Where did the Malaysian Boeing go? "Good night, MH370." The mystery of the missing flight has not been solved. And the most mysterious

Either it's true or it's not... Anonymous source: Escaped from captivity, passenger Malaysian Boeing went to a village in southeast Afghanistan...
The United States is most likely connected with the hijacking of a Boeing on March 8, 2014 - we may be talking about the “extra-moral” state interests of this country...

“An Asian passenger of the dramatic flight MH370, who escaped from captivity near Kandahar, reached a village in south-eastern Afghanistan called Shahraz (to be specified). In about a week, data about this will be transferred to China (it is not known whether this will become public knowledge worldwide). As it became known, the purpose of the sudden hijacking of the Malaysian Boeing 777-200-ER airliner was to suppress the American side’s attempt by a group of special specialists to get from Malaysia to China.” An anonymous source in the special services exclusively told an MK correspondent about this. According to some assumptions, the United States could thus thwart an attempt at industrial espionage by China. No matter how disgusting it may sound, politicians and security forces of states have now armed themselves with the proven methods of terrorists. This information is published in the world media for the first time.

The day before, a source from the intelligence services told MK on condition of anonymity that, according to available data, the hijacked passengers of the airliner that suddenly disappeared on March 8, 2014, flying flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing began to die due to unbearable conditions of detention.

According to a representative of the special services, the search for the “black box” of the airliner is most likely a pointless undertaking, although understandable.

In the first ten days of April, MK reported that the nickname of the attacker who forced the Boeing pilots to hijack a Malaysia Airlines plane with a total of 239 people on board was Hich. Nothing was known about his accomplices. The pilots of flight MH370 were not guilty of the hijacking, a fairly authoritative source from the intelligence services assured the MK correspondent on condition of anonymity.

“Rolls-Royce collects data on the performance of the Trent 800 engines, which are installed on the Boeing 777, once every 30 minutes. Five hours of flight at cruising speed (about 900 km per hour) gives a flight range of 4000-4400 km" (The Wall Street Journal via Vedomosti). This means that the Boeing 777 could also land in Afghanistan...

At the end of March 2014, MK was the only publication in the world to report for the first time that “a Malaysian airliner is on a small road southeast of Kandahar in Afghanistan (in the mountains, on the border with Pakistan), with a broken wing. This means that the plane could have made a very hard landing. All passengers on flight MH370 were alive at that time. According to available data, the people taken hostage were divided into seven groups and placed in “huts” (in very difficult conditions).”

According to intelligence, “the purpose of hijacking an entire plane was to capture 20 specialists flying from Malaysia to China.” According to the data reported by MK, it became known that “the captured specialists were transported back in March to one of the Pakistani bunkers (presumably some kind of production is located there). Among the specialists discussed is one Japanese, although his nationality was different in the official list of passengers on the flight.”

The press attache of the Russian embassy in Kabul, Stepan Anikeev, was unable to clarify the situation: “We did not receive this information,” the Russian diplomat told NSN. “But we have a lot of interesting things going on in Afghanistan.” Maybe there is this liner here, why not. If everyone is alive, that would be great. But there is nothing to comment on yet,” Anikeev said from Kabul.

MAP - where the missing airliner may be located

The Boeing 777-200ER, flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing (route length - 4417 km), suddenly disappeared on March 8, 2014. The Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200ER was on a joint flight with China Southern Airlines with 227 passengers on board from 14 countries, including 5 children under 5 years of age and 12 crew members (including two pilots). The majority of passengers - 153 - were Chinese citizens (one was a Hong Kong permanent resident). Among the passengers was the only Russian - 43-year-old businessman Nikolai Brodsky from Irkutsk. He was returning from a vacation in Bali, where he had been diving. Four people who had tickets for this flight were late for check-in and did not get on the plane. At least two passengers (Italian Luigi Maraldi and Austrian Christian Kozel), who were on the lists, were not on board: the Iranians, Puria Nur Mohammad Mehrdad and Delaware Seyed-Mohammadreza, purchased tickets using their passports and got on board .

Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble: “It is of great concern that anyone could be targeted international flight, using a stolen passport contained in Interpol databases.”

Flight MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8 at 00:41:13 local time. At 01:19:24, Kuala Lumpur Control handed over flight MH370 to controllers in Ho Chi Minh City, which was confirmed by the airliner's crew. Flight MH370 was last recorded on radar at 01:21:13, but the pilots did not contact air traffic controllers in Ho Chi Minh City. After this, contact with the plane was completely lost. At 01:38, Vietnamese air traffic controllers asked their colleagues in Kuala Lumpur where flight MH370 had gone?

After unsuccessful attempts to locate the missing plane, Kuala Lumpur air traffic controllers contacted Malaysia Airlines flight control at 02:15, where they assumed that the plane was in Cambodian airspace. However, controllers at the Cambodian ATM center noted that the crew did not contact them. Vietnamese dispatchers, in turn, emphasized that according to the flight plan Boeing airliner 777 should not have flown through air space Cambodia. Over the next few hours, dispatchers and airline representatives tried in vain to establish any communication with the plane and determine its location. As a result, after four hours of unsuccessful attempts, a request was sent at 05:30 to begin an official search and rescue operation. There are seven reported messages received from flight MH370 via the Aeronautical Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) following the loss of contact with the airliner, including the last one at 08:19.

