Places of Mari El. Photos and descriptions of the most beautiful places in Mari El. Ethnographic Open Air Museum

Mari El is a Volga republic located next to Tatarstan and Chuvashia. It also borders on Kirovskaya and Nizhny Novgorod regions. The capital of this region is the city of Yoshkar-Ola.

The republic is notable for the splendor of the pristine nature preserved here. Most of it is occupied by forests, in which there are ecologically clean lakes and the beds of beautiful rivers.

The culture of the local people, formed over many centuries, combined with Russian culture, and also having ancient history customs, traditions and folk crafts. Many cultural and historical monuments have been preserved in Mari El.

In this distinctive region with unique nature There are many attractions that deserve special attention. Some of the most famous and popular unique sites in the republic include:

The territory of the reserve is occupied by mixed forest. The nature of this object is distinguished by a wealth of species of flora and fauna. Several tourist routes run through its territory.

You can fully enjoy the beauty of pristine nature here in the middle of summer. At this time of year, sunny, fine days prevail here, while most of the year the weather tends to be unstable with an abundance of cloudy days.

Location: Voinov-Internationalistov Street - 26, Yoshkar-Ola.

The beauty and majesty of the local landscapes are often compared to the Alps. Against the backdrop of untouched nature, there is an Orthodox chapel, and near it there is an icy spring with the purest water.

Translated into Russian, its name means “Mari forest”. It's really busy with the forest. In it you can look at the Pugachev oak tree, under which Emelyan Pugachev once rested. To this oak more than 400 years.

They are located near the village of Gornyak. The entrance to many caves is very narrow and located close to the ground. To get inside the caves, you will have to crawl your way.

Inside you can see stalactites and stalagmites. The caves are cold all year round, even in summer no warmer than +6°C, and the walls at great depths are covered with frost. Previously, there were quarries here where millstone was mined.

Perhaps this is the most beautiful lake in Mari El. This small lake with steep, steep banks, almost oval in shape, located on the slope of a mountain. Its water has a noticeable bluish-green tint.

With dimensions not exceeding 50 meters, it has a very greater depth, reaching 38.5 meters. It belongs to karst lakes and is connected to underground voids. The lake has been little studied, and many legends have developed about it. Many of its secrets have not been revealed; they have yet to be solved by scientists involved in its research.

This is one of the cleanest lakes in the Volga region and has the shape of an almost perfect circle with a diameter of 680 meters. It is interdune in origin, deepened by karst, with a dip near the central part of the basin. The depth gradually increases towards the middle of the lake, reaching 15 meters in its central part. The water is very clear, visibility is about 8 meters. The mineralization of the water is extremely low.

This is the deepest karst lake not only in Mari El, but throughout the entire Middle Volga region. Its maximum depth is 53 meters with a length of 800 and a width of 400 meters. Its source of nutrition is underwater springs. The lake is a drainage lake, and the Pizhanka River flows out of it. On its shore there is an Orthodox temple.

This is the largest lake in the republic. Its area is approximately 160 hectares. It has weird shape in the form of blades. The maximum depth in places of karst failures reaches 35 meters. The lake is excellent for fishing.

Location: street.

This is not only a picturesque natural site, but also a historical monument. The height of the mountain is 224 meters at sea level. The Mari called the mountains “pockets,” where they found refuge during the invasion of hostile tribes.

It is also known as Watchdog Mountain. On this mountain, located on the banks of the Volga, a fortified settlement was located from the eleventh to the fifteenth centuries. Now in that place you can see the remains of the fortress moat and rampart.

These mysterious stones, the likes of which are nowhere to be found in the vicinity of the village, have been here for many centuries. Most of them are in the ground. Local residents consider the stones sacred. It is believed that they cannot be touched.

There is a legend that one of the village residents used these stones to build the foundation of a house, and soon after construction was completed, the house burned down. The stones are located on the slope of Mount Onis Kuryk. This area is known as anomalous zone.

Their shape resembles peculiar stone mushrooms. It is caused by the weathering process, in which sandstone is subject to more intense erosion and deteriorates faster than limestone.

The rocks are framed by curved tree roots that have taken on a bizarre shape. Near the rocks there is a small lake and a spring with a stream flowing from it, which flows into the small Nevelichka River flowing here. There is a crane well nearby.

The castle was built in the village of Yurino on the banks of the Volga by the wealthy merchant Sheremetev in the nineteenth century. It was built in the architectural traditions of medieval castles and combines different architectural styles.

It is a richly decorated palace whose architecture includes Old Russian-style turrets and Gothic battlements. Majestic columns support the glass dome of the winter garden. Currently there is a hotel in the castle.

Its construction began in 1997 on the banks of the Rutka River. Nowadays, the construction of a church in the traditions of Russian wooden architecture is still ongoing. Sergius of Radonezh is considered her patron.

Also in the monastery there is a small house church of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist. All churches, living quarters and outbuildings on the territory of the monastery are built of wood. This is the uniqueness of this monastery in architectural terms.

The Myrrh-Bearing Hermitage began its existence in 1649 at the site of the appearance of the Miraculous Myrrh-Bearing Icon of the Mother of God. It was built in the best traditions of Russian architecture of the seventeenth century and is considered an architectural monument. Near the monastery there is a holy spring and a font.

Through national park Mari Chodra the Ilet River flows near Maple Mountain. In this place, its water has a constant temperature of about 6.5°C throughout the year. It is caused by powerful springs at the bottom of the river and flowing into the river mineral springs, the most significant of which is called the Green Key.

Nearby is Boiling Square, which is a small lake with a sandy bottom. The bottom seems to be boiling due to the many springs gushing out from underground. The water in the springs is mineral and has healing properties.

The group of local springs is a federal hydrogeological natural monument. One and a half kilometers from the springs there is the Maple Mountain sanatorium, where you can have a good rest surrounded by untouched nature and improve your health.

This is one of the oldest villages in Mari El. Here, at the entrance to the village, you can see a stone dedicated to the local national hero - the hero Onar. A stone sign dedicated to the hero appeared in these parts in 2009. The grove near the village is considered sacred by local residents.

Museums of the Republic

A story about the sights of the Mari El Republic will be incomplete without mentioning the museums located in its capital - the city of Yoshkar-Ola.

IN Museum of Applied Arts(Chernyshevsky - 23) you can expand your ideas about the traditions of the indigenous population of the republic. This museum is located in a small one-story building with an attic.

