Beautiful peaks of the world. The most beautiful mountains of our planet (20 photos). Canadian Rockies

« Better than the mountains there can only be mountains that you haven’t been to yet,” - Vysotsky was right a thousand times! Everyone has their own favorite peaks, and one can argue about their beauty endlessly. We present the 19 most beautiful according to the editors of The Telegraph magazine.​ Do you agree with the choice?


The peak is in the Pennine Alps, on the border of Switzerland (canton of Valais) and Italy (province of Valle d'Aosta). The most extreme climbers dare to conquer the top of the Matterhorn.

Height above sea level: 4478 meters

First ascent: 1865

mountain range: Alps, Pennine Alps

Stetind, Norway

Translated from English “stetind” means “minor elevation”. The mountain attracts tourists of all skill levels.

Height above sea level: 1392 meters

First ascent: 1910

Cerro Torre, Patagonia/Argentina/Chile

Thanks to proximity Pacific Ocean There is almost always bad weather at the top. The peak is covered with ice, making movement on it very dangerous.

Height above sea level: 3128 meters

Excess: 1227 meters

First ascent: 1974

Mountain Range: Andes

Licancabur, Bolivia/Chile

The stratovolcano on the border of Chile and Bolivia is adjacent to the Juriques volcano and Lake Laguna Verde. At the top there is a 400-meter crater with a small lake.

Height above sea level: 5920 meters

First ascent: 1884

Mountain Range: Andes

Tre Cime di Lavaredo rocks (TreCimediLavaredo), Italy

Jagged peaks are part of the park of the same name. The eastern peak is called Cima Piccola (2857 m), the central one is Cima Grande (2999 m), the western one is Cima Ovest (2973 m). The Cima Piccola peak is considered the most difficult, and the northern slope of Cima Grande is one of the six “great northern slopes of the Alps”.

Height above sea level: 2999 meters

Mountains: Alps

First ascent: 1869

Kirkjufell, Iceland

A mountain in the western part of Iceland, located near the city of Grundarfjörður on the western shore of the fjord of the same name in the north of the Snæfellsnes peninsula. Despite quite small height and accessibility, the mountain every now and then becomes the hero of photographs of travelers.

Height above sea level: 463 meters

Laila Peak, Pakistan

Laila Peak is a mountain located in the Karakoram mountain system east of the Chukduzer Glacier and west of the Chogolis Glacier. It is famous for the predominance of capricious weather and requires from climbers not only the proper level of training, but also willpower.

Height above sea level: 6096 meters

Mountain Range: Karakoram

First ascent: 1997

Kailash(Mount Kailash), China

Kailash (Kangrinboche, Gangdise, Gandhisyshan) - a mountain in the Kailash range of the Gangdise mountain system in the south Tibetan plateau. According to Hindu beliefs, Kailash is the cosmic center of the universe, where the god Shiva lives.

Height above sea level: 6638 meters

Mountain Range: Gangdis, Himalayas

The Eiger, Switzerland

Together with the peaks of Jungfrau and Mönch, the Eiger forms the famous trio. The mountain is constantly influenced by cold air masses brought from the north. Even in summer, snowfalls rage and temperatures change dramatically within just a few hours.

Height above sea level: 3970 meters

Mountain Range: Alps, Bernese Alps

Roraima, Brazil/Venezuela/Guyana

“Table Mountain,” located on the Guiana Highlands in the southeastern point of the Canaima National Park, was considered the “navel of the earth” by local Indians. According to ancient legends, the goddess Quinn lives on the top of Roraima. The whitish clouds enveloping the unusually shaped mountain really give the appearance of Roraima a mysterious image. It is curious that the mountain attracts lightning: at the top it is almost impossible to find trees that survived the heavenly fire.

Height above sea level: 2810 meters

First ascent: 1884

Mountain Range: Guiana Highlands

Mount Machhapuchchhre, Nepal

Still considered unclimbed, Mount Machapuchare is incredibly difficult to climb. In 1957, the Nepalese government decided to close the mountain to mountaineering due to its religious value for the local population, for whom Machapuchare is the home of Shiva himself.

Height above sea level: 6993 meters

Mountain Range: Himalayas

El Capitan, USA

Rising proudly above the valley of Yosemite National Park, the mountain is considered one of the largest in America. Climbing the peak is recognized as one of the most difficult routes for rock climbing in the world - a vertical wall has practically no protrusions.

