Where are the Maldives located map. Maldives - everything you wanted to know about this paradise in the Indian Ocean. Yandex and Google maps of the Maldives

The Maldives are in Indian Ocean near Sri Lanka, geographically crossing the equator. Tourists associate the concept of the equator with unbearable heat, however, the average annual temperature there is 25-30 degrees. In other resorts in Italy, Spain or Egypt, the temperature during the season can be much higher, and most importantly, it is much worse to tolerate.

Among all the island groups, the Maldives, being a 100% Islamic state, have created perhaps the most original recreation system for their guests. Protecting the population from the bad influence of tourism, the government allocated 200 previously uninhabited islands for vacationers, on which there are no indigenous inhabitants.

Map Maldives online interactive from satellite
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Residents of India and Sri Lanka are involved in the service sector there. Therefore, the rare opportunity to see an indigenous inhabitant of the islands does not come often. An interesting and important feature is that you don’t pay for anything on the spot, but collect bills that you will have to pay when leaving the country. And therefore, by chance, you may not calculate your material capabilities. The islands can be recommended to those who want to spend their entire vacation on the beach.
You can get there by direct flight from Moscow. You will be taken from the airport by boat or helicopter.

Pros: This is one of the best places for diving and snorkeling. Experienced instructors will make you a pro in a week.
Disadvantages - you cannot import alcohol, swim naked and have contact with local women. The last two points are prosecuted under Islamic law.

But to the question: - Where are the Maldives? not everyone will be able to give the correct answer. Meanwhile, finding their location is not at all difficult. Pick up a map and find the Indian Ocean. Two parallel chains of islands, southwest of India and near the equator, are the coveted Maldives.

A little geography

Exotic coral islands stretch from north to south for 820 kilometers. total area The Maldives is 90 thousand square kilometers, but only 298 square kilometers are allocated to land, the rest of the territory is occupied by the sea. The coral atolls comprise 1,192 stunning islands, of which 994 are uninhabited.

The population of the paradise country is 393 thousand people, who settled on two hundred islands. About half of them hospitably welcome tourists from all over the world, who know very well where the Maldives are on the world map and strive to come here as often as possible. The islands are very small, several square kilometers, so there is no more than one hotel on each of them. Blue transparent lagoons, amazing sandy beaches, unique vegetation and the highest level of service make your holiday here delightful and unforgettable.


Where are the Maldives? Where there is no winter. The subequatorial monsoon climate provides average annual temperature 24-30 degrees. From November to March there is dry, warm weather and the thermometer does not drop below 17 degrees. There are rains, rough seas and temperatures of 30-32 degrees. It is pleasant to swim here all year round, because the water temperature constantly remains at the same level - 24-27 degrees.

Flora and fauna

A distinctive feature of the animal world is the complete absence of poisonous reptiles. And you don’t even have to worry about a dog bite here; keeping these animals is prohibited by law. But quite a short distance from the shore you can see a huge whale shark, but, as you know, giants feed only on plankton, so those who want to swim can do so without fear.

Fans of exotic fruits simply need to know where the Maldives are, because there are a great variety of them here. Unique climate allows you not to lack vitamins all year round.

Coconuts, bananas, mangoes, papaya, and pineapples delight tourists and natives with their juicy pulp. Everywhere the delicate aroma of orchids, hibiscus, roses, their variety and variety amazes the imagination.

Calmness, silence and complete unity with nature allow you to completely detach yourself from existing problems and give yourself a good rest.

Smallest capital

The city of Male is recognized as the smallest capital in the world, because it covers an area of ​​only 2.5 square kilometers. This is a tiny cozy town whose main attractions are the "Good Friday" mosque with a sparkling golden dome, located in Sultan Park National Museum, the Presidential Palace and the legendary burial places of Maldivian saints. There are no noisy entertainment venues here, but you can stroll along the picturesque embankment, enjoy the aroma of flowers in a shady park, and visit unique vegetable and craft markets. Everything in this country is subject to the laws of nature, and, probably, sometimes it’s even good to take a break from the hustle and bustle of big cities in such a cozy and calm place.

Visa and customs control

Where the Maldives is located is well known to those who have visited this wonderful exotic corner and will probably visit it again.

To travel here you do not need to visit consular offices -.

