Interesting and shocking facts about Bali! What should a tourist know? Bali: interesting facts Interesting about Bali

small island Bali, part of Indonesia, is well known throughout the world as a first-class resort. Millions of tourists visit it every year, and they strive to return here in the future for positive emotions. The island amazes with its superb nature, beautiful beaches and numerous entertainments.

What's interesting about this island?
In the local language it is called Pulau Kahyangan, which translates to Island of the Gods.

Every Balinese simultaneously exists in a pair of worlds. Sekala is the visible environment around a person. The invisible world of Niskala can only be felt during the performance of national rituals that have a centuries-old history.

There is no time to work on the island, as there are 230 days off each year.

The religion of the locals is called “Agama Hindu Dharma” and is an amazing mixture of Buddhist and Hindu beliefs mixed with pagan ideas about the world and belief in various spirits.

Bali law allows polygamy, with a maximum number of wives limited to four. It is curious that a man can remarry only after receiving written permission from his first wife.

One of the local traditions involves filing teeth. It is given to young people aged 16-18. It is believed that such a procedure allows one to calm down the six main spiritual sins (lust, greed, and so on). By the way, if you are interested in this and other traditions in Bali, the company conducts excursions on the island with a Russian-speaking guide, and also organizes wedding ceremonies. Wedding ceremonies from - will become unforgettable moment in your life together. Believe me it's worth it.

The Balinese home is a full-fledged living being. The role of the head is played by the temple, which is necessarily turned towards the Agung volcano. In place of the arms are living quarters, and the kitchen and outbuildings are located instead of the legs.

There are three calendars in Bali. The first is accepted throughout the world and used in everyday life. The second is called Pawukon and is the calendar of the Javanese-Balinese peoples. The third is called Saka and is common to all Hindus.

Based on the chronology of the Saka calendar, today the island of Bali lives in the year 1936.

For any Balinese, the right hand is sacred. Only she can transfer any things to each other.

The linguistic features of the island provide for the division into three castes, the indication of which is mandatory when addressing a person.

Gunung Agung Volcano – highest point Bali, its peak is at 3142 meters. At the foot is Pura Besakikh, the most revered temple among local residents.

Rice is the most common product on the island. Residents consider it the food of the gods, so you can find dishes made from it at any celebration.

When it comes to entertainment, cockfighting has no equal in popularity. Fighting birds are cared for as if they were their own children.

It is curious, but during a divorce, the children remain with the father, and the woman takes with her only the things that she had before marriage.

Finally, I found time to finish the article that I started writing while still in Indonesia. In the end it turned out whole list from 25 interesting facts, observations and tips that I collected during six months of living in this wonderful country. This article will be especially useful for those who are planning a trip to Bali or other Indonesian islands. Enjoy!

  1. Indonesia is the largest island country and the most populous country in the world. The entire country consists of 17,800 islands.
  2. The main religion of Indonesia is Islam, followed by 86% of the population. 9% are Christians, 3% are Hindus and the remaining 2% are Buddhists and others. But in Bali the picture is completely different. Almost 90% of the island's local population is Hindu.
  3. A good one can be rented for only 500,000 rupees per month ($52) or for 35,000 rupees per day ($3.6).
  4. Fuel is very cheap in Indonesia - the price of one liter of gasoline costs 4,500 rupees ($0.46).
  5. Volcano Agung (3142 meters) in Bali is considered the most sacred place on the island. All the temples of the island face in its direction and all Balinese try to sleep with their heads towards this volcano.
  6. The most reliable and cheapest telephone service in Indonesia is Telkomsel SimPATI.
  7. Almost all major cities In Indonesia, you can easily find free housing through and thereby get to know the local youth.
  8. In almost all local eateries (warungs) you can have a hearty meal for only 15,000 rupees ($1.5).
  9. On the main island of Java, locals will constantly ask you to take photos with them. “Hello mister, can I take a picture with you?” - standard phrase. By the way, even if you are a girl, you will still be called "Mr."
  10. Prices for food and accommodation on the main island of Java are sometimes two to three times cheaper than in Bali.
  11. In markets and stores where there are no price tags, you can safely bargain and reduce the stated price by two or three times.
  12. In the jungles of Bali you can find wild monkeys.
  13. In Bali, Ubud is the city of yogis, Kuta is the city of party people.
  14. In first place among tourists in Bali are Australians, second are Japanese and third are Chinese.
  15. Parking a scooter or car nearby tourist places and large stores usually costs 1,000-2,000 rupees.
  16. The maximum bribe that should be paid to police officers for riding a scooter without a helmet and license is 50,000 rupees. Don’t give any more, even if they threaten you with a big fine and a police station.
  17. Every second Balinese is called Wayan (regardless of gender).
  18. Monitor lizards live on Komodo Island - they are also dinosaurs or dragons.
  19. The maximum amount that can be withdrawn from an ATM in Indonesia is 3,000,000 rupees ($312).
  20. Indonesia used to be a Dutch colony and this greatly affects the architecture of many cities.
  21. In Indonesia, left-hand drive traffic, as in Thailand.
  22. The maximum period of stay in Indonesia without leaving is 6 months (a social visa is required for this). After this period you need to go to neighboring country, do new visa and re-enter Indonesia.
  23. Balinese people celebrate New Year in a very unusual way - in complete silence. For 24 hours, no one on the island leaves their house. All restaurants, offices, schools and shops are closed.
  24. Accommodation prices in Bali in budget guesthouses range from 100,000 ($10) to 200,000 rupees ($20), when renting for long term(week, month) - cheaper. For example, we rented a whole one for only $450 per month.
  25. Indonesia is full of tropical fruits: snake fruit, pineapples, strawberries, apples, bananas of different varieties, tangerines, papaya, mangosteens, rambutans, tree apple, durian, passion fruit, . All this can be found in almost any fruit market.

