Dow scenarios for a journey through the protected areas of Lake Baikal. Baikal Day at the Irkutsk Regional Children's Library named after. Mark Sergeeva. And now there's a musical break

The “Song of Baikal” plays, the children watch the slides.

Leading: And today you will see and hear the ancient legend about Baikal and its daughter Angara.

The music “Sea” sounds, Baikal comes out.

Baikal: My name is Baykul,

Baykul and Beihai.

And I have been given a lot

Mysterious names.

In stories and legends

Baikal is a stern old man

And I really

Perky, young.

And noisy for a reason,

Impetuous, cheerful

After all, I'm alive and filled

And not plain water.

He sits down on the throne. Then the Shaman quietly comes out and sits down next to Baikal.

Leading: Today on the shore of Lake Baikal

The taiga told me a legend.

The legend is about the mighty Father Baikal,

Who once reigned

In the Siberian taiga.

He had only one daughter -

She was famous for her beauty.

Living in love, not knowing grief,

I don’t argue with Baikal, my father,

Princess Angara grew up,

Everything became prettier and blossomed.

The girl Angara comes out to the music.

Angara: I, queen of sparkling waters

I, the beauty of the wild land,

My waters rush forward

Swiftly to the north, shining proudly.

Angara and the girls dance the “Rechenka” dance.

Leading: Admiring my own daughter

And during the day, and even in the dark night,

The old man began to dream for a reason

Marry her to a hero.

Baikal: I announce a heroic tournament,

To choose the best in the whole world.

Leading: Good knights came to Baikal,

Stately, brave, the most dexterous.

Music sounds, the Irkut boy comes out, holding a chest.

Irkut River: In the clear streams of Irkut

Tales of the mountains are carried by water.

Accept, Father Baikal,

The priceless gift of proud rocks.

The Irkut boy takes a blue scarf from the chest and gives it to Baikal as a gift.

Baikal throws it over the shoulders of the Angara girl.

Music sounds, the 2nd hero - River Barguzin - comes out, holding a box of beads.

I am the Barguzin River,

I am the Bogatyr River.

I have a lot of pure water and strength.

I came to conquer the Angara,

Give her priceless wealth.

Gives the box to Baikal.

The music sounds again, the 3rd hero comes out with a small box in his hands.

There are many restless, violent, wild rivers.

Rivers each have their own character, depth and breadth

They are like people - there are no faceless rivers!

The Face of the Yenisei - Bright-Eyed Bogatyr.

Gives the box to Baikal.

Baikal: Well, heroes, show your strength and prowess.

The “Dance of the River Heroes” is performed.

The heroes line up in front of Lake Baikal.

Yenisei gives Angara a flower.

All victories are for you,

Blue-eyed Angara.

I give you a beautiful flower,

I want to call you my favorite.

Angara throws off the scarf that Father Baikal put on her, a gift from Irkut, and accepts the gift from the Yenisei.

Barguzin waves his hand and leaves.

Baikal: That's it, my dear daughter!

Better groom than Irkut,

You won't find it.

You should marry him.

Leading: But the beautiful Angara resisted her father’s will.

Angara: I don't need him

I'd rather be alone until I'm old.

Baikal: Ah well! Get out of my sight

Rebellious daughter.

The Angara girl steps aside.

Leading: And Baikal ordered the shaman:

Baikal: Don't let Angara out of the house!

Don't take your eyes off her

And keep a close eye on her.

Dance of the Angara and the seagulls.

A shaman boy is watching the dance.

After the dance, the seagull girls fly away, Angara is sad.

Leading: Angara is about the beautiful

I dreamed of the Blue Country.

White seagulls told her about that country.

Angara: I wish I could get there soon

To where the Yenisei rules!

Sits next to Lake Baikal.

The Shaman comes out and dances.

After the dance, he sits next to Angara.

Leading: And then one dark night,

Baikal fell asleep, very tired.

Only Angara is awake and trembling.

I'm about to set off on a long journey - that's it!

Getting ready to go.

Angara: Goodbye, father, forgive your daughter.

Against the backdrop of the splashing waves, Angara runs away.

Leading: Hearing the splashing, the shaman also woke up.

Waking up, he shouted loudly:

Shaman boy: Wake up quickly, gray Baikal!

The music "Sea" is playing.