Height above sea level: 2307 meters

Mountain Range: Sierra Nevada

First climbers: Wayne Merry, George Whitmore, Warren Harding

Ben Bulben, Ireland

One of the three most famous Irish mountains, Ben Balben is made of limestone rocks. It got its appearance during the Ice Age and belongs to the so-called “table” mountains. Its age is more than 320 million years.

Height: 536 meters

Fitzroy (MountFitzRoy), Chile/Argentina

The foot of the mountain is striking in its picturesqueness. The relatively low altitude by mountaineering standards does not make climbing Fitzroy easy: sections of the slopes end with almost sheer granite walls, and the weather is extremely rarely calm.

Height above sea level: 3359 meters

Mountain Range: Andes

Table Mountain, South Africa

The mountain is business card Cape Town. Officially recognized as one of the seven new wonders of nature.

Height above sea level: 1085 meters

First ascent: 1503

First Ascendant: Antonio de Saldanha

01/04/2019 at 04:23 · oksioksi · 1 670

10 most beautiful mountains in the world

There are two things on planet Earth that overwhelm us with their power, inspire us with awe, delight us with their immensity, but at the same time amaze us with their endless, amazing beauty. One of them is the sea.

But there are people who are practically indifferent to the sea. They are much more impressed and inspired by another grandiose natural phenomenon - mountains. Tall, powerful, with sparkling snow caps on the tops, with sharp, sharp arrows of rocks rushing towards the sky. Or short, green, sometimes as if “velvet”, with smoothed, flowing lines. Wild and deserted or, on the contrary, carefully covering neat houses, “walking” clean and well-groomed cows and melancholy lambs in the bright meadows. Any mountains are wonderful. Any mountains are charming. Have you seen a sunset or sunrise in the mountains? This is fantastic! So let's get acquainted with the most beautiful mountain ranges in the world.

Let’s make a reservation right away - this “ten” does not pretend to be the ultimate truth. As they say, all markers are different in taste and color. Of course, you may not agree with our choice (like: “Where are the Himalayas? And the Andes? And the mountains of Iceland, similar to Martian landscapes? Where, after all, are our Urals and Kamchatka with its volcanoes?”). But it is shared by millions of tourists who visit these beautiful natural sites every year.

10. Altai

Anyone who has ever been to Altai has seen the turquoise waters of the rapidly running Katun and the beautiful Biya meandering between the mountain ranges, drove along the picturesque Chuysky tract, climbed the Chike-Taman or Katu-Yaryk pass and admired from there the snowy mountain peaks, in some places covered with thick clouds, he will definitely come back here again. Altai is located on the border of four countries: Russia, Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan.

The name "Altai", according to the most common version, means "Golden Mountains". There are several nature reserves here (where animals and plants are found that are found nowhere else in the world), dozens of maral reserves, as well as the famous Ukok plateau - an object world heritage UNESCO, - it was in these places that it was discovered great amount ancient archaeological sites (at one time Altai was a “crossroads” for the movement of various nomadic tribes). The heart of Altai is Belukha (height 4509 m) - one of the most beautiful peaks on our planet, which people from all over the world come to conquer.

9. Pyrenees

The Pyrenees are located on the territory of France, Spain and small but proud Andorra. They stretch from the Bay of Biscay to the Atlantic Mediterranean Sea over a distance of 450 km. These are not the highest mountains (the highest peak of the Pyrenees, Aneto, rises “only” to 3404 m), but they are one of the most inaccessible. There are only a few more or less convenient passes (and all of them are at an altitude of 1500-2000 meters). Therefore from France to Spain there are only 4 railways, two of which skirt the Pyrenees along the coast, and two more pass through a system of tunnels along the lowest region of the mountains.

However, tourists who prefer active species recreation – rock climbing, mountaineering, speleology, skiing and so on. they love the Pyrenees very much, because in these mountains there is a huge variety of beautiful waterfalls, picturesque gorges, deep caves and ancient glaciers, and their climate is not too harsh.

