What is a difficult travel route? Elena Iskhakova's blog. Best time: autumn, when the influx of tourists subsides

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Experienced travelers are convinced that traveling does not require a lot of money. The desire to travel and the ability to search for information are enough.

website summarized tips from travel bloggers that will allow you to see the world with minimal costs. At the end of the article you will find a bonus in the form useful information for every tourist. And may you have more travels in the near future!

11. Travel on your own

Traveling on your own, rather than through travel agencies, is both more profitable and interesting. Yes, you will be solely responsible for any problems. But travel agencies decide little in such cases, preferring to blame the airline, force majeure, the host party, and the like.

You can independently create “that” dream route, choose cheap option flight, book the best-priced hotel with a location convenient for you, select a transfer.

4. Rent out your own home while you travel or go on an “exchange vacation”

An exchange vacation is an opportunity for free accommodation while traveling, and maybe even a chance, like the characters in the film, to meet your love.

2. Don't buy what you can get for free.

  • WiFi. When booking your accommodation, immediately choose an apartment or hotel with free Wi-Fi. During the day, use free Wi-Fi in restaurants and cafes, gas stations and shopping centers.
  • Area maps. Free cards available on counters in many hotels, apartments and hostels. The card can also be taken from tourist information office. As a rule, they are located in the city center or near the main attractions. Download to your phone in advance electronic cards cities and guide.
  • Water. In Europe you can drink tap water everywhere. Drinking fountains are installed in many cities, and you can safely drink from them. To check, you can look at


Get directions by car

This service allows you to quickly get a route between any cities

Russia and Abroad, and immediately see the route laid out on the map.

Why do you need a distance calculator?

Look at which cities will pass the route, you will be able to decide in advance on a place to stay for the night.

You will see the approximate fuel consumption for the entire trip and be able to estimate financial
expenses. You will know how long you will spend on the road.

How to get directions by car?

First you need to set the starting and ending points of the route. In the calculator

The calculation has two fields - “city from” and “city to”. Enter in the appropriate fields

Names of cities.

In the “fuel consumption” field, enter the corresponding characteristic of your car

(in liters per 100 kilometers). In the “fuel price” field - average price gasoline,
with which you fuel your car.

This data is needed to calculate the total fuel costs for the entire trip.

In the " additional settings distance calculation" you can also specify

Several conditions:

- “Detour countries” - do not lay a route through the territory of the specified countries.

The function is especially useful for international transport. Allows you not to stop by

To the territory of countries with visa regime and avoid customs inspections.

- “Detour of cities” - do not lay a route through the territory of the specified

Cities. If you do not want to pass through a certain city, enter its name in

This field.

- “Detour routes” - exclude the specified routes from the calculation.

- “Through cities” - the function allows you to navigate a route through a specific

City or cities, even if they lie outside the shortest path.

- “Speed ​​on the road” - there are 4 types of roads - territorial,

Regional, highway, motorway. You can exclude one from the calculation

Or several types.

You can plot a route by car in one of two modes:

The shortest route is the minimum distance from one city to another;

The fastest route is minimum time on the way (only taken into account


After you have set all the conditions, click the “calculate” button.

On the map that appears, the route will be marked with a thick red line, and all cities along the route will be marked with red markers.

The calculation results are presented in the form of a table, which shows the length of the entire path, the time in

trip, total fuel consumption and the amount this fuel will cost.

The table also contains a list of all cities through which the route is laid, with

Division into regions and countries.

The results obtained can be printed on a printer and taken with you on the road instead

Atlas. If you have the ability to access the Internet in your car (for example, through

satellite or cellular network), you can check the route and correct it in

Depends on the circumstances.

Please remember that the calculations use average data. That's why

The results obtained are only indicative values ​​and not exact figures.

Developing a travel route is no less exciting than the journey itself. Here, in our deep conviction, it is very important to maintain a balance. On the one hand, plan your time in an unfamiliar country with maximum benefit for yourself. On the other hand, do not “overheat” yourself with information and leave room for your own discoveries.

To begin with, let's define the terminology. The travel itinerary in this article implies a basic travel plan - the places we want to visit and the logistics of the trip (i.e. the order of visiting places and the method of travel), as well as the number of days in each of the places.

Travel route. Stage one: travel frame

The framework of the future trip is the first major decisions of the traveler, which determine further efforts to prepare the trip. First of all, this is the choice of a country (or countries), the choice of travel format, determining the number of days on the trip and determining the budget. Moreover, all these decisions are closely interconnected.

