Naroch National Park regime of protection and environmental management. Narochansky National Park. Ecological trail "Blue Lakes"

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EE Belarusian State Academy of Communications

Comparative characteristics of the Narochansky National Park and the Pripyatsky National Park

Prepared by student

Student of group TE-511

Kuzmin Ivan Petrovich


Comparative characteristics


national park conservation fauna

There are over 147,000 protected areas in the world, and this number is constantly growing; Protected areas cover an area of ​​19,300,000 square kilometers or 13% of the land surface - more than the area of ​​Africa. A conservation zone is an area that requires special protection due to its natural, cultural or other characteristics. Exists great amount protected areas, the level of protection of which depends on each state and international organizations. Examples are parks and nature reserves. The term "conservation zone" includes marine protected areas whose boundaries include part of the marine space.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature has developed and approved an international classification of protected natural areas, consisting of six categories (including two subcategories of the first category):

IA. Strict nature reserve-- Strict nature reserve (an area with untouched nature) - full protection.

I.B. Wilderness area -- A protected area managed primarily for conservation wildlife.

II. National park -- National Park-- protection of ecosystems combined with tourism.

III. Natural monument -- Natural monument- protection of natural attractions.

IV. Habitat/species management area -- Sanctuary -- conservation of habitats and species through active management.

V. Protected landscape/seascape -- Protected terrestrial and seascapes -- protection of terrestrial and seascapes and recreation.

VI. Managed resource protected area -- Protected areas with managed resources -- sparing use of ecosystems.

1 Reserve353 reserves

4 National Parks547 natural monuments

85 reserves

306 natural monuments

Areas of protected areas by regions of Belarus:

Wildlife sanctuaries:

Landscape-preservation of valuable natural complexes;

Biological - conservation and restoration of economically valuable rare and endangered species of plants and animals;

Hydrological - conservation of valuable water bodies;

In accordance with the state program, new environmental protection facilities are now being introduced annually. Many protected areas are changing their protection status. In the future, it is planned to increase the area of ​​the Pripyatsky National Park and create the Yelnya Nature Reserve on the basis of the reserve of the same name. Work is underway to justify the creation national parks Surazhsky (Vitebsk region), Belaya Rus (Logoisk region), Svisloch-Berezinsky (Mogilev region). Assignment planned

New status for the Naliboksky reserve.

Description of the Pripyatsky National Park

Location and history of the creation of the Pripyatsky National Park

The Pripyatsky National Park with an area of ​​85,841 hectares is located on the territory of the Zhitkovichi, Lelchitsky and Petrikovsky districts of the Gomel region. The administrative center of the national park is founded in the 10th century. the city of Turov is the capital of the ancient principality.

The Pripyatsky National Park was created in 1996 by order of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated October 2, 1996 No. 298rp on the basis of the reserve of the same name, which existed since 1969. During the reorganization process, the area of ​​the national park was significantly increased by including new territories of the riverine part of the Pripyat River . The national park has the international status of a key ornithological area.

Nature of Pripyatsky National Park

National Park "Pripyatsky" is located in the valley of the river. Pripyat is in the center of a large swampy lowland, formed as a result of the subsidence of the crystalline foundation. In the post-glacial period, Pripyat Polesie was a huge water basin filled with melted glacial waters, which later received the name “Pripyat Sea”. Gradually, as the reservoir shallowed, peat bogs formed in its place, some of which have survived to this day. Pripyatsky National Park includes the floodplain area of ​​the river. Pripyat and the first and second floodplain terraces covered with old forests. Of exceptional value are the floodplain landscapes of the park, where vast open meadows are mosaically interspersed with tracts of shrubs, swampy lowlands, areas of open forest, single mighty oak trees, numerous oxbow lakes, individual ridges and dunes. Such landscapes are most widespread in the floodplain of the river. Pripyat, the width of which varies downstream from 6-8 to 3-4 km. From southwest to northeast, at the southern border of the national park, there is a wide strip of raised and transitional swamps, partially covered with indigenous small-leaved (alder, downy birch) and pine forests. In some open areas, the height of hollows and thickets of herbaceous vegetation significantly exceeds the height of a person. On the highest steep ledges of the floodplain terrace there are settlements (Khvoensk, Khlupin, Snyadin, Mordvin, etc.) with adjacent arable lands, which add variety to the appearance of the national park.

Water bodies:

The main waterway of the national park is the river. The Pripyat is the largest and most abundant tributary of the Dnieper. The territory of the national park is limited by the tributaries of the Pripyat: from the north-west - the river. Stviga, from the east - the river. Clean up. The national park is characterized by a complex hydrographic network. Numerous small rivers flow through its territory: Staraya Ubort, Svinovod, Utvokha, Rov, Krushinnaya, Korostinka, etc. Part of the park’s territory is covered with a reclamation system (total length 280 km), created in 1873 - 1898. There are more than 300 floodplain (Plishchin, Skrypnitsa, Virki, Rechishche, etc.) and oxbow (Karasino, Dolgoe, Podluzhnitsa, Bobrovo, Lyuben, etc.) lakes. During the flood period, up to 70% of the national park territory can be covered with water.