8. Tatras

The Tatras are sometimes considered a separate mountain system, but more often they are called the highest part of the Carpathians. In fact, these are really the same mountains, stretching across a good half of Eastern and Central Europe: from Ukraine through Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Serbia all the way to Austria. It’s just that their part, which is called the High Tatras (length - 26 km), is noticeably different from the neighboring mountain ranges in appearance - they are more rocky, more severe. The climate of the Tatras is similar to the Alpine - here the weather also changes often, there are sharp temperature changes, in winter there is a lot of snow, which does not melt until May-June, and in some places lies all year round. The highest point of the High Tatras - Gerlachovsky Štit peak - rises to a height of 2655 m.

The Tatras are located on the border of Poland and Slovakia. On both sides there are organized national reserves, protecting unique landscapes, as well as rare animals living in this territory. However, since the Tatras have 85 fabulously beautiful lakes, many waterfalls, as well as hot thermal springs, and many peaks, “polished” by glaciers, have a very bizarre shape, tourism is well developed here. The most famous Tatra mountain resort is Zakopane (Poland).

7. Dolomites

This mountain range is part of the Eastern Alps and is located in northeastern Italy (length - about 150 km). The attractions of the Dolomites are not only the most beautiful landscapes - picturesque peaks, cozy valleys, fragrant pine forests, - but also medieval castles, popular ski resorts and even a museum under open air, which is dedicated to the battles of the Italians and Austrians that took place here during the First World War. These places often host festivals with folk songs and dances, as well as tasting of national dishes.

The highest peak of the Dolomites is Mount Marmolada (3342 m), but 3 are considered more popular mountain peak Cime di Lavoredo, the highest of which reaches 2999 m. From there the most breathtaking views open up.

By the way, in Dolomites More than 50 species of orchids bloom in spring. Just imagine this beauty!

6. Caucasus

The Caucasus, which separates Europe from Asia, is deservedly considered one of the most beautiful mountains in the world (but, of course, no one will show you the exact place where Europe ends and Asia begins). Caucasus Mountains conditionally divided into two mountain systemsGreater Caucasus and Lesser Caucasus. Several countries are located here (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and part of Russia), and more than 50 peoples live here, speaking Caucasian, Indo-European and even Altai languages. There are several climatic zones in the Caucasus (which depend both on the altitude and on the latitude and location of a particular area). And there is very rich flora and fauna here.

The Caucasus Mountains have a significant height: 8 peaks rise more than 5 thousand meters upward, the largest of them is Elbrus (5642 m). Therefore, you can always meet professional climbers here. And, by the way, among them the most dangerous and difficult to climb is not Elbrus, but Koshtantau Peak (5152 m). It was he who, among all the other Caucasian mountains, took the most lives.

5. Teton

The Teton (or Teton) mountain range is part of the American Rockies, stretching 4,830 km from northern point British Columbia (Canada) to New Mexico in the southwestern United States. Most of the Teton Range is located in Wyoming, its length is more than 300 km and its width is 162 km. The most high mountain– Grand Teton – rises 4199 m above sea level.

A significant part of these picturesque mountains is occupied by national park, which also bears the name Grand Teton. (By the way, if anyone is wondering what the word “titon” means, this name was once very large group tribes of Indians, they are also “Lakota-Sioux”, who lived in these places until the “white people” came). The national park contains numerous lakes (the largest of them, Jackson, is 24 km long), rivers, streams and waterfalls. Its nature has been preserved almost untouched. There's a great one here tourism infrastructure(320 km convenient walking routes, more than 1000 camping sites, etc.). By the way, just 16 km to the north there is another national park - the famous Yellowstone.

4. Bernese Alps

To the southeast of the capital of Switzerland - the city of Bern - stretches a mountain range of rare beauty - the Bernese Alps. They occupy the territory of the canton of Bern, as well as part of the cantons of Valais, Fribourg, Vaud, Lucerne, Nidwalden and Uri (almost 8 thousand square km in total). We can say that this is the real “icy heart” of the Alps. There are about 300 glaciers of varying sizes here. IN winter period these places, of course, are a traditional place of pilgrimage for ski lovers (by the way, for more than 100 years). But in general, you can relax here all year round - in addition to glaciers, the Bernese Alps have many other beautiful landscapes. For example, in the summer crowds of tourists visit Lakes Constance and Brienz, Staubbach Falls, etc.

