The most beautiful creature in the world. The most beautiful places in the world. Lake Baikal, Eastern Siberia

One of the most amazing and beautiful rivers worldwide is located in Colombia. Its name is Crystal, but the local population prefers to call it in its own way, namely “River of Five Colors” or “River that Escaped from Paradise.” And they don’t lie local residents, the river actually contains five primary colors: black, green, red, blue and yellow. And all thanks to the underwater inhabitants, they are the reason that the river has colorful, pronounced shades.

Bend of the Colorado River (USA)

The bend of the Colorado River is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful places on the planet that is worth visiting. This is located nature education 8 kilometers downstream from Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell, near Page, Arizona, USA. The river bed bends bizarrely, forming a shape that looks like a horseshoe for a horse.

Arizona Wave (USA)

The Arizona wave is such an amazing natural formation that not mentioning it in the top 10 list is the most Beautiful places planet would be unfair. This ancient rock formation looks very beautiful, as if a talented artist painted it by hand. It takes a lot of effort to get to this place. Why? It's all about the fragility of these mountains. Since they are made of soft sandstone, careless human intervention can simply destroy them. Therefore, no more than 20 people can visit here per day. Tours to visit these unusual mountains are played in a lottery.

Cave of Huge Crystals (Mexico)

This most beautiful place on our planet was discovered relatively recently, in 2000. Where is this miracle of nature located? In Mexico, namely in a city with the bizarre name of Chihuahua. What makes Crystal Cave one of a kind? Firstly, the depth, the cave reaches 300 meters deep. Secondly - crystals, their greatest length reaches 15 meters and width 1.5 meters. The conditions prevailing in the cave could have led to the appearance of such crystals, namely air humidity of 100% and temperature of 60 degrees.

Salar de Uyuni (Bolivia)

Salar de Uyuni is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places in the world. The Salar de Uyuni is a huge salt field formed as a result of the drying out of the lake. Located in Bolivia, near Lake Titicaca. The beauty of this amazing place amazes the imagination, especially when it rains, at which time the entire salt marsh becomes mirror-like and it seems as if the surface of the earth does not exist.

Kliluk Lake (Canada)

In the city of Osoyoos, in Canada, there is a truly extraordinary lake - Kliluk. It is also called spotted lake. Why? Because thanks to the minerals contained in this miracle lake, the water becomes spotty. From a distance, the lake looks more like a slab of stones. The thing is that when the temperature rises, the water dries, which is why stains form. The color change depends on the mineral composition of the lake at a given time.

Enchanted Well (Brazil)

In Brazil, namely in the state of Bahia, you can find the “Enchanted Well”. This well is located at the very bottom deep cave, the height of which is 80 meters. The well itself is 37 meters deep. The water of this well is crystal clear and transparent, you can even see the bottom in great detail. This mysterious corner truly enchants with its beauty; the play of light gives the water a bluish tint. The entire water surface shimmers, creating a colorful spectacle.

Marble Caves (Chile)

The Marble Caves are one of the most popular attractions in Chile and, in our opinion, the most beautiful place on the planet. The caves are located on one of the deepest alpine lakes in the world. The material from which the caves are composed contains a large amount of limestone rocks, which contributed to the appearance colorful landscapes with a predominance of shades of blue. For fans of diving, “Marble Caves” will be a real find.

So we have finished our small but very eventful journey through the most beautiful places on the planet. It's a pity to say goodbye to this beauty, but as we already said, you will have impressions for a long time. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to visit these places. But besides them, there are quite a lot of others on our planet that are beautiful and unique in their own way. It’s worth taking a closer look and maybe you can find the same ones in your city wonderful places created by nature itself.

Our planet has many worthy places that are definitely worth a visit. I already wrote about some of them a couple of months ago. However, then we were talking about the most famous places, which, despite their originality, are well known and popular to everyone. Today we will talk about those corners of the planet, most of which are incredibly difficult to get to.

Rocks of Kasha-Katuwe

This unusual rock formation is located in New Mexico and was created by nature about seven million years ago. Volcanic ash, erosion and weathering have led to the formation of such unusual tent mountains.