The flora of the national park includes 943 species of vascular plants, including 38 species listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus, 196 species of moss, 184 species of lichens and 321 species of algae. Forests occupy 85% of the park's area. The most widespread are pine forests (50.3%) and oak forests (12.8%). Also in the park grow downy birch, warty birch, black alder, ash, hornbeam, aspen and other types of trees. In the flooded treeless part of the floodplain, on low ridges there are meadows with single ancient oaks. During high water, fish species such as bream, pike, sabrefish, roach and ide spawn in the shallow waters of flooded meadows. Forests growing in national park, are considered the best preserved among the floodplain forests of the Pripyat and Dnieper basins and are unique for the entire East European Plain. The second terrace above the floodplain is represented by the largest array of transitional and raised bogs in Europe with an area of ​​about 30 thousand hectares. In the south of the park, on sandy ridges, hillocks and dunes of the water-glacial plain, typical Polesie pine forests grow.

The composition of the fauna of the national park is characterized by high diversity, a significant number of rare species that are not found anywhere else in Belarus or have a limit of their distribution in this region. The park is home to 250 species of birds, 51 species of 28 mammals, 7 species of reptiles, 11 species of amphibians and 37 species of fish. These include 2 species of fish, 1 species of amphibian, 2 species of reptiles, 65 species of birds, 4 species of mammals listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus.

The communities that are richest in composition and have practically no analogues in the region are confined to the floodplain ecosystems of the Pripyat River.

The territory of the national park is a large reproductive center for many hunting and commercial animal species. Here are concentrated the most important habitats of rare species listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus, protected species of Europe, including those under global threat of extinction - the greater spotted eagle, the aquatic warbler, the corncrake, and the white-eyed duck. The numerous colonies of semi-aquatic and coastal bird species: waders, terns, herons, and gulls give the national park special scientific value and attractiveness. The floodplain forests of the park are home to quite significant population groups of such rare species as the black stork, white-tailed eagle, lesser spotted eagle, and green woodpecker. The park is home to mammals such as the badger, hazel dormouse, and others.

Floodplain areas play an extremely important role during the spring migration of waterfowl and wetland birds.

The Pripyat River valley is the most important migration corridor for birds flying from wintering grounds to Western Europe to nesting sites in the tundra and forest zone of the European part of Russia. Along the floodplain of the river Pripyat passes through one of the largest spring migration routes in Europe for geese (30-35 thousand individuals), wigeon (25-30 thousand), turukhtan (50-100 thousand) and other water birds. The forests of the national park support a fairly high number of the most important game species of ungulates - elk (aboriginal population), wild boar, and roe deer. Currently, the bison is being reacclimatized.

Description of the Narochansky National Park

The Narochan region is a unique corner of the nature of the Belarusian state, where numerous tourists like to come. It is the largest resort area of ​​the republic, where there are picturesque landscapes, healing springs, clean rivers and lakes.

Location and history of the creation of the Pripyatsky National Park The Narochansky National Park is part of the Belarusian Poozerie and is located 180 km from the capital. It was opened in 1991 in order to preserve and protect unique natural complexes. The main attraction of the park is Lake Naroch. There are many health resorts and holiday homes on the territory for guests who prefer health tourism. Naroch has long attracted tourists with its beauty and luxurious nature. Lovers of fishing, hunting, recreation, travelers and researchers came here. The first restaurant, villas, yacht club and marina were built on the shore of the lake at the beginning of the 20th century. During the first expedition in 1946 they found mineral springs And healing mud in lakes Dyagili, Shvakshty and Kuzmichi. All this led to the establishment of a resort here. Tourist houses and recreation centers began to be built on the Naroch coast, and in 1963 the Naroch sanatorium was opened. A little later, a children’s health camp “Zubrenok” and a holiday home “Naroch”, designed for 400 people, appeared here. Thus, a resort and health zone appeared in these places.

In the 70-80s, construction was actively taking place on the coast of Naroch. Then the Bobrovoye sanatorium, the Naroch tourist hotel, the Sosny sanatorium, the Sputnik boarding house and many other buildings to accommodate tourists appeared. In 1992, the resort’s health resorts accommodated up to 6 thousand guests per summer time and up to 4 thousand - in winter.

The Narochansky National Park was founded in 1999 to preserve the wealth of nature: landscapes, biological diversity, flora and fauna.

There are many legends about Naroch. One of them tells that once on the shore there lived beautiful girl named Nara. She loved to sit on the shore and sing melodious songs. Her singing was heard by the old gentleman, who immediately wanted to take Nara as his wife. The girl refused because she already had a fiancé. Then the servants of the evil master killed the guy, and brought the girl to the master. Before the wedding, Nara started a fire in the palace and tried to escape, but the palace guards caught up with her on the shore. She realized that she could not escape the chase and rushed into the water. Since then, the lake has been named after her.

Park zones

Since the park has the status of a conservation area, it is divided into functional zones.

1. Adjustable zone.

In the zone, picking berries and mushrooms, making hay, grazing livestock, and fishing are allowed. Tourism and other activities are organized here that do not interfere with the purposes of the zone.

