Delphi is a city in Greece. Temple of Apollo at Delphi: from ancient myths to the present day. Modern resort and archaeological museum

Delphi - ancient greek city, in ancient times it was the general cultural center of the country, and is described in the legends and myths that have come down to us. It is located in the southwestern part of the territory of Phocis prefecture, in an area of ​​scenic mountain range Parnassus, which the inhabitants of Ancient Hellas associated with the mountain of the gods.

WITH According to archaeologists, in 1600 BC, a female deity was worshiped in Delphi, which was associated among the population of Ancient Hellas with Mother Earth. Pan-Greek cultural and religious center is most beautiful place becomes only about 2700 years ago, when the fame of the Delphic oracle spread throughout the Hellenistic world.

Once upon a time without visiting Delphic Oracle and after receiving the prophecy, practically no war began on the territory of Greece, and kings and generals listened to the recommendations received in Delphi. But after the spread of Christianity and the ban of Emperor Theodosius I from 394 on turning to the oracle, the ancient city of Delphi ceased to exist, having been covered with thick earth over the centuries, and only archaeologists managed to revive it to a new life - as the most important tourist site. A little away from the ruins of ancient buildings there is a village of the same name with several hotel complexes, where tourists traveling around Greece can stay.

What is the city of Delphi famous for?

The city of Delphi is inextricably linked with Delphic oracle And Pythian games, information about which can be seen both in ancient Greek historical sources and in the myths of Ancient Hellas. The exact procedure for turning to the oracle, the method of asking questions and the form of receiving an answer are now unknown; only the inextricable connection of the prophecies with the temple of Apollo and his priestesses - the Pythia, from whom the questioners received the final answer, has been clarified. According to surviving descriptions of ancient Greek authors, the Pythia sat on a tripod directly above a cleft in the ground, from which steam came out and intoxicated the priestess.

Pythian games in Delphi were held from the 4th century BC every four years, at this time all wars even stopped in the territory of Ancient Hellas, and participation in the event was associated with the unity of the Hellenes. They were dedicated to Apollo of Pythia, and at first only singing competitions, carried out to the accompaniment of the cithara.

In later times, the Pythian Games included athletic and artistic competitions, horse riding competitions and chariot races. At the same time, the venue for athletic events was the stadium, singing competitions took place on the stage of the ancient theater, and horse competitions were held outside the city, on flat terrain in the immediate vicinity of the town of Criss.

According to ancient Greek mythology, the city of Delphi was considered "Navel of the Earth", and the legend that has come down to us tells how the ruler of Olympus, the formidable thunder god Zeus, who wanted to determine the location of the center of the world, released two eagles. Proud birds, one of which flew from the west and the other from the east, by a strange coincidence met each other near Delphi, landing on a rock. In this place, at the behest of Zeus, it was installed omphalos- a sacred monument in the form of a flattened cone, associated not only with the center of the world, but also with the sun.

On the territory of the ancient Greek city of Delphi, you can encounter another inexplicable phenomenon - Delphic echo. Even modern tourists visiting archaeological sites during excursions in Greece are perplexed when they manage to hear such an unusual echo. Even words spoken in a barely audible whisper are often picked up by an echo and carried over a fairly impressive distance, and the sound of the echo gradually increases, becoming louder and louder, reaching a peak, and only then the sounds begin to fade.

What to see in Delphi?

When coming to Delphi, you can independently or as part of a group of tourists take a walk through the archaeological excavation zone, where the ancient streets of the ancient religious town are open. The road connecting Arakhov with Amphis divides the ancient Greek settlement into three separate zones, among which the most interesting for travelers interested in history is Sacred Zone. It is a kind of archaeological museum under open air, and entrance to the territory of the ancient refuge of the Delphic Oracle is paid.

In this area you can see the ancient agora and the ruins of the famous Temple of Apollo, considered the patron saint of sailors. Once inside the sanctuary there were many decorations presented by the king and the generals of Ancient Hellas as gifts to the deity, and exquisite statues, and now all the finds were transferred to the Delphi Museum and became an integral part of its exhibition. Once carefully kept in the temple of Apollo omphalos, symbolizing the center of the Earth, and in the sacred part of the sanctuary there was communication between the Pythian priestesses and the Delphic oracle.

