Young people strive to make the city more beautiful. Young people strive to make the city more beautiful. In the Great Hall of the House of Officers of the Trans-Baikal Territory, a ceremonial meeting and a festive concert were held dedicated to the Day of Formation of the Federal Service of the Russian Armed Forces

180 seedlings of weeping willow, Canadian maple, thuja as tall as a five-story building, lilac and other plants will decorate the park named after. Pushkin.

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Dozens of representatives of the progressive youth of Aktobe arrived on Sunday, April 17, in the park named after. Pushkin for planting trees together with city akim Bekbol Sagyn.
The best youth from the Aktobe Ferroalloy Plant of TNK Kazchrome JSC, advanced athletes, laureates and diplomats of creative competitions came here. Each, at the behest of his heart and soul, wanted to make his native Aktobe more beautiful. Planting trees together with the head of the city could not be avoided

Youth resource center "Aktobe zhastary". This new organization, which only recently united all the youth of the city.
“From this year, the Youth Resource Center “Aktobe Zhastary” began to function,” says the press secretary of the city akim Larisa Tomchuk. – The center is headed by Erbol Shyma.

The main directions of the center’s work were support for youth projects and initiatives that activate self-organization and self-realization of the spiritual, cultural and creative potential of youth, participation in the development of projects aimed at improving social infrastructure for youth.

Carrying out active work for employment, career guidance, intensifying the volunteer movement and entrepreneurship among young people, creating a dialogue platform for discussing issues arising among youth, organizing leisure time for youth.

The planting participants talked about their desire to make the city more beautiful.
“I’m a medical university student, a future dentist, I’m in my fourth year,” says Aliya Ashim. – This is not the first tree planting in my life.

For the first time I planted a tree near my native school, gymnasium No. 21, when I graduated from it.
“I have a light hand for landing,” says the chairman of the student government of ARSU named after. Zhubanova Narcoses Kartzhan. “I once planted birch trees near the gates of my house. Now there beautiful view. I also planted trees near my school. Now my contribution will be to the beauty of the park.

The head of the city Bekbol Sagyn planted on Sunday in the park named after. Pushkin has three trees at once. Akim said that this year the city’s lungs will grow by 14 thousand seedlings.
“We are having an environmental two-month campaign for landscaping and sanitary cleaning,” explains akim of the city Bekbol Sagyn. – On April 8-9, about 5 thousand residents came out to clean up the city. Last Saturday – more than 8 thousand people. All small businesses, non-governmental organizations, deputies and our social activists took part. We are all for clean city.

Park named after Pushkin - historical. It is often visited by residents and we pay a lot of attention to it. Last year we planted trees here. Today we organized the planting of 180 seedlings. The event was attended by active young people - graduates of the Bolashak program, employees of AZF and other organizations, athletes - champions of Asia, Europe and the world, bloggers, winners and laureates of republican competitions. Everyone takes initiative for the benefit of the city.

In total, we will plant about 14 thousand trees with the help of various funding sources. Educational, healthcare organizations and private companies are involved. Today's example is the planting of 180 seedlings from the founder of the park named after. Pushkin. If every business entity is so actively involved in landscaping and landscaping, then we will plant even more than 14 thousand trees.
“We are creating a forest of deciduous and coniferous trees in the park,” says the founder of the park, Nikolai Vykhodets. - When we took the park, there were 600 elms growing here. Since 2012, we have planted over 580 trees here. About 60% took root. We brought seedlings from Bashkiria. Now we are planting Canadian maple and weeping willow. Canadian maple looks especially beautiful in the fall.

All leaves are painted in elegant colors: orange, red. I hope that in 15 years the whole city will be taking selfies here!
Nikolai Vykhodets showed the head of the city the coniferous trees that they planted together on December 1st. They have settled down and feel good in their new place.

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IDA 27

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IDA 27

In the Great Hall of the House of Officers of the Trans-Baikal Territory a ceremonial meeting and a festive concert were held dedicated to the Day of the Formation of the Federal Service of the Russian Guard Troops

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IDA 27

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Option I Full name_________________________________

428 – 180 590 + 230

320 + 520 573 - 270

482 - 150 394 + 56

744 + 213 473 - 70

    Write the given numbers in digits:

Three hundred forty-five ___________

Five hundred ___________

Seven hundred three _________

Eight hundred fifteen ____________

    Compare and mark< или >.

485 ... 458 678 – 72…660
209 ... 219 756 + 3…785


294 cm = _____ m _______ cm21 cm = _____ mm


180 maple seedlings and 63 chestnut seedlings were planted in the park. After that, there were 800 trees in the park. How many trees were there in the park at the beginning?


Option II F.I.______________________________

    Solve the examples in writing in a column:

428 – 254 611 + 678 726 + 12 863 + 239

377 – 143 611 – 45 364 + 543 526 + 256

Seven hundred thirty-four ______

Eight hundred two ___________

Seven hundred _________

Three hundred thirteen ________

    Compare and mark< или >.

102 ... 201 875 – 74…810
685 ... 658 493 + 5…489

4. Translate:

51 mm = _____ cm _______ mm14 dm 4 cm = _______ cm

    The length of the rectangle is 8 cm, width is 3 cm. Find its area._______________

6. A rectangle with sides 2 and 7 cm. Find its area._____________________

7. The side of a square is 7 cm. What is the area of ​​the square?_________________


9. Read the problem. Write a short note and solve the problem.

This year, 120 boys and 32 girls came to the equestrian section for the first time. After that, a total of 400 children began to study in the section. How many children were in the section last year?



Option III F.I._______________________________________

1. Solve the examples in writing in a column:

723 – 440 523 + 765 425 – 280 424 – 66

498 + 186 324 + 653 308 + 450 384 + 156

2. Write the given numbers in digits:

Six hundred fourteen ________

Nine hundred ___________

Four hundred two _________

Two hundred and fourteen ____________

3. Compare and mark< или >.

317 ... 371 675 – 74…617
503 ... 530 937 + 2…993

4. Convert the lengths:

31 cm = _____ dm _______ cm3 m 6 cm = _______ dm______ cm

5. The length of the rectangle is 5 cm, width is 4 cm. Find its area.______________

6. A rectangle with sides 7 and 8 cm. Find its area.________________

7. The side of a square is 8 cm. What is the area of ​​the square?_________________
8. Find the perimeter and area of ​​the rectangle shown in the figure.



9. Read the problem. Write a short note and solve the problem.

This year, 110 boys and 12 girls attended the football section for the first time. After that, a total of 300 children began to study in the section. How many children were in the section last year?





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