Several years ago, construction was completed in the center of Yoshkar-Ola Tsarevokokshay Kremlin(Voznesenskaya
- 58). It is built of red brick and stylized as an ancient Russian fortress. Behind the walls of this youngest Kremlin in Russia there is a church, Archaeological Museum and a monument to Fyodor Ioannovich, the founder of Yoshkar-Ola.

The Republic of Mari El is located on the Volga River, in the very center of the Volga region. This region is famous not only for its forests, but also for its historical and cultural attractions. Let's find out about the most interesting places oh, which you definitely need to visit in the Republic of Mari El.

Sheremetyev Castle (Yurino village)

The castle was erected in 1880, and its construction was started by the landowner Vasily Sheremetyev, the grandson of the same Count Sheremetyev who served Peter the Great. Inside the castle there were about a hundred rooms, some of which contained galleries with paintings by famous artists.

The architecture of the castle is dominated by neo-Gothic, oriental and baroque styles. From the beginning of the 90s to this day, the object has been actively restored - today the external part has been completely restored, while the internal rooms are in need of repair and restoration.

Ethnographic Open Air Museum

The museum was opened in 1983 and is located in the city of Kozmodemyansk. There are more than 60 structures and buildings and 7,000 exhibits telling about the life, customs and peculiarities of life of the mountain Mari.

The museum contains architectural monuments, tools, and cultural objects of the ancient Mari. The historian was able to reconstruct dwellings and important architectural structures people.

Lake Sea Eye

The lake is geographically located in the Volga region in the village of Shariboksad. They were formed about 20 thousand years ago as a result of the failure of karst rocks. The lake has an unusual green color of water and a perfect oval shape, which is surrounded by growing trees.

The lake is shrouded in many legends and mystical theories. One of the popular legends says that in this village lived a girl and a boy who loved each other very much. On their wedding day, they learned the terrible truth - they are blood brother and sister. This did not stop the lovers and they still decided to get married. Then the gods became angry with them - at the moment of the wedding feast, the earth opened up and took the newlyweds and guests of the celebration with it, and a lake formed in the place of the collapse. They say that wedding songs can still be heard from the side of the lake.

Stone adits in Sernur district

In the village of Gornyak there are unique man-made caves. When approaching the village, you can see an Atlantean holding a large boulder in his arms. The total length of the cave is 300 meters. Inside there are stalactites, ice accumulations and bat nests. The stone adits were preserved as a tribute to the memory of the ancient craft of the people - the extraction of stones.

Unfortunately, the adits are now closed to tourists due to the risk of collapse.

Green key

This source is one of the attractions of the village of Klenovaya Gora and is located next to the flowing Ilet River. The Green Key is one of the largest sources in the Republic. Water contains many minerals and helps treat diseases of the stomach, liver, and genitourinary system. That is why the Klenovaya Gora sanatorium is located next to the Green Key.

Lake Tabashinskoye (Zryv)

The lake is located in the village of Tabashino and is the deepest reservoir in the Volga region - its depth reaches 170 meters. Until recently, it was believed that the depth was about 60 meters, but new research has refuted this information.

The Pizhanka River flows out of the reservoir, and on the shore is the Floro-Lavra Church, which was built in 1898.

Lake Mushan-Er

Mushan-Er is a system of lakes located on the territory of the Mari Chodra Nature Reserve. The system consists of three lakes, which stretch one after another in a chain. The largest of the reservoirs has a length of 1116 meters.

On the shore of one of the lakes there is kyusoto - this is a sacred grove where the Mari worship their gods.

It is a richly decorated fairy-tale palace, with dark red walls and a green roof. Windows and doors are framed in snow-white. Graceful turrets in the Old Russian style and battlements in the Gothic style. The palace is difficult to attribute to any one architectural movement. There is a successful combination of several here. Further, seven columns support the glass dome of the winter garden. The interior decoration of the castle is incomparable. Particularly noteworthy is the sophistication of the “Eastern Cabinet”, “ Art gallery", "Oak Room". There are also magnificent fireplaces here. One of them even contains a slab found during excavations in Pompeii.

After admiring the castle, you can stop for a rest here. There is a good hotel in the Sheremetyev estate, and a cozy cafe is located very close by. In addition, here, as throughout the republic, you can admire the amazing landscapes to your heart's content.


Continuing to describe the sights of Mari El, photos of which are presented in the article, one cannot help but talk about the museum of the city of Yoshkar-Ola. Those who want to learn about the history of the republic can visit it. You can learn about the traditions of the indigenous people at the Museum of Applied Arts. It is located in a modest one-story building with an attic. The city also has a museum of peasant labor and life. Its “highlight” is the rich collection of bells and bells.

More recently, the Tsarevokokshay Kremlin was built in the center of the capital. The impressive ancient Russian fortress made of red brick, walls and towers covered with a green roof, resembles the scenery of a historical film. This complex contains a church, an archaeological museum and a monument to the founder of the city, Fyodor Ioannovich.

Sights of Mari El: photos and descriptions

There is an unusual street sculpture in Yoshkar-Ola. It's called Yoshkin the cat. A representative of the bronze cat family sat imposingly on a bench, smiling condescendingly at passers-by.

Let's continue to describe the sights of Mari El. Five years ago it was opened quite significant monument. This is a bronze sculpture depicting the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin and his most famous hero - Eugene Onegin.

What other interesting sights of Mari El? In the Italian Park of Yoshkar-Ola, the sculptural composition “Lorenzo di Piero de Medici the Magnificent” was recently installed, which symbolizes the triumph of science and art.

Churches and cathedrals

The Church of the Holy Trinity is a monument of Russian church architecture. With the advent of Soviet power, it suffered the same fate as many churches in the country. It was closed and almost destroyed. The restored temple amazes with its splendor and marvelous architecture.

What other interesting sights of Mari El? For example, the Orthodox shrine of the capital of the republic is the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ. This is aimed at the sky with its high towers a building with reddish walls with white stripes that visually increase the height of the structure. Green roofs and golden domes attract the gaze of a traveler amazed by this beauty for a long time.

In 2007, the Annunciation Tower was built in the central part of the city. The structure is 55 meters high and resembles a fragment of the Kremlin. Equipped with the most accurate clock, which is regulated by satellite.


Now you know the main attractions of Mari El. Photos with descriptions are presented in the article for clarity. We hope that the sights of the republic and information about them were interesting to you.

