Recreation area at the dacha plan. A small private paradise: recreation areas in a small dacha. Relaxation area idea for sloping areas

Functional zoning of a garden is the division of the territory into separate sections, each of which has its own purpose. Before arranging areas in the garden, clearly determine for what purposes this or that area will be needed, and how many people it is designed for. For example, a children's playground in garden design can be given more space, and a very small area is suitable for a commercial zone.

Garden and vegetable garden zoning: entrance area

After studying the territory and writing a list of the necessary functional areas of the garden, try to distribute them according to the area of ​​the site. For example, when zoning a garden and vegetable garden, give them the sunniest place on the site.

When setting up a recreation area in the garden with your own hands, place it near the house on a paved area in partial shade.

And place the barbecue oven in the garden in the far corner, under the trees.

Also, when zoning the garden, think about where the utility zone will be located - it is better to define it away from the house behind a hedge with an arch for passage.

The beginning of every garden is a gate; it may be simple, but it is certainly dignified and welcoming for welcome guests. It should offer an attractive view, but should never show the entire garden. The entrance area of ​​the garden is, so to speak, transitive in nature; people don’t stroll here - they come in, see the beauty, admire it as they go, and go to the house, which sets the style and color scheme of the entrance space.

Look at the photo: When zoning the garden, already in the entrance area it becomes clear to the guest exactly which garden he is in. A collector of rarities will plant a spectacular mixborder of decorative deciduous plants along the shaded entrance; a creative gardener, who has the opportunity to visit the site only on weekends, will arrange here a minimum-care mixborder of dwarf and topiary plants; a passionate lover of roses, if the light allows, will build an arch or pergola with . Try to saturate the often small entrance space interesting ideas, reflecting your gardening preferences!

The garden, which is completely visible from the entrance, cannot be interesting; you don’t want to enter it, you don’t want to walk through it. This kind of garden action has no plot, it is primitive and boring.

The entrance area in a regular style is now rarely done, but an advanced gardener can give fragments of this style an interesting modern interpretation. The reason for this particular choice may be a direct path from the gate to the entrance to the house. If space allows, it is quite possible to place a regular parterre on one side or symmetrically relative to it, it is only important to provide a decent background for this undertaking, preferably in the form of a trimmed hedge. To reduce the pathos of the regular style, because we know that most often this is how the space around a palace or at least an estate is decorated, it is worth using for the ground floor not summer flowers, but (this can also be decorative grasses), which will seem to spill out of the geometric pattern. If you choose this somewhat ironic version of reading this style, then it is quite possible to set up a stall near a rather modest building.

Do not forget that not only the picture that opens from the entrance to the garden is important, but also the one that is visible from the opposite end of the entrance area, the view of the gate from the entrance to the house, we see it very often, so it is worth designing it especially carefully.

The entrance area can be quite small, practically being a parking space - from a gate adjacent to the gate to an informal hedge of mock orange with a trimmed arch for passage. I parked the car, walked up to the arch, looked into it and in front of you was the Garden of Eden.

Another interesting technique in the entrance area is a wall-mounted pergola. When you walk through it, only a small fragment of the garden is visible, but even so, a small “piece” understands that the garden is beautiful.

A gate is an entrance to another reality, a symbol of the selection of garden space from big world located behind it.

Decorating a relaxation area in the garden with your own hands (with design photos)

In the summer, you want to spend as much time as possible outdoors, good weather in the garden you can not only care for plants or plants, but also read, play, eat, drink, communicate - in a word, relax. It is difficult to imagine a modern plot without one or more recreation areas in the garden - they should be equipped so that there are places where for some time, even if insignificant, you could relax after righteous labors, maybe be alone, think, dream , read a book, drink a glass of wine, do some handicrafts, receive guests.

As seen in the photo, the recreation area in the garden should not be visible from the road or neighboring area; it is located in cozy place protected from the sun, which can be perfectly provided by a variety of umbrellas, awnings, and pergola. It may be paved, but may be located on gravel. It certainly contains garden furniture, a table and chairs or benches. You can have a great rest in a gazebo or garden pavilion, but an ordinary bench placed in the right place can also serve as a relaxation area. It is good to place it, for example, near a pond. Beautiful and calm. It is convenient to arrange a relaxation area near the house.