An unusual creation of nature, the Kasha-Katuwe rock

The rocks have a rather interesting altitudinal variety, which rises to a height of thirty meters with pointed peaks like tourist tents or Indian wigwams. This formation of Kasha-Katuve received its name from the area in which they are located and translated as “White Rocks”.

Volcanoes are those natural formations that always attract lovers thrills. However, they are one of the most inaccessible places on earth, and if you add to this place the difficult Antarctic climate, it turns out that the ice towers and caves of Erebus are an unattainable dream for most tourists.

The icy splendor of Mount Erebus

However, the most interesting tourist place is not even the peaks of the Erebus volcano themselves, which rise up 4 kilometers, but lava lake volcano and ice caves on its slopes. The lava in this lake is unique and cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

In addition to the caves, another one of most interesting phenomena are ice chimneys on the slopes of the volcano. They are formed during the process of exiting underground caves warm air vapors, which, in contact with the forty-degree frosty Antarctic climate, build up these chimneys.

Ice chimneys - the splendor of Mount Erebus

Philippine Eighth Wonder of the World - Rice Terraces

Twenty years ago, this man-made beauty of human hands was listed World Heritage UNESCO. And now the rice terraces are a vivid example of how nature helps a person with due respect for it on the part of that person.

The Eighth Wonder of the World - Banaue Rice Terraces

Some of Banaue's rice terraces are believed to be about six thousand years old. The most interesting thing about them is not even that they total area more than 10,000 square kilometers and if they could be placed one after another, they would occupy half globe, but the fact that they are all handmade and completely made by hand.

Another interesting feature of this most interesting place on earth is the original irrigation system - fresh water enters the terraces using ancient irrigation methods directly from tropical forests, which are located higher in the mountains. And if we take into account the fact that all the Banaue rice terraces were created at an altitude of one and a half kilometers, then they can definitely be equated to a new wonder of the world.

Wonder of the world with a thousand-year history

Moreover, all these terraces not only do not disfigure the Philippine Cordillera, but, on the contrary, faithfully repeat all their bends, emphasizing the splendor and beauty of the majestic mountain ranges. This miracle now attracts thousands of tourists who want to look not only at the delicate greenery of the rice plantations, but also to follow the work of local residents who are still growing rice according to the traditions of the ancient tribe of rice farmers.

Lena Pillars - a monument to wild and majestic nature

This unique natural formation is located in Yakutia along the banks of the majestic Siberian Lena River. Along many kilometers coastline The rocks stretched upward, called the Lena Pillars, look down on everyone. Now the Lena Pillars are not just unusual mountain formations, but an entire natural park that stretches along the Lena River for as much as 200 kilometers.

Lena Pillars - a monument of the Cambrian era

An unusual park of Early Cambrian deposits

It is worth noting that not only the beauty and monumentality of the Pillars is unique, but also their geological structure, which dates back to the Early Cambrian period in the history of the Earth. At this time, the first skeletal animals appeared on our planet, and it was in the rocks of the Lena Pillars that scientists discovered the burial of representatives of numerous species of mammoths and the imprints of such a unique example of the Cambrian fauna as epiphyton algae.

Horseshoe Caldera in Scotland

The Glencoe Valley, which is located in the northern part of Great Britain, is rightfully considered one of the most picturesque and memorable places on British Isles. It stretches for 16 kilometers in the crater ancient volcano and has unique monuments nature and history.

Brits come here for the stunning variety of flora that cuts through the river valley with clear waters and magnificent mountain peaks. The splendor of nature and silence - what else is needed for have a nice rest in nature and getting away from civilization.

It is the mountains that attract mountaineering and alpine skiing. In addition, this place is notorious for its events four centuries ago, during which the Jacobin uprising was brutally suppressed on the slopes of the valley. Recent events gave rise to another name for the valley - “Valley of Tears”.

The enchanting beauty of the Glencoe Valley

Interesting place - Indian Park "Valley of Flowers"

Along the western slopes of the Himalayas, on an area of ​​90 square kilometers, is the Indian National Park “Valley of Flowers”. At the same time, the valley of flowers itself, which gave the park its name, is only a fifth part.

