Kizhi Island interesting facts. Kizhi: a protected corner of real Russia. Interesting facts about the Kizhi Museum-Reserve

Often in literature, in the colloquial speech of individual rural areas the word "pogost" is used as a synonym for the word "cemetery". But before the provincial reform of 1775, it was a small settlement with a church, a cemetery, and one or more houses. Such a churchyard has been preserved in Kizhi.

Architectural ensemble "Kizhi Pogost"

To a large extent, this happened thanks to the indifference of people such as academician of architecture L.V. Dahl, artist I.Ya. Bilibin, painter, restorer and art critic I.E. Grabar, architectural historian L.V. Krasovsky, who, having been here, contributed to the transformation of the churchyard into historical monument. After the revolution, in the conditions of the struggle with the church, closed for services, it was accepted by the government under the protection of the state.

If you hold a competition for the most photographed views and scenes in Russia, the Kizhi Pogost will certainly enter the top ten. It is so photogenic and fits so well into the environment. The churchyard consists of two churches, a bell tower, a cemetery and a fence. For me personally, it was a discovery that the churchyard on the island of Kizhi is not just a complex of buildings. The triple wooden ensemble is a whole direction of temple architecture, widespread in the Russian north. Today there are only 6 of them left. Another one, besides Kizhi, is in Karelia, in Lake Yandom and four in Arkhangelsk region. But Kizhi is still the best option.

First of all, this is the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord - a beautiful building 37 meters high, crowned with 23 domes, built in 1714 exclusively from wood on the site of the previous one, which was burned by a lightning strike. Summer temple, i.e. not heated and no service was carried out in it in winter. The iconostasis of the temple is composed of 102 icons, the writing of which dates back to different years, dating back to the 17th-19th centuries.

Several stories and legends are associated with the construction of the temple, which help to increase its status. This is the well-known story about the carpenter Nestor, who built a temple without a single nail and, upon completion of construction, threw his ax into the lake so that no one could build such a masterpiece. This is also the version that the drawing of the future church was made by Peter the Great himself. Of course it’s beautiful, but without nails there’s only a log house (that’s how they’ve always been built), and Nestor got excited about the axe... But as for Peter, why not. The Tsar Builder could have taken part here too.

The second is the Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God-built in 1694. During the fire it was almost destroyed. It was rebuilt in 1764. She looks like the younger sister of Preobrazhenskaya, because, working on the restoration of the lost shrine, the builders specifically strived for similarity. The height of this church is 26 meters, it is crowned with nine domes. This church was in winter.

The third component of the ensemble, the tented bell tower, built in 1863 (the previous one was demolished due to disrepair) was repeatedly rebuilt and restored, even more often than churches. The last (or rather extreme) reconstruction was completed in 1990. Fences are usually not included in the concept of “Triple wooden ensemble”, but in Kizhi it is worthy of saying at least a couple of words about it separately. 300 meters along the perimeter of the churchyard made of logs, with a gable roof, on a foundation made of boulders (see photo) - this is not a fence, this is a fortress wall.

For your information. “Kizhi Pogost” deserves the most enthusiastic reviews and high marks both from historical, architectural and aesthetic points of view. At the same time, I can hardly imagine that since the beginning of the 70s. tourists came here en masse. It is said that the first visitors to the museum were mainly foreigners. Later, interest in this reserved place Russian tourism enthusiasts have also begun to show their concern. In any case, if we look at the history of the museum’s organization, we have nothing to say other than respect and words of gratitude to its creators.

Kizhi Museum-Reserve

This unique museum has existed for more than fifty years. Having overcome a lot of obstacles and bureaucratic obstacles, lack of funding, complex climatic conditions, caring people who love their history were able to organize everything so that the exhibits, combined into a single exhibition, complement each other and at the same time continue to live their own lives.

The museum-reserve consists of ten sectors. The most visited of them:

Sector “Russian Zaonezhie”, which includes the Kizhi Pogost, the Chapel of the Archangel Michael, the Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus, the Oshevnin House (the first exhibit brought to the island, built in 1876), windmill Bikanina and several dozen houses, barns, baths, forges, courtyard buildings from a dozen Karelian villages and churchyards;

Sector "Vasilevo"- restored and supplemented with monuments of wooden architecture from neighboring regions, a Zaonezh village of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. with the Chapel of the Assumption of the Mother of God;

Sector "Pit"- reconstruction of another village, almost entirely consisting of imported houses. Until recently, 14 people lived in the village. It is located somewhat away from the main exhibition. Therefore, it is less visited.

