The most amazing tourist spots in Japan. Amazing places in Japan The most interesting places in Japan

Japan is one of the most developed countries in the world. This state has its own thousand-year history, traditions, and unique culture. The country is located in East Asia in the Japanese archipelago, consisting of 6,852 islands. The most large islands countries:

  • Hokkaido
  • Honshu
  • Shikoku

Despite the relatively small area, the population density of the country is high. Japan has a population of 126,225,000. The state is also called the Land of the Rising Sun. The Japanese themselves often call their homeland Nihon (homeland of the sun). In 1945 the country was attacked nuclear weapons from the US side. The tragedy claimed thousands of lives; today Japan is the only state in the world against which such weapons were used. But it was able to recover, building a strong economy over the years, and today ranks 10th in terms of living standards.

Only here to this day the ruler is called the emperor. Modern Japanese are very successful not only in the economy, but also in science, biomedicine, robotics, and high technology. Japanese scientists have been awarded various prestigious awards, the Nobel Prize, and the Fields Prize.

The Japanese care about the environment and carefully preserve the country's rich heritage, represented by castles, temples, palaces, and monuments. All of them have survived to this day almost in their original form. More than a million tourists visit the state every year.

TOP 10 most beautiful cities in Japan

  1. Osaka is an interesting tourist metropolis.
  2. Kyoto is the guardian cultural heritage countries.
  3. Nara is the oldest Japanese city.
  4. Ise is a popular home for Ise-Jingu Shrine.
  5. Tokyo is an ultra-modern metropolis.
  6. Matsumoto - charm historical places.
  7. Sapporo is a famous ski resort.
  8. Kanazawa is the fortified city of Japan.
  9. Nagano is the most mountainous prefecture on the island of Honshu.
  10. Kobe - exotic atmosphere of Japan.

Osaka - the nation's entertainment and theater center

In terms of the size of Japanese cities, Osaka ranks third. The metropolis is full of life, energy, where there is everything you need for a great time. The city is more permeated with Japanese culture than the capital; the atmosphere and character of Japan are very noticeable. The residents here, according to tourists, are friendly, spontaneous, and sincere. They are famous throughout the country for their great love of food and business acumen. The culinary center of the country is located here; guests can try a variety of dishes, national delicacies, restaurant and street food.

There are many attractions, Osaka is called the Venice of Japan; the metropolis has many lakes, streams, canals, bridges in various architectural styles. Ancient temples have been preserved, which are located next to modern skyscrapers and amusement parks. Must visit interesting places Osaka:

  • national theater Bunraku;
  • national art museum;
  • ramen museum (instant noodle museum);
  • chess park;
  • Osaka Kaiyukan Aquarium;
  • Japanese Disneyland;
  • Umeda Sky Building;
  • science museum;
  • Organic Building;
  • Sumiyoshi-taisha Temple;
  • kingdom of crabs;
  • Poisonous fugu fish restaurant.

Kyoto is synonymous with traditional Japanese culture

For more than a thousand years, the historical center of the country was concentrated here. Kyoto was the capital of Japan from 794 to 1869. The metropolis is located in the center of the island of Honshu, the old name of the city is Heian. Kyoto is founded in the form of an elongated rectangle; the layout of streets, blocks, and squares is regular and symmetrical. World famous poets, artists, and writers were born here. Many ancient buildings and places of cultural heritage have been preserved in Kyoto, in particular Imperial Palace, which can be visited as part of an excursion. Some city streets are listed as World Heritage Sites.

Concentrated here national center traditional practices of chado (tea ceremony), ikebana (flower arranging). This is the birthplace of kabuki, a leading center of calligraphy, sculpture, and painting.

It is definitely worth visiting such historically memorable places as the Kyoto Gosho Imperial Palace, where the coronation ceremony of the new emperor of Japan, rituals, important state ceremonies are held, the Kyoto Imperial Residence, the imperial villas of Shugakuin, Katsura. They can only be visited by people over 18 years of age; they must present a passport at the entrance.