2. Protected area.

You cannot be in the zone without special permission. Any activity is prohibited, with the exception of security and scientific research.

3. Economic zone.

The zone contains administrative and utility buildings. Various activities are carried out here: Tourism, Agricultural, Industrial and economic, Trade and economic

4. Recreational area.

The zone contains buildings intended for tourism and recreation, sanatorium-resort treatment and cultural and recreational activities. There are beaches, forests, forest edges and clearings.

The flora on the territory of the Naroch Park reflects the typical structure of subtaiga deciduous-spruce forests in the southwest of the Belarusian Poozerie. The flora of the national park contains about 900 species of higher plants, of which more than 30 are rare and endangered species. The modern vegetation cover of the territory under consideration is represented by forests, meadows, swamps and bushes. The largest forests are confined to the southwestern spurs of the Sventsyansky ridges and the Prinarochansko-Myadel elevated part of the Narochsko-Vileya lowland. Swamp and meadow vegetation has undergone strong changes. Significant areas of swamps (lowland and transitional types) and swampy meadows have undergone hydraulic reclamation.

Reservoirs occupy approximately a fifth of the park and belong to the Neman and Western Dvina basins. The rivers Stracha, Narochanka, Uzlyanka, Sviritsa also flow here. Within the boundaries of the national park there are 43 lakes, including 4 groups: Narochanskaya, Myadelskaya, Boldukskaya and Svirskaya. The pearls of the region are the largest lake in Belarus Naroch (area 79.6 km²), Myastro, Batorino. About 48% of the park is covered with pine forests and birch groves. The flora is distinguished by the diversity of mosses, lichens, fungi, and algae. There are more than 1,400 species of higher plants, of which 114 are listed in the Red Book of Belarus, including the most beautiful Belarusian orchid, the lady's slipper.

The network of reservoirs creates conditions for the existence of a rich complex of aquatic animals: fish, coastal terrestrial vertebrates; provides the opportunity for the concentration of a variety of waterfowl here during seasonal migrations. The territory of the national park is home to at least 243 species of terrestrial vertebrates: 10 species of amphibians; 5 types of reptiles; at least 179 species of nesting and about 40 species of migratory, wintering, and visiting birds; 49 species of mammals. Of the region's ornithocomplexes, the richest is the forest one, which includes 95 species of birds. Among them are such species of the northern taiga complex as hazel grouse, northern owl, nutcracker, etc. The aquatic ornithocomplex, which includes 35 species, is fairly fully represented. Birds of open spaces are represented by 32 species, of raised bogs - include 3 rare species (ptarmigan, curlew, gray shrike), settlements-- 14 species. The forests of the Naroch region are winter habitats for ungulates and are not able to ensure the existence of any large populations of elk, wild boar, and roe deer throughout the year. In the ichthyofauna of the rivers and lakes of the region, 32 species of fish were noted, including brook trout , chub, minnow, bystryanka, char, stickleback, vendace, nelyad, whitefish, ide, etc. In this territory, areas of special faunal value are identified: the area of ​​the Cheremshitsa reserve, in whose territory the badger, black-throated loon, and great bittern live , goldeneye, merganser, etc. In the area of ​​Lake Dyagili, white partridge, gray crane, osprey, viper, etc. live. In the forest area between Lake Shvakshty and the reserve " Blue Lakes» inhabited by the badger, goldeneye, merganser, black stork, eagle owl, etc.


National Park "Narochansky"

Pripyatsky National Park


Year and purpose of creation

Preservation of unique natural complexes, more complete and effective use of recreational opportunities natural resources Myadel region and adjacent territories

Preservation of unique natural complexes, more complete and effective use of recreational opportunities

Narochansky National Park

38 years younger than Pripyatsky, the purpose of creation coincides.


Covers the northwestern part of the Minsk region, the western part of the Vitebsk and northern part Grodno region

Located in the floodplain of the Pripyat basin in the Zhitkovichi, Lelchitsy and Petrikovsky districts.

Narochansky National Park

located much


than Pripyatsky National Park

97.3 thousand hectares

188.5 thousand hectares

Pripyatsky National Park

much larger


Protected species

Lady's slipper.

alpine grass, common sword grass, forest tulip, common ram, lady's slipper, common millipede, forest anemone, dark red sedum, unifoliate pulpwort, ovoid hiding place

long-nosed merganser, common goldeneye, bittern, osprey, curlew, common crane

196 species of moss, 184 species of lichen and 321 species of algae. 2 fish species, 1 amphibian species, 2 reptile species, 65 bird species, 4 mammal species

In the Pripyatsky National Park

More protected species than


Comparative characteristics

In 2013, Pripyat National Park entered the TOP-15 territories of Belarus for

biodiversity according to public organization“Akhova bird Father’s father”, as a territory under threat. The reason was numerous complaints about the style of environmental management of the national park management - primarily the development of spring hunting and the intensification of logging.

The Narochansky region is located in the transition zone of two historical and ethnographic regions - Ponemanya and Podvinya (Poozerye). Archaeological sites of the second half of the 1st and beginning of the 2nd millennium AD. e. indicate the cohabitation of Baltic and Slavic tribes in this territory.