At an altitude of 3.5-4 kilometers above sea level, you can see an area eight kilometers long and two kilometers wide. This is where you can see something unique a natural phenomenon– about six hundred representatives of alpine, subalpine and high-mountain fauna grow in the protected area of ​​the valley. Moreover, some of their representatives, such as the blue poppy or the Himalayan maple, can only be seen in this valley.

Unique flower of the “Valley of Flowers” ​​- blue poppy

In this interesting place on earth, you can enjoy the natural beauty of the alpine meadows, and it is especially interesting to go to the “Valley of Flowers” ​​during the monsoon season, when it is completely transformed and takes on a special flavor. At this time, it is covered with a wide variety of flowers, the total number of species of which is more than five hundred types.

Desert miracle of the USA - Lechuguia Cave

In the USA there is amazing creation nature. Of course, there are many places in the world where nature has created bizarre underground passages, but Lechuguia especially stands out from ordinary caves with its gigantic volumes. Now we can say with confidence that this cave is the deepest on the American continent. The cave descends underground to a depth of up to 500 meters, and total length its underground passages exceed 150 kilometers.

It is especially worth noting the ecosystem of the cave - it is “thanks to” it that there are no usual routes for tourists in Lechuga and only researchers have access to the dungeons. This ecosystem is unique in that in the underground passages and grottos of the cave there is a special world that is virtually completely isolated from the outside world, sunlight and everything that is on the surface of the Earth.

Moreover, during the research, it turned out that some inhabitants of the underground world literally eat the vaults of the cave. For them, the chemical elements contained there are a source of energy that allows them to exist.

Another interesting fact. Before the discovery of this cave 30 years ago, the world in it was literally preserved for almost a hundred million years.

Krubera-Voronya Cave - a quick path to the bowels of the earth

In Abkhazia there is a cave that is considered the deepest in the world today. It is now reliably known that the depth of this cave extends for almost two kilometers. And although there is no “direct exit” to the underground kingdom, unlike the Lechugia cave, since its height is located in the mountains at a level of 2256 meters, the path itself, more than two kilometers long, is in itself a unique natural phenomenon.

The cave was discovered more than fifty years ago in the Orto-Balagan tract, and for a long time it was considered superficial with a depth of up to one hundred meters. Until numerous expeditions began to explore it, each of which, having reached 210, 340, 710 meters, did not declare the end of the passages. All this continued until seven years ago a group of speleologists managed to reach a depth of 2196 meters.

This cave has its second nickname. Due to the large number of crows nesting there, it is also called the Crow. Moreover, unlike the above-mentioned Lechugia, this cave has many tourist routes and anyone can admire her beauty

Fairyland of elves - Plitvice Lakes

In the central part of Croatia there is a beautiful oasis with “devilish forests” and a complex of lakes and waterfalls that create a truly fabulous landscape. On the territory of this high-mountain valley, as many as 16 lakes with fantastically blue water and magnificent roaring waterfalls have formed.

The territory of this reserve is divided into two parts with upper and lower lakes, connected by magnificent cascades of waterfalls. Moreover, no one knows the exact number of these waterfalls, since every year nature creates new cascades.

All this happens thanks to complete non-interference in the ecosystem of the lakes and all the sticks and branches that fall into the water are never removed from it, and subsequently they petrify under the influence of limestone and become a barrier to the water, forming a new cascade of waterfalls. This amount of limestone not only forms fancy growths and calcium deposits, but gives the water a delightful blue appearance with a greenish tint.

At the junction of two Latin American countries - Brazil and Argentina, nature has created real beauty - the cascade of Iguazu Falls. This system of 275 small and large waterfalls, which stretches for three kilometers, is considered the most powerful in the world. The largest waterfall was nicknamed the devil's throat by the Spanish conquistadors for its power and unusual U-shape.

The majesty of the waterfall is fully revealed during the rainy season from November to March, when the water flow is so large that the rate of its discharge reaches thirteen thousand cubic meters of water per second.

P.S.. All those who liked this article will also like the article about, which was the pioneer in the TOP-10 section.

exists in the world great amount interesting and beautiful places located on different continents. Everyone should see these places.