Other worthy of attention city ​​places:

  • Nijo Castle;
  • Ryoan-Ji Temple;
  • Sanjusangendo Temple;
  • Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine;
  • bamboo forest;
  • Diakaku-ji Temple;
  • Gion district;
  • philosophical path;
  • Buddhist temple Clean Water;
  • Silver Pavilion;
  • Golden Pavilion;
  • Kyoto Gardens.

Nara - the famous center of Buddhist culture

The city is closely associated with Buddhism, some of the temples located here have been awarded the status of objects World Heritage, are business card Bunks. There are places where tourists can learn about the history of the town. The architectural objects of the Seven Great Temples deserve special attention. Almost all of them are active Buddhist temples and occupy a very important position in the religious life of Japan.

Nara is also called a deer paradise, more than 1000 sika deer live here, they calmly walk through the park and city streets. To get to know this better ancient city and its culture, it is recommended to visit the National Museum, which houses works of art related to Buddhism, the Prefectural Folklore Museum, and the Yamato Folklore Park. IN Memorial Museum photographs of the town and cultural monuments are presented. It will be interesting to visit the Shinto shrine Kasuga-taisha, Toshodai-ji, the Isui-en garden in the Japanese traditional style, the Yoshikien garden, and the Nara-machi quarter.

Ise is the most important religious center of the country

The town is located 300 km from the capital of the state. Here is the most important religious center countries, an object of mass pilgrimage, a repository of Shinto treasures, represented by ancient, great shrines, closely connected with the history, cultural, and spiritual life of the Japanese people. Amazes the eye local nature, dense green hills, forests.

Ise-Jingu Shrine is a very popular shrine all over the world. In Japan, every resident knows about it. It consists of two groups of temples - external Naiku and internal Geku, dedicated to the goddess Amaterasu. In addition to the temple, guests and tourists visit the museum visual arts, historical, agricultural museum, library. All of them are part of the sanctuary.

Famous place is historic district town - Kawasaki, located along the Setagawa River. The area was once an important trading place, welcoming more than a million pilgrims a year to Ise-Jingu Shrine. Ships entered the town along the river. Today, only the main street has been preserved, where you can buy various souvenirs and much more.

Tokyo - the famous capital of Japan

A huge, ultra-modern metropolis - the center of the country's various cultures, the capital of Japan. Large-scale events are held here, for example, one of the largest Kanda Matsuri festivals, the Hanami Flower Admiring Festival in Ueno Park, and the fireworks festival. Exhibitions are held in museums, music events and musicals are held at venues. Tokyo has several hundred art galleries, dozens of public and private museums. The Tokyo National Museum stores more than 85,000 works of painting, art, and sculpture.

Life here does not stop either day or night; during rush hour people seem to merge into one stream. It’s easy to get lost in the city if you lose your attention even for a short time. To see the sights and soak in the amazing atmosphere, you need to stay in Tokyo for at least a few months. Here the ancient Japanese traditions and modernity. The oldest universities are located in the metropolis:

  • Waseda
  • Hosei
  • Tokyo

One of the most important memorable places city ​​- the palace of the Emperor of Japan. Other noteworthy places in Tokyo:

  • Edo-Tokyo Museum;
  • the noisiest district in the city is Ginza;
  • Tokyo Skytree ;
  • Kabuki-za theater;
  • automobile museum Toyota Mega Web;
  • Disneyland;
  • Tokyo National Museum;
  • Kotoku-In Temple;
  • Geisha Street;
  • Asakusa district;
  • Buddhist temple Senso-ji;
  • Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ;
  • Center-Guy;
  • Akasaka Palace;
  • Tokyo Dome City.

Matsumoto - gateway to the Japanese Alps

The town is located in the central part of Honshu, charming historical places. It is also called Chubu, the gateway to the Japanese Alps. The representative of modern Japanese art, Kusama Yayoi, was born here. Matsumoto is divided into two parts by the Metoba River. To the south is the area of ​​ancient traditional buildings Nakamachi. Many houses have been turned into hotels, shops, and restaurants. The sake distillery will be of interest to guests of the town.

