Sri Lanka map in Russian. Capital of Sri Lanka, flag, history of the country. Where is Sri Lanka located on the world map. Where is Sri Lanka Geographical map of Sri Lanka in Russian

The old name of the land of Sri Lanka is the island of Ceylon. It is the birthplace of elephants, Hinduism and tea. Recently, the land has been very actively visited by tourists. The capital of the country is Colombo.

If a person far from geography asks where Sri Lanka is located on the world map, one can answer that it is near India.

Indeed, the island is located, as it were, under the country of the Indians. It is a misconception to consider the independent democratic republic of Sri Lanka to be part of India. The state has its own president, currency and culture. The countries have a lot in common, but they cannot be called complementary to each other.

Geographical location of the island of Sri Lanka

Considering where Sri Lanka is located, you can understand why the island is incredibly popular with holidaymakers, especially in winter period time. Having overcome the distances, you can go from winter to summer, where tropical forests, warm ocean waters will greet you, and the variety of tropical fruits will amaze even a sophisticated gourmet.

IN search engines you can find a detailed map of the coast of the state. Previously, India and Sri Lanka were connected by a bridge, which fell into disrepair after an earthquake in the second half of the nineteenth century.

Sri Lanka combines the exoticism and comfort of resorts. High-quality service of hotels and recreation areas has long brought the country into the top ten priority countries for a comfortable holiday.

Weather on the island

The island of Sri Lanka is affected by the monsoons. These winds determine the weather and change their direction with the changing of the main seasons. The island's weather conditions are predictable. The periods are divided into rainy season and dry season.

Temperatures reach thirty degrees throughout the year; in the hills and mountains it can be ten degrees less. The island's territory is not large, but even the area, which is not so small in size, has a clear division: the northeastern coast experiences the rainy season in the fall, and the southwestern coast in the summer. This predictability allows you to choose the optimal place to relax in any month of the year.

Holidays on the island of Sri Lanka

The holiday destination can be safely called universal, because the country will be attractive both for extreme sports enthusiasts and for those who prefer a relaxing holiday. Sri Lanka is an extravaganza! The country never ceases to amaze and each new visit can reveal the island in a new way.

The size of the island is quite small, but there are a lot of resorts here that will satisfy the needs of everyone: lovers of a noisy holiday or lovers of silence and privacy. In order for your vacation to bring only positive emotions, you need to choose the right part of the country in a particular season, taking into account the rainy season.

Vacation organizers are concerned about the comfort of their clients, so you can find information that provides recommendations on the best, acceptable and not recommended times for visits.

When going to an unfamiliar country, you need to find out the most interesting things about it. For example, what are the people of the state called? Sri Lankans, and few people know about it. Besides this, did you know that:

  • The country changed its name just over forty years ago; before it was known as Ceylon.
  • Every new moon is considered a public holiday, when all institutions and banks are closed. On this day, the sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
  • Celebrate in Sri Lanka New Year in April.
  • The air temperature remains virtually unchanged throughout the year, the maximum difference being about five degrees.
  • More than half of the local residents adhere to Buddhism, the rest are Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs.
  • The cost of living may increase by several percent; it is necessary to have some reserve funds.
  • Renting a home for a traveler will cost a few dollars per day, long term rental It will cost just a penny.
  • Bargain something on the market from local resident- almost impossible.
  • The cost for tourists for all excursions is much more expensive than for the local population.
  • Kottu – National dish, which is prepared from dough, vegetables and meat.
  • The favorite delicacy of Sri Lankans is ice cream.
  • There is always a lot of baked goods on sale, which are abundantly consumed by local residents.
  • Sri Lankans are very hospitable, they love to treat foreigners, it can be fruits, sweets or sandwiches. It is indecent to refuse.
  • The tourism business is only gaining momentum, so it is almost impossible to meet compatriots on the street.
  • You are only allowed to stay in the country for a month; after the period expires, you will have to pay a fine of twenty-five dollars when leaving.
  • Smoking in public places is prohibited and is punishable by a heavy fine.
  • Almost all bus drivers are real reckless drivers.
  • It's very cheap here mobile connection and tickets for traveling by train.
  • The country is one of the top three tea exporters.
  • A tour to a tea plantation is very popular among travelers.

Sri Lanka is an interesting exotic country with big amount interesting places.