Other sectors house exhibits illustrating the culture and life of the Karelian-Livviks, the features of Vepp villages, and architecture northern regions Karelia.

Excursions around the museum-reserve are interesting and educational. Especially if, like us, you are lucky with the weather. But one thing is upsetting. Talking about the features of architecture, even rural, is not easy. Therefore the most interesting objects I'll try to show you.

Important! The territory of the Museum-Reserve has a status that provides for its serious protection. Any type of activity not related to the maintenance and upkeep of museum exhibits is prohibited here. Therefore, picking mushrooms and berries is the prerogative local residents. Making fires is prohibited fishing, unauthorized overnight stay. Hunting, collection of fluff and eggs, and geological survey work are not permitted throughout the reserve. The movement of yachts and other types of transport is limited.

The current state of the Kizhi Museum-Reserve pleases tourists and contributes to the development of this industry in the region. But its employees are constantly in a state of uncertainty about the future. However, this does not only apply to the museum.

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In Karelia, on the wonderful Lake Onega, there is an incredibly beautiful, fairy island, called Kizhi. The island is considered an invaluable museum of architecture, the scale of which is simply amazing. Kizhi is an unusual place, which has been famous for its craft for many centuries, because many artists, as well as poets, lived and worked here. If anyone remembers the famous epics about Ilya Muromets or Vladimir the Red Sun, then it is worth saying that they were created precisely on the territory of this wonderful island.

Having visited the island for the first time, just stepping onto its amazing territory, you can feel a significant surge of energy, touch something bright and beautiful, breathe in clean air deeply and find out what real freedom is.

If you move into the recent past and study a little the history of the island, you can find out that there were as many as 14 villages here. Unfortunately, only two have survived to this day, which bear the names Vasilyevo and Yamka. One of the surviving villages, conveniently located on east coast famous Lake Onega. The second village is located on the western bank of this wonderful reservoir. Each village has only a couple of houses, but this did not become an obstacle for curious adventurers, so the indicated place is always full of tourists. Tourists from all over come here all year round. globe, because such landscapes as on this island are not often found. Besides, this place is full of interesting monuments, and relaxing here seems simply divine.

Excursions are regularly held in the city of Kizhi to introduce tourists to this interesting and unusual place. River cruises on Meteora they pass from Petrozavodsk, but there is not enough time to fully explore them unique nature this place. To fully explore the island, see all the interesting natural places and attractions, you need to plan your travel route yourself.

The most popular attractions of Kizhi

Among the main attractions of Kizhi it is worth noting the Church of the Transfiguration. It was erected back in 1714, and not a single nail was used for its construction. The church has as many as 22 domes, which with their gilding complement the brightness of the sun. From a bird's eye view, the view of this temple will allow you to distinguish it from others, because there are no analogues to this unique monument. The temple is designed in such an interesting and original way that if you take into account the cuts, the appearance of a cross is formed on all four sides. The altar of this majestic temple faces the western side, but the refectory with a porch is conveniently located on the eastern side. The view from this porch is simply amazing and it simply mesmerizes tourists. By visiting this architectural monument, you can enjoy not only its beauty, but also fully embrace the settlements, villages and straits.

Inside the temple radiates unearthly beauty. Everyone who comes here will feel complete peace. The altar in this majestic temple has 4 tiers, it is lined with a huge amount icons, the exact number of which is 102 pieces. The space inside is evenly filled with calm and peaceful light.

Such an architectural monument as the Church of the Intercession also deserves special attention. The temple was built back in 1764, it is wooden and has 9 domes, the shape of which is quite unusual, making the structure lighter and more original. The outside of the building is decorated with wooden pillars, but inside the temple looks very modest. If you compare it with the previous version. Unfortunately, in the course of history, the very first iconostasis of this building was not preserved, and the current one was completed during the restoration of the church in 1950.

The Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus can be included in the top three attractions of the island. History says that this landmark was built back in 1391. Overeating suggests that the church began to be built after Saint Basil appeared to Lazarus. It is this temple that is considered the first building belonging to the Murom Monastery. The construction of this monastery was dedicated precisely Biblical history which talks about the resurrection of Lazarus. Local residents say that the temple has the power to heal from various ailments and it is because of this that this place has become a great center of pilgrimage.

What architectural monuments of Kizhi are still worth seeing?

There is also a Chapel of the Archangel Michael on the island, which is characterized as follows:

    was transported to Kizhi from Lelikozero in 1961;

    has a very picturesque appearance;

    consists of 3 parts, which together form a rectangle;

    the walls are built on the north side, and the window faces west;

    the bell tower on top is successfully completed with a lush tent;

    outside, the architectural monument is decorated with towels with circles and diamonds;

    inside, in the center of the ceiling there is a large icon of Christ, and the evangelists are depicted in the corners.

In addition to this monument, there is also a Tent Bell Tower on the island. It was built back in 1863, but it was completely completed in 1874. The belfry tent is supported by 9 columns and ends with a dome with a cross. In total, the structure looks very interesting and harmonious. To illuminate the interior of the bell tower, there are 4 windows, which are made in the form of beautiful arches.

Continuing to travel around the island, tourists will be able to see a tall wooden palisade. Its original has not survived, but the reconstruction was able to accurately convey it. A copy was made already in 1959; in addition to these attractions, you can see ancient mills and barns on the island. All these attractions are collected throughout the region and delivered to the island, which has turned into a huge museum.

Oshevnev’s house can also be considered a popular place among tourists. It looks like Karelian houses that were built before the revolution. The building has two floors and is richly decorated with carvings. There is also an ancient windmill on the island, the likes of which can no longer be found.

What else is new and interesting on the island

Monuments and churches are, of course, good, but we must not forget about the amazing nature of this place. The island has a beautiful topography, stretching not far from the shore sparse forest, from afar you can see meadows and the sun, reflecting its reflections in the lake. Many villages of the island went under water, but thanks to this, it was possible to create a unique museum here, which collected more than 50 thousand original, interesting and fascinating items. All these objects accurately tell about the life of the indigenous inhabitants of the region and it is thanks to them that history can be studied. On the island you can get closer to the following objects:

    vintage women's jewelry;

    original embroidery;

    toys self made;

    household items and tools.

But that's it interesting sides The Kizhi are not ending, because rare, original and interesting things still continue to be brought here. New exhibitions are constantly being developed, and tourists are invited to take part in master classes that introduce ancient crafts. Guests of the island who come here for the holidays can watch interesting performances and become active participants. You can get out here for a few days, choosing an accommodation option without any problems.

There are no hotels on the island, but it is quite possible to stay with local residents. Kizhi is unique place, which is worth a visit and you need to stay here for several days. To see all the monuments and enjoy the unforgettable nature, you can come here with the whole family, receiving an incredible charge of energy and vivacity. In general, tourists who want to visit Kizhi will definitely not regret it; it is simply a wonderful place that is definitely worth visiting. The island fascinates and attracts attention, allows you to completely disconnect from city everyday life, delve into history, look at beautiful monuments and just have a great time. It’s worth coming here for great impressions and positive emotions.

Amazing and mysterious Kizhi island- this is a place that has become a real symbol of the skill and talent of the architects of the Russian North. Today there is a museum-reserve included in the List of World Heritage Sites. cultural heritage UNESCO.

The island is located in the northern part, 68 kilometers from, and is the most popular attraction in Karelia after. Tourists come here from all over Russia, from the nearest Scandinavian countries, from the Baltic states and countries Western Europe, from Asia and even from overseas.

The most interesting objects of the museum under open air- the fabulous Transfiguration and Intercession churches, a bell tower with a hipped dome, a windmill with eight wings, the chapel of the Archangel Michael and the Oshevnev house-museum, as well as ancient huts and outbuildings brought here from other places and organically complementing the overall historical picture.

Our article is about the island of Kizhi and its attractions.