The oldest archaeological monuments of the Naroch region belong to the Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age) and date back to the 7th-6th millennium BC. e. (parking near the villages of Kusevshchina, Strugolapy, Laposi, Krasyany). The cultural layer of the Neolithic era, known from excavations near the villages of Nikoltsy and Kochergi (the culture of pit-comb ceramics) dates back to the 4th - 3rd millennium BC. e. Monuments of the Corded Ware culture are presented archaeological finds near the villages of Nikoltsy, Rybka, Rasokha (Bronze Age sites 2200-700 BC). Traces of the ancient Iron Age are relatively well preserved in the form of burial mounds, fortifications and settlements (the villages of Oleshki, Guski, Shklyanikovo, Zasvir, etc.).

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Narochansky National Park is a fairly large and beautiful park, which is located on the territory of Belarus. It covers several regions at once, and its total area is approximately 97.3 thousand hectares. There are quite a lot of different lakes in the park; experts count about 40. Untouched forests, in which there are a huge number of rare animals, are what surround all these lakes. In this park you can see several different groups of lakes: Myadel, Narochan, Boldku.

One of the main reasons for pride in this park is the lake, which is called Naroch. It is the largest natural reservoir in the entire country. The lake is quite deep and is 13 kilometers long. A lot of small streams and one river flow into it. Due to the presence of very clean water, various fish can be raised here.

In addition to the lake itself, here you can find opportunities for fishing or horse riding - in the resort village, which is located near the lake, there is everything you need so that you can spend your time profitably free time. There is a village near Naroch where you can see a huge number of different cultural and historical monuments. We are talking about Myadel. There is a lake there called Myastro. in its center there is a small island, which is full of evidence of ancient life, fragments of buildings and much more. There is also a beautiful church, which was built on one of the coastal hills.

Besides it, there are two more churches that are located in Naroch. There are a huge number of temples here that you simply must visit, otherwise your trip to these parts will be in vain. These are the walls of the Carmelite monastery, which is located in Zasvir, and the church built in Krivichi; it has its own magic and unique atmosphere that attracts tourists.

Several ancient monuments that are of value to archaeologists have remained here since Mesolithic times, these are various sites of ancient people.

The Neolithic era is represented by several finds of ceramics made by local archaeologists. Traces of the period called the Iron Age can be seen in mounds, burial grounds, various settlements, all of which are very well preserved to this day.

If we consider the characteristics of the plant world, then there are many plants that can grow only in a given area and in a certain climate.

There are a huge number of species that are on the verge of extinction and therefore need elevated level protection. All presented flora may disappear over time if due attention is not paid to this issue. The territory of the park is mainly covered with ordinary forests; there are also swampy areas, or wide meadows, which occupy a significant proportion of the entire park. In the depths of the park itself you can find a huge variety of bushes.

The Narochansky National Park with an area of ​​94,000 hectares is located on the territory of the Myadel and Vileika districts of the Minsk region, the Postavy district of the Vitebsk region and the Smorgon region of the Grodno region. The administrative center is located in the resort village of Naroch.

The Narochansky National Park was created by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus on July 28, 1999 No. 447 in order to preserve unique natural complexes, more fully and effectively use the recreational opportunities of the natural resources of the Myadel region and adjacent territories.

Nature of Narochansky National Park

The territory of the Narochansky National Park has a rather complex landscape structure. Within its borders, as well as on the territory of Poozerie as a whole, hilly-moraine-lacustrine landscapes predominate, which are characterized by a high degree of development. The relief is dominated by hills 10–20 m high, usually forming ridges. Natural vegetation has been preserved mainly along the tops of hills and along the bottoms of basins. In small contours in the northwestern, northern and central parts of the national park, kama-moraine-lake landscapes, unique for the territory of the republic, are spread, the topography of which is a combination of kama, moraine, and, less often, esker hills and ridges with lakes, basins, and hollows. The most valuable and picturesque area of ​​such landscapes is located in the Sventsyanskaya ridge - natural complex"Blue Lakes". To the western and northwestern shores of the lake. Naroch, south coast lake B. Shvakshta and the territory located north of the village of Konstantinovo are confined to water-glacial and outwash landscape complexes with undulating and flat-undulating relief.

In the southern part of the national park, largely reclaimed lacustrine-alluvial landscapes are common, in some areas of which (south of Lake Vishnevskoye and northeast of Lake Myadel) natural forest vegetation is well preserved. Of significant value from the standpoint of preserving the landscape diversity of the Naroch region are the few lake-marsh complexes (forest and swamp area surrounding Lake Dyagili) and the valleys of small rivers - Naroch and Malinovka.

The hydrographic network of the Narochansky National Park is represented by numerous lakes, small rivers and drainage canals. Of particular value are the lakes of the park, which are combined into several lake groups.

