Cyprus vacation - what a tourist needs to know. Tips for tourists in Cyprus. Active recreation and entertainment

10 things you shouldn't do in Cyprus


Perhaps this summer you will go on holiday to Cyprus. Perhaps even for the first time. And even if not for the first time, our advice may be useful to you. We have collected 10 things that you cannot do in Cyprus: it will not be the best waste of time and money. And each, of course, has an alternative. So, once in Cyprus, you should not:

    1. Buy halloumi cheese in hotel supermarkets. And in general in supermarkets in tourist areas. It is quite expensive there and often at the same time cheap - in the sense that in order to reduce the cost, cow's milk is added to halloumi, while the real one is prepared only from goat and sheep's milk. In hotels, by the way, they often fry it incorrectly, in thin slices - so it seems that the portion is larger. In fact, the correct thickness is about a centimeter. For real halloumi, you can go, for example, to a donkey farm in the vicinity of Ayia Napa. No, that doesn't mean they add donkey milk to it, it's just a fun tourist attraction with a "village" theme. The cross-country donkey ride included in the program at first glance smacks of terry pop, but in fact it impresses even those who have always been indifferent to “riding a horse.”

      Halloumi can be fried either in a frying pan or on a grill. Delivering cheese packed in film - no problem

    2. Drive a rental car to turtle beach . Lara Beach is a place worth visiting. It's not a fact that you will see sea ​​turtles, which lay eggs there, but the place itself is quiet, deserted and surprisingly clean even by the standards of Cyprus, where the cleanliness of the beaches is one of the main advantages for vacationers. However, if you go there in a rental car, then, firstly, you will drive for a very long time. Secondly, there is a risk of breaking the road tires on sharp stones on the road (and this is an unpaved road that runs mainly on rocky soil).

      On the beach, you will most likely see only fences around turtle nests. Large turtles come to lay eggs only in July and only at night, and small turtles, as you understand, do not hatch every day either, but after hatching, they immediately crawl to the sea and swim away.

      Thirdly, although there is no outright off-road in the Russian sense (swamp), it is easy to put a bumper, threshold or muffler of a small car on uneven roads, for which you will then have to pay. An alternative is the so-called jeep safari. Of course, the safari has the same name, but riding on a bench in the trunk of a Defender is somehow more colorful. The main thing, if there is more than one jeep in your group, is to sit in the first jeep, because in the second you will swallow dust. By the way, choose trips that include a stop in the Avakas gorge along the way: these are natural beauties indescribable in the form of text, photos or videos (and there are no crowds of tourists there).

      We specially posted the ugliest photo from the gorge so that you can go and see everything with your own eyes.

    3. Check into a hotel on the coast of Ayia Napa. It will always be crowded here in the worst sense of the word: crowds of vacationers will literally be lying under your windows, music will be constantly playing from beach bars, and the people at sea will be like in Simeiz.

      Ayia Anapa

      Have you rented a room with a private terrace on the seafront in Ayia Napa? Well done, your territory is limited to a paved area

      For a quiet, relaxing holiday, it is better to go to Paphos (we were in Coral Beach Hotel and Resort: a wonderful place, although a little old-fashioned), and if you are in the eastern part of the island, then it makes sense to settle away from the sea.

      IN Coral Beach Paphos is quiet and peaceful. This is where you need to escape the noisy crowds

      After all, you don’t run back and forth between the sea and your room, but come for a few hours. If so, you can get to the hotel in a few minutes using a free shuttle. And the beaches that such shuttles go to are not so crowded. Example good hotel This type is St. Elias Resort, here you will live in small houses instead of multi-storey buildings, there are swimming pools with slides and, most importantly, Ultra All Inclusive, dear to the Russian heart, which is generally rare for Cyprus. Surprisingly, there are few Russians in the hotel - mostly English.

      St. Elias Resort has swimming pools among two-story houses on a large area, only one and a half hundred rooms and many pools. Some houses have their own.

    4. Eat in tourist restaurants on the shore. This, however, is the advice of Captain Obvious, but, damn it, you go and there are people sitting there and eating who knows what. What should you eat in Cyprus? First, look for places where they cook “Kleftiko” - this is lamb stewed in special vats in a special oven for so long that it loses the characteristic taste of lamb and melts in your mouth; It is difficult to find them in tourist areas; restaurants are located in areas where the local population is concentrated. For example, this one.

      Oven for cooking kleftiko

      Another mandatory program is meze. Meze comes in fish and meat varieties, the latter being more typical for Cyprus. The idea is that tiny portions are brought to you one by one. various dishes: ideologically similar to Spanish tapas, but here most of the dishes are hot. Ideally, you should also wash everything down with local wine, for which, by the way, it’s worth visiting the Kolios winery, where they also serve meze (meat). Locally bottled Persefoni wine at €5 a bottle is worth buying as much as you can take away.

      The grapes grow on limestone; limestone is saturated with water during rains and this is enough to feed the bushes; no one waters anything additionally. Therefore, the berry contains less water, which means the wine has a richer taste.

      And if you want fish meze and still be on the shore, then you should at least once go to Sailor’s Rest on the territory of St. Raphael Resort in the vicinity of Limassol.

      Here's the one ocean liner on the shore is actually not a liner, but a restaurant. A bit pricey, but worth it

    5. Go to the source of Aphrodite. No, if you live very close, then you can go, but in general you will most likely be disappointed. The “source” is a small puddle in a grotto with water flowing down its walls. Here, according to legend, Aphrodite met with Adonis. You won’t be able to swim there, or drink the water - in a word, it’s just a beautiful legend from the authors of guidebooks who needed to write at least something else.

      We don’t have any other source of Aphrodite for you.