Posted Thu, 13/02/2014 - 14:43 by Cap

Since 2007, Team Nomads have been telling in their articles about lakes Mari El and surrounding areas. This project has long outgrown the Mari region, but we are still returning to this topic, since another summer has arrived, and many tourists and vacationers want to spend the weekend on the shores of the beautiful Mari lake!
Questions: where to swim, where to relax, how to get there, how to find, etc. - the most FAQ, which are sent to us by dear readers of our site! For this reason, we want to offer a summary, so to speak, unifying article about the Mari El lakes!
We think that there will be several more such summary articles about lakes, rivers, beautiful and notable places RME! Everything has its time!
We would also like to ask our dear readers and tourists to be more careful about our nature! They would not leave garbage, would not make noise in the forest, would not leave fires, if possible, would take away other people's garbage, would not cut down living trees! Nature in our time is especially vulnerable and susceptible to human influence! And every year there are fewer and fewer beautiful and remote places!

Night on Lake Mari
Sergey Karpeev

A lake full of moonlight.
The stretch of water ripples in the agate skeins.
Willow hangings on openwork pendants
They pull mermaid strands of hair.

There, at the foot of the ancient forest,
A dark cliff covered with rose hips.
Throwing the reed of the verse-bust
The evening warblers have subsided.

The water froze like the blackness of night,
Specks of stars became clearer in it.
Taly Ernik with a looping arc
A running stream was wrapped in a yaruga.

Chu, the frog has fallen silent in a crowd,
Slurped the side of the marshy cattail,
Maybe Bolotnik with a knotty karsha
The dashing shore tramples with his heel.

The inconspicuous fire died down and dozed off -
The tail of the smoke dissolved.
Pearl-colored image of the month
I lit up the clouds with a radiant stream.

The most beautiful lakes of Mari El

Separately, I would like to say thank you to those people who helped us in this project, who sent and are sending us photos and materials on lakes and beautiful places in the Mari region! Especially Sergei Malanov, who walked around all the lakes of Mari El, as well as Sergei Semenov, Pavel Burmistrov, Andrei Semenov, Vadim Shabalin, Elvira Lipatova, Arthur Kayumov and many others!
In general, here is a story about the most beautiful, unique and remarkable lakes of Mari El!
If anyone wants to send their material and photos on this topic, then send it here:
[email protected]
We will definitely indicate the authorship!

Why stay at home when you can travel to interesting places? Go somewhere you haven't been before. In order to have a good rest, you don’t have to go abroad, there are many beautiful places and in our republic. The lakes in the Republic of Mari El are especially good. There are more than 500 of them in our region. This means that there are more than enough places that you have not known or seen. Forget for a while about the existence of cities, about endless urgent matters, work and eternal bustle. Go back to where you came from, go back to nature.
Let us remind you that the Mari Republic is considered one of the most lacustrine in the Volga-Vyatka region. There are many lakes on its territory. According to the origin of the basins, they all belong to 3 types: karst or collapsed; inter-dune - with blowing basins; river, representing the remains of rivers.

The most beautiful and famous lake of the RME is the Sea Eye (Mushyl), probably the most visited at any time of the year! The lake participated in the competition for the most beautiful places in the Volga region, as well as the Finno-Ugric world!
Lake sea ​​eye(near the village of Shariboksad) stands out for its unique shape, like a volcanic crater with a destroyed outer wall. This relatively young karst failure occurred in the area of ​​a high ledge up to 90 m in height. The depth of the lake, which already lies in the zone of the foot of the ledge, reaches 35.5 m with a cross-section of 45 by 50 m. The transparency of the water is significant, up to 5.5 m, and its characteristic emerald green color is characteristic. A stream flows from the lake with a flow rate of up to 10 l/sec.Water good quality and is used by the local population for drinking purposes. Based on the chemical analysis performed, it follows that the lake is fed by descending underground sources from sandy strata and layers of thin limestone of Tatar age, as well as by atmospheric precipitation entering the lake in the form of temporary runoff (melt snow water, rain).

A short film about Lake Sea Eye

The cleanest lake in the RME and the Volga region is Lake Nuzhyar!

Lake Nuzhyar is located in the southern taiga region of the Mari Lowland. It is interdune in origin, deepened by karst, with a sinkhole almost in the center of the basin. The depth increases gradually from the shore to the center. Maximum depth 15 m. The lake is almost right round shape with a diameter of about 680 m. The coastline is slightly indented. Area 34.2 hectares. The lake is not drained. The water is very clean with a low content of suspended solids, which ensures high transparency - up to 8 m, although in general this is not typical for the lakes of Mari Polesie. The mineralization of the lake is the lowest among those surveyed - 0.019 g/l. The bottom is sandy, very clean, only in places along the shore it is littered with fallen trees. The northeastern and eastern shores are quite high; in the western and southern parts of the coastal zone there are occasionally waterlogged areas. The aquatic vegetation is poorly developed and is represented by reeds, horsetails and a relict, the lacustrine grasshopper.

Lake Tabashinskoye, Zryv

The deepest karst lake in the Middle Volga region is Lake Tabashinskoye (Zryv), located in the northern part of the RME, the depth of which reaches 53 m. The Pizhanka River flows from this lake, which indicates that it is fed by underwater watercourses. The dimensions of the lake are 800 by 400 m.
There are many legends and stories about the lake. There is a picturesque church on the shore of the lake!
It is likely that there are also karst cavities and sinkholes under the lake.

Lake Karasyar

The second cleanest lake in Mari El is Lake Karasyar; it is also one of the picturesque and remote lakes.
Lake Karasyar is similar in many characteristics to Nuzhyar, which is explained by their close location. It is interdune in origin, with a secondary karst failure. The increase in depth from the southeastern coast occurs noticeably more sharply. Already a few tens of meters from the shore, the depth is 6-9 meters. The northwestern section of the basin is flatter. The maximum depth is 14.7 m. The area of ​​the lake is 25.5 hectares. Transparency is high - 5.5 m. The bottom is sandy. The banks are low, but mostly dry. Only in the western and partially northern sections coastline waterlogging was noted.