Troll Tongue, Norway

Troll's Tongue is a rocky ledge on Mount Skjeggedal, near the city of Odda in Norway. The ledge rises above Lake Ringedalsvatn at an altitude of 350 meters.

This is a place of pilgrimage for tourists, although it will take at least 5 hours to climb there.

Great Wall of China, China

As is known, the Great Chinese Wall refers to the main wonders of the world, which is included in the World Heritage List cultural heritage UNESCO in 1987. The Chinese Wall is somewhat reminiscent of a snake that wriggles over 8852 kilometers (the length of the Chinese Wall). Of course, the years take their toll, the Chinese Wall is already more than two thousand years old and the walls are being destroyed in some places, but despite this, the Chinese Wall is one of the most famous historical landmarks.

Machu Picchu, Peru

Lost city of the Incas Machu Picchu. Ancient city Incas is located in the picturesque tropics, at an altitude of more than 2400 meters above sea level on the slope of the Andes. Everything you see here was made by ancient craftsmen from special stone, which was carefully processed. The city was built in the 15th century, but due to the invasion of the Spaniards the Incas were forced to leave it. Of course, all local residents knew perfectly well about the monument ancient architecture, however, it gained worldwide fame only after it was found and described by the American historian Heenan Bingham in 1911.

Geirangerfjord, Norway

Geirangerfjord is one of the most picturesque and most visited Norwegian fjords, located in the Sunnmøre region in the southwest of Møre og Romsdal. It stretches between the mountains for 15 km and is a natural extension of Storfjord (Great Fjord). Its maximum width is 1.3 km. On the edge of the Geirangerfjord, where the Geirangelva River flows into it, lies the village of Geiranger, from which it takes its name. The population of the village is 300 people. In 2005, the fjord and surrounding areas were included in the list of objects natural heritage UNESCO. It is this status that today hinders the implementation of the local authorities' plan to build power lines across the fjord.

The ancient city of Petra is another one of the wonders of the world, the main attraction of Jordan. The Nabataeans, an ancient Arab tribe, built this city in a narrow canyon among steep cliffs about 2000 years ago. Petra was located at the crossroads of important trade routes connecting India, China, southern Arabia with Egypt, Syria and Rome, and for a long time was a center of trade, a rich and famous city.

Statue of Christ the Redeemer (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

The statue of Jesus Christ is the youngest of the new wonders of the world. It was built in 1931 on Mount Corcovado. The figure of the Savior towering over the city with his hands outstretched for blessing immediately became the main symbol of Rio.

Bora Bora Island, French Polynesia

This island was formed eight million years ago and is located in Polynesia. Like other volcanic islands, it is slowly sinking under water. The island is very beautiful and is surrounded by many small islands with beautiful beaches and white sand. There are a lot of marine life in the water, so if you scuba dive you can meet tropical fish, sharks, stingrays, etc.

Mount Roraima, Venezuela-Brazil-Guyana

The unique Mount Roraima is located in the north of South America, at the junction of Brazil, Venezuela and Guyana.

The highest point of the mountain is 2723 m above sea level, and the flat top is a plateau with an area of ​​about 34 km². It is considered a sacred place, and local Indians call it the navel of the earth.

The mountain offers a fantastic view: it was Roraima that inspired Arthur Conan Doyle to write the novel lost World .

Socotra Island is one of the most beautiful and wonderful places on Earth. Here, in the conditions of a harsh desert climate, unique representatives of animals and flora. Many species of flora and fauna cannot even be found in other parts of the world, due to the isolation of the island from the rest of the surrounding world.

Swing at the End of the World, Ecuador

This extreme attraction located in the mountains of Ecuador (city of Banos). The unique swing over the abyss is located at an altitude of 2660 meters above sea level, offering breathtaking views of the Andes.

Pyramid of Cheops, Egypt

The Pyramid of Cheops is included in the list of the Seven Wonders of the World. Its construction is still shrouded in secrets and myths. Many interesting archaeological finds belong to these lands.

