What does a gnome do? Where did gnomes and trolls come from? About the historical homeland of the keepers of underground treasures and treasures. Evidence of the existence of gnomes

In European mythology, gnomes are humanoid creatures that live on the ground, underground and in the mountains. They were often associated with unearthly wisdom, blacksmithing, mining and jewelry making. Dwarves are sometimes depicted and described as low, grotesque and ugly monsters, but some cultural scholars believe that such an atypical idea of ​​them is associated with a later (Renaissance) fashion for sinister forms.

Gnomes are still part of modern folk culture in many countries, and it was through her that they entered mass culture, becoming familiar characters in computer games, books, feature films and animated films. In popular culture, they are as ubiquitous and popular as elves, werewolves and vampires, so the question of whether gnomes exist continues to be relevant.

Dwarves in Scandinavian mythology

The most ancient sources that mention gnomes relate to the artifacts of Scandinavian paganism, the cosmology of which boasts two separate myths about the origin of these fabulous creatures. One of these myths claims that the Dwarves were born from the blood and bones of the giant Ymir, whose flesh was used to create the Earth, while another myth claims that they were originally beast-like creatures that sought to devour the giant's corpse. Latest version origin - you will agree, rather gloomy - corresponds to many old Norse ideas about these creatures as evil and insidious demons. Very often, however, dwarves are portrayed in Norse mythology as exceptional blacksmiths, but the overwhelming characteristic of them remains negative.

The Scandinavians considered gnomes to be greedy, lustful and vindictive dwarfs, ready to kill a person for the sake of the Honey of Poetry, which, according to some legends, can be brewed from human blood. This horrific view of dwarves further associated them with the almost universally reviled race of trolls, leading to the emergence of beliefs in which dwarves, like trolls, turn to stone at the sight of daylight.

Some Old Norse sources link them to the dark elves known as the svartalfar. The belief in these creatures was so strong among the ancient Norse that they never questioned whether gnomes existed.

Dwarves in Anglo-Saxon mythology

In Anglo-Saxon tradition, dwarves were often described as beings capable of causing sleep problems in people, such as nightmares, night terrors and sleep paralysis. Mythologist Lotte Motz argues that ideas about these creatures did not arise in the pre-Christian era, but much earlier - during the Neolithic period, which determined the appearance of European continental culture.

Many people are very interested in the question of whether there is a money gnome. The Anglo-Saxons did not ask this question: in their minds, some dwarves could both steal money and leave it in secluded places. The idea of ​​them living in apartments and leaving change under the bed still exists in the UK and USA. From there it migrated to us.

Dwarfs in the mythology of other countries

In Russian there is no special name for miniatures and nains - creatures from German and French mythology, which, in essence, are only a local analogue of gnomes.

The French folklorist Gerard Leser once published a detailed work on the differences between Nains, gnomes, dwarves and lutens, illustrating them with examples from the mythology of Alsace, a region located at the junction of French and German cultures. According to Alsatian beliefs, gnomes and Nains differ from each other primarily in their height (gnomes are much shorter than Nains), but they are brought together by their common habitat - dungeons and mines. Lutens live on the ground, huddling next to human dwellings, which makes them similar to our brownies.

Leser did not write about whether all of the above creatures exist, leaving the reader the right to make his own conclusion.

"Gnomes" in real life

We cannot know for sure whether gnomes really exist. But we know for sure about the existence of dwarfs - people who are abnormally small in stature. In the Middle Ages, this fact was often explained by the fact that the child suffering from this disease was an ordinary foundling abandoned by the gnomes, while the real child was abducted by these underground creatures for some mysterious purposes. Even English word dwarf has two meanings, denoting both a fairy gnome and a person born with dwarf disease.

But today it is reliably known that dwarfism is a genetic disease, and people suffering from it have nothing to do with fairy-tale creatures from medieval legends. Therefore, the question of whether gnomes exist still remains open.


Is there a gnome who grants wishes? Medieval Germans believed in a dwarf named Rumplestiltskin, who could grant wishes for a price (often a very large one). Desperate people turned to every dwarf they met to bring back their loved ones, heal them from illnesses or enrich them, sometimes giving up all their belongings for this opportunity. The result, however, very rarely satisfied them, and the unfortunate midgets, who decided to get rich from human stupidity, got it to the fullest.

Photos of gnomes

The main argument of people who believe that gnomes exist is photos taken in Argentina.

In addition to the photo, there is also a video that shows a sneaking small creature, the silhouette reminiscent of a gnome from fairy tales. This video has never been debunked by any of the skeptics, and therefore it can be considered an indirect answer to the burning question of whether gnomes exist.

Dwarves, they are also gmurs, they are also called homozuli, more ancient than their name; it is Greek, but the Greek classics did not know it, for it arose only in the 16th century. Etymologists attribute its invention to the Swiss alchemist Paracelsus, in whose writings it first appears.

"Gnosis" in Greek means "knowledge"; There is a hypothesis that Paracelsus invented the word “gnome” because gnomes know and can reveal to a person the exact location of metals hidden in the earth.

Gnomes are spirits of the earth and mountains. In the mythology of the peoples of Europe, small, human-like creatures that live underground, in the mountains or in the forest. They are the size of a child, but endowed with supernatural strength, wear long beards and live much longer than humans. Dwarves are shorter than humans, but stronger and stockier. They are known for their fiery temperament and incredible endurance. Dwarves have well-developed strength and physique, but their dexterity is worse. They are not as resourceful as humans, but are usually wiser due to the experience gained over a long life.

Popular fantasy represents gnomes living under the mountains as bearded dwarfs with rough and funny facial features. This is how they are described in Western European fairy tales. There they are usually dressed in narrow brown caftans and monastic hoods. Outwardly, gnomes resemble the same fairy-tale Charles, but they are a little less squat and have longer noses.

Dwarves are great master blacksmiths who know the secrets of the mountains. They were the first to learn how to mine ore and smelt metals.

In general, these are hard-working and kind people, but they have suffered greatly from human greed, and therefore they do not like people. The gnomes hide in the deep mountain caves where they built underground cities and palaces. Sometimes they come to the surface, but if they meet people in the mountains, they scare them away with a loud cry.