      But if you do go in that direction, then know that the source itself is located in a rather interesting arboretum with a 5-kilometer route, and nearby there is a beautiful wild pebble beach, where there are never people. However, keep in mind that you will first have to go down a winding staircase from a high cliff, and then climb back up along it.

      And by the way, here you can swim to the rock

    6. Give vodka to pelicans on the promenade in Paphos. Alas, this idiotic entertainment is typical only for “Russo tourists”. It’s better to just take pictures with the pelicans, but in general, since you’re on the embankment, go and look at the ancient mosaics.

      Pelicans just walk along the embankment

      Even if you hate museums and all these thousand-year-old antiquities with all your heart, and your favorite entertainment is the TV show “Dom-2”, then you can still at least say: “Hey, hey, swastika!”, because the characteristic ornament is repeated in most these mosaics. At the same time, they will tell you that it has nothing to do with prohibited symbols, if you didn’t know that.

      We’ll ask you to show us the mosaics...

    7. Trying to get into Varosha. Varosha is an abandoned resort on the demarcation line between the Republic of Cyprus and the unrecognized territory captured by the Turks. Photos on the Internet attract lovers of post-apocalyptic landscapes, but in fact, the “object” is well guarded by the Turkish military, who, by the way, vacation there semi-legally, so it will not be possible to get there undetected.

      Varosha from the sea

      If you need to “just look”, this can be done, firstly, during boat trip from Ayia Napa: the boat comes quite close, everyone is given binoculars, and the line of gradually crumbling hotels along the beach can be examined in detail. Secondly, almost at the very “border” (Greek Cypriots call it the demarcation line, because the “Turkish Republic northern Cyprus"is considered a temporarily occupied territory and this pseudo-state is not recognized by any country in the world except Turkey) there is a museum of occupation, from the roof of which everything is also perfectly visible through binoculars, and here they will tell in detail about what happened in 1974.

      Varosha from the Museum of Occupation. Grab your binoculars and go!

      Thirdly, if you’re going to wander around, the Berengaria Hotel in the western part of the island looks much more interesting, where you can stop by on the way to the Kykkos Monastery, or even instead of the monastery.

      Checkpoint at the “border” in Famagusta

      This mosaic at Larnaca airport was actually taken from the abandoned Nicosia airport. Compared to the 1967 version, not all fragments have been preserved

    8. Buy an adapter for UK sockets. Yes, the sockets in Cyprus are different. This is not Greece (not to be confused with Crete), but a former British colony, and the outlets here are of the English type. The store will be able to charge you 5, 10, or 20 euros for it, depending on how popular the brand is (the red price is 2), but in reality you don’t need it. Firstly, decent hotels rent an adapter. Somewhere there’s even no deposit, and somewhere else they charge 5 euros. Secondly, even if you were not given an adapter, there is a life hack: insert any handy object (for example, a pen refill, a cotton swab, etc.) into the central upper hole, thereby slightly opening the curtains of the main contacts.

      The adapter you don't need

      We insert a regular Euro plug into them and take out the auxiliary item. In order not to bother with this every time, take with you from Russia the simplest extension cord with a tee. Alas, in a number of hotels there are still sockets of the old British standard BS 546 with round holes; Euro plugs don't fit in them, and an adapter is hard to find (so, again, don't buy an adapter).

    9. Buy something from Duty-Free at Larnaca Airport. All local products are much more expensive there than in regular stores. Foreign drinks in general are also not cheap.

      Some drinks in the dutik can be tasted for free, but in homeopathic doses

      Look better at non-food products - glasses, perfume, etc., because you can also have a drink in the business lounge, where, by the way, there is a wonderful terrace from where you can watch the planes (and smoking is also allowed there).

      Terrace in the business lounge of Larnaca airport where smoking is allowed

      This is not the entire selection of alcohol in the LCA business lounge

      By the way, you can watch the planes from Mackenzie Beach not far from the airport: there are few people, pleasant sand, you swim right under the glide path, and the end of the runway literally goes out onto the beach. Just don’t come close to the airport fence: a security car drives up from the other side very quickly, and from it they look at you with silent reproach.

      Mackenzie Beach - a spotter's paradise

    10. Travel on your own during the season to save money. Many people consider package tours evil and do not want to feed tour operators, but this is not about Cyprus and not about the season. Yes, all hotels can be booked through bookings/islands, and you can buy tickets yourself, but it will be more expensive. To understand: a Cyprus hotel gives rooms to a tour operator for about half the price it sells them “at retail” to online travel agencies. Even taking into account the tour operator's margin, you are at the price of a room at independent organization At least you'll also get trips free ticket, and a good airline. The main tour operator is Biblio Globus; it cooperates with Rossiya, which flies to Cyprus mainly on fresh Boeing 737-800s and, by the way, feeds quite well (plus you can).

      Fresh 737-800 “Russia” fly to Cyprus, some cars are not even a year old

      The standard flight meals are satisfying, although without frills, you can order additional ones for an additional fee if you are flying from Moscow

      Among the regions, this is generally almost no alternative; regular flights will, as a rule, have a transfer in Moscow, and for a ticket from a decent carrier you can pay almost the cost package tour. Don't forget about the transfers included in the tour.

      Russian plane in Larnaca

      Taxis in Cyprus are expensive (from Larnaca to Paphos, for example, 100 euros), and when renting a car, keep in mind that traffic is on the left, that is, cars are right-hand drive. Accordingly, the cheapest options with a manual transmission, where you will need to change gears with your left hand, are unlikely to suit you.


Check availability of all necessary documents.