Design options for relaxation areas in the garden are as varied as the gardens themselves:

  • a terrace optically connecting the house with the garden;
  • patio, paved area adjacent to the house;
  • a pavilion or gazebo of sufficiently large size;
  • just a bench.

Often in a modern garden, not one, but several recreation areas are designed.

Pay attention to the photo: in the design of a recreation area in the garden, the terrace is a connecting element between the house and the garden, a continuation of the residential building. For a huge house with large rooms, a spacious terrace is suitable; a small house with small rooms opens onto a modest-sized terrace, which will not lose its charm. The best place for constructing a terrace, as a rule, the south-eastern, southern or south-western side of the house is located; in any case, the terrace must be sunny enough to be able to use it intensively from spring to autumn; sun umbrellas and umbrellas are used to protect from the midday summer sun awnings.

Without plants, the terrace will look boring, this living space should be surrounded by greenery, plants should be planted along its perimeter, it is important that the terrace is not overly shaded. Plants in tubs are often placed on the terrace, providing a smooth transition from the house to the garden. On the spacious terrace it is quite possible to install a barbecue oven or a stationary grill.

As you can see in the photo, a recreation area in the garden, decorated with your own hands, often has a patio - a paved area adjacent to the house on the back side.

The patio should be beautiful and comfortable, and generally look impressive. The style in which its design is maintained should be in harmony with the appearance of the house and garden. The very idea of ​​a patio, a courtyard outside a house in the garden, came to us from the Mediterranean, but quickly took root on Russian soil. On this paved area you can grill shish kebab or barbecue, or simply relax, sunbathing, sitting on rocking sofas or sun loungers. On the paving patio you can put a sandbox for small children, and for adults - comfortable chairs and a table.

Patio- a green room in the garden, a continuation of the living quarters and kitchen of the house. A very picturesque corner is created when a pergola, entwined with climbing plants, is installed above the patio.

The shape of the patio is in most cases rectangular, but it can be round or semicircular. High walls are not used in the patio; sometimes they enclose one or two sides of the patio if you need to close it from the wind.

Before arranging a seating area in the garden, evaluate the landscape of the area. If the area behind the house has a gentle slope, it is appropriate to arrange a staircase with narrow and low steps that will lead to the garden. If the area behind the house has a slight downward slope, it is more convenient to arrange a raised patio; it can also be arranged on a flat area; to do this, it is enough to raise the level of its floor 15 cm above the ground.

Barbecue area in the garden and photo of the stove in the gazebo

Many people cannot imagine a country holiday without the ritual of cooking shish kebab or barbecue; the outdoor cooking area is an important element of the garden, it is worth paying attention to.

The barbecue area should be spacious so that guests and owners can comfortably accommodate there, there is convenient access to the garden stove - barbecue or barbecue, and as a result the cooking process is enjoyable.

A gazebo brings a feeling of comfort, homeliness, and tranquility to country life; it’s so pleasant to relax here after a working day. This is a free-standing garden structure under a roof, designed to create shade and protection from rain, for relaxation, conversation, reading and board games, it can be open, or partially or completely closed on the sides. While in it, you can admire the garden at any time in any weather.

The recreation area should correspond to the family’s lifestyle; usually they spend a lot of time on it. Find the best place to place it in the garden. If you plan to dine in the gazebo and receive guests there in the summer, you should organize it not far from your house, but if it is a corner for quiet rest- place it in a secluded part of the garden. If the family consists of several generations, it is perhaps more correct to place a gazebo for noisy feasts in the depths of the garden, equipping it with all the necessary kitchen utensils and utensils, without interfering with the older generation's rest in peace and quiet.

It can become a summer kitchen and dining room for tea parties and family celebrations. To set up a barbecue area in the garden, in the gazebo or sometimes next to it, a special brazier oven made of brick or stone with a chimney and pipe is installed, which you can purchase or make yourself. In addition to the oven itself with a grill and spit, the gazebo should include shelves for utensils and a cutting table. Bring the water supply here, make a spillway and arrange lighting.

When choosing a place for a barbecue, do not forget about fire safety - do not place the stove under branchy trees, strong heat can damage them, or near wooden buildings and fences, they can also be damaged.