The Ukiyo-e Museum houses a stunning collection of 100,000 woodblock prints, including works by Hokusai and Hiroshige. Other objects and places will be of interest to tourists:

  • Tenjin Matsumoto Fukashi-jinja Temple;
  • Primary School Kaiti Gakko;
  • Matsumoto Folk Crafts Museum.

Sapporo is a paradise for Japanese food lovers

Large metropolis Located on the island of Hokkaido, it is the capital of Hokkaido Prefecture. The city is quite young for the country; it was founded in 1868. Sapporro is known in the world for the fact that the Winter Olympic Games were held here in 1972. It is important for tourists to know that smoking is prohibited in the center of the metropolis. For this purpose, there are specially designated places where you can enter only after presenting your passport.

In February, it hosts the Odori Park Snow Festival, which attracts approximately 2 million visitors. Everyone takes part in a sculpture display, a snowball fight, and ice skating. If you are wondering what food to try in Sapporo, the answer is simple - ramen. The dish, like its name, originated in this city.

Most of the attractions date back to the modern era of Japan. The most interesting places for excursions:

  • Odori Boulevard;
  • confectionery factory "Isia";
  • Niihama Airport;
  • Brewery Museum;
  • Botanical Garden Sapporo.

Entertainment for the whole family for every taste can be found in the Susukino quarter.

Kanazawa - the city of museums

The ancient fortress city is located in the west of Honshu. The name translates as “golden swamp”. Kanazawa is surrounded by the Japanese Alps and two rivers flow here:

  1. Asano - feminine, gentle river;
  2. Saigawa is the only male river (it is believed).

The city is popular for tea ceremonies, traditional crafts, especially Wajima-nuri lacquerware and Kutana-Yaki ceramics. Interesting museums:

  • the Honda Family Museum, where dishes, weapons, and art objects of the family are displayed;
  • the art museum presents to visitors collections of special Kutani ceramics;
  • the Nakamura Memorial Museum, where collections for the tea ceremony and handicrafts are kept;
  • a museum of crafts and traditional products, where interesting collections of Yuzen silk, ceramics, lacquerware, and musical instruments are exhibited.

Nagano - beautiful rivers and mountains

The city has many mountains, rivers, lakes, and springs. Nagano is famous for its natural beauty. A very popular dish that visitors should try is buckwheat soba noodles. The Tokakushi-Soba Museum even hosts master classes on cooking and tasting noodles. The museum displays artifacts that were once used to make soba noodles.

The Japanese proudly call it Nippon, which literally means “birth of the sun.” Japan - The Land of the Rising Sun. It is rich in colorful islands, unique traditions and marvelous places with amazing nature that attract tourists from all over the world.


The island of Hokkaido is rich in beautiful places. On its territory there is a national park of Japan, where the most high point islands - Asahi volcano. In the southwestern part of the island is the Kushiro Swamp, where you can watch such a delightful spectacle as crane dancing all year round.


Mount Fuji is not only the most beautiful place in Japan, but also a symbol of the country. She is considered the link between earth and heaven. At its very top there is a Shinto shrine - a place of pilgrimage for Japanese believers.


Yakushima Island is famous for its ancient atmosphere. This island is the only one on Earth where trees grow that are over 1000 years old. If you approach the oldest tree and lay your hand, life will be filled with happiness and peace.


Nara is a museum city, where there is a huge number of unique buildings, historical and cultural monuments with their own political significance, because once upon a time it was the capital.

Himeji Castle

Japan is famous not only amazing nature, but also magnificent architectural structures. Himeji Castle is one of the most beautiful places in Japan and amazes tourists with its luxury and beauty of decoration.


Kyoto is famous for its huge number of Buddhist and Shinto temples. The most famous are Kinkakuji and Ginkakuji (Golden and Silver Pavilion). These pavilions were built for the shogun's rest, and his unusual name they received it thanks to the fact that the walls of these buildings are covered with the thinnest silver and gold plates.