Inexperienced tourists who are not very well versed in geography are sometimes not only interested in where Sri Lanka is located on the world map, but also ask such stupid questions as, for example, “What country is this?” I remember after returning from my first trip to Sri Lanka, many of my friends and acquaintances said: “ Sri Lanka? Where is it?"It is not surprising that many people do not know where Sri Lanka is on the world map.
To begin with, we note that Sri Lanka is an island country. Previously, this island was called Ceylon. In general, it is stupid to ask what country this is, Sri Lanka, since this is Sri Lanka independent country within the boundaries of a large island.
Now let's answer the question of where exactly Sri Lanka is located. Former Ceylon is located in the Indian Ocean, between 5 and 10 degrees north latitude. The distance to India at the narrowest point of the strait dividing the countries is about 50 kilometers. The long but narrow island of Sri Lanka is home to 21 million people. Of these, Sinhalese constitute the largest proportion and Tamils ​​are the second largest population group.
Thanks to its favorable location in Southeast Asia and the northern part Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka has always been considered an important place on many trade routes. The population of the island knew this and managed to properly take advantage of this advantage by exporting coconuts, spices and the world famous Ceylon tea and rubber.
Where is Sri Lanka on the world map? The island can be found fairly quickly at a glance at the map. To do this, you must first find the Indian Ocean, and at the very top of this ocean, to the right of India, you will see the island of Sri Lanka. Usually this island is marked on all general geographical maps.
Where is the capital of Sri Lanka? Colombo, the capital and economic center, is on the west coast and has coordinates of 7 degrees north latitude and 80 degrees east longitude. About 700,000 people live and work in Colombo. This is an important political and Cultural Center Sri Lanka.

Area of ​​Sri Lanka, length, width and geographical coordinates

Belonging to the continent of Asia, Sri Lanka covers an area of ​​64,630 square kilometers of territory and 980 square kilometers of water area. This makes Sri Lanka the 123rd largest country in the world by area, with a total area of ​​65,610 square kilometers.
Because Sri Lanka is big Island, then it is not correct to name any specific geographical coordinates. The northernmost major city, Jaffna, has the following coordinates: 9 degrees 40 minutes north latitude and 79 degrees 51 minutes east longitude. The southernmost major city, Halle, has coordinates: 6 degrees 2 minutes north latitude and 80 degrees 13 minutes east longitude.
The length of the island of Sri Lanka is 452 km, and the width at its widest point is 227 km.

Map of Sri Lanka with resorts in Russian

If you want to study in more detail the location of cities, resorts and other objects on the island, then you will need detailed map Sri Lanka with resorts in Russian. There are many maps of this island, but nowadays the best one is to use interactive maps, one of which you will see below. This map allows you to find any object and zoom in to such a value that you can see any house on the streets of the cities of Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka has a warm climate. From May to October there are often unpredictable storms, but the rest of the time you can enjoy gentle sea breezes. Sri Lanka rarely gets very hot, but the island's high humidity worries many Russian travelers. Climate-sensitive travelers usually need a few days to acclimatize. Depending on the region of the island, the air temperature during the day can fluctuate between 16 and 35 degrees. While the wetter southwestern region of the island can expect very high rainfall, especially from May to October, the northeastern region remains relatively dry. The sunniest weather in Sri Lanka usually occurs between January and April.
Most of Sri Lanka is covered with tropical forests, which is typical for a region with a predominantly humid and warm climate. The enormous wealth of plants and trees is the result of these climatic conditions. The Bodhi Tree, the oldest tree in the world, defies all the unevenness of nature today and is truly attractive. In the north and east of the island, due to the drier climate, there are noticeably more bushes and shrubs.
Another gift of nature in Sri Lanka are the beautiful ones, which are appreciated by numerous tourists.
Sri Lanka's diverse fauna have adapted to the warm, humid climate. Animal lovers will be delighted to see monkeys jumping from tree to tree, Asian elephants and a beautiful palm squirrel, which is similar to the chipmunks we know. Even thousands of crawling animals feel very comfortable here.

Mountains of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka can be divided into three landscape zones. One of them is the mountainous area, where you can climb mountains up to 2500 meters high. This is also the area of ​​the world famous Ceylon tea. In the highlands of Sri Lanka you will find many attractions and very beautiful places, for example, the giant Bambarakanda waterfall. This waterfall is famous for the fact that the water here falls from a height of 240 meters.
The mountains take up quite large area Sri Lanka, but still the largest part of the island is covered by tropical areas.
The third zone, which is the most popular among holidaymakers, is the coastal zone with beautiful beaches and a large number of coconut trees.

Mira, it’s worth starting with the search for India. This state is located in Asia, the peninsula where it is located has the outline of an isosceles triangle, one of the vertices of which points strictly to the south. Sri Lanka is located in close proximity to India at a distance of approximately 100 km to the southeast. It is not difficult to find; it is the only large island in the Indian Ocean. On a larger scale, you can see that there is a sandbank between Sri Lanka and the Hindustan Peninsula - until the 15th century, these two geographical object were connected, but after a series of earthquakes the isthmus was destroyed and went under water. The name of the state is derived from two words in Hindi: “shri” - glorious and “” - earth. However, the older generation knows the island as Ceylon - that’s how it was until 1972.