Pay attention to the photo: A barbecue in the garden can be located near the house or away from it in a cozy place in the garden so that the smoke from the fried meat does not go towards the house.

You should not perceive the gazebo only as a place for feasts; there you can take a break from the midday heat, wait out the rain, and admire the garden in complete solitude. Place it in the part of the garden where you can see the most best view to the surrounding area and the most picturesque corners. But the gazebo itself must be visible from the garden; the place must be chosen in such a way that it can show itself in all its glory. The most convenient places are in the corners of the site, on the border garden areas, next to the entrance to the garden, near .

Relaxation area in the garden: bench design

It is impossible to imagine a comfortable time in the garden without benches, and it doesn’t matter what they are made of or what they look like. If you have a garden, it must have a bench, made of wood or metal, with a modern or classic design. On it you will relax after work, have leisurely conversations, admire the magnificent sunset, drink tea, watch the flight of butterflies. A nice and comfortable bench should look harmonious in the garden or near the house.

Before you install benches, think about some important things: how and from where, at what time of day they will look most interesting, what kind of view they will offer. As a decorative element, benches can decorate a garden, be an accent or a focal point of perception. At the same time, they organize this very view that the people sitting on them observe. Taking into account the benches, rest areas and decorative plant compositions are formed; they are necessarily located near the reservoir. There should be no paths on the site leading to nowhere, but if one suddenly appears, just end it with a bench.

How many benches should there be in the garden? In my opinion, a lot, at least a few. Place them in different places in the garden, then you can choose a place to relax in accordance with your mood and time of day. It all depends on the lifestyle, everyone has their own. Accordingly, both benches and their use are different. Arranging benches is a serious matter. On the one hand, this is a powerful weapon in the field of landscape solutions - for example, with the help of garden benches you can outline the boundaries of zones on a site. On the other hand, functionality and ease of use are extremely important. Many factors should be taken into account - the view that opens from the bench, the lighting in different time day, place traffic, etc. Before you buy or build a stationary bench on your site, which is difficult to rearrange later, experiment with a chair or armchair. When choosing a place, observe it at different times of the day.

Benches should fit into the ensemble of the garden and country house and correspond to them in spirit. Forged furniture looks good in a classical and Mediterranean style garden. It is impossible to imagine a modern garden without characteristic flowing lines and floral motifs. Wooden benches, gray from time to time, are associated with rustic and natural gardens; rough furniture made of logs and stumps will fit into them. A modern garden will be decorated with minimalist furniture, for example, made of an aluminum frame with wooden elements. Main criterion when constructing a bench - the beauty and ease of use.

How to arrange a children's and sports ground at the dacha

If you have a sports family, then allocate space on the plan for sports activities, depending on the sport that interests you most. The features of a particular type will dictate to you the size of the sports ground in the garden and its equipment. It’s also a good idea to think about how to hide the site; it should not be visible from the entrance, from the windows of the house, etc.

The playground in the garden for children is located closer to the house, ensuring constant supervision over the children. You should not locate the children's area near the garage or gate, but it is quite possible to place it near a solid fence, equipping it appropriately, for example, with rope ladders or drawing boards. Teenagers do not need constant care, so their sports and play area can be located further from home.

As can be seen in the photo, playgrounds in small dachas may not have clear demarcations to allow children to run freely. When designing a children's playground at the dacha with large territory It is worth providing a fence that will give children a sense of secrecy, while they remain visible and under control. A low hedge up to 1m high or a fence is perfect for this purpose. Plan the garden so that children can play without fear of crushing flower beds or trampling vegetable beds, or fence off the area itself for children’s play.

Playground in the garden for a child (with photo)

The simplest things can make little summer residents happy - a place to play on the lawn, a hut made of willow twigs, a “bicycle track” laid along the perimeter of the site, which can be an ordinary path at least 60 cm wide with a radius of curvature at turns of at least 2-2 .5 m.

Look at the photo: a playground in the garden can be adjacent to a recreation area, but it does not have to match the style of the garden. Make your children's corner fun and colorful, like a picture from a fairy tale; the child should associate it with magic, give him a feeling of safety and comfort, and awaken a thirst for creativity.