Rock Pulpit, Norway

This rock is called Preikestolen in Norwegian and is a 604 meter high cliff located in the southwest of Norway near the Lysefjord fjord. Tourists really like the platform at its top, which offers stunning views and great photographs.

Easter Island, Chile

Easter Island is one of the most amazing places habitat on the planet. It is located in Pacific Ocean. The closest points are South America and the inhabited island of Pitcairn.

Angel Falls, Venezuela

The world's highest waterfall is Angel Falls, located in Venezuela. The total height of Angel Falls is 979 meters, the height of the continuous fall is 807 meters. Water falls from the top of Mount Auyantepui. National Park Canaima, where the falls are located, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This is how Angel Falls describes it modern traveler Alexander Klenov: “It remains a mystery where the waterfall is fed from. There is no lake, no river, nothing at the top. Only strange vegetation, unprecedented animals, fog and silence... The place is enchanted.”

The unique colored rocks of Zhangye Danxia are located in China, in the Gansu province. The Colored Cliffs are composed of red sandstones and conglomerates of mostly Cretaceous age. Such formations are a unique type of petrographic geomorphology that exists only here. The Colored Rocks are included in the World Heritage List.

Beachy Head, England

Beachy Head rock appeared 100,000,000 years ago, during the late Cretaceous period. People often call it the end of the earth. Standing near a cliff, you feel small and weak, because the ground suddenly disappears from under your feet and there is only endless expanses of water ahead.

Moraine Lake, Alberta, Canada

Located in Banff National Park in Canada. The most interesting thing here happens in June, when the water level in the lake reaches its maximum and the water begins to shimmer in amazing shades of blue and blue, which are obtained due to sunlight refracting on the rocky bottom.

This charming house is located on an island near Vestmannaeyar, a small archipelago south of Iceland. The archipelago consists of the island of Heimaey, which is inhabited, and thirteen small ones that are uninhabited.

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Neuschwanstein Castle - historical castle Germany, which is located in Bavaria. It is located near the town of Fussen near the border with Austria. The castle is considered one of the most visited and photographed attractions in the world.

For those who have never seen it in person or looked at photographs of it, the appearance of the castle will seem familiar, because it is precisely this castle that occupies central place on one of the most recognizable logos - the emblem of the Walt Disney company.

Mountain river cave in Quang Binh province, Vietnam

The Mountain River Cave (Son Doong), with a length of almost 6 km, is the largest in the world. The largest part of it reaches 200 meters in height and 150 meters in width, and some parts of the space are so massive that a city with all its streets can fit in them. Due to constant erosion, part of the cave collapsed, forming passages and so-called cave halls.

Stonehenge, England

Stonehenge is undoubtedly Britain's greatest national landmark, symbolizing mystery, power and authority. The original purpose of building Stonehenge is not clear to us, but some believe that it served as a temple for the worship of the ancient deities of the earth. It was named an astronomical observatory for marking significant events on the prehistoric calendar. Others claim that it is sacred place for the burial of high-ranking citizens of ancient society.


The ranking of the most beautiful places on the planet opens with an amazing place located in the western part of the Netherlands. We are talking about picturesque tulip fields. These are not just gardens, we are talking about plantations, seas of flowers, embodying a real riot of colors. While in this state from April to May, you simply need to visit the blooming gardens of the western part of the country. However, in the summer there is something to see here, because tulips give way to gladioli.

The Grand Canyon is one of the deepest and most beautiful places in the world. Located in Arizona, on the Colorado Plateau. We are talking about the amazing territory of the national park, the beauty of which can only be appreciated with the help of a helicopter. It is an Indian reservation. It is believed that the Navajo and other tribes lived in this area for a long time. The Grand Canyon attracts not only for its beauty, size and history. Many businessmen are attracted by its mystery. To understand what we are talking about, you need to see this miracle of nature from above.

Do you know the name of the most beautiful national park in the world? Its name is Cinque Terre, and this amazing place is located in Italy. Namely in the east of the Riviera. We are not just talking about charms and history, everything here is imbued with the spirit of the Italian Middle Ages. In total, on the territory of the indicated place there are five small, but beautiful villages. Their architecture is distinguished by the presence of protected buildings, reminiscent of the times of freedom-loving pirates. Romantic place will appeal to all connoisseurs of classic Italian romance.

