Blue Lagoon Garden of Eden Canadian lakes. Blue Lagoon - geothermal pool in Iceland (22 photos). Healing water of the Blue Lagoon

Geothermal complex Blue Lagoon, formed around a complex of natural pools, is one of Iceland's most popular natural attractions. About 300 thousand people visit the resort every year. The first areas equipped for swimming appeared in the Blue Lagoon in the mid-80s of the last century. Hot springs of azure, soft blue and milky shades wash the lava piles, creating contrasting landscapes.

The complex of volcanic origin has unique healing and healing properties, known since 1976. The minerals contained in the water, sea salt, sulfur and even blue-green algae can cure skin diseases. People can swim here even in winter: the water in deep reservoirs maintains a comfortable temperature from +37°C to +40°C throughout the year.

Working hours

Blue Lagoon open daily, all year round. Opening hours from June 1 to June 30 - from 9:00 to 21:00, from July 1 to August 15 - from 9:00 to midnight, from August 16 to 30 - from 9:00 to 21:00, from September 1 to May 31 - from 10:00 to 20:00. An exception is the New Year and Christmas holidays; during the period from December 23 to January 1, the schedule should be checked on the Blue Lagoon website. Guests can stay in the thermal complex for 45 minutes after closing.

Cost of visit

Price entrance ticket depends on the season. From September 1 to May 31, the cost of visiting Blue Lagoon is 33 euros for adults, 15 euros for teenagers 14 and 15 years old. From June 1 to August 31, admission for adults will cost 40 euros, for teenagers 14 and 15 years old - also 15 euros. Children under 13 years old have free admission if accompanied by an adult.

More detailed information You can find out about the cost of beauty treatments, as well as renting bathrobes and towels on the Blue Lagoon website.

All Blue Lagoon Resort guests receive a magnetic chip bracelet that serves as the key to their personal locker. You must have a swimsuit with you; Towels and bathrobes can be rented for an additional fee. The changing rooms are divided into men's and women's areas. There are showers (shampoo and shower gel are provided free of charge). Also, a bracelet with a chip is used to pay for drinks and snacks in the bar and restaurant of the thermal complex, so it is better to leave money and other things in the locker.

No special shoes are required to visit the Blue Lagoon; There are no rocky areas where you can injure your feet on the territory of the complex. Regular flip-flops will suffice.

The water in the pools is renewed every two days.

On the territory of the Blue Lagoon geothermal complex there is a hotel of the same name with 15 rooms. The cost of accommodation depends on the season and ranges from 190 to 280 euros per day for Double Room. An extra bed will cost 80 euros per night. Breakfast and access to the Blue Lagoon are included in the room rate.

There is a special section on the Blue Lagoon website where you can consult or ask questions about the features of the resort.

How to get there

The Blue Lagoon geothermal complex is located 38 kilometers southwest of; travel time from the capital bus station- 45 minutes. You can also get to the resort from international airport Keflavík, located 15 kilometers northwest of Blue Lagoon. Travel time is about twenty minutes. Shuttle Buses operate between Reykjavik, the airport and the thermal baths several times a day throughout the year. Tours to the Blue Lagoon are also organized by local tour operators Reykjavik Excursions and Iceland Excursions. The fare is from 3200 ISK (~$32.0) per person round trip; Teenagers from 12 to 17 years old usually receive a 50% discount. Children under 11 years old travel free of charge.

The resort has free storage rooms where you can leave suitcases and bags if necessary.


The Blue Lagoon geothermal complex is located on the Reykjanes Peninsula, in the southwest. Exact coordinates: 63°88 N, 22°45 W.

No, these are not photoshop tricks: the water in the Blue Lagoon really has this color, milky blue, a delicate, unearthly shade that is rarely seen in nature. This color comes from the silicon dioxide contained in this water, which makes it incredibly beneficial for the skin. Add to this the pleasant temperature of 38-40 degrees, and you will understand how the Blue Lagoon has managed to become a major tourist attraction in Iceland.

This lake appeared after a geothermal power plant was built in the vicinity of Grindavik, known for its geothermal activity, and the underground steam condensate it produced was simply drained nearby. But silica clogged the pores of the lava fields, and water began to collect in small lake where they loved to swim local residents. Now on the site of this lake there is the Blue Lagoon spa, although around it there are also plenty of reservoirs of various shapes filled with heavenly colored water.