In the southern part of the RME there is Lake Yalchik,

exactly this large lake Mari region, with an area of ​​about 160 hectares. Wonderful lake for family vacation and fishing!
The lake is characterized by a complex lobate shape that arose at a water fork of streams that disappeared into the sand and underlying karst rocks. The result of karstification was two lines of collapsed basins located at an angle to each other. One strip of karst sinkholes has a length from west to east of 1600 m and a width of 35 to 180 m, with the greatest depths up to 35 m (eastern corner). The second strip of karst depressions is 1200 m long, with a width from 75 to 325 m, and depth surveys showed that there are two large karst depressions with depths of 32 and 27 m.
Shores lake Yalchik characterized by circus-shaped bends, reflecting young age gaps. So in August 1914 (reported by forester Santarov), early in the morning in calm weather there was a roar similar to thunder, and a wave passed along the surface of the lake for 50 m, and on the opposite shore a strip of shore with a forest went into the water. Through the collapse of the banks caused by the outflows and activity of underwater karst springs in the lake basin, a gradual expansion of the lake area occurs.

Lake Glukhoe is one of the most beautiful and unique lakes in the Mari region!

Birthplace of Team Nomads! At this time it is closed to the public, but is accessible to hikers and bikers (without lighting a fire or bivouac).
Lake Glukhoe has a length of 950 m and a width of 100 m. Its basin is formed by the connection of four large karst sinkholes, and the two northern depressions have depths of up to 18 m and are separated by a threshold 4 m high. The deepest is the third depression - the central one, the depth of which reaches 26 m, and the threshold separating it from the northern depression has a height of 12 m. The fourth depression is narrowed to 50-70 m, and two funnels stand out in its relief: one with a depth of up to 20 m, and the other up to 8 m. Towards the lake. Yalchik passes through a zone of large sinkholes.

Lake Konan-er beautiful lakes of Mari El

Konan-er - One of the most mysterious lakes of the RME! The place where the night mermaids sing, where Pugachev’s detachment visited, the legendary Galician Highway passes, where witches and psychics gather, and much more happens. There is an anomalous zone near the lake!
Lake Konan-Er is located on the eastern slope of the remnant hill - Maple Mountain. The dimensions of the lake are 600 by 100-120 m; it consists of one sinkhole with the greatest depths of up to 22 m in the northwestern part. Water transparency is up to 5 m. Already at a depth of 7 m, the water temperature is about 7 ° C, which indicates underwater feeding from springs emerging from the high slope of the hill, the height of which above the lake is 30 m. The Kononderka River flows from the lake.

Kichier - sunny lake, very convenient for swimming and relaxing, is located next to the highway to Yoshkar-Ola. There are many hiking routes from the lake.
Lake Kichier is located in the lower reaches of the river. Ileti and reaches a length of up to 3 km with a width of up to 450 m. The depth of the lake is 7-8 m, the largest is 16 m. The lake is flowing. The river flows from it. Yugudem, which then flows from the left into the river. Fly.

Lake Shut-Er is the largest in the Kerebelyak lake group,

is located 2 km south of the lake. Kuzh-Er. Its length is 1550 m with a width of 300 m. The lake also has asymmetrical shores, with a high western slope up to 40 m high, and on the left low slope, with aeolian sandy relief, there are suffosion craters. The basin of the lake consists of three depressions, with the deepest, the middle, having a depth of 17 m, the northern - 16 m and the southern - 8 m. The greatest depths of the depressions are shifted to the high western slope. The transparency of the water is 6 m, and underwater sources are recorded at a temperature of 6°C at a depth of 16 m. At shallow depths in Shut-Era, the water appears dark in color due to visible bottom sediments. The lake is located in the restricted area of ​​the Park. The view of the lakes from the large cliff on the western shore is very picturesque! The most beautiful lake in the vicinity of Kerebelyak!

Lake Kugu-Er (Big) Lake Mari El

is located in the lower part of the river bed. Petyalki, has a length of 1500 m with a depth of 7-8 m. The lake basin consists of lake depressions. The lake breaks up into reaches, connected by picturesque short channels. In fact, these are three floodplain lakes in the river bed. On the banks there are Petyal meadows where you can set up a camp. A white water lily grows on the lake and beavers live. There are a lot of currants and blackberries on the shores of the lake, and there are a lot of mushrooms in the forest around! On the reaches and on the river good fishing! In the spring you can kayak through Kugu-er to the Ilet River.

lake Mushan-er (Mushander lakes)

Mushan-er lakes are located in a chain near the northwestern slope of Maple Mountain. Lake Bolshoi Mushan-er, 1160 m long and 220 m wide, has a sinkhole consisting of three depressions. The depths of the southern and middle depressions are up to 16 m, and the northern - only 6 m, and this sinkhole is separated by a threshold 5 m high from the main failure basins. The lake is located in a picturesque forest area. Lake Maloye is located 60 m south of Bolshoy Mushan-era. The dimensions of the lake basin are 400 by 180 m at a depth of 14-15 m. The transparency of the water in both lakes is 3.5 m. Lake Lineva Yama is a sinkhole measuring 140 by 60 m at a depth of 9 m. It is located 40 m west of the lake Maloe Mushan-erskoe. The lake is very accessible, so there are always a lot of vacationers there. There are a few sandy beaches, springs flow from the mountainside. The lake is notable for the fact that the water contains a small concentration of radon gas, which is good for joints.

Lake Puzhan-Er (near the village of Sherembal) consists of three sinkholes, and the deepest is the eastern one - 17 m deep. The total length of the lake is up to 920 m. An increase in depths to the east from 2.5 m (western), 7 m (central) to 17 m indicates a rise in soluble layers rocks towards the Yanga-Aul tectonic structure. The waters of the lake are used for economic purposes. It is located near the Sea Eye lake, and is also picturesque in its own way, as it lies on the slope of the Sotnur Highlands. You can make a path through these lakes - tourist route to other lakes of the Sotnur group.

Big Marier is one of the largest lakes in Mari El!

Lakes Big and Small Maryera are located in the Rutka-Bolshaya Kokshagi interfluve in the Zvenigovsky district. Apparently, they are the last natural habitats in Mari El of a relict species - the floating hornwort or chilima. Scientists consider the water chestnut to be a rare and endangered plant in the extratropical zone. The Maryerskie lakes are located separately, far from major waterways and highways, deep in forests. Their banks are marshy, swampy, and in places on the Small Marier they turn into a quagmire. And after the fires of 1972, they lost their attractiveness even more. The lakes are connected to each other by a small channel. The area of ​​the Small and Big Marier is 18.7 and 118.2 hectares, respectively. With a maximum depth of 2.0 and 3.4 m, the lakes contain a small volume of water, which quickly warms up to almost the entire depth.

Lake Martyn is one of the largest in Mari El in terms of length and area. According to the type of lake basin, it is classified as interdune. The length of the lake is 1536 m, the average width is 616 m, the area is 66.5 hectares. A picturesque and quite remote lake!