The Naroch group includes the interconnected lakes Batorino, Myastro, Naroch and Beloe. A special place among water bodies is occupied by Lake Naroch, the largest in Belarus (area about 80 km2, water mass volume 0.7 km3). Possessing hydrocarbonate-calcium water of unique quality and a wide littoral zone composed of pure quartz sand, it is the most important recreational resource of the national park. The lake occupies a round asymmetrical basin. The northern and northeastern slopes are high and abrasive, while in other parts of the coast they are flat sandy. The banks are covered with forests, which are mainly represented by pine forests. Lake Myastro is a large medium-deep body of water with a rugged coastline. The northern and northeastern slopes are steep, in other places they are gentle with low, swampy banks. Lake Batorino, the first in the chain of lakes, is a small body of water with poor water quality.

The Myadel group includes a number of medium and small deep reservoirs. The largest and deepest in its composition is Lake Myadel, the most deep lakes Volchino and Rudakovo, medium-deep lakes Lotviny, Khodos and Rossokhi and shallow Kuzmichi. Most high quality The waters are distinguished by lakes Rudakovo, Myadel and Volchino. The Shvakshta group includes lakes Big and Small Shvakshty and lake. White-headed. Large in area, but shallow and weakly flowing, Lake B. Shvakshty is popular among tourists and amateur fishermen. There are several tourist sites on its shore.

The Bolduc group of lakes is located on the territory of the former Blue Lakes reserve. It includes lakes Bolduk, Glublya, Glubelka, Yachmenets, Imsharets, and Mertvoe. Lake Bolduk, Glublya and Glubelka are deep flowing reservoirs. The largest of them is Lake Bolduc (area 0.78 km2, maximum depth 39.7 m). The lakes are distinguished by deep basins, clean water and the absence of pronounced environmental disturbances. The lakes of the Bolduc group are characterized by exceptionally high aesthetic characteristics, but are extremely sensitive to anthropogenic loads and require special protection.

The Svir group of lakes includes large shallow lakes Svir, Vishnevskoye and a number of smaller lakes - Svirnische, Glukhoye, Tuscha, etc. The lowest water quality was noted in lakes Svir and Slobodskoye, the water in lake is much cleaner. Vishnevskoe.

The small rivers Naroch and Stracha flow through the territory of the national park. The Naroch River originates from the lake. Naroch. It has a poorly defined valley with a noticeable floodplain 300 - 600 m wide. The channel is winding, partially canalized, 8–16 m wide. The Stracha River flows from the lake. M. Shvakshty, has a poorly developed valley with gentle slopes, a narrow (50 - 150 m) floodplain. The channel is very winding, 10 - 20 m wide. The rivers are traditionally used for water tourism.

The flora on the territory of the national park reflects the typical structure of subtaiga deciduous-spruce forests in the southwest of the Belarusian Lake District. The flora of the national park contains about 900 species of higher plants, of which more than 30 are rare and endangered species. The modern vegetation cover of the territory under consideration is represented by forests, meadows, swamps and shrubs. The largest forest tracts are confined to the southwestern spurs of the Sventsyansky ridges and the Prinarochsko-Myadel elevated part of the Narochsko-Vilei lowland. Swamp and meadow vegetation has undergone significant changes. Significant areas of swamps (lowland and transitional types) and swampy meadows have undergone hydraulic reclamation.

On the territory of the national park there are a number of natural objects valuable from a faunistic point of view. These include the Blue Lakes, Cheremshitsa, Nekasetsky, Stepsonki, Rudakovo, and Urliki tracts.

The Blue Lakes tract has the status of a key botanical area of ​​international importance. The forests are predominantly pine and spruce. The flora contains 538 species of higher plants, including 30 species listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus. Among them are Alpine jarutka, common sword grass, forest tulip, common ram, lady's slipper, common millipede, forest anemone, dark red sedum, unifoliate pulpweed, ovoid cache, etc. Bryophytes and lichens are represented by 115 species, including 59 rare .

The Cheremshitsa tract is of significant interest as a little disturbed hydrologically closed area with a rich set of plant communities. Within its boundaries there are raised, transitional and lowland swamps. The vegetation cover is dominated by pine forests with the participation of spruce and oak. The flora includes 306 species of higher plants, of which 9 are protected at the national level. Of particular interest is the population of dwarf birch, as well as a complex of relict species of bryophytes and lichens.

The Nekasetsky tract consists of two shallow, swampy ravines in the center, in which rare and endangered plant species grow. Of particular interest among the endangered species is the male orchis. Its population here is represented by separate large groups and even thickets, which are located along the southeastern slope of the ravine for about 800 m. This is one of the largest populations in the republic. On the middle and upper slopes of the gently sloping ravine grows a very rare species - orchis dremlik. The entire swampy area of ​​the ravine is covered with dense thickets of European swimmer. Among the bushes located along the edge of the swamp, in the damp meadow and even near dirt roads, Siberian iris grows in small and large groups, which occasionally forms thickets. In wet meadows and on the outskirts of a transitional swamp, the imbricated swordweed is occasionally found in small groups. In the meadow and among the thickets of bushes there are single plants and small groups of peach bell, bifolia and spring primrose.

Tract "Pasynki". The vegetation includes dry meadows with the participation of steppe and forest-steppe species in the grass stand. Of particular value among them are such relict plants as broadleaf speedwell, Geneva grasshopper, wood anemone, spring sedge, green strawberry, mountain mustard, young shoot, etc.