The paradise island of Bali is very popular among tourists eager for an exotic holiday in the hot tropics. And it’s not surprising - there are few places else where you can see such wonders of nature without overpaying a lot of money for your vacation. Of course, Balinese hotels are not very cheap, but in any case you can relax here much cheaper than, for example, in the Maldives or the Canaries. And there is definitely something to see here.

  1. Contrary to popular belief among Russian tourists In pronunciation, the emphasis in the word “Bali” is on the first syllable, not the last.
  2. The population of Moscow is three times larger than the population of Bali.
  3. Even during the rainy season there are no prolonged downpours here. The rains are usually short and almost always occur only at night.
  4. More than 80% of the Balinese profess their own religion, based on Hinduism, despite the fact that Indonesia, to which the island belongs, is a Muslim state (see).
  5. Shamans enjoy greater authority among the local population than doctors. That is why there are few pharmacies and hospitals here - due to the lack of clientele.
  6. There is no wallpaper in houses in Bali. The walls are simply painted, even without plaster. And the windows are very small, and are often located right at the ceiling.
  7. Cutlery is also not held in high esteem here - the Balinese usually eat with their hands.
  8. A religious ceremony in your home village in Bali is a good reason not to go to work.
  9. Raising your voice is strictly not accepted in Bali. Whoever shouts is a priori wrong. Just like in Thailand (see).
  10. Public transport on the island is extremely poorly developed. The best way to travel for a tourist who does not want to overpay for a taxi is to rent a motorbike. If, of course, he knows how to drive it and is not afraid of chaotic local traffic on the roads.
  11. There are more than 20 thousand temples in Bali, including many “home” ones. Official temples there are just over 6 thousand here.
  12. The word "Bali" means "hero" in Sanskrit.
  13. In traditional Balinese villages, there is still a ban on seeking a spouse from another village. You can only use your own.
  14. The caste system is in use here, as in India, although not as strict (see).
  15. Not a single important action in Bali is performed without accompanying rituals. There are more of them here than in any other country in the world.
  16. There are many volcanoes on the island. For obvious reasons, this is quite dangerous in the long term.
  17. Balinese has three different levels, with the right one depending on who you're talking to. A mistake can be considered an insult.
  18. Cockfighting is extremely popular in Bali, as in the Philippines (see).
  19. The Bible was first translated into Balinese in 1990.
  20. There are practically no buildings taller than two floors in Bali.
  21. The dead here are cremated and not buried, as in most other countries.
  22. The Balinese use three calendars at once. The Gregorian we are used to is mainly needed to communicate with tourists.
  23. In local cigarettes, tobacco is sometimes mixed with cloves.
  24. Even at the beginning of the 20th century, women in Bali went topless, but with the arrival of Europeans this began to be considered indecent.
  25. Men became the “workforce” here only a few decades ago. Before this, all major work, including heavy work, in Bali was done by women. And even now it is noticeable that mostly women work, while men sit in front of the TV or relax in the shade of a palm tree.
  26. In 1906, the Dutch fleet occupied the island. The royal family, like representatives of many local noble families of Bali, chose suicide over surrender.
  27. White, black, red and yellow are considered sacred colors in Bali.
  28. The name of a Balinese directly indicates his belonging to a particular caste. Among the Shudras, a working caste that makes up about 80% of Bali's population, there is no distinction between feminine and masculine names.

