Is it possible to transport fruit? Transporting fruits from Vietnam - basic rules and important nuances. Is it possible to carry fruit in hand luggage on a plane?

Having been on vacation in hot countries, many tourists want to bring home delicious fruits to treat their loved ones. But often, they just don't know Is it possible to carry fruit on a plane?. In addition, there are stories on the Internet about how people tried to smuggle fruit, but were left with nothing.

In fact, you can take fruit on a plane, you just need to know some subtleties that will help you avoid problems during security. So how to bring fruit on a plane?

Fruits in hand luggage on a plane

Often, in order not to damage fruits, people decide to take them with them in their hand luggage. But this method is the most risky because:

  • If you are overweight or out of size, you may be asked to transfer the fruit to a suitcase or throw it away.
  • We do not recommend transporting fruits to hand luggage on an airplane using baskets. It is very difficult to guess the size of the basket; they are not always allowed into the aircraft cabin during security checks.

And those who check a fruit basket as luggage may be left without fruit. The fact is that there are sanitary rules under the pretext of which they can be confiscated. Therefore, you can often see at the airport how people put fruit in a suitcase, and empty baskets are checked in as luggage.

  • Some strong-smelling products are prohibited from being carried in hand luggage. These include the tropical fruit durian.

Is it possible to carry fruit in airplane luggage?

You are allowed to carry fruit in your luggage, which is very convenient. How to fold them correctly to bring them home intact:

  • Ask sellers for special soft nets for each fruit. If you don't find them, you can get by with bubble wrap or newspaper.
  • Buy a small suitcase specifically for fruit. You need to put fruits packed in mesh or film into it. This way you won’t spoil your things or damage the fruit. And the suitcase will come in handy more than once.

If you decide to carry fruit in a separate suitcase, remember that its weight will be counted together with the main luggage. Therefore, if it exceeds the permissible standards, you will be charged an additional payment at the airline’s fare.

The rules for transporting fruit in hand luggage on an airplane depend on whether it is a domestic or international flight. And also from the regulations of a particular airline.

Domestic flights

If the flight is carried out within the boundaries Russian Federation- You can take up to 5 kg of fruit per passenger into the cabin as hand luggage.

Fruits must be carefully packaged. Those intended for in-flight food are sliced.

  • fruits with a strong odor (citrus fruits). Other passengers may have allergies or simply feel uncomfortable;
  • overripe fruits, so as not to stain other people's things and the cabin of the plane.

The preferred container for transportation is plastic containers, for hard fruits - soft nets. Cellophane packaging for delicate fruits is the worst option; the fruits are easily deformed.

International flights

The rules of not only the carrier, but also the customs service apply here. Both can be found on the airline’s official website. Or call hotline customs.

The weight of the fruit that the passenger intends to bring to Russia should not exceed 5 kg per person. The import of products (including fruits) from the following countries is prohibited into the territory of the Russian Federation:

  1. Australia.
  2. Azerbaijan.
  3. Georgia.
  4. EU (all countries).
  5. Canada.
  6. Moldova.
  7. Norway.
  8. Tajikistan.
  9. Ukraine.
  10. Uzbekistan.

You cannot import grapes, pears, strawberries, strawberries, and apples from Turkey. When exporting dried fruits from China, you will need a quality certificate and sealed packaging.

If you were given a receipt when purchasing fruit, keep it. If a conflict situation arises, you will present this receipt to the security service.

A tourist may find himself in an area where an epidemic has broken out. In this case, the import of fresh fruits into the Russian Federation will also be prohibited.

Fruits from Thailand and Vietnam

Of these southern countries tourists bring fruit as a souvenir. Are there rules and restrictions?

Exotic fruits are Thailand's competitive advantage, attracting tourists. And everyone strives to take overseas wonders home. But fruits should not be spoiled and stain things that are nearby. Customs officers advise not to take overripe fruits with you, but if you pack them hermetically and carry them in the luggage compartment, they have no right to prohibit you from doing so.

The only things you cannot bring on a plane from Thailand are:

  1. Durian - this fruit has a strong specific smell.
  2. Coconuts have a thick skin that is not visible during inspection. In the past, smugglers used to smuggle drugs in these fruits.
  3. Watermelons - the peel can burst due to pressure changes. Watermelon is carried in hand luggage only in sliced ​​form.

The limit - 5 kg of fruit per person (hand luggage) - also applies when departing from Thailand. Fruits are perishable products, so their import is strictly controlled. For more fruits in your luggage will require a phytosanitary certificate.

From here tourists bring rambutan, lychee, pomelo and others Exotic fruits. You can take up to 5 kg per passenger as hand luggage.

It is convenient to carry fruits in the cabin of the plane in a basket. If each fruit is wrapped in paper, both the delicate peel and taste will be preserved. It is recommended to buy slightly unripe fruits; they withstand transportation better.