It would be unfair to create a Top 10 most beautiful places on Earth without mentioning at least one Chinese field. The rice field in the mountains of Yunnan Province is the most amazing and beautiful. Just imagine ten-kilometer-long terraces that exactly follow the curves of the terrain down to the centimeter. The Chinese have been developing their culture for thousands of years and have achieved incredible success in this craft. See them from above rice plantations worth a lot. Their snow-white plantations reflect the sun's rays and represent the power of China's agricultural artisans.


We have already found out which lake is the most powerful in Russia. By no means in this rating we are talking exclusively about the beauty of different places in the world. For this reason, it is necessary to highlight the Plitvice Lakes of Croatia, which attract with their amazing color and mystery. Located on the territory of the national park. Covered with intangible and boundless thickets. They are extremely difficult to pass, so you can only appreciate all the beauty from above. Locals call the thicket the devil's forest.

We will not consider all the sights of the planet that are included in the list of the so-called 7 wonders of the world. We consider exclusively the most beautiful places, including the Valley of the Ten Peaks - Canada. This Canadian place epitomizes rugged but attractive nature. Her icy beauty creates unique world located at the foot of big mountains called Vekchemna. Nearby is the pearl of the national park - a lake called Moraine.

In northern Arizona there is amazing beauty a place, a geological object that is justifiably called the pride of the American people. This is a place where the ancient Navajo Indians once lived. The unique park represents huge complex of rocks standing against the backdrop of a stern and terrifying desert landscape. We are talking again about the Colorado Plateau. This area is one of the favorites among tourists for a reason. By the way, the plateau hides a lot amazing stories about cowboys.

Continuing the theme of beautiful and rocky places in the world, it is necessary to highlight the Colored Zhangye, located in China. It is believed that the rock complex was formed during the Cretaceous period. We are talking about beautiful rocks that are painted in very colorful shades. The miracle of nature is located in the famous province of China - Gansu. In the photo you see an abundance of colors. However, red sandstone really predominates. You may not notice this in the images. When you are near the province, be sure to try to see the amazing mountain landscape.

Beauty is an entirely subjective concept. Looking at the most fascinating places on our planet, a person begins to realize that true beauty is around him, and it is impossible not to enjoy it. Over endless millions of years, Mother Nature has created so many masterpieces that still not all the most beautiful places on Earth are covered by tourist routes.

Salar de Uyuni (Bolivia)

This is the largest in size salt Lake world, here time seems to slow down. You can even walk on its surface! During the rains, this salt marsh becomes a huge and extraordinary mirror. Here salt is mined, which is exported using antediluvian locomotives, the cemetery of which is located three kilometers from the city of Uyuni. The ideally flat and stable surface of the salt marsh, better than the surface of the ocean, makes it possible to adjust satellite instruments probing our planet. There are islands on the salt lake on which cacti manage to grow - photographs of such vegetation against the backdrop of the sparkling whiteness of the salt marsh are incredibly spectacular.

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Pamukkale (Türkiye)

In the southwest of Turkey there is a very beautiful geological formation - a rock made of limestone tuff - Pamukkale. Here the river begins, which descends along stone terraces in the form of waterfalls and forms multi-tiered pools. Local residents rather poetically called this place “cotton castle.” Calcium-saturated water provided this unusual landscape with incredible whiteness. To natural terraces and thermal springs Thousands of tourists began to come to the foothills of the mountains every year.

Yunnan Rice Terraces (China)

The rice fields located on the mountain terraces of the Chinese province of Yunnan are extremely picturesque. They stretch for several tens of kilometers, exactly repeating all the curves of the earth's topography. The local ecological system is unique in its formation. In February, rice is planted in the soil, renewed by mountain springs, and the harvest is harvested in early autumn. WITH late autumn continues here until mid-spring tourist season. Inexperienced travelers are attracted by the mirror surfaces of rice paddies, reflecting the rays of the sun, which, when refracted, provide the entire solar spectrum.

