The most interesting places on the planet. The most interesting places on the planet The most beautiful places for tourism

Our world can be endlessly amazing and beautiful. And in order to be convinced of this, sometimes it is enough to take just one single step. Truly magical and bewitching beauties can be found in almost every corner of our planet. After all, most of them are hidden away from established tourist trails.

In our article today, we decided to present to your attention a selection of the most beautiful and, which for one reason or another usually fall out of sight of modern Belarusian tour operators. Their names are rarely pronounced with aspiration, like, for example, the names of Paris or Barcelona, ​​and the existence of most of them can only be learned by chance, as if there is something reserved and mysterious about these routes. But precisely because of this, such unexplored directions only become more valuable and attractive. After all, such unusual travels and allow us to fully understand how multifaceted and amazing our planet can be.

  1. Salar de Uyuni (Bolivia)

Salar de Uyuni is a huge prehistoric lake located in the southwestern part of Bolivia. However, this place resembles a real lake (in the traditional sense of the word) only from November to March, when, due to rain, the salt honeycombs are covered with a thin layer of water, constantly glistening in the sun. At such hours, the Salar de Uyuni becomes like a giant mirror, reflecting the endless heavens. And this makes the border between the two worlds almost indistinguishable. Thick Bolivian clouds suddenly appear right under your feet. And the surrounding landscapes lose all connection with reality. That is why Salar de Uyuni is often called a place frozen between heaven and earth. After all, no language in the world has enough words to convey all the enchanting beauty of this place.

In the absence of rain, the salt marsh turns into a huge desert, covered with white salt instead of yellow sand. And in places where drying water still manages to make its way up through a thin salt crust, small cone-shaped volcanoes are formed that look like playing pieces, arranged in the correct order on a huge chessboard.

Another attraction of the salt marsh is the famous steam locomotive cemetery, located in the vicinity of Uyuni. Once upon a time, all the trains assembled here were part of a large project to mine minerals and valuable minerals in the desert. To carry out industrial work, a railway was built from Chile to Bolivia. However, the economic value of the project turned out to be insignificant. And on railway and Indian tribes began to frequently attack the trains following it. As a result, already in the fifties of the 20th century, the road was closed, and suddenly the trains, which turned out to be unnecessary, were left to rust in the middle of the desert.

Only in 2006, the Bolivian government suddenly remembered the old steam locomotive cemetery again, deciding to turn it into a kind of museum under open air. Now they're like that unusual travels The famous salt marsh and the old locomotives resting in its vicinity attract thousands of people to Bolivia. I wonder what the Bolivian Indians think about this?

  1. Lake Bled (Slovenia)

Despite the fact that Slovenia is located relatively close to our homeland, the resorts of this tiny country remain a real “terra incognita” for Belarusian tourists (especially in comparison with the cities of nearby Croatia, Italy and Montenegro). The magical Lake Bled is no exception, surrounded by the Julian Alps and surrounded by hundreds of legends associated with ancient history of the local castles. In this place you will not meet the usual crowds of tourists. And the local air, saturated with the magical smell of the mountains, is still filled with a ringing silence. And it is this amazing atmosphere of privacy, coupled with the magical beauty of the local landscapes that makes these lands truly magical and an unusual place to travel.

However, Lake Bled is a place that cannot be called boring. In addition to many first-class hotels, there are dozens of sports centers in these parts, offering tourists a wide range of all kinds of entertainment (from kayaking to hang gliding over the enchanting mountain slopes).

In winter, in the vicinity of the lake there are several ski resorts. In addition, the convenient location of the city of Bled makes it a convenient starting point for subsequent trips around Slovenia. Just a few tens of kilometers from the lake is the country’s capital, Ljubljana, as well as the famous National Park Triglav, the mystical Škocjan caves and another picturesque reservoir - Lake Bohinj.

  1. Tien Shan (Kyrgyzstan)

When you talk about Kyrgyzstan, even some are quite experienced travelers They begin to wrinkle their nose contemptuously: “What could be interesting in this country?” However, in fact, far and near Kyrgyzstan is a country that can present tourists with many pleasant surprises. What is the majestic and enchanting mountain region of the Tien Shan worth, with its amazing cold beauty of crystal lakes, snow-covered slopes and endless fields overgrown with unusual grass and strange flowers? Everything in this place is imbued with an exciting spirit of adventure and a fabulous atmosphere of romance. It’s not for nothing that the legendary “seven-thousandth” mountain Pobeda Peak was once considered one of the most impenetrable mountains throughout the entire territory of the former Soviet Union.

Besides, unusual journey in the Tien Shan is also a great opportunity to go in pursuit of the fabulous Santa Claus. It would seem, what does he have to do with it? I answer: the whole point is that several years ago, Swedish scientists from the Sveko company, having calculated the speed of rotation of the earth, the distance to largest cities and comparing other geographical and demographic factors, we found out that it was on the territory of Kyrgyzstan that the optimal “take-off and landing” base of the legendary fairy-tale character should be located. Otherwise, in one night you can fly around the whole Earth he simply won't succeed.

  1. Rhine River Valley (Germany)

The Rhine River Valley is probably one of the most famous and popular routes on our list unusual places to travel. Thousands of European tourists follow it every year. However, despite this, among Belarusians and travelers from other CIS countries, this region The Federal Republic of Germany still remains rather little known.