Tract "Rudakovo". Within the tract there are 14 species of rare protected plant species, as well as a number of species that require preventive protection. Dremlik orchis, cruciform gentian, bifolia bifolia, spring primrose grow in the dry meadows, as well as such rare species as green half-petal, long-horned cuckoo, bitter gentian, Baltic palmate root, ovate ovate, common grasshopper, and broadleaf speedwell. In rarefied pine forests Arnica montana, dark red dremlik, and broadleaf lumbago are found. In birch forests, mixed forests on the edges and clearings, as well as in thickets of bushes, common columbine, peach-leaved bellflower, grandiflora foxglove, noble coppice, and smooth chin grow. Along the outskirts of swamps, in the floodplains of rivers and streams, on damp meadows you can find the Siberian killer whale and the European swimmer.

Animals of Narochasnsky National Park

The area of ​​Lake Naroch is distinguished by its diverse fauna. The network of reservoirs creates conditions for the existence of a rich complex of aquatic animals: fish, coastal terrestrial vertebrates; provides the opportunity for the concentration of a variety of waterfowl here during seasonal migrations. The territory of the national park is home to at least 243 species of terrestrial vertebrates: 10 species of amphibians; 5 types of reptiles; at least 179 species of nesting and about 40 species of migratory, wintering, and visiting birds; 49 species of mammals.

Of the region's ornithocomplexes, the richest is the forest one, which includes 95 species of birds. Among them are such species of the northern taiga complex as hazel grouse, woolly owl, nutcracker, etc. The aquatic ornithocomplex, which includes 35 species, is quite fully represented. Birds of open spaces are represented by 32 species, raised bogs - include 3 rare species (ptarmigan, curlew, gray shrike), populated areas - 14 species.

The forests of the Naroch region are winter habitats for ungulates and are not able to ensure the existence of any large populations of elk, wild boar, and roe deer throughout the year.

In the ichthyofauna of the rivers and lakes of the region, 32 species of fish were noted, including brook trout, chub, minnow, quicksand, char, stickleback, vendace, elfish, whitefish, ide, etc. In the territory under consideration, areas of special faunal value were identified: region the Cheremshitsa reserve, whose territory is home to the badger, black-throated loon, bittern, goldeneye, merganser, etc.; lake area Angelica (ptarmigan, common crane, osprey, viper, etc.); forest area between the lake. Shvakshty and the Blue Lakes reserve (badger, goldeneye, merganser, black stork, eagle owl, etc.).

Additional information about Narochansky National Park

The Narochansky region is a transition zone of two historical and ethnographic regions - Ponemanya and Podvinya (Poozerye). Archaeological sites of the second half of the 1st and beginning of the 2nd millennium AD. e. indicate the cohabitation of Baltic and Slavic tribes in this territory.

The oldest archaeological monuments of the Naroch region belong to the Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age) and date back to the 7th – 6th millennium BC. (parking near the villages of Kusevshchina, Strugolapy, Laposi, Krasyany). The Neolithic cultural layer, known from excavations near the villages of Nikoltsy and Kochergi (pit-comb ceramic culture), dates back to the 4th – 3rd millennium BC. e. Monuments of the Corded Ware culture are represented by archaeological finds near the villages of Nikoltsy, Rybka, Rasokha (Bronze Age sites 2200 - 700 BC). Traces of the ancient Iron Age are relatively well preserved in the form of burial mounds, fortifications and settlements (the villages of Oleshki, Guski, Shklyanikovo, Zasvir, etc.).

Architectural monuments on the territory of the national park are represented by religious buildings (Stanislavsky Church of the 17th century in the city of Myadel; St. Andrew's Church and church in the village of Naroch; St. Nicholas Church and a wooden church in the city of Svir; Carmelite monastery of the 18th century in the village of Zasvir; Church of the 19th century in the village of Konstantinovo; Church of the Mother of God in the town of Krivichi, etc.), estate complexes and ancient parks (villages of Naroch, Svir, villages of Konstantinovo, Komarovo, Olshevo, etc.) .

The most protected species:

    Birds black stork gray crane pine trees like curlew large partridge white hazel grouse osprey shrike gray eagle owl

    Mammals badgerbankossalos

    Reptiles or reptiles viper

    Bony fish Lake chub European vendace

Narochansky National Park, a photo of which can be seen in all advertising tourist brochures of the Republic of Belarus, is located on the territory of four districts in the west of the Minsk region. These are Myadel, Vileika, Postavy and Smorgon districts. The park stretches for 34 km from north to south, and 59 km from east to west. The administration of the reserve is located in the village of Naroch.

General information

Today Narochansky National Park covers an area of ​​97.3 thousand hectares. Of these, 66.8 thousand are integral part park, the remaining lands belong to other land users. These are agricultural enterprises.

Purpose of Education

In 1999, by Decree of the President of Belarus, the Narochansky National Park was established. - preservation of the natural complex and group of lakes, flora and fauna characteristic of the Belarusian Lake District.

The territory of the park is protected by the park inspector and ranger service and forestry workers.

