Altai is such a sea. Altai "Dead Sea". How salty steppes are being turned into a resort area. Mountain trails in the Aktru gorge area, trail to the Blue Lake and Aktru glacier

White Lake can be seen in the Kurinsky district Altai Territory, where it is located in the basin of the Kolyvan ridge at an altitude of about 530 meters above sea level. The maximum depth of the lake is about 8 meters. The lake is part of the Loktevka River basin, which is one of the tributaries of the Charysh River. Not far from the lake is Mount Sinyukha, which is the highest point of the Kolyvan ridge. Also close to the lake is the village of 8 March.

The lake is home to a variety of fish, making it a desirable destination for fishermen. Mostly ruffs, perches, and minnows live here; there are roaches, pikes, tenches, and crayfish. The shores of the lake are covered with various shrubs: willow grass, honeysuckle, viburnum, and rose hips. In the center of the lake there is an island made of granite cliffs. According to legend, on this island in the 18th century there were secret workshops of the famous entrepreneur Akinfiy Demidov, who minted coins from gold and silver.

The lake with a rocky bottom and warm, clear water is suitable for swimming. Relax in these picturesque places Tourists from all over Russia flock to the mild climate. For the convenience of vacationers, the Skala base is located on the shore of the lake, open all year round. Lake Beloe is recognized natural monument of national importance.

Blue Lake

Extraordinarily picturesque Blue Lake is located in the Altai Republic. Blue Lake is located on the slope of another natural reservoir - Lake Kucherlinskoye. The lakes are connected by a stream. Lake Goluboye is relatively small, its length is just over a kilometer and its width is only 270 meters. The origin of the lake is related to the melting of the glacier many centuries ago. The beautiful clear blue surface of the lake, in which the sky is reflected, apparently played a role in the name of the reservoir. The lake is located at an altitude of 2300 meters above sea level.

There are gorgeous landscapes around the lake, you can just walk and admire this beauty. Everywhere there are alpine meadows with herbs and fragrant flowers. Beautiful snow leopards are coming up to the lake, perhaps to drink. And Siberian mountain goats may also drop by.

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Seminsky pass

Seminsky Pass is the most high point Chuysky tract, the height of which reaches 1894 meters. The pass is the symbolic border of Northern and Central Altai, covering an area of ​​about 20 square kilometers.

You can climb the pass by walking 9 kilometers, and descending by 11 kilometers. At the top of the pass there is a stele erected in 1956 in honor of the 200th anniversary of the entry of the Altai people into Russia. From the top you can also enjoy views of the Sarlyk and Tiakhty mountains.

The flora of the pass is represented by dwarf birch, dwarf cedar, white-flowered geranium, kandyk, Altai anemone, sticky columbine, cold gentian, alpine burnet, cuckoo flax, floor moss and other plants. In the area of ​​the pass there are places for collecting pine nuts.

The pass is home to animals that are especially interesting for hunters: bears, lynxes, squirrels, wood grouse, etc. Many birds living here are listed in the Red Book.

Lake with beautiful name Mirror is located in the Shipunovsky district of the Altai Territory. It is located surrounded by the unique Barnaul ribbon forest. The area of ​​the lake is 18.54 square kilometers, the maximum depth is about 8 meters. A distinctive feature of the lake is its crystal clear water. It contains a lot of fish, mainly crucian carp and crucian carp.

About 20 percent of the lake's coastal aquatic plants are reeds and reeds. On the surface of the lake you can also see perennial aquatic plants such as pondweed. The fauna of the lake is represented by mollusks of rare species, bell mosquitoes, swimbugs, and amphipods. The lake is characterized by a large number of diverse zooplankton and phytoplankton. Lovers fishing have the opportunity to please themselves with paid fishing on this lake.

Lake Mirror is a natural monument of Altai. Fresh air with the aromas of pine forests, clear lake water and magnificent scenery attract many tourists here.

Katunsky Reserve

The Katunsky Nature Reserve is considered one of the youngest in the taiga. It was discovered in 1991, but research was carried out much earlier, at the beginning of the 20th century. Flora and fauna were studied for a long time by the scientist P.P. Sushkin. A characteristic feature of the Katunsky Nature Reserve is that it is located at a decent distance from settlements republics. The nearest villages are located 100 kilometers away.

The reserve is famous for its huge number of alpine lakes. There are over 130 reservoirs on the territory, which are teeming with exotic fish and overflowing with various types of algae. In addition to them, the Altai Nature Reserve is famous for its rare species of birds and animals. You will not see snow leopard, deer, black vulture, sable, peregrine falcon and many others anywhere else.

Glaciers and snowfields are no less beautiful than the lakes in the Altai Territory. There are many of them on the territory. Glaciations occupy most of the protected area.