You must have with you:

  • a foreign passport valid for 3 months from the end of the trip;
  • round trip air ticket;
  • visa to visit the Republic of Cyprus;
  • tourist package (voucher);
  • insurance policy;
  • original power of attorney from both parents (for children traveling without parents) or original power of attorney from the second parent (for children traveling with one of the parents), photographs of children must be pasted into the passport of one of the parents starting from 0 years old, or the child must have his own travel document;
  • a veterinary certificate in the established form, as well as a document with vaccination and microchipping marks if you are traveling with an animal.

Visa rules for tourists traveling to Cyprus, see the VISA section.

Attention! Before booking a tour, check with the travel agency manager about the rules for traveling abroad for minors, the procedure for submitting and a set of documents for children traveling with parents or accompanying persons.


Flights within the framework of Mouzenidis Travel flight programs are carried out in international airports Larnaca and Paphos.

IN itinerary receipt the airport and departure time are indicated (always local for each airport). You must arrive at the airport 3-3.5 hours before departure. The seat on the plane is indicated at check-in for the flight. Check-in for the flight ends 40 minutes before departure.

If you do not show up for check-in at the specified time, the airline has the right to dispose of your seat at its discretion. Save boarding pass until the end of the flight.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules governing the carriage of passengers, baggage and hand luggage, animals during air travel to Cyprus. The rules can be found on the airline's websites.

After registering for international flight You must go through customs, passport control, and security control.

In case of transportation of plants or animals, it is necessary to undergo phytocontrol or veterinary control.


Before preparing for departure, check with your manager about the rules for exporting goods from the country of departure and sums of money free of duty and import upon return of goods accompanied and unaccompanied baggage(cigarettes, alcoholic drinks, food and other categories of goods).

If you do not have items and/or valuables that are subject to mandatory customs control, You don’t have to fill out a customs declaration and go through the “Green Corridor” for registration. Otherwise, you must fill out a customs declaration, the forms of which are located in front of the customs line on tables or on special counters.

When filling out the form, do not forget to indicate the ENTIRE amount of foreign currency that you are bringing with you. Cash in the amount of 10,000 US dollars (or the equivalent in other currencies, including Russian rubles) is subject to MANDATORY customs declaration. A certificate from the bank regarding the purchase of currency is not required.

Tourists can import photo and video cameras, sports and camping equipment, as well as 50 cigars or 200 cigarettes or 250 grams of tobacco, 1 liter of spirits, 0.75 liters of wine, 0.3 liters of perfume or eau de toilette into Cyprus without paying duties. .

The export of antiques from Cyprus is prohibited, and any attempt to violate the rules is punishable by law.


Liquids are allowed for transportation in hand luggage, the volume of each of which does not exceed 100 ml, and the total volume is 1 liter. Such liquids must be placed in a transparent plastic resealable bag, provided free of charge directly in the passenger screening area. Items containing liquid purchased in the duty free area will be packaged in sealed bags that cannot be opened until they arrive at their final destination.


You need to go through passport control and customs yourself. At passport control, present your passport with a Cyprus visa. Lack of an original visa may result in a tourist being refused permission to cross the border zone or board a flight.

It is recommended to carry cash with you at the rate of 500 euros per person per week. After passing through passport control and receiving your luggage, you will find yourself in the “customs area”, where random inspection of your luggage may be carried out.


When leaving customs zone Representatives of Mouzenidis Travel will meet you at the airport of Larnaca and Paphos. Comfortable transfer buses will take you to hotels on the island. At the resorts you will be met by company representatives who will help with accommodation, tell you about the offered excursion programs, and answer all your questions.

Attention! In case of any problem related to your stay(transfer, hotel accommodation, shortcomings in hotel service, excursion service etc.), we ask you contact immediately with a representative of Mouzenidis Travel by phone numbers received from the guide.


Check that you have all the necessary documents. You must have your passport and air ticket with you.

Check in advance with a representative of the tour operator Mouzenidis Travel about the time of delivery to the hotel of transport that will take you to the airport. If you are late for the bus, the tour operator is not responsible for the expenses you incur (taxi fees, etc.)

On the day of departure, you should fold and pack all your things by the time specified by the tour operator representative and pay for Additional services services provided to you during your stay at the hotel (telephone conversations, payment of restaurant bills, use of the minibar, etc.) and to be in the hotel lobby at the time designated by the Mouzenidis Travel representative.



Never lose track of your luggage at the airport. Your things should be in one place and as close to you as possible. Do not change large sums of money at the airport (you will not need them on the way to the hotel, and the exchange process may attract the attention of strangers).


Do not allow non-hotel employees to take care of your luggage.

Keep documents, money and valuables, including airline tickets and passports, in a safe located in your room or at the hotel reception (this service may be provided for an additional fee).

The representative of the tour operator serving your hotel will offer you booklets in Russian containing information about the excursions offered, the schedule of breakfasts, lunches and dinners in the restaurant of your hotel, additional services that you can receive at the hotel, as well as other useful information.

Bills for telephone calls and other additional services provided to tourists (minibar in the room, drinks in bars, laundry services, etc.) are paid on the day of departure at the reception.

Each hotel has a check-out time, so on the day of departure you should vacate your rooms by this time and make payments for purchased additional services.



You can choose and order the excursion you like when booking a tour or on site from a representative of the Mouzenidis Travel company. Before each excursion, check the availability of documents for this particular excursion. Don't take more cash with you than you need for one day. Don't be late to board the bus at the start of the excursion. During the tour, during stops, arrive on time to the meeting point appointed by the guide. Don't leave in excursion bus money and valuables, the driver is not responsible for them. At the end of the excursion, do not forget your things on the bus.