If there is a child in the family preschool age, then the presence of even a small body of water near the site is not allowed, or its surface must be covered with a durable lattice.

If the place where the playground is supposed to be located is located even on a slight slope, terrace it or smooth out the height difference as much as possible.

The direction of the winds should be taken into account and the site should be protected from drafts with a low hedge of non-thorny shrubs (cinquefoil bush or spirea sulfur). Cannot be placed play area in a lowland or in a cold place - in the shade of a house or on the northern side of a slope: in the spring the snow melts there late, and the soil does not dry out for a long time after the rain.

Design of a children's playground in the country and photos of playgrounds for children in garden design

Before setting up a children's playground in your country house, pay attention to the color of the materials used to make its elements. Bright colors on the playground set the child up for play, attract his attention, and maintain his tone.

For the little ones, a lawn, a sandbox, a bench and a shallow inflatable pool are enough. Children 3-6 years old already need swings, slides and simple sports equipment. A playground for children from 6 to 12 years old requires more complex equipment - fortresses, huts, pirate ships, observation towers, tree houses with rope ladder. From the age of 12, a child will need a sports ground. You will have to find a new place for it in the garden, away from home; teenagers prefer natural materials, natural colors and separate areas in the back of the plot. When the children grow up, the old playground is converted into a regular corner of the garden, setting up a flowerbed or pond in this place; you can come up with another option - for example, arrange an exhibition of the best garden plants in pots and vases on an old children's swing.

What exactly and in what configuration to install on the playground for children in the garden is decided by parents in accordance with the age of the child, his physical development and temperament, free space and financial resources of the family.

How to arrange a utility area in the garden

Everything you need in the household- a utility room such as a barn, a workshop, a compost heap, woodpiles - it is best to block it into a separate area, placing it in remote place and fenced off from prying eyes.

You can go the other way - make outbuildings (even compost heaps and even woodpiles!) beautiful and elegant, then there is no need to hide them, they can even decorate the garden.

If workshops and woodsheds are not always set up, if necessary, then it is necessary for every garden. Sometimes they describe frighteningly complex methods of preparing it, requiring a lot of time, effort and special knowledge, but in my opinion, everything is simple.

Plant residues, chopped grass after mowing, spent tea (including tea bags), coffee grounds, eggshells, wood ash, newspapers and other paper (but not color printing!), sawdust, chopped tree branches, peat, manure, droppings, kitchen waste, etc. Do not put diseased plants, large bones, leftover meat and fish, thick uncrushed branches, roots and seeds of perennial weeds, plastic, metal, glass, rubber, etc.

The frame for the compost heap is made of wood or metal mesh; you can use ready-made plastic boxes. Any sufficiently large, breathable container is suitable, in which it is easy to place raw materials and then remove the finished compost. The heap should consist of 2-3 compartments (the minimum size of each is about 1 m3), each year one of them will be filled with raw materials for compost, and the finished compost will be removed from the other. It is advisable to shade the place for compost.

The pile should have a mixture of wet and dry ingredients. After each weeding, put weeds in it, once a week a thin layer of mown grass, ground branches and layers of vegetable or fruit waste as they appear, periodically sprinkling each layer 30-50 cm thick with a thin layer (5-10 cm) of earth or compost, peat or manure.

Wet and dry layers should alternate. Do not compact the contents as this will disrupt the normal compost formation process. should be covered on top to retain moisture and maintain heat. Plastic boxes already have a top, other structures are covered with something like black lutrasil or a piece of old carpet.


awnings for the garden

Open area

Closed area

Area under the trees


Furniture for a country recreation area

Fireplace in the recreation area at the dacha

Decor and other nuances

A summer cottage differs from a standard apartment in the city in that when people arrive there, they spend most of their time outdoors, doing gardening or relaxing.

Moreover, each person understands relaxation at the dacha in his own way: for some it is friendly gatherings, for others it is a barbecue with the family, for others it is a leisurely admiration of nature alone.

That is why the options for designing a recreation area on a summer cottage are so diverse.

What types of recreation areas are there in the country?

To relax and enjoy the time spent at the dacha, you need to start arranging comfort zone recreation. Everyone's concept of comfort is different, so you need to consider all possible options before making a final decision.