Lake Big Martin

Salt Lake is located on the right bank of the Bolshaya Kokshagi River in a pine forest with a significant admixture of spruce and alder along a swampy north shore. The water surface has an area of ​​4 hectares. The lake has an oval shape and stretches from west to east, measuring 360 m by 190 m. Due to the significant average depth of the lake (5.8 m), the volume of the water mass reaches 252,926 cubic meters. m.
Lake Solenoe took its name due to the high content of mineral salts in its water. The mineralization of the lake is the highest among those surveyed - 4.24 g/l. The main role in the feeding of this lake is played by sulfate waters of the Lower Permian, which determines the mineralization of the water mass.

Lake Kuzh-Er is located at the foot of the steep eastern slope of the Kerebelyak Upland and is included in the chain of karst-sinkhole lakes in this area. Kuzh-Er is connected by a narrow channel with the lake located to the north. Round. There is an underground river that feeds and connects all these lakes. The length of the lake is 1300 m with a width of 180-200 m. The high forested slope adjacent to the west is complicated by landslide terraces with a characteristic “drunken forest”. Numerous streams, especially in spring, make their way on the slope of the ledge and, rushing to the lake from a height of 15-20 meters, form unique “microfalls”. The lake basin is a single depression with a depth of 26.5 m in the central part, but located closer to the high western shore. The water is clean and transparent, like most karst lakes.
Visits to these lakes are now strictly regulated as they are located in a protected area of ​​the national park.

Lake Olanga - typically round in shape and has a diameter of up to 400 m with a maximum depth of 30 m. The lake is located in the floodplain of the river. M. Kundysh, whose depth is only 2 m. Therefore, the depth of the karst waters that created this sinkhole and filled it is many times greater than the depth of the M. Kundysh River. The lake is notable for having several sandy beaches that are suitable for swimming and recreation for tourists. The water is quite clear and clean!

Lake Or-er beautiful lakes of Mari El

Lake Orières- interdune, deepened by a failure, located near Lake Shilma and very similar to the latter. The dimensions of the lake are 100 by 200 m, with a maximum depth of 8 m. The area of ​​the lake is 11 hectares.

The southern shore of the lake is very picturesque; there is a sandy beach and a normal entrance to the water where you can swim. Orier is easily accessible along a forest road from the station. Kundysh.

Lake Serebryanoye beautiful lakes of Mari El

Lake Serebryanoye, located in the middle reaches of the river. Yushuta near the village. Mochalische has dimensions of 300 by 600 m with depths of up to 8 m. A very picturesque lake, surrounded by mixed forest. There are beaches and convenient access to the water. The lake is easily accessible from the station. Suslonger. There is a tower near the lake, which offers a stunning view of the lake basin and the surrounding forests!

Lake Starozhilskoye (Togashskoye)- a floodplain lake located in the bed of the Rutka River. Great fishing on the lake! Due to the flow, the fish here do not starve even in the longest winters. The lake is home to waterfowl. There are convenient entrances and parking areas east coast, there is also a house and the remains of a former village. From this place it is convenient to start rafting along the Rutka; a little further down the river there is a guest house, and even lower is the Mother of God Sergius Monastery.

Cheldovi - a beautiful and little-known lake near the Sotnur Highlands .
The lake is a semicircular karst sinkhole with a diameter of 130 meters.
Judging by the angle of inclination of the coastal cliff, at a glance we can give a depth of 30 meters. This is not a big exaggeration; in that area there are sinkholes with a smaller diameter, but of the same depth. Nice sandy beach and normal parking. Pure water. Cheldovi - mysterious lake, keeping its secrets!

Lake B. Elan-Er has an oblong oval shape,
length - 800-900 meters, and width - 200-250 meters. The lake lies in a basin, and from the west the lake has a steep shore - it is bordered by Mount Elan-Kuryk, overgrown with tall forest, and from the east near the lake there is a spacious clearing with beautiful linden trees, followed by fields and meadows. The view from the mountain is very picturesque!

When we were here at the beginning of autumn, we scared away a flock of quails into the field. The lake water is quite transparent and clean - 4-5 meters. The depth of the lake is still unknown; they say that at the bottom of the lake there is a system of karst sinkholes and caves that lead far beyond the lake. There are legends about a huge snake appearing in the lake - which is where the name came from!

Lake Shungaldan - floodplain lake near the Ilet River, on the slope of Klenovaya Mountain. It has a high content of hydrogen sulfide in the water and contains medicinal mud. It was from this lake that the naturalist Alexandrov began the research and development of medicinal mud in the 30s of the last century! You can still use the mud now! Natural monument.

Lake Dolgoe (Kuzh-er) - a picturesque forest lake on the Galician tract. Little visited by tourists, there are many mushroom and berry places around. There are legends that Pugachev’s retreating troops hid a lot of silver and gold things in the lake. Allegedly, the treasure reveals itself every year! There are two convenient parking lots for tourists on the lake. Entering the water is not entirely convenient, but you can swim and relax on the lake! There is a dugout nearby.

Lake Yogodem (Yagudem) - lies on the Pam River, at the confluence with the Ilet. Near the village of Nursola. Nearby are the spacious Iletsky reaches. You can also relax and swim on Ileti. The places are very picturesque, dry pine banks mixed with deciduous trees, and there are meadows. It is convenient to enter from the Pomar side.

Lake Kuzier is a floodplain lake (oxbow lake) on the left bank of the Volga .

Located in the Zvenigovsky district, west of the village of Torganovo. Previously it was shallow, but after filling the Kuibyshev reservoir it became full-flowing and began to connect with the Volga through channels. Previously, there were channels only in spring. These channels were deepened with canals so that the lakes did not dry out. The length of the lake is about 1100 - 1200 meters, and with channels more than 1.5 km. The width of the lake in the middle is 100-120 meters. The lake has good winter and summer fishing.

Lake Chalières is located in the floodplain of the Irovka River (Morkinsky district of the RME).

The lake is a flowing floodplain lake, which is deepened by several karst sinkholes. The depth of the lake is not precisely known. The lake has an irregular shape, 900 m long, 600-700 m wide. The water in the lake is quite clear, since the Irovka River constantly flows through this lake.
Lake Chalières is located in the middle reaches of Irovka, approximately 2.5 km. north of the lake Canal, and 7-8 km. to the north-east from the village. Morkies. Because of the flow, the lake has good summer and winter fishing; the fish never die there. This is proven by the abundance of fishing spots on all sides of the lake. From the shore one could also see schools of roach moving in the shallow water. Excellent lake for relaxation and fishing!