Attention! The tour operator Mouzenidis Travel is not responsible if a tourist encounters problems with organizing an excursion purchased from other companies.


There is no need to carry personal documents with you - they will be replaced by a hotel card. We recommend that you always carry copies of your passport and insurance policy with you. If your credit cards are stolen or lost, block them immediately. On the street, try to avoid large crowds of people - a favorite place for pickpockets. When traveling to public transport Prepare money for travel in advance, without giving strangers the opportunity to remember the place where you keep money and valuables. Do not take large amounts of money with you unless absolutely necessary and avoid storing money in hand bags. Carry cameras and video cameras only with a strap over your shoulder. When you go for a walk with your family or in a group, agree in advance on a meeting place in case you suddenly get lost. Do not buy Jewelry and other valuables on the street. In bars and restaurants, do not leave bags on the floor or on the backs of seats.


Please note: in Cyprus you drive on the left!

If you decide to rent a car, follow the general rules:

  • never, even for a few minutes, leave a car with things unattended;
  • never get out of a car with the engine running, even if you only need to ask for directions;
  • always carry your car keys with you;
  • try to remove all valuable items (cameras, car radios, etc.) from sight when leaving the car in the parking lot;
  • do not leave documents in the car;
  • If, while driving along the highway, one of your companions asks you to stop, do not do so until you reach the “Service Area”.


Please note: in Cyprus, electrical sockets are used in the “British” format - with three holes.

To charge phones, laptops and connect other compact devices that require electrical power, you will need an adapter. A travel adapter can be purchased locally. The mains voltage is 240 Volts, with the usual frequency of 50Hz, no additional transformers are required.


  • In the event of an unpleasant incident (threat or actual attack, robbery, etc.) with you or other tourists, be sure to contact the nearest police station.

A single number for calling the police, firefighters or ambulance (Police / Fire Service) is 199 or 112. If you lose your passport You must report the incident to the police, where an appropriate report must be drawn up, one copy of which will be given to you. You will need the protocol in order to obtain a return certificate

a document replacing a passport. You need to contact the Embassy (Consulate) of your country in Cyprus: Consular Section of the Russian Embassy:

tel. +357 22-776832, fax +357 22-783030 Consular Section of the Ukrainian Embassy:

tel. +357 22-464383, fax + 357 22-464381+357 25-351888

Consul of Kazakhstan:

You can contact the Consulate in case of emergencies or other circumstances that threaten the safety of your life and health, as well as in cases of danger of harm to your property.

Each tourist traveling to Cyprus is insured for the amount of 30,000 euros. Be sure to read the insurance conditions before your trip. If an insured event occurs, you must contact representatives of the tour operator Mouzenidis Travel at the resort, who will call a doctor. If you consult a doctor on your own, the insurance company does not guarantee payment of compensation for the insured event.

Today we will talk about things that surprise and amaze in Cyprus.

Store opening hours. In Cyprus there is a 6-day working week, on Wednesday and Saturday work on a reduced schedule, until 13.00. This even applies to grocery stores. Therefore, it is advisable to think about buying groceries in advance. Recently, after the 2013 crisis in Cyprus, the situation has changed a little. Many stores have begun to operate with normal business hours; some stores where you can buy groceries are open even on Sundays.

Pharmacies are open until 19 pm. Many pharmacies, especially in summer, have lunch from 12 to 16. Many stores and pharmacies have winter and summer schedules work. In winter they work an hour less.

Another thing that surprises in Cyprus is the open cars with the ignition keys inside. For example, a Cypriot came from the store to buy water, got out, did not turn off the car, left the keys and left. This doesn't follow any logic. It is amazing for people who come from Russia to observe such things. The situation has changed a bit in the last couple of years. They started locking the cars because they began to realize that the car could be stolen.

Cypriot families tend to dress according to the calendar. Not according to specific weather, but according to the calendar. Autumn has come - everyone wears autumn clothes, winter has come - winter clothes, despite the fact that it can be +29 outside, people swim and sunbathe on the beaches. This may be due to the fact that they do not have such bright seasons as we are used to in Russia. You can walk down the street in a T-shirt and flip-flops and meet a man in a jacket and boots.

Cypriots do not take off their shoes at home. In Russia, it is customary to take off your shoes near the door and wear socks or slippers at home. And if a Cypriot comes to visit you, he will calmly walk in boots. Of course, there is no slush, winter, or snow here, but it still rains in winter and dirt spreads throughout the apartment. When asked to take off their shoes, many Cypriots react aggressively. Cypriots and Turks have a long-standing conflict and therefore if you ask them to take off their shoes, they compare themselves with the Turks who take off their shoes before entering the mosque.

In general, Cypriots are very joyful people. If it’s Easter, then there are 5 days off, and for Christmas there are also 5 days off. They also celebrate Greek Independence Day and many Greek holidays in general. Cypriots are always happy for Greece and are always willing to relax with them. In general, Cypriots are very joyful, cheerful and friendly.

The first impression that Cypriots make is that they are naive people; at first it seems that they are not adapted to life. There is a feeling that if it snows, everything will die and only Russians will remain on the island. Maybe it's due to the heat, but they are relaxed and slow.

There are a lot of houses for rent in Cyprus. Some housing has been rented out for years. Cypriots have no commercial spirit and are very stubborn. It is very difficult to negotiate for them to reduce the price of rental housing. Properties may sit empty for years, but they won’t lower prices.

In general, life in Cyprus is relaxed, unhurried and addictive. At first, such a life can be stressful. People who have recently arrived in Cyprus from Russia are immediately visible in the crowd, they are a little nervous, twitchy, and have the feeling that everything does not suit them. They see some kind of negative in everything. People in Russia are very tense, and understanding this only occurs after leaving Russia.