Leading: The waters of Lake Baikal rose,

Gray eyebrows shot up,

Eyes flashed with lightning,

A thunderstorm flashed in the sky.

Enraged Baikal jumped from his throne

Baikal: Stop, my daughter,

Don't leave me in your old age!

Leading: And from afar he heard the answer:

Angara: Sorry, father!

But I have no peace.

All my thoughts are about the Yenisei,

I love him more than my life!

Leading: Baikal in wild anger

He moved a stone from the mountain,

And Angara threw a stone after him.

Baikal throws a stone. (Formidable music sounds.)

Leading: The Shaman fell into the source - a stone,

A rush of love and heart fire.

In vain Baikal

Raged and raged,

Rising waves between the rocks.

Yenisei runs up to Angara, takes her hand and goes to the chairs.

Presenter: Many years have passed since then. People called the rock that Baikal once threw into the Angara the Shaman Stone. And Yenisei and Angara finally found their happiness.

They go into the distance, centuries pass -

But the river is still flowing.

Sings Angara's songs to everyone -

Let the children remember them!

Girls' dance moves to the song "Along the Angara"

Child: Well, you, mighty Baikal,

Don't miss your naughty daughter.

We all love you and will console you,

Let's amuse ourselves with ditties.

1. We were born on Baikal,

We live on Baikal.

We go to kindergarten together

We'll sing ditties here.

2. You are our father, Baikal,

Who called you gray-haired?

You're shining with beauty

You are strong and young.

3. Baikal has all the water

Clean, transparent,

Oh, if only it were my destiny

Bright, successful.

4. Near the Khamar-Daban mountains,

At the great Baikal,

We live like this happily

And we dance and we sing.

Leading: Why are you sad, beloved Baikal,

What is your surf sighing about?

Or someone evil, unforgiving

Does he sometimes mock you?

And Baikal sighed in response to me:

Baikal: I have lived in the world for thousands of years,

Nobody offended me

On the contrary, everyone respected...

But over the past half century

I don't recognize the person!

It's like pure water

He will never need it.

The children all run up to “Baikal” (character)

1 Child: Baikal is the only one on the entire planet,

There is simply no other option...

We are all yours, my Baikal, children,

And we are destined to live with you.

2nd child: Don't offend the sea, people!

Baikal also wants to live:

Play with the wave, arguing with the winds

And serve people faithfully!

3rd child: Preserving Baikal is a sacred matter:

His fate is in our hands

Nature itself told us

May our native Baikal live for centuries.

Leading: And I believe: Baikal will be

Glory to Russia to grow!

And our descendants will not forget us

Give it its due.

The song “Glorious Sea—Sacred Baikal” sounds.”

Scenario Glorious Sea - sacred Baikal

Everyone knows about Lake Baikal. And it is this lake that our script for children is dedicated to. preparatory group and their parents. An interesting scenario with tasks about Lake Baikal and nature.

Program content:

Continue to introduce children to Lake Baikal with its inhabitants, give some historical knowledge about Lake Baikal; Expand words knowledge; to cultivate a caring attitude towards the natural heritage of Siberia.

Educational: Consolidate knowledge about the native land and its attractions Lake Baikal; continue to introduce the diversity of our native nature; to form the idea of ​​children that man is part of nature and that he must preserve and protect it; familiarization with new musical material “Song about the lake of our region” - listening.

Educational: Develop the ability to establish simple cause-and-effect relationships and make generalizations; arouse interest in knowledge of flora and fauna native land; develop aesthetic perception, creative imagination, the ability to work together, assist each other in making a collage; develop logical thinking and speech of children through explanation and justification of their answer.

Educational: To cultivate love for your Motherland, for your Siberian region; to form a reverent attitude and pride for one’s small Motherland; develop the ability to work in a group.

Vocabulary work: Shaman-stone, Siberians, collage
Material: Illustrations and photographs about Baikal (plant and animal world); video about Baikal; recording of the song “Glorious Sea - Sacred Baikal”; whatman paper, glue, cut out drawings; napkins; brushes; jug with Baikal water.