And this fact seems to be a completely blatant misunderstanding. After all, it is here, in the Rhine River valley, that you can feel the spirit of real Germany. In these parts, tiny villages dotted with half-timbered houses coexist with proud castles looking out over the world from the heights of the coastal slopes. High mountains, covered with the greenery of green forests, give way to picturesque valleys and famous vineyards...

That is why the Rhine River Valley is considered one of the most amazing places throughout Germany. After all, even the most beautiful cities This country is unlikely to be able to compare with the quiet charm of the local nature.

  1. Cappadocia (Türkiye)

When talking about trips to, we usually mean a fun and noisy holiday on one of southern resorts Turkish seaside. However, far from major tourist centers, this country is transformed in the most amazing way. Proof of this is Turkish Cappadocia - a unique natural region, famous for its unusual natural landscape and a huge number of cave cells, crypts, monasteries and temples, the history of which dates back to the birth of Christianity.

In addition, it is in this place that the oldest (!) underground cities in the world are located. The most famous among them are the settlements of Kaimakli and Derinkuyu, which stretch many kilometers inland rock. These cave cities were found by archaeologists in the sixties of the last century. And since then, these places have been the object of constant study for dozens of scientists.

Among other things, Turkish Cappadocia is also one of the most popular aeronautics centers in the world.

In short, by going to these places, you guarantee yourself the most unusual journey in life.

  1. Troy (Türkiye)

The semi-legendary ancient Greek “polis” is another reason to go to Turkey from now on. For many years in a row, the city of Achilles and other ancient heroes, glorified in legends, was considered only a figment of the imagination of the great Homer. However, about 140 years ago, a self-taught German archaeologist named Heinrich Schliemann practically proved that some legends have a very real historical basis. Since then, the legendary Troy, the remains of which are now located in the area of ​​Hisarlik Hill, seven kilometers from the Dardanelles Strait, has become one of the main historical treasures modern Turkey. And Heinrich Schliemann himself, who, among other things, also found the legendary “Priam’s treasure,” went down in history as one of the world’s most successful adventurers, as well as the founding father of the so-called “field (practical) archaeology.”

  1. Kamchatka (Russia)

Wild, majestic, rebellious Kamchatka is the land where the heart beats real Russia. Here, among sleeping volcanoes, bubbling geysers and crystal lakes, you can feel like a real traveler, finding yourself somewhere at the very edge of the world. There is simply a mind-boggling amount of national parks, biosphere reserves and unique environmental zones, many of which are included in the list of natural and cultural heritage UNESCO. Is this not enough to call Kamchatka one of the most fascinating and unusual places to travel on our entire endless planet?

In addition, Kamchatka is the habitat of many rare animals, including Kamchatka brown bears, which have long become a symbol not only of this peninsula, but of all of Russia as a whole.

In addition to getting to know living and inanimate nature, a trip to Kamchatka can be interesting thanks to its numerous active recreation centers. Riding on alpine skiing(including extreme helly-skiing), snowmobile and dog sled rides, swimming in thermal springs, as well as rafting, diving, kayaking and much more - all this does Kamchatka Krai a very interesting place to relax. It’s not for nothing that these places are so often called Russian Iceland.

  1. Ksamil Beach and Vlora (Albania).

The Albanian seacoast is probably one of the most underrated tourist regions in Europe. In these parts, the Adriatic Sea shimmers with turquoise, and the majestic mountains, frozen at the very horizon, remain amazingly beautiful and picturesque. The best examples of this are resorts such as Ksamil Beach and Vlore. The first is a very small but very colorful town, perched on south coast Albania. The second one is more Big City However, even here, due to the relatively small number of tourists, the beaches remain surprisingly clean and picturesque.

Mild Mediterranean climate, low prices, abundance of fruits, as well as amazing beauty local nature– all this makes the Adriatic coast of Albania a place truly worthy of attention tourists.

Moreover, Albania is a country with rich history and culture. Here, on a relatively small piece of land (comparable in size to the Mogilev region) is located great amount ancient monasteries, fortress bastions and ancient buildings that this country inherited from the Greek and Roman conquerors.

Mosque in the city of Korça

A striking example of this is ancient city Durres, located just two hours from Vlora. Over its long history, this region has become a stumbling block for many European nations. Just think: over 2,500 years, this town managed to be part of the Bulgarian, Greek, Turkish, Byzantine, Italian, Kerkyra, Corinthian and, of course, the Albanian state.

Wouldn't it be interesting for you to see an ancient city for which so many ancient peoples fought? What is not the route for unusual journey?

  1. Patagonia (Argentina)

Patagonia, which also often includes the more famous archipelago Tierra del Fuego– this is absolutely unique place. Wild mountain landscapes, crystal glaciers, picturesque fjords and endless plains of frozen land that have not changed their shape since the birth of the first people - all this natural diversity cannot be compared with anything else. When you get to these regions, it’s as if you find yourself in a parallel reality. Here, right on the beaches, you can find colonies of penguins and elephant seals, and on the slopes of the high Andean mountains you can see thousands of bonfires that local Indian tribes burn at night.

In addition, it is in these parts that there is famous Cave A hand that is already 90 centuries old! Add to this unique nature reserves, national parks and uninhabited islands that still retain their primitive prehistoric charm - and you will understand why these regions can safely be called one of the most amazing and interesting places on our planet.