There are countless legends about gnomes...

They are considered a race related to elves and fairies. Like the vultures of Hellenic and Eastern beliefs and the Germanic dragons, their duty is to guard hidden treasures.

One legend says that gnomes are fairy shoemakers. Fairies love to dance, and by dancing they wear out their shoes quite quickly. The shoemakers make them new shoes... for a fee, of course.

According to another legend, gnomes (gmurs) fight in dungeons with mountain monsters (grimturs) and dragons.

Since gnomes are similar to people, only smaller in stature (it is more convenient for them to walk through caves), some of the gnomes mixed with people: from them people received knowledge about blacksmithing and jewelry.

Dwarves are extremely touchy, quarrelsome and capricious. In the depths of the earth, gnomes store treasures - precious stones and metals; They are skilled artisans and can forge magic rings, swords, chain mail and other magical items. Any person who meets a gnome tries to get his gold and silver, which is accumulated by the diligent gnome through continuous, hard work. But gnomes can disappear as soon as a person blinks his eyes.

According to the same legends, gnomes resist diseases and poisons well, but they really dislike water and cannot swim at all. They can see in complete darkness. They have highly developed facial expressions (sometimes even caricatured), and a long and sharp nose serves as proof of belonging to an old and noble race.

Less is known about the life of gnomes as a people, and therefore all statements will be more controversial. The most ancient race and, apparently, the smallest; live in labor, ignoring the problems of the world.

The magic of the gnomes is too different from the magic of people and, perhaps, they have cults of ancestors: progenitors, heroes and gods associated with mountains, crafts and war. In all likelihood, all the legendary swords of this world came from the Dwarven forges. Dwarves tempered their swords in flames and made them openwork to reduce weight. The creators of the legendary swords themselves become formidable opponents during battle.

Legends about the origin of gnomes

Aule created them...

Tolkien tried to tell where the gnomes came from.

The gnomes owe their appearance to Aula, who created them in the darkness of Middle Earth.

“...Aule so strongly desired the arrival of the Children in order to pass on his knowledge and his skill in crafts to his students that he could not wait for the completion of Ilúvatar’s plan. And Aule created the dwarves - such as they are now, because the images of the Children who were to appear were unclear to him. And since the Earth was still under the rule of Melkor, Aule tried to make his creations strong and resilient.

Fearing that the other Valar might condemn his plan, he worked in secret. And first he created seven fathers of the dwarves in a cave under one of the mountains of Middle-earth. However, Ilúvatar knew what was happening. And at that very hour, when Aule's work was completed, to his satisfaction, and Aule began to teach the dwarves the speech that he had invented for them - at that very hour Ilúvatar spoke to him, and Aule, hearing his voice, fell silent.

And Ilúvatar said to him: “Why did you do this? Why are you trying to create something that you know is beyond your power and not in your control? From me you, as a gift, received only your own existence, and nothing more, and therefore the creatures created by your hand and your mind can not live, but exist, moving only when you mentally tell them to move, and if your thought busy with something else, they will remain motionless. Is this what you wanted?”

Then Aule replied: “I didn’t want this. I wanted to create beings unlike me in order to love and teach them, so that they too could comprehend the beauty of Ea that you created. Because Arda seems to me to be a huge place for many creatures to enjoy life in it. Moreover, for the most part it is not yet inhabited and voiceless. In my impatience I was reckless, but nevertheless the desire for creativity hidden in my heart was laid down at my creation by you yourself. A foolish child who turns his father's plans into a game can do this without malice, but only because he is his father's son. But what should I do now so that you don’t get completely angry with me?

As the son of my father, I offer you these creatures, the creations of hands created by you yourself. Do with them as you wish. But shouldn’t I destroy my imperfect work?“

And Aule raised his great hammer to smite the dwarves, and he wept. But, touched by his submission, Ilúvatar felt compassion for Aula and his desire, and the dwarves recoiled in horror from the hammer, bowed their heads and begged for mercy. And then Ilúvatar said to Aula: “I accepted your creation as you created it. Don't you see that these creatures now have their own lives and speak with their own voices! But they didn’t shy away from the blow, they didn’t challenge the decision you made.”

And Aule, rejoicing, threw away his hammer and thanked Ilúvatar, saying: “May Eru bless my work and correct it!”

But Ilúvatar spoke again: “As I gave birth to the plans of the Ainur at the creation of the world, so now I will fulfill your desire and give them life, but in no other way will I correct the work of your hands. And as you created them, that is how they will remain. But I will not allow these creatures to appear before the Firstborn of my plan. Not that your creation will be rewarded. They will sleep in darkness under a stone and will not appear until the First Born awaken on Earth. And until that hour comes, you and your creatures will wait, even if it’s a long time. But when the time comes, they will awaken and become like your children to you, and there will be frequent clashes between your creatures and mine, the children I have adopted and the children I have chosen.”

And then Aule took the seven dwarf fathers and put them to rest in a secluded place, and he himself returned to Valinor and waited while the long years dragged on.

Since the dwarves were to appear in the days of the power of Melkor, Aule created them strong and hardy, and therefore they are hard as stone, stubborn, strong in friendship and enmity, and endure the hardships of exhausting labor, hunger and bodily wounds more steadfastly than all others who have the speech of the peoples. And gnomes live a long time, much longer than people are given to live - but not forever.

In the old days, the Elves of Middle-earth believed that dead gnomes turned into the earth and stone from which they were created, but the gnomes themselves did not believe in this. They say that Aule the Creator, whom they call Mahal, cares for them and gathers them in Mandos in separate halls, that when the end of the World comes, he will give them a blessing and place them among the children. And then their business will be to serve Aul and help him rebuild Arda after the Last Battle. And they also say that the seven dwarf fathers will rise again and again in their tribe and will again bear their ancient names. Of these, in subsequent eras, the most famous became Darin, the founder of the most friendly tribe to the Elves, whose residence was in Khazad-Dum.”

The Silmarillion, J.R. Tolkien

ABOUT Dean created them...

The Scandinavian peoples have their own legends about the origin of gnomes.