Main altar of the temple of Apollo has survived to this day, and a black marble structure dating back to the 5th century BC can still be seen right in front of the ancient sanctuary. Close to ancient sanctuary there is another unique building - the “stoa”, which is seven fluted columns with an inscription. According to the inscription, the classical colonnade was erected in 478 BC in honor of the Hellenic victory over the Persians.

On the territory of the Sacred Zone there is a supposed sanctuary of Gaia, as well as many civil buildings from the times of Ancient Hellas - the Council House, called “bouleuterion” and several treasury buildings. While walking through the ancient settlement, tourists will see the remains of colonnades and preserved ancient staircases, but they are of particular interest sacred path- the road running from the Athenian portico, where the war trophies of Athens were once kept, towards the temple terrace.

There is still a large altar here, brought to Delphi as a gift from the island of Chios, and then the road passes over the ancient temple to the ruins of a stadium and theater built in the 4th century BC, where the Pythian Games were held several thousand years ago. From the territory Delphic Theater a charming view of the sanctuary of Apollo opens up, as well as a picturesque valley stretching below. When there were thirty-five rows of stone seats around the stage, and at the time of the performance, 5,000 spectators could visit the theater at the same time.

Stadium, which served for almost seven centuries and was restored for the last time in the 2nd century, already during the rule of the Romans, accommodated up to 6,000 spectators who gathered here during the Pythian Games. On the territory of the Marmaria zone, the main building is considered Tholos- a rounded building built in the 4th century BC, made in the shape of a rotunda, and now three of its four massive columns have survived.

Where to go in Delphi?

Travelers wishing to experience the mystery of Delphi can pass through the picturesque pine groves towards the Fountain House, which is built directly above Castalian springs. The sacred spring in the eastern part of Delphi, flowing out of the ground at the foot of the wall near the rock itself, was used by ancient pilgrims for ablutions, and visitors near it religious center left offerings to the gods.

A trip to the territory of the pan-Greek cultural and religious center would be incomplete without visiting Delphic Museum, which contains almost all the unique finds made by archaeologists. Its exhibition includes beautiful statues of ancient gods, religious objects found in sanctuaries, and everyday rarities. The museum itself is located in close proximity to the main archaeological complex.

Sikelianos Museum will be of interest to tourists familiar with the peculiarities of Greek drama, and its exhibition is collected in old mansion, from the windows of which a charming panorama of the archaeological excavation zone opens. Most of the exhibition is dedicated to Angelos Sikelianos, a Greek poet, as well as his American wife Eva Palmer. The couple made a great contribution to the development of Delphi in our time, transforming the territory ancient city to a modern center for dramatic art.

While vacationing in Greece, be sure to find the opportunity to travel to Delphi, a city that the ancient Greeks considered the “navel of the earth.” The rich historical heritage here is closely connected with tourism infrastructure, despite the fact that the city itself is essentially two main streets with hotels, restaurants, cafes, cozy taverns and clubs.

Its not very large size does not detract from the beauty of the former religious center of Greece. Delphi, located at the foot of Mount Parnassus, is a fascinating sight, imbued with the mystery of the depths of centuries.

Over the centuries, the sanctuary of Apollo located here has collected and to this day preserves unique works of architecture, magnificent bronze and marble statues, and priceless epigraphic monuments.


God Apollo can be called one of the most apolitical and popular deities Ancient Greece– the handsome archer rarely got involved in conflicts with other residents of Olympus, he also solved his own problems himself, and did not forget to help mortals.

The Slavs are interested in Apollo because one of his students, called Abaris Eivar in myths and famous for his healing skills, came from Hyperborea, a mysterious country in the northeast, where the sun-faced god spent four whole months a year.

However, Apollo was distinguished not only in archery - one of the main talents of Artemis’s brother was divination. Moreover, he not only used his gift personally, but also actively lent it to mortals, transmitting his prophecies through the Pythian soothsayers in Delphi, thereby making Delphi one of the main cultural centers first Greek and then Roman civilization. Today, all that remains of the once great city are ruins and archaeological excavations, but two millennia ago the policies of the entire civilized world were dictated from here.

We read the myths of Ancient Greece and travel together to places with which they are closely connected.

If you are interested in where Mount Olympus is located in Greece, read our article about what the ancient home of the gods is now, the best way to get to Olympus and what you can see here.