Yes, of course, to get to Patagonia you will need a lot of effort and financial resources. However, once you are in these parts, you guarantee yourself the most unusual journey In my life. After all, how could it be otherwise if we are talking about the real edge of the Earth!

  1. Curonian Spit (Lithuania/Russia)

The Curonian Spit is a thin strip of land stretching for one hundred kilometers along the Lithuanian coast and separating the Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic basin. In fact, this place is a long series of sand dunes and pine forests growing right in the middle of the endless sea. There is no usual bustle here, and the surprisingly clean air is filled with the smells of pine needles, salty waves and amazing crystal silence, which in this place seems almost endless.

In 2000, the Curonian Spit was classified by UNESCO as a World Heritage. And nine years later, the international Foundation for Environmental Education included the local beaches in the list of the cleanest and most comfortable coastal areas on the planet. Experts from the popular Lonely Planet guide also made their contribution to the popularization of this place, calling pine forests and the sandy beaches of the Curonian Spit are one of the most beautiful places in the Baltic states. Since then, thousands of tourists have visited these areas. However, even despite this, the Curonian Spit has not lost even a tiny part of its natural charm.

Despite the fact that the population of the spit is only a few thousand people, these parts have not only their own coastal villages with all the necessary infrastructure, but also their own unique attractions. The mystical Mountain of Witches, dotted with dozens of wooden idols, the unique “Dancing Forest”, the remains of the Kopgalis fortress with the Maritime Museum, as well as the Klaipeda Dolphinarium and the Museum of Fishing Boats, located right in the open air. In a word, the Curonian Spit is a place that clearly proves that interesting and unusual places to travel can be found just a few hundred kilometers from your home. After all, every corner of our planet is capable of presenting many pleasant surprises to those travelers who truly know how to appreciate true beauty.


Our planet is beautiful, and you can find the best vacation spots in it.

You can travel to popular tourist destinations, or you can choose places where you won’t meet large cluster tourists.

Here are a few less popular places among tourists, where you can relax and have a good time:

1. Unusual places to relax: underground beach

Hidden underground secret beach one of the Marieta Islands in Mexico boasts crystal clear water. You can get to it by boat along a long tunnel or by swimming.

2. Savage holiday in Peru

Huacachina is an uninhabited oasis in Peru. It is located near the city of Lima, Peru. Today this place is visited by those who like wild holiday- people come with backpacks, set up tents, swim and practice sandboarding (boarding on the dunes) and quad biking on the sand.

3. Holidays abroad: a village in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Those who have ever been to the village of Blagaj, Bosnia and Herzegovina, were delighted with the incredibly beautiful monastery of Blagaj Tekija, built right next to the cliff in a cave where the Buna River originates. Tourists can see the beautiful wooden interior of the monastery.

4. Relax on the pink lake

Lake Hillier on Middle Island, southwestern Australia, is pink in color. Even if you put water in a bottle it will be pink. Why the water is pink is still unknown, but scientists suggest that the reason lies in the salinity and specific microorganisms that live in the lake.

5. Scuba Dive Between North America and Europe

Silfra is a rift located in Lake Thingvallavatn in Thingvellir National Park, Iceland and is part of the divergent boundary between the North American Plate and the Eurasian Plate. Not only does the water here have the cleanest water, but the rift itself is so narrow that divers can touch it with their hands at the same time North America and Europe.

6. Where to go on holiday: Isola Bellu

In the 1600s, Isola Bella was transformed from an ordinary stone island in the center of Lake Lago Maggiore, Italy, in flower garden, surrounding the palace. In addition to the palace, the island area is also famous for its Baroque gardens.

7. Family holiday in the Maltese village

Popeye's village in Malta was originally created for the filming of the 1980 film Popeye, but was later remade into theme park. Three truckloads of paint (about 2,000 gallons) were used to create the film's sets. Today, tourists can ride boats here, visit a wine house and jump on water jumps.

8. Holidays in China: red land

Red Earth in Dongchuan District is 250 km from Kunming City. High temperatures and frequent rainfall in the region have turned the color of Dongchuan's soil red. The soil contains oxidized iron and minerals, which affect the color of the post and flowering plants all year round.

9. Unusual places on earth: Darvaza

Darvaza is a gas crater in Turkmenistan. Both locals and tourists nicknamed this place “The Door to the Underworld” or “The Gate to Hell”. This huge fire hole was created in 1971 when Soviet geologists foundunderground gas accumulationnear the village of Darvaza.

When drilling of an exploration well began, experts discovered an underground void - at that moment the earth collapsed, after which a large hole filled with gas formed. To avoid gas poisoning of people and livestock, it was decided to set the gas on fire. Geologists believed that the fire would go out after a few days, but they were wrong. Natural gas, which constantly escapes from the crater, has continued to fuel the fire around the clock for several years.

10. Holidays on the island of Flores

Flores Island, an island off the coast of Portugal, is famous for the flowers that dot the entire island. The name Florish came about precisely because of this feature. The island also has natural hot springs and lagoons where you can take a dip.

11. Active holidays in Greece

Giola on the island of Thassos in Greece is an isolated lagoon that arose naturally. This lagoon is located near the settlement of Astris. Getting here is not easy, as the nearest road is about 1 km away, and if you leave your car, you will have to walk. But if you succeed, you will not only enjoy beautiful view, but you can also swim in unusual place with sea views.