Cyprus small island located in the Mediterranean Sea, is divided into two parts, all tourism is concentrated on the Cypriot side, many call it Greek, although it has nothing to do with Greece, the second part is Turkish, there is no tourism as such, there are some offers on the Internet, but I can’t say for sure how real this is. Therefore, I will talk about Cyprus, which is known to many.

Is it worth going on holiday to Cyprus?

I would definitely say yes. This is a no-win destination for beach tourism. Always here good weather, A swimming season lasts quite a long time, so those who were unable to get to the sea in the summer can easily extend their warmth in the fall by purchasing a trip to Cyprus. And the undoubted advantage of the destination is that the flight here, if we talk about Moscow, takes 3 hours. Even those who do not tolerate the flight very well can afford to hold out so a short time for your own vacation. Mothers with small children, especially infants, can fly to Cyprus quite calmly, since during the 3-hour flight, the children will not have time to get very tired and will not torment the surrounding passengers with their whims. Of course, all children are individual, but I assume that the average child is moderately active and curious.

In addition to quality beach holidays, Cyprus has great potential as a hotel base. I can’t say that the choice is very rich, but every tourist will find something to suit his taste and budget. There are hotels of world chains, ordinary simple ones... read more

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Sea, sun, sand - that's all Ayia Napa

I have long wanted to visit Cyprus, especially the resort of Ayia Napa. I heard a lot of flattering reviews. For lovers of noisy life, fun and, of course, a snow-white sandy beach, this city has a special appeal. Unfortunately, I was not able to taste all the delights of staying in Ayia Napa, but I appreciated the fruits and the sea. The resort is very small, I would even say compact. On the very first morning, the hospitable Cypriots delighted us with honeyed watermelons, juicy olives and sweet pina coladas. Drinks were included in the price of our hotel stay, even alcoholic ones. To begin with, we decided to explore the beach, although the hotel pool was also cool (the water was just a little colder).

Ayia Napa beach is a miracle. As it is written in the title - this is a warm sea, a heavenly atmosphere, white or even soft peach sand, and of course, gentle sun. The beach did not disappoint us. In subsequent years we went on excursions. I especially enjoyed the trip to Paphos. This city is probably the complete opposite of Ayai Napa, because the beach there is not safe. There are cut corners leading to a rocky sharp shore. It is also believed that Paphos is home to unsafe marine fauna. I was pleased with the excursion to the archaeological excavations, preserved from time immemorial. An ancient model, ruins of typical Cypriot houses and an amphitheater have been preserved.


Cyprus is a small island located in the Mediterranean Sea, divided into two parts, all tourism is concentrated on the Cypriot side, many call it Greek, although it has nothing to do with Greece, the second part is Turkish, there is no tourism as such, there are some offers in on the Internet, but how real this is, I can’t say for sure. Therefore, I will talk about Cyprus, which is known to many.

Is it worth going on holiday to Cyprus?

I would definitely say yes. This is a no-win destination for beach tourism. The weather here is always good, and the swimming season lasts quite a long time, so those who were unable to get to the sea in the summer can easily extend their warmth in the fall by purchasing a trip to Cyprus. And the undoubted advantage of the destination is that the flight here, if we talk about Moscow, takes 3 hours. Even those who do not tolerate the flight very well can afford to stay for such a short time for the sake of their own vacation. Mothers with small children, especially infants, can fly to Cyprus quite calmly, since during the 3-hour flight, the children will not have time to get very tired and will not torment the surrounding passengers with their whims. Of course, all children are individual, but I assume that the average child is moderately active and curious.

In addition to quality beach holidays, Cyprus has great potential as a hotel base. I can’t say that the choice is very rich, but every tourist will find something to suit his taste and budget. There are hotels of world chains, ordinary simple hotels and apartments. By the way, in Cyprus you don’t have to worry about star rating, the service and conditions are good everywhere, the main thing is to choose based on the location: how many meters to walk to the sea, proximity to the necessary infrastructure and how noisy or calm it is around (this is especially true for the resort of Ayia Napa).

Hospitality local residents, that's what I would like to highlight. Against the backdrop of Europe, the contrast is felt; perhaps not everyone will agree with me, but this is my personal opinion. Cypriots are very attentive to tourists, both those who are directly involved in tourism activities and ordinary local residents. They always smile, are touched by small children walking towards them, and are ready to help at any moment - without knowing the tourist language. This is very attractive to them. A similar thing happens in restaurants; often, the owners of the establishments themselves are ready to serve their guest.

Absolutely everyone will feel comfortable in Cyprus. Here you have a choice of where to relax and what you need for a successful pastime on the island. Someone wants peace and tranquility, without noise and a lot of cars - please go to Paphos, Protaras or Ayia Napa. If you want proximity to the city, to life and movement, then welcome to Larnaca or Limassol. Active party-goers will also not be left out - the famous street of bars and discos in Ayia Napa is always happy to welcome new guests.

For those who like to travel, it will be great to rent a car in Cyprus and see all the places on the island; it won’t take much time, but you will be able to cover all the most interesting things in a very short period of time.

Which may upset those who are considering Cyprus as a holiday destination.

1. A very modest excursion program. In fact, only 15% of what is offered to tourists is worthy of attention; everything else can hardly be called a serious attraction. You can often hear dissatisfaction on the beach from those who wasted time and money on the excursion that the guides described so interestingly. Therefore, do not try to rush to watch everything that will be offered. It’s better to sit down before your trip and read what the tourists themselves advise - it will be much more productive, and most importantly, truthful. For example, an excursion to the Aphrodite baths sounds very beautiful, but in fact they are brought to Paphos, brought to the shore, opposite a stone in the sea small size and the guide says that here the goddess Aphrodite herself once emerged from the waves of the sea and invites everyone to swim in this place, swim around this stone several times, and according to legend, such an action will give everyone youth and beauty.