The ban applies to the same fruits as in Thailand. In addition to coconuts and durian, jackfruit cannot be brought from Vietnam - it resembles durian in appearance.

Let's sum it up

If your plans include transporting fruit in hand luggage on an airplane, you must:

  1. On the website of a specific airline, familiarize yourself with its regulations, as well as recommendations regarding containers for transporting fruit.
  2. Start from what is maximum permissible weight hand luggage per person - 5 kg. The rest of the cargo is placed in the luggage compartment.
  3. Pack the fruit so that it does not stain the belongings of other passengers or the aircraft cabin.
  4. Do not take fruits that are prohibited for transportation on an airplane.
  5. Please note that fruits cannot be imported into the Russian Federation from a number of countries.

Remember that exotic fruits may be prohibited if quarantine is introduced at a particular airport.

Returning from a trip, tourists bring with them not only memories, but also souvenirs, as well as various goods. Many tourists want to bring home fruits, especially exotic ones, to please relatives and friends. Such a product requires careful handling, so they are afraid to check it in as luggage. In this regard, tourists ask: are fruits allowed in hand luggage on an airplane? You will find the answer below.

On flights within Russia, you can take fruit with you into the cabin, but the weight of the food must be up to 5 kg. If the specified value is exceeded, the tourist may be subject to administrative liability.

In order for fruits to be taken with you into the cabin on flights within Russia, they must be packed in cellophane bags or in containers made of plastic. It is recommended to pre-cut food before the flight if you plan to consume it.

Some airlines ask you to refrain from transporting the following fruits in the cabin:

  • citrus fruits, since their smell may be unpleasant to other citizens present on board the aircraft;
  • with a sharp and specific odor that can provoke atypical body reactions in other people flying;
  • overripe, because such products can stain the upholstery of the seats in the cabin.

Aeroflot, S7 and other carriers have the right to independently establish rules for transporting fruit.

This must be taken into account before purchasing a ticket. The company's rules are presented on the carrier's official website.

You are allowed to take not only fruits, but also berries into the aircraft cabin. These are perishable products, so they are not recommended to be checked in as luggage. In addition, the berries secrete juice, which can cause contamination not only of the belongings of the passenger transporting the food, but also of other citizens participating in the flight.

Fruits and berries that parents take to feed their children should be:

  • fresh;
  • thoroughly washed;
  • chopped - this refers to fruits.

The transport company is not responsible for the condition of products taken on board by passengers. Consequently, the responsibility for the health of a child who has eaten fruits and berries lies with the parents.

When transporting fruit on foreign flights, you should focus not only on the rules in force in the airline, but also on customs regulations.

This will avoid various troubles.

Tourists cannot take fruits from the following countries with them to Russia:

  • states of the European Union;
  • Australia;
  • Tajikistan;
  • Georgia;
  • Norway;
  • Canada;
  • Azerbaijan;
  • Uzbekistan;
  • Moldova;
  • United States of America;
  • Ukraine.

Fruits can be imported from other countries, but only in quantities of 5 kg.

Import of fruits from Turkey

Until recently, travelers did not have the right to take fruit from Turkey with them to Russia. The ban was lifted, but the import of the following products remained prohibited:

  • pears;
  • strawberries;
  • strawberries;
  • apples;
  • grapes

From China

There are certain nuances in transporting fruits from China:

  • products cannot be purchased in areas where there is an epidemic of various diseases;
  • Fruits can only be transported if they are packaged in a certain way, as indicated on the official website of the country’s customs service.

To avoid problems when passing customs control, you should take a receipt from the retail outlet where you purchased the fruits and berries.

This will prove that the products were purchased in areas where there was no epidemic.

Rules for the transportation of dried fruits have also been established:

  • they can only be transported if they are properly packaged;
  • Products require a special certificate, which is presented when passing through customs control.

From Thailand

The following fruits are prohibited from being exported from Thailand:

  • Durian. This is a fruit with pleasant tastes that many tourists like. However, it has a specific smell that does not disappear over a long time and is not interrupted by special means. Therefore, its transportation on an airliner is prohibited not only internationally, but also domestic flights some regions of the country.
  • Coconut. Its import is prohibited due to the fact that it has thick skin that cannot be seen through special devices.
  • Watermelon. The berry should not be taken with you from Thailand, as it may explode due to pressure changes. However, the ban does not apply to sliced ​​watermelon in hand luggage.

To carry fruits in your hand luggage, you need to pack them correctly.

Suitable for transporting products:

  • nets in which vegetables and fruits are sold in stores;
  • containers made of plastic;
  • wicker baskets;
  • a small suitcase that you can take into the cabin of an airliner.

Rules for transporting fruits and berries can be found on the official portal of the air carrier.