Naroch National Park - regime of protection and environmental management

In order to maintain the status of a conservation area, Narochansky Park is divided into functional zones. They all have their own corresponding mode:

1. A protected area occupying 8.4% of the park’s territory. It is prohibited for unauthorized persons to be here without special permission.
This zone includes:

  • most of the Blue Lakes complex;
  • marsh massif "Cheremshitsa";
  • 350 hectares of forest,
  • island on Lake Naroch.

All types of activities are prohibited here, except for security measures and scientific work.

2. Zone of regulated (partial) use. It occupies 57.6% of total area parka. In the designated areas you are allowed to cut hay, graze livestock, pick berries and mushrooms, and fish. Reforestation work, excursions and other activities that do not contradict the purpose of the zone are allowed.

3. Recreational area (1.2%)

It was created to accommodate sanatorium-resort treatment, recreation and entertainment facilities local residents and guests for various public events. This zone includes sanatoriums and health resorts, beaches, parks, meadows, where there are many vacationers.

4. Economic zone (32.8%)

Designed for the construction of structures, economic and industrial activities, trade and tourism.


Naroch National Park is of great interest to scientists all over the world. This is due to the wide variety of vegetation in this area. This region belongs to the subzone of dark coniferous oak forests, which are dominated by coniferous tracts, lowland-dry meadows and high-moor peatlands.

The vegetation cover covers more than 50 thousand hectares. These places are characterized by rowan and juniper in the undergrowth, and with huge quantities of lingonberries, heather, mosses and lichens.

There are birch-aspen and birch forests and alder forests. Some areas are occupied by broad-leaved conifers and with an understory of honeysuckle, hazel, buckthorn euonymus, and grass cover dominated by bracken.

Rare plants

The list of endangered and rare species already listed in the Red Book includes more than thirty species. These are mountain arnica, spring primrose, forest anemone, meadow lumbago, noble coppice, orchis, etc.

To expand the collection fund of trees and shrubs, increase the range of material needed for planting and significantly expand the seed base in the park, work is underway to create an arboretum, which will occupy an area of ​​more than sixteen hectares.

Animal world

Naroch National Park, whose flora and fauna is surprisingly diverse, has a network of reservoirs, which allows the existence huge complex aquatic animals. These are fish, terrestrial coastal vertebrates, and a huge number of waterfowl, especially during migration. The park is home to at least 243 species of vertebrate animals (terrestrial).


Local forests are especially rich in birds - ninety-five species of birds are concentrated in them. Among them are representatives of the northern taiga complex, such as the woolly owl, hazel grouse, nutcracker and others. The aquatic ornithocomplex is also represented by 35 species. Birds living in open spaces number 33 species, 2 rare species live in the raised swamps - the great curlew. 14 species of birds can be found near populated areas.


The forests of the Naroch region have become winter habitats for ungulates. They are not able to support large populations of wild boar, elk, and roe deer throughout the year.


Naroch National Park can be proud of the presence of 32 species of fish in rivers and lakes. Among them are minnow, chub, char, bystryanka, stickleback and others.

Lakes and rivers

Naroch National Park differs from many other institutions of this type in its extensive hydrographic network. Of particular interest to scientists are the lakes of the park, which are combined into several groups:

Small rivers

Naroch National Park has the Naroch and Stracha rivers on its territory.

Naroch originates from the lake of the same name. It has a valley with a noticeable floodplain, the width of which is from 300 to 600 meters. The river bed is winding and canalized in some areas. Width - from 8 to 16 meters.

The Stracha River originates in Lake M. Shvakshty and is distinguished by a poorly developed valley with gentle slopes and a narrow floodplain. The channel is very winding, its width is 15 meters. These rivers are perfect for water tourism.


There are 36 natural monuments of local and republican significance in Narochansky Park. The following nature reserves have been created here:

  • "Blue Lakes".
  • "Shvakshty" and "Cheremshitsy".
  • "Cherevki Peninsula".
  • “Rudakovo”, “Nekasetsky”, “Stepsons”.

There is a large resort area of the Republic of Belarus, which unites 11 sanatoriums and boarding houses. Nowadays it is actively developing thanks to the successful implementation of the state program.

In the Narochansky Park, about 30 routes have been developed for tourists, multi-day cycling, walking and water trips. 16 tourist camps have been built on the shores of nine lakes.

In the summer, everyone can take a helicopter trip and explore these scenic spots from high. In addition, you can take part in fishing and hunting tours, go underwater hunting, and diving.


Many tourists will probably be interested in the dendrological garden. It was created in 2002 on the shores of lakes Myastro and Naroch and bears the name of S. A. Gomza. A unique collection of 400 species of trees, herbs and shrubs is presented here.

How to get there, where to stay

Today, many come to relax in the Narochansky National Park. How to get here? Quite simple. The most convenient way to get there is by car, along the roads in the direction of the village of Naroch. The journey from Minsk will take no more than 2 hours.

They go from the central one minibuses and buses. The route Minsk - Naroch is suitable for you.

All guests are offered to stay in a comfortable modern complex"On purpose." You can also stay in a hotel or camping cottages.

Naroch region is a unique natural treasury and the largest resort region Belarus. Picturesque landscapes, clean lakes and rivers, healing mineral springs attract guests from all over the world.