On May 1, the Malaysian Ministry of Transport published a preliminary report on the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of the Boeing 777 airliner. In it, Malaysian Transport Minister Hisamuddin Hussein confirmed the information that one of Malaysia's military radars had detected the plane turning around. westward on the morning of March 8... (“Aviation business portal”)
So, to this day, no one knows anything about flight MH-370. Malaysia, Australia and China agreed to continue the search for the missing plane, which will now be more focused on studying the seabed (April searches in the Indian Ocean did not bring results).

At the end of April, tired of the uncertainty and one-sided methods of searching for the missing airliner, relatives of the passengers of the missing Boeing turned to the Malaysian authorities with a letter to verify the version of the location of the missing plane, put forward for the first time (March 31) Russian newspaper"Moskovsky Komsomolets" with reference to anonymous sources in the intelligence services. Extra-exclusive information from MK was urgently published in English and French and was instantly replicated by the world media (example and another example), blogs and social networks (in various languages ​​of the world).

MH370: Check Kandahar, say family members

An expert in the field of investigation of aviation accidents from the Center for Scientific and Technical Research and Expertise (Moscow), the most experienced Soviet-Russian aviator Evgeniy Kuzminov explained to the MK correspondent that “such an aircraft could easily land on an ordinary dirt road with a less dense surface about 2000 meters long . Although, of course, for this there must be free approaches to runway- that is, there should be no trees and mountains. With a hard landing on a “bad” surface, of course, the landing gear could break or even the wing could break” (the estimated weight of the hijacked Boeing 777-200ER with passengers, crew and cargo is about 200 tons). Evgeny Kuzminov recalled a similar landing of an airliner that took place in the USSR in 1968, as a result of which all passengers remained alive and the plane survived.

The Boeing 777 is the world's largest twin-engine passenger jet. The engines installed on it are the largest and most powerful jet engines in the history of aviation. Increased flight range to 14,316 kilometers. Wingspan: 60.90 m, length: 63.70 m.
For foreign media

This information was not published in the world media: “A Russian newspaper has claimed that Flight MH370 was hijacked by “unknown terrorists” and flown to Afghanistan, where the crew and passengers are now being held hostage. The extraordinary comments, attributed to an Intelligence source, appeared in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. The source told the paper: “Flight MH370 Malaysia Airlines missing on March 8 with 239 passengers was hijacked. Pilots are not guilty; the plane was hijacked by unknown terrorists. We know that the name of the terrorist who gave instructions to pilots is “Hitch.” The plane is in Afghanistan not far from Kandahar near the border with Pakistan." Moskovsky Komsomolets also claims the passengers have been divided into seven groups and are living in mud huts with almost no food. Twenty Asian passengers were said to have been smuggled into a bunker in Pakistan.

SEARCH HISTORY for runaway flight MH370 (from Wiki)

Previous case of disappearance without a trace civil aircraft took place on January 30, 1979 during a Varig cargo flight Boeing 707-323C. Half an hour after taking off from Tokyo, the plane disappeared over Pacific Ocean. Despite extensive searches, no traces of the plane or signs of its crash could be found. This incident was still considered the only fact of the disappearance of a jet airliner without a trace and one of the most mysterious cases in the history of world aviation...

British virtual tracker Ian Wilson is a video engineer by profession. He discovered an object similar to an airplane using the resource Google Maps. I saw him lying in the inaccessible jungles of Cambodia.

Yang has no doubt: this object is the plane - most likely, the same one - the Malaysian Boeing 777-200, which on March 8, 2014, flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, disappeared in the most mysterious way along with 239 passengers.

Based on the outline of the discovered airliner, it is the right one. Only almost 6 meters longer - not 63.7 meters, but 70.

The tail fell off, the tracker explains, and lies a little further from the fuselage. Hence the "extension".

The main objection of skeptics: the photo from space used by Google Maps could have been accidentally captured by a plane flying over the jungle. In addition, four years have passed since the loss, quite enough for lush tropical vegetation to completely hide the liner. And it’s strange that the car in the photo is almost intact. Even if the plane had not crashed high altitude, and tried to land in the jungle, it would most likely fall apart into several large fragments.

No,” Wilson dismisses doubts. Like, I checked it using one of the resource options - “escape ground view”. The plane is down.

Could the virtual tracker have “stumbled upon” not MH370, but some other Boeing 777-200? Excluded - no other similar ones fell in this area of ​​Cambodia. At least, aviation experts know nothing about such disasters.

Wilson said he would like to get to the crash site he discovered himself. After all, Malaysian and Australian specialists, who, albeit to no avail, are officially busy searching for the remains of the liner, as a rule, do not respond to the “signals” of virtual trackers. Or they brush them off.


And here's another Boeing

Competing with Wilson is Australian Peter McMahon, who has long been passionate about investigating aircraft accidents. Using Google Maps, he also saw the silhouette of a crashed Malaysian Boeing. But in another place - under water. If he gets to it, he will have to dive.