A patio is a landscaped area, usually adjacent to the walls of the main building.

To protect such a recreation area from rain and scorching sun, they are most often used awnings for the garden, making the site more comfortable and attractive.

Most of all, the patio resembles an outdoor room, where hedges and climbing plants serve as walls. On such a platform you can sunbathe, have noisy parties and relaxing home dinners.

Open area

Open area - a recreation area located in the middle of the lawn under open air. This option will appeal to fans active rest in a cheerful company.

Such an area can easily turn into a place for outdoor games or night discos. The main disadvantage is the lack of protection from the sun and precipitation.

Closed area

The closed area is a guest from the West, who is actively gaining popularity. the main objective organizing space in this option - creating a full-fledged room in the middle of a summer cottage.

Does it look like a patio? Yes, but not entirely - the closed area is not adjacent to any buildings and is a separate element of landscape design.

There must be a canopy and stylized walls, for example, made of mats, screens, fabric, etc.

Area under the trees

If your summer cottage boasts the presence of at least one tree with a luxurious crown, then you should think about the possibility of placing a recreation area directly under it.

After all, the natural canopy is already ready, all that remains is to place a comfortable bench or a suitable table with chairs on the chosen site - the place to relax is ready.

If you have free space, you can make it more organized by surrounding the area with climbing plants, such as climbing roses.


The mention of gazebos evokes associations among most people with cozy garden, where, far from prying eyes and the bustle of the street, there is a small but very beautiful building, surrounded by bright flowers.

Ideally, there is a pond nearby, in the water of which colorful plants and the gazebo itself are reflected. In such a place it’s nice to have a cup of tea, have a heart-to-heart talk with friends, or just admire nature. Such a picturesque picture may well become a reality.

Furniture for a country recreation area

Having decided on the type of place to relax, it’s time to move on to arranging it. The first thing we need is comfortable garden furniture, which should be functional and light.

Upholstered furniture is not the best solution for an open space; it is better to put a few pillows that can be brought into the house in case of bad weather.

The main thing is that the selected furniture can withstand high humidity, temperature changes and is easy to maintain. In winter, it is advisable to move all the furniture into the house or outbuilding.

Fireplace in the recreation area at the dacha

A recreation area would be incomplete without a blazing fireplace. You can opt for a stationary barbecue, the fire lit in which will warm all household members and guests.

Well, the culinary masterpieces prepared on it will definitely be remembered by everyone present. An alternative option is an outdoor fireplace, which is safer due to the absence of an open flame.

Of course, all these designs are quite expensive, so you can get by with a small mobile barbecue.

Decor and other nuances

The design of a country recreation area implies the presence of all kinds of decor, which include various pendants, bells, bird feeders and much more.

Most often, it is on the site that garden figurines or interesting figurines are placed. You should definitely take care of lighting; garden lanterns and other lighting devices can help with this.

The design of the recreation area can be absolutely anything, which allows you to implement various design ideas.

The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, because only the owner of the site knows exactly what the ideal place to relax on his property should be. Create on your summer cottage a real oasis, where you can completely relax and forget about the everyday hustle and bustle.

(19 ratings, average: 4,26 out of 5)

We all remember how our grandparents, with the onset of the summer season, went to their plots to begin land work. For them, dacha holidays were associated with the work of planting vegetables that would feed the whole family for a whole year.

Modern youth have flatly refused such a pastime and for them, a relaxation corner in the country is extremely necessary. In our age of progress, daily bustle, we so long for warm days to come, when we can go on our Vacation home for relaxation, barbecue.

It is far from the intense city life, in the lap of wild nature, that you can truly enjoy a good holiday with your family or friends. This is the priority for most people when purchasing a summer house outside the city.

Recreation area at the dacha

Any, even the smallest, cottage can be planned with a cozy seating area. In such a place, you have the opportunity to fully relax in the fresh air and recharge with new energy for the future.

It is quite possible to plan and create a recreation area on the site with your own hands. How to arrange such an area, depends on its purpose further.