The highest peak of the Bernese Alps is the Finsteraarhorn (4274 m), but three are more popular among tourists and climbers picturesque mountains located nearby are the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau (3970, 4107 and 4158 meters, respectively). On the Jungfrau there is Observation deck with all-round views of the mountains and the Aletsch glacier.

3. Southern Alps

No, these are not the Alps that many are now thinking about - not a ski area on the border of France and Italy. These incredibly, simply incredibly beautiful mountains stretch across the entire South Island of New Zealand (more than 500 km). You could already admire them without even knowing it. Here's a hint: the cult film trilogy "The Lord of the Rings". In these mountains there are about 360 glaciers, many high-mountain lakes with turquoise or emerald-colored water (some of which even have icebergs floating on them - just imagine this sight!). Most of the Southern Alps are occupied by national parks. The highest peak is Mount Cook (3754 m) or, in the Maori language, Aoraki.

By the way, the climate to the west and east of this mountain range is completely different: on west coast South Island– cold and humid, and in the east – one of the warmest and sunniest in the country. The mountains are to blame for this.

2. Sierra Nevada

The name Sierra Nevada means “snowy mountains” in Spanish. This mountain range, stretching across the entire eastern part of California, is a fragment of the North American Cordillera and stretches for about 750 km. Most main peak is Whitney Peak (4421 m). The Sierra Nevada contains some of the most beautiful National parks Yosemite and Sequoia, as well as the picturesque high-altitude Lake Tahoe (located at an altitude of 1897 m, area - 489 square km), Kings and Kern canyons, Hetch Hetchy Valley, etc.

Another famous attraction of the Sierra Nevada mountains and Yosemite Park is the granite monolith mountain El Capitan (2307 m). Climbing to its peak is a matter of honor for many professional climbers. This is a difficult task - El Capitan has almost vertical walls with few protrusions. However, it was from this mountain that the founder of base jumping, Karl Behnisch, and his team made their first jumps. And on its eastern side there is the famous “fiery” waterfall “Horse Tail” (whose height is 650 meters).

1. Canadian Rockies

As some tourists write in reviews of these places: “Don’t forget to breathe!”

The Canadian Rockies are the most... Northern part Cordillera. They stretch across western Canada from north to south for more than 600 km. The flora and fauna here are not very diverse (due to the rather harsh climate), but in the mountains you can easily meet a grizzly bear (yes, this is not at all the fiction of the filmmakers). The highest peak is Mount Robson (3959 m).

There are 5 national parks in the Rocky Mountains. In one of them - Banff Park - there is perhaps the most famous and truly stunning glacial lake in Canada - the turquoise Moraine. In general, there are many hundreds of lakes, rivers, waterfalls, thermal springs, etc. Jasper National Park is famous for another attraction - the huge snow-white Athabasca Glacier. And on the border of the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia you can admire the “Matterhorn of the Rockies” - one of the most beautiful peaks in the world, Assiniboine (3618 m), which received this nickname for its pyramidal shape very similar to the Matterhorn.

Mountains have always attracted special attention. Their majesty, scale and calm atmosphere reigning around will forever remain in the memory of a person who was lucky enough to visit such places at least once in his life. amazing places. The mountainous area beckons, allowing you to escape from the everyday hustle and bustle and plunge into amazing world serenity. The nature in the mountains is truly magical, and the air is crystal clear, which cannot leave any person indifferent. Even sunset and sunrise look completely different here. There are a large number of such mountains on Earth that are endowed with incomparable beauty and look like real creations of artists. Our list includes the most beautiful mountains in the world.

1. Sierra Nevada

The most beautiful mountain range in the United States, called the Sierra Nevada, is 750 km long and 110 km wide. The history of its appearance began 150 million years ago. The name is of Spanish origin and means "snow-capped mountains." The main attractions of the Sierra Nevada are considered to be the most beautiful natural parks Sequoia and Yosemite, as well famous lake Tacho. Inherent mountain range granite rocks are over 100 million years old, indicating its antiquity.

2. Canadian Rockies

Canadian Rocky Mountains are a mountain range located in western Canada and includes many ridges that are separated by valleys and pits. These picturesque mountains have a small variety of flora and fauna, due to the rather harsh climatic conditions. In the Rocky Mountains there are beautiful lakes, one of which is Moraine Lake with its turquoise-colored water. The water level in it directly depends on the melting of ice, so it is fullest in June.