Here you can find out in detail how many of these products you can take with you, what you are allowed to take and how to pack them correctly.

What is the best way to transport fruit?

Experienced passengers advise transporting fruits in the luggage compartment. Here you can transport more than 5 kg of products. Even if an excess is detected during customs control, the tourist will not be subject to administrative penalties, as is the case with hand luggage. The tourist will simply have to pay for the excess and leave all the food.

If fruits are prohibited for export or import, there is no need to try to break the law and take the risk of transferring such products. If they are found during customs control, you will have to pay a fine. The amount of the penalty ranges from 500 to 1000 rubles with complete confiscation of all fruits and berries.

Fruits are everyone’s favorite treat and a good gift, so many tourists try to take them with them to Russia from other countries. However, their import from some countries is prohibited. Before purchasing products, it is recommended that you read customs regulations the country from which the flight is made.

Travelers are often concerned about the question of whether it is possible to carry fruit in hand luggage on an airplane. After all, having visited an exotic country, you want to treat your friends and relatives to unusual fruits that you cannot find on the shelves of domestic stores.

Mike McBey /

You should understand that before the trip you need to find out several nuances at once - transportation rules specific airline who is flying, general standards for airlines, as well as customs restrictions if the flight is international.

Fruits in hand luggage

Since this cargo is very delicate and requires careful transportation, many tourists ask whether fruits in separate packaging are allowed on board the plane? In this case, several factors need to be taken into account:

  1. Variety, variety.
  2. Are they packaged appropriately?
  3. Condition, integrity.
  4. Separate carrier rules regarding this issue.
  5. Will you consume them on the flight?
  6. Quantity.

Thus, most airlines have nothing against the passenger taking some fruits, berries or vegetables in his hand luggage to snack on during the flight. But then they must lie in a container and be cut. Often there is a restriction on the permissible volume of provisions carried.

Natalie Maynor /

In this case, it is important to take into account the individual rules of the carrier whose services you are going to use. Thus, Royal Flight advises placing them in soft containers, but plastic baskets cannot be taken on board the aircraft. On the contrary, AZUR air airline recommends packing all fruits in the basket, not exceeding the total volume of 5 kg and taking up one piece of hand luggage.

Please remember that if the airline allows such baggage to be carried in hand only for personal use during travel, then any remaining excess may be removed during post-landing screening. Always take into account the general size standards for hand luggage so that you don’t have to leave the purchased fruit at the airport due to excess weight.

When traveling around Russia, air carriers usually set only general rules:

  • It is not recommended to take citrus fruits with you, as they can cause allergies in some passengers.
  • You should not indulge in any aromatic foods that emit a strong odor while on the road, as not everyone will like it.
  • Do not take overripe, soft, or spoiled fruits on the road, as they will leak and can damage the seat, the aircraft cabin, and passengers’ clothes and belongings.

Of course, if you need to transport berries, then it is safer to take them on board and keep them separate from any luggage. But in this case, you need to find out in advance from the airline representatives whether they are allowed to be carried as hand luggage or not.

In the luggage compartment

It is much more convenient and safer to put such cargo in a bag along with other things. Then you just need to make sure that they do not exceed the total weight of suitcases allowed for transportation per person and are carefully packed so as not to spoil the things in the suitcase.

Many people are also concerned about the question of whether fruit will freeze in the luggage compartment. In fact, the temperature in the cargo compartment during the flight is about +15°; it is considered optimal for most products and will not cause them to spoil.

Customs regulations

Most often, the topic of transporting fruits and other exotic goods comes up when traveling from other countries, for example, from Vietnam. In the Asian part of the continent there are many such wonders that are not even presented on the shelves of our stores. I would like to surprise and please my friends by bringing an unusual delicacy from distant countries.

But in this case, it is very important to remember the prohibitions and restrictions imposed both by the state from which you are leaving and by our domestic legislation. For example, you can bring fruits from Thailand on an airplane, but not all of them:

  1. Durian has a very specific, pungent odor, which is why it has earned a bad reputation in public places; it is prohibited not only to bring it on board an airplane, but even into the territory of most hotels.
  2. Coconut - has a very thick peel that is not scanned at customs, so it is also included in the list of restrictions and is not allowed to be transported across the border.
  3. Watermelon - can easily burst from the drop atmospheric pressure and ruin everything around, it is better not to take it with you on the road or cut it into small pieces for personal use.

Remember that due to established sanctions, it is prohibited to import any fruits and products from countries such as Georgia, Ukraine, European countries, Australia, Moldova, Canada, USA, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Norway. The ban on the import of certain goods from Turkey has been partially lifted, but strawberries, apples and grapes cannot yet be brought from there.

There are also partial restrictions when traveling from China. For example, dried fruits and other permitted products (it is better to check the list before the trip) should be carefully packed in a special container and take with you a receipt, as well as a quality certificate.