You can vacation here for 30 days, this is exactly the period indicated on the tourist visa, which is placed in your passport free of charge upon arrival in the country. Customs can check whether you comply with the rules that prohibit import:

  • drugs;
  • pork products;
  • animals;
  • alcohol;
  • anti-Islamic literature;
  • pornographic products;
  • military attributes.

In addition, when going on an exotic vacation, you should remember that nudism and toplessness are prohibited in this Muslim country, and women, when visiting the capital and areas where aborigines live, should not wear beachwear; knees and shoulders must be covered.

The attractiveness of the Maldives

Important for local residents and the prohibitions and restrictions that are not at all burdensome for us do not in the least detract from the advantages of relaxing in this fabulous country. Now you know that the Maldives is where the transparency of the warm waters of the Indian Ocean is, Exotic fruits and the aroma of exquisite flowers, spreading palm trees and schools of colorful fish, calm silence and solitude on a small colorful island in the middle of the ocean expanse. The Maldives is heaven on earth, pleasure and bliss that you can give yourself.

Where are the Maldives on the world map? The Republic of Maldives is located in South Asia and located on a group of several atolls in the Indian Ocean. The capital of the Maldives is Male.

Regarding the flight to these islands, we can definitely say that the flight time to the Maldives from Moscow is not the longest when compared to others tourist destinations recreation and travel.

On a detailed map of the Maldives we can see that the republic is located in equatorial waters approximately 700 kilometers from Sri Lanka. This is a chain of twenty atolls, which in turn consist of 1192 small coral islets. The most high point Maldvi is located on the southern Addu Atoll (altitude only 2.4 meters above sea level). Not a single island in the Maldives has rivers or lakes.

A detailed map of the Maldives in Russian can be downloaded from Google and you can see that tourism is the main industry of the republic, since it is located here big number private islands, where the hotel is located, which is the property of the island, and where only tourists and service personnel live. Guest houses are located in areas where the local population lives. The very first resorts appeared on the island of Bandos and in the village of Kurumba.

The Maldives is a separate state, consisting of territorially isolated areas of land. They are not part of another country, but have an independent status. The state became famous for the islands with snow-white beaches, unique nature with resorts of a high level of service.

What the Maldives looks like - a map of the islands with detailed description presented below.

Where are the Maldives islands on the world map

The Maldives is one of the countries located on the equator. The territory of the state is located between Southern and North poles. It washes the atoll-islands of the Indian Ocean between the continents of Asia and Africa. The state is located near Sri Lanka and the Hindustan Peninsula. To the southwest are Seychelles. Crossed by the equatorial waters of the island of Fuvahmulah, which is home to rare species of birds and other animals not found on other land areas of the Maldives. The border also passes through Adda, Gaafa Dhaala and Gaafa Alif atolls.

The total area of ​​the Maldives is 90,000 sq.m., all of them are surrounded by the waters of the Indian Ocean. The state has 1,196 coral islands with a length of more than 1,000 km. They are united into 26 “atolls,” so named because of the characteristics of their formation. Most of them have a home reef to protect them from destruction by water, others have an external one, which allows them to maintain the territory unchanged.

There is a version according to which the atolls were formed from extinct volcanoes, since the islands inside them are shaped like a circle.

The islands of the Maldives on the world map are viewed on Google maps in two modes: Satellite - satellite photos from Space, Earth - with the option to search for a specific atoll, hotel or city.

A map of the Maldives islands with designations is available in the Hybrid function with highway numbers, stops public transport, administrative buildings, hotel names and infrastructure.

Maldives: map of islands with hotels

A special feature of the Maldives is that almost every island is occupied by a separate hotel. This creates the impression of complete isolation from the world and solitude. The business center - the capital of Male - is also located on separate islands of natural origin: South Male and Kaafu.

Only 10 atolls of the Maldives are inhabited:

  • Faadhihpolhu - Lhaviyani (Laviana);
  • Maalhosmadulu Dhekunuburi- Baa ( Baa);
  • Maalhosmadulu Uthuruburi - Raa ( Raa);
  • Ari(Alif-Alif) - Alifu(Ari) Vaavu(To Felid) - Vaavu(Felidhu);
  • Nilandhe Atholhu Uthuruburi - Faafu (Faafu);
  • Meemu(Mulak) - Meemu(Mulak);
  • Nilandhe Atholhu Dhekunuburi - Dhaalu(Daalu);
  • Seenu(Addu) - Addu(Siena).