Lake Bag (Sixteenth) located in Medvedevsky district.
Surokskoye forestry, 2nd quarter. A small shallow round lake. There is a good entrance and a place for tourist parking on the east side. You can swim from the bridge, but the bottom of the lake is silted.

Approximately 2.5 km. Downstream of the Ileti from the Ustya Yushut (if you move along the river - 3.5 km), an inconspicuous stream flows into the river from the right bank. People call it the Warm Key. This stream flows into Ilet from a floodplain lake - Tyoplaya oxbow. The name “Warm Key and Warm Staritsa” were given to the lake and stream due to the fact that the water in them, especially in the cold season, was significantly higher than the air temperature, or the water temperature in similar reservoirs in this area! It is noteworthy that below the mouth of Yushut in the Ileti floodplain there is a whole system of oxbow lakes with mineral mud deposits and mineral springs (for example, Mud Lake, Blue oxbow, Mask-er, and the Warm oxbow indicated here). The Warm Key itself has approximately the same mineral composition (calcium sulfate water) as the water in the Green Key, but with half the concentration; if the water in the Green Key has a concentration of 2.26 g per liter, then the Warm Key is 1 .32 g per liter.

Lake Kunushturskoe

The only lake in the Sovetsky district. A wonderful lake for swimming and relaxing, there is fish. Located in the Maly Kundysh river basin in a forest area. The water surface area is about 53 hectares, the maximum depth is 12.5 meters, transparency is 3.5 meters. The shores are sandy and overgrown with bushes. Lake of karst origin. There are no streams flowing into the lake, but there is an outflowing stream, which after 1 km flows into the Maly Kundysh River.

Luchinsky lakes are located in the Morkinsky district,

in an ecologically clean and untouched part of the Mari region. The lakes lie north of the Ilet River - 5-6 km, between Krasny Steklovar and the village of Kulbash. From Kazan these places are easily accessible through Dubyazy and New Karamas. The lakes lie in picturesque pine-spruce and mixed forests. Three lakes are part of the chain of Luchinsky lakes, very picturesque and distinguished by the fact that cold mineral springs flow from the bottom.
The clean and clear waters are home to perch and carp, wild ducks nest in the reeds, and along the banks you can find otters and minks. The water temperature in summer is 20-22? C.
The southernmost of the three lakes is best suited for parking; the eastern shores of the two northern ones are too steep, and the western ones are swampy.

Lake Shar-er (Saiver)

is located on the border of 50-51 blocks between settlements Suslonger and Schelanger. We can say that for the sake of this lake Railway has an arc in this place, as if wanting to be as far away from him as possible. The shores of the lake are swampy and littered with fallen trees - especially the southwestern part. However, on the site of the former pioneer camp there are two beaches.

You can get to the lake along the road from Suslonger to Timofeevsky - it goes past Shar-era. If you plan to travel by car, it is better to go from Timofeevsky - you won’t have to struggle with finding the beginning of the path through the forest. A beautiful lake for relaxing, fishing and swimming. There is a Shaman's glade nearby - yoga, esotericism and other mediums conduct training there.
There are picturesque pine and mixed forests around.

Lake Shardar-Er

Located in Zvenigovsky district. Krasnoyarsk forest area, 44 sq.

Surface area 15.5 hectares. Maximum depth 5 m.

Interdune lake of medium size, irregular oval shape. The depth of the lake is 1-5 m.

There is access to the lake from the eastern side from the Markitan - Shupshalovo road.

Vizimyar lakes, Kilemar district of RME

LAKE Shap. Medvedevsky district. Chernushinskoe forestry, 84 sq.
A small round lake among a mixed pine-birch forest. The western half of the coastline is built up with dispensaries and rest homes. The eastern part is “wild” and lowland, swampy in places. You can go around the lake along the path. There are four large man-made beaches (now there are five). In the vicinity of the lake there are beautiful pine forests.
Lake Shap is located 17 kilometers south of Yoshkar-Ola. You can get to the lake along the Yoshkar-Ola - Cheboksary highway. There are signs and asphalt is laid everywhere.
The lake repeated the fate of Lake KARAS - it is all built up with sanatoriums and dachas. As the native guards told us, access to the lake is blocked everywhere and there are no free beaches.

Lake Churkan - a miracle of nature, a very beautiful and convenient lake for swimming and relaxing.
It is located near Yoshkar-Ola, between the Bolshaya and Malaya Kokshaga rivers. On weekends it is very popular among holidaymakers!

Nearby there are remote Mari lakes that can be visited on foot.
There are many sandy beaches on the lake, plenty of parking, and there is dead wood in the forest, but it’s better to take a place to relax from Friday!

Lake Svetloe

Lake Svetloe is one of the cleanest and most beautiful lakes in the Mari region. Its difficult accessibility and remoteness from the asphalt allow it to still remain little visited by tourists and vacationers. It is located between the Bolshaya and Malaya Kokshagi rivers.
On the lake there are 2 large clearings with equipped parking lots and one smaller one.
If you want privacy, you can stand in any clearing along the western shore of the lake (there are no car approaches to them). The only thing you need to do for this is to clear the area of ​​dry fallen trees. The lake is very clean and transparent, the transparency of the water is comparable to such lakes as Nuzh-Yar and Karas-Yar.

Lake Lisichkino

Located in Zvenigovsky district. Krasnoyarsk forest area 54 sq.
Area 27.5 hectares (according to other sources 23 hectares). Maximum depth 19 m.
An oval-shaped interdune lake, deepened by a karst sinkhole, stretching from north to south, with clean, transparent water.

Lake Palyonoe

Lake Shelamumer (Shalamumer) is located between the Vetluga and Rutka rivers.

It is somewhat elongated in the direction from northwest to southeast and occupies an interdune depression. Its length is 290 m, width 200-210 m. The lake bath is asymmetrical, the northwestern slope is gentle, and the southeastern slope is steep. The greatest depth of the lake is 9.5 m, 70 m from the southeastern shore of the lake.

Lake Shid-Yar is located on the left bank of the river. Vetlugi. In plan it is almost circular, length 340 m, width 280 m, small small bays complicate the shoreline of the lake. The lake bath is a basin that deepens evenly towards the center. The central part of the lake bottom with depths of more than 24 m (maximum depth 25.5 m) is a fairly flat area with a diameter of up to 40 m.