  • It is believed that the island of Kizhi got its name from the Karelian word “kizhat”, which means “playground”. Archaeological scientists are of the opinion that pagan rituals and ceremonies took place here in pre-Christian times.
  • Most of us are accustomed to pronouncing the word “Kizhi” with the emphasis on the second syllable, but philologists and local residents argue that the spelling correct option is to pronounce the name of the island with the emphasis on the first syllable.
  • In addition to the historical and architectural museum, there are three villages on Kizhi Island - Kizhi, Vasilyevo and Yamka. Each of them has only two or three courtyards, but this does not prevent them from attracting tourists every year - such landscapes and such a unique peasant flavor cannot be found anywhere else on the globe.
  • The ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost received the status of a historical and architectural monument in the 20s of the last century, but it became an open-air museum only four centuries later - in 1966.
  • During the years of occupation of Karelia by Finnish troops, the ensemble miraculously was not damaged - it was saved only by the fact that the Finns treated it with care in the hope of including the island in their country and making it an object of research for Finnish scientists. Of course, these plans were not destined to be realized, but they managed to preserve unique monuments of Russian wooden architecture.

  • There is a legend that the occupiers still planned to destroy the island of Kizhi and all its attractions, however, seeing the incredible, almost unearthly beauty of the Intercession and Transfiguration churches, the pilots flying the bombers dropped bombs into the lake. However, no documentary evidence of this fact has yet been found.
  • The Transfiguration Church on the island of Kizhi is made of pine logs, and its domes and barrels are covered with the so-called “ ploughshare» - small plates cut from aspen. The use of such materials gives rise to an amazing combination of gray-brown shades of log church walls with the silver color of domes covered with aspen plates, reflecting all the colors of the surrounding nature. Against the backdrop of the cold northern sky, this picture takes on even greater beauty and mystery.

  • It is believed that the island's churches were built without a single nail. This statement is only partly true - nails were not really used in the construction of walls and towers, but they were still used when covering domes with aspen scales.
  • In the middle of the 20th century, the first large-scale restoration of the ensemble was carried out - it lasted 10 years. In the 80s, a metal frame was installed in the Transfiguration Church to prevent the building from collapsing. Unfortunately, it damaged some of the logs, so it was necessary to dismantle the iconostasis and the unique “sky” ceiling.
  • The latest restoration of the ensemble began in 2010 and continues to this day. In order not to damage the general historical appearance of the buildings and to prolong their life, master restorers also use techniques that were used 300 years ago during the construction of the Church of the Transfiguration.

Sights of Kizhi Island

Website of the Kizhi Museum-Reserve: Entrance fee: 600 rubles, pensioners, students - 300 rubles, children under 16 years old - free.

The main attractions of the island are, of course, the “summer” Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the “winter” Church of the Intercession, the tented bell tower and the surrounding fence. All together they form a single ensemble “Kizhi Pogost”, the like of which is unique in the whole world. It is located in the southern part of the island, and tourists mainly come for it when visiting the island for the first time. Word " churchyard" in this case means administrative District. It is the objects of the Kizhi Pogost that are included in the list World Heritage UNESCO.

There are other buildings on the island that are very interesting for both adults and teenage children.

Church of the Transfiguration on Kizhi Island

Church of the Transfiguration under restoration

The 38-meter-tall Church of the Transfiguration is the main monument of Kizhi island, probably known to every schoolchild. It is her photo that is published in history textbooks in topics about Russian architecture. The entirely wooden structure, topped with 22 domes, giving it the appearance of a royal palace from a Russian fairy tale, dates back to 1714. It is believed that it was built on the site of a church that burned down at the end of the 16th century.

There are two main legends regarding the creation of this greatest architectural masterpiece. The first is that the designer and builder of the Church of the Transfiguration was none other than Emperor Peter the Great himself. He sailed along Lake Onega, saw a fallen forest on the shore and ordered the construction of a miracle, which has no equal and never will be.

The second legend says that the Church of the Transfiguration on the island of Kizhi was built by a talented craftsman named Nestor. Having finished the work, he threw the ax into the waters of Lake Onega - this was done so that no one would ever dare to build something as great again. Be that as it may, the behest of both Peter and Nestor has been fulfilled - probably, a master has not yet been born whose talent could surpass the skill of the creators of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Even the shape of the church is atypical for religious buildings of that time - it is round. The creator chose the figure of eight as the main figure. There are three of them in the temple, each of them consists of two tiers and is lower in height than the previous one. Parishioners also took an active part in the construction of the temple. The temple is a “summer” building and is not open in winter.