12. Vacation without the sea: an unusual cathedral over the rocks

The Church of Las Lajas is located 7 km from the city of Ipiales, Colombia, on the border of Colombia and Ecuador. It is located in the canyon of the Guaitara River, above green cliffs and waterfalls, and is one of the most popular temples in the country. The cathedral, created in the neo-Gothic style, stands right on the bridge.

13. Where to go on vacation in the summer: dunes in Brazil

During the rainy seasons, the Lençóis Maranhenses National Park in the state of Maranhão, Brazil, takes on an unusual appearance. Thanks to frequent rains and 40-meter sand dunes, a large number of lagoons are formed here, but there is no vegetation.

The best time to visit this place is between July and September, when the deepest lagoons are most abundant.

14. Holidays in the jungle of Guatemala

The Guatemalan natural monument Semuc Champey is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful places in the country and in the world. This place is hidden from the eyes of tourists deep in the jungle. The name was given to it by the Kekchi Indians, and it is translated as “the place where the river goes underground.” There is jungle all around, and you can relax among them in the cool waters of natural pools.

15. Unusual city in New Zealand

Take a dip in Rotorua's hot springs on the shores of the lake of the same name. They are located on North Island, New Zealand. The city of Rotorua is also famous for its geysers, thermal waters and mud pools. This city was nicknamed "Sulfur City".

16. Holidays in Spain

The town of Setenil de las Bodegas appears among a network of caves in the rocks above the Rio Trejo River, Spain. The white houses of this rock city are built into the rock, and some even use it as a roof.

Here you can find many bars and restaurants serving delicious dishes.

17. Unusual park in South Africa

Namaqualand National Park in South Africa received its name in honor of the Nama people living in those places. Just once a year (usually in the spring) it rains in these arid valleys and turns them into colorful flower carpets of orange and white daisies.

It is worth noting that tourists are prohibited from visiting this place, but during the daisy season, a huge number of people from all over the world come, settle in towns and set up camps on the periphery of the park.

18. Cave in France

Discovered by a hunter in 1836, the cave in Saint-Marcel-d'Ardèche, France, contains a network of underground reservoirs and rock formations with a total length of more than 60 km.

19. Holidays in French Polynesia

Rangiroa is the largest atoll of the Tuamotu archipelago and is located in French Polynesia. Here you can find a large number of oysters that produce black pearls.

The land area is 79 square meters. km, and it itself consists of a cluster of 415 small islands. This place is also famous among divers and dolphin lovers. In addition, manta rays, green sea ​​turtles and hammerhead sharks.

20. Unusual city in Italy

The small Italian town of Castelluccio, Italy, is located near the commune of Norcia. It is known for its huge variety of flowers, which bloom between late May and July.


Marble Cave

The Marble Caves are located on Lake Buenos Aires (or General Carrera).

Over thousands of years, the waves crashed against the calcium carbonate walls and eventually formed the marble patterns on the cave walls.

This lake of glacial origin can be found on the border of Chile and Argentina.

Our planet is beautiful, and in it you can find the most best places recreation . You can travel to popular tourist destinations, or you can choose places where you will not encounter large crowds of tourists.

Here are some less popular places among tourists where you can relax and have a good time:

1. Unusual places to relax: underground beach

Hidden underground, a secret beach on one of the Marieta Islands in Mexico boasts crystal clear waters. You can get to it by boat along a long tunnel or by swimming.

2. Savage holiday in Peru

Huacachina is an uninhabited oasis in Peru. It is located near the city of Lima, Peru. Today this place is visited by those who like wild holidays - people come with backpacks, lay out tents, swim and practice sandboarding (riding a board on the dunes) and quad biking on the sands.

3. Holidays abroad: a village in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Those who have ever been to the village of Blagaj, Bosnia and Herzegovina, were delighted with the incredibly beautiful monastery of Blagaj Tekija, built right next to the cliff in a cave where the Buna River originates. Tourists can see the beautiful wooden interior of the monastery.

4. Relax on the pink lake

Lake Hillier on Middle Island, southwestern Australia, is pink in color. Even if you put water in a bottle it will be pink. Why the water is pink is still unknown, but scientists suggest that the reason lies in the salinity and specific microorganisms that live in the lake.

5. Scuba Dive Between North America and Europe

Silfra is a rift located in Lake Thingvallavatn in Thingvellir National Park, Iceland and is part of the divergent boundary between the North American Plate and the Eurasian Plate. Not only does the water here have the clearest water, but the rift itself is so narrow that divers can touch North America and Europe with their hands at the same time.

6. Where to go on holiday: Isola Bellu

In the 1600s, Isola Bella was transformed from a simple stone island in the center of Lake Maggiore, Italy, into a flower garden surrounding a palace. In addition to the palace, the island area is also famous for its Baroque gardens.

7. Family holiday in the Maltese village

Popeye Village in Malta was originally created for the filming of the 1980 film Popeye, but was later converted into a theme park. Three truckloads of paint (about 2,000 gallons) were used to create the film's sets. Today, tourists can ride boats here, visit a wine house and jump on water jumps.

8. Holidays in China: red land

Red Earth in Dongchuan District is 250 km from Kunming City. High temperatures and frequent rainfall in the region have turned the color of Dongchuan's soil red. The soil contains oxidized iron and minerals, which affect the color of the post and flowering plants all year round.