Preliminary work: View the presentation "Baikal"; acquaintance with the legends of Lake Baikal; memorizing poems about Baikal with children, learning games,
Presenter, Baikal, Angara, children

Progress of entertainment(while I’m reading the legend, a slide of the Angara, Baikal, Yenisei, Shaman Stone is shown on the screen)
The song “Glorious Sea - Sacred Baikal” sounds

Educator: Baikal is stern and majestic. He keeps many secrets and mysteries. Not everyone opens them. You need to be well acquainted with him, have a clear head and a pure heart for him to reveal his secrets. And this lake is also the dearest and most beautiful for us Siberians. In the old days, mighty Baikal was cheerful and kind. He deeply loved his only daughter Angara.
There was no more beautiful woman on earth.
During the day it is light - brighter than the sky, at night it is dark - darker than a cloud. And no matter who drove past the Angara, everyone admired it, everyone praised it. Even migratory birds - geese, swans, and cranes - descended low, but rarely landed on the water. They spoke:
- Is it possible to blacken something light?
Old man Baikal took care of his daughter more than his heart. One day, when Baikal fell asleep, Angara rushed to run to the young man Yenisei.
The father woke up and splashed his waves angrily. A fierce storm arose, the mountains began to weep, forests fell, the sky turned black with grief, animals scattered in fear all over the earth, fish dived to the very bottom, birds flew away to the sun. Only the wind howled and the heroic sea raged.
The mighty Baikal hit the gray mountain, broke off a rock from it and threw it after the fleeing daughter.
The rock fell right on the beauty's throat. The blue-eyed Angara begged, gasping and sobbing, and began to ask:
- Father, I’m dying of thirst, forgive me and give me at least one drop of water...
Baikal shouted angrily:
- I can only give you my tears!..
For hundreds of years, the Angara has been flowing into the Yenisei like tear-water, and gray-haired and lonely Baikal has become gloomy and scary. The rock that he threw after his daughter was called the Shaman's Stone by people. Rich sacrifices were made there to Baikal. People said: “Baikal will be angry, it will tear off the Shaman’s stone, the water will rush in and flood the whole earth.”
Only it was a long time ago, now people are brave and are not afraid of Lake Baikal... Educator: The Angara River - the waters are clean,
The islands along it are all wooded,
The islands along it are all covered in currants,
there is nothing more beautiful than my Motherland.
Scarlet dawns are burning above you,
The Angara River is Baikalov’s daughter!

Music is playing. Angara enters. He walks through the hall, shows himself, his beauty.

Angara: I am the queen of sparkling waters,
I am the beauty of the wild land;
My waters rush forward,
Swiftly to the north, shining proudly.
Between the hills and rocky cliffs,
Sometimes shining, sometimes darkening menacingly,
I'm rushing from where Baikal beats,
To the wide wave of the Yenisei.

Alarming music sounds, Baikal enters.

Baikal: I am the gray-haired old man Baikal,
I saw you right away
If you came with goodness,
We found friends here.
If you want to offend the water,
You won't be able to see its beauty.
Why did you come to us?

Children: Congratulations! Congratulations!

Educator: And now Father Baikal, listen to our poems. (Children read poetry)

1 .There are so many lakes in the world,
Baikal is the most beautiful of all of them!
The water is clean and your wind is fresh.
There is a whisper of centuries-old pines... (Elya)

2 . What kind of beauty has Siberia hidden?
She gave us a fresh lake!
Glorious Baikal - it is huge, like the sea,
How much is hidden in the vast expanse! (Sasha Sh)
Baikal: I also know a lot about you. And today, with my daughter Angara, we invited you to visit us
Angara: We have prepared many interesting and difficult tasks for you. If you complete them all, then prove that you are real Siberians. But first you need to warm up.

Mass dance "Opanki"

Baikal: And so off we go!
1st task.
Educator: Guys, look at the screen, there are 4 different lakes, one of them is Baikal, let's find it among the others. “Find Lake Baikal among other lakes along the contour” (several contours are offered on the screen. I call the children.

Educator: The guys did a great job with the first task. Task 2 Guys! Baikal gave us its pebble! Let's play a game with him. We will pass it around and say any word about Baikal.
The game “Chain of Words” (with a pebble) is played.
Children, standing in a circle, pass a pebble from hand to hand and name a word that refers to Baikal - omul, cedar, pine, golomyanka, taiga, seal, Angara, taimen, wild rosemary, etc.

Educator: Well done, they played great. Now let's take a little rest.