“...From the day when the sun first lit up in the sky, life on earth became more fun and joyful. All the people worked peacefully in their fields, everyone was happy, no one wanted to become more noble and richer than the other. In those days, the gods often left Asgard and wandered around the world. They taught people to dig the earth and extract ore from it, and also made for them the first anvil, the first hammer and the first tongs, with the help of which all other tools and instruments were later made. Then there were no wars, no robberies, no thefts, no perjuries. A lot of gold was mined in the mountains, but they did not save it, but made dishes and household utensils from it - that’s why this age is called “golden”.

Once, while rummaging in the ground in search of iron ore, Odin and Vili Ve found worms in it that had infested Ymir’s meat. Looking at these clumsy creatures, the gods couldn’t help but think.

What should we do with them, brothers? - Ve finally said. - We have already populated the whole world, and no one needs these worms. Maybe they should just be destroyed?

“You’re wrong,” Odin objected. - We inhabited only the surface of the earth, but forgot about its depths. Let's better make little gnomes or black elves out of them and give them ownership of the underground kingdom, which will be called Svartalfheim, that is, the Land of the Black Elves.

What if they get tired of living there and want to go up to the sun? - asked Vili.

Don’t be afraid, brother,” Odin answered. - I will make sure that the sun's rays turn them into stone. Then they will always have to live only underground...

The other gods agreed with him. This is how elves and gnomes and two new countries appeared in the world: Svartalfaheim and Llesalfaheim.”

"Elder Edda"

Relationships between gnomes and humans

From the end of the 17th century. until the beginning of the 19th century. the rocky areas and heather plains of Cornwall were covered with industrial buildings with smoking chimneys and deep mines, where prospectors mined tin, lead and silver. The workers, holding tightly to the rope, with candles attached to their headdresses, descended underground, knowing that they were not alone there. “Someone” constantly kept them company, and with this “someone” they had to behave carefully so as not to offend.

These were gnomes who lived and worked in the mines, also known as “knockers” (English) - knocking. There is a natural association here with the poltergeist phenomena that our contemporaries encountered back in the twentieth century. In addition, underground creatures are not the exclusive property of Western European mythology. Suffice it to recall the wonderful book “Ural Tales” by the Russian writer Bazhov, which mentions such characters as the Emerald Snake, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, etc. - V. Sh.).

Often, miners could hear the sounds of their tools crushing rock very close by, as if just around the corner or in a nearby tunnel. It was believed that one should not interfere with the work of gnomes. It was advised to listen to their blows, since the nockers had a wonderful ability to discover the richest deposits of ore. Anyone who tried to keep an eye on the dwarves or steal their prey was faced with a serious illness sent by the knockers - something like rheumatism, when a person remained lame for the rest of his life.

However, one old man decided to try his luck. His name was Trenwith. He mined ore in the Bockles area. One summer night, he and his son lay in the grass waiting for the gnomes to appear, patiently peering into the darkness hour after hour until they noticed a group of little men trying to pull their cargo to the surface. Taking off his hat and apologizing for disturbing the gnomes, Trenvit offered them a deal. Why should the gnomes suffer all night pulling out ore if they and their son could help? In return, the old man asked the knockers to indicate places rich in metals and promised to give them a tenth of the production every day. The dwarves, after consulting among themselves, agreed.

For a long time, both parties were satisfied with the agreement: the dwarves enjoyed a lot of free time, and the old man gave them their due portion every day. Trenwith soon became rich. But he did not live forever and when he died, the mine passed to his son. The heir, considering himself too burdened with his father's obligations, began to reduce the share of the dwarves. But knockers were not the type to be easily deceived. Angry at their son’s treachery and greed, they, in turn, also stopped fulfilling their obligations. Behind a short time Ore production at the mine decreased sharply, and the son, who quickly squandered his father's money, was forced to look for work. But everyone knew that he had already deceived the dwarves once, and did not want to have anything to do with him. Soon, rejected by everyone, this man died penniless.

The dwarfs of the world unite, defend themselves and announce their bisexuality

Declared the homeland of garden gnomes german city Chemnitz, where from now on the annual congress “Dwarfs of all countries - unite!” will be held. At the already held congress, the rights of gardening people were primarily discussed, which, according to the chairman of the first congress and the chairman of the association for the protection of gnomes Fritz Friedman, are especially brutally abused by drunken lawnmowers. The chairman put forward a demand - exams for “herbal hairdressers”, and he asked nature for more sunny days to brighten up the lives of little people.

Currently, a real scandal has erupted in Germany and Switzerland in connection with the “dwarven” problem, which is very important for world civilization. The “bone of discord” between the board of the “International Association for the Protection of Garden Gnomes”, which is located in Basel, and one of the traditional producers of these figurines in red caps for decorating summer cottages, especially in countries Northern Europe and in Canada, a female gnome was released in Thuringia. The previously mentioned Fritz Friedmann stated that Reinhard Griebel, who, despite severe prohibitions from Basel, Switzerland, has been producing a female version of the gnome called “Countess Rhoda” for two years now, “has encroached on the honor and dignity of garden gnomes.” Friedman fined the “rebellious” German 75 euros. The punished paid them, without, however, stopping producing his truly “unique” product. The world of wizards has arrived. From now on, along with gnomes, little “gnomes” will protect household and garden plots Europe, joyfully praising the 21st century, which allowed such emancipation.

Oddly enough, there are several problems... Are there underground inhabitants created by Odin (let’s leave Tolkien with fairy tales and the numerous “sword-mash” fans with their gatherings, disputes, gossip), but with Odin everything is not so simple.

Odin is a god, and the gods came from heaven.

If, according to the author of the book “We are Aliens” by Valery Iosifovich Kratochvil, the ancestors of the main four earthly races came: Caucasians - from the star “Upsilon” of the constellation Bootes, Mongoloids - from the star “Zeta” of the constellation Ursa Major, Negroids - from the star “Alpha” constellations Canis Major(“Sirius”), and the australoids are from the star Maya, the Pleiades star cluster, then why not assume that the diversity of both races and visits was much greater, and the spheres of distribution of the aliens were not limited to the earth’s surface, but among them there were inhabitants of underwater and underground worlds.

Greetings, I am Gandalf.

With this article we begin our acquaintance with representatives of the races of the Earth living in parallel space, which we agreed to call the Fairytale World. And the first race I want to introduce you to is the gnomes.