Selecting a country and travel format

Where to go is a rhetorical question) Your own tastes and preferences, as well as blogs, photos, videos about travel and social networks, will help you decide on the direction and format of your future trip.

Tastes and preferences largely determine the format of the future trip - some want to spend their next vacation blissfully on the beach, others are raving about wild safaris and conquest mountain peaks, and still others want to simply put a backpack on their shoulders and spend a couple of weeks - months wandering around remote corners of the world.

Stage two: route development

So, you have found time, money, travel companions and are actually starting to plan the route. The output should be a list of places in in a certain order, as well as the scheduled number of days for each place and a route map. The easiest way is not to reinvent the wheel and choose your own.

If you don't find something you like, proceed in the following order.

Travel Destinations

First of all, read reviews of regions and destinations in and decide on the destinations you want to visit (fix the desired destinations with a list in no particular order). Do it by current route online folder on Pinterest and save all useful links. Good idea also make the first card draft (use Google maps) and also save it to your bookmarks.

Number of days and general travel logistics

Find out in more detail about each of the destinations in the created list. What to do and how to get there are the main questions, the answers to which will help you create your first route draft. At this stage, you may have to abandon some directions.

Determine the number of days for each direction. Build the general logistics of the trip (from where, where, for how long, for how much money). At the same time, understanding that you can get from point A to point B by bus in so many hours is absolutely enough to plan your travel route.

Don't waste time and energy on detailed planning of every day and stay in every place. You don’t need to scour the Internet searching for exact information on what corner the bus you need stops at, which direction you need to turn from the hotel to get to the attraction you need, or where that restaurant is that someone once liked.

The main thing is to figure out the duration of your stay in place and find out what is important “not to miss” in a particular place (our team will definitely help you with this). The rest you will see and learn on the spot. At the hotel, pick up a map with landmarks marked on it. While walking, you will find a place where you (and not someone else) have a tasty and pleasant meal. You can also always buy an excursion on the spot, find the necessary markets, shops, salons, massages, etc., etc.

Housing and budget

The next step is to decide on the format of housing, as well as the budget for each destination on the list.

Choose accommodation focusing not only and not so much on your budget, but on the specifics of the place. Very often, the right accommodation makes your stay in a particular place more vibrant. And also, importantly, it allows you to feel the “right” atmosphere. Conversely, incorrectly selected accommodation can easily ruin the impression of a place. Please note that we are not talking about price here, but about a good choice of the location of the hotel/guest house and the format of housing in “your” price category.

In each place you will find reviews of “where to live”, for cities - orientation in the city and reviews of areas, for resort destinations - reviews of beaches, for national parks— reviews of nearby villages and camp sites. Each review highlights different housing formats. This is done so that readers have the opportunity to decide on their desired format.

— If you want to plan everything first and book later, read reviews, select an area/beach/location, follow the appropriate links, turn on price filters and select housing in a focused manner, without wasting time “shooting sparrows with a cannon.” Immediately save the options for housing you like in your online bookmarks, so that when the time comes you don’t have to waste time searching again.

— If you are used to combining search and booking, bookmark our “Where to Live” reviews so that when you are ready to book, everything will be at hand, and then continue according to the scheme described above. This approach will simplify and speed up the process.

At this stage, it is important to get a budget that is more or less similar to the final draft. Although it is possible that you will still have to adjust the number of days in a particular place, or change the logistics of travel or the directions themselves (depending on financial capabilities and priorities).

Stage three: route finalization

The main work has already been done in the second stage. You have a route, all you have to do is buy air tickets and then finalize your travel itinerary. After purchasing air tickets, you may have to make final adjustments to your travel route. Often the planned number of days may change by plus or minus 2-3 days, depending on air tickets).

All that remains is to finalize the route by dates. There are two approaches.

Finalization and booking along the route

The first is the so-called hard finalization. Schedule dates along the route and make all necessary reservations, including local transport and accommodation. First of all, book domestic flights and trains, as you may have to reschedule your booking depending on the availability and cost of tickets.

After this, book all accommodation along the route, focusing on your estimated budget (see recommendations above). At the end of the day, you are all ready to travel. All vouchers are in hand. Minor issues (a la local buses, boats and tours can be resolved locally without any problems). All that’s left is to go and enjoy yourself without thinking or worrying about anything.

Floating travel route

The second approach is floating finalization. This approach works best. If you are going on a long trip (a month or two), or traveling in the off-season. You have in your hands the same route, scheduled by dates. , adjust the schedule if necessary. Book accommodation upon arrival/arrival on known, non-floating dates.