Task 3.
Educator: Guys, do you know your region well? So here's the next task. Baikal has prepared questions for you and we will now play a mini-quiz. Your task is to answer the questions. To do this, we need to divide into two teams. (At this time, Baikal and Angara take turns handing out tokens to the children for correct answers)
1.What is the name of the river that flows from Lake Baikal? (Angara).
2.What edible berries grow on Baikal? (Lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cloudberries, honeysuckle, cranberries, stone fruits.)
3.What poisonous mushrooms do you know? (Fly agaric, pale toadstool, false honey fungus.) old is Baikal? (35 million)

5.What does the word “Baikal” mean? (Rich Lake)

6.Name the main mineral resource of the lake (water)

7. . What large mammals are found in Baikal? (Seal)

8. At what depths is there life in Baikal? (everywhere)

Educator: Dear Baikal, the guys know ditties about you, do you want to listen?

Baikal: Of course, I’ll be happy to listen with my daughter Angara.

1. We live on Olkhon (Everyone)
We chew dried biscuits and gingerbread.
And ditties about Baikal
We will sing for you now.
2. We live on Lake Baikal (Sema)
We sing songs together.
Join us in a circle
And sing ditties.
3. They invited me to visit you beyond Baikal, (Olesya.)
It’s a shame I didn’t go!
Now it would be far
Transbaikal bride..
4. We are swimming in Lake Baikal. (Elya.)
Here we drink holy water.
We will always be healthy -
We will bring joy to people.

Teacher: Task 4 Well done boys.
There are no less beautiful and amazing plants on Baikal. Nowhere on Earth are there such beautiful birds and animals as on Baikal. Birds surprise us with their singing, animals with their majesty, now we will remember them. Now pictures of plants and animals will appear on the screen, and your task is to recognize and name them. (An image appears on the screen with a fish unfamiliar to the children, the teacher introduces the children to it.)

Presentation on the screen of plants, birds and animals of Lake Baikal (background music)

Educator: Well done, you know the flora and fauna of Lake Baikal well.

An outdoor game related to animals or plants

Educator: Task 5 Guys, I’ll read you a poem now and you listen to it carefully and then answer me a few questions.

I love Russian nature.
I want to save it from everyone
Her creations are wonderful
Givers of success.

My friends, comrades,
I want to tell you:
"Let's become friends
Protect nature!
Let's not litter anymore. Always keep an eye on her.
And she will be grateful
Our mother earth!
And we will punish
Such pests...
Protect nature
We will teach them.
And she will be magnificent
Bloom, smell.
Our Russian nature
The age will prosper.

Educator: Did you guys like the poem? (children’s answers) What does it say? (children’s answers)

And now we will remember the rules of behavior in nature. Let's play a game with you, the game is called “yes-no.” I read you the questions, if you agree with me, then clap your hands, if not, stomp your feet. (I invite the children to stand up)

Educator: Guys, why and why do you think it is necessary to protect nature? Who needs nature? (children's answers) Let's give a beautiful song to Baikal and Angara, called “Colorful Planet”.

Song "Colorful Planet"

Educator: Well, now you have definitely proven that you are real Siberians.
(children come out and recite poems)

1 child: Nikita B.
What is this, so blue?
Cold as ice, transparent as glass?
Perhaps the sky is caught in the pine trees,
Did glass roll over the rocks and onto the ground?
2nd child: Vlad
And what is this, so golden,
Shiny like a mirror, blinding your eyes?
Perhaps this sun went to sleep under the rocks,
Does it lie tiredly, closing its eyes?
3rd child: Pauline.
And what is it, not at peace all the time,
Perhaps it was a cloud stuck among the rocks?
And this is not a cloud, and this is not the sky,
And this is not the sun, but Lake Baikal! (all together)

Baikal: Yes, you have pleased me with your knowledge, I see that you love and know your native land.

Educator: Yes, children love and respect the nature of their native land, they are friends with animals, birds and insects.

Dance "Friendship"

Educator: Task 6 And we Baikal will not just let you go empty-handed, we will prepare a gift for you. Guys, let's make a collage for Baikal. I have a Sheet on it depicting Lake Baikal forest, but something is missing here. What do you think? (children's answers) I invite the children to make a collage.

Educator: Baikal, look at the gift we gave you.

Angara: And you, father, haven’t forgotten anything? How can you send such good kids home without gifts?
Baikal: Oh yes, I completely forgot! And as a farewell gift, I give all the guys my clean Baikal water. Drink it, it is very tasty and healthy.

Angara brings out a transparent jug with clean Baikal water. Baikal and Angara treat children with water. Children try Baikal water and say thank you.