Kulunda Lake

Kulunda Lake is located on the Kulunda Plain, in the Altai Territory, at an altitude of 98 meters above sea level. Considered the most big lake Altai Territory, its diameter is about 35 meters. The average depth of this slightly salted lake is 2.5 - 3 meters, the maximum is about 5 meters. The rivers Suetka and Kulunda flow into the lake.

In summer, in shallow waters, the lake warms up to 26 degrees Celsius. The lake water is rich in various salts that are beneficial for health. The bottom of the lake is sandy, but there are areas with healing silt mud formed by crustaceans of the species Artemia salina.

The lake is included in two reserves: Suetsky and Blagoveshchensky. On the lake itself and in its surroundings there are various animals and birds, including rare, endangered species listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory and the Red Book of Russia: great jerboa, steppe kestrel, saker falcon, and so on. During seasonal migrations, many waterfowl rest and nest on the lake.

Lake Kulundinskoye is a good place to relax. Here you can admire the steppe landscapes, sandy beaches, shallow waters and warm waters with medicinal properties create all the conditions for a pleasant and healthy bathing. The lake will also delight fishermen; it is home to pike and perch. In the vicinity of the lake there is the village of Znamenka, as well as sanatoriums and hotels.

Bitter Lake

Lake Gorkoye is located in the Yegoryevsky district of the Altai Territory. The lake, with an area of ​​4,180 hectares, is famous for its unique silt mud and healing alkaline waters. On the shore of the lake, since 1918, there has been a sanatorium "Lebyazhye", specializing in the use of water and healing mud from the lake for medicinal purposes. It is connected by a narrow isthmus to the neighboring Lake Gorkoe-Peresheichnoe.

The lake is surrounded by a unique ribbon pine forest. The shores of the lake are covered with clean, fine sand; the water warms up well in summer, which creates excellent conditions for swimming. Those who like a relaxing holiday in the fresh air can place a tent in a pine forest. These places are different big amount a variety of mushrooms and berries. The combination of a mild climate, clean, healthy air and healing lake water creates optimal conditions for have a wonderful holiday and recovery. The lake is a natural monument on a regional scale.

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Kamyshlinsky waterfall

The Kamyshlinsky waterfall is based on the left tributary of the Katun River - the Kamyshla River. Since 1996, the waterfall has been awarded the status of a natural monument of the Altai Republic. Exactly this popular place among tourists, which is located in the lower reaches of the Katun.

The waterfall consists of two cascades with a total height of 12 meters. There is a trail leading to the waterfall from the hiking trail. suspension bridge through Katun - from the tourist complex “Tsarskaya Okhota”, one and a half kilometers downstream. The waterfall is not high, but it looks very impressive when the water falls and beautifully breaks at the foot of the cliff with splashes of all the colors of the rainbow. In winter, the waterfall is covered with a crust of ice. The surroundings of the waterfall consist of limestones, quartzites, crystalline schists, and porphyrites.

In 1940, on the Kamyshla River, collective farmers from a nearby village built water mill, which was converted into a sawmill during the war. Now you can see logs with metal shackles - mill shafts blackened by time.

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When people remember Altai, their imagination mainly comes to the sights of the Altai Mountains. But the steppe of the Altai region is also attractive in many ways. This is especially true of the Kulundinskaya Plain, which is popularly called “Valley with Salt Lakes.”

The total number of lakes in the region is more than 2 thousand, their depth is 3-4 meters, but the deepest and largest is Yarovoe. Its depth is about 10 meters, the occupied area is 53-54 sq. km. One of the features of the lake is that it is located in the lowest area of ​​the Altai Territory - 79 meters above sea level.

Water and mud of Lake Yarovoye

Most of the lakes, including Yarovoe, have a lot of salts in their waters, which allows you not only to lie on the water, but also to “stand” in it without your feet reaching the bottom. This water tastes bitter and salty, but it has a strong healing effect.

The main advantage of Yarovoy is its brine. Brine is a solution of salt that makes up the water in the lake. The brine also contains biological material from the remains of small crustaceans Artemia living in the lake. These crustaceans do not live in salt water for long and quickly die, settling to the bottom, where they mix with silt and minerals. This is how the famous healing mud is formed.

Moreover, in terms of its healing qualities, this mud is no worse than in the Caucasus or Crimea.

The level of saturation of brine with various minerals is comparable to the level Dead Sea. This solution contains calcium, magnesium and sodium chloride salts, sodium sulfate and bromine elements.

It can cure skin and gynecological diseases, neurological and inflammatory processes, as well as restore disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Spring is considered anomalous zone. Scientists have discovered two cross-shaped energy lines at the bottom, which have a positive effect on the water of the lake and on the well-being of people. Therefore, the uniqueness of the reservoir has been confirmed not only by the people relaxing on it, but also by scientists and doctors.