Great Blue Hole (Belize)

Off the coast of Belize in the Caribbean Sea is barrier reef, in the center of one of its atolls there is an unusual object - a mysterious, beautiful blue hole, perfectly round and going far into the depths. However, in nature such phenomena occur often; in this case, the size of the hole is striking - the diameter is 300 meters and the depth is 120 meters. Extreme divers love to come here to get new doses of adrenaline. Once upon a time this hole was explored by Jacques Cousteau himself, after him it became famous throughout the world.

Arizona Wave (USA)

Near the Arizona-Utah border on the Colorado Plateau, there is an unusual sandstone formation with jagged fancy shapes with smooth curves and painted in rich ocher colors, which was given the name “Arizona wave”. All self-respecting professional landscape photographers definitely strive to get here, but to do this they have to overcome many obstacles, because good roads doesn't exist here. The peculiar structure, reminiscent of a frozen stream of caramel, arose as a result of a long process of petrification sand dunes into solid rock.

Jiuzhaigou National Park (China)

The southeastern Chinese province of Sichuan has many attractions, one of which is the incredibly beautiful Jiuzhaigou National Park. It is located in the north of the province. There are many lakes and waterfalls here, and the special composition of the local water gives them an incredibly beautiful turquoise color. They look especially magnificent in the fall, when their waters reflect the crowns of trees with leaves of all kinds of colors.

Plitvice Lakes (Croatia)

IN Balkan country Croatia also has a mysterious, colorful and incredibly beautiful place - Plitvice Lakes. They are included in the largest national park in Croatia. The landscapes of the park smell of mysticism: it is surrounded by impenetrable dense thickets, which locals call the “devil’s forest.” The chain of lakes is located in one mountain valley, water from each upper lake numerous waterfalls flow into the lake located below. Since water quickly destroys limestone rock, the waterfalls change every year. In winter, frozen waterfalls are no less spectacular than in summer period. All Plitvice lakes are divided into upper and lower.

Valley of the 10 Peaks (Canada)

The nature of Canada is very beautiful, especially its icy beauty. One of the notable natural sites is the Valley of 10 Peaks, which is located at the base of the multi-domed mountain range Vekchemn, which has 10 peaks. Nearby is glacial Moraine Lake, which is a prominent feature of Banff National Park. To better explore the local attractions, there are many trails for tourists. One of the views is called "20 dollars", because a 20 dollar bill was once issued with this landscape.

Mount Roraima (Brazil and Venezuela)

On the border between Brazil and Venezuela there is a very beautiful peak Roraima. In fact, Roraima is the name given to several mountain ranges rising among the Amazon wilds. This place became especially famous after the publication of Arthur Conan Doyle’s most popular novel “The Lost World”; it was here that he transferred the main events of the novel and populated the local lands, closed from the whole world inaccessible mountains. Indeed, these places can serve as a powerful source of imagination and creative inspiration.

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Monument Valley (USA)

In northeastern Arizona, on the border with Utah, there is the Colorado Plateau, a desert with an unusual and fascinating landscape. It was called Monument Valley because in the middle of the flat desert there are rocks carved into unusual shapes by the wind, creating an alien landscape. Almost all American westerns were filmed here; we have long been accustomed to seeing dashing cowboys on the screen, galloping through the desert against the backdrop of these reddish rocks.

Colored rocks of Zhangye (China)

There are many amazing places in China, for example, the unusually beautiful colorful rocks in Gansu province. They arose during the Cretaceous period. The unusual color scheme is explained by the fact that among other rocks, red sandstone clearly predominates, as well as sedimentary silt rocks that have undergone oxidation after the waters receded from these places. Currently, the Chinese authorities have turned this place into one of the popular tourist routes. Landscape artists adore the local colorful rocks.

Ha Long Bay (Vietnam)

The poetic name Halong translated from Vietnamese means “the bay where dragons find shelter.” Following the bay, the city located on its shores inherited the same name. Perhaps the bay fully lives up to its mystical name, because it contains over 3 thousand small islands, mysterious caves And Rocky Mountains along the banks. In some caves, penetrating deep into the rocks, attractions are arranged, here exciting adventure routes are prepared for tourists, and multi-colored lighting is provided. Any guest here feels as if he is in the cave of a real dragon.

