Tours to Florence for the New Year holidays. New Year in Florence. Below we offer a list of the most significant architectural monuments of Florence

Excursion tours to Florence on New Year 2017

Florence can without a doubt be called the most beautiful city Italy. No wonder that tours to Florence for New Year 2017 enjoy in great demand. You can spend your unforgettable winter holidays in the "Museum under open air" - this is how this city is often called.

The famous Uffizi Gallery (the largest European collection of works visual arts), the majestic bell tower of Giotto, the medieval town hall, the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiori, the amazing embankment, the masterpiece of which is ancient bridge Ponto Vecchio is far from full list beauties of Florence, which you can visit by ordering sightseeing tours to Italy 2017.

Tours to Florence in winter are also attracted by the non-winter weather - here the thermometer rarely drops below +10..+12 degrees. The brightly lit, hospitable festive city is conducive to long walking. On the evening of December 31, everyone gathers in large squares to celebrate the New Year in a relaxed musical atmosphere. Sparkling wine flows like a river, salutes and fireworks are visible everywhere, in a word, Florence on New Year’s Day is beautiful and amazing.

And for those who want to get to know others better ancient cities countries we offer excursion tours to Italy 2017- Verona, Venice, Rimini, Siena, Milan and Rome are waiting for you!

The ancient city of Florence, the former capital of Italy and the current capital of the Tuscan region, was founded back in 59 BC. Julius Caesar. By the middle of the second millennium, Florence had flourished and was rightfully considered not only the cultural but also the financial center of Europe. There are practically no historically insignificant places in this city, the great spirit of the past hovers everywhere, while Florence is dynamic and modern, it will greet guests with excellent cuisine, varied shopping and entertainment.

Heading to Florence for New Year's Eve, get ready for non-winter weather. The temperature here, as a rule, is set at +10+12C, which is conducive to cheerful walks along the decorated streets breathing with celebration. The people have not yet recovered from Christmas, everyone is happy and good-natured.

First-time travelers may be surprised and amused by the narrow streets where buses pass neatly. Mopeds and scooters are incredibly popular and loved in Florence local residents. However, tourists who have an international driver’s license can easily rent a scooter here and feel almost like a local.

However, by staying at a hotel in the city center, there is no need to rent transport or worry about the availability of parking.

On the evening of December 31, it is advisable to already have a table reserved at the restaurant, otherwise look for free place It will take a long time for dinner.

The hotel staff can also help with this, since most hotels have contracts with restaurants for this evening, and they will be able to offer you a couple of options with different price levels per person. The menu will be complex, festive and plentiful.

Walking through pre-holiday Florence, you will certainly be infected by this New Year's mood; all adults, like children, with glowing antennas on their hats, with crackers in their hands or with gifts, are rushing to meet each other. Late in the evening, people gather in many other squares equipped with stages where musicians play and actors perform, entertaining the public in every possible way. For lovers of all styles, they will play their own melodies here, from waltz and jazz to folk, rock and pop. City fireworks and many small fireworks start at exactly midnight. Be careful and watch your step, firecrackers are flying everywhere. General fun gradually develops into a disco, sparkling wine flows like a river. But by two or three o’clock it gradually subsides, and by morning you won’t even guess that folk festivities were taking place here. The streets are cleaned, passers-by calmly walk along them, there is no rush or noise. The shops are still closed; on January 1, you can only tune in to a contemplative pastime. But it's worth it, Florence is beautiful

, and therefore worthy of leisurely walks. You are guaranteed unconditional enjoyment of the views of local street architecture.

If during your visit to Florence you intend to look at the best paintings by Botticelli, then get ready for the fact that it is quite possible to freeze while waiting for your turn at the entrance, despite the relatively warm weather.

Another interesting, but unofficial place in Florence that will be interesting to visit is the market, where it is customary to try everything before buying. And believe me, all the products there are really fresh and tasty.

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Florence is so full of attractions that reviews do not recommend taking children with you - they will not withstand the inspection and with their whims will poison the mood of both you and those around you. “Rent” them for a day in “Fabialandia,” a children’s country where adults are not allowed to enter. There, children run around to their heart's content: Merlin's magical castle, the lake of dreams, the labyrinth - all this is much more interesting for children than cultural heritage, and there will come time for it in their lives.

And for adults, if they are not traveling under the guidance of a guide, you can start exploring Florence from Brunelleschi’s dome, which crowns. However, again referring to the reviews of experienced people, we note that climbing 530 steps to the dome is not for the weak.

Florence - birthplace of the Renaissance

A trip to Italy will also definitely take you to Florence. Its appearance has not been changed by the past centuries (it is a pity that Moscow is not guarded with the same care). Narrow streets that look like they came out of a medieval engraving, magnificent palaces and cathedrals, even hotels - everything is designed in the same style. If your hotel is in the center, then you can plunge into the nightlife of the city.

But let's see what surprises tours to Florence from Moscow have in store for us. Center beautiful city decorate the delightful Piazza Señoria. In the square there is a copy of David (Michelangelo) and not only that. Many “living sculptures”, amazingly faithfully reproducing the creations of great sculptors, will willingly accept a coin from you and take a photo with it as a souvenir. They won’t charge a lot for it, but the pleasure is great.

Nightlife in Florence...

If you are lucky in time, there is a chance to get to the ancient colorful festival “Explosion of the Cart” - it takes place on Easter in front of the cathedral. Later, in June, costume football is held, when football players dressed in medieval uniforms kick the ball around.

In the Piazza della Senoria, in the evenings tourists are entertained by touring and local bands, and sometimes a lovely children's choir performs. In general, hand on heart, last-minute tours to Florence are not Moscow with its nightlife, but much more modest.

... and a trip to local flea markets

To call a local a flea market swap meet I just can't move my tongue. Everything here is sedate and orderly. Today in Italy, as in Italy, in addition to the usual excursions, vintage tours have become popular. It is true that as for vintage, without special preparation it is difficult to distinguish a true antique from a skillfully made fake. Simple common sense dictates that there simply cannot be such quantities of originals.

Go figure them out - are they swindlers or masters continuing the glorious traditions of their ancestors. So, a trip to Florence is a great opportunity to buy a stylish item that will decorate your apartment in Moscow. Don’t forget, you still have to declare it at customs.

If you have the opportunity to purchase last minute tickets, take advantage of it. Then the most prestigious tourist parties will cost less


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