World Travel


29.07.16 11:38

Are you going to visit Bali? Interesting Facts about this island will help you better navigate and protect you from mistakes. Everything in Bali - the beaches, the tropical climate, the gorgeous exotic vegetation, the large number of entertainment venues, the amazing cuisine and culture - is worthy of your attention. This is an oasis of Hinduism in a Muslim country, and although the Balinese are friendly and love tourists, it is better to stick to the rules and respect the customs of the island.

About tasty and very tasty food

As you know, Muslims do not eat pork, but Bali is inhabited mainly by Hindus, and pork dishes can be found on every corner. The Balinese consider the pig to be the personification of laziness, and when they feast and eat the pig, they imagine that they are getting rid of laziness in themselves. Sweet pork, poached pork in coconut milk, whole roasted pig - all served with rice, chips and fried vegetables. It is necessary to note this fact: Bali is a real kaleidoscope of cuisines from different nations of the world; the food culture here is very high. You can get everything from succulent meat to fresh seafood to traditional buffet to a five star restaurant.

So many namesakes!

When you communicate with local residents, you will find that many of them have the same names. Here's the second interesting fact about Bali - it has its own system of naming children. The first-born is usually called Putu, Wayan, Gede (we cannot guarantee the correct pronunciation! - editor's note). The second child is named Kadek, Made or Nengah. The third will be called Command or Nyoman, and the fourth will be Ketut. If parents have more than four children, everything is repeated in a circle (Putu, Wayan, and so on).

Not taller than a palm tree

If you explore the entire island, you will not find a single skyscraper. And this is not a consequence of the weak economy; there are first-class hotels here, occupying buildings no higher than four floors. Why? The answer is simple: the Balinese authorities prohibit building houses higher than 15 meters (the average height of a coconut tree). This tree on the island symbolizes wisdom, and the buildings built by people symbolize power. The Balinese do not want to have power greater than the wisdom of life.

About nightlife and transport

But this fact about Bali will appeal to those who are used to spending time on the dance floor and love noisy parties. The Indonesian resort of Kuta, located in Bali, offers entertainment 24 hours a day. Legian Street is teeming with nightclubs, cafes and pubs.

But with public transport Bali is tense! There is practically none. The local population gets around on bicycles, motorcycles and scooters, and tourists only have taxis and a few shuttle buses, which are not enough for everyone. So you'll have to walk.

Protected by Pecalang

A terrorist bomb attack more than ten years ago shook the entire island, but now it is calm. Despite that long-standing tragedy, Bali remains one of the most safe places in Indonesia. The crime rate is extremely low, people believe in karma and do not want to anger the gods. Therefore, they avoid conflicts and are very hospitable. And, by the way, although there is nominally a police force on the island, order is maintained by local authorities called pecalang. Its representatives are easy to distinguish from the rest of the population by their special headbands.

Gifts to the Gods

You will walk along the streets and be surprised at how many plates of food and coconut leaves with sweets, flowers, incense or rice are around. These are offerings to the gods and are an important part of Hinduism. For daily basic prayers, one gift the size of a human palm is enough. Most often, offerings (kanang) are placed at shrines, but also at intersections, pillars, at the entrances to houses and simply on the streets. If you accidentally step on one of them, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is not to interrupt the ritual.

Not a minute of silence, but a day of silence

Another interesting fact about Bali that may also come in handy. One day a year is declared a day of silence (niepi), usually in March (it is better to find out the date in advance). Because on this day everyone, both locals and tourists, should not leave their homes, the streets seem to die out. At home (or in hotel room) you need to sit quietly, do not turn on the lights or TV (there is no broadcasting that day anyway).

Do you want a villa for a million?