In March 2018, McMahon: The Boeing lies in shallow water about 16 kilometers south of Round Island, one of the Seychelles. The satellite photo shows both the wings and the fuselage.

The Australian Transport and Safety Bureau told McMahon that the plane he discovered could well be the one he was looking for. But no action was taken. The Malaysian authorities also responded. But more harshly: they asked not to mislead people.

McMahon somehow saw that the fuselage of the airliner was full of holes. It’s as if it’s been pierced by machine-gun fire.

And one more

In 2016, the Malaysian Boeing was found by Scott Waring, a famous ufologist and virtual archaeologist among those who look for anomalies in images transmitted from other planets, for example, from Mars.

Scott assures that he did not specifically search for the missing airliner. I was looking for traces of UFOs that were seen in the Cape area Good Hope(Cape of Good Hope) in 2013. And for this purpose, I looked at the photographs of the area posted in Google Earth. I saw the outline of the plane. He lies under water. Almost whole.

A Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777, flying on the night of March 8, 2014 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, unexpectedly disappeared from radar without giving any signals about problems. More than 25 countries sent forces to search for the plane and the 239 people on it. The work was carried out for almost three years, stopped and resumed again, but did not lead to anything. On the contrary, over time, the number of questions becomes more and more, and the number of answers decreases.

Steal a plane and fly to the Maldives

During the entire search, rescuers managed to find only a few minor pieces of debris, which experts were able to officially establish as belonging to flight MH-370. In July 2015, 700 kilometers from Madagascar, on the shore of Reunion Island, a part marked “657BB” was discovered. Later, in August, investigators found out that the found fragment was part of the wing of a Malaysian Boeing. Almost a year later, not far from the Mozambican coast, a horizontal flight stabilizer was found, the belonging of which to the 777 was also established by specialists.

But no bodies, much less black boxes, could be found - all this probably sank into the depths of the sea. The lack of remains that could shed light on the tragedy led to the most fantastic versions of what happened. Thus, the Malaysian authorities seriously considered the possibility that the plane could have been hijacked - at first glance, a very logical explanation for the missing wreckage. Possible “destinations” were even named: Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Maldives. But the authorities of these countries quickly refuted such assumptions, noting that traces of the airliner were not detected by their radars. Although this rather confirmed the assumptions: experts claim that the kidnappers could have deliberately flown at low altitude so as not to be detected.

Of course, the possibility of a terrorist attack could not be ruled out. According to some experts, only if destroyed in the air could the debris disappear without a trace. The news added fuel to the fire that two of the passengers who were supposed to be on board reported the theft of their passports. With the help of their documents, the terrorists could just get on the plane. However, there is another explanation for this: Kuala Lumpur - major center smuggling of migrants to Europe traveling on stolen passports. So, perhaps the loss of passports has nothing to do with the loss of the plane.

Say goodbye to home and crash

Be that as it may, after some time - when debris began to be found off the coast of South Africa, then in Tanzania, then in Thailand - the versions of theft and terrorist attack faded into the background. Gradually, more and more questions began to appear about the role of the Boeing pilot, Zachariah Ahmad Shah, in the tragedy that occurred.

The 53-year-old flight captain has worked for Malaysia Airlines since 1981 and has accumulated almost 18,500 flight hours during this time. The weather in the area of ​​the loss was good, so the version of a piloting error was discarded almost immediately.

After a detailed analysis of the negotiations, the suggestion that Ahmad Shah was “out of his mind” was also rejected. The pilot’s last contact with ground services did not raise any questions: to the dispatcher’s message that he was handing over control to his Vietnamese colleagues, the pilot replied in a calm voice: “Okay, good night.”

True, 12 minutes earlier the Boeing changed course, and all communication and detection systems on the plane were turned off. Apparently, at the same time the board dropped to its maximum low altitude to become “invisible” to radar. Then, presumably, he followed south, skillfully maneuvering between air spaces different countries, and flew to the center Indian Ocean west of the Australian city of Perth - the area as far as possible from possible landing sites.

The fact that all this is the work of Ahmad Shah is indirectly indicated by several facts. First, during a search of his apartment, the FBI found a flight simulator, the program of which was loaded with information on five runways in the Indian Ocean region. Secondly, the Boeing made an unnecessary detour near the Malaysian state of Penang, where the pilot was from.

Based on these facts, aircraft designer Simon Hardy later suggested that the disappearance of the plane was nothing more than the suicide of Ahmad Shah. How he managed to “neutralize” other crew members and passengers will apparently remain a mystery. Former head of Canada's Transportation Safety Bureau, Larry Vance, suggested that the pilot, having previously put on an oxygen mask, could have depressurized the cabin so that the people on the plane would lose consciousness.

"Puzzle" for 70 million

It will probably not be possible to find out whether the plane was sent straight into the water or continued to fly until it ran out of fuel. At the same time, researchers found that the Boeing was not preparing to land on water - its flaps simply were not extended. No one can even say for sure where exactly the plane crashed. The “priority zone” of the fall alone stretches 93 kilometers in length, and its area exceeds 60 thousand square kilometers.