3. Hohe Tauern

Third place in the list of the most beautiful mountains in the world is occupied by the Hohe Tauern Mountains, located in Austria. Their length is more than 100 km. The main attraction of these mountains is the glacier called Pasterze, as well as Lake Zell am See, which amaze with their beauty. These spaces are actively used for tourist recreation, and the flora and fauna fully contribute to this. Particularly noteworthy is the Krimml Falls, which is considered one of the most high waterfalls throughout Europe.

The highest and most beautiful mountains in Switzerland, called the Bernese Alps, include about 300 glaciers, the area of ​​which reaches 525 square kilometers. This is modern mountain resort with numerous hotels and excellent communications. The tourist program is designed in such a way that you can relax here all year round. In the Bernese Alps you can not only enjoy the fresh mountain air and beautiful scenery, but also visit ancient churches and castles.

5. Teton

mountain range with beautiful name The Tetons are located in Wyoming and are part of the Rocky Mountain system. Due to frequent earthquakes, the local landscape is constantly changing its shape. In the month of July, the time of flowering comes here and the surface of the mountains resembles a blooming garden, buried in colorful flower arrangements. Attractions in this area include the Jackson Hole Valley and Grand Teton National Park.

The mountain range called the Dolomites is located in Italy and is characterized by a length of 150 km. These beautiful mountains are famous for their many attractions, including medieval castles, picturesque valleys and ski resorts. National festivals are often organized here, where guests are treated to national dishes and drinks. On the territory of the mountains there is a unique open-air museum, where everyone can see different historical values. Tourists relax in the Dolomites all year round, skiing or walking along the neat paths of the alpine meadows.

The Southern Alps are a true mountain range in New Zealand, highest peak which is Mount Cook. Its height is impressive, as it is 3,754 meters. In the vastness of these amazing mountains there are 360 ​​glaciers, the most beautiful of which is called Fox. In the process of constant movement of glaciers, incomparable compositions of snow and ice are formed that cannot go unnoticed. During the summer period, the snow that falls does not have time to completely melt and therefore accumulates here, forming ice blocks.

8. Tatras

The Tatras are the most highest point Carpathians and have 25 peaks, the height of which reaches 2500 meters. All tourists admire their beauty. The length of the mountains is 26 km, but despite such a short length, they are considered to be one of the most beautiful mountains on the planet. Since they were formed under the influence of glaciers, their peaks have the most unusual shapes. There are more than 85 fabulous lakes and many waterfalls in the Tatras. Coniferous forests make the air fresh and clean. If you climb one of the mountain peaks called Kasprowy Wierch, you will see an amazing view with a wide variety of attractions.

9. Caucasus Mountains

The Caucasus Mountains are also among the most beautiful peaks in the world. They are surrounded by three seas and harmoniously divided into two mountain systems: the Greater and Lesser Caucasus. There are gas and oil deposits in the Caucasus Mountains. It is here that one of the highest waterfalls called Zeygalan is located, the height of which reaches 600 meters. The very rich flora and fauna delights tourists with its diversity. Every year, the Caucasus Mountains are subject to heavy snowfall, and avalanches become a common occurrence here between November and April. Among the residents of this area you can meet representatives of various nationalities, of which there are more than fifty.

What are the “most beautiful landscapes"? Everyone has different preferences, but many will immediately think of mountain peaks. On our planet there are many mountain ranges of luxurious beauty and grandeur that remind a person of how short his life is, in essence. If you have never been to the mountains, then perhaps looking through these photographs of the most beautiful peaks, you will finally decide on such an adventure. So, the top most beautiful mountains in the world.

Mount Matterhorn, Switzerland

Beauty is a subjective concept, but there is no doubt that the Matterhorn is an amazingly picturesque peak. Known point in Swiss Alps- it's not only beautiful views, but also a platform for very interesting and dangerous climbs. The fact is that in the area of ​​the 4478-meter peak there is very unpredictable weather, which can make it difficult for climbers to climb. But bad weather, of course, can accentuate the beauty of a mountain, adding color and a certain attractiveness.

Mount Denali, Alaska

Double Headed Mountain in Alaska is the highest mountain North America. So, if you want to see a truly huge mountain, then you should go to these distant lands. The snow-capped 6190-meter peak looks quite majestic against the backdrop of the picturesque valley.