Despite the fact that Iceland is cold in winter and not very hot in summer, visitors to the Blue Lagoon swim under the water all year round. open air. The reason for this is the water temperature, which does not allow you to freeze even in the winter cold (although snow and strong winds do not add comfort). The Blue Lagoon looks something like this, and by clicking on the photo below, you will open it in high resolution so you can see it in detail.

It is best not to come to the Blue Lagoon “from the street”, but to act smarter by going to the website of this complex in advance and booking a visit for a certain time. The ticket you purchased, depending on its type, may include the following additional options:

  • face masks made from local clay and blue-green algae that live in the lagoon water;
  • towel, robe and slippers;
  • free drink at the lagoon bar, which is located right in the water;
  • and other bonuses.

Once you have entered the Blue Lagoon, you can stay here all day, and then walk around the area and admire the quaint ponds with the same unusual water.

However, the Blue Lagoon is not a water park, and there is no particular point in staying here for more than two, or maximum three, hours. As additional entertainment there is a sauna, a Turkish steam room and a grotto where you can hear the history of the lagoon, but people from all over the world still come here for the local water, which is considered miraculous.

In summer, the time difference between Moscow and Reykjavik is 3 hours, so it is wise to book a visit to the lagoon at 7 am, unless, of course, you came to Iceland to get a good night's sleep: this way you can be one of the first to start swimming, and you There will be another whole day to explore other attractions and other tourism.

The Blue Lagoon is located a few kilometers from the small town of Grindavik, not far from the airport. If you're staying in Reykjavik, you'll be driving about 40 minutes through some unusual Martian landscape.

Children will not be interested in the Blue Lagoon. However, it seems to me that children, in principle, are not very interested in Iceland, unless they are accustomed to hiking and experience genuine pleasure from communicating with living and inanimate nature.

Adults here simply get high, and also take selfies, enthusiastically smear themselves with clay, or soak in hot water with a glass of something cold. The main thing is not to forget that you should get out of the water from time to time, because 38 degrees is no joke. As a final touch, I’d like to note that, unlike, say, the Tbilisi sulfur baths, you come out of the water here cheerful and charged for success, it doesn’t make you sleepy - in general, another argument in favor of starting your day with the Blue lagoons.

March 3, 2014

Geothermal resort Blue Lagoon - fabulous, incredible a nice place on the map of Iceland. This amazing lake with water, the color of which combines a mixture of milk and incredible blue, attracts a large number of tourists to its open spaces. Many guests of this Icelandic resort come here more than once.

Iceland's most famous spa resort

The healing properties of water were discovered completely by accident. Employees of a thermal power plant located not far from the lake, after swimming in it, began to notice that their health improved, both hair and nails grew faster, excess weight was lost, and the skin was cleared of various rashes.

Observations confirmed their guesses. As eyewitnesses say, one patient with psoriasis, while walking next to hot water, slipped and fell into the water. The healing water worked wonders - the disease subsided after a while. Then the city authorities called scientists to study the properties of this reservoir.

Healing water of the Blue Lagoon

Research has shown that milky blue water contains various salts, minerals, clay, algae, and quartz. The temperature in the lake remains at +37 degrees. The hydrogen content is 7.5%. And the content of mineral salts is almost 2.5%.

In such conditions, with a large tourist flow (up to 300 thousand per year), the lake should appear great amount various bacteria. But the Blue Lagoon keeps another secret - there are no bacteria here! This is another confirmation that the wonders of nature contain many puzzles and mysteries.

Geothermal water helps to get rid of extra pounds, defeat cellulite, and treat skin diseases. Various mineral salts have a beneficial effect on the entire body. Blue and green seaweeds and quartz have wonderful properties. The white clay that covers the bottom of the lake helps get rid of skin problems on the face and body.

Relax in one of the best spa resorts in Europe

The complex, located next to a geothermal lake, includes a clinic, a spa center, a restaurant, and a store that sells excellent Blue Lagoon cosmetics, developed based on local water, clay and mineral salts.

Guests of the Blue Lagoon can take a course of spa treatments, which includes: algae-based body wraps, salt peeling, lymphatic drainage, various types of massage, mud baths. The Blue Lagoon cosmetics line works real miracles, making the skin smooth and velvety, smoothing out wrinkles and cleansing the surface of the body from scales and growths.

Patients of the dermatology clinic can stay in a room that meets all requirements. A conclusion from the attending physician is required, who recommends undergoing treatment in this particular area. sanatorium-resort complex. Already after a week of taking the first procedures, a significant improvement in the patient’s skin diseases is observed.

