Sights of southern European countries. Germany - an alpine fairy tale. Lavender fields, France

It is impossible to imagine at least one person who has never heard about the famous Louvre, Colosseum or Eiffel Tower. They are located in Europe, famous for its many attractions. There are simply not enough pages to list them all.

1. The most short review All historical and cultural values ​​begin with France, which is the focus of the largest number of attractions.


Eiffel Tower

Tourists visiting France for the first time first of all go to the Eiffel Tower. This is a symbol of France and the most romantic corner of Paris, 324 meters high and weighing 10 thousand tons. The tower is accessible to all categories of tourists; there are discounts for children and people with disabilities. More than 230 million tourists visited it.


One of the big ones art museums worldwide. The Louvre was originally a palace for monarchs and opened as a museum at the end of the 18th century. It is located in the very center of Paris on the banks of the Seine. The museum's exposition consists of more than 400,000 exhibits. The famous painting “La Gioconda”, captivating everyone with its mystery, the goddesses Venus de Milo and Nike of Samothrace comfortably and harmoniously fit into their number.

Triumphal Arch

Very close to the Louvre on Place Gaulle there is the majestic Arc de Triomphe, built at the beginning of the 19th century in antique style. Its height is almost 50 meters, and its width is almost 45. Inside the arch itself there is a mini-museum of bas-reliefs, the theme of which is dedicated to the construction of the arch. It itself was built in honor of the great victories of France during the reign of Napoleon.

The main attractions of France on the world map:

2. Having visited the heart of Europe - France - a tourist cannot resist the temptation to visit the north of Europe in the capital of Foggy Albion. What does prim and conservative London offer tourists?

London, Great Britain

Big Ben

The clock mechanism, famous throughout the world for its size, is located on the Westminster Tower on all four sides. The diameter of the watch is 7 meters, and the total weight is 5 tons. Each base has an ornate inscription calling on God to protect Queen Victoria I. Big Ben is a symbol of London and Great Britain. Their melodic ringing is heard every hour.

London Eye Ferris wheel

One of the world's largest Ferris wheels, 135 meters high, is located on the banks of the Thames. It consists of 32 passenger air-conditioned cabins. The London Eye operates at a rapid pace of constant rotation and stops only to disembark people with disabilities.

3. Having experienced the peculiar charm of English foggy gray days, the traveler will inevitably want to taste the richness of bright summer colors and the scorching heat with the coolness of the sea. Of course, the path lies to the south of Europe. Before that, if you wish, you can improve your health a little in German resort town Baden-Baden and explore another attraction along the way. It is worth noting that the city is intended mainly for tourists with a “tight” wallet, so other adventure seekers can immediately go further south.

The main attractions of Great Britain on the world map:


Faberge Museum

Founded in 2009 by Russian artist-collector A. Ivanov. He presented his collected collection of 700 exhibits to the future museum. The theme of the museum is entirely dedicated to the work of the famous jeweler Faberge. There are more than 3,000 exhibits on display here, including, in addition to the famous “eggs,” various household items and accessories.

The main attractions of Germany on the world map:

4. The south of Europe attracts tourists not only with the sea breeze and the “orange” sun, but also with a variety of natural and architectural monuments.


Roman Coliseum

A unique and huge amphitheater with a capacity of 50 thousand people was built during the reign of the Roman Flavian dynasty. Northern and southern places were intended for the imperial family. They offered the most gorgeous view of the action taking place in the arena. Now all that remains of this majestic cultural monument are ruins, which still retain the grandeur and spirit of the great Roman era. Despite this, the Colosseum is almost the main symbol of Rome.

The main attractions of Italy on the world map:


Athens Acropolis

Defensive fortresses in Ancient Greece, built on a hill, were called “acropolis”. The Acropolis in Athens was built at an elevation of 156 meters on a limestone rock. A whole royal palace with statues of various ancient Greek gods. During antiquity, meetings of the supreme rulers of Athens were held here. The Acropolis has been repeatedly subjected to restoration work, many original sculptures have been replaced with skillful copies, but this does not contribute to the fading of tourist interest.

The main attractions of Greece on the world map:

5. “What about art?” – many music lover tourists will exclaim. And they will be absolutely right. Having visited Europe and not visited the famous Vienna Opera, it is impossible to appreciate the fullness of the sensations and impressions of the trip.