The sandbar in the Palk Strait, which previously connected Hindustan with the island of Sri Lanka, is called Adam's Bridge.

State of Sri Lanka

The entire area of ​​Sri Lanka is occupied by the state of the same name, although many mistakenly classify the island as an Indian state. The official capital is a city with the difficult to pronounce name of Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte, however, the unofficial economic and cultural center of the country is Colombo. The development of Sri Lanka was significantly influenced by the Portuguese, who were the first to colonize the island, and the British, because it was under the protectorate of Britain for about a century and a half. Most of the residents are employed in agriculture– World famous tea is grown here. Tourism is also an important industry, last years people come here not just on vacation, but for the entire winter season; among vacationers there are many open professions that allow you to work remotely.
It is interesting that tea grown on the island is still called Ceylon; the name “Sri Lankan” has not taken root.

How to get to Sri Lanka

There are direct flights from Moscow to Colombo, but they do not operate every day. If you need to get to Sri Lanka at a different time, you will have to plan a transfer to Abu Dhabi ( Saudi Arabia), in Dubai (UAE), in Koch (Qatar) or in Istanbul (Turkey). Travel time ranges from eight hours depending on the duration of the connection. Before traveling to Sri Lanka, you must obtain an entry visa.

There is an island on the world map, shaped like a drop, with beautiful sandy beaches, picturesque hills, impressive waterfalls, rich wildlife and many historical attractions. This island is called Sri Lanka - Island state off the southern tip of India.

From this article you will learn:

Where is Sri Lanka on the world map

Sri Lanka - relatively small country. Therefore, for reference it is better to choose a larger neighbor - India. At first it's worth find India on the map And its southernmost edge, near which is island, Its shape resembles a drop. That's what it is Sri Lanka.

India and Sri Lanka are separated from each other narrow strait only 35 km wide.

It is believed that the island of Sri Lanka was previously connected to the mainland by a narrow isthmus, from which a chain of shallows and coral islands called Adam's Bridge remains to this day.

The island of Sri Lanka is located at the southern tip of the Hindustan Peninsula

The waters of the Indian Ocean stretch south from Sri Lanka all the way to Antarctica. In the southwest, Sri Lanka is adjacent to a long coral island chain - Maldives. A trip to Sri Lanka can easily be combined with a holiday in the Maldives.

An article that will help in planning your trip - How to combine a holiday in Sri Lanka and the Maldives and save on air tickets.

Dimensions of the island of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka– country relatively small size. Area of ​​the island of Sri Lanka 65 thousand km 2, which less area Russia is 263 times smaller than Ukraine, 9 times smaller than the area of ​​Sri Lanka’s closest neighbor, India, 51 times smaller.

Sri Lanka length– 432 km. Maximum island width– 225 km. Seems like short distances. But due to the narrow roads, fairly intense traffic and the presence of mountains, it is not possible to drive quickly.

Traveling from one point of the island to another can take quite a lot of time. For example, to cover about 250 km from the beaches in the south of Sri Lanka to the famous rock fortress of Sigiriya in the center of the island it will take 5 - 6 hours.

An ordinary road in an ordinary city (Galle, southern Sri Lanka)

Sri Lanka or Ceylon - what is the name of the country

The island we know as Sri Lanka has changed its name several times:

  • Arab traders knew Sri Lanka as the island of gems - Serendip. In the fairy tales "1000 and 1 Night" Sinbad the Sailor visited the island.
  • The Sinhalese (75% of modern Sri Lanka's population) arrived in Sri Lanka from northern India in the 6th century BC and named the island Dinhala Dwipa("Lion Island") or simply Lanka("Earth").
  • The Portuguese, having captured part of the island in 1505, called it Ceilao.
  • The Dutch ousted the Portuguese from the island in 1656 and slightly changed the name to Ceylan.
  • As a British colony from 1802 to 1948, Sri Lanka was called Ceylon.
  • Only in 1972 the island Ceylon was renamed Sri Lanka, which literally means "blessed land".

Ready travel itinerary - “The best of Sri Lanka in 12-14 days”.

Sri Lankan tea is still called Ceylon tea, however, like some other goods grown or produced in Sri Lanka.

Ceylon tea is still picked by hand
  • The full name of Sri Lanka is Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
  • From 1983 to 2009 in Sri Lanka there was Civil War, from which the northern and East End islands.
  • In December 2004, to the eastern and South coast The island was hit by a tsunami, traces of destruction can still be seen.
  • Sri Lanka has three capitals:
    • The administrative capital of Sri Lanka is Sri Jayawardenepura (Kotte).
    • Colombo is the largest city in Sri Lanka and the economic capital of the country.
    • Kandy- cultural capital of Sri Lanka.
  • You can holiday in Sri Lanka all year round thanks to the warm tropical climate and the shifting rainy season. Read more in the article


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