9. Unusual places on earth: Darvaza

Darvaza is a gas crater in Turkmenistan. Both locals and tourists nicknamed this place “The Door to the Underworld” or “The Gate to Hell”. This huge fire hole was created in 1971 when Soviet geologists foundunderground gas accumulationnear the village of Darvaza.

When drilling of an exploration well began, experts discovered an underground void - at that moment the earth collapsed, after which a large hole filled with gas formed. To avoid gas poisoning of people and livestock, it was decided to set the gas on fire. Geologists believed that the fire would go out after a few days, but they were wrong. Natural gas, which constantly escapes from the crater, has continued to fuel the fire around the clock for several years.

10. Holidays on the island of Flores

Flores Island, an island off the coast of Portugal, is famous for the flowers that dot the entire island. The name Florish came about precisely because of this feature. The island also has natural hot springs and lagoons where you can take a dip.

11. Active holidays in Greece

Giola on the island of Thassos in Greece is an isolated lagoon that arose naturally. This lagoon is located near the settlement of Astris. Getting here is not easy, as the nearest road is about 1 km away, and if you leave your car, you will have to walk. But if you succeed, you will not only enjoy a beautiful view, but also be able to swim in an unusual place overlooking the sea.

12. Vacation without the sea: an unusual cathedral over the rocks

The Church of Las Lajas is located 7 km from the city of Ipiales, Colombia, on the border of Colombia and Ecuador. It is located in the canyon of the Guaitara River, above green cliffs and waterfalls, and is one of the most popular temples in the country. The cathedral, created in the neo-Gothic style, stands right on the bridge.

13. Where to go on vacation in the summer: dunes in Brazil

During the rainy seasons, the Lençóis Maranhenses National Park in the state of Maranhão, Brazil, takes on an unusual appearance. Thanks to frequent rainfall and 40-meter sand dunes, there are a large number of lagoons, but no vegetation.

The best time to visit this place is between July and September, when the deepest lagoons are most abundant.

14. Holidays in the jungle of Guatemala

The Guatemalan natural monument Semuc Champey is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful places in the country and in the world. This place is hidden from the eyes of tourists deep in the jungle. The name was given to it by the Kekchi Indians, and it is translated as “the place where the river goes underground.” There is jungle all around, and you can relax among them in the cool waters of natural pools.

15. Unusual city in New Zealand

Take a dip in Rotorua's hot springs on the shores of the lake of the same name. They are located on North Island, New Zealand. The city of Rotorua is also famous for its geysers, thermal waters and mud pools. This city was nicknamed "Sulfur City".

16. Holidays in Spain

The town of Setenil de las Bodegas appears among a network of caves in the rocks above the Rio Trejo River, Spain. The white houses of this rock city are built into the rock, and some even use it as a roof.

Here you can find many bars and restaurants serving delicious dishes.

17. Unusual park in South Africa

Namaqualand National Park in South Africa received its name in honor of the Nama people living in those places. Just once a year (usually in the spring) it rains in these arid valleys and turns them into colorful flower carpets of orange and white daisies.

It is worth noting that tourists are prohibited from visiting this place, but during the daisy season, a huge number of people from all over the world come, settle in towns and set up camps on the periphery of the park.

18. Cave in France

Discovered by a hunter in 1836, the cave in Saint-Marcel-d'Ardèche, France, contains a network of underground reservoirs and rock formations with a total length of more than 60 km.

19. Holidays in French Polynesia

Rangiroa is the largest atoll of the Tuamotu archipelago and is located in French Polynesia. Here you can find a large number of oysters that produce black pearls.

The land area is 79 square meters. km, and it itself consists of a cluster of 415 small islands. This place is also famous among divers and dolphin lovers. In addition, manta rays, green sea turtles and hammerhead sharks live here.

20. Unusual city in Italy

The small Italian town of Castelluccio, Italy, is located near the commune of Norcia. It is known for its huge variety of flowers, which bloom between late May and July.


Marble Cave

The Marble Caves are located on Lake Buenos Aires (or General Carrera).

Over thousands of years, the waves crashed against the calcium carbonate walls and eventually formed the marble patterns on the cave walls.

This lake of glacial origin can be found on the border of Chile and Argentina.


Tourist flows wash the Colosseum and the Eiffel Tower, hotels in Antalya and the Maldives, but there are places in the world that are clearly underestimated by the tourism industry.

And it's great! There are much fewer people there than on the trampled tourist routes, but at the same time they are no less beautiful and amazing.

Restaurant Grotta Palazzese, Italy

This restaurant, located in the Polignano cave on Mare beach, is one of the most amazing places on the planet to dine.

Chichilyan, Rhône-Alpes, France

The magnificent Mont Aiguil mountain rises 2000 meters above the French community of Chichillan. Mont Aiguil is known as the “Unattainable Mountain” - its slopes are equally steep on all sides. The peak was not conquered until 1492 and became the first mountain that people decided to climb just like that, out of pure curiosity. It is believed that mountaineering was born with its conquest.

Tiger's Nest Monastery, Paro Valley, Bhutan

This 17th century temple is located on the edge of a cliff, almost 1000 meters above the Paro Valley. The holy place was built to protect the cave in which Guru Padmasambhava, a Buddhist leader, meditated for three years, three months, three weeks, three days and three hours.