Why gnomes? Because they have a special, close connection with people. They really are somewhat similar in appearance to humans, only much smaller in size than you. More precisely, they can change their size depending on where they are. For example, in fairy tales, when they were close to people, they grew to such a size that it was convenient to communicate with them. Moreover, they really love to be treated with respect, and therefore sometimes they deliberately “grew” larger so that people or other residents of the fairy-tale world would have to look up to them. But all this was more for a joke than for any serious purpose. After all, the second, and perhaps the main feature of gnomes is their desire to laugh and joke. They cannot take anything too seriously, and when representatives of other races became upset about something or began to argue among themselves, the gnomes immediately came to their aid. They began to make fun of the stern appearance of the others, to behave somehow ridiculously, and after a while everyone was smiling, and everyone’s mood lifted.

On the other hand, gnomes can be very, very small. Most often, when they are alone, this is exactly what they look like. After all, they live underground, where there is not much free space, and underground caves are a rare occurrence. Caves for gnomes were and remain their home, but they spend most of their time traveling underground. And to do this, they need to move through small voids and thin channels through which hot solutions used to flow, making their way from the bowels of the Earth. They know that these hot solutions contain the valuable components from which all gems and crystals and gold deposits are formed. Dwarves have always had a great passion for these riches of the Earth, devoting their entire lives to the search and study of these objects.

They admire the beauty of stones and precious metals, decorating their homes with them, and if they invite you into their home, you will simply be stunned by wealth and luxury. The walls, floor and everything around are made of the most beautiful rocks, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. On women and men you will see jewelry and amulets made of gold, silver and platinum, inlaid with precious stones. And this beauty that fills their life is not created out of a desire to live in luxury. For gnomes, nothing is more important than a cozy home filled with love and fun from loved ones. They surround themselves with what they love most - the jewels of the Earth.

As I already told you, in fairy tale world everything that exists appears as living. Of course, every particle of the Earth possesses these qualities. Dwarves spend a lot of time interacting with stones and crystals, learning about their unusual and valuable properties. For them, each crystal is a whole world that keeps its own history, an individual organism with its own special character. And imagine how many interesting things a stone or rock, consisting of thousands of crystals? When communicating with gnomes, stones tell them about their valuable qualities, about the possibilities of their use in life and everyday life. Dwarves keep such knowledge in their hearts and write it down in books.

The knowledge of gnomes is in some ways similar to modern science, because they try to understand as deeply as possible the essence of the stone and all the processes occurring in the Earth. On the other hand, this knowledge is not based on logic, but on feeling and understanding the energy of the stone. This understanding gives rise to many practical applications for each mineral.

Each stone or mineral is a generator of a certain energy, which, interacting with any consciousness or organism, can enhance some process in it. For example, one stone creates the energy of joy and raises vibrations, another - the energy of love and care, and can be the custodian of harmonious relationships, the third strengthens the intention, and spells can be placed in it, another can protect against low vibrations, and therefore can be an amulet. This is the science of the gnomes. When arranging their caves, they try to embody in their decoration those energies that can create a cozy atmosphere in them that supports their mutual love and understanding. By creating magnificent jewelry, they strive to embody and enhance the energies and valuable qualities that precious stones possess. Therefore, the external beauty of gnomes' houses and decorations is a natural embodiment of the natural power of stones.

At a time when all the inhabitants of the fairy-tale world communicated closely with each other, the gnomes gladly shared their knowledge with other races. Wizards learned to strengthen their spells by communicating with stones, dragons began to better understand the structure of the elements of earth and fire. For fairies, gnomes created beautiful amulets and magic wands that generated energy of joy and pleasure, accelerating the fulfillment of desires. The merman gratefully received gifts from the gnomes in the form of stones that enhanced the energy of love, which became the most valuable amulets in their relationships. The dwarves gave the elves “musical” stones, which created divine music with their vibrations. The gnomes also helped the elves create amazing paints from minerals, shimmering with all possible colors and shades, with which the elves painted their magical pictures.

The gnomes told people about how stones and minerals could be used in science and technology. And what you knew about stones then was very different from your modern knowledge. After all, now your technologies are connected with material reality, and the uses of minerals and crystals are based on their physical properties. But in the fairy-tale world, your technology was based on an understanding of subtle energies, and stones opened up amazing possibilities for this! For example, some stones created lighting in the room with their energies, supporting and protecting the entire space with their gentle vibrations. Others could store large amounts of information and became something like the notebooks and memory disks you create today. The stones could transmit information at a distance and manifest it in the form of holograms. With the help of them, fairy-tale residents, being in different places, could communicate with each other. Even in those days, people used crystals to create something similar to modern computers, but at that time they were used very rarely. After all, a lot of what you wanted could be realized immediately, through the power of thought, and this did not require virtual reality, which in your world plays the role of an intermediary between the mental plane and the physical.

You humans have created many other unique technologies through the wisdom that the dwarves passed on to you. All this experience is still stored in your subconscious and gradually manifests itself in life. For example, you are interested in the energy of stones, trying to determine their influence on your biofield and condition. And those Interesting Facts, which you discover, this is the ancient knowledge that you begin to “remember” as your subconscious is activated by high vibrations. Over time, you will remember many more valuable details conveyed to you by the dwarves, and you will be able to learn completely new facts with the help of the subtle abilities that open up. In addition, the gnomes themselves will be happy to tell you a lot of new things as you begin to communicate with them again. By doing so, you will open up a whole new area of ​​science and technology that will greatly transform your entire life! After all, stones are generators and amplifiers of high frequencies, to which you have direct access in your reality. This means that by learning to manifest and enhance the energy of crystals and stones, you can raise the vibrations of your entire life! After all, then you will be able to harmonize your biofield, as well as raise the vibrations of your technological devices, on which the general energy background in which you live greatly depends.

And now I want to invite the gnomes themselves to the conversation to ask them a few questions. Thus, we will resume the interaction between gnomes and people, which is still possible only on the subtle plane. But with a gradual increase in vibrations, your communication can become more and more manifested, and someday you can meet physically!

So, dear gnomes, we welcome you!