The nature around this wonderful piece of nature also helps in healing. Rocky coastline, amazing fumaroles, hot springs, fields covered with volcanic lava. And also a noisy, colorful bird market, where many species of birds can be found.

The Blue Lagoon is a magnificent spa resort that has won the Blue Flag award many times. This sign means recognition of this complex as one of the most environmentally friendly places on Earth. And in 2005, the magnificent Blue Lagoon was awarded the title of the Best Thermal Spa Resort and Medical Complex in the World! Pride - a wonderful spa complex is always happy to welcome guests.

What could be more beautiful - to bask in a warm lake with azure water and admire northern lights, sparkling in the heights, above the huge rocks...

Blue Lagoon in Iceland photo

There is no resort holiday, because this northern island with a harsh climate, although this opinion is wrong and in fact there are high-class resorts in Iceland, focused on both active and quiet, relaxing holidays.

Indeed, there are no full-fledged and familiar ones on which you could sunbathe or swim in the sea. But other types of resort holidays are presented, for example, we are talking about alpine skiing or o.

What to do in Iceland?

First of all, this country is suitable for active rest, during which you will be able to admire the unique northern beauties.

Particularly popular among tourists are the natural attractions, which include: Reynisdrangar rocks, Nauthólsvik beach, Edlidavatn lake, Hvitserkur rock, and many others.

But we will dwell in more detail on resort holiday in Iceland, especially since it is relatively inexpensive.

Ski resorts in Iceland

If the magnificent Iceland beckons you, the ski resorts will be a kind of cherry on the cake from all the other delights of this country.

Huge, by European standards, centers ski holiday not here, but there are five very well-appointed and comfortable resorts that will satisfy the needs of not only beginners, but also experienced skiers and snowboarders.

It is noteworthy that when the season in Europe is already ending, in Iceland it is just reaching its peak. Modern tracks are equipped with lighting devices, which allows you to ride not only in daylight, but also in the evening.

Let’s add that one ski pass, costing 120 euros (as of 2016), gives access to five ski resorts countries that we will discuss below. In this way, Icelanders attract tourists who still want to ride, but can no longer do it on the European mountain slopes that are familiar to them.


This resort is located near the town. Primarily recommended for family vacation, although fans of fast skating will be pleased. The resort attracts: picturesque landscapes, an effective snowmaking system, and modern snow parks.


This resort is located next to a small village whose inhabitants have long been engaged in fishing. However, it is here that the best ski slopes in all of Iceland are built.

The height of the route is 650 meters. A lift with comfortable seats takes you to the very top. By the way, from the top point of the route there is an amazing view of the Siglufjörder fjord.


The resort got its name after the city where it is located. Nearby is one of the most beautiful fjords on the entire island called Eyja.

The many gentle but not long slopes are ideal for slalom skiing, although other skiing options are also possible.

This resort, like Saudarkrokur-Tindastoll, is located near Akureyri, although at a certain distance from other ski slopes.

It will delight you with a large number of slopes of varying difficulty levels, but the most interesting for skiers is the main route, the length of which exceeds 1200 meters.


Hlidarfjall is also located in Akureyri. Hlidarfjall is one of the first ski slopes built and opened in Iceland. They first started riding it back in the seventies of the last century. From the highest points ski slope There is a wonderful view of the Eyja fjord.

Thermal spas

Iceland is a country of geysers and hot springs, of which there are an incredible variety. Even just among the mountains or valleys, you can come across springs with hot water, in which you can bathe all year round.

Naturally, there are also full-fledged resorts where the full range of tourist services is provided. So, the best thermal spas located in the following cities and regions of the country:

Let us immediately note that in Reykjavik there is not only thermal springs for swimming. Homes are heated with hot water from underground springs, and therefore there are no boiler houses or smoking pipes in the city, which makes the air incredibly clean!

Let us also note Kopavogur, where the largest swimming pool with geological thermal waters. It is comfortably located on the Borgarholt hill.

If we talk directly about resorts, then the best of them is in, known throughout the world. The resort is located in the southwest of Iceland and amazes with lakes created by nature in solidified lava, and the purest water, with amazingly beneficial and healing properties..

The Blue Lagoon is located just 30 kilometers from the capital of Iceland, Reykjavik. Natural pools are located in the open air, and the water temperature in them throughout the year is approximately +39 degrees.

Water has a positive effect on the skin, body condition, and relieves stress. The resort sells cosmetics that contain an abundance of minerals obtained from the local water.