Mount Kirkjufell, Iceland

Mount Kirkjufell is perhaps the most famous mountain countries. She is not that tall, but her appearance is very sculptural and unusual. The slope of the base is very smooth and even, and it creates a symmetrical appearance. Thus, the mountain is unique in its own way, because it has almost architectural beauty. One of the most recognizable landmarks in Iceland attracts numerous tourists and photographers every year.

Table Mountain, South Africa

This mountain, like Kirkjufell, is a horizontal peak, not particularly high. Despite this, the 1085-meter peak is very picturesque, and what is especially impressive is the way it echoes the stark oceanic horizon.

Mount Ama Dablam, Nepal

Viewing this peak from afar, you will certainly notice a series of sharply contrasting, surprising angular folds. They are especially noticeable when snow falls, which outlines these natural features even more sharply. Ama Dablam is certainly one of the most amazing mountains in the world. Its height is 6856 meters above sea level, and its first ascent was made in 1961.

Mount Eiger, Switzerland

The third highest mountain in the Bernese Alps, the Eiger Peak is very popular among climbers. Translated from German language, Eiger - means "ogre". And, honestly, this “cannibal” is much more pleasant to admire than to conquer. Climbing the Eiger is quite difficult, and many climbers have died trying to conquer the Swiss peak. By the way, the first ascent of the mountain was made in 1938.

Mount Machapuchare, Nepal

One of the most beautiful peaks of the Himalayas, Machapuchare, which is also called the Fish Tail for its characteristic shape, is almost 7000 meters high. This peak is very recognizable, and nature gives especially gorgeous views by covering the top with snow. Locals consider the mountain to be the home of the god Shiva, and the streaks of snow are considered to be the smoke of his divine essence. Therefore, Machapuchare in Nepal is a sacred mountain, and climbing to the top is prohibited. The only unfinished ascent to the peak was undertaken in 1957 by a British team, however, they interrupted the ascent 50 meters from the summit, as they promised that they would not set foot on the summit itself. Since then, no one has climbed this beautiful mountain.

Mount Alpamayo, Peru

This stunning mountainous area, creeping sharply upward, looks amazingly like a pyramid of ice with clear vertical lines. There is no second mountain on the entire planet that is the same or even similar. According to a number of polls, this peak was even recognized as the most beautiful mountain on the planet. Continued along the slopes of a 5957-meter peak in the Peruvian Andes tourist routes, and from the top there are breathtaking views of the icy slopes of the Cordillera Blanca ridges.

Mount Tre Cime di Lavaredo, Italy

The name of the mountain means “three peaks of Lavaredo” in Italian. Indeed, these three large teeth are not very high cliffs- a distinctive feature of this mountain in northeastern Italy. And this is perhaps one of the most famous mountain groups in the Alps.

Mount Everest, Nepal

The highest peak on Earth, a tasty morsel for any climber, the most beautiful and one of the most dangerous on the planet. The majestic 8,848-meter peak has been the site of death for more than 200 people since its first ascent until now, many of whose bodies remain on the slopes of the mountain to this day. Nevertheless, Everest continues to attract those who want to conquer the harsh peak.

Mount Laila, Pakistan

The amazingly picturesque peak Laila, in the Himalayas in Pakistan, is 6141 meters high, and the climb to it is more than difficult.

Mount Kailash, China

Since the mountain is a Tibetan peak and an important place of pilgrimage, the Chinese prohibited climbing Kailash. The famous mountaineer Reinhold Messner once said: “If we conquer this mountain, then we will conquer something in the souls of people... climb more difficult mountains than Kailash. This mountain is not so high and not so difficult.”

The earth has an extraordinarily varied landscape. One of these elements is the mountains, which sometimes amaze with their bizarre shapes and incredible height. This article will tell you about the 10 most unusual mountains on the planet. The most unusual mountains planets - photos and descriptions TOP 10 - look!

The most unusual mountains on the planet

Devil's Tower

The most unusual mountains on the planet - Devil's Tower

This mountain received its mystical name because of its mystery. giant mountain was built on the territory of the United States by ancient giants. The height of the mountain is almost 2.5 times greater famous pyramid Cheops. The tower has very unusual steep walls that do not allow a person to conquer the mountain, but two climbers still managed to climb to the very top of the mountain. Once Hopkins also tried to climb the Devil's Tower, and was able to land on the mountain using a parachute, but he could no longer descend from it. To get the man out, they had to call an experienced climber, who re-climbed the mystical mountain and rescued Hopkins.