Lake Vas-Yar is located among a moss swamp in a pine-birch forest. The round lake, with an area of ​​23 hectares, has a regularly deepening basin with a maximum depth of 3.5 m. The water is transparent to a depth of 0.7 m and warms up to the bottom. With an average lake depth of 1.7 m, due to the large area of ​​the water surface, the volume of the water mass reaches 409,884 cubic meters. m.

Lake Iz-Yar, with an area of ​​4 hectares, is located on the left bank of the Arda River, from the north there is a forest close to the water, on south coast deforestation and only the southwestern coast is swampy. The lake bath, which is round in plan, is a gently sloping funnel that evenly deepens towards the center and reaches a depth of 10.5 m. The water in the lake is yellowish and transparent to a depth of 1.5 m. The lake is overgrown with rafts advancing from the shores.

Lake Big Kasyar

Lake Bolshoi Kasyar is located between the Bolshoi Kundysh and Arda rivers in a moss pine forest. The lake is one of the large reservoirs of the studied territory; its surface area reaches 3 hectares. The round lake is somewhat elongated from north to south. At the southwestern end of the lake there is a bay from which the Arda River flows. The lake basin is very simple - it is a flat-bottomed bath with raised edges. The flat bottom of the lake has a depth of 3 m. The lake is attacked by rafting from all sides, its width in some places is 25-40 m. The water in the lake is dark brown and slightly transparent (0.35 m). The water temperature throughout the profile is the same and reaches 15.5°C at an air temperature of 16°C.

Lake Maly Kasyar is located north of Lake Big Kasyar, into which it flows. This is a small lake with a water surface area of ​​1 hectare, in plan it is somewhat elongated from north to south, its length is 150 m and its width is 100 m. The shape of the basin is asymmetrical, the southern slope is gentle, the northern is steeper. The greatest depth is in the northern part (5.1 m). The lake is overgrown with driftwood from its banks. The water of the lake is red-brown in color and slightly transparent (0.23 m).

Lake Sham-Yary

Lake Kumyary is located between the Rutka and Bolshaya Kokshagi rivers.

Belongs to the Dubovsky forestry district of the Kilemar district (located: 16-18, 28, 29 blocks).
These are three interdune lakes of regional importance.
It is a hydrological natural monument. The total area is 721.4 hectares.

It lies not far from the forest dirt road connecting the villages of Yuksary and Kotenovo (not far from the village of Vizimyary on the Y-Ola - Kosmodemyansk highway).

lake Luzh-yar (Luzhyar)

On the right bank of the river. B. Kundysh is Lake Luzhiar. The lake is a typical forest reservoir; on its flat, swampy shores there is a pine forest with an admixture of spruce and birch, and a very thick moss cover. In plan, the lake is oval in shape, stretched from southeast to northwest. The basin of the lake is a flat-bottomed bath with an average depth of 1.9 m (the greatest depth of the lake is 4.2 m). The water surface area is about 3 square meters. km. Due to its shallow depth, the non-karst Lake Luzhiar freezes before the nearby inter-dune-sinkhole (karst) Lake Poshkolyar.

Lake Sorochye
Lake Soroche is one of the last Mari-El lakes unspoiled by “civilized” tourists. For which, by the way, it is so beloved by animals, mushroom pickers and fishermen.

One of the names of the lake comes from the wealth of fish: sorogoy or roach - “sherenge”.

Zvenigovsky district. Chernoozersky forest area, 36, 46, 47 sq. Area 82 hectares. Depth up to 2-4m.

One of the largest lakes in terms of area is Mari El, having a wavy-round shape.

Lake Kogoyar is located on the left bank, on the territory of the two republics of Chuvash and Mari-El, 17 km northwest of the city of Cheboksary and 4 km northwest of the village. - Northern. The mud deposit of Lake Kogoyar was discovered in 1980 by mud exploration work as the most promising for mud treatment.
Lake Kogo-yar (Kogoyar)

Detailed exploration work with the calculation of operational reserves of medicinal sapropels was carried out in 1981 by a detachment of mud collectors from the Geominvod management, as a result of which the quality of the mud, sanitary condition and balneological value were assessed.

Lake Svetloe, Shundy-yar, Chuvashia

Lake Bolshoy Yuluks-er

The lake is irregular in shape, 700 m long, 150 m wide. There is no data on depth and transparency.

The edges are overgrown with sedge and reeds, and in some places there are thick rafts.
Access to water is difficult. The lake is 3 km away. to the west from the Novocheboksarskaya road.
The Volga is 4.5 km away. south of the lake. The lake is located 400 m south of M. Yulukser.

Lake Pos-Yar

Lake Pos-Yar is located on the right bank of the river. B. Kundysh in a deciduous forest of alder, birch, and aspen. The large round lake with an area of ​​78 hectares has a flat-bottomed basin up to 3.7 m deep. The shores of the lake are occupied by a wet meadow. The yellowish water of the lake is transparent to a depth of 0.7 m and has the same temperature to the bottom.

Lake Ilkan-Yar

Lake Poshkol-yar

with an area of ​​82 hectares located on the right bank of the river. B. Kundysh in a pine forest with a rare admixture of spruce and birch and a thick moss cover. The lake is round in plan and has marshy, flat shores. The gradually deepening basin of the lake has a depth of up to 6 m in most parts and only to the north-west of the center of the lake it sharply deepens, forming a steep-walled funnel up to 25 m deep. The red-brown water of the lake is transparent only to 0.5 m.

Lake Shirsh-Yar with an area of ​​16 hectares is located in the upper reaches of the river. Ardy. Behind a narrow strip of rafting there grows a pine-birch forest with a thick moss cover. The lake, almost oval in plan, stretches from southwest to northeast, the length of the lake (620 m) is more than twice the width (250 m). The lake bath has the shape of a gradually deepening basin with the greatest depth in the center of 7.8 m. The water in the lake is yellowish and transparent to 0.9 m.

Lake Gusinoe is located on the left bank of the Maly Kundysh River. The water surface is surrounded on all sides by rafts growing from the banks. The raft has moved onto the lake so that there are quite large depths at the edge of the raft.

Lake Tot-Er is located southwest of the lake. Shut-Er has an average width of 100 m and a depth of 24 m. Apparently, this is a relatively young karst formation, since the surface of the lake is not overgrown. It is even possible that there are underwater springs with significant water hardness. At a depth of 10 m, the water temperature in the lake is 6°C, and transparency reaches 5 m. The northern slope of the lake is high and complicated by landslide terraces.