Hello people! We are glad to convey the news to you. We remember you well. Many of us still communicate with you often.

What would you like to convey to people now?

On the other hand, through our communication we ourselves will begin to better understand the physical plane and gain contact with it, thanks to which we will be able to realize many of our ideas and inventions. After all, at our level we can understand and feel a lot, but this can only be realized in physical reality, to which our access is still limited. Lately we have been resuming communication with some people, and new ones are appearing. interesting discoveries in natural sciences - chemistry, physics and geology. And these scientists don’t even suspect that they are communicating with us. For example, at night they have a very informative dream, and the next day they predict the formula of a compound with unique properties. Or at some point they get in a great mood and, as a result, finally get some kind of labor-intensive experiment that they could previously struggle with for years! Or perhaps a geologist, walking along the same path for the hundredth time, stumbles upon a barely noticeable outcrop of valuable rock, and thus discovers a major deposit, surprising his colleagues with his talent. All this, of course, is primarily associated with high vibrations, which activate you and manifest new abilities. But at the right moment, we support those people who have a particularly strong connection with us, we become such guardian gnomes for them.

Often these people are researchers, scientists, or just great comedians. After all, good humor, like stones, does not appear out of nowhere; it must be found in the depths of your subconscious. And some kind of joke is usually born in one state or another, which helps you “dig out” it in yourself. A joke is a new point of view, which, like a crystal, when it appears, begins to sparkle with its bright facets and paints everything around in new colors. In new times, we often help you show your sparkling humor, which supports you in life and raises your vibrations. And if earlier sparks of humor colored your life like individual grains of gold that you were looking for, now you will increasingly find entire gold mines and deposits within yourself! Many of you can raise your vibrations so much through humor that you will become a source of high vibrations for all of humanity! This is how the most talented comedians of the new time will arise.

We would like to say that your and our genes store a huge common experience gained in the fairy-tale world. After all, then we were united not only by love for science, but also by love at the level of feelings. Dwarves and humans often formed joint families and had common children. In addition, almost any resident of the fairy-tale world has gone through several lives and managed to be a representative of different races. Therefore, many of you were once gnomes and store our genes in your DNA. In the same way, we, with our curiosity, did not refuse the opportunity to be human! Therefore, gnomes and people have a lot of common genes, and now we have the opportunity, through our communication, to activate them in each other! This will help you discover unique abilities associated with the study of the subtle plane, and we ourselves will begin to understand the physical world more. This will be our real rapprochement, both at the level of knowledge, and at the level of feelings, and even at the level of our bodies! After all, while we are completely different worlds, but gradually their vibrations will begin to intersect, and the time will come when we will be able to touch each other and even hug!

Dear people, with this message we are pleased to resume communication with you.

With respect and love - Dwarfs.

P.S. By the way, when you learn to talk to stones, you will be able to use some of them as a “telephone” in order to “call” us. Imagine that you are holding a stone in your hands and are attuned to it at the level of subtle energies. And somewhere in the fairy-tale world there is a gnome who is spiritually close to you. After all, if you had incarnations in the gnome race, then that means you still have close relatives among us! And one of these gnomes dear to you, being in our world, will hold in his hands a stone with similar properties. Your stones, tuning into each other, will create a resonance between you. Thus, by amplifying the frequencies that are common to you, you will be able to feel and hear each other! And this is a completely real possibility, because this is exactly how, through stones, we are currently conveying our messages to people!

In every person there lives a belief in a miracle, in the magical unidentified world, in the little creatures that live in this wonderful world. While we are children, we sincerely believe in good fairies, elves and gnomes, in wizards and miracles. And we want to turn into magical creatures and we want to create miracles ourselves. And to become a wizard, you need to strongly believe in your own strengths, you need to learn to listen to yourself and to the pristine nature of things, to become an integral part of this nature, to feel it with every cell of yours.


Dwarves are fabulous little people who live under the mountains in beautiful and rich underground palaces. They are very hardworking, they mine ore, gold, silver and precious stones and have untold wealth, and are also famous for their highest craftsmanship, they know how to smelt metals and make beautiful, exquisitely crafted gold and silver jewelry, dishes decorated with precious stones - vases, cups, bowls and other magical things.

Previously, gnomes often made jewelry of unprecedented beauty for elves and people, especially for kings. But now they lead a hidden lifestyle, since people have always dreamed of taking possession of the untold riches of the gnomes, the gnomes stopped trusting people and hid their world from people. Or maybe they moved to places where no one has gone before.

Among the gnomes there are skilled blacksmiths who make military weapons - axes, hammers, axes, battle armor, painting them with patterns and runes, as well as talented engineers and inventors who build all kinds of mechanisms, and even magic mirrors.

Dwarves are very careful to protect their treasures from prying eyes, and to prevent people from finding their treasures, they often use magic spells to make their cities invisible to prying eyes.

They protect their cities from attacks by trolls, orcs and goblins and enter into battle with them, just as they guard their countless treasures from dragons, who are not averse to seizing the wealth of the gnomes and occupying their caves.

Dwarves live long lives, have great strength, they are secretive, trusting no one, cunning and hardy. They can often command the forces of the earth when they dig underground passages and caves.

All gnomes have broad shoulders, large heads with a beard of various colors - red, black, brown and white, which is never cut and the longer and more luxuriant the beard, the older and wiser the gnome.
Dwarves love jokes and pranks, invent various games, they are inquisitive, they like to travel, visit other countries, explore new ore deposits and find deposits of precious metals and stones.

There are very few female gnomes, they are plump, have wide hips and large breasts, and at first glance it is not always possible to determine that this is a female gnome. They raise children, sew clothes, run the house and do not like to show themselves to people.

There are also garden gnomes, who also live underground, but in forests or gardens, and love to care for trees, herbs and flowers. They also hide from people and can only appear to selected people.


Elves are beautiful magical creatures with magical powers. They live in forests, on islands covered with lush vegetation, and surrounded by deep seas, which are difficult and almost impossible for humans to reach.

The elves build their fantastic cities of crystal and glass, plant amazingly beautiful gardens in which unprecedented, huge, tall trees with gold and silver leaves, the most beautiful flowers and magical herbs grow. These gardens are home to fantastic animals, mostly white in color.