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Dubrovnik is an ancient city with a rich history. Passing generations have left stunning architectural treasures in Dubrovnik, which, combined with the beauty of the local nature, has made the city the “Pearl of the Adriatic”. Among other things, the series “Game of Thrones” was filmed there.

Albarracin, Aragon, Spain

A beautifully preserved medieval town in northern Spain, Albarracin is famous for its cave paintings (important evidence of Levantine prehistoric art) and its Picaportes - unique door handles. Every door in the city and its handle are unique and created by local craftsmen in accordance with ancient customs and technologies.

Bagan, Burma (Myanmar)

Bagan - ancient capital kingdom of the same name on the territory of modern Myanmar. Currently, on the site of the ancient city there is an archaeological zone with thousands of pagodas, temples, stupas, and monasteries.

Hotel Aescher, Switzerland

The hotel is located so high in Alpine mountains that you can only get there on foot or by cable car. Therefore, the hotel is available only in the summer season and operates from April to October. Living conditions at the Aescher Hotel can be called Spartan. Guests come here to hike and walk through the picturesque mountainous area, visit natural caves, look into the museum of prehistoric finds.

Haiku Stairs, Hawaii

Known as the "Stairway to Heaven", this walking route passes through the mountainous terrain of the island of Oahu in Hawaii. The 3,992 steps rise to a height of 850 meters above sea level and offer magical views of the island.

Lake Thingvallavatn, Iceland

The lake is part National Park Thingvellir. The islands on the lake are of volcanic origin. The faults around the lake show that this is where the tectonic plates of Europe and America oppose each other. Lucky divers can swim between the tectonic plates of the continents, which move away from each other by 2 centimeters every year.

Chefchaouen, Morocco

Chefchaouen is a small town located on the slopes of the Rif Mountains in northwestern Morocco. It was founded in 1471, and until 1920 only 3 foreigners visited it. Nowadays the city is known primarily for its old part, almost all the houses in which are painted in different shades of blue. The reason for this choice is religion. In addition to Muslims, Chefchaouen has long been home to a fairly large community of Sephardic Jews. They brought with them beliefs that blue is the color of the tassels of the prayer shawl, the tallit.

Lord Howe Island, Australia

This island is still practically untouched by man: very small indigenous people and only 400 tourists admitted here annually. This restriction is intended to protect the unique landscape of Lord Howe, whose crystal clear lagoon is home to a coral reef.

Marble Caves, Patagonia, Chile

Bright blue grottoes partially submerged in the turquoise waters of Lake Carrera on the border of Argentina and Chile. Locals They call them the Marble Cathedral.

Bishop's Castle, Colorado, USA

America is home to one of the craziest castles in the world, created single-handedly by builder Jim Bishop. It's worth a visit for inspiration - and you can also get married here.

Huacachina, an oasis in the Sechura Desert, Peru

Just over a hundred people permanently live in the village of Huacachina. According to local legend, the lake was created after a beautiful princess was surprised by a young hunter while swimming in the pool. The girl managed to escape, and the pool turned into a lake. The folds of the fleeing princess's robe became the dunes surrounding Huacachina, and she herself soon returned to the lake and still lives in it as a mermaid.

Bastei Bridge over the Elbe River, Germany

The Bastei Bridge in Saxony is an engineering marvel of the first half of the 19th century. The monumental structure was built of wood in 1824 and replaced a quarter of a century later with a more durable sandstone structure. Length architectural monument- 76.5 meters.

Cappadocia, Türkiye

Cappadocia is famous for its unique volcanic landscape, underground cities, created in 1 thousand BC. e. and vast cave monasteries, dating back to the times of the early Christians. Goreme National Park and the cave settlements of Cappadocia are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. All this is better seen from balloons , from which an amazing view opens view .

Hallstatt, Austria

Hallstatt is a medieval village with a population of less than 1,000 people. Its main attraction is the salt mines, the oldest in Europe, the development of which has been going on for three thousand years. Information about the village has appeared in written sources since 1311. ABOUT medieval history Almost no data has been preserved from Hallstatt due to its remoteness from communications.

Leptis Magna, Tripoli, Libya

Once Leptis Magna was one of the main cities of the Roman Empire, and for its layout it was even nicknamed “Rome in Africa”. Now its ruins are great platform for the adventurer.

Alcazar in Segovia, Spain

The Alcazar of Segovia is the palace and fortress of the Spanish kings in the historical part of the city of Segovia. Located on a rock located at the confluence of the Eresma and Clamores rivers, near the Guadarrama mountains. This position on the rock makes it one of the most beautiful and recognizable palaces in Spain. The Alcazar was originally built as a fortress, but managed to visit royal palace, the State Prison and the Royal Artillery Academy.

Alter do Chao, Brazil

Surrounded by the Amazon forest and boasting a stunning beach, this city is known as the Island of Love. A few meters from the beach is the huge Lago Verde lagoon, home to many animals. You can only reach it by canoe.

Le Moulin du Roc Hotel, France

Deep in the Dordogne region, you'll find an old mill converted into a charming hotel on the banks of a quiet river. There is nothing around for kilometers. And in the hotel itself there is one of the famous Michelin-starred restaurants.