Lake Shilma

Lake Shilma is located on the left bank of the river valley. M. Kundysh in a wetland with sandy ridges reminiscent of eskers. Their height is 3-4 m with a width of 3 to 5 m. The slopes of the ridges, up to 15 m long, have a steepness of 12-13°. The tortuosity of the sand ridges resembles a river flow. The dimensions of Lake Shilma are 200 by 300 m with a depth of up to 8 m.

Lake Puche-er

Lake Arbuch is located in the Gornomarisky district of Mari El.

The lake is oval in shape, stretching from north to south. The area of ​​the lake is 14.7 hectares. The width is approximately 350 meters. Length approximately 600 meters.
The depth of the lake increases quite evenly from the shore to the center. Maximum depth 8.5 meters.

Lake Adar-er

Zvenigovsky district. Chernoozersky forest area. Located in the 12th quarter. Area 12 hectares.
A medium-sized lake with swampy peaty shores. It has an oval shape. The water in the lake is muddy - yellow-coffee color.
The lake is notorious among people who visit the forests. There are no convenient approaches to the lake. On the southwestern side there is a decayed hut and a well, which were used in the past by hunters and cranberry pickers.
To the south of the lake there is an old forest road that goes around the picturesque “Barskie swamps” and, winding through the swamps, leads to Magpie Lake.

Lake Sharskoye (Shirskoye) is located in the Gornomariysky district, Sharskoye forestry, 42, 43, 50, 51. The surface area of ​​the lake is 65 hectares.
A large lake, connected from the northern part by overgrown channels to Lake Lisinoye.
To the east of these lakes there is a system of lakes - Vyshkar-yar, Abazh-yar, Glubokoe. The village of Shary is located in the southwestern part. In some places the coastline is swampy.
You can go around the entire lake along the shore along a good path. The forest around is predominantly pine, but there are also deciduous trees. The bottom is sandy, but in most places it is heavily silted. In the Shar area, the shore is clean, sandy, and very convenient entry into the water. Convenient parking is located slightly north of the village of Shary on the eastern shore of the lake. You can also park on the western side of the lake, but there is a worse parking place there. The water in the lake is light and transparent.

Lake Eriksha is located in the Yurinsky district.

Kromskoe forestry, 52-53-72-73 sq. Surface area 45 hectares.
A large, beautiful round lake with clean, clear water. The edges are overgrown with reeds and cattails. The bottom is sandy with a small layer of silt. Therefore, swimming in the lake is uncomfortable.
You can walk around the lake along the shore. Surrounded by pine forest.
On the western part of the lake there are hayfields and old building foundations. There are a large number of raised bogs around the lake.
The name of the lake comes from two Mari words: er< ер - "озеро" + екша < икша < икса - "речка или проток, соединяющий два водоема". Можно перевести как "Озерный проток", "Озеро с протоком" и т.п. Действительно, из озера берет начало ручей, который через 4 км впадает в речку Икша. Место впадение ручья-притока в Икшу носит название Красный исток.

Lake Ogibnoye, Vetluga River

Lake Ogibnoe lies in the floodplain of the Vetluga River (Yurinsky district of Mari El) about 40 km. From the village Yurino. This lake is located near the Y-Ola - Yurino highway, next to the new bridge over Vetluga.
Lake Ogibnoe is a floodplain river lake by its type, and is a connected system of flowing oxbow lakes of the Vetluga River. In ancient times, the old bed of the Vetluga passed here (from Dahl’s dictionary: oxbow-old bed).
This lake is considered one of the longest lakes in Mari El, the total length of the oxbow lakes entering the lake is approximately 14 km, while the size of the lake is somewhat underestimated on the map. The fact is that during the construction of the Cheboksary hydroelectric power station, the lower part of Vetluga was flooded, because of this the size of the floodplain lakes increased sharply, while floodplain meadows and forests were flooded, as well as some villages on the left low-lying bank of the Vetluga.
It should be noted that during the spring flood the lake overflows greatly and connects with the bed of the Vetluga River, the area of ​​the lake increases sharply, and fish from the river enter the oxbow lakes to spawn and spawn. Therefore, this lake is very rich in fish; perch, crucian carp, pike, tench, ide, roach, etc. are found here.

Lake Svetloe, Yurinskoe

Yurinsky district is a region clean lakes and springs. One of the lakes is Svetloye Lake, with an area of ​​9.2 tons, a depth of 17 meters, a pit, with the purest transparent water and a lot of springs.
Back in Sheremetev’s time, sterlet was brought into the lake, and it lived there for a long time.
The lake is located in Doroguchinsky forestry area 66 sq.
The area of ​​the lake is 8 hectares. The lake is a natural monument.
The lake has several sandy beaches, the water is clean and clear.

Lake Zhenskoe (Yurinsky district), which is located at the turn at the 13th kilometer from the village of Yurino if you go to the new bridge over Vetluga.
The landmark is a bridge over an unnamed stream, next to which there is an asphalt area, from which a dirt road leads to the lake. Literally 500 meters along the road you come across the first parking lot. You can stand on the eastern shore of the lake, the banks are a little overgrown, but there are exits to the water.
The water is quite clean. There are pine forests around with a mixture of birch and alder.
The surroundings of the lake are almost free of swamps. There is a legend that there used to be a monastery here, which fell into the ground.

Lake Bolshoye Plotovo is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
The largest lake within the regions adjacent to the Mari El Republic, having an oval shape with an irregular coastline, as well as the largest lake of 27 lakes in the Kama-Bakaldinsky swamp massif.
It is also the largest natural lake in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
The length from north to south is over 2200 meters, from west to east about 1600 meters.
There are no approaches to the lake.

Lake Kultey Bolshoy is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
The lake is medium in size, stretched from west to east and has the shape of an irregular oval, concave from the northern part. The eastern part of the coastline is surrounded by steep, high banks, which gradually turn into a swamp towards the western end.
The bottom of the lake is covered with a thick layer of silt, but there are convenient approaches to the water. At the eastern end there is a high open area convenient for tourist parking, from which a beautiful view of the lake opens. Down below the shore there is the Kulteysky Spring spring, which is illuminated by the Raznezh Blagovenskaya Church for the 2000th anniversary of Christianity.
Near the spring there is a small sandy entrance to the water.
To the south are the lakes Kultey Middle and Kultey Small, which are hidden in swamps and difficult to access.




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