And then you get your bearings on the spot - somewhere you’ll want to stay longer, somewhere you’ll want to leave early. Don't worry about specific accommodation choices before your trip. Take our Where to Live reviews with you for each destination. Book accommodation at the next point along your route on the spot when you know your exact departure/arrival date. Often you will have to book “today for tomorrow”, so this approach does not work in high season. Housing will either be the “best of the worst” or expensive. In the off-season, on the contrary, you can book excellent accommodation with good discounts.

Please note that you will have to spend time searching for and booking accommodation on site. And therefore, if you are going on a trip for no more than three weeks, it is better to make a strict finalization of the route.

A well-designed travel itinerary is the basis of any independent trip! How well you plan your route independent travel Your expenses, your comfort, and your impressions depend. It doesn’t matter where you are going - to one country or several at once... For a European vacation, for Asian exotica or from the capital to the village to visit your grandmother... The main thing is to know where to start and take everything into account important nuances. If you have good route trips- the trip will be successful!

In this article we will not touch on autotrip (travel by car) - this is a big topic for a separate article with its own subtleties and nuances...

So, where to start planning a travel itinerary?

To begin with, do not get hung up and do not consider it a law that must be strictly followed. Nothing good will come of it if you plan your trip too carefully, scheduling every kilometer and every minute of the trip... Why?

Firstly, you will never be able to follow an overly planned route. This is impossible!

Travel is like marriage. The main misconception is to think that you have everything under control... John Steinbeck

Your route will probably change several times during the process of drawing it up, and with a high degree of probability - during the journey. And this is good!

Secondly, You will not enjoy such a planned trip. After all, you must admit, it’s not very exciting to have sex strictly on Tuesday at 23:00 and on Saturday exactly at 15:00... In travel, as in sex, there should be a share of spontaneity, fantasy and impromptu! Only then will you enjoy it.

But you still have to plan the main stages and take into account important nuances...

Good travel route. Stages of compilation

Timelines, target dates and budget.

Decide when and for how long you want to travel and how much are you willing to spend on it? And remember - you can travel for almost any money!

Our experience: We spent absolutely two different travel(including air tickets, transport, hotels and meals) absolutely identical amounts in ruble equivalent... 10 days "honeymoon" in the Maldives(with one round trip) in 2008 and almost 3 months in Asia with two children via Hong Kong, Philippines (Manila and Mindoro), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur and Langkawi), Thailand (Ao Nang, Krabi) and Istanbul (6 flights, ferry, buses, etc.) in 2014. Both of these trips, made 6 years apart, cost us about 150 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the first trip cost 15,000 rubles per day for two, the second - almost 10 times cheaper for four!!!

How longer trip, the cheaper it will cost per day.


Decide where you want to go? What are you dreaming about? Travel all over Europe or visit all the sights of Paris? Explore all of Southeast Asia or spend a week in Tibet? Enjoy the beaches Caribbean Islands or the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia? Whatever your dream is, it is your dream and it is achievable!

Open the World Map and the Internet. At this stage, you will already have a preliminary travel itinerary. You will decide on the country/countries and cities.

Be sure to check the climate and weather in the region on the Internet for the selected dates, so as not to fall into the “rainy season” and not hide in the hotel building from a tropical downpour or hurricane.


In the majority Asian countries You do not need to apply for a visa in advance - it is issued automatically upon arrival, on average, for a period of two weeks to a month. But in the majority European countries You will need a Schengen visa.

In any case, before traveling, be sure to find out the current visa requirements of the countries you are interested in. The most reliable way to do this is on the websites of consulates and official visa centers.

When traveling to Europe, choose the country of first entry or the long stay those countries for which it is easier to apply for and obtain a Schengen visa. For example: Finland, Czech Republic, Spain...

How to get there?

There are many ways to travel! By car or hitchhiking, by bus or train, and of course by plane... The plane is the most popular option. And, when searching for air tickets to a destination, the traveler will greatly benefit from Aviasales- a search aggregator site that will find you the cheapest air tickets around the World! Moreover, absolutely for free!

Look for tickets in advance. When searching for air tickets, try changing the dates, cities and airports of departure and arrival. Use "Low Price Calendar" And "Low Price Card". Tickets purchased several months in advance, departing midweek and arriving at a nearby airport, may be much cheaper!

You can read more about all the nuances of purchasing air tickets in a separate article: How to buy cheap air tickets?