It turns out that “the Malaysian Boeing case consists almost entirely of dark spots. What really happened and what is considered the priority version of the plane’s disappearance? Could the ship's commander have become so disillusioned with life that he decided to commit suicide in such a sophisticated way, at the same time ending the fate of 238 more people? Did they understand what was happening to them? Did the airliner crash and if so, where? And if not, was anyone still alive? Finally, will Boeing's black boxes be found?

Until the answer to at least one of these questions is found, it is unlikely that the mystery of this story will be solved. However, hopes remain: only one private company is currently engaged in search work. The Malaysian government promised her $70 million if the plane or its black boxes were found. So here's another question: is this enough incentive to get the job done?

Missing century

On March 8, 2014, a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 went missing on flight 370 over South China Sea. There were 239 people on board (12 crew members and 227 passengers).

Almost 1.5 years later the first discovery occurred. On July 30, 2015, a part of the wing, an aileron-flap, was found, which, according to its markings, corresponds to the Boeing 777 model.

Boeing wreckage, believed to be MH370

“Good night, MH370,” were the last words spoken by the plane’s pilot at 1:19:30. Immediately after this, the plane changed direction and flew a rather strange route - it crossed Malaysia and went towards the Andaman Sea and Nicobar Islands. Exactly an hour later, the plane was last seen by military radars.

The flight continued at an altitude of 10,900 meters, normal for flight passenger aircraft. Then the aircraft's engines continued to transmit signals, which were seen by satellites once an hour, but the speed and location could no longer be determined. The plane continued to move for about 6 hours. During this time, he could fly about 5300 km.

Strange fragment

First, let's restore the location of the fragment - this is the French island of Reunion. The word “French” should not be misleading - this is an overseas region of France, located 700 km east of Madagascar. This is a wonderful island: mountains, volcanoes, waterfalls, beautiful vegetable world And real paradise for lovers of marine hobbies.

Reunion Island

How did this piece of debris get here? After all, the search area was 5000 (!) km from Reunion. The map below shows the location of Reunion in relation to the search area.

The plane could hardly fly to Reunion. This means that the debris was carried there by an ocean current. Another possibility is that someone delivered him there.

The Southern Trade Wind Current passes through Reunion. The southern trade wind current has a branch near Madagascar, which is called the Madagascar Current. The current is directed to the south and southwest at a speed of 2-3 km/h. It is important to understand that in the southern hemisphere, where Reunion Island is located, the current does not vary seasonally. The average speed of the Southern Trade Wind Current is 74 km per day.

509 days passed from the moment of disappearance to the moment of discovery. During this time, the fragment could almost trip around the world. This means that the fragment has probably been lying on Reunion Island for more than a year. It's a bit strange, isn't it? However, there is a chance that the fragment did not get into the active current immediately, but wandered for a long time in calm waters until it “set its course.” Whatever one may say, most likely the fragment began its journey in the Southern Hemisphere.

However, there are people who express doubt that this fragment could have sailed to Renyuon. It is believed that this fragment is not aquatic at all. Unfortunately, there is not yet enough data to confirm or refute this thesis. If this turns out to be the case, then it may turn out that the debris was “found” for a specific purpose and is tied to the topic of the tribunal regarding flight MH17, shot down in the skies over Ukraine. Then it was no coincidence that the fragment appeared only after the main activities regarding the investigation of the tragedy in Donbass were completed.

Strange searches

To begin with, I would like to express my bewilderment regarding the progress of the search operation. Using calculations based on physical laws (the Doppler effect) and satellite data, approximate flight corridors of the aircraft were established. The northern corridor was excluded, since in this case the plane would have to fly over several countries. At the same time, the plane did not enter their airspace, or at least was not seen there. Therefore, the southern direction was taken as a basis, while extreme point The route was taken in such a way as if the plane had exhausted its entire fuel supply.

Initially, the plane had enough fuel for a 7.5 hour flight. The plane took off at 0:35. The last time data was transmitted was at 8:15. After the first 30 minutes of flight, 43.8 tons of jet fuel remained out of 49.1 tons at the time of takeoff. This is over 6 hours of flight at a consumption of about 6-7 tons per hour, depending on the weight of the aircraft. Thus, it was correctly calculated that the plane flew until it ran out of fuel. So, it was immediately possible to correctly calculate the search perimeter. But after some time, these data would hardly have helped - the current in these places could carry debris 20 km daily, and in a month this is 600 km! The search area increased many times over.

Where did they initially look for the missing plane? Everywhere, but not where needed.

Even in the Andaman Sea and South China Sea. And this despite the fact that the plane was supposed to fly 5,000 km from there. The amount spent on the search is estimated at about $90 million. And only three months after the plane disappeared, specialists from the British satellite company Inmarsat announced that the search operation was not carried out in the area where the plane was supposed to crash.

