoke. Now it houses a valuable collection of Byzantine mosaics and ceramics.

The Architectural Museum of Chalkida is also worth visiting. The exhibition there is small, but allows you to get acquainted with all periods of the life of the ancient, with rich history, cities.

The second most important city in Evia is Eretria. During Antiquity, these two policies were rivals, and their confrontation led to war. Chalcis won, but Eretria remained a large and influential city for a long time.

Although the Archaeological Museum of Eretria has a small exhibition, all the archaeological finds in it are truly exceptional. On display here is a terracotta head of Medusa. The museum has 2 rooms; sculptures and bas-reliefs found during excavations are displayed outside.

Note! Eretria is very interesting story has the Castela Rosso fortress and palace ruins. Right opposite the museum is the House of Mosaics with preserved floor mosaics.

In the northwestern part of the city are the ruins of an ancient theater. The ruins of a gymnasium and a palace have been preserved in the city. A short path at the top of the theater leads to the Acropolis, where fragments of walls and towers are visible. In the city center you can see the ruins of the Temple of Apollo and the ancient market.

The resort occupies only a small part of the island with good tourism infrastructure- the coastal area where Eretria and Chalkis are located. This part of the coast with clean sandy beaches, good hotels perfectly suited for a relaxing holiday. The rest of Evia is mountainous, covered with forests, olive groves and steep slopes. mountain roads. However for wild holiday, full of adventure, is more suitable.

Mosaic House

Thermal springs

An important part of any vacation is recovery; you need to strengthen your strength.

For a wellness holiday, pay attention to the Edipsos resort, located in the north of the island. These thermal springs famous even outside of Greece. A modern hydropathic clinic has been built here, there is a comfortable hotel"Thermae Sylla". The symbol of the city of Edipsos is the image of a man breaking a crutch on his leg. These baths are called “Therms of Hercules”. Today in Edipsos there are about 80 thermal baths with water of different temperatures.

You can stay and take spa treatments at the five-star Thermae Sylla Spa & Wellness Hotel 5*, official website, get treatment healing water You can go to the hotel SPA salon. The hotel is 276 km from Thessaloniki and 184 km from Athens. The international airport is a 2-hour drive from the hotel.

Note! Almost every hotel has a swimming pool with healing water. In some places where thermal waters flow into the sea, “baths” are installed, which make it possible to use thermal springs anywhere on the island.

Thermal springs

Beaches of Evia

The beaches between Eretria and Chalkida on the coast of Evia are directed towards the mainland and are well equipped. Hotel beaches are more well maintained.

  • Kalamos beach is very good, with clear water, it is located between the rocks and its appearance resembles fabulous place. This is a sandy beach in the central part of the island, about 10 km southeast of Avlonari. Almost in the middle coastline Kalamos is divided by a rock, forming two private beach. One part is landscaped - with sun loungers and sun umbrellas, taverns. Nearby there are 5-star mini-hotels and apartments in Kalamos. The second beach is only soft White sand, azure waters of the Aegean Sea, pine trees and beautiful rocks.
  • Chiladou Beach is located on the other side of the island of Evia, which faces the open Aegean Sea, and not the strait, so it is often stormy there.

Attention! There is a nudist area on the beach.

Hotel Kalamosa

Transport connections to the island of Evia

From Athens International Airport, the island can be reached by either bus or ferry. The bus from Athens to Chalkis takes 1.15. Buses run every half hour, no problems with tickets. It is possible to purchase a direct ticket to avoid transfers. You can buy a ticket and take the bus to Evia at the Terminal B bus station. You can get from the Airport to Terminal B by bus X23, boarding it at the exit from the arrivals area, on the first floor of the Main Terminal. The bus runs around the clock: during the day every 35 minutes, at night - every 65.

You can also get to Evia by ferry, which departs from the port of St Constantin (150 km from Athens) or to the port of Arkista (185 km). From them ferries take 40-45 minutes to the port of St George and Edipsos.

  • It is worth booking all tickets in advance, ordering a transfer and paying in full before the trip.
  • It is better to rent a car and understand the local rules. Traveling by car around the island opens up new opportunities.
  • In some small towns, locals sometimes cheat on little things, so you have to be careful.

Sea, cuisine and wellness, family holidays on the coast, sights - these and much more are the reason to say “Yes!” to traveling to Evia!

Coniferous forests covering the low hills, olive and chestnut groves basking in the sun's rays and secluded mountain villages scattered along the coast form its appearance.


Among the many advantages of the island is its mineral springs, in which, according to legend, one of the greatest heroes of the ancient world, Hercules, healed his wounds. Along the coast there are magnificent sandy beaches, which invariably attracts a significant number of lovers of a beautiful tan, gentle sun And marine entertainment. Evia cannot be considered one of the most popular Greek international resorts and mainly the Greeks themselves rest here, tired of the tourist attention to the natural gifts of their homeland from countless foreigners. The island has many interesting sights and archaeological sites discovered by researchers over the years, so a beach holiday here is invariably intertwined with a rich excursion program.

general information

The island of Evia covers an area of ​​3684 sq km. The population is almost 200 thousand people.