Baikal: And now it's time to say goodbye.
Return to your waters,
You love your planet!
And do good only on it!

The song sounds "Glorious Sea - Sacred Baikal"
Baikal and Angara say goodbye and leave

Olga Rybak
Ecological holiday “Glorious Sea - Sacred Baikal”

Target: develop environmental initiatives


Expand children's understanding of nature conservation; cultivate a caring attitude, desire and ability to provide all possible assistance to her;

To educate children's moral and aesthetic feelings:

love for the nature of the native land, the desire to learn more about it natural resources ah, the ability to understand its beauty, to capture the mood caused by this or that picture of nature, to establish relationships different types art that reflects the same pictures of nature;

- music: develop an idea of ​​the visual capabilities of music, its ability to reflect natural phenomena; perceive the image of a mighty, menacing sea, distinguish and note the change in dynamic shades that convey the movement of waves, now intensifying, now subsiding; speak out about the nature of music; improve performing abilities and creative expressions.

- literature: to introduce to the world of poetry, to form the desire and ability to listen to a literary text, to highlight its figurative sound, to feel the beauty, to experience the joy of perceiving a poetic image; using literature to develop speech, enrich vocabulary, influence the formation of imagery and expressiveness of speech; develop imagination in the process of perceiving literary works, memorizing them and reading them by heart; encourage, when observing objects and natural phenomena, to recall familiar poems.

- visual activity: to form the need to convey the beauty of nature in fine art; involve in organizing exhibitions of creative works on nature themes; to form the rudiments of artistic taste when perceiving and depicting the beauty of nature.

- ecology: to encourage the desire and desire to admire objects and phenomena of nature, to evoke a feeling of pleasure from contemplating its beauty; encourage to notice and name as many aesthetic properties and qualities of objects and natural phenomena as possible; consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature, involving in hard work.


Hall festively decorated. There is a throne near the central wall. To the music of the song « Blue water» N. Lukonina children enter the hall and take their seats.

Presenter - Lake Baikal... There are many legends, songs, tales about him.

After all, this lake is the largest, deepest, most ancient,

characterized by great biodiversity. Our story is about him.

There are so many lakes in the world,

Baikal more beautiful than all of them!

The water is clean and your wind is fresh,

There is a whisper of centuries-old pines

(M. Pavlov)

Children 1 - Baikal- the blue eye of Russia,

Baikal - the blue eye of the earth,

Nature itself blessed

The place where you appeared.

2 - You are more and more every year,

You are beautiful in summer, wonderful in winter,

Rocks and mountains surround you,

The taiga next to you is huge.

3 - The most delicious omul is in your waters,

There are grayling, whitefish, golomyanka,

And the cool air here is so fresh and clean,

It’s as if not in life, but in a fairy tale.

(L. Mandrygina)


Presenter - Today we have an extraordinary holiday, dedicated

lake Baikal. But what kind holiday without Father Baikal?

What do we do? Shouldn't we send a messenger?

(The presenter chooses a messenger (child).

Have a nice trip, come back quickly! In the meantime, we are waiting for news

from our messenger, guess the aunt's riddles Tamara:

Collects water from the mountains

Under the murmuring conversation,

She gives her daughter water day and night.

The one with the handsome Yenisei

Runs briskly away.

(Baikal, Angara)

Small island in small sea,

City of seagulls on... (Edore).

The island is a natural monument,

The waters are deep and clear.

The winds stroke and bite,

They tear it off piece by piece.

Ant capital,

Snakes and birds live there.

Bewitched by someone's will

There is a bear chained to a mountain.

(Olkhon Island)

(A knock is heard. A messenger appears, father Baikal(adult).

Baikal- I am a very formidable ruler,

Lord of fish and seals.

Why did you call me?

And tore you from sleep?

Presenter - My gloomy and gray Baikal,

Why are you angry, you’re not yourself?

Why aren’t you cheerful, hanging your head?

Baikal - Ran away from me

My daughter Angara.

Host - Terrible Father Baikal,

Don't be angry with us.

A song about your water

We'll sing now.

(Baikal sits on the throne.)

SONG "ABOUT VODITA" (music and lyrics by E. Kravkl):

1. Favorite fairy tales have two pages.

I ask you to remember them quickly,

It's very simple living water there

Suddenly he revives the heroes.