The exact location, it turns out, was quite possible to calculate. It is clear that by this time there was no point in looking for the wreckage. Now they could be located in absolutely any part of the southern Indian Ocean. But this did not stop the search. In August 2014, the governments of Malaysia, Australia and China signed a contract worth more than US$50 million with the Dutch firm Fugro to conduct an underwater search for the aircraft. Naturally, the money was wasted. We were looking for a needle in a haystack. But the Dutch company did a good job.

It was obvious that the plane, which fell into the water at great speed, shattered into many small fragments. At this speed, the water turns like a concrete wall. It was simply “blown to pieces,” into thousands of pieces. Many parts had an average density less than water and were supposed to float. This is not the first disaster on the water - the seas and oceans always wash up aircraft debris on the shore. The heaviest small parts (for example, “black boxes”) went to depths of up to 6000 meters.

Of course, such a search operation suggests that official version there is little explanation for the plane's disappearance. The operation was important to cover the information field from the appearance and promotion of unofficial versions.

Strange theft. Strange pilot

The main official version of the plane's death is hijacking by unknown persons. All communication systems were turned off. First the ACARS system was turned off (at 1:06), then the transponders (at 1:21). After this, the plane changed direction. Only high-level professionals could do this.

The commander of the aircraft, Zachary Ahmadi Shah, is a mysterious person. He was one of the company's best pilots. Searches were carried out in his apartment, and a simulator was found on which the pilot trained to land a plane at five airfields in the Indian Ocean region: on the runway of the US military base Diego Garcia, Male International Airport in the Maldives and other runways in India and Sri Lanka. Lanka.

On February 3, 2014, the pilot erased the data on his flight training in the memory of the flight simulator, including landing training at the airfield of the US military base Diego Garcia. The data had to be restored. Even more surprising, the ship's commander erased all his work and social plans in the diary. It seems that he knew in advance that his life would either end there or completely change.

There are additional facts that place the aircraft commander under suspicion: a few minutes before the plane took off, he spoke on a cell phone with a woman who purchased a SIM card via fake documents. The call lasted 2 minutes.

One of the pilot's close friends told police that the pilot was emotionally depressed about his impending divorce from his wife:

“He was in such a depressed state of mind that I thought: it would be better for him not to sit at the controls of the plane.”

The pilot’s daughter, 28-year-old Aisha, admitted to investigators that her father told her that his relationship with her mother ended in disaster:

“He asked how I would feel if they separated. Dad was nothing like the cheerful person I knew him to be. He seemed depressed and confused. Has he got a new woman? My father didn’t tell me anything about this.”

The 46-year-old wife of the pilot, Faiza, confirmed that their family life had cracked. During the interrogations, which lasted a total of more than six hours, the woman fainted several times. She said that a few weeks before the ill-fated flight, Zachary stopped talking to her and spent most of his free time with friends. If he stayed at home, he went to his office, where a homemade flight simulator was equipped, and was there alone. As a result, the captain's wife and three children moved out of their home the day before the disappearance.

Captain Shah was a supporter of Malaysian opposition politician Anwar Ibrahim, who was sentenced to prison on March 7 on sodomy charges after an earlier acquittal. This precedent was considered politically motivated.

Already at the controls of the plane, before sending it into the unknown, the captain flew around his home island - Penang. Captain Simon Hardy told BBC News that the plane's route was "probably a very precise flight rather than a fluke" and noted that the plane's final turn before it headed into the Indian Ocean provided a clear view of the captain's home island:

“It was a weird detour... to look at [Penang] you have to turn left or right, fly along it and then do a long turn. If you look at the exit of MH370, there were actually three turns, not one. He looked at Penang."

The fact that the disconnection of communication devices began even when the pilots were communicating with the dispatchers, and for a long time they did not send any distress signals, there is reason to believe that the pilots could be involved in the hijacking of the plane. Otherwise, we can also consider a version similar to September 11, 2001 - the plane was hijacked by trained people who got on board, who captured it and neutralized the pilots. However, this version is only minor.

New Zealand aviation expert Peter Clarke said hijacking the plane involved "an enormous amount of knowledge" and even the pilot's knowledge would not have been enough to disable the communications system and reprogram the seven-hour flight. Therefore, it is probably necessary to talk about the conspiracy of several persons.

The aircraft commander does not look like a mentally balanced person in all the photos. This is evidenced by the asymmetrical features of his face

Behavior of relatives. Strange secretiveness of the authorities

Relatives of the victims questioned the veracity of the Malaysian government's claims about the plane crash and staged a protest outside the Malaysian Embassy in Beijing to force the Malaysian government to release any information it had withheld about the whereabouts of MH370. These claims were bolstered by the release of satellite data only two weeks after the disappearance, previously hidden from the public. Relatives were also outraged by the way the search was being conducted.

Strange passengers

Among the passengers were 20 employees of the American company Freescale Semiconductor. These employees were involved in the development of patent # 8671381 for the manufacture of integrated circuits on a semiconductor wafer.

Former Delta Airlines captain Field McConnell said the plane was hijacked to gain knowledge of stealth technology based on patents owned by 22 of the company's Chinese employees. McConnell said the company has developed technology that could be used to convert a regular aircraft into a stealth aircraft.