Property prices in Bali are considered the most expensive in Indonesia. Most villas are rented out to tourists rather than sold. Of course, there are excellent hotels here, the rooms in which are quite tolerable. But if you want to rent a luxury villa with ocean views and a private beach, prepare to shell out some cash. One of the most luxurious villas is located in the Canggu area - this is a mansion with seven bedrooms and a plot of land on the embankment of 1.63 hectares. For just one night stay in this villa you will pay more than 6 thousand dollars. You can buy such luxury for about 1 million dollars.

Visiting the monkeys

They say that you can easily meet a celebrity in Bali - Paris Hilton, Vanessa Hudgens and other stars love to come here. But much more often than celebrities you will come across... monkeys. They are cute, but they are still wild animals, so be careful around them. At the Uluwatu Temple, there were cases where monkeys carried tourists' belongings. They don't care about your shoes, wallet or glasses. But cunning primates will give them to you only in exchange for a treat. If you want to watch the monkeys for a little longer, here's one last interesting fact about Bali: go to Ubud, there's a Monkey Forest, admire the macaques as much as you want!

Pain can be described in different ways. It aches, pricks, pierces, presses, cuts, drills, drives you crazy. But at the same time, there is no life without pain. Remember the old joke: if you wake up in the morning and nothing hurts, it means you are dead.

Below are the most interesting facts about pain:

1. Scientists have calculated that every day every homo sapiens experiences more than a hundred pain attacks, it’s just that not all of them are recorded by the consciousness. In our brain there is a so-called “pain center” that controls pain impulses and rejects the weakest ones. This area is called the insula, and it is located deep between the hemispheres of the brain. Sometimes the “pain center” malfunctions, and then a person may experience asymptomatic pain all the time. A variation of this problem is called fibromyalgia, or “flying pain.”

2. On globe There are approximately 500 people who never experience pain. But don’t be so quick to envy them. The absence of pain is a rare disease called syringomyelia. This disease can be inherited or occur as a result of severe brain injury. In this case, a person lacks the sensitivity of nerve endings. Usually these people rarely live even to 40 years of age. After all, the absence of pain does not mean the absence of injury. Just imagine how much damage these people cause to themselves without realizing it. Insensitivity to pain makes their body much less protected.

3. Despite the fact that the brain receives signals about pain from all parts of our body, it is the only organ that is not able to sense it, since it is completely devoid of nerve pain receptors.

4. Psychogenic pain is a symptom of depression. For example, a person thinks that his heart, his head, or his stomach hurts, but when examined, no diseases are found in him. 68% of people suffering from psychogenic pain begin to experience pain in the middle or towards the end of the working day, and 19% - in the early morning. Moreover, no analgesics help them get rid of pain. But motherwort and validol cope with this task perfectly.

5. Women have a higher pain threshold than men. This is due to the fact that estrogens, female sex hormones, have a natural analgesic effect. In men, the stress hormone adrenaline is responsible for suppressing pain. That is why a man is able to receive, for example, a fatal injury in a fight, but continue to fight. However, in peaceful life he can be knocked down by an innocent prick.

6. Our body has a “pain memory”. This is evidenced by phantom pain. When a person loses a leg or arm, the brain at a subconscious level refuses to perceive this and searches for the lost limb, irritating it with the help of nerve endings that no longer exist.

7. It turns out that you can feel someone else's pain. True, this does not guarantee that you will be able to alleviate it. For example, you may feel the same pain that another person feels, albeit in a mirror image. This is because the pain center processes the visual signal and projects it onto your body. This is called the phenomenon of empathy, and only humans can experience it.

8. Hot peppers can help relieve pain. Scientists found in it the substance capsiacin, which is a blocker of pain impulses. Capsiacin is also found in mustard and horseradish. Doctors recommend eating these foods for people with chronic pain syndromes (arthrosis and neuralgia). Recently, scientists have been actively working on creating an anesthetic with capsiacin molecules.

9. There are a number of foods that irritate nerve endings. For example, Parmesan cheese, vinegar, smoked meat, chocolate and foods containing monosodium glutamate (sausages, canned food, instant soups) can cause headache attacks.

10. Gemstones help get rid of chronic pain. There is even a technique called lithotherapy (from the Latin litas - stone). Of course, psychotherapy plays an important role here. However, topaz and malachite help get rid of pain in the kidneys and joints, sapphire and amber - from headaches, emerald - from heart pain, and jewelry with amethyst will help relieve hangovers.


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