Chorus: And this is a miracle, and this is a mystery,

And it’s not nonsense!

And, of course, it is no coincidence

What brings life to the whole world is water!

2. A wave splashed onto the wild shore -

And the stone came to life and sparkled,

Birds arose, animals arose -

And the gray-haired man smiled Baikal.


(Baikal smiles.)

Baikal- I am pleased with your song

I'll chase away the remnants of sleep:

I'll invite smart guys

On a trip to Baikal!

(Baikal invites children to answer the questions of the quiz “Did you know


1. What does the word mean? Baikal?

2. What kind of winds are there? Baikal?

3. What is the most numerous fish in Baikal?

4. How old is the lake? Baikal?

5. Which Russian folk song mentions the omul barrel?

(Baikal praises children)

Dance "Fish"

Baikal - Songs sang, danced,

But you haven't played yet.


(Players stand in 5-7 columns with the same number of players in different

parts of the hall are streams. On signal “The streams started running!” everyone is running after each other

home, without leaving the stream. On signal "Lakes!" children stop and take up

hands and build circles-lakes. Those who build the circle the fastest win.)

Presenter - Na We live in Baikal,

We chew dried biscuits and gingerbread.

We know a lot of ditties

And now we’ll sing them.


On We walked in Baikal -

They threw stones.

We noticed beauty -

The garbage was removed.

On We love to go to Baikal,

Let's tell everyone in the world.

What do we live on? Baikal-

We are proud of it!

Presenter - Handsome Baikal at any time of the year!

Winter and summer, autumn is beautiful!

It was not in vain that Mother Nature tried,

Combining all the miracles into one!

(S. Shishmarev)

Children 1 - When they tell me « Baikal»

I see ships, piers,

I see the sky, I see the mountains,

All around Baikal expanses.

2 - I’ve been there more than once.

Baikal attracts me so much

There's a sparkling diamond of stars,

And the clarity of the waters, and the Shaman-stone.

3 - Baikal is illuminated by sunset,

In the evening it sparkles so much.

And in the morning the scarlet dawn...

Children (together)- We weren’t here in vain!

(A. Chabanenko)


Baikal- In a painted stroller

A fairy tale has arrived

Yes about the lake Baikal,

Along the Sayan pass,

Yes, along the rainbow-arc,

Yes, along the Solzan River.

(T. Dolbunova)

(Baikal invites children to listen to Becky Gray's fairy tale "Who will save the lake?"

("Siberian" No. 2/96). The fairy tale ends words: "What can you do

are you there to help?” Baikal talks to children, conducts the game “What Baikal

ok, so what Baikal is bad»)

Children - Baikal is our pearl!

Baikal - the lungs of the planet!

Live, Baikal!

(Baikal says goodbye to children, leaves the hall. Holiday the excursion ends

this on Baikal)


1. “Visual aids in musical education of preschool children” L. N. Komissarova, E. P. Kostina.

2. "Our Motherland" N. F. Vinogradova, S. A. Kozlava.

3. "Nature and Music" O. P. Radynova.

4. “Aesthetic education program for children 2-7 years old” ("Beauty. Joy. Creation") T. S. Komarova, A. V. Antonova, M. B. Zatsepina.

5. "Siberian" №5 / 95.

6. "Siberian" №2 / 96 .

7. "The amazing journey of the Siberian Baikal» (little encyclopedia of Siberian) S. N. Aslamova, S. M. Sergienko.

8. "Four Seasons" S. A. Veretennikova, A. A. Klykov.

And what is it?

And what is it?

So blue

Cold as ice

Transparent like glass?

Maybe this is the sky

Caught on the pine trees

Rolled over the rocks

And glass on the ground?

And what is it,

So golden

Shiny like a mirror

Blinding eyes?

Maybe it's the sun

It was easy to sleep under the rocks,

It lies tired

Closing your eyes?

And what is it?

Uneasy all the time

Maybe it's a cloud

Stuck among the rocks?

And this is not a cloud,

And this is not heaven,

And this is not the sun,

And Lake BAIKAL!

Today I want to invite you on a short journey, and of course you have already guessed where. Of course to Lake BAIKAL!

Baikal is one of the oldest lakes on the planet. And although its age is estimated at 25 - 50 million years, it is still young. And maybe someday our Baikal will become an ocean! This is proven by the fact that its banks diverge at a rate of 2 cm per year. This means Baikal is growing!