The American company Freescale Semiconductor is officially engaged in the production of chips, semiconductors and electronic equipment. The company confirmed on its website that its representatives (12 Chinese and 8 Malaysians) were on board the missing Boeing. At the same time, American media claim that Freescale also carries out military orders. In particular, it is developing technologies to make aircraft invisible to radar. Allegedly, the missing employees of the company were specialists in this particular field.

The owner of Freescale Semiconductor is the investment fund Blackstone Group, which acquired the company for $17.6 billion. But the Blackstone Group is also known for leasing the buildings of the World shopping center in New York just before the Twin Towers.

It also turned out that two passengers - Italian Luigi Maraldi and Austrian Christian Kotzel, who were on the lists, were not on board: Iranians purchased tickets using their passports and got on board. The actual passport holders said they lost their documents in Thailand. Interpol said both passports were added in 2012 and 2013 to an international database of stolen documents.

Tickets illegal passengers purchased by 18-year-old Puria Noor Mohamm Merdad and 29-year-old Seyed Mohammed Reza Delawar. It is believed that the first followed false documents to Germany through Beijing to seek political asylum. The reasons for the second’s actions are unknown, but the tickets were purchased at a time and had sequential numbers.

Diego Garcia Base

Diego Garcia is an atoll island of the Chagos archipelago in the Indian Ocean, with an area of ​​​​about 27 km², located 500 km south of the Maldives, is a British territory in the Indian Ocean, and since 1973 a large American military base. As it turns out, she also has a prison where torture is used.

In June 2004, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said he had been repeatedly assured by US authorities that no detainees had passed through Diego Garcia. In October 2007, the full Foreign Affairs Committee of the British Parliament announced that they intended to launch an investigation into allegations that the US was operating a prison camp on Diego Garcia, which they said had been confirmed twice by statements made by the general. US Army Retired Barry McCaffrey.

July 31, 2008, unnamed former representative White House officials said the United States jailed and interrogated at least one suspect on Diego Garcia during 2002 and possibly 2003.

Manfred Nowak, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the question of torture, says there is credible evidence to support allegations that ships acting as "hidden jurisdictions" used Diego Garcia as a base. The human rights organization Reprieve says the US ships moored outside Diego Garcia's territorial waters and were used to imprison and torture prisoners.

The plane was apparently flying through Diego Garcia. This is evidenced by the fact that passengers' phones were receiving signals after the probable date of the crash. Reports that in response to calls to loved ones on the flight ill-fated flight, telephone beeps were heard from nineteen people. However, telephone companies refused to investigate where exactly the signals were coming from.

It is possible that military technology specialists were imprisoned on Diego Garcia in order to develop cutting-edge technology under the highest level of secrecy.

The following fact also speaks in favor of this version. On March 18, the Maldivian online resource haveeru.com published a note:

Residents Maldives report sighting of a low-flying aircraft

Residents of the remote Maldives island of Kuda Huvadhoo, part of Dhaal Atoll, reported seeing a “huge aircraft flying low” in the early afternoon when Malaysia Airlines MH370 disappeared.

As the disappearance of the Boeing 777 with 239 passengers on board leaves the world in disbelief, several residents from Kuda Huvadhu told Haveeru on Tuesday that they saw a "low-flying Airbus" around 6:15 am on March 8. They said it was a white plane with red stripes on the sides, which is what Malaysia Airlines aircraft usually look like.

Eyewitnesses from Kuda Huvadhoo agree that the plane was flying from north to southeast, towards the southern tip of the Maldives - Addu. They also noted the incredibly loud noise the plane made as it flew over the island.

“I have never seen a plane fly so low over our island before. We saw seaplanes, but I'm sure it wasn't one of them. I could even see his doors clearly,” the eyewitness said.

“I am not the only eyewitness; many other residents have reported seeing the same thing. Some people also came out of their houses to see what was causing a huge fuss.”

Mohamed Zahim, Consul of Kuda Huvadhoo Island, confirmed that island residents had spoken about the incident.

Local aviation expert said it looked like MH370 was flying over the Maldives. The probability that any plane would fly over the island at the indicated time is extremely low, the expert added.”

Possible flight route of aircraft 370 according to eyewitnesses

We have already expressed this version, which has not yet been refuted:

“Of course, they will find some three fragments and say that these are fragments of a Boeing. Relatives will be paid large compensation. Hollywood will make a film about the plane crash. Meanwhile, scientists will quietly work on supernovas and top-secret weapons.”

There are many versions of the death of MH370, the most likely of which, in our opinion, are:

Suicide of an Aircraft Captain;

Killing Freescale Semiconductor employees to obtain patents;

Kidnapping of Freescale Semiconductor employees for the purpose of developing secret technologies (including hijacking with their participation);

Hijacking for use in the MH17 disaster in Ukraine.

The moral and psychological state of the aircraft captain speaks in favor of the first version. The second version is supported by the presence of a clear motive for the theft. Latest versions become probable given the continued operation of the phones of the missing passengers for a long time (however, experts argue that it is technically possible to hear beeps even after the death of the phone).