The most unusual mountains on the planet - Conder

Nature will always surprise humanity with its diversity. A striking example of this is Mount Conder, which has long been called the new wonder of the world. The mountain is so perfect round shape, that it seems as if someone worked diligently to create this beauty. Perhaps many will object by saying that the huge craters of volcanoes also have an ideal shape, but the mountain is not the result volcanic activity. The mountain is located in the Khabarovsk Territory, where local residents consider her sacred mountain. Unfortunately, tourists are not allowed to approach the mountain, as there is a platinum deposit there.

The most unusual mountains on the planet - Kailash

Currently, Mount Kailash remains unconquered. The height of the mountain is still unknown, but according to calculations it may be 6666 meters above sea level. The mountain itself is located in one of the most inaccessible areas of Western Tibet, so no one can still climb it. Today, Mount Kailash has the largest rock formations that are heavily weathered. For example, the rock formation of the “House of the Happy Stone” reaches 700 meters in height.


The most unusual mountains on the planet - Manpupuner

There is an amazing mountain on the territory of Russia, and to be more precise, the mountain is located in the Komi Republic. The mountain is so beautiful and unusual that it was included in the seven wonders of Russia. The vertical pillars are more reminiscent of some kind of structure ancient civilization than natural natural formations. What is most striking is that the tops of the mountains are much wider than their bases, but this did not prevent them from standing for several millennia without collapsing. Mansi have considered this place sacred since ancient times. Manpupuner is located in a hard-to-reach place, so tourists will have to work hard to get to the mountain.

The most unusual mountains on the planet - Volna

Beautiful and majestic waves can be found not only on the sea, but even on the mountains. This is no joke; just look at the mountains located in Coyote Buttes Park to see this. Several million years ago they froze at this place sand dunes, and the wind and precipitation turned them into beautiful formations reminiscent of ordinary waves.

Troll tongue

The most unusual mountains on the planet - Troll Tongue

Ledge with very interesting name located on the territory of modern Norway. Mount Skjeggedal itself is quite ordinary and unremarkable, if not for a broken piece of rock. Instead of falling, he froze in a horizontal position, in which he remains to this day. Tourists come here every year from all over the world, because these places offer magnificent views of Lake Ringedalsvat. The only negative is the long and difficult path that not all tourists can overcome.

The most unusual mountains on the planet - Danxia

China is very beautiful and unusual country. There are also amazing mountains here, which are called the “Denxia Landscape”. The name translates as “pink cloud”. Multi-colored mountains have been known to the whole world since ancient times, because almost all routes to China lay through them. Today, any tourist can admire this beauty, which is protected by UNESCO.

Bryce Canyon

The most unusual mountains on the planet - Bryce Canyon

This is not just a mountain, but an entire national park located in the US state of Utah. At first glance, the canyon is very reminiscent of a huge ancient amphitheater, which is full of bizarre vertical formations. The tops of all formations are pointed, and the formations themselves are colored in red, orange and white shades. The best time to admire this wonder of the world is at sunset, because it is at this time that you can observe the wonderful play of shadows and reflections.


The most unusual mountains on the planet - Khoja-Mumin

The originality of this mountain lies in the fact that it consists almost entirely of salt, with the exception of the top and some slopes, which are covered with ordinary soil. Since ancient times, people have mined salt in these areas, and, according to scientists, there is so much salt here that it can satisfy all human needs for several centuries.


The most unusual mountains on the planet - Svartifoss

Skaftafell National Park, located in Iceland, is famous for its black waterfall. In those places, the volcanic lava flows cooled too slowly, as a result of which the lava was able to crystallize into wonderful black hexagons. Today they are a kind of frame for the waterfall. It all looks so fantastic that it’s hard to believe that this is a creation of nature. In general, the whole park looks very beautiful and unusual, which is why it was included in the UNESCO list. Every year there are more and more people wanting to admire the black waterfall, which is not surprising. Another great place in the park is a cave with basalt columns called Fingal's Cave.


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