Unfortunately, in the 80s of the last century, during the installation of the metal frame, the iconostasis and the unique “heavenly” ceiling were damaged - they had to be dismantled and transferred for storage to various museums. Since 2010, the Transfiguration Church has been under reconstruction. It must be said that the very frame, due to which part of the interior decoration of the church was damaged, still played a positive role - only thanks to it the building has not yet collapsed under its own weight.

Attached to the Transfiguration Church is a refectory - an equally unique structure, the logs of which tend to shimmer in clear and sunny weather. In the past, local residents used it for public meetings, courts or various holidays.

Church of the Intercession

The Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, like the Church of the Transfiguration on the island of Kizhi, is a unique monument testifying to the incredible skill and talent of the architects of the Russian North. Its architecture echoes the architecture of the Transfiguration Church and the tented bell tower - all together they form an integral composition and organically complement each other.

The Church of the Intercession has a more modest size and a strict appearance. It is topped with only nine domes, and the only decorative element of its facade is a patterned wooden pediment, the geometric shapes of which reach towards the heavens. This is the so-called “winter” type of church, intended for holding services in the harsh winter.

It is known that the Church of the Intercession burned and was rebuilt several times, and it acquired the appearance that we admire today only in 1764. The temple is equipped with a high porch and antechamber - this is a characteristic feature of churches being built at that time in the northern part of the Russian Empire. The interior decoration is represented by a high iconostasis, many elements of which were lost during the bloody events of the first half of the 20th century. In the 50s it was restored and today both parishioners and tourists can see it.

Tent bell tower

The tented bell tower is another building located between two churches, which is an integral part of the Kizhi churchyard ensemble and has retained the same style, despite the fact that it was built much later than the Intercession and Transfiguration churches. The melodious ringing of its bells still echoes throughout the area. It is known that 300 years ago there was a belfry in its place, which was demolished due to disrepair.

The bell tower, which has survived to this day, was built in 1863. It, like both churches, is clearly visible from Lake Onega.

Chapel of Michael the Archangel

The Chapel of the Archangel Michael is another part of the magnificent Kizhi ensemble. This is a small wooden building with a vestibule and a bell tower, built at the beginning of the 19th century. The building was brought to Kizhi Island from the village of Lelikozero, in the northern part of Onega.

This building, like many others on the island, has an appearance typical of the architectural masterpieces of the Russian North. It is crowned with a double roof and a high wooden dome with a cross. Its main distinguishing feature is the tented bell tower rising above the entrance hall. The interior decoration is also unique - a high iconostasis that merges with the “heavenly” ceiling. It dates back to the 18th century.

The house of the wealthy peasant Nestor Oshevnev is another historical building dating back to the second half of XIX century. This large house, intended for a large family, today is a museum of the life, way of life and customs of the wealthy peasants of Zaonezhie at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries.

The house has a typical shape for Zaonezhye - the residential part and outbuildings are under one roof. This allowed residents to carry out a lot of work without going outside, which was a big advantage in winter. The façade is decorated with patterned balconies and a gallery.

Every thing in the house is real, handed down to us from that distant and mysterious time. There is a stove, a cradle, dishes, a spindle, a large chest, and a samovar. All this creates a unique and inimitable atmosphere - when you come here, it’s as if you are moving through time and finding yourself in the past, which is so far behind.

Sergeev’s house has a square shape, so it seems that there are no outbuildings here, unlike Oshevnev’s house. But if you go around it from the other side, you can see that they have not gone anywhere, but have simply been moved back, but they are still under the same roof as the residential part. The facade of the house is richly decorated, the carved frames on the windows especially attract attention.

The interior decoration has not been reconstructed - there is a shabby wooden floor, the same shabby furniture is placed in the corners and in the center. Today there are two exhibitions here: one is dedicated to Karelian applied art, the second - to the oral folk art of the inhabitants of Zaonezhye.


There are four baths on the island, which were also brought from other settlements Karelia. They are not difficult to find - they are located on the very shore of the lake near the water. These are simple wooden buildings, inside of which there are several soap houses and a stove.

The facade of the baths was not decorated in any way, because they were perceived simply as a way to maintain the cleanliness of the body, and no sacred meaning was invested in them. Nevertheless, there had to be a bathhouse even in the most seedy village.