Probably, the versions from this list can be considered in a complex, that is, two or three versions can be combined into one. In this context, it would not be surprising if the hijackers were able to deceive not only radars, but also satellites. There is also a possibility that the captain’s psychological instability was feigned, while he was quite happy with the escape from his past life, which the special services, acting for their own purposes, helped him organize. In particular, the captain's relatives deeply doubt the version of suicide.

Other versions are:

Cyber ​​attack (testing new technologies for hijacking and destroying aircraft);

Equipment problems;

The defeat of the aircraft during the US-Thai Joint Strike Fighter exercises;

Deliberately shooting down a hijacked plane in fear of an analogue of 9/11.

In the latter cases, in particular, the plane could be hit, but continue to fly for a long time.

We, however, are inclined to believe that the plane, after capturing specialists in secret military developments, was subsequently used by the CIA to carry out a provocation with flight MH-17 in the skies over Donetsk on July 17, 2014. This is evidenced by.

The 21st century is the era of total digitization of all spheres of human life: from health to entertainment. An unfaithful husband is identified by a telephone, a lost child by a special bracelet, a stolen car by a GPS tracker. It is all the more surprising that in 2014, a plane with 239 people on board disappeared without a trace.

It was a scheduled international flight operated by Malaysia Airlines twice a day.

On the night of March 8, 227 passengers and 12 crew members boarded the Boeing 777. The plane took off from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to land 5 hours and 34 minutes later at International airport Beijing.

Preparations for the flight went without incident: there were no problems with passengers, luggage, or crew. The plane took off on time - at 00:35 local time - gained altitude and set on a standard course.

At 01:06, the dispatcher received an automatic report on the location of the aircraft, according to which it was moving strictly on course. The report included information on the amount of fuel - 43,800 kg with a predicted consumption of 37,500 kg.

At 01:19, the captain of the ship, Zachary Shah, contacted the Lumpur Radar control center. The controller warned the plane's crew that they were leaving his area of ​​responsibility and should contact the controller at the nearby Ho Chi Minh control center. But flight MH370 never contacted dispatchers from Ho Chi Minh.

It was established that the Boeing 777 disappeared from the radars of the Lumpur Radar control center at 01:20 at night, that is, one and a half minutes after the last communication session. Around the same time, the plane disappeared from the radars of the Ho Chi Minh control center, with which it was supposed to communicate.

Employees of both centers tried to detect the Boeing using a signal from a spare transponder, which is present on all aircraft, but it turned out that it was turned off at the same minute when the plane disappeared from the radars of both centers - that is, at 01:20.

The latest data received from the Boeing 777 indicated that it was moving strictly on course at the recommended altitude at a speed of 842 km/h, which was normal.

Later it became known that the captain of another plane flying nearby tried to contact the crew of the missing Boeing. This request was made to him from the dispatch center, informing him that the Malaysia Airlines flight had stopped communicating. The first attempt to establish contact with MH370 was made at 01:30, that is, 11 minutes after the captain spoke with the controller from Lumpur Radar and 9 minutes after the plane disappeared from radar. According to the captain who was trying to establish communication, he heard some kind of “murmuring” and static interference.

The only one that continued to see the Malaysian Boeing was a military satellite. He also recorded that at 01:22 the plane turned right, and then made an unexpected turn to the left, going off course and flying almost into reverse side.

The Boeing continued to maintain altitude, crossing the Malaysian peninsula at a speed of 919 km/h. Data from a military satellite was confirmed at Sultan Ismail Petra Airport, whose radars detected an “unidentified aircraft” flying through their area of ​​​​responsibility from 01:30 to 01:52 at night.

Malaysia's military satellite continued to track flight MH370 until 02:22, when it left its coverage area. During this time, the Boeing flew to the island of Penang, after which it changed direction again, starting to move towards the North.

The countries that the missing Boeing flew past were reluctant to share data collected by their military satellites on the night of the plane's disappearance. Investigators were eventually told that Indonesia did not receive a signal from flight MH370, even though it was flying close to northern Sumatra. It is possible that the country’s authorities decided not to disclose this information, fearing to declassify the capabilities of their military satellites.

Similar statements were received from Thailand and Vietnam, where they reported that they saw the missing Boeing until 01:21 a.m., after which it disappeared from their radars. Later, Thai authorities reported that that night their military satellite still recorded a signal from an unknown aircraft, but the latter did not contain identification data, so it cannot be argued that it belonged to a Malaysian Boeing.

Australia also reported a lack of information on MH370. Despite the fact that the plane was moving in the opposite direction, Canberra still checked the data from its satellites, but did not find any traces of the missing Boeing. Later it became known that the Australian over-the-horizon radar station with a range of 3,000 km was turned off that night.

The weirdness didn't end there. At 02.29 at night, the aircraft's satellite communications system (SCS), which had not previously responded to requests from the ground, suddenly connected to the Inmarsat ground station, sending a request to enter the network. This means that for some reason the SSS was disconnected from the network, and at 02:29 it connected back. After this, the ground station to which the aircraft's SSS was connected sent several requests to it. The requests were automatic - Inmarsat stations send them once every 60 minutes, if during this time there were no signals from the aircraft. That night, Inmarsat sent 5 such requests - each of them was recorded by the aircraft's SSS, which indicates the serviceability of the on-board systems. In addition to these requests, the aircraft's SSS recorded two calls from the ground - at 02:39 and 07:13 in the morning - these were the second and third attempts to contact the crew. Despite the fact that the signals reached the plane, the pilots never responded to these calls.