Many attractions of Japan are well known abroad: Tokyo Tower, the Golden Temple, the park at the site of the fall of a nuclear bomb in Hiroshima. When planning a trip, travelers plan to rub Hachiko's nose in the Shibuya quarter, buy anime goods in Akihabara and get acquainted with the life of geishas in Kyoto. In Japan, however, there are quite a few very off-the-beaten-path cool places a little away from standard routes, but easily accessible even for an inexperienced tourist. I collected ten such points that I visited myself and sorted them by distance from Tokyo.

  1. Ramen Museum in Yokohama

Japan is an ideal country for food tourism, and you should definitely try ramen noodles. In any establishment. It will be delicious everywhere. But the most chic thing is to go to Yokohama (half an hour to an hour from Tokyo) to the ramen museum. Like any museum about food in Japan, this is first and foremost a place where you can have very tasty, authentic and inexpensive food. But the beauty of this particular museum is that it indoors reproduces the design and life of a Japanese street in the mid-20th century. Signs, posters, telephone booths, bicycles - you can look at all this and photograph it for at least an hour. And then - lunch!

  1. Hot springs in Kusatsu

Relaxation at hot springs in traditional hotel A ryokan is something that every tourist must try at least once. The coolest place you can easily get to from Tokyo is Kusatsu Onsen, three hours by train or bus. First, I recommend walking through the park, where water from hot springs comes to the surface in emerald lakes of boiling water. Then have a snack on street food (grilled river fish or eggs boiled in a hot spring). In the evening, enjoy a traditional kaiseki dinner with ten courses and relax in a beautiful hot spring for ryokan guests. Before returning in Tokyo you can climb the hill where the haiku of the great Japanese poet Matsuo Basho is carved into the stone, and enjoy a pleasant view of the city.

  1. Kegon Falls in Nikko

There are dozens of waterfalls in Japan, but one of the largest and most picturesque is the hundred-meter-high Kegon in Nikko. You'll still go to this city because the guidebooks recommend checking out Tokugawa's grave and the Three Monkeys Temple. Don’t be lazy to spend an hour taking a bus to go further into the mountains, to Lake Chuzenji, the water from which falls down the Kegon waterfall. No physical preparation is needed: the caring Japanese built an elevator that takes tourists almost to the foot, to the very convenient place for photographs. If you want to show off your muscles, it’s better to rent a boat on the lake and slowly sail along the shore with Shinto shrines, giant statue Buddha and heartbreaking views of the mountains.

  1. Jugosaki Coast on the Izu Peninsula

Residents of Tokyo go to the Izu Peninsula when they want to take a break from both big cities and mountain landscapes. Jugosaki is a place where lava from ancient volcanoes met the sea and solidified into huge black rocks. Now they are overgrown with pine trees, and people have laid convenient walking routes, fencing off the most dangerous places. People walk leisurely around Jugosaki for hours, stopping to take photos or buy green tea-flavored ice cream. Citrus fruits grow well on the volcanic soil, and on the way back to the ryokan you can buy delicious tangerines or oranges straight from the branch from the farmers.

  1. Post towns in the Kiso Valley

During the era of the shogunate, all feudal rulers were obliged to regularly go to Tokyo to bow to the true ruler of the country. To make their journey comfortable, so-called “post towns” appeared in Japan, where lords and their retinue could spend the night, dine and have fun. In the twentieth century, several such cities on the Nakasendo highway (between Nagoya and Tokyo) were turned into a real museum of ancient Japan under open air. The coolest thing to do in the Kiso Valley is to walk along Nakasendo the way real samurai did just one hundred and fifty years ago, since the journey from one city to another takes only an hour. In spring everything around you blooms, in autumn you can admire the red Momiji maples. For the night, of course, you need to stay in an old Japanese guesthouse in Minshuku with a real fireplace in the middle of the house, and the owner will cook you something simple and traditional for dinner.