In the elven domains, rivers flow with crystal clear, transparent healing water, there are beautiful waterfalls, lakes on the surface of which amazing water lilies grow, swans and fish of extraordinary beauty swim.

Elves love to dance and make music, and sing songs in clear, gentle voices. They laugh merrily, play mischief, and often have lavish night feasts around the fires, with delicious dishes, delicious fruits, sweets and wines.

Elves live long lives, perhaps forever. Outwardly, they look like humans, only very beautiful and graceful, noble and talented. They have keen vision and can even see right through a person, read his thoughts, they have a gentle, enchanting voice.

Elves have excellent hearing, they can pick up even inaudible sounds, most likely this is facilitated by the unusual structure of their ears - they have a pointed shape. They are impeccably built, physically developed and strong, and tall.

Elves have long hair, both women and men, the hair color is different. Women decorate their hair with precious hairpins or fresh flowers. They subjugate the forces of nature, can disappear and appear in other places unnoticed, and have a silent gait.

Elves are excellent craftsmen, they can make all kinds of jewelry, clasps, belts, magic rings, boxes and beautiful dishes. And also musical instruments - harps, strong but light weapons - bows, swords, shields, chain mail, decorated with gold and silver, and precious stones, and all this looks very beautiful and elegant.

The women are skilled weavers, seamstresses, their fabrics look unearthly, light and airy, invisible threads, precious stones, rainbows, snowflakes and flowers seem to be woven into them, they emit the silver light of the stars and the moon, the golden light of the sun.

Festive outfits are decorated with precious stones and fresh flowers. And everyday clothes are made of light gray fabric, which changes shades depending on the lighting and the location - in the forest it takes on the color of foliage, in the mountains - the color of stone.

Previously, elves were friends with people and helped them, but people deceived the elves, killed their strange animals, treacherously invaded their habitat, and polluted their water bodies.

And the elves stopped trusting people, and recently they stopped showing themselves to people altogether. Perhaps they sailed away on their light boats, finding a new place where humans had not yet reached, or even left our world forever.


Fairies are small, beautiful and kind creatures with supernatural powers. People know little about fairies, because unlike elves and gnomes, fairies are very careful and do not trust and try not to show themselves to people, making themselves invisible. And only in exceptional cases, they very rarely appear to people, mainly children, because they love to play, prank children, play pranks with them and sometimes fulfill their wishes.

Fairies sometimes resort to human help, but they bewitch a person and when he visits the fairies, it seems to him that all this is happening in a dream, and he simply dreams of these magical creatures and their beautiful cities.

Therefore, people do not know exactly what fairies look like. Some people believe that fairies are similar to people, only very small, tiny, with transparent wings, most often silver in color, reminiscent in shape of the wings of a butterfly or dragonfly, and sometimes bees.

Little fairies live in the Valley of Fairies. Fairy houses are built in the ground, in small mounds, beds are made from leaves and flower petals, clothes are also made from flowers and herbs. They feed on the juice of berries and fruits, pollen and nectar of flowers.

Fairies look after animals, birds, insects and plants, take great care of flowers, especially love bells, lilies and other flowers in which you can hide from the rain and wind.

Some fairies love to play mischief and turn into insects, and if a butterfly, dragonfly, bee or ladybug lands on you, you can make a wish - it will definitely come true, because this is a transformed fairy. Never kill butterflies, dragonflies and bees, and other insects, because it could be a fairy. Fairies are afraid to show themselves to people and therefore become invisible.

Other people describe fairies as ordinary women or girls of unprecedented beauty, fragile physique, with a pleasant voice, who work miracles with the help of a magic wand or magic. They can fly, but they do not have wings; they move using levitation.

They love music and dancing, and in their free time they hold balls on lawns and meadows.

Fairies are hardworking - they not only take care of flowers and other plants and animals, but are also considered skilled weavers, weaving elegant, thin fabrics, transparent and of unprecedented beauty.

They make magic carpets, hats, cloaks and capes that are durable and have the ability to become invisible.

Fairies feed mainly on nectar and pollen, berries and juicy fruits, quench their thirst with dew, but sometimes they are not averse to drinking milk, stealing it from people.

People were wary of fairies; it was believed that some fairies, appearing before a person’s eyes, foreshadowed imminent death. Not all fairies are friendly towards humans, some can cause harm by spoiling crops, destroying crops, using magic, they can kidnap babies and bewitch people, kill livestock.

And the beautiful appearance of fairies does not always coexist with kindness; a fairy can become embittered and harm a person, take revenge on him, bring misfortune if a person has somehow offended the fairy or insulted him. And if a person violated the boundaries of the fairies’ domain, invaded their territory, and prevented them from having fun, then the fairies will certainly punish and destroy this person.

People believed in fairies, elves and other supernatural creatures in all countries of the world and at all times, and this belief lives on to this day. And how wonderful it is, having renounced everything earthly, to be carried away into this fantastic world of wonderful fairy tales, into a wonderful world of dreams and illusions, where magical good creatures live, where there is no evil and physical violence, where joy, happiness and love live.

Lee Berger and a team from the University of the Witwatersrand ( South Africa) recently announced that they had found skeletons belonging to dwarf people who inhabited the islands Pacific Ocean approximately 900 years ago.

The debate about hobbits continues

Scientists examined ten burial caves on one of the Palau islands in the western Pacific Ocean. In one of them they were able to find remains of bones belonging to at least 25 people. According to Berger, some characteristics of the found remains suggest that the buried inhabitants of the Palauan islands were dwarfs.

“Scientists explain the dwarfism of the people who inhabited Palau by the so-called island rule,” which states that the size of small species inhabiting islands increases, and the size of large species decreases. This process is associated with the need to save food for large animals and favorable living conditions for small animals.”

By measuring the size of the pelvic bones and limb bones, scientists estimated that the men who inhabited the island weighed no more than 43 kilograms, and women - no more than 29. The islanders bore all the signs characteristic of the species Homo sapiens, although some features allowed scientists to conclude that the ancients were somewhat primitive residents of Palau.