At 08.19 in the morning the situation repeated itself - the aircraft’s SSS sent a second request to connect to the Inmarsat network. That is, shortly before this, the aircraft's systems were turned off again. Logging into the network was successful, but when an hour later the Inmarsat station sent another automatic request to Boeing, it no longer responded.

Who was responsible for the search for the missing Malaysian Boeing?

The operation to search for the missing Boeing became the largest in aviation history. Initially, it was carried out in the waters of South China and Andaman seas, over which the plane flew at about 2 am. Later, after a detailed analysis of communication sessions with the Inmarsat station, the search area moved to southern part Indian Ocean.

The operation lasted three years and ended only in January 2017. During this time, 120,000 sq. km were searched. sea ​​surface.

Wreckage of Boeing MH370 found off the coast of Africa

The first fragment of the missing plane was found at the end of July 2015 on the shore of Reunion Island, located in the western Indian Ocean - 4,000 km from the search zone. In September 2015, French investigators reported that a serial number found on the wreckage belonged to flight MH370. It was also determined that the fragment was part of a flaperon, a type of control surface on an aircraft wing that combines the functions of flaps and ailerons.

After the discovery of the wreckage, all beaches in Reunion were searched. Investigators were able to find pieces of a suitcase that could have been on board the Boeing, a bottle of Chinese mineral water and packaging of Malaysian cleaning products.

More pieces of MH370 were found in 2016, including on the beaches of Mozambique and on the islands of Mauritius, Rodrigues and Pemba. They were probably carried by ocean currents.

Versions of the disappearance of the Malaysian Boeing

During the investigation, a variety of versions were considered - from the most probable to the almost fantastic.

Initially, the emphasis was on terrorism, but a check of the crew and passengers of the plane did not reveal any suspicious connections confirming the version of a terrorist attack. Investigators determined that at least two people on board used stolen passports to purchase tickets. However, it was later proven that, despite the ambiguity of the situation, these passengers were refugees and not terrorists.

The second most likely version of what happened was a system failure that caused the plane to crash. But the fact that the SSS on board the plane continued to exchange data with the Inmarsat station refuted this version - in order for the SSS to continue working, it needs electricity. The fact that at 08:19 the system sent a request to enter the network indicates that at that time the aircraft was operational and continued its flight.

It was these communication sessions that led investigators to think about the most likely reason for the disappearance of the plane. Let me remind you that in the period from 01:19 to 02:29 the plane was completely inaccessible. The SSS on board did not respond to automatic requests and signals from the ground, and also did not record a call from another aircraft attempting to contact the crew of MH370 at the request of air traffic controllers. But at 02:29 she suddenly sent a login request to Inmarsat. Such a request is sent in several cases: a) power problems, b) failure software, c) shutdown of critical systems responsible for the operation of the SSS, or c) loss of communication due to too high an altitude.

After this, the aircraft responded to 5 automatic requests from the Inmarsat ground station sent every hour, and also recorded two calls from the ground - at 02:39 and 07:13 am. According to investigators, this indicates that the reason for sending the request was a power outage.

At 08.19 the situation repeated itself - the plane again sent a request to enter the system. This means that at some point the board was de-energized again. And already at 09:15 Boeing stopped communicating.

Most experts who worked on the case believe that the cause of the disappearance and probable crash of the plane was the uncontrolled slow decompression of the plane. Slow decompression is a drop in air pressure in a closed space (for example, an airplane cabin) due to its depressurization. Sometimes the air leaves so slowly that you can only find out about the problem after the first signs of hypoxia (suffocation) appear.

Uncontrolled decompression may be caused by human factor(fatigue, inattention), material fatigue, system failure or external influence.

Slow decompression most often occurs during climb. This is likely what happened with MH370, whose crew stopped communicating just 38 minutes after taking off from the airport.

According to investigators, the crew went off course and turned off the plane's power while delirious due to lack of oxygen. An hour later, they somehow managed to restore power, after which the satellite communications system began sending signals to the Inmarsat station. It was probably around this time that the crew finally lost consciousness, and the plane continued to fly on autopilot.

6 hours later, precisely at 8 am, the missing Boeing ran out of fuel. Its shortage led to the shutdown of all systems, including the SSS. The plane took time to start the emergency aircraft turbine, which restored power to some critical systems, including the satellite communications system. Once power was restored, the SSS contacted the satellite again, sending a request to enter the network. However, at this time the plane, most likely, had already fallen into a tailspin, quickly approaching the surface of the Indian Ocean.

It took investigators time to decipher data from the Inmarsat station, which confirmed that the plane continued its flight until 8 am. If this information had been deciphered earlier, the search area would have been moved to the side, and then, most likely, the relatives of the 239 people who remained forever in March 2014 would have someone to mourn.


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