Where are Delphi and the Temple of Apollo located?

Delphi is located in the region of Phocis in the central part of the country, 178 km from the capital of Greece, between the Gulf of Corinth and the Parnassos mountain range.

The capital of the nome is Amissa, the economic center of Phokis, but tourists do not linger here, preferring to explore the sights of the city of Delphi and numerous Mountain peaks, sea ​​bays and colorful corners of Phocis.

In the summer months there is almost no rain here, the Mediterranean climate prevails, the hottest months are July-August, when temperatures can rise above 30 degrees. The fine sandy beaches are surrounded by olive groves and beach season lasts from the end of May to October inclusive.

The ancient city of Delphi is located in the southwest of Phocis at an altitude of 700 m above sea level, almost 10 km from the Gulf of Corinth.

The famous Pythian Games were held here, the Delphic Oracle announced its predictions, and the amphitheater entertained the ancient inhabitants in the 4th century BC.

In the sanctuary of Apollo (VI – IV centuries BC) there was kept the Omphalos monument, made from a piece of marble and symbolizing the place from where everything came existing land. Today you can see the well-preserved ruins of these and many other historical gems.

The local archaeological reserve in the eastern part of the town will introduce you to the remains of the ancient treasuries of the Siphinians and Aeolians, the marble treasury of the Athenians, and the temples of Athena and Gaia.

In Delphi, you can cleanse and rejuvenate at the Castilian spring (the territory of the Phaedrias gorge east of the sanctuary of Apollo) and stand at the most beautiful architectural monument of antiquity - the tholos of Athena Pronaia.

The most significant myths and mysteries of Ancient Greece are associated with Delphi.

Myths about the Delphic Oracle

It all started with the Gods dividing the Earth. Of course, at that time the Greeks knew only southeastern Europe, the Mediterranean, the Black and Sea of ​​Azov and quite a bit North Africa, including Egypt, so they divided them exclusively.

The division itself, according to Aeschylus, turned out to be extremely impressive and became the basis for full-fledged wars of the gods, but Delphi was not affected - the rights to the town and the nearest mountain were claimed by Gaia herself, the ancestor of almost all the participants in the Titanomachy.

It was a tasty morsel, but all the other contenders preferred to restrain their fair impulse, and soon Gaia was already settling into her new place.

It was in Delphi that she met the forest nymph Daphne, who became the first soothsayer of Gaia, and the idea turned out to be so good that a whole complex of buildings soon appeared, and the number of soothsayers and their servants increased many times over. The celestial goddess even created a huge dragon named Python, who defended this place from the claims of mortals.

However, soon Gaia gave this piece of land to her daughter, Themis, shortly before the latter was married to Zeus.

Themis herself, as the goddess of justice, was rather hampered by the predictions, so the gift was not that much in demand, but the young goddess found a solution - she gave Delphi to her sister Phoebe, who gratefully accepted it. It was Phoebe who eventually gave Delphi to Apollo as her favorite grandson.

The foregoing is based on the works of Aeschylus, and since the ancient Greeks were not constancy, it may not correspond to the ideas of other eras.

So, there is a version (and very popular among guides) in which Apollo did not accept the sanctuary as a gift, but took it from Python in a heated battle, and the first servants were the sailors saved by Apollo from drowning.

Aeschylus's version was chosen only as the most detailed, classical and consistent. However, this does not prevent it from remaining a fairy tale - the reality was somewhat more mundane, although rather extravagant.

Controversial History

Putting aside all the mythical features, the following can be taken from the work of Aeschylus - once upon a time in Delphi they worshiped not Apollo, but another deity, but even then the priests gave out prophecies. Which completely coincides with the results of excavations - the first sanctuary belonging specifically to Apollo was built in Delphi at the end of the 7th century BC. e., but the first building appeared there four hundred years earlier.

Homer in his writings also calls it the sanctuary of “Phoebus” (one of the nicknames of Apollo), but the author himself lived centuries later and did not suffer from a lack of imagination, so it would be unreasonable to rely entirely on his work.

There is no reliable information about pre-Apollonian Delphi, but if you try to rely on ancient Greek works (in particular, on the same Homer and, with a greater degree of confidence, Herodotus), you can understand that even in the 11th-10th centuries BC in Delphi there was a sanctuary with a full complement of priests.