Vienna State Opera

Founded in the mid-19th century, it was the largest building in Vienna. It was originally the Vienna Court Opera. The walls of the Opera are painted and decorated with bas-reliefs based on the works of great composers. Unfortunately, the building was destroyed in 1945 as a result of bombing and was restored only 10 years later. The opera has 1313 seats. Thousands of tourists from all over the world come here every year. From May to October, outdoor concerts are held here, which anyone can attend for free.

You can talk endlessly about the sights of Europe. It is best to personally go to the city or country you like, see everything with your own eyes and capture beautiful shots on film and in your memory.

Catacombs of Paris

Europe is a great place for tourism and travel. She is often called an old lady. And this is not without charm and meaning, because she survived many wars, political intrigues, epidemics and became what we can see her now.

Great history, beautiful nature, enormous cultural heritage, versatility are manifested in famous sights of Europe, are attracted by the stained glass windows of cathedrals, lured to ski slopes and to museums.

Holidays in Europe are diversity, mysteries, beauty... old light was and remains one of the most beloved and visited places for tourists. After all, not a single photo can convey all the beauty and enchantment that you experience when looking live at the world famous monuments of Europe. Therefore, it is best to take a trip and see everything with your own eyes by walking around historical places. What to see in Europe?

Famous landmarks of Europe

Museum of the Human Body, Netherlands

Vatican, St. Peter's Basilica

For centuries, European countries have been in contact with each other, thereby becoming closely linked economically and historically. However, each state carefully preserves its traditions and characteristics. Looking and comparing sights of Europe, you can easily discern the differences in the culture of these countries.

At the same time, some of the sights of Europe have turned into legends, which many travelers dream of touching. To such famous places can be attributed to , London , Reichstag And Brandenburg Gate Berlin.

Every European city has its own unique and historical significant places. Lovers of mysticism should also visit Romania, glorified by the writer Bram Stoker, as Dracula's castle, and those planning a trip to the city should not deny themselves the pleasure of riding a gondola along its narrow canal streets.

Megaliths of Stonehenge


A stone mystery in England tests the strength of the best minds of scientists and amazes with its unimaginable grandeur. It took so much titanic effort during construction! For what and why? The mystery of goals and motives attracts and fascinates. And this attracts many tourists here who want to get in touch with the unknown.

In order to choose the most interesting route, you need to decide in advance what sights of Europe you are most interested in, and which of them you would like to visit first. After all, there are so many of them, and each of them deserves special attention. And to have time to watch them all, it will take more than one year.

Architectural monuments of Europe

Parthenon Temple on the Acropolis of Athens

Many European architectural monuments have already become business card of one state or another. Having seen it, we immediately remember sunny Italy, and Victor Hugo, glorified by Victor Hugo, has long been the personification of Paris and France as a whole. Everyone knows that Europe is famous for its rather free morals, and this can be seen even in architecture. What's it worth? sculpture of a pissing boy in Belgium.

Monasteries of Meteora

Looking at the guidebook, your eyes are wide open from the huge selection of how complex and different the architectural monuments of Europe are. One has only to look at Coliseum in or on Sagrada Familia in Barcelona to be amazed to the core by the skill of the architects and builders who not only brought such gigantic projects to life, but also made them immortal.

Greece is rich in architectural heritage surviving from the times of ancient Hellas, of which Athens is the most prominent representative, as well as world-famous religious sites such as monasteries and monasteries.

Holy Mount Athos

Traveling around Europe, you can get acquainted with the dark and harsh Middle Ages and feel its unusual atmosphere. And ancient palaces, castles, fortresses and, of course, monasteries will help with this. In old Europe you can visit castles inhabited not only by tourists and ghosts, but also by real crowned heads, for example, in Spain, Buckingham Palace or Windsor castle In Great Britain.

Alhambra Palace and Fortress

Many castles still look impregnable fortresses. The walls of many of them remember the times of the ancient kings and knights who lived there. Their high, strong walls and lush interior decoration attract tourists and seem to invite them to plunge into the atmosphere of that distant time.