Sometimes, when visiting several countries, it makes sense to look directly at the websites of low-cost airlines in search of promotions... There are many inexpensive low-cost airlines in both Europe and Asia. And a plane ticket to a neighboring country can often be purchased for literally 10 euros!

When moving around the country or to neighboring countries one region, we should not forget about other transport besides airplanes... In Europe, high-speed rail transport is very developed (for example, TGV trains). And in Asia you can get anywhere very cheaply on buses and ferries.

We had a great, quick and inexpensive trip from Amsterdam to Paris in Europe. And in Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines) they used ferries and buses more than once - to get from Manila to the island of Mindoro, to get from Bangkok to Pattaya or to the island of Koh Chang, to get from the island of Langkawi to Thailand to Krabi and Ao Nang. .. But initially, getting to your main destination is faster and more convenient by plane...

At these stages, your travel route will most likely be adjusted. It will be affected by ticket prices, flight dates, and possibly visa requirements.

Our experience: When we were going to Thailand(Bangkok, Pattaya, Koh Chang island) and picked up tickets Emirates airlines with a connection in Dubai, we learned about an airline service called "Stop in Dubai" (Dubai Stopover) . As part of this Emirates service, you can get a very good discount short-term visa UAE, hotel and transfer. Accordingly, we decided to use the Dubai Stopover service and on our way back from Thailand we spent one unforgettable day in Dubai.

Our experience: When we were planning a trip to Amsterdam and Paris, we found out that it is very cheap to fly to Amsterdam from Helsinki, and it turned out to be much easier to obtain a Finnish visa than a French one... And air tickets from Paris to Moscow turned out to be much cheaper not directly, but through Berlin... As a result, we also visited Helsinki and Berlin.


Where do you want to go, where to go and what to see? This is the most interesting and exciting stage of planning a travel itinerary. When planning, you will already learn a lot about the culture and history of the country, its cuisine, nature, beautiful places and sights... And anticipation, as you know, increases your appetite even more...

At this stage, it is very important not only to choose places and attractions, but to find out how they work, how much it costs to visit and how to get to them! Yes, and don’t chase all the attractions or the most popular ones... Choose those attractions that are most interesting to you. And when drawing up a route for visiting them, try to mark the attractions on the map and move towards them sequentially, rather than rushing back and forth from one corner of the city or country to another.

Our experience: We planned three days in Paris during our trip to Europe as follows: one day for one half of the city, the second day for the second half, and the third for Disneyland in the suburbs of Paris. As a result, of course, we wore out our heels, but without rushing anywhere we saw absolutely everything we wanted, missing only one single attraction from the planned ones.

When planning your trip, be sure to find out holidays in the country you are visiting. An unexpected event can radically break all plans, even experienced traveler... A major Catholic, Muslim or Buddhist holiday can result in both interesting festive events and a completely “extinct” infrastructure with closed shopping centers, shops, banks, exchange offices, restaurants and even pharmacies!

Our experience: Twice, completely unexpectedly for us, we found ourselves in such a situation in Warsaw - on the Catholic holiday of the Three Kings and on the eve of Easter... The other side of the coin was the shopping ruined in the bud due to closed shopping centers, the inability to have a meal in a restaurant and even exchange money...

Choosing a hotel.

You can, of course, stay in another country not only in a hotel... It can be free couchsurfing, an apartment on airbnb, or renting a house... But the cheapest, most reliable and convenient way, in our opinion, is booking a hotel on search engine sites Hotellook or RoomGuru . Just enter your request into the search form and get the best hotel deals...

Public transport.

How to get around the city/country/countries? Be sure to search the Internet for information in advance! Otherwise, already being in another country, you will not know anything: neither how to get there, nor where to buy tickets, nor how much they should cost, nor ways to save...

Now your travel itinerary is becoming something whole and complete... It's time to move on to taking out insurance...


Insurance is probably the least expensive, but the most significant component of any trip. Some 10 dollars spent on insurance can save you tens of thousands of dollars spent on medical care, save your nerves, time, health and even life!

When searching for any information on the Internet, use only reliable sources. These are the official websites of the ministries of tourism and the websites of consulates different countries Mira. These are travel blogs of travelers with reports on real trips, Wikipedia, some forums (for example, Vinsky's forum) or good travel portals. Beware of many forums and some even large portals (not to mention small sites), where the same unreliable and irrelevant copywriting information is often reprinted from authors who have never been anywhere...

Check out our page with secret information for travelers. There you will find links to the best and useful services for travelers, discounts and great deals...

You can also use our new section Sales, where you can find great deals on flights, hotels and insurance and put them together...


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