Pausanias (the author of one of the first adequate descriptions of Ancient Greece) generally mentions four temples of Pythos, which were replaced one after another, and only the last two belonged to Apollo. So the myths about Python and the sanctuary of Gaia are well founded, although it is unlikely that the change of the deity who patronized the sanctuary took place so bloodlessly. A much more likely option is that Delphi, captured by the Greeks who believed in Zeus, was forcibly converted to the desired faith, and a beautiful myth was invented later so as not to lose their flock and reputation.

How the sanctuary of Apollo was built

The sanctuary of Apollo itself appeared in Delphi only at the end of the 7th century BC. e., thanks to the architects Agamedes and Trophonius, who, according to legend, Apollo himself ordered to build the temple.

They built it conscientiously, but already in 548 BC. e. the temple burned down. Whether this was an accident, or whether another Herostratus was found, is unknown, but twenty years later the temple was replaced with a new one, with beautiful columns and bas-reliefs (which are known from the stories of contemporaries).

It was this restored temple that became the real center of Ancient Greece, it was under its roof that fateful prophecies were pronounced and it was there that last piece of advice the legendary Leonidas, king of Sparta, came (although this scene hardly looked as bright as in the Hollywood adaptation).

Around the same time, the Pythian Games appeared - the second largest in ancient Greece. Moreover, unlike the Olympic Games, which were primarily competitions, the main meaning of the Apollo Games was to extol their patron through music, dance and poetry. However, over time they added athletic competitions and quadriga races - the public wanted spectacle, not high poetry.

The End of the Delphic Oracle

In 373 BC. e. The temple was seriously damaged by the earthquake. So serious that it had to be demolished and a new sanctuary built in the vacant space.

By the way, around this time the cultural expansion of the Greeks in the Roman Empire began, ending in a crushing victory, not least thanks to the Pythian priests of the god Apollo, because the Romans in those early imperial years were amazingly naive in terms of predictions. It was the Pythian priests who had a significant influence on the newly formed community of Roman augurs, and this influence remained so until the very end of the Oracle. And it wasn’t that long before he got there.

In time, the beginning of the end of the Delphic Oracle coincides with the emergence of a new religion - Christianity, however, it would be wrong to connect the two events. The influence of Delphi was destroyed not by the still very weak newborn religion, but by the fact that the Romans became more and more pragmatic, moving away from their old beliefs, and the oracles refused to integrate into new order of things.

Note that this problem often occurs in relatively developed religious societies - for example, in Renaissance Europe, a similar situation led to massive wars in Germany, Italy and England.

The Greeks got off easier - they simply began to gradually forget about the oracle, and the Gauls, who destroyed the sanctuary during the uprising at the end of the third century, helped a lot with this.

In 323, the oracle was finally closed by Emperor Theodosius, who generally did not like local priests and tried to cleanse Greece as much as possible from the influence of both the Delphic and Dodonian oracles.

Centuries of oblivion, revival of a legend

And then there were the Middle Ages or, as they say in Europe, the Dark Ages. The Great Roman Empire fell at the hands of uneducated barbarians, states and even nations were born and died in Europe, the Turks, Byzantines and, in general, the majority of people fought furiously for the territory of Greece. European countries, but the remains of the Delphic oracle continued to stand against all odds, just like the phalanx of the Spartans in the Thermopylae Gorge.

They were covered with dust, they went into the ground, but the sanctuary of Apollo was not completely forgotten - legends about it were passed on both in Greece itself and beyond its borders. And when the British late XIX centuries began to actively conduct excavations in Greece, Delphi was one of the first points where they began.

Finally, in 1892, the sanctuary was brought back to light by archaeologists. Since then, groups from all over the world have worked in Delphi, and part of the excavations continue to this day, each year revealing more and more about how and what the priests of Apollo and ordinary mortals of this once great city lived.

Modern Delphi

Modern Delphi is located to the east of the ancient ruins and ancient excavations of the temple, which is one of the most. The city-forming enterprise of Delphi is, of course, the Delphic Museum, which stores in its storerooms all the finds discovered here over the last century.

Jugs and amphorae, fragments of bas-reliefs and statues made of ivory and gold, as well as finds from the pre-Delphic period, are the main treasures of the museum. The collection is kept in excellent condition and will certainly amaze anyone interested in antiquity.