It is unknown how accurate the researchers' conclusions are, but their work is likely to contribute to continued debate about the origin of other dwarfs - the Indonesian hobbits from the island of Flores. Since their discovery, there has been debate in the scientific community as to whether the hobbits were a spin-off species of the genus Homo - Homo floresiensis - or whether they were ordinary people suffering from an unknown disease that caused their height to decrease.

In the spring of 2008, Australian experts suggested that the hobbits suffered from thyroid disease. According to scientists, the inhabitants of the island of Flores were deficient in iodine and selenium.

"The slower growth suggests that the females, along with other external factors, experienced severe iodine deficiency during pregnancy," said Dr Peter Obendorf from the Royal University of Technology in Melbourne. “We believe that these remains are not related to an unknown race, but belong to people who suffered from a certain disease.”

“But other scientists do not share the new theory. I regret that serious scientists are seriously considering this option. This theory has almost no evidence,” says bioanthropology professor Colin Groves.”

In his opinion, the nature of the remains irrefutably indicates that the hobbits were previously unknown individuals of the human race, which existed approximately 13 thousand years ago. Peter Brown of the University of New England believes that the scientists who put forward the theory of thyroid disease in hobbits did not study the remains directly, but only relied on data obtained from other researchers.

"White-eyed Chud" from the Ural Mountains

However, while scientists are arguing about whether a race of dwarfs existed in the distant past or not, let us ask ourselves another, more interesting question: do gnomes live on Earth today?
To this seemingly childish question, many adult men answer unequivocally: they live, or at least lived quite recently, and as evidence they cite numerous facts of meetings between people and representatives of this small “fairy-tale” people.

One of these meetings took place back in 1698 in the Urals. An ancient manuscript, now stored in the Bryansk Regional Library, indicates that the creature was no more than 20 centimeters tall. It stood at the entrance to the cave and held a beautiful crystal in its hands. When meeting a man, the gnome almost immediately went into the ground, but the stone remained. They could not determine its species.

Among the Lapps living on Kola Peninsula, and their neighbors the Sami have legends about dwarfs who once settled underground. The Lapps call them "Sayvok". Having spread out his light dwelling on convenient location, they could sometimes hear vague voices and the clinking of iron coming to them from underground. This served as a signal: to immediately move the yurt to a new place - it blocked the entrance to the underground dwelling of the saivok. The Lapps were afraid to quarrel with the underground inhabitants, who were afraid of daylight.

Legends about small underground inhabitants who know how to process iron and have supernatural abilities have been preserved among all the peoples inhabiting the north of Russia. Thus, the Komi, living in the Pechora Lowland, claim that it was the gnomes who taught people how to forge iron. Their witchcraft has terrible power. By their order, the Sun and Moon fade.

The Nenets living on the coast of the Arctic Ocean say that “a long time ago, when our people were not here, “siirtya” lived here - small people. When there were a lot of people, they completely disappeared into the ground.”

Russian explorers who settled in the Urals also have legends and tales about small, beautiful people with unusually pleasant voices living in the mountains. Just like the saivok on the Kola Peninsula, they do not like to be in daylight, but some people hear a ringing sound coming from underground. And this ringing is not accidental. “White-eyed Chud” - this is the name used by dwarfs in Ural tales - was engaged in underground mining of gold, silver, and copper. When the Russians came to the Urals, on the advice of prophetic shamans who knew the future, the white-eyed chud, who lived on the western slopes of the Urals, dug long underground passages and disappeared into the depths of the mountains with all her treasures.

Back in the 16th century, European geographers were convinced of the existence of the Arctida continent in the Arctic Ocean, inhabited by dwarfs who created a strange civilization, unlike ours. They had pronounced extrasensory, as they say now, abilities.

Then one of many earthly cataclysms occurred, as a result of which the Arctic continent almost completely went under water. The surviving inhabitants of Arctida left the freezing and quickly covered islands and settled in northern Europe and Asia. They were unable to restore their civilization, did not want to fight with the local residents, and gradually left the surface of the Earth into underground catacombs and caves, into their usual habitat. After all, in their homeland they spent six months in them. To protect themselves from people greedy for precious metals, especially gold, they placed psychological barriers at the entrances to their underground shelters. To this day, these barriers inspire people with supernatural horror, driving them away from places sacred to dwarfs.

We all come from Lemuria

Not long ago, French television aired a report by Marseille journalist Chris Durieux about his trip to the United States. On Californian mountain slopes he discovered a settlement of strange creatures, as far as he could see - vaguely similar to people and at the same time reminiscent of the well-known exotic animals - lemurs. They live in strange-looking buildings, which are quite difficult to spot among the dense green bushes.

The sensational discovery of the journalist caused a lively discussion in the scientific world, and scientists immediately recalled that back in 1932, American reporter Edward Lancer published an article in a Los Angeles newspaper about the settlement of the so-called Lemurians living in complete isolation on the slopes of Mount Shasta in California.

And even earlier, in the second half of the 19th century, a theory was widespread among zoologists that Africa, Madagascar and India were once connected by a piece of land in Indian Ocean, inhabited almost exclusively by lemurs, galagos, pottos and lorises, all of which together constituted the class of prosimians. Scientists believed that the land, eventually going under water, spread the habitats of prosimians around the world.

The English zoologist Philip Sclater called this continent plunged into the abyss Lemuria, and scientific interest in it was fueled by the assumption made by the German zoologist Ernst Haeckel that Lemuria was the cradle of humanity. Famous occult philosophers immediately picked up and developed Hackel's theory. Thus, Helena Blavatsky claimed that during sessions of communication with spirits she learned from them true story humanity, from which it follows that it began with Lemuria. According to Blavatsky, the inhabitants of this country were the third of the seven root races of the earth, each of which passes through seven stages of development. Today's people represent the fifth race.

Blavatsky claimed that Lemurians arose as grotesque creatures resembling monkeys with three eyes, which, being hermaphrodites, reproduced by laying eggs. Having developed into a more advanced race, they partially moved to Atlantis and became the fourth race. Later, Lemuria was destroyed by a volcanic explosion, and Atlantis was destroyed by black magic.