How to arrange a garden:

  1. Open area for active recreation. This is the most common option for arranging a place to relax.
  2. Alcove. When choosing a site and further arranging a gazebo for relaxation, the emphasis is on tranquility and privacy.
  3. Mobile platform. A very interesting and convenient option that allows you to combine both an open area for relaxation and under a canopy. This design can be easily transformed and moved to another location if circumstances require it.
  4. Patio in the backyard of the house. A great way to hide from prying and prying eyes. The patio area is located in the gap between the house and outbuildings. In such a place it is pleasant to spend time alone in peace or celebrate any family celebrations at a barbecue.

How to arrange a dacha recreation area with your own hands

There are several standard step-by-step steps. Definition suitable place. When opportunities are limited by the lack of extra hectares of land, it is initially necessary to settle on a small recreation area. For retirees, it would be great to create a modest but cozy, open area inside the garden or behind the house. There will be a full opportunity to indulge in complete relaxation and tranquility. For playgrounds It is necessary to choose darker places so that children do not overheat in the sun.

When the territory allows, the scope of imagination is simply limitless. It is most convenient to divide the entire recreation area into several small sections. Be sure to separate a public area where there will be a barbecue grill, a cozy gazebo and a spacious table with benches.

Division into territorial zones. It is advisable to delimit the common recreation area from the garden with a hedge of living vegetation. Plants are selected according to the taste preferences of the owner and the degree of illumination. If you focus on conifers, then in addition to their external beauty, you will benefit from the distribution of essential oils by them.

Paving. The most acceptable option for creating comfortable movement around a personal plot is considered soft grass lawn. Only in the dining area and under the grill, it is advisable to lay the pavement with stones, crushed stone, paving slabs or any other hard material. We try to create pedestrian paths in a single compositional style with the rest of the picture.

Gallery: recreation area at the dacha (25 photos)

DIY barbecue area - relaxation area with barbecue

What would a vacation be without a barbecue in the fresh air with family and close friends. Even if the dacha plot is small, it is extremely necessary to find opportunities to create a separate place for placing a barbecue.

Another advantage of an open fire is that on cold days warm up and soak up near him. If there are small children in the family, then for safety, special fireplaces with a closed fire are installed outside. Some people get ideas for designing and creating a barbecue area with their own hands from the Internet if their imagination is not enough.

If it is not financially possible to build a stationary barbecue oven, you can always use a number of ideas and make a barbecue in your country house with your own hands. Suitable for this used gas cylinder or wide pipe. To do this, we cut the source material in cross section, weld the legs and everything is ready.

Gazebo area

A gazebo is considered to be a relaxation area in the garden. This place is perfect for a quiet retreat or in case of inclement weather. Most often, gazebos are built from wood, but other types of materials are also quite acceptable.

If you have your own experience in construction, then it will not be difficult to erect such a structure yourself. In the absence of such experience, time and desire, always professionals will come to the rescue, which will help you choose a gazebo that best suits your preferences and stylistically matches the surroundings.

To protect your vacation from prying eyes and noise, it is recommended place a gazebo near the garden, among dense vegetation.

Interior of the garden and other recreation areas

This section includes creating the interior of the gazebo, garden and choosing all the necessary furniture. In the production of garden furniture, the selection of materials takes into account its location in the open air.

This means that she must withstand any weather: heat, cold, wind, dampness and so on. For comfort, such furniture is accompanied by: special pillows, blankets, soft covers, which will significantly improve the country interior.

The most common and practical furniture is:

  • wicker;
  • forged;
  • made of wood;
  • made of plastic.

When arranging a garden, not only practical components are important, but also aesthetic elements. There are no restrictions on the choice of decor. Now it is fashionable to install in the garden stone figurines various fairy tale characters. Or it could be any other sculpture.

Well-planned and decorated lighting also helps create a cozy and favorable atmosphere. Little things like flowers on the floor and along the walls of the gazebo, will fit perfectly into the overall concept of arrangement.

Arrangement of the patio

In modern landscape design, a recreation area in the backyard of a private house, in other words, a patio, has become in widespread demand.

It is not difficult to DIY and arrange such a small backyard. It is advisable to choose flat starting area, if there is one. Otherwise, you will have to make a series of efforts and level a suitable piece of land. This may be an area with or without a canopy.

When thinking through the design of a patio, you should immediately take into account all the important points. It is preferable to pave the base made of durable and hard materials: tiles, stone, wood, etc. If there are space limitations, then you can get by with a regular arch with vegetation and a set of garden furniture.