Every year thousands of people come to the resort from all over Russia and from near and far abroad.

Holidays on the "Altai Sea"

Yarovoye is often called the Altai Sea. What is the sea without recreational infrastructure? Lots of sun and warm, dry air have a beneficial effect on the development of the tourism industry. The recreation area on the lake shore stretches up to 1.5 kilometers.

Everything you need for a good holiday is present here - beaches, attractions, children's Entertainment Center with a water park, cafes and restaurants. There is even a Chinese restaurant.

On the shore there are sun canopies, showers, and dry closets. You can book a trip around the lake on a yacht, catamaran or boat, or you can admire the sunset on a ferry. The tour desk offers trips around German national region or fishing trips to fresh water bodies.

Every evening there is a disco on the beach. Very often, famous artists perform instead of discos.

In the city of Yarovoye, located on the shore, hotels, hotels, and boarding houses are being actively built. There are existing medical sanatoriums “Khimik” and “Lake Yarovoye”, known throughout Siberia and Far East. There are many residents in the city who rent out residential premises for vacationers at reasonable prices. If a person can do without foreign services, then the holiday will be spent perfectly.

Not far, a couple of kilometers from the main beach, there is a “wild” beach called “Teply Klyuch”. It is not so noisy here and you can use the healing mud, and you can wash yourself in the fresh water that comes out of the ground right there.

Scientists from Novosibirsk Academgorodok have made important discovery, which is capable of upending the prevailing ideas about the process of mountain building in Altai. As the work of specialists from two institutes - Geology and Mineralogy and Oil and Gas Geology and Geophysics of the SB RAS shows, the Altai Mountains turned out to be many million years younger than previously thought. The complete absence of Mesozoic deposits in the Altai Mountains led most researchers to the idea of ​​a significant uplift of this territory from an era of 250 million years ago.

Vladimir Sergeevich Zykin, Doctor of Geological Sciences, professor, specialist in Cenozoic geology, conducted research in the Kosh-Agach region Gorny Altai in the valley of the Kyzyl-Chin River. He discovered a layer of rock there that was formed not in the Devonian period (350 million years ago), but in the later Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era.

Vladimir Sergeevich brought samples to Novosibirsk, and specialists from the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy confirmed that the rock strata indeed belongs to the Cretaceous period and is marine. This means that 90 million years ago there was a sea in this area.

“If we take the Upper Cretaceous period, then it is 90-93 million years ago. It was a normal sea, with marine fauna and normal salinity,” says Vladimir Zykin.

For many decades, experts adhered to the hypothesis that the Altai Mountains began to form in the Devonian period - about 350 million years ago. Today we can say with confidence that this hypothesis has been refuted.

"It turns out that 90 million years ago in place Altai mountains there was a sea. And the mountains themselves began to grow much later - about 30 million years ago,” says the scientist.

The researcher discovered that Mesozoic sediments lie vertically. According to him, this suggests that in Altai there was another, more ancient stage of mountain building, unknown until now.

“Initially, Vladimir Zykin brought samples of ancient algae for research. Many experts at first did not believe that such a sea in Altai could even exist. Later, he found layers there with macrofauna - brachiopods and mollusks. We determined their age, and our guess was confirmed - the samples turned out to be of the Cretaceous period,” says Boris Nikolaevich Shurygin, Doctor of Geological Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

This year, Siberian scientists received a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research specifically to study this problem. Representatives of the Moscow State University worked in Altai, together with specialists from the Institute of Geology and Minerologists and the Institute of Oil and Gas Geology and Geophysics. state university.

“Three scientific institutions have united. We went to the Kosh-Agach region to specifically study rock outcrops. We discovered several outcrops of Cretaceous rocks, and we will look for more. Our project is designed for another two years,” says Boris Shurygin.

According to the scientist, this find changes a lot in the understanding of the geology of Altai. Here the sea must have extended for large territory. And this sea was warm. At the same time, the fauna that researchers discovered in the rock deposits is more reminiscent not of Siberian, but of the fauna of that time Caucasus region, Crimea and Donbass. Scientists suggest that the sea penetrated from these southern regions. Geologists now have to determine the contours of this entire ancient basin.

“In the Cretaceous period, there was also a sea in Western Siberia. But the fauna in Western Siberia and what we found in Altai are different. Now we have to look for how the fauna could be common in Altai and the Caucasus,” says Boris Shurygin.

“The Altai region is key to understanding many problems of geology. Western Siberia has been well studied. We know a lot about it. And it is believed that on the approach to Altai the sea basin closed. In the south, basins are also well known - in the Crimea, in the Caucasus. And Altai - something like a bridge between the southern and West Siberian basins, and this line runs differently than previously imagined,” the specialist notes.