Particularly popular are the London Palace, as well as the palace and fortress in Spanish Granada and Scotland, the Finnish fortress and many others. There are also many fortresses in Germany, France and Austria. For example, in southern Germany there is a castle where the Kaiser used to live. This majestic castle stands on the border with Austria, where another crown of German architecture is located nearby - the castle. French castles also look very impressive, and striking examples of this are locks and. And when visiting, don’t forget to admire Castle Sant'Angelo, which has collected a large collection of paintings.

Cultural sights of Europe

Monastery-fortress of Mont Saint-Michel

Europe will greet you with a large number of museums, from the most famous: British museum, Parisian ; to the most unusual: Devils Museum in Kaunas, Flood Museum in Holland, in the Czech Republic, Dutch and many other wonderful and original museums.

Carcassonne Castle

Probably everyone knows that the main symbol is . It was given to the Americans by the French, who kept 2 more identical copies for themselves. So if you don’t have the opportunity to travel to the USA, you can at least get to Paris, where on the banks of the Seine and in Luxembourg Gardens there is a famous lady with a torch. Europe has a huge number of architectural attractions, and you need to have time to see as many of them as possible.

Europe will meet the inquisitive traveler big amount entertainment and amazing cultural events. Lovers extreme sports can tickle their nerves with a bloody spectacle at the match of "" - historical football, reminiscent of a gladiator fight and held in Italian. Fans of costume shows and carnivals can expect mummers and devils at festivals and in the Macedonian city.

Carnival "Night of Krampus", Austria

However, European countries are famous not only for educational recreation. In addition to historical attractions, you can find interesting places with a soulful atmosphere and wonderful nature. Southern Europe will delight you with the gentle waters of the Mediterranean Sea, mild climate, and various health resorts.

Carnival in Vevcani, Macedonia

In the northern part of Europe everyone is an amateur beautiful nature, aquatic species sports, fishing will be found best places For active rest: majestic mountains, secluded bays, deep canyons, bays and fjords, wooded plains, thousands of lakes with emerald water.

Despite some historical and cultural commonality, each European country, of course, has its own symbols, charm, attractions, and special atmosphere. Europe is interesting and flirtatious in a completely un-old-woman way. Every tourist and traveler will find a holiday in Europe to their liking and possibilities.

More detailed information about the sights of Europe, which for ease of navigation are distributed by country, can be found using the links below by clicking on the flag of the desired country.

Sights of Western Europe



Great Britain








Sights of Eastern Europe












Sights of the Nordic countries









Sights of Southern Europe





1. Moscow Kremlin in Russia

The Kremlin is the “heart” of the great and mighty Russia and the source of pride for all its citizens. And not only we admire the Kremlin, but also people from all over the world. This fortress is located in the center of Moscow, the largest city in Europe by population, and the residence of the President of the Russian Federation.

2. Eiffel Tower in France

What is Paris without Eiffel Tower? According to many tourists, the Eiffel Tower is the main attraction of Europe. The Eiffel Tower is the most visited and most photographed landmark in the world! From its opening in 1889 until 2008, it was visited by 236 million people! The Eiffel Tower is a wrought iron structure built to the design of Émile Nouguier and Maurice Koechlin by French engineer Gustave Eiffel for the 1889 Paris Universal Exhibition. The Eiffel Tower for 41 years, with its 330 meters, was also the tallest on the planet. This is a symbol not only of Paris, but of all of France.

3. Old Town Square in the Czech Republic

Old Town Square in Prague is one of the most charming and beautiful squares in Europe. This is the location beautiful monuments, such as the Gothic Tyn Church with two towers over 80 meters high, the Church of St. Nicholas and the town hall, the facade of which is decorated with the most famous and beautiful medieval astronomical clock in the world, built in 1490.

4. St. Basil's Cathedral in Russia

St. Basil's Cathedral is undoubtedly the most symbolic landmark in Russia and one of the most famous in Europe. This Orthodox church is located on Red Square in Moscow. Known throughout the world for its colorful onion-shaped domes. Its construction was started by order of Tsar Ivan the Terrible in honor of the conquest of the Kazan Khanate, and lasted between 1555 and 1561. The cathedral consists of nine separate chapels dedicated to each of the saints on whose feast days Ivan the Terrible won battles. Undoubtedly, this cathedral is the main monument and symbol of Russian architecture, attracting millions of foreign tourists.

5. Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Spain

The capital of Spanish Catalonia, Barcelona, ​​in addition to its beautiful beaches, also boasts unique architectural sites. Sagrada Familia or Temple of the Holy Family is a cathedral in Barcelona, ​​a masterpiece of Antoni Gaudi, who had a hand in many of Barcelona's attractions. This is the best example of Catalan modernist architecture. The temple began to be built in 1882, and its construction is still underway! Moreover, its end is not in sight even in the next 10 years. The work done by Gaudí, that is, the Nativity façade and the crypt, was declared in 2005 as an object World Heritage UNESCO. Today it is one of the most famous landmarks in Spain and Europe.

6. Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany

Neuschwanstein Castle is located on a cliff in the Bavarian Alps in the Fussen region. It was built by order of the Bavarian King Ludwig II in 1866. Neuschwanstein Castle was awarded first place in the ranking of the most impressive castles in the world. It is also one of the most important and visited landmarks in Europe and the most photographed building in Germany, which inspired Walt Disney to create famous castle Cinderellas.

7. Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy

This is the famous “leaning” tower - the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Italian city Pisa. Included in architectural complex famous Square of Miracles, it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987, the Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the most important and visited landmarks in Europe. Thanks to her attractiveness, she even “starred” in the movie “Superman”. It is noteworthy that for several years now, contrary to its name, the tower has no longer fallen. These are the results of many years of work to strengthen its foundation. If these works had not been carried out, then after a few decades, the tower would finally have really collapsed and the world-famous landmark would have disappeared from the face of the Earth forever.

8. Stonehenge in England

The most famous archaeological site in the world is the mysterious Stonehenge, which, apparently, is more than 5,000 years old. It is located 130 km from London. Scientists still cannot come to a consensus on what the true purpose of this object is. Stonehenge is a late Neolithic (20th century BC) megalithic monument located near the town of Amesbury in Wiltshire. It is not known exactly what it was previously - a burial site, an observatory, etc., but one thing we know for sure is that Stonehenge is an important landmark in Europe.

9.St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican

The main architectural dominant of the Vatican - the small state in the world, located within the city of Rome - the impressive St. Peter's Basilica. This is the largest historical Christian church in the world. This cathedral is the most important temple of Catholicism and one of the most beautiful in Europe, in the construction of which such famous architects as Bramante, Michelangelo and Carlo Maderno took part. Sights of the Vatican include: Apostolic Palace, which is the official residence of the Pope in the Vatican, and includes the Vatican Museums and the Vatican Library, including the famous Sistine Chapel with frescoes by Michelangelo.

10. Athens Acropolis in Greece

Athens is an incredible city full of history, freedom, rebellion and centuries-old traditions. The Acropolis in Athens is not only considered an important monument in Europe, it was also one of the top contenders for the title of the New Seven Wonders of the World. It is located on a hill 156 meters above sea level in Athens. Most of the main temples of the acropolis were built under the leadership of Pericles during the Golden Age of Athens (460-430 BC). Inside you can see the Temple of Nike Apteros and the famous Parthenon. At the end of the Acropolis there is an outstanding architectural monument Erechtheion. It is simply impossible not to visit the Parthenon, the personification of the Acropolis. This is the most important monument of ancient culture in the Western world, which every traveler should visit at least once in their life. The Parthenon was built in 438 BC. for a big sports and religious holiday. It is dedicated to the goddess Athena, and its name means “home of the virgin.”

11. Hagia Sophia in Turkey

For centuries, Hagia Sophia has been a symbol of the Byzantine Empire. Everyone will remember this building forever, having seen the grandeur of its dome and other parts that are visible from all over the Bosphorus. After the Ottoman conquest of the city, the cathedral was turned into a mosque and then into a museum by order of Kemal Atatürk. These days it is the most famous and photographed landmark in the city of Istanbul.

12. Parliament building in Hungary

Budapest is rightfully one of the ten most beautiful cities in Europe, despite its youth. The city's calling card is its outstanding architectural structure- The Hungarian Parliament building, combining elements of neo-Gothic and Beaux-Arts.

13. Edinburgh Castle in Scotland

The 900-year-old fortress in the Scottish capital of Edinburgh is one of the most popular attractions in Europe. It's really unique place with a unique atmosphere.

14. Old city Dubrovnik in Croatia

The historical center of Dubrovnik is surrounded by fortified walls. It is located on a steep bank Adriatic Sea. According to UNESCO, Dubrovnik, along with Venice and Amsterdam, are among the three most beautiful cities in Europe.