"Narochansky" located in the north-west of the country and is part of the Belarusian Lake District.

Narochansky region

Narochansky region known for its natural diversity and the special landscape that was formed during the retreat Valdai glacier near 15-20 thousand years ago. It was then that the famous Naroch lakes.

Reservoirs occupy approximately a fifth of the park and are classified as swimming pools Neman And Western Dvina. The rivers Stracha, Narochanka, Uzlyanka, and Sviritsa also flow here.

Within the boundaries of the national park there is 43 lakes, including 4 groups: Narochanskaya, Myadelskaya, Boldukskaya and Svirskaya. Pearls of the region - the biggest lake Belarus Naroch(area 79.6 km²), Myastro, Batorino.

About 48% of the park's territory is covered with pine forests and birch groves. The flora is distinguished by a variety of mosses, lichens, fungi, and algae.

There are more than 1400 species higher plants, of which 114 are listed in the Red Book of Belarus, including the most beautiful Belarusian orchid - lady's slipper.

Fauna present 314 species vertebrates: European red deer, wild boar, elk, roe deer, raccoon dog, badger, marten, mink, otter, beaver, muskrat...

Thanks to the abundance of reservoirs and swamps, they are inhabited by 218 bird species, among them more 51 from the Red Book of Belarus: great bittern, osprey, gray crane...

IN Naroch lakes and rivers found around 35 types of fish: pike, roach, perch, bream, crucian carp, silver bream, ruff...

History of the Narochansky National Park

Since ancient times the surrounding area Naroch attracted lovers of recreation, hunting and fishing, researchers and travelers with the beauty and richness of nature.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, private villas, a restaurant, a yacht club, a pier for sailing boats were built on the shore of the lake, and country trains ran here.

In 1946, during the first scientific expedition, they discovered sources mineral waters And healing mud(sapropels) in lakes Kuzmichi, Shvakshty and Dyagili. This became the basis for the creation of a climatic and balneological resort.

At the end of the 50s, active construction of tourist centers and holiday homes began in coast of Naroch. Already in 1963 opened in 2009, later - the Naroch holiday home, a children's health camp "Zubrenok"

In the 60-70s, a major country emerged on the territory of the Naroch region.

National Park "Narochansky" was formed in 1999 for the conservation of landscapes, biological diversity and the genetic fund of flora and fauna.

National Park "Narochansky" today

The park territory occupies more than 87 thousand hectares, and besides protected areas(8.4%) includes sanatorium-resort and economic zones. The length of the park from north to south is 34 km, from west to east – 59 km.

In the park - 36 natural monuments republican and local significance. Placed here especially valuable natural complexes. These are the reserves:

    "Blue Lakes" (landscape)

    "Cheremshitsy" and "Shvakshty" (hydrological)

    "Cherevki Peninsula" (geological)

    "Nekasetsky", "Rudakovo", "Stepchildren" (biological)

The largest resort area in Belarus is located on the territory of the park, uniting 11 sanatoriums and health centers. Today it is actively being transformed thanks to the implementation.

The national park has developed about 30 excursion routes , multi-day trips are organized hiking, cycling and boat trips. There are 9 lakes on the coasts 16 tourist sites.

In addition, in the summer you can take a helicopter trip and see most beautiful places bird's-eye. The park also organizes hunting and fishing tours, spearfishing, diving.

The park's territory contains the most interesting ecological routes:

    "Blue Lakes"

Natural complex "Blue Lakes"

"Blue Lakes"– a unique hilly-lake natural complex: its glacial landform formed tens of thousands of years ago. Flora has more than 500 plant species, of which about 30 – from the Red Book of Belarus. In 2005, the natural complex received the status key botanical area.

Of particular interest is Bolduc lake group, uniting more than 10 reservoirs. Lake Bolduk is one of the deepest in Belarus (more than 46 m). Also here is the second largest and most powerful in Belarus Boltiksky spring.

Rare Plants Park

On the territory of a geological natural monument "Cherevki Peninsula" located Rare Plants Park, in which more than 10 rare species from the Red Book of Belarus and protected in Europe grow.


IN 2002 on the banks lakes Naroch and Myastro created dendrological garden named after S.A. Gomza, where an amazing collection of about 400 species of trees, shrubs, grasses. This is also where Forest Museum, where you can observe the life of a tree at different stages of development.

How to get there and where to stay

National Park "Narochansky" located on the territory Myadelsky and partly Vileika districts, Postavy district and Smorgon district.

Administrative center - resort village Naroch(Myadel district). Distance from Minsk – 160 km, from Vitebsk – 280 km, from Grodno – 350 km.

It is more convenient to get there by car, having familiarized yourself with and choosing the routes in the direction of Myadel. The road from Minsk to big lake Belarus takes about 2 hours (P58, P28).

From Minsk from the Central bus station they run buses and minibuses. The most suitable routes are Minsk - checkpoint Naroch, Minsk – Myadel.

Tourists can stay in a comfortable hotel complex"Naroch", hotel and cottages camping "Naroch"(12 km from the village). In addition, it is available to guests.


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