Eight-wing windmill

The Eight-Wing Mill is a relatively young structure, created in the 20s of the last century. It was brought to Kizhi Island from the village of Volkostrov.

There are two floors inside the mill - on the first there is a flour chest and a device for grinding flour, on the second there is a mill ladle, millstones and a shaft, at the end of which there are wings. What is surprising is that today the eight-wing windmill performs its original function - grinding grain and making flour.

The amazing Kizhi Museum-Reserve is rightfully considered a symbol of Russian architecture and business card Russian North. This mysterious open-air museum attracts more and more visitors from all over the world every day.

Kizhi Island is located in the north of Lake Onega, not far from Petrozavodsk. The most comfortable and quick way getting to the island from the capital of Karelia is a meteor on Kizhi, which will take tourists to the reserve in less than an hour and a half.
The most memorable objects of the island are the Transfiguration and Intercession churches, the bell tower with a hipped dome, and the windmill. Tourists will also be interested in the chapel and the Oshevnev House, and, of course, the ancient huts and buildings brought here from different parts of Karelia.
Church of the Transfiguration
The most recognizable monument on the island of Kizhi, without a doubt, is the Church of the Transfiguration, or Church of the Transfiguration. The unique wooden building, 38 meters high, is topped with 22 domes. The temple was erected in 1714. Services are held here only in the summer.

Church of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary

Together with the Transfiguration Church and the tented bell tower, the Intercession Church forms a fabulous composition of the island of Kizhi. Strict but beautiful, the church is decorated with nine domes. Its facade is complemented by an ornate wooden pediment and decorated with a high porch. The object was rebuilt many times. The pearl of the church is the high iconostasis. The Church of the Intercession is considered a winter church.
Oshevnev House
This large building belonged to the wealthy peasant Nestor Oshevnev, who lived here in the second half of the 19th century with his family. In this building, characteristic of that time, it was decided to open a museum of the life of peasants in Zaonezhye.


The mill, like many of the huts and houses on the island, was brought here from a Karelian village. This building from the 20s of the last century clearly illustrates the life of Russian peasants. The eight-wing mill includes two floors, where you can see flour chests, grinding millstones and other household items.
Bell tower
The legendary tented bell tower is located between two churches. Erected much later than the temples, the building fits perfectly into the ensemble of the Kizhi churchyard. Previously, on the site of the bell tower there was a dilapidated belfry.

Chapel of Michael the Archangel

The chapel was brought to Kizhi many years ago from a village called Lelikozero. This interesting building with a vestibule and a hipped bell tower, decorated with a high wooden dome with a cross on a double roof. The iconostasis inside the chapel practically merges with its heavenly ceiling and gives a feeling of boundless freedom of spirit.
We have not named all the sights of the reserve; for example, the Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus and the fence of the Kizhi Pogost also deserve attention. The unique flavor of Kizhi and the beautiful landscapes of the island will amaze even the most sophisticated tourists at any time of the year.

There is probably no person in Russia who has not heard about the island and the Kizhi Museum-Reserve. Without exaggeration, it can be called one of the most beautiful places in Russia.

Today I want to show the beauty of the island during the foggy white nights of June and the beautiful summer days. I will also talk about the farthest corners of the island, which 90% of all tourists simply do not have time to visit.

Kizhi Island is located in Karelia, on Lake Onega, where an architectural monument - the world-famous ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost - is ideally inscribed.

Geographically about. Kizhi is located 66 kilometers away from the city of Petrozavodsk and is lost among the Kizhi skerries - the so-called picturesque clusters of small islands. Kizhi is one of the the most beautiful islands our huge country.

Having purchased entry tickets, we headed to northern part islands to walk around the local villages. It was decided to examine the main part of the museum of wooden architecture in the late afternoon, when the bulk of visitors had already returned to Petrozavodsk.

Having reached the penultimate Pudozh sector and looked around, we returned to the central part of the island to the village of Yamka. The village of Yamka has one street and 10 permanent residents. Despite such universal scale, we managed to walk around it and its surroundings for more than three hours. Here we looked at the life, way of life and households of the local residents, saw real houses and bathhouses in which the indigenous Karelian islanders have lived and rested for hundreds of years.

In Yamka there is an indescribable atmosphere of silence, calm and tranquility. I couldn’t even believe that thousands of tourists from different continents were wandering behind the neighboring hill, and we were in one of the most popular places Russia. This is exactly what we came here for, this is exactly how I wanted to see Kizhi.