  1. Ninja Museum in Iga

Several hundred years ago, ninjas from the Iga clan made an important contribution to the unification of Japan, and now their village has been turned into a huge museum. You can see how ninjas lived, how they hid their equipment and pretended to be ordinary peasants, how they ran on water and hid from enemies in clouds of smoke. Specially trained actors will show ninja techniques, and children can dress up in costumes and leave real shuriken stars in about the same place where the legendary Hattori Hanzo once trained. Iga can be reached from Nagoya or Kyoto, with a couple of transfers, but it's worth it. How else would you know that the ninja costumes were actually blue, not black?

  1. Moss Garden at Kokedera Temple, Kyoto

Guidebooks usually recommend seeing the Kinkakuji Golden Temple and the Garden of Fifteen Stones at Ryoanji Temple, but be sure to also check out nearby Kokedera. Japanese temples and shrines are usually interesting primarily for their gardens - with all these cute ponds, streams, bridges and flowering trees. They are all designed similarly, but they never get boring and look cool in any season. At Kokedera, all surfaces in the garden, including the bridges and stone buddhas, are covered with moss, making the landscape look completely alien. The downside, however, is that some of the routes are closed to tourists so that the moss is not spoiled.

  1. Kaiyukan Aquarium in Osaka

Japan is full of large and small aquariums, but the best is in Osaka. On eight floors there are samples of flora and fauna from all over Pacific Ocean: river fish of Ecuador, chinstrap penguins, gigantic Japanese salamanders, a school of fatty tuna and a huge whale shark. Jellyfish, corals, seabirds, seals - each species has a cool-looking exhibition, and you will first learn about the existence of many species of sea reptiles in Kaiyukan. You can personally take part in feeding dolphins or other peaceful animals, or you can touch a real sticky stingray or a really live shark with your hand. True, not a whale, but a very small one, but it still counts.

  1. Naoshima Island near Hiroshima

Connoisseurs of contemporary art must get to the island of Naoshima in Japan's inland Seto Sea, where a ferry from Hiroshima often goes there. On the one hand, there you will see traditional rural Japan, where grannies on the street still bow and greet everyone who meets them. On the other hand, ultra-modern art installations about the play of colors, shapes and sounds are scattered throughout the island, which primarily foreigners come to admire. The experience will go something like this: we saw a pond with alarm clocks and red laser beams - we went to a family restaurant and ate a bowl of buckwheat noodles - we took out a map and took a bus to a giant spotted pumpkin.

Japan is a country of amazing contrasts - on the one hand, incredible technical development, on the other, deep traditionalism of a society based on ancient rules.

Glass modern metropolises and untouched villages coexist here. High technologies “grow” next to centuries-old trees.

Every traveler should visit Japan (at least once in his life). This is one of the most unusual and interesting countries for acquaintance.

To make it easier for you to navigate, we have compiled a list of the most beautiful places in Nippon (as the Japanese themselves call their country).

1. Hokkaido

The island of Hokkaido boasts many stunning natural attractions. Yes, here it is National Park countries. Unique trees grow here, many species of animals live here (brown bear, for example) and the Asahi volcano is located. A popular Japanese beer in Russia is named after him. In the south of the country there is an amazing Kushiro swamp, where flocks of cranes live.

2. Himeji Castle

One of the most beautiful architectural structures country is the traditional Himeji Castle (located in city ​​of the same name), built 400 years ago. The building has been preserved in its original form. The amazing luxury also attracted Hollywood here. Himeji was featured in The Last Samurai with Tom Cruise.

3. Nara

Nara is a museum city full of historical and cultural monuments of Japan. A long time ago (from 710 to 784 AD), Nara, located in the center of the country, was the capital of the state and had enormous influence. On this moment 365,000 people live in Nara.

4. Fuji

Snow-capped Mount Fuji, part of the Japanese Alps mountain range, is one of the most recognizable symbols of Japan. Exactly this sacred place for any resident of the country. Moreover, this is the most high mountain in these places. It rises above the ground at 3776 meters. In the old days, people believed that Fuji connected the earth and the heavens. Some people still believe this. Great amount myths, legends, folklore stories are associated with this place. At the top there is a Shinto shrine. In addition, Fujiyama is active volcano. However last eruption happened about 300 years ago.