Hall of the Peacocks in Sammezzano Castle, Tuscany, Italy

The abandoned Sammezzano Castle, which housed a luxury hotel in the last century, is now practically closed to the public. You can get there only on special occasions. Most beautiful hall The castle - the Hall of Peacocks - got its name for the unique bright ceilings with carved ornaments in the Moorish style.

Deception Island, Antarctica

This ring-shaped island, difficult to reach by tourists, has become a refuge from storms and icebergs for many creatures, including thousands of penguins. If you want to escape the cold, know that the island is active volcano and abounds in hot springs.

Melissani Cave, Kefalonia, Greece

In Greek mythology, nymphs inhabited this mysterious cave and lured men with their beauty. Through a huge hole in the "ceiling" sunlight enters the cave, shining on the surface cleanest lake Melissani.

Meghalaya State, India

The hills of Meghalaya are constantly drenched in tropical rainfall and the valleys in this beautiful but remote forest often turn into rivers, and then vice versa.

Craco, Italy

Not far from the Gulf of Taranto in Italy, on high cliff rises the ancient city of Krako, whose inhabitants abandoned it. There were people here for about a thousand years, but then they abandoned this place, which has now turned into ruins. They say it is now haunted.

Quinta da Regaleira, Sintra, Portugal

Quinta de Regaleira Castle, included as part of the palace complex on the UNESCO World Heritage List, is one of the most romantic places Portugal. The main mystery of Regaleira is a well that goes deep into the earth. The spiral gallery running around it has nine levels, each level having fifteen steps. These nine levels symbolize the nine circles of hell, the nine circles of purgatory and the nine circles of heaven described by Dante.

Weissgerbergasse street, Nuremberg, Germany

Weissgerbergasse is a historic street in Nuremberg, famous for its stunning wrought iron signs.

Procida, Italy

Procida is the smallest of the islands in the Gulf of Naples. The inhabitants of Procida still lead a very patriarchal lifestyle: instead of converting all their houses into apartments for rent, they still prefer to grow lemons in the old gardens and fish in the rocky bays.

Lofoten Islands, Norway

The Lofoten Islands group is located above the Arctic Circle. Here you can see quaint fishing villages, the world's deepest coral reef and northern lights incredible beauty.

Cocos Island, Costa Rica

The biggest desert island V Pacific Ocean. It is known for the fact that, according to widespread legends, the largest treasure is hidden on it, which has not yet been discovered by anyone. This island is also a paradise for divers thanks to its rich underwater fauna.

Rock tombs in Myra, Türkiye

The city of Mira was located 5 km from the coast Mediterranean Sea. The ruins of a magnificent Greco-Roman theater and rock-cut tombs remain from the city. The uniqueness and originality of the tombs can be explained by the fact that the peoples of Lycia had a custom of burying the dead in elevated places, as it was assumed that this would help them get to heaven.

During the Christian era in 300 AD. e. Nicholas of Patara, known in the Orthodox tradition as Nicholas the Wonderworker (aka Santa Claus), having studied in Xanthus, became the bishop of Myra, where he preached until his death.

Herrenchiemsee Castle in Bavaria, Germany

According to the plans of King Ludwig II, the “New Versailles”, the Temple of Glory, was to appear here, in which the king wanted to organize festivities in memory of Louis XIV. As a result, the king himself lived in this palace for only 9 days, but after him there remained almost a copy, although reduced by 8 times, of Versailles itself.

Fes, Morocco

You are now looking at the oldest leather workshop in the world. In fact, this sight is not for the faint of heart - there is always a specific smell of leather and tannins, which will remind tourists of visiting Morocco for a long time.

Blagaj, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The town of Blagaj itself is nothing special, it’s more like just a village. But next to it is the source of the Buna River, it is very picturesque. In the 16th century, a “tekiya” (from the Turkish - “tekke”), a monastery of dervishes, was erected here.

Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic

This city was founded in the 13th century and little has changed since then . A unique opportunity to visit the entire medieval city.

Nauru, Micronesia

Nauru is tiny Island state with a population of less than 10,000 people. It is one of the least visited places in the world - simply because few people know about it. Nauru hides kilometers of pristine beaches and forests - so if you want to relax on paradise island, hurry up and buy a ticket there. Until other tourists came running.

Illokqortoormiut, Greenland

Getting to Illokqortoormiut is as difficult as pronouncing its name: only once a week from the capital of Iceland by plane to Greenland, and then by helicopter or boat to the town itself. But it's worth it: this colorful Small town located on the longest ice river system in the world.

Marsaxlokk, Malta

Even in ancient times, this place was used by the Carthaginians, and then by the Romans as the main harbor of Malta. In 1565, when Ottoman Türkiye tried to capture the island, Marsaxlokk had a Turkish navy stationed there.

Monument Valley, Utah USA

The valley is a unique geological formation located on the territory of the Navajo Indian tribe reservation, one of national symbols U.S.A. The valley serves as one of the most famous tourist attractions in the United States; Scenes of many films, as well as music videos and commercials dedicated to the “cowboy” theme, were filmed on its territory.

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Lonely Planet offers a selection interesting countries for travel in 2020 - from the Pacific Islands to South Africa. We have updated the descriptions of places useful information about the cost of flights and holidays. Read and travel!

Recently, many have been attracted by its oriental flavor, good prices, breathtaking cuisine and few tourists - this is one of the most interesting countries for travel. Morocco is also famous for its excellent sandy beaches, French-Arab architecture, oriental bazaars and amazing landscapes. You can read more about the country.