A brief excursion into history

The history of the island dates back to the Paleolithic era, the remains of the ancestors of modern people testify to this. Throughout the history of the island, two cities fought for the right to be the main one - Eretria and Chalkis. As a result of the war in 490 AD. the city of Erythria was destroyed and could not recover. Evia was an independent island for centuries, maintaining a connection with the mainland, in 506 BC. Greeks began to populate the island en masse after the conflict that broke out in Athens. They managed to escape from the influence of Athens in 410 BC. and restore independence, during this period the island had already become a major trading center of the country. The island was dominated by the Ottoman Empire from the 15th to the 19th centuries, gaining independence in 1830 as a result of the Greek War.


The island has a mild Mediterranean climate. average temperature The air temperature here in the summer months is +28 degrees, with little precipitation and almost invariably bright sunny weather. In winter it is somewhat cooler than in most Aegean resorts and the thermometer can drop to +5 degrees. At the same time, rains accompanied by windy periods are not uncommon. Evia is located in one of the most beautiful places in the eastern region of the Mediterranean, but the island, however, is not yet too spoiled by the attention of tourists, which is one of its main advantages.

How to get there

From Russia you can get to Evia by flight to the airport, and then 88 km to the resort, both by land - along one of the bridges, and by sea - by ferry.


Well-established infrastructure and ferry connections with other islands of the Aegean Sea make it easy to get here from almost any area of ​​Greece, especially since the island resort is connected to the mainland of the country via several bridges.


The capital of the island is the city Chalkida, located 88 km from the capital Athens. It stretched along both banks of the Evrina Strait and in ancient times had the status of the most important cultural and commercial center in Evia. In its historical quarter of Kastro, the ruins of majestic buildings representing the Venetian and Ottoman eras of rule remain to this day, including the once exquisite Emir Zadeh Mosque, the Church of Agia Paraskevi and the building of a former synagogue. On Mount Fourka stands the imposing fortress of Karababa, from whose walls you can enjoy breathtaking views of the Aegean Sea and the Euboean Gulf. The doors of the Archaeological and Ethnographic museums, and lovers of high art can visit the city art gallery with magnificent works of outstanding Greek painters. About 20 km from Chalkis there is another cultural heritage of the island - the port city Eretria. Fragments of the walls of the Acropolis, the ruins of an ancient agora, temples and sanctuaries built in honor of the gods of that time have been preserved on its territory since ancient times. It is worth setting aside some time to visit the local history museum, which houses a unique collection of Eretrian vases, made by the hands of outstanding craftsmen and symbolizing a bygone era. In the same area there are several small settlements, which also have a long history and harmoniously complement the romantic image of these places.

When traveling around the island, you should definitely look into the town Limni, the atmosphere of which is literally saturated with the spirit of myths and legends of ancient Greece. According to one of them, it was here that Zeus and Hera were united in marriage. Here, every stone keeps many secrets, and the walls of low houses, surrounded by bright flower beds and dense green vegetation, fully correspond to the antique surroundings. Those who wish have the opportunity to dine in local cafes and restaurants, as well as stock up on rare souvenirs sold only in Limni. Religion occupies a special place in the life of the islanders. Evia is home to several dozen different monasteries and temples, built in different years and having important religious significance for everyone local resident. Perhaps the most famous holy monastery here is Church of St. John the Russian, located in the village of Prokopi, in the northern part of the island. Every year, tens of thousands of pilgrims from all over Europe visit it to offer prayers to John the Russian, directly at his tomb, where the relics of the saint are kept. The role of the most striking natural attraction of the resort is played by a fossilized Kerasya forest, the appearance of which is provoked volcanic activity V this region many years ago. Volcanic ash, settled on the trees, “frozen” them forever in the state in which they were at the time of the eruption. During excavations in the forest, the remains of numerous animals and mammals that lived on earth over 6 million years ago were found. Samples of many of them are exhibited in the galleries of the Kerasya Paleontological Museum.

The leading resort of the island is the city Karystos, and its main landmark is the Venetian fortress of Bourtzi, dating back to the 13th century. Here you can have a great time on the beach, visit local discos or do aquatic species sports Just a few kilometers from Karystos is Mount Okhi, the top of which is decorated with huge stone blocks up to 15 meters high. These stone sculptures are locally called Dragon Houses, and the mystery of their appearance has not yet been solved. It is only known that during the construction of the structures not a single fastening beam was used. All layers are neatly laid on top of each other, forming single monolithic buildings. According to one version, the Dragon Houses were created by the ancient Greeks as a shrine dedicated to Zeus and Hera.


The central place for treatment in the resort is the city Edipsos, whose mineral springs at one time used as mythological heroes Ancient Greece, and ordinary mortals, including the famous Roman military leader Sulla. The local baths, preserved from Roman times and only slightly modernized in accordance with the era, are ideal for the treatment of rheumatic, gynecological and endocrinological diseases, as well as disorders associated with problems in the cardiovascular system and other ailments. Water from local sources is used for cosmetic procedures performed on the territory of the Thermae Sylla SPA complex. Several more hospitals are located in the area of ​​​​the city of Kimi, which, in addition to its healing waters, is known for its excellent beaches and picturesque natural landscapes.


All hotels in Evia are of a very high standard, although most of them are rated 3 or 4 stars.


The island has a large number of souvenir shops, vegetable markets, shopping centers with branded clothing and shoes, traditional accessories. It is worth paying attention to leather products.

Precautionary measures

Evia is a safe island, you should be careful on the roads, especially drivers who have rented cars, turns can be very sharp.


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