The discovery of Siberian scientists changes the understanding of the formation of mountains and relief to southern territory Siberia. Today, it is the discovery of Siberian geologists that significantly changes ideas about the paleogeographic appearance of the Earth.

Spa doctors and rehabilitation medicine specialists unanimously assure: if during your vacation you want not only to relax, but also to improve your health, you need to choose Russian resorts. Neither in Turkey nor in pompous Baden-Baden will you find so many medical services, a selected staff of doctors specializing in sanatorium treatment. After all, Russian balneology dates back more than 300 years!

The Belokurikha resort is famous for its radon baths, which have a proven anti-aging effect. And antler baths perfectly combat male infertility.

Salty seas in Altai - where from?

And if you can’t imagine your holiday without sunny sandy beach on the seashore, go to... the Kulundinsky steppes of the Altai Territory. It would seem where to come from in the Altai steppes salty seas? The fact is that in prehistoric times the northwestern region of the Altai Territory was filled with the West Siberian Sea. Then it dried up, leaving behind thousands of bitter and salty lakes. Most of them contain bottom deposits of mineral salts (brine), which are similar in composition to Dead Sea salts.

The most popular lake among tourists is Bolshoye Yarovoye, where during hot summer days(in July the air temperature reaches +28 degrees and above) there are up to 15 thousand vacationers every day. The water in it is so salty that a person practically does not drown in it - it itself pushes him to the surface. No less popular among tourists are Maloye Yarovoye Lake, Gorko-Isheichechnoe, Malinovoye and others. Rapa, or silt mud, is used to treat neurological, therapeutic, surgical, gynecological, and dermatological diseases. Silt-sulfide and sapropel mud, sources of medicinal mineral water from the Zavyalovsky Lakes are recommended for patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Among the unique Altai lakes there are not only salty, but also fresh, and even alkaline.

Not show-offs, but antlers

The most powerful healing procedure that definitely cannot be found anywhere else in the world is pantotherapy. An extract from antlers—the antlers of a young deer—contains great amount biologically active substances. Adding such raw materials to water makes it healing.

In Altai, antler baths have long been used for rejuvenation. Official medicine recognizes that antler baths help increase immunity, the nervous system’s resistance to stress, lift the body out of a state of chronic fatigue and increase performance, normalize blood pressure and sleep, speed up recovery after surgery, and strengthen all vital systems of the body.

Antler baths perfectly restore male reproductive health. Research shows that sperm count and motility increase after a course of such procedures, which is important for men over 50 who want to have children. Deer are bred on farms in the Altai, Soloneshensky, Charyshsky, Krasnoshchekovsky, Krasnogorsky, Smolensky and Ust-Pristansky regions. Bases for tourists have been created almost everywhere.

It's going to be hot!

The choice is not easy. There are 44 sanatorium and resort institutions in the Altai Territory (of which 38 are large sanatoriums), where 9 thousand people can simultaneously relax and be treated.

The federal resort "Belokurikha" in the river valley of the same name, 75 km from Biysk, has been recognized as the best in Russia at the All-Russian Health Forum for the third year in a row.

In addition to pantotherapy, vacationers also have radon baths, which have a proven anti-aging effect. Radon waters from thermal springs(where springs with hot underground water come out of the ground) are used for diseases of the blood, cardiovascular system, brain, weakened immunity, and fatigue. And soon, a few kilometers from the “main” Belokurikha will start working new resort"Belokurikha-2". The project is included in the federal target program “Development of domestic and inbound tourism for 2011-2018.” Thanks to this, at the expense of the federal budget, by the end of 2015, all the necessary infrastructure will be created and the road will be built.

Not so long ago, a new mineral water deposit was discovered here - Iskrovskoye. In addition to the hydropathic and mud baths, and the medical and diagnostic building, there will be several ski slopes, sports complex, restaurants, clubs.

Altai is rich in deposits of drinking mineral waters. Moreover, many are unique in their medicinal composition. For example, mineral water The Bekhtemir deposit contains silver ions.

Drinking such water helps improve the functioning of the kidneys and digestive system, and improves immunity. And the legend says that whoever tastes the water from this source will gain a second youth. Indeed, in addition to silver, the water of this source is saturated with iron and selenium, and these microelements are necessary for maintaining male strength and an active sex life. Zavyalovsky and other sources are no less famous.

Experts say that even the microclimate in Altai resorts is no worse than in the Swiss mountainous Davos. Moreover, in terms of the content of air ions in the air (gas ions formed under the influence of cosmic radiation), which are called “air vitamins,” Altai even surpasses Davos.

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