5. Miyajima (Itsukushima)

Miyajima Island (or Itsukushima) is located in the Inland Sea of ​​Japan. On the island is the city of Hatsukaichi, which has absorbed the small Miyajima. Here is one of the most important Shinto shrines - a huge monastery built directly on stilts in the water. By the way, this place was considered so sacred by the Japanese that for many centuries commoners were not allowed here.

6. Kyoto

Kyoto ( ancient capital Japan - from 794 to 1869) is full of castles, famous temples and is one of the most visited cities by tourists in Japan. Here is the famous "Garden of Rocks", which is located in the courtyard of the Reanji Temple. Its original purpose was a place for meditation for monks. Every person in different time year and day, the Rock Garden evokes a variety of associations.

7. Yakushima

Yakushima Island is famous for its trees, some of which are over 1000 years old. So, a 7000-year-old “old man” grows here. Most of the island is covered tropical forest. Here you can meet deer and monkeys, admire waterfalls and low mountains.

8. Sakura and Momiji blossom

In our top we cannot fail to mention the Sakura blossom - a phenomenon for which many people go to Japan. Cherry blossoms everywhere in this country from late March to mid-April - starting from Okinawa and ending on the island of Hokkaido. Golden week (a weekend period for the Japanese) coincides with flowering. And in autumn the whole country turns bright red and orange. Colorful autumn is called Momiji here and lasts 1.5-2 months from October to the end of November.

9. Okinawa

Most south island Japan - beach Okinawa. Here are the best seaside resorts countries. White sand, transparent blue water, animals that are found only here, the largest reef in Japan and average annual temperature+22. For beach holiday best place Nippon does not. You should definitely visit the second largest aquarium in the world.

10. Osaka

The third largest city in Japan after Tokyo and Kyoto is famous for its restaurants, theaters, castle and shrines. Osaka Castle - the largest in the country in the 16th century - is superbly preserved.

Japan is a country that combines ancient traditions and nanotechnology. It conceals so many secrets and mysteries that modern man cannot solve.

The article will present the most Beautiful places Japan, which fascinate.

Kawachi Fuji Garden (Fukuoka)

A flower garden where tourists feel like they are in an oil painting. The most popular is the Wisteria Tunnel, which has a wonderful aroma. Visitors will certainly feel calm and harmony in this place. There are about 20 species of wisteria in the flower garden. Every year at the end of April a festival dedicated to this plant is held. During this period of time, wisterias are in full bloom. The spectacle is incredible.

Happo Pond

Located in the village of Hakuba, also known as the Northern Alps. In winter, the people who work here are first-class ski resorts. Happo Pond is small in size but very beautiful. Its waters reflect the peaks of the mountains that are located along the perimeter.

Motonosumi-inari Shrine (Yamaguchi)

Situated on a rock overlooking beautiful view to the ocean. There are 123 gates leading to it. This temple is very popular, local residents They believe that those who pass through these gates will experience success in everything. At the top of the last gate there is a donation box. If you throw a coin into it, all your wishes will certainly come true.

Nachi Falls (Wakayama)

The largest waterfall in Japan. Water rushes down from a height of 133 meters. There is a sacred temple nearby. For the Japanese it is an object of worship.

Zao Ski Resort (Yamagata)

One of the most famous ski resorts in Japan. Has 26 tracks. Travelers are attracted not only by modern slopes and lifts, but also by attractions. “Ice monsters” are figures made of ice and snow that were created by nature itself.

Kintetsu-Beppu Ropeway (Oita)

It can carry 101 passengers at an altitude of 100 meters. Spring - best time for the trip: more than 2,000 cherry trees are in bloom.

Matsumoto Castle (Nagano)

Known as Raven's Castle. They called him that because of his appearance. This oldest wooden castle in Japan was built over 400 years ago. It has large walls, huge gates and a moat.