In general, Tunisia appeared in the Lonely Planet selection, but, unfortunately, due to the terrorist attacks that took place in the capital and resort of the country, we recommend that you refrain from visiting Tunisia.

In Marrakech (near the Medina) you can find a room in a riad or hotel from $15 per night (sometimes breakfast is included).

The cost of a flight Moscow - Marrakesh is from 12 thousand rubles round trip, to Casablanca - from 18 thousand rubles.

(photo © rabasz /

Safari in South Africa

Do you want something exotic, but don’t know where to travel in 2020? South Africa is definitely one of the most exotic destinations. There are so many interesting countries to travel to! How about safaris and wildlife watching, free museums and amazing nature? IN South Africa Every tourist will find something to their liking, be it spending time in an inexpensive coastal cafe in Cape Town or an exciting safari. We recommend flying to South Africa in the off-season (March - May, September and October) to experience comfortable weather and low prices.

A vacation in South Africa can even be quite budget-friendly: tickets from Moscow to Cape Town and back cost only 29 thousand rubles - about the same price as a ticket, for example, to Bali. Of course, due to the distance, the flight will be long (from 16.5 hours on the way) and with a transfer.

Russians do not need a visa to Namibia and Botswana - they can stay in the country for up to 90 days, in Swaziland - up to 30 days, but visiting South Africa requires a visa.

A huge number of attractive apartments in the price category of $20-35. The cost of a hostel is from $19, a room in a hotel is from $30.

(photo © mariusz kluzniak /

Where should you go to travel if not to the noisy, but so lively Shanghai? As you stroll through the buzzing streets, you can feel the pulse of this vast, fluid metropolis. Shanghai never sleeps; this dynamically developing city resembles a buzzing hive of industrious bees.

The cost of a flight Moscow - Shanghai is from 20 thousand roundtrip.

One of the most densely populated cities in the world can also be very budget-friendly: the cost of a bed in hostels starts from $10, a hotel room costs from $19, and renting an apartment is also a great option. Of course, it all depends on your needs - Shanghai has both budget hostels and trendy boutique hotels. The same goes for food: if you are unpretentious and open to new things, feel free to eat in street establishments - food is inexpensive.

Read also on our website material about food, transport, housing, etc.

(photo © Maxime THORAL /

Holidays to Samoa

The cost of a flight Moscow - Denpasar is from 32 thousand rubles roundtrip.

Compared to other resorts in the countries South-East Asia Bali is not considered the cheapest place, but the island has plenty of inexpensive hostels and bungalows for backpackers, as well as mid- and luxury-class hotels. Food and transportation are also extremely cheap. Hotels in Kuta can be found from $10, hostels - from $8.

(photo © Pandu Adnyana /


South America is fiery rhythms, bright colors and extreme places. But where to go traveling to combine a quiet, calm, measured holiday with adventure? Uruguay is perfect for these purposes. This modest country compares favorably with neighboring Argentina and Brazil due to its low crime rate. Uruguay has excellent beaches, colonial architecture, beautiful nature reserves, bullfighting and much more. Would you like to take a short excursion to South America? Off to Uruguay!

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Montevideo is not very low - after all, you need to fly across the Atlantic. Prices start from approximately 50 thousand rubles in both directions. Sometimes cheap tickets to South America from Europe appear.

A hostel in Montevideo can be found for $18, a hotel room - from $30.

Russians can stay in Uruguay without a visa for 90 days.

(photo © Eduardo Amorim /

Potugal, Algarve

If you're looking for a beach holiday, we recommend checking out the Algarve. The Algarve region of Portugal is known for its picturesque coastline - an uninterrupted strip of beaches. What to see? The National Park, the Chapel of Bones and the port in Faro, the old district of Lagos, Silves Castle and much more. The region is very conveniently located - if you wish, you can visit neighboring Spain and Morocco.

The cost of a flight Moscow - Lisbon is from 11.5 thousand rubles round-trip, and from Lisbon to Faro you can travel either by local airlines, or by bus.

A hotel room can be found for $24 and above, a hostel costs from $15.

(photo © Jaime Perez /

Taiwan has Asian flavor and stunning nature, one of the most interesting places to travel. The island was formerly called Formosa, which means beautiful, and you will see this for yourself if you decide to go here. Huge variety of endemic plants, rivers and hot springs covered tropical forests The mountains make the island's landscape unique. On top of that, Taiwan has many ancient monuments and amazing architecture, and in Taipei you will see one of the tallest skyscrapers in the world. Another attraction of Taiwan is the food. You can go here for real gastronomic tour, especially since the food is quite cheap.

Prices for air tickets Moscow - Taipei start from 23 thousand round-trip.

Living in Taiwan is cheaper than, for example, in Tokyo or Hong Kong: guest houses and hostels offer rooms from $13, a room in a mid-class hotel can be booked for $30 - $60.

(photo © T.JEFFREY /


Eastern European countries often make it onto lists of the most interesting countries to travel to, but in the case of Romania it makes perfect sense. It is connected to the rest of Europe via Wizz Air, Ryanair, Blue Air and Fly Romania, making it easy to visit. Romania also attracts tourists low prices on accommodation, food and transport, interesting architecture and the picturesque Danube Delta, medieval villages and spectacular castles - all this promises to make Romania one of the most visited countries in the region.


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