2. Prices for tours. Once upon a time Cyprus was very expensive little money. And not only Cyprus, you say. But I think there should still be some kind of line. What can really upset and surprise you is the cost of the tour itself. In addition to the fact that prices on the island are not the lowest for everything, you will also have to pay a lot of money for your vacation. As a result, I’ll say that Cyprus has really gone up in price, even the simplest 3* hotel is expensive during the season. Just two years ago, you could fly for 10 days using the Fortuna system for 10,000 rubles per adult. And by paying another 5,000 on top, you can choose a very good hotel with breakfast and dinner. Now it’s at least 40,000 rubles, I would say that such a price still needs to be found.

3. Cyprus at the expense of its own climatic features does not have lush greenery, big amount flowers, shrubs, trees, etc. The most beautiful time on the island is April and May, then hot summer comes and everything green turns into something yellow, dehydrated and very dry. On hotel grounds, of course, gardeners look after their gardens, but outside the situation is sad, especially in August, when you shouldn’t go outside from 12 to 16, as the heat is sweltering.

Aphrodite Beach in Paphos.

In general, despite the disadvantages, Cyprus perfect place for relax. In 2010, the island broke all records for the number of blue flags for the cleanliness of its beaches and sea water. In my opinion, this is a serious plus in favor of this direction, given that every year resort places, where it is pleasant to swim and sunbathe is becoming less and less. And tourists have become more demanding about their holiday destination, and this is understandable. Prices have increased, and most destinations clearly do not correspond to the concept of price-quality.

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Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, which is ideal for a beach holiday in the summer season.

In my opinion, Cyprus has many advantages over others tourist destinations, so for everyone who is interested beach holiday, it is worth paying attention to it and considering it as a possible option.

Pros of holidays in Cyprus:

As I said above, Cyprus has a number of undeniable advantages, thanks to which it has become so popular among Russian tourists. Read more about them below:

  • transport accessibility

Between May and October, a large number of tourists from Russia come to the island. In this regard, many flights fly to Cyprus - most of all, of course, from St. Petersburg and Moscow, but also from other cities in our country. We flew to Cyprus from St. Petersburg, so when purchasing tickets we were able to choose from two daily flights (one of them departs at 6:30 in the morning, the second in the afternoon). The planes fly big, ours had about 500 seats, so we had tickets for the flight even a week before departure. Another advantage of the flight is the flight time - if you fly from St. Petersburg or Moscow, you will spend no more than three to four hours in the air. We flew for about three and a half hours, so we weren’t tired at all.

  • relatively low prices for holidays on the island

Speaking of low prices, I compare Cyprus primarily with Europe - for example, with Spain, popular among Russians. In general, prices in Cyprus will please you. Let me give you an example - two sun loungers and an umbrella on the beach in Tenerife ( Canary Islands) cost us 15 euros per day, in Cyprus 6-7.5 euros (depending on the beach), banana boat ride in Spain cost 25 euros, in Cyprus - 10. In Cyprus we lived in a four-star hotel, and in Spain for the same money we would only get a three-star hotel, not located on the first line. This list goes on, but the main message is clear - prices for food, hotels and beach activities in Cyprus is significantly lower than in Spain, Italy, and often on the Greek islands.

  • a huge number of Russian speakers on the island

Of course, for those who want to take a break from their compatriots, this can be a minus, but, in my opinion, this is a huge plus for those who do not speak or speak English poorly. Firstly, many Russians live in Cyprus, and secondly, some Cypriots study Russian. In almost any hotel and restaurant there will be a person who speaks Russian, which makes communication much easier. Also, the vast majority of restaurants have a Russian menu. In this regard, Cyprus is very convenient for holidays for the older generation - as a rule, older people do not speak foreign languages ​​- in Cyprus they will not have to worry about this.

The beaches of Cyprus have repeatedly received the so-called “ blue flags" is a quality mark awarded to beaches whose water is completely suitable for safe swimming - it is clean, does not contain dangerous bacteria and wastewater, and the beach is equipped with everything necessary for relaxation - toilets, trash cans, and the beach is regularly cleaned. The number of such beaches in Cyprus exceeds 50 - each resort has beaches that have received such an award.

  • relatively mild climate

Even the summer temperature on the island rarely exceeds 35 degrees, the average summer temperature is 28-32 degrees, which provides comfortable stay. We were in Cyprus in August, which is considered one of the hottest months - the daytime temperature was around 30 degrees, so we did not suffer from terrible heat (compared, for example, with mainland Greece - the temperature remained there throughout our entire holiday 40 degrees - it was very difficult to be even on the beach, and there was no talk of excursions). Out of a two-week holiday in Cyprus, it was very hot for just a few days - the temperature was about 33-34 degrees, according to local residents, it was a “heat wave” that came from somewhere in the south.

  • availability of attractions, as well as a fairly large selection of excursions

Cyprus is home to ancient monasteries, to which various excursions are organized (both full-day and half-day), and there are also a number of museums ( Archaeological Museum, history museum and so on). Plus, tourists are offered excursions around the capital of Cyprus, Nicosia (however, it takes quite a long time to get to it from all the resorts, since it is located in the center of the country). There are also trips for nature lovers - a tour of the Akamas Peninsula, which is a nature reserve, a donkey safari, and a yacht ride. In addition, tour operators and travel agencies organize trips to traditional villages, where you can get acquainted with the crafts that the inhabitants of the island continue to practice to this day. Thus, the choice is quite large, so everyone can find something to suit their taste.