Blavatsky's followers to this day continue to provide more and more evidence of the existence of the “cradle of humanity.” Well, archaeologists, who operate mainly with facts, have never found this very evidence in the ground or under water, have long given up on Lemuria and suggest that instead of talking about Lemurians, everyone who wants to be convinced of the existence of a race of dwarfs in the past should simply visit the town of Skara Brae on the coast of Orkney.

Hollow Hills of Skara Brae

Until recently, on the banks of Skara Brae there were ordinary-looking hills covered with green grass. One day a strong hurricane destroyed the top of one of the hills, and local residents We were amazed to discover a miniature dwelling hidden in it! Small beds, low ceilings and doorways all indicated that the underground house was made for people no taller than a meter!

Archaeologists opened up other hills and discovered that they also contained miniature rooms. Experts have found that they were built intentionally as underground structures. First, walls were built from stone slabs, then flooring was made from stones and wood. And only then the entire structure was covered with a layer of earth and peat, leaving only a small entrance hole.

In the middle of each room there was a fireplace lined with stones. Small cabinets were also made from stone slabs. Underground passages were made between the dwellings. Archaeologists also paid attention to one more detail: there were piles of sand on the floors of the rooms and in the passages, reminiscent of an ancient belief. It turns out that everyone who, without permission, invaded the home of an underground dwarf in the past immediately turned into a pile of sand.

According to other legends, dwarfs used charms to lure people into their underground dwellings, and when they returned back, it turned out that several years had passed. Dwarfs could also control the wind, send storms or pacify a storm.

Where did the hill people go? Jewelry and dishes lay neatly in stone cabinets; on the floor, at the exit of one dwelling, a necklace lay as if dropped by someone in a hurry; stone tools and weapons stood untouched. It seemed that the owners disappeared overnight, leaving this world forever.

The mystery of the Skara Brae dwarfs has not yet been revealed. Well, local residents claim that to this day they occasionally meet with the last representatives of the small people. Moreover, they believe that dwarfs, trying to preserve the family, kidnap children from the cradle. Some of those abducted return to the human world after a few years. Like, for example, one local girl who returned home after many years of absence. At first she was sick for a long time, but then she recovered and got used to life among people. But until the end of her life, something not of this world remained in her. Therefore, until now the residents of those places in northern UK They put pieces of iron in the bed of small children. After all, people believe that metal has magical power over the inhabitants of the hills...

Gold miners' find

In 1932, two gold prospectors searching for the precious metal at the foot of the San Pedro Mountains in Wyoming suggested that a gold vein might be located in one of the rocks. They blew it up, but instead of gold they discovered a small cave in the mountain range, in the recess of which, on a small stone ledge, in a sitting position, was the mummy of a tiny creature.

At full height, the creature would reach a height of about 35 cm, and in a sitting position - 18 cm. The most ordinary human face with large eyes, a low forehead, a wide nose, a large mouth with thin lips.

It’s good that the prospectors thought of taking the mummy with them, otherwise hardly anyone would have believed their stories. The mummified little man with a mysterious smile on his face, named Pedro, turned out to be the property of Ivan Goodman, a car dealer from the city of Casper.

Scientists did not take this find seriously and considered it another fake. However, anthropologist Henry Shapiro still decided to examine the mummy and use X-rays to recognize the fake. Imagine his amazement when the X-ray showed that under the mummified shell there was a tiny skeleton, in all respects corresponding to a human one.

Experts found out that the dwarf died a violent death: his collarbone was broken, his spine was damaged and, possibly, his head was broken. By all accounts, Pedro was a mature 60-year-old man, compared to an ordinary person. The mummy had well-formed teeth, and rather large, protruding fangs stood out.

Some dogmatically minded scientists, naturally, immediately found the simplest explanations for this discovery. Some considered Pedro a deformed child hidden in a cave, others considered him a fetus in the prenatal stage of development, and some even argued that the wrinkled skin of the mummy was specially crafted by an experienced forger to resemble the skin of an adult. However, over time, such exotic assumptions fell apart, and today only two assumptions remain: either Pedro is a representative of a race of dwarfs that disappeared from the face of the earth, or a creature from alien worlds.

A creepy gnome is terrorizing the city

The Uslon Mountains cut through the entire right bank of the Volga for several tens of kilometers; several villages and numerous cottages and dachas are located on the beautiful slopes.

A local attraction is the caves, many of which have not yet been explored. They say that some of these caves are inhabited today by rather unusual creatures.

Kazan summer residents call them gnomes, and local residents know them as “tobyki”. Often these small creatures, the size of a two-year-old child, take beautiful stones sparkling in the sun from caves in exchange for vegetables and fruits.

Local residents believe that the “tobyks” worship the moon and often, on a full moon, lined up in a circle, sing strange songs in squeaky voices. Eyewitnesses of unusual encounters also claim that “tobyks” are not afraid of wild animals, consider them their friends and easily play with foxes, wolves and bears. And on their main holiday at the end of winter they organize horse races... on hares.

Meanwhile, something incredible has been happening in Argentina lately. A creepy gnome is terrorizing the town of Guemes in the province of Salta in the north of the country.

Teenager Jose Alvarez told local newspaper El Tribuno that he and his friends photographed the creature during a recent night out.

"Alvarez reported: We were chatting about our latest fishing trip. It was no longer even night, but early morning. I took out my cell phone and started clicking the camera while the others continued talking and laughing. Suddenly an incomprehensible noise was heard, as if someone invisible was throwing stones on the ground. We turned towards the sound and saw the grass moving, as if a small animal, like a dog, was making its way through its thickets. But it was not a dog that came out to meet us, but something incomprehensible, similar to a gnome. It scared us a lot. This is no joke."

“Jose added that other local residents also saw the gnome. We are still afraid to go outside - like everyone else in this area. One of our friends was so frightened by what he saw that we had to take him to the hospital,” the teenager admitted.”

“Police officers, after increasing complaints from Guemes residents, even had to strengthen night patrols. Local newspapers have already nicknamed this ghost the Creepy Gnome due to his appearance somewhat reminiscent of a fairy tale hero. According to eyewitnesses, he wears a pointed hat and moves with an unusual gait - small steps to the side.”

The town voluntarily imposed a curfew. After dark, few people dare to go outside for fear of meeting a creepy gnome...

Victor Potapov, Anomalous news, No. 21, 2008


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