It was getting dark. We, following the plan, went to explore the main attractions of the museum. There were no fewer tourists. The approaching ships filled the museum with new, mostly foreign groups. To be honest, I was pleasantly surprised by such attention to Russia and its beauty from French, Italian and English-speaking tourists.

It's interesting how fashion has changed over the past century. These mothers and daughters in clothes of different generations met on the way to the museum

On the island you can rent a bicycle or use the services of a horse-drawn carriage.

In the southern part of the Museum of Wooden Architecture there is one picturesque bay, in which the house of Sergeev from the village of Logmoruchey is located. It was built more than a century ago.

The forge from the village of Suisar is nearby

The Chapel of Archangel Michael from the village of Lelikozero was built in the second half of the 18th century.

Chapel of the Resurrection of Lazarus of the Murom Monastery. The oldest chapel in Kizhi dates back to the 14th century.

The architecture of the wooden buildings and their scale are impressive. Foreigners there generally walk around with round eyes and open mouths. It was very interesting to watch them. It feels like they didn’t understand where they were and how it was possible to build something like this.

In this frame there are three objects in one: the Bathhouse from the village of Ust-Yandoma, the Kurnaya Izba of Elizarov from the village of Seredka on Klimets Island and the windmill-pillar N.Ya. Bikanina from the village of Volkostrov.

The prosperous house of Oshevneva from the village of Oshevnevo. It consists of three huts, an upper room, a light room over a two-story entryway, a two-tier courtyard with a fall supported by logs in the corners. This design made it possible to replace rotting barn logs without dismantling the roof.

After 8 hours, tourists can no longer be found on the island. You are left almost alone in the midst of incredible beauty.

It was getting close to sunset and we, having rested a little, hurried to the hill near the village of Yamka. I really liked the view from there. Climbing to its top, I saw a haze and thought it was dust from a car passing along the road, but it turned out that closer to sunset the entire island began to plunge into fog. This is what the windmill from the village of Voronii Ostrov looks like at sunset; it was also in the very first photograph.

And this is the Chapel of the Savior Not Made by Hands from the village of Vigovo (17-18th century)

Having risen to this chapel, it opened before us beautiful view on the Bay of Mozh Guba.

The sun had almost disappeared below the horizon and we hurried to short rest. After all, in a few hours I had to watch the dawn.

After sleeping for about two hours, I went to see the sunrise. There were still about forty minutes before sunrise.

The gray-blue almost cloudless sky gradually turned into the red-orange color of dawn. All the lowlands were filled with thick fog.

Having climbed the hill to the chapel of the Savior Not Made by Hands, from which almost the entire island can be seen, a very beautiful and not entirely standard view of the Spaso-Kizhi churchyard opened up in front of me.

The Assumption Chapel from the village of Vasilyevo looks like a ship sailing through endless foggy expanses.

The Chapel of the Three Saints from the village of Kavgora rises above the layered misty rivers.

I caught the first rays of the morning sun near the Pudozh sector, the fog over the bays of Lake Onega began to gradually dissipate.

The Pudozh sector is dedicated to the Russian village of Pudozhya and consists of one street on which there are 3 houses with outbuildings: the Belyaev house from the village of Kubovskaya, the Potashev house from the village of Pyalma and the Butin house from the village of Pyalozero.

On the opposite side are located: Belosheev’s barn from the village of Pyalozero and Pakhomov’s barn from the village of Ostrov-Zarechye.

There is ringing silence all around. Sometimes from somewhere far away, from the side of the lake, you can hear the cry of seagulls who have had breakfast at such an early hour.

It feels like I'm on an uninhabited island. I am alone among incredible beauty, surrounded by ancient centuries-old buildings. These are the real Kizhi. I am sure that more than 99% of tourists have never seen the island like this. I must say, we lost a lot.

Walking around the main museum of the island in the morning is a pleasure. But yesterday we already saw enough of everything here, we’ll see it this afternoon, so I’ll show you a couple of morning photos and go and sleep for a couple more hours, because today we still have a trip back to St. Petersburg.

Everyone knows this place very well.

This is where I will finish my photo story about one of the most beautiful islands in Russia. I hope you found it interesting.


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