A good housewife will be able to realize her fantasies of arranging such a gazebo by creating flower beds around it. It is much easier to plan everything if there is more than enough free space. Then perhaps a place for a barbecue combine with patio gazebo. This arrangement is much more convenient for the housewife herself, since she does not have to run far to the kitchen.

For a regular dining area, it will be enough to purchase a large table and chairs or benches for sitting, and build a removable canopy. The most practical and cheapest garden furniture considered plastic. It won't do anything from excess moisture, but rattan is too sensitive to such effects. Based on these and other factors, we try to choose the most suitable furniture for ourselves.

What color scheme the backyard will be decorated in depends on the temperament of the owners. Calm and peaceful colors are chosen by people for passive relaxation with their family. Brighter and bolder shades will create an atmosphere of celebration and active pastime.


Some city residents dream of their own country property not only as an opportunity to fully relax there, but also as a keen desire to build a swimming pool.

Especially for families with children, swimming in your own pool will bring a lot of fun.

However, even a small bowl requires special care for cleanliness and hygiene. It will be problematic to build such a pool yourself; it is better to contact specialized agencies.

Whatever your relaxation area, it should bring only joy, satisfaction and complete relaxation during holidays or holidays.

At the dacha we spend our energy growing garden crops. But after a hard day it’s nice to relax in a cozy and comfortable environment. It is for these purposes that relaxation areas are designed at the dacha - a beautiful and cozy area where you can not only spend time with your family, but also have a party. And to make everyone feel comfortable, you need to carefully consider the design of the area.

To design a place for relaxation, you can seek the help of specialists. But it’s better to take ready-made ideas as a basis and use your imagination.

Retro style corner

This design style is suitable for a small plot where the main area is reserved for garden beds. There is no need to oversaturate the space; just put a beautiful table, a few armchairs and a sofa, on which you place beautiful soft pillows. Everything is simple and accessible.

When designing such a recreation area, several points should be taken into account:

  1. Furniture should be positioned so that the seating area is in the shade. After all, after work you don’t want to sit in the scorching sun.
  2. Artificial options for creating shadows should be considered. For example, you can plant climbing ornamental plants and attach a trellis to them. Or set up a tent, put up an umbrella and other options.
  3. If the area allocated for a place to rest is not level, it is worth carefully leveling it. If the area is located on a hill, consider the option of stairs.


This option is more expensive and stylish. means a house without a roof and is the area adjacent to the house. But now more and more people are modernizing it, for example, installing a canopy in the recreation area, planting climbing plants (grapes, ivy and others).

How to create such a magnificent recreation area?

  1. Let's determine the location - a flat area with an area of ​​4 to 9 sq.m. will do. For paving, you can use paving slabs, plastic modules, stone, etc. The area under the patio should be perfectly level.
  2. Materials and colors should be chosen based on their thermal conductivity - darker-colored floors heat up faster. But if it doesn’t matter to you how quickly the floor becomes warm, then choose the color based on your preferences.

To decorate your patio, you can use your imagination - place vases with flowers, flower beds and tubs with decorative trees around the perimeter. The main thing is that it is comfortable to be in this place.

Cool in the shade

A pergola with a vine will not only create shade for the recreation area, but also protect from light rain. You can also arrange a place to relax near the trees. In addition, the area under the tree is filled with romance and a special closeness to nature.

A classic version of a recreation area - a gazebo

A gazebo is a more comfortable place to relax. It can be placed anywhere. But it’s better to choose one with a view of the entire dacha or the surrounding area. Inside the gazebo you can put anything you want - benches, chairs, sofas and other furniture that suits the style and parameters.

  • Open gazebos can have a lattice-shaped roof covered with ornamental plants.
  • In closed versions, a barbecue is often placed or an oven is installed.

Bright colors can be used for interior lining. This approach will create a bright atmosphere inside, even if the weather is cloudy. For cladding, you can use cellular polycarbonate; it multiplies the sun's rays, creating a bright environment.

Another interesting design solution is a transparent ceiling, for which polycarbonate is also suitable.

It is not necessary to create a gazebo in a classic style. Exists great amount modern approaches to design, for example, high-tech style.


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