The location of the museum, which was built near the excavation site, also plays an important role. So after several hours of thoughtful contemplation of the exhibits, no one will stop you from going to the site of the temple and imagining these dilapidated buildings in the era of their true greatness. Believe me, the picture will be truly impressive!
Ticket price - 9 euros (museum + excavations), opening hours - from 9:30 to 17:00.

Don't go to the excavations in the heat, it's better to wander around the museum longer. It is quite difficult to hide from the sun near the Oracle itself, and it was not for nothing that the sun’s ray was called “Apollo’s arrow” - the patron of the prophets can still knock out an unlucky visitor to his sanctuary, or even worse.

For those who have time to stay for a few days and spend time exploring all the sights of this city with rich history, the local infrastructure offers the opportunity to rent a hotel for any budget, try local cuisine and even visit the ski center 12 km from Delphi.

Almost everything you need can be found on one of the central streets of Delphi - Vasileon Pavlou & Friderikis, including a bus station, several ATMs and two Internet cafes - Delfiko and Parnassus (rates - 3 euros for 1 hour of Internet use).

Some of the most popular hotels in Delphi, with restaurants, saunas, jewelry and souvenir shops are Vouzas Hotel 4* and Amalia 4*, the average cost of living here is standard room for two – 70-80 euros per day.

There are a few budget hotels With good reviews, at prices per room 25-35-50 euros: Pitho, Sunview, Sibylla, Kouros. Many hotels in Delphi were built in a special style and are monuments architectural history. The windows offer views of the coast of the Gulf of Corinth, mountains and a valley with olive trees.

There are also nightclubs in Delphi where you can spend an evening, for example, “Katoi” (near the gas station, entrance – 6 euros) and “Downtown” (near the Hermes Hotel, entrance 6 euros). Guests are invited to listen to music of all genres; the country's best DJs are regularly invited to the establishments.

Tours to the Delphi resort are year-round. In spring, the aroma of blooming almonds reigns here, and in winter, not only tourists, but also Greeks visit the ski center, which is located at an altitude of almost 2500 m on Mount Parnassus. It is equipped with modern lifts and in 15 minutes they will take you up to the high point. Twenty ski slopes of varying difficulty levels, some of which are Olympic level, will take you to a level of 600 m above the sea.

All year round, from 9 am to 5 pm, the Vagonetto underground park welcomes visitors, showing the process of aluminum mining. You can go down there in a real trolley and ride through abandoned mines, viewing exhibitions telling about the difficult work of ore miners. In special pavilions, each stage of the metal production process is clearly shown; there is also a room for environmental protection.

How to get there

Getting to Delphi is quite easy - from Athens you can either just take a bus or order bus tour. Buses depart from Terminal B of the capital's bus station, from early morning to 6 pm every 2 - 3 hours (travel time - 3 hours, fare - 13-15 euros).

From Delphi to Athens - from 7.30 am to 8 pm (except Sundays).

When ordering excursions, there is plenty to choose from. A group one-day excursion from Athens to Delphi will cost an average of 40 euros, plus 6 euros for entry to the Delphi Museum and the same amount for entry to the ancient excavations.

The Athena-Meteora-Delphi option is especially popular, as it gives very good review the most interesting periods of Greek history, albeit not in order.

The cost of a ticket for a simple bus is equivalent to 150–200 rubles, the cost of an excursion is about 50 euros.

If you have your own vehicle, you should take the Athens-Lamia road and in the Orchomenos area turn to the ski center in Parnassus. Soon the road will go up and then go down straight to Delphi. The road is mountainous and winding; the trip will take you about two to three hours in total.

It is also possible to get to Delphi by train from Athens. It is a little cheaper and faster, but you will lose the services of a guide.

The construction of Delphi was carried out chaotically (the museum does not have a postal address at all!) and a non-local simply will not understand this jumble of streets, alleys and gateways. But the residents understand English well, so even a completely lost tourist has a chance to get to both his home hotel and the buildings that interest him.

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Delphi, one of the oldest cities in Greece, located on the slope of Mount Parnassus, was famous in the ancient world for its temple of Apollo and the famous Delphic oracle, to which pilgrims from all over the Ecumene came for fortune telling. Delphi was rightfully considered the center of the entire Hellenic world.