15. Atomium in Belgium

This building was opened in Brussels in 1958 and is a unique symbol of the atomic age and the peaceful use of atomic energy. The height of the Atomium is 102 meters. At first they said that this building should be demolished, since it does not fit into the general architectural ensemble cities. However, the Atomium soon became the main symbol of Brussels, eclipsing the most popular Manneken Pis. Undoubtedly, the Atomium is a landmark that stands out significantly from others with its modern and unusual design.

16. Palace of Versailles in France

Located in the city of Versailles, this palace is one of the most beautiful in the world. Its construction began on the orders of Louis XIV, and the result was an imposing and majestic building, with the most beautiful gardens in the world, covering an area of ​​more than 800 hectares. The Palace of Versailles is of great artistic value. Of particular importance is the Mirror Gallery, an impressive hall that is 73 meters long and has 375 mirrors. This is also the place where the First World War was completed in 1919. World War signing of the Treaty of Versailles. This magnificent palace is a World Heritage Site and one of the finest monuments in Europe.

17. Big Ben in England

Big Ben is famous tower Palace of Westminster, seat of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. This almost 100-meter tower with a huge clock installed on it - Big Ben - is the most famous landmark of London. This distinctive building, 96 meters high, built in 1858, has become the main symbol of London, and is considered the third largest clock tower in the world. The hero of countless films, Big Ben is undoubtedly one of the best attractions in England and throughout Europe.

18. Colosseum in Italy

Along with the Trevi Fountain, the Colosseum is a great symbol of the city of Rome. With a history of 2000 years and measuring 188 meters long, 156 meters wide and 57 meters high, it is the largest and oldest Roman amphitheater, and one of the best preserved. Here more than 50,000 people could enjoy gladiator fights, executions of prisoners, etc... The theater remained active for more than 500 years, until the sixth century, when the last games were held. Considering that the Roman Colosseum is considered one of the seven new wonders of the world, it deservedly takes first place in our ranking of the best attractions in Europe.

19. Brandenburg Gate in Germany

Located in the heart of the city of Berlin, the Brandenburg Gate is a symbol of Germany. They were built by the architect Karl Gottgard Langhans in 1788-1791 during the reign of King Frederick William II of Prussia, and modeled after the main entrance to the Acropolis in Athens. During World War II, the landmark was heavily damaged and the Chariot was almost completely destroyed. During the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961, the Brandenburg Gate was left in no-man's land, with no access from either East or West. Because of its history and beauty, this gate deserves to be among the best attractions in Europe.

20. Blue Mosque, or Sultanahmet Mosque in Turkey

Sultanahmet, or the Blue Mosque, is the hallmark of Istanbul. She is considered an outstanding example Islamic architecture. Every year, it is this attraction that attracts many thousands of tourists of any faith to Istanbul: both Muslims and Christians.

21. Tower Bridge in England

This is another famous London landmark that can compete with Big Ben for the title of most popular. It is a drawbridge with two towers, 65 meters high, made in the Gothic style.

22. Alhambra in Spain

Alhambra - a palace complex with beautiful gardens built by Muslims on the hill of Granada, where the monarch of the Emirate of Granada was located. This is an architectural ensemble that includes luxurious palaces, the delightful Generalife gardens and fortress. The beautiful Andalusian style of the interior and its hilltop location make the Alhambra one of the most beautiful and popular attractions in Europe and the world.

23.Trullo in Italy

The fairytale-like houses of Puglia make up the entire village of Alberobello, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. According to legend, these white round houses with a conical gray roof arose thanks to ingenuity local residents. Construction in this area was prohibited, so if necessary, the trullo could be completely destroyed in the blink of an eye by removing just one “secret” stone. Today, most of them are stylization, quite stable, but very cute.

24.Ronda in Spain

Lost in the mountains, the capital of the white cities of Andalusia and the birthplace of bullfighting primarily attracts tourists with the opportunity to walk along the cyclopean New Bridge (Puente Nuevo) over the deep Tagus gorge. Actually, it was new in the 18th century, connecting two parts of the city, spread out on two picturesque rocky plateaus. And today it is the main (and very photogenic) attraction, which offers stunning views of the surrounding landscapes.