If the question concerns hand luggage, then most often the total weight of transported fruit is limited to 5 kg. When it comes to luggage compartment, then 15-20 kg are allowed for transportation, depending on the rules of a particular carrier.

Video: fruits from Thailand - how to transport them?

How to pack correctly?

It is very important to deliver the fruit intact. They are perishable products and require careful handling. To prevent delicate goods from becoming wrinkled, cracked, leaking or spoiling items in your luggage during travel, it is advisable to do the following:

  • Stores that sell fruit often have special containers in which you can carefully place your purchases and they will easily survive even a multi-hour flight.
  • Be sure to take a receipt with you to determine the freshness of the product, check the expiration date and provide proof of the quality of the product.
  • Be sure to read before traveling customs regulations each country (from which you are traveling and to which you are returning).
  • If you are allowed to have several pieces of hand luggage, then it is better to keep the container with fruit separately from other things.
  • It is recommended to wrap each fruit in a special mesh, paper or bubble wrap so that they do not get wrinkled during the journey.
  • It is better not to use soft plastic bags for transportation.

Remember that it is advisable to buy such a product on the day of departure and only if the flight is not too long. Try to eat fruits fresh, but during a long journey they can spoil, which can lead to poisoning.

Getting ready to go home from vacation with exotic countries Many people often think about bringing some fruit home. But is it possible to do this? And if it is possible, then in what quantity and is it possible in hand luggage? We will try to sort out all these questions in this article.

The first thing you need to understand is that the export/import of fruit can be limited by three aspects:
1. Airline rules;
2. Customs legislation;
3. Morally - ethical standards;

Let's start with the fact that the transportation of food within the country is not limited by customs. Therefore, the main limitation is the airline's requirements.

The basic rules for transporting fruit within the country are as follows:

  1. If you are checking fruit in your luggage, the first thing you need to pay attention to is that there is no excess weight;
  2. It is very important to pack the fruit correctly so that upon arrival you do not find fruit puree instead of fruit. By the way, the carrier is not responsible for this.
  3. To transport fruits in hand luggage, the carrier requires them to be packed in plastic containers. Transportation in plastic bags is not recommended.
  4. Among other things, it is not recommended to take citrus fruits on the plane because of their strong smell, as well as overripe peaches and cherries, the juice of which can stain the seats and passengers.

International flights

Everything here is much more interesting and complicated, because... Customs legislation comes into force.
So, let's start by listing the countries from which the import of fruits into the Russian Federation is completely prohibited. These are the countries: EU, Australia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Canada, Moldova, Norway, USA, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine.

Take no more than 5 kg of fruit with you.

Is it possible to take fruit in hand luggage?

Since fruits and vegetables fall under the category of food, it is not prohibited to take them on board with the only caveat: you are allowed to take on board as much food as you need during the flight.
Carrying fruits in hand luggage on an airplane to Russia is permitted provided that the weight of the products does not exceed 5 kg. These standards are designed for one person, including small children. Violation of this law threatens complete seizure of products and a fine of up to 1,500 rubles.

How to properly transport fruit on an airplane?

In order to transport fruits on a plane, you first need to take care of their packaging. By following the following recommendations, you can easily avoid problems with transporting fruits:

  • Special soft nets, which you can ask from sellers, are best suited for packaging.
  • If you can't find them, you can also use bubble wrap or newspaper.
  • IN shopping centers and in the markets you can easily buy convenient plastic baskets.
  • It is not recommended to take fruit in plastic bags as hand luggage on a plane.

You can easily buy baskets like these at any hardware store. It is ideal for transporting fruit.

Export of fruits from Thailand

Since we get asked a lot of questions about Thailand, we decided to put this question in a separate column.
It can be difficult to resist exporting exotic fruits from this country. But not all fruits can (are recommended) be taken on a plane.


Perhaps everyone who has ever been to Thailand has a desire to take this fruit with them. But due to the strong smell, if its skin is damaged at the slightest, it is prohibited to take it on board. So if you don’t want to pay a fine and poison all the passengers on the plane, it’s better not to risk it. By the way, the fact that durian is prohibited for transportation is evidenced by numerous signs at the airport itself.

Coconut. Due to its thick peel, it is not visible through scanners. In the past, contraband has been smuggled into them many times. Currently, for safety reasons, the transport of coconut is prohibited.

Watermelon. This berry cannot be transported because if the pressure changes at altitude, the watermelon can simply explode, thereby causing harm to others and dirtying the interior.

Finally, I would like to say that wherever you go, you should find out about the rules of the country where and from where you are flying, as well as the rules of the airline you are flying with. Remember that you are not alone on the plane and you should think carefully before taking anything on board. Phone numbers of customs offices, where you can clarify the import rules for each airport, can be found


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