There is practically no local life on the atolls, but the best hotel complexes are based on them: Gaafu Alifu , Haa Alifu, Gaafu Dhaalu, Gnaviyani, Nyavinani, Seenu, Haa Dhaalu , Laamu, Shaviyani (Noonu) and Thaa.

The local names of the atolls are very complex, so it is customary to use abbreviated names.

It is quite difficult to show the islands of the Maldives on a map, since the land areas are very small and difficult to distinguish. When you zoom in on Google Maps, the islands stretching out in a chain from north to south are clearly visible.

And this is the Maldives - a world map in Russian. It is very easy to understand where you are going to go or where you are along the route.

Geographic maps are used as experienced travelers, and novice tourists. Modern versions clearly and in detail display the general location of countries, cities and their internal infrastructure.

Maldives on the world map in Russian

This piece of paradise is difficult to spot on a regular world map. The island chain is located off the coast in the equatorial waters of the Indian Ocean. Only zooming in allows you to clearly see the location of the Maldives.

They are located 700 km from Sri Lanka and India. In the southwest there is a famous resort area - the Seychelles.

The Maldives is a chain of 1,192 coral islands united into 26 atolls. Moreover, administratively they are divided into 20 atolls. The most famous of them are: North and South Kaafu;

  • Seenu;
  • Meemu;
  • Faavu;
  • Vaavu.

The Maldives is washed by the Indian Ocean

An interactive map in Russian will help you understand the specific location of a particular resort.

Maldives on a map of Asia in Russian

Looking at the Maldives on a map, it is clear that they extend north of the equator between Eurasia and Africa. Island state refers to South Asia, which also includes countries such as Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, India.

The flight to Sri Lanka takes approximately one hour, and a little longer to India. Approximately 5 hours flight from Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and 8 hours from China.

Map of the Maldives with resorts in Russian

For the convenience of tourists in orientation in an area filled with various recreational places, a Russian language map with designations of all islands and atolls. The atlas shows a general view of the archipelago. The most popular destinations among tourists, routes, the largest resort areas, where you can find everything you need for a comfortable pastime. Using such a navigator, any guest of the republic without knowledge in English calmly moves among the numerous islands.

Important! Uninhabited places on the territory are not marked.

Map of the Maldives with landmarks shows best places for relax. For example, the Banana Reef Nature Reserve, where lovers of exploring underwater caves enjoy the richness and vibrant life of the marine world.

Addu Atoll hotels on the map

With a local coordinate system, it is easy for tourists to navigate the choice of resorts, the most popular of which are:

  • Male is the republican capital, offering guests a lot of excursion programs and exciting entertainment, markets, museums. The presidential palace and one of the most grandiose mosques are especially attractive.
  • Faavu is famous among true gourmets who appreciate spas and food in best restaurants and always striving to look 100%!
  • Arias are preferred by lovers of diversity in flora and fauna. The famous turtle bays are located here.
  • On the map Republic of Maldives It is useful for tourists to study transport links. In the middle part you can see the main international Airport Male. Next door on the island of Khuhule is the international airport named after Ibrahim Nasir, which is one of the largest for seaplanes. The path to it from the capital by speedboat or ferry is clearly visible. Cafu is the most tourist area. Most of the hotels are located here. Among popular destinations also the Aria and Baa atolls, which are relatively close to the airport.

Note! It is difficult to see a specific island among thousands of islands. It is better to first find the name of the atoll on the map, and then the desired location.

If you plan to stay at several hotels, it will be useful to take a look at nearby resort areas and local airports in advance to get an accurate idea of ​​the trip, the amount of time needed to travel, nearby attractions, entertainment and opportunities. This way you can distribute your vacation time most effectively.

Regions of the Maldives on the map

The Maldives archipelago is not part of any state. It is an independent presidential republic. The map clearly shows separation from other countries and intra-regional demarcation.

The administrative structure of the Republic of Maldives includes 20 island groups and a capital atoll called Male. There are no lakes or rivers throughout the territory. According to its geographical location, the archipelago is divided into 8 regions: Central, Far Northern, Northern and others. Conventionally, they are all divisible by 3 large groups atolls:

  • northern;
  • average;
  • southern.

Chain from the Maldives

It is very interesting to see what the Maldives looks like from above. According to one version, each atoll appeared on the top of a volcano with islands on its crater, part of a chain of extinct volcanoes. This explains the circular arrangement of land areas, as can be seen on the map of the Maldives. Moreover, they are all very similar to each other. The highest point (2.4 meters above sea level) is located in the southern Addu Atoll.