Shiratani Unzikai Gorge (Kagoshima)

It is familiar to fans of the anime Princess Mononoke. Located on the island of Yakushima. To take a walk through the gorge, you can create your own route, which will vary in difficulty. Here tourists will find walking paths paved with stones that were built in the Edo era.

Koi Pond (Niigata)

Known for changing color. The natural pond shallow, even swampy. The water is covered with plants that change color: from red to orange, yellow and green.

Poetry reading in Motsuji (Iwate)

On the fourth Sunday of May, all poetry lovers are invited to the temple. The event takes place near a stream in the park.

Hitachi National Seaside Park (Ibaraki)

Known as "Blue Eyes". More than 4 million plants (nemophiles) bloom from late April to May. These flowers are the highlight of the park. The 190 hectares of the park constantly change color depending on the season. It's all about the bushes that change their color.

Sagano (Kyoto)

One of the most beautiful forests in the world. This is a bamboo forest. It is an alley of tall green stems that creak as they bend in the wind. Preview photo.

Otaru Snow Festival (Hokkaido)

10 days before the holiday, residents begin to decorate the city of Hokkaido. They are building along the Otaru Canal snow figures, in which gas lamps are placed.

Usa Temple (Oita)

It was built in the 8th century. He is the patron of the god of war Hachiman.

Mount Daisen (Tottori)

It looks quite different depending on which side you are on. The 1,709 meter volcanic mountain was considered sacred during the Jomon and Yayoi eras. It was not until the Edo era that climbing the mountain was allowed.

Sand Hills in Tottori

There are deserts or sand dunes. In Tottori, such “deserts” stretch for 16 kilometers. The dunes are a mixture of sand and volcanic ash.

Itsukushima (Hiroshima)

It is believed that here lies the border between the human world and the world of spirits. The ritual gates are painted red to keep evil spirits away from people.

Lavender Farm (Hokkaido)

Farm Tomita has three lavender fields: Lavender East, Flower Land Kamifurano and Sakiwai.

Lake Toya (Hokkaido)

Even in winter, when the temperature drops below zero, the water in the lake does not freeze. This is due to the fact that the lake appeared on the site of the crater after a volcanic eruption.

Saimyoji Temple (Shiga)

The temple is located in the mountains and was a place where monks spread tendai (religion).

Gokayama (Toyama)

Gokayama is one of the greatest cities in which you can admire architecture. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Thatched houses were built without nails.

Lake Kusaro (Hokkaido)

Approximately 300 swans wait out the winter on Lake Kusaro each year. Geothermal springs prevent water from freezing. Various rumors that there were monsters in the lake led to it being dubbed the Japanese Loch Ness.

Nii no Tagada (Hiroshima)

Popular rice fields. The rice grown here has a rich aroma and taste.

Himeji Castle (Hyogo)

It is often called "White Heron" because the building resembles a bird taking flight. Consists of 83 buildings.

Jigokudani Monkey Park (Nagano)

Travelers come here to see the monkeys. About 200 Japanese macaques live here. Their habitat is harsh rocks covered with snow.

Hakuba Village (Nagano)

The resort city is known as the Japanese or Northern Alps.

Adachi Art Museum (Shimane)

Adachi Zenko founded the museum in 1980. This is how he combined his passion for Japanese art and gardening.

Sotomo Arc (Fuku)

One of the most scenic spots in Wakasa Bay. Arches (holes) are carved directly into the rock. The waters of the Sea of ​​Japan created such beauty.

Fuji Shibazakura Festival (Yamanashi)

The festival will take place from April 18 to May 31 at the foot of Mount Fuji. The shibazakura plant will cover the ground with a colorful carpet that will have different colors: pink, white and purple.

Sengan-en Gardens (Kagoshima)

This is where the Japanese style of landscape design can be traced: small ponds, streams, temples and bamboo groves. The garden began its history back in 1658 during the Edo era. Travelers can see the Sakurajima volcano and Kagoshima Bay.

Golden Pavilion (Kyoto)

Kinkaku-ji Temple, or the Golden Pavilion, covered in gold leaf, is perhaps its most famous attraction.


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