How to get to Iceland?

The best option is by plane. Although there are no direct flights from Moscow to Reykjavik. You will have to fly with one or two transfers. Travel time is from 6 and a half to 20 and a half hours, depending on the chosen route and the time of connections between flights.

You'll have to move around on your own by land transport. Firstly, the country itself is relatively small, and all the resorts are located close to each other. Secondly, it's cheaper.

Iceland, Reykjavik

Reykjavik- This small town, size…. I even find it difficult to compare it with. Reykjavik is probably the size of Morshansk. Well, northerners no longer inhabit Reykjavik. At least in the city center in the evening I saw tourists, Indians, Chinese and even a woman from Bulgaria.

The city of Reykjavik dies out at approximately 10:00 p.m. when the broadcast ends.” Good night kids.” Although I’m afraid that I might be wrong about the time, here essentially the white nights continue and it’s not clear whether it’s late evening or early morning.
The city is completely uninteresting and not worth visiting. However, I had to stay there, since the hotel base offers the best deals in Reykjavik

We had an apartment in the very center. From the window I could see the cross of the central church or church (to be honest, I don’t know what denomination Iceland belongs to). Literally a few dozen steps away is the central market Street with shops and restaurants, which, by the way, already close their kitchens at 21:00, and turn customers out at 22:00. Also not far from our apartment hotel there was a sex shop with broken glass in the door - it looked like someone was in a hurry to buy porn and broke the glass with their forehead.

By the way, I read in the news that the Prime Minister of Iceland spoke in favor of severing relations between the sister cities Moscow and Reykjavik due to the fact that Moscow passed a law banning the promotion of non-traditional sexual relationships. And the Prime Minister of Iceland is a lesbian woman, who also entered into a same-sex marriage...
By the way, some women in Iceland are of such a build that I would not be surprised to learn that the Vikings were women, and all those pictures that magazines and museums show are all an excuse and a lie. No, definitely Icelandic women were Vikings and kicked ass in the Nordic Seas. Including Britons

Having said goodbye to Reykjavik, we headed north towards the fjords, but the road in gray clouds that clung to the Hummer antenna and poured rain on the windshield was so annoying that we decided to limit ourselves to hunting fur seals on the Snaefellsnes peninsula. It is 175 km from Reykjavik. By the way, I want to warn you that there are cameras on this section of Route 1 and it is not advisable to exceed the speed of 90.
The seals hid from the rain, so after hanging out in the towns of Olafsvik and Langanolt, we decided to turn back - we wanted to try the SPA in the Blue Lagoon, which is located near the town of Grindavik

From a distance of 5 km from the place, steam can be seen rising from the foot of the mountain, as if hundreds of bath attendants in this place are holding a symposium to exchange the custom of whipping naked bodies with brooms. The smell of hydrogen sulphide can be felt as soon as you leave the road to the airport.
The Blue Lagoon is a system of natural lagoons in volcanic lava filled with thermal waters, which in Iceland generate heat and electricity. The species in the system of reservoirs occupying an area the size of a football field is pale blue in color. This effect is enhanced by white deposits of clayey consistency. Several of the largest reservoirs are reserved for public baths. There is a large parking lot in front of the Blue Lagoon complex. Tourists - mother, don’t worry.

A dozen buses replace a dozen other buses. The bulk of visitors are tourists, of course. We were lucky enough to meet the Chinese delegation. We didn't go swimming, although we took flip-flops and clothes with us. We just decided to see what we get for 65 euros per person (entrance fee, changing room and towel). You can easily enter the bathhouse area in boots and walk over the heads of people sitting in the water

I'm not very impressed - I'll tell you straight. The experience of sitting in a tank of water that circulates naturally without being purified... Well, the sight of dirty foam on the sides with floating plant organic remains was enough for me: midges, someone's hair, dandruff, etc. In addition, I imagined how many people are now pissing here at the same time, and having multiplied the number of people per hour by the size of the bathhouse, I decisively went to the exit

Since today we have an early flight to Copenhagen, we booked accommodation closer to the airport. The place is called Gardur and it has good apartments. Essentially a house with four bedrooms for the price of a regular double. The owner recommended a restaurant, which is located 200 meters away, next to the lighthouse.
I can recommend it - expensive, but cooked and served well.

I ordered a whale steak.
I will say this - the sole of an army boot will be more edible. Therefore, I will not recommend experiments with a whale. Moreover, it was fried with blood... But what if you order a medium - it’s scary to stand in front of your teeth.


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