Yandex and Google maps of the Maldives

Satellite images allow you to see even the smallest islands of the state and their internal infrastructure. Judging by the abundance of private hotels that own the islands, it is clear that tourism is a key industry in the Republic of Maldives. Only guests of the country and service personnel live on their territory. There are guest houses where Maldivians live.

Where the Maldives are located is shown on the main maps search engines. All infrastructure facilities available on the territory are presented in detail:

  • hotels, inns, guest houses;
  • places transport links(airports, the only port in Male);
  • entertainment venues;
  • mosques;
  • government agencies;
  • markets, shops;
  • cafes, restaurants;
  • beauty salons, spa treatments;
  • sports clubs, fitness centers, swimming pools;
  • service companies for aquatic species sports, entertainment;
  • private educational institutions (for example, diving and surfing courses).

When choosing a vacation spot, interactive maps will help you study tourism, transport and social infrastructure.

Map of Maldives and Bali

For any geographical map It’s easy to notice the differences in the climate of the Maldives and Bali, which are separated by almost 5 thousand km. If the island archipelago is completely surrounded by the Indian Ocean, then the Bali territory is washed by it only from the south and is located much to the north. Therefore, in these two places, although warm, the weather is opposite in terms of seasons.

Note! In Bali, the best period for relaxation is the end of spring and summer; it is preferable to visit the Maldives in winter.

The Republic of Maldives is an independent state representing a chain of islands. Bali is located in the same southern hemisphere of the Earth between Australia and India, but is one island in the Malay Archipelago.

Bali Map

Maps of the Maldives and Bali will help you make right choice places for rest. Displayed on them tourist sites infrastructure, transport routes clearly show the difference.

Advantages and disadvantages of the state’s geographical location for tourism development

The country is located in a favorable climatic conditions location - in the south of India, surrounded by the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. Beautiful weather all year round great for beach holiday. The air temperature never drops below +17 degrees Celsius. During the main part of the year it fluctuates around 25-28 degrees. The rainy season begins in June and ends by September. During the winter-spring period, tourists are pleased with the dry weather.

IN last years Nuunu Atoll is the most actively developing. Particular emphasis is placed on premium class tourism. The map shows the abundance of neighboring islands, which has become a key factor in attracting travelers and investors.

The geographical location has both pros and cons for vacationers. Advantages:

  • Calm atmosphere. The Maldives are popular among connoisseurs of a secluded holiday away from noisy parties, bazaars, and crowded gatherings. This is facilitated by small island territories where there is not much room to roam. Unlike many Asian countries, there is no migration flow here seeking to earn money. Local citizens live in separate territories. Each island belongs to one private hotel. The holiday is organized in such a way that guests meet only at joint events, during meals. Therefore, it is chosen by couples in love and people tired of a hectic life who want to hide from surrounding gazes.

The Maldives is an ideal place for a secluded holiday

  • Purity and wealth underwater world. Walking along the ocean coast, guests of the country enjoy clean sandy beaches, crystal waters, lush palm trees. The diving here is the best in the world - in the expanses of water visibility reaches 40 meters.


  • Lack of mass entertainment, cultural and excursion offers. Unlike Turkish animation, there are no mass entertainers in the Maldives. Relaxation consists of enjoying nature and water activities. There are no historical or architectural attractions on the islands.
  • Poor kitchen. No matter how much a holiday in the Maldives costs, the local cuisine is not strong point resort. The cuisine, which takes its cues from Indian and Sri Lankan gastronomy, is extremely spicy. Therefore, living for a long time on such a diet is fraught with health. Only the largest hotels provide good food.
  • Expensive. In addition to the fact that hotels have very high prices for water, juices, and alcohol, a lot of money is spent on individual transfers. For example, a boat for two up to neighboring island and back in August 2018 cost about $500. For a candlelit dinner on the ocean shore, tourists shelled out at least 200-300 dollars.

So, the world map shows that the Maldives is an original island chain located in the depths of the Indian Ocean, far from crowded places at a distance of about 5000 km from Bali and is one of the countries of South Asia. More than a thousand islands are grouped into 20 atolls and divided into 8 large regions. Yandex and Google have Russian-language versions of a detailed representation of the internal infrastructure of the entire Maldivian territory.

*the prices shown are current as of August 2018.


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