  • availability of entertainment for different ages

The Ayia Napa resort, popular among young people, can be visited by those who love bars, nightclubs and dancing until the morning - life there is in full swing, without stopping for a minute - crowds of young people walk there, get acquainted and have fun. For lovers of a more relaxing holiday, resorts such as Paphos and Protaras are intended. Children and teenagers will also find something to do in Cyprus - water parks are open for them (there is a water park in Paphos and Limassol). Besides, in resort towns There are quite a few equipped playgrounds that kids will love.

  • friendly behavior of the locals

Despite the relatively low prices for holidays, Cyprus compares favorably with Turkey and Egypt in the behavior of local residents. In that part of the island where tourists are usually brought, Greek Cypriots live, whose behavior is very pleasing throughout the entire holiday - like Europeans, they treat tourists absolutely unobtrusively, with respect, not allowing any liberties in communicating with girls and women, but together with Moreover, they are very welcoming, friendly, and always ready to help tourists. Most restaurants have very pleasant service, the waiters are always interested in what you liked and what you didn’t, in general, they try to make your stay there as comfortable as possible. During the entire two-week vacation, we did not have a single conflict situation, and we never encountered rudeness or rudeness, which, of course, made us very happy.

  • delicious food and large portions

Those who love to eat should also pay attention to Cyprus - firstly, the food there is very tasty - Greek cuisine includes both seafood and fish, as well as meat dishes. In addition, in all cafes and restaurants, the portions are simply huge - so those who like to eat a lot will be happy, and those who eat little can take one serving for two and save.*

Thus, Cyprus has a large number of undeniable advantages, which were described by me above. In my opinion, he is one of the best destinations for a summer beach holiday.

In conclusion, I would like to write a little about disadvantages of holidays in Cyprus. So, the disadvantages include:

  • relatively few truly historical monuments

Most of the palaces and museums are located in the capital of the island - Nicosia, which takes a long time to get to. IN resort towns there are museums and archaeological parks, but they are usually small.

  • quite tiring trips to monasteries

Above, I already mentioned the presence of ancient monasteries in Cyprus - it is also worth drawing your attention to the fact that they are located in the depths of the island, so it takes quite a long time to get to them, and due to the fact that most of them are located in the mountains, the road goes along serpentine roads, so the road can become very difficult for some.

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Cyprus is an island of love, a country that has absorbed and united the traditions and culture of Europe, Asia and Africa. Incredibly advantageous position

Cyprus's position in the Mediterranean has meant that it has changed hands several times throughout its history, remaining on the periphery of various empires, from Byzantium to the United Kingdom. As a result of many years of national liberation struggle, Cyprus still gained independence, but turned into an arena of clashes between the Greek and Turkish communities, which ultimately led to the division of the island into Greek and Turkish parts.

Aphrodite Island is the most common name for Cyprus. Cyprus is simply good in itself without any far-fetched attractions (may the Cypriots forgive me for such free-thinking). The mild Mediterranean climate determines relatively warm weather in winter and dry, hot weather in summer. The island is not large in size, which makes it possible to explore many beautiful secluded corners. Life in Cyprus is calm and safe. Given the high standard of living, crime is extremely rare here. Since joining the European Union in 2004, analysts unanimously predicted an economic boom for this country. Just don’t be confused, my friends, Cyprus belongs to the euro zone, but is not a Schengen country. True, that same boom led Cyprus into a complete swamp, from which it will continue to emerge for many years. I always try to stay away from politics and financial issues, and the only thing I would like in this situation is that the economic crisis does not turn into an obstacle to tourists who want to explore the country.

Cyprus is a country for every taste. Everyone will find a city to their liking. Restless and reckless Ayia Napa, calm, comfortable and measured Paphos, almost a “Russian city” Limassol...

The attitude of Cypriots towards animals, and in particular towards cats, is also touching. Once a year, a real festival of gluttony happens in the Cat Monastery of St. Nicholas. On St. Nicholas Day, November 6, Cypriot fishermen traditionally donate their entire morning (first) catch to cats in the hope that for this godly deed the good Saint will help ensure that more fish are caught in their nets. According to legend, if a fisherman was stingy or cheated and did not give all the fish or, God forbid, did not give at all, then he will not have luck next year. This is such a sweet and fair holiday, such a good, touching tradition has developed in Cyprus!

Cyprus begins to bloom from the end of February - beginning of March. And just as Cyprus blooms, no other island blooms. The slopes of the hills and mountains are covered with incredible greenery of emerald color, flowers of absolutely fabulous shades bloom, creating magnificent, breathtaking landscapes. All nature rejoices, for her beautiful favorite Adonis returns to earth to the bright rays of the sun and golden Aphrodite.

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It’s definitely worth going on holiday to Cyprus. And there are several reasons for this. But the main flavor of the island is its vibrant cultural events. Throughout the year, the island hosts various events featuring local and international artists. A huge number of religious holidays and fairs make life on the island bright and colorful, and the characters of Cypriots - cheerful and life-loving.

Among the many cultural events First of all, we should highlight the wine festival, which is held every September in the city of Limassol on the territory of the city garden. As part of this holiday, concerts, fairs and even educational lectures are organized in Greek and English languages. Not a single holiday is complete without national Cypriot and Greek dances. Wine is served free of charge here. Thousands of locals and visitors to the island take part in this festival to have fun and get to know the Limassol Bacchus.

Carnivals are held in Limassol, and more recently in Paphos. During these holidays, colorful processions of masks, dances, and competitions for the best carnival costume are organized in cities. The holiday usually ends with a parade of decorated floats moving along the central streets of the cities. This action usually takes place on the last Sunday of Maslenitsa.