Iguazu Falls (Brazil and Argentina)

It turns out that even trees can be famous, standing out for their size and unusual shape, age, location, connection with historical...

Iguazu Falls means large complex, including 275 waterfalls. They are taller and wider than the famous one Niagara Falls twice. Waterfalls owe their origin to volcanic activity: After the eruption, a huge crack formed in the ground, right under the bed of the Iguazu River, which caused the appearance of a whole cascade of waterfalls. The waterfall looks especially impressive during the rainy season, which occurs in November-March, when the turbulent river brings down 13 thousand cubic meters of water every second.

Crystal River (Columbia)

Although this Colombian river is officially called Caño Cristales, Indian tribes living in the wilds of Central Colombia call it “the escaped from paradise” or “the river of five colors.” There are many natural wonders in the tropics, but this fabulously picturesque multi-colored river is especially original! In different places its bottom is colored pink, red, yellow, green, blue and black. It's all because of the amazing colorful algae that turn the river into a rainbow flowing through the Amazon forests.

Enchanted Well (Brazil)

The magic of this unusual attraction manifests itself every day for only an hour and a half - from 10:30 to noon, when the rays of the sun penetrate into the cave. This well, 37 meters deep, is located at the bottom of an even deeper cave (80 m). But the water in it is so clean that at the bottom of the well you can see fragments of trees that fell there in time immemorial. As if by magic, the walls of the cave and the lake at its bottom are suddenly illuminated with a magical blue light. Access to this cave, located in national park Chapada Diamantina, due to the abundance of visitors and the fragility of the local ecosystem, is strictly regulated.

Geysers are natural fountains formed by water escaping under pressure from underground sources. Most of the geysers have volcanic...

Marble Caves (Chile and Argentina)

This place is located on the border between Argentina and Chile and has three names: among the Argentines - Buenos Aires, among the Chileans - General Carrera, and among the local Indian tribes - Chelenko (lake of storms). Here actually mountain climate very harsh. But there are a lot of fish in the lake, including salmon and trout. On the Chilean side is the most interesting place - marble caves. There are huge reserves of this valuable stone, in different shades, including even the rarest deep blue. The sunlight entering the cave is refracted in different colors.

Sagano Bamboo Grove (Japan)

In the west of the ancient Japanese capital of Kyoto there is an extraordinary bamboo forest. Thousands of bamboo trunks, like masts, sway gracefully in the wind, while they rub against each other, emitting a subtle ringing sound. Next to the grove stands the ancient Buddhist temple Tenryu-Ji, protected by UNESCO.

Hamilton Basin (USA)

This unusual ecosystem is located near the city of Austin in Texas and is a lake hidden under the dome of a cave. Many thousands of years ago, an underground river flowed in this place through the karst rocks and gradually undermined them until the cave vaults collapsed in the center, revealing the river hidden beneath them to the sun. It turned out to be a very cozy secluded bay with a beach under the canopy. The water in the lake has a rich blue color. Moss and climbing plants hang from the vaults of the grotto in some places, and beautiful limestone stalactites descend in others. Swallows make their nests under the dome, and nearby a waterfall falls from a 15-meter height.

Valley of Flowers (India)

In the western Himalayas, in the upper reaches of the Ganges, there are incredibly beautiful flowering meadows. Almost all plants growing here are endemic. Scientists are closely monitoring the local alpine meadows, which stretch over 88 square meters. km. Magnificent flower meadows are adjacent to mountains, forests and waterfalls.

Among lovers of indoor plants, the desire to choose the most beautiful plant for your home most often prevails. Of course, luxurious flowers are very...

Grand Canyon (USA)

One of the oldest national parks in the United States became the Grand Canyon area. This is one of the most large-scale creations of nature that has attracted human attention. The canyon is located in Arizona, and was carved over millions of years by the Colorado River. Until the middle of the 16th century, a tribe of Pueblo Indians lived in the canyon, who settled in small gaps in the walls of the canyon. These are the most beautiful places in the world, so now the Grand Canyon has turned into a giant tourist complex - there are many descents, places to stay overnight and parking lots.

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