25.Mont Saint Michel in France

The monastery castle on the top of a rocky island impresses with its medieval monumentality against the backdrop of idyllic landscapes with sheep and cows grazing in the surrounding meadows. But the main feature is its unique location - in the middle of a bay with the most powerful ebbs and flows in Europe. Twice a day, water surrounds the island, leaving only the dam open, and then retreats for many kilometers, exposing the entire space between the castle and the coast.

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European cities have a long history; they have preserved a huge number of cultural monuments. Therefore, Foreign Europe is of great interest to tourists and people interested in history.

Types of European tourism

You can visit Foreign Europe for a variety of purposes - relax, explore cultural monuments, plunge into history European capitals. Tourism Foreign Europe will be interesting for any person. The following types of tourism are actively developing here:

  • informative;
  • recreational;
  • religious;
  • cultural.

Most tourists are interested in countries such as France, Italy and Spain. England, Germany and Austria are in second place.

General characteristics of Europe

Foreign Europe occupies a little more than 5 million sq. km. This territory is home to 40 countries, home to 500 million people, which is 9% of the total world population. This region is considered one of the most densely populated.

In foreign Europe there are all conditions for a good rest. The terrain here combines plains and mountains, rivers and lakes. The climate is mostly temperate, closer to the south - oceanic.

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Sights of Foreign Europe are available in almost every country.


It is a coastal country located between Atlantic Ocean And Mediterranean Sea. France is bordered on two sides by mountains - the Alps and the Pyrenees. The capital of France is the city of Paris.

France is an ideal country for any type of tourism. You can simply relax here - the climate in the country is varied, depending on the region. There are also cool ones here mountainous areas, and hot flat areas. Nature is distinguished by its beauty and diversity:

  • alpine meadows;
  • coniferous and deciduous forests;
  • plains;
  • Mediterranean coast.

France has a huge number of cultural and historical monuments. The most famous are:

  • Eiffel Tower;
  • Louvre Museum;
  • Triumphal Arch;
  • Notre Dame Cathedral or Notre Dame;
  • Champs Elysees;
  • Basilica of Sacré-Coeur.

Fig. 1. Glass pyramid of the Louvre in Napoleon's courtyard.

Here is the famous beach complex- Nice, St. Tropez, Cannes. For lovers of active recreation, the city of Biarritz offers its services. The Alps are home to famous ski resorts - Courchevel and Chamonix.

The country hosts a huge number of festivals and celebrations throughout the year.


This is the country with the richest cultural heritage and beautiful nature. Italy is located on the Apennine Peninsula. The country includes a number of islands, the largest being Sicily and Sardinia. Italy borders the Alps and five seas:

  • Mediterranean;
  • Ligurian;
  • Tyrrhenian;
  • Ionic;
  • Adriatic.

Most of Italy's territory is occupied by mountains, and the plains account for about a third of the country. The climate here is varied, but generally warm and mild throughout the year.

The history of the country goes back more than 2.5 thousand years. It is only natural that Italy can boast a huge amount attractions. The cities themselves are already of some historical interest.

The main cultural and historical monuments are:

  • Coliseum;
  • Valley of the Temples in Sicily;
  • Cave City;
  • Florence and the famous Uffizi Gallery;
  • Pompeii;
  • Leaning Tower of Pisa.

All these monuments can be listed endlessly. In addition, the country is famous for its excellent Mediterranean cuisine, so gastronomic tourism is also thriving here.

Fig.2. Roman Coliseum.


A country located on the Iberian Peninsula and several islands. The history of the country goes back several thousand years. Here you can enjoy an active and relaxing holiday thanks to the presence of ski resorts and beautiful beaches. The climate of Spain is mainly subtropical.

Almost every city in Spain has its own attractions. The largest of them:

  • Barcelona - Sagrada Familia Cathedral and Benedictine Monastery;
  • Catalonia - singing fountains, Picasso Museum, monument to Columbus;
  • Andalusia - medieval fortresses;
  • Madrid - National Museum, Royal Palace, Gate of Europe.

The most famous tradition in Spain is bullfighting. About 30 million people come here every year to see this spectacle. The province of Navarre is considered the main center of bullfighting.


This small country in northwestern Europe. Great Britain is a country with a rich culture and diversity of customs and traditions. Despite the uncomfortable humid climate, a large number of tourists tend to come here.