In May, every city on the island holds a flower exhibition, which includes parades and competitions for the best bouquet.

In addition to these holidays, the Orange Festival, which is held in Famagusta and Morphe, has long been especially popular in Cyprus.

Cypriots carefully preserve and honor the customs and traditions of their ancestors. The feast of Epiphany is celebrated with special solemnity in Cyprus. After the end of the service, all those present collect holy water in vessels that they bring from home specifically for this purpose, and also light a holy fire to bring it into their home. Therefore, this colorful holiday is called the Feast of the Holy Fire or Holy Light. In houses, a candle should be lit in every room in order to ward off all temptations and evil spirits with its fire. Holy water is sprinkled on vegetable gardens and vineyards. Returning home from church, the mistress of the house prepares traditional pancakes. There is a custom of throwing the first pancake on the roof of the house to drive away evil spirits.

As in Greece, one of the most solemn holidays in Cyprus is Easter and the day of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, which are celebrated with special religious feeling, solemnity and splendor. It will be interesting to watch the action.

On Good Friday the tombstone is taken out of the church. Before leaving the church, believers kneel and walk next to the tombstone, and the clergyman gives everyone a flower with which the tombstone of Jesus is decorated. The iconostasis and all the icons in the church are covered with black or purple fabrics. On Saturday morning, the cloth covering the icons is removed and the church is decorated with festive ribbons. On the same day, housewives prepare the famous “flauns” - a traditional Cypriot Easter food that is sure to be present in every home. We are talking about a special type of Easter cake, the filling of which is a mixture of cheese, eggs and raisins. On Saturday evening, a fire is lit in the church yard and an effigy of Judas is burned. On Sunday afternoon the celebration and treats continue. The main traditional dish of this day is lamb roasted on a spit.

The next holiday that is worth visiting when traveling to Cyprus is the Feast of the Flood. It corresponds to the Feast of Pentecost or the Feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. The festival of the Flood itself has its roots in the era of the ancient ritual - Aphrodisias, dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite, rising from the depths of the waters. This is a water festival during which trade fairs, poetry competitions, various exhibitions of traditional crafts, as well as boat competitions are held on the embankments of the island's coastal cities. Once upon a time, for example, in Larnaca, the Flood festival was celebrated with unique splendor and solemnity. Merchants and traders from all over Cyprus and from Syria brought their goods here, and the city embankment was filled with trade tents and small shops during the holiday. Many different games and competitions attracted local residents and guests of the island.

In mountain villages and in villages that traditionally grow grapes, after harvesting, all residents together begin to make the famous palyuze (chuchkhel). “Hardzin” - the remains of squeezed grapes - is cooked in a large cauldron. To make the filling (sujiuko), take almond or walnut kernels and soak them in water. Then they string it on strings and attach these bundles to the two ends of a hanger, which is a large forked branch with a small knot at the end with which it is suspended. Then the strung nuts are dipped into thickened grape juice, after which they are dried. This procedure is repeated six to eight times. This joint work is a reason for communication and fun, so making a stuffed animal ends with a bright holiday.

In general, songs and dances occupy a special place in the life of Cypriots. Today in Cyprus, all kinds of excursions are organized for tourists, including watching show programs with national Cypriot dances. All Cypriot folk songs are divided into Akritian, folk couplets and epic songs. Akritan songs represent a living spiritual monument of folk art. The central idea of ​​these songs is the idea of ​​the heroic spirit and self-sacrifice, as characteristic features of the Cypriot soul. Cypriot couplets are purely folk poetry, reflecting the soul of the people themselves in every manifestation. At weddings, fairs, and holidays, poets of Cyprus enliven the atmosphere with their apt couplets.

In Cypriot folk dances, roles are very clearly distinguished - male and female. Men's dances are very dynamic, movements can sometimes be quite sharp. The clicking of heels keeps the rhythm, the bloomers flutter, the chest, dressed in a vest, proudly sticks out. The women's dance demonstrates modesty and submission. In pairs, women move in small steps, holding hands or holding scarves in their hands. In any case, Cypriot dance is always a demonstration of national flavor that will not leave you indifferent.

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Good afternoon.

Cyprus is, of course, worth going on holiday for many reasons!

  • Firstly, this is the weather, 330-340 sunny days a year! The climate in Cyprus is considered one of the most favorable and moderate for health. Climatic and natural conditions help maintain good human immunity. Cyprus boasts iodine-rich sea air and clean mountain air!
  • Also, this destination is ideal for families with children, because Cyprus is a very safe island, there is practically no crime here. Therefore, you can absolutely calmly come on vacation with your children and not worry that something might happen to them. As I said above, Cyprus has an amazing climate, so it will be especially useful for children to breathe in the fresh sea and mountain air. Also, hotels in Cyprus have animation groups, children's clubs, playgrounds, and swimming pools, so you can rest assured that children's holidays will be varied and interesting every day. On the island, almost every city has water parks that are open every day in the summer; children will simply be delighted!
  • It should be noted separately national cuisine Cyprus. Restaurants and local taverns abound in seafood delicacies; here you can taste oysters, squid, octopus, salmon, shrimp, etc. The island is also famous for its love of meat products, so taverns, restaurants, and cafes offer different types meat dishes for every taste. Don't forget about fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs all year round! And also delicious fresh bread, rolls with different fillings and sweet pastries are sold in local bakeries, which are located almost at every turn!
  • Cyprus is also famous for its vineyards, so there are a lot of local wineries on the island that produce delicious wine. If you are a connoisseur of good and high-quality wine, then you definitely need to come to Cyprus!


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