The Pythian Games took place here - pan-Greek celebrations in memory of the victory of Apollo over Python. Initially it was a competition between poets and musicians, whose patron was Apollo, but from 586 BC. e. Sports competitions were also included in the games program. The last Pythian Games took place in 394 AD. e. At the same time, Emperor Theodosius I completely destroyed and closed the temple of Apollo. As a result of archaeological excavations started in 1892, the remains of a temple, theater, hippodrome, various monuments and many inscriptions were discovered, which made it possible to restore the general appearance of the sanctuary.

The ruins remaining from the Temple of Apollo date back to the 4th century BC. But a sanctuary existed on this site in more ancient times - from the end of the 8th century. The sacred road led to the temple of Apollo and was decorated with three thousand statues and treasuries for gifts and thanksgiving offerings. Sibylla's stone stands in the very place where. According to legend, the first priestess-soothsayer made her predictions. The theater, built in the 5th century BC, accommodated more than 5 thousand spectators.

To the southeast of the Temple of Apollo is the sanctuary of the goddess Athena with the ruins of a temple from the 4th century BC. The rotunda - tholos - has been preserved, the purpose of which still remains unknown.

The stadium where the Pythian Games took place is quite well preserved. It accommodated about 7 thousand spectators and was made of limestone from Mount Parnassus

It was believed that anyone who came to Delphi must take a ritual bath in the waters of the sacred Castalian spring. The poet Byron plunged into the waters of this spring under the impression of a legend according to which the Castalian spring awakens poetic inspiration.

The collection of the Delphi Museum includes a collection of sculptures and architectural fragments found during excavations.

Delphi Greece – popular resort town, attracting travelers from different parts of the world. Every tourist finds exactly what he needs. Here you can fully enjoy the favorable climate, beaches, and attractions. Developed infrastructure promotes full enjoyment of the upcoming vacation.

General information about Delphi

Delphi is located on the territory of Phocis (mainland Greece). The city is located on the majestic Mount Parnassus, so you can imagine how majestic and picturesque the nature of these regions is. From any point you will certainly have a view of the picturesque valley with groves of olives and the Gulf of Corinth.

Important! The distance to Athens is about 180 kilometers, to Kalambaka (this is where the famous Meteora monasteries are located) - 300 kilometers, to Patras - 120. If you cross the Gulf of Corinth, you can find yourself on the Peloponnese Peninsula. If you carefully study the map and coordinates of Delphi, you can understand how advantageously the resort is located and how interesting you can spend your upcoming trip. In addition, the time here is European, so it will be easy for tourists to change lanes.

Delphi Greece

From the very beginning, Delphi played an important role for Greece. The ancient Greeks considered the city the center of the world and associated it with numerous myths, as a result of which they tried to make a pilgrimage here. Delphi developed its culture from the very beginning; the Pythian Games were held here. It is not surprising that in the 21st century tourists prefer to spend their long-awaited vacation here.

Archaeological excavations on the territory of the ancient city began in 1900. New research was carried out in the late 90s, thanks to which Delphi was officially classified as an object World Heritage UNESCO.

Climate and weather in Delphi

The hottest months at the resort are July and August (the air warms up to +30 degrees and above). The coldest months are December and January, when the temperature drops to +4-12 degrees. The long-awaited trip It is best to plan from May to the end of October. Experienced tourists note that Delphi is worthy competitor the island of Crete, after all small town surprises with its history, culture and architectural appearance.

Attractions of Delphi

Delphi is a real open-air museum. Despite frequent earthquakes, numerous cultural and architectural monuments were saved.

Note! The condition of local attractions cannot be called ideal, but they still deserve special attention from travelers.

  • The Temple of Apollo Pythian is one of the main attractions. It has existed since 6-4 centuries BC. Here you can still understand that the temple was created in honor of Apollo. Opposite the temple is the main altar of the sanctuary, which has been preserved to this day, and it is made of valuable black marble. The sanctuary is also famous for its structure with fluted columns (colonnade), the treasury of the Athenians (5th century BC). It is here that tourists can see the most important exhibits related to the culture and history of Greece.
  • The ancient stadium, which has existed since the 6th century BC, also deserves attention. It is believed that the stadium could accommodate up to 6 thousand spectators at a time. The stadium is located at the very top and has been preserved in fairly good condition. Tourists can imagine how athletes who took part in the Pythian Games fought here.
  • The Delphic Theater also deserves attention. It was created in a special way. Viewers would be able to see the temple of Apollo and the valley below. The theater is located in the sanctuary of Apollo. It was rebuilt many times, but still the appearance corresponds to the original versions (2nd century BC). The theater is distinguished by the presence of stone benches, an orchestra and a stage. The bowl of the theater was partially formed by the natural relief, but it was still necessary to create an artificial embankment.