Absolutely every country in the world is beautiful in its own way, full of attractions and popular tourist spots. Europe is especially rich in these “tourist joys,” since in each state there are architectural masterpieces with a thousand-year history, whose mysterious appearance on earth has not yet been solved. When we talk about monuments of the history and culture of Europe, we first of all mean the symbols of a certain country or city. Interesting information about popular tourist destinations will help you get to know Europe better and get a clear picture of it. Belgium, England, France, Germany, Switzerland - here you will find the best tourist routes Europe.

Great Britain. The best traditions of Europe

Great Britain - magnificent country with ancient sights and amazing culture. Luxurious medieval castles, fortresses, ancient museums and galleries - this is all Great Britain. Each city here has its own unique atmosphere and unique architecture. Historically, the most famous and popular tourist places are located on the territory of the capital - . The capital of Great Britain - largest metropolis Europe with the best English parks, residences, historical and cultural buildings. Well, the hallmark of London is the world famous Big Ben, which is named after the ancient bell inside the tower. This is a must-see attraction on any UK tour.

Belgium - painting and architecture

Belgium can boast a huge arsenal of attractions, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s rich Brussels or a small village. It is famous all over the world for its sculpture of a pissing boy, the amazing taste of beer, dark Brussels chocolate and women's tennis. It is these attributes and associations that everyone remembers when mentioning this pearl of Europe. A typical city in Belgium must have its own long history, and this is always a lot of Gothic buildings, Romanesque churches, wonderful cathedrals, squares, monuments... Together with all this, modernity coexists comfortably: huge skyscrapers, supermarkets, residential buildings and cafes.

The attractions of this European country include the central square of Brussels - the chic Grand Place. It has an atypical triangular shape, which gives rise to several speculations: to preserve the Gallo-Roman necropolis, where the Caroline funerary complex was later built, or is this a banal intersection of two roads? The history of the square goes back centuries, but no one has yet solved this mystery. The main decoration of this gorgeous place is a bronze statue of Christina de Lalaine, who led the city's defense in 1581 during the siege by Spanish troops.

Hungary – the pearl of Eastern Europe

Hungary is one of the most interesting tourist destinations Of Eastern Europe. First of all, the country attracts the attention of tourists with its unique architecture and stunning views of the Danube and the so-called “Hungarian Sea” (Lake Balaton). There are also healing thermal springs and everyone's favorite National cuisine Hungary. An important factor is high quality services and regarding low prices. All this makes this country one of the most desirable tourist destinations in Europe. Millions of tourists annually confirm these words.

Italy - Old World sophistication

There are so many attractions in Europe that there are not enough pages to describe each of them in all its glory. is one of those countries where in every city you can find hundreds of historical and cultural monuments. What can we say only about Rome or Milan? It is in Milan that the world famous La Scala theater is located. It was built with the support of Empress Maria Theresa on the site of the Royal Ducal Opera House, which burned down during the sad carnival of 1717.

A landmark of Europe, La Scala Theater was built according to the design of the great neoclassical architect Giuseppe Piermarini on August 3, 1778. On the opening day, there was a production of Antonio Salieri's opera “Europe Recognized” with a libretto by Mattia Verazi. The front facade of the theater was not designed too luxuriously, since the architect considered it unnecessary to rebuild it on the narrow streets surrounding the building. At the opening of the season, all tickets cost from 2000 euros, and this day is December 7th.

France - romantic attractions in Europe

Enthusiasts have calculated that it is the country with the largest number of attractions in Europe. And it’s not hard to believe: the Eiffel Tower, Disneyland, the Louvre are just a few most popular places. The Louvre is one of the most visited museums in the world! It houses a rich collection of exhibits from more than 800 years of history. In the Middle Ages, the Louvre was medieval fortress, which later turned into a palace and was built by Philip Augustus in the 12th century. This landmark of Europe was restored and rebuilt many times, but still came to us in perfect condition.

In 1750, they wanted to demolish the building, since the royal court moved to Versailles, and the Louvre was in a state of decline. But after the turbulent years of the revolution, this landmark of Europe began to be rebuilt again, not without the participation of Napoleon himself. The Louvre acquired its present form in 1871. The palace became a museum on August 10, 1793, when Napoleon I expanded the existing collection of paintings. Today, the Louvre has 400 thousand exhibits.


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