Delphi architecture

  • Natural attractions also deserve attention. For example, tourists can visit the Kastali springs. This spring comes out of the ground and is located near a rock on Mount Parnassus. The spring represents the sacred spring of Delphi.
  • Tholos Athens Pronoia is one of the most famous attractions in Greece and Delphi. The circular structure is created in the form of a rotunda. The attraction has existed since the 3rd century BC. The purpose of the building is still unknown, but it is impressive in its execution. In addition, the monument was created from various building materials, including limestone and marble. To decorate the roof of the tholos, statues depicting dancing women were used. However, the statues and reliefs of the tholos have not survived to this day. Tholos was only partially restored, and this significant event took place in 1938.
  • The Archaeological Museum of Delphi is also worth visiting. The history of the museum center began in 1902. In 1938, reconstruction was carried out. Antiquities that were found during archaeological excavations are stored here: statues, sculptures, antique objects. Currently, there are about 6 thousand valuable exhibits on display here. More than 300 thousand people come here every year.

How to get to Delphi

Delphi can be reached from the Greek capital, Athens. Buses depart from Athens to Delphi every day (every 2-3 hours), and you need to buy tickets in advance. The journey will take about 3 hours. If you wish, you can go to Delphi for one day, but it is advisable to rent a hotel room and carefully explore the ancient city.

Beaches and resort of Delphi

Delphi is located 10 kilometers from the Gulf of Corinth. They include the small village of Galaxidi, which is ideal for a beach holiday. Here you can also go diving, surfing, windsurfing, sailing. Each tourist independently determines the appropriate format of vacation for himself.

  • Local attractions deserve special attention from tourists, so it is advisable to carefully consider the excursion program.
  • It is recommended to schedule beach holiday. Swimming season usually falls between May and October.
  • You can plan active shopping and visiting local cafes. In addition, the service personnel often speak Russian.
  • There are a variety of hotels available in Delphi, so you can choose the one that suits you based on price.

When planning to visit Delphi in Greece, you can properly plan your upcoming vacation and enjoy it to the fullest.

She made an invaluable contribution to European culture. Literature, architecture, philosophy, history, other sciences, state system, laws, art and myths of ancient Greece laid the foundation of modern European civilization. Greek gods known all over the world.

Greece today

Modern Greece little known to most of our compatriots. The country is located at the junction of West and East, connecting Europe, Asia and Africa. Length coastline is 15,000 km (including islands)! Our map will help you find a unique corner or island, which I haven’t been to yet. We offer daily feed news. In addition, for many years we have been collecting photo And reviews.

Holidays in Greece

Acquaintance with the ancient Greeks in absentia will not only enrich you with the understanding that everything new is well-forgotten old, but will also encourage you to go to the homeland of gods and heroes. Where, behind the ruins of temples and the debris of history, our contemporaries live with the same joys and problems as their distant ancestors thousands of years ago. An unforgettable experience awaits you rest, thanks to the most modern infrastructure surrounded virgin nature. On the site you will find tours to Greece, resorts And hotels, weather. In addition, here you will learn how and where to register visa and you will find Consulate in your country or greek visa center.

Real estate in Greece

The country is open to foreigners wishing to purchase real estate. Any foreigner has the right to this. Only in border areas do non-EU citizens need to obtain a purchase permit. However, finding legitimate houses, villas, townhouses, apartments, correct execution of the transaction, and subsequent maintenance is a difficult task that our team has been solving for many years.

Russian Greece

Subject immigration remains relevant not only for ethnic Greeks living outside their own historical homeland. The immigrant forum discusses how legal issues , as well as the problems of adaptation in the Greek world and, at the same time, the preservation and popularization of Russian culture. Russian Greece is heterogeneous and unites all immigrants who speak Russian. At the same time, in last years the country does not meet the economic expectations of immigrants from countries former USSR, in connection with which we are seeing a reverse migration of peoples.


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