The area of ​​Baikal is 31,500 sq. km. (ranks 8th among the largest lakes in the world) This is approximately equal to the area of ​​Belgium, the Netherlands or Denmark. But in terms of depth, Baikal ranks first among lakes globe. The depth of Baikal is 1631 m. Such depth is not everywhere! After all, the lake is a depression consisting of three independent basins, separated from each other by high underwater hills.

Southern depression - 1432 m, Middle - 1632 m, Northern depression - 889 m.

Why is Baikal called that? What does the word Baikal mean? Where, from what language did this name come into Russian? Russian people appeared on Baikal in 1643. It was a detachment of Cossacks led by Kurbat Ivanov. They built the first ship on Lake Baikal.

The peoples who inhabited the shores of Lake Baikal led a nomadic lifestyle. And they all called the lake in their own way. For example, Evenks talked lama , that is, the sea, and Buryats called him Baigal – Nuur - lake. U Chinese Baikal was called the northern sea Bai-hai . IN Yakut there is a word in the language - baykhal – sea. Probably, the Evenks, the Buryats, and the Yakuts translated this name from some other language. But from which one?

Back in the Bronze Age they lived in the Baikal region Turkic-speaking peoples - Kurykans who knew runic writing. Scientists suggest that they were the first to give the lake the name Baikal. Baikal is a Turkic word from bai - kul , which means rich lake . And the lake is rich, of course, in fish.

Baikal is the most transparent lake. Greater transparency of Baikal water is observed in winter and at the end of June, and then it decreases. Why? As the water heats up, bacteria, algae, and animals develop better. The rivers flowing into the lake carry a large amount of clay and silt particles. Currents carry all this into open Baikal. However, the lake is a settling basin, where even the smallest impurities settle to the deep bottom of Lake Baikal.

Baikal is a flowing or waste lake. More than 300 rivers carry their waters into it. And only the only Angara flows out of the lake. Flowing into the Yenisei, it connects Baikal with the Arctic Ocean.

Why is the water in Baikal fresh? It is filled with surface waters of rivers, which have little salt. The bottom of these rivers is lined with crystalline rocks that are difficult to dissolve

How much water is there in Baikal? In a huge basin - 23,000 cubic meters. m. of water, this is 20% of the world's fresh water reserves. If all sources of drinking water on Earth suddenly disappeared and only Baikal remained, then all the people of the globe, using its water, could live for almost half a century, spending as much water per person per day as people currently spend in major cities.

Baikal has the richest variety of living creatures, of which there are more than 2,600 species, they maintain cleanliness and high quality waters of the lake and make it “living water”.

Endemics of Baikal are species of animals or plants found only here. There is life in Baikal at all depths. From the very surface to the maximum depths and even in the thickness of bottom sediments, in the most deep depressions A variety of aquatic organisms live, including fish.

The simplest unicellular organisms are zooplankton; multicellular - sponges (filter feeders), Baikal worms, dipterous insects, soft-bodied animals, mollusks.

Fish - omul, grayling, sturgeon, taimen, golomyanka (melts in the sun), burbot, goby and many others.

Mammals – seal.

“You shouldn’t look for a great lake on a map, you need to look for it within yourself...”
(I. Shirobokov)

Is there at least one person who does not want to see Baikal with his own eyes? We first learn about the lake in childhood. And in a child’s imagination there appears that mysterious corner of the earth that beckons with its wonders, mysteries and unprecedented incomprehensible beauty.

Baikal is unique place, one of the unique wonders of the planet, truly a natural shrine not only for Russians, but also for the whole world. It is famous for its geological antiquity and the original forms of the animal and flora, the origin of which has not yet been fully understood. The enormous size and depth of this lake, amazingly clean and transparent water, rivaling in its color either the best aquamarine crystals, or emerald, or sky blue, fabulously beautiful shores produce indelible impression for each of us.

Baikal Day in 2018 is celebrated on September 7. For this date, employees of the Inter-Settlement Central Library MKUK prepared for children an ecological trip “Baikal - a lake of crystal purity”, including a demonstration of photographs about Lake Baikal, an environmental quiz “The Kingdom of Glorious Baikal”. The event was dedicated to the unique flora and fauna, as well as existing serious environmental problems that cause enormous harm amazing lake and slowly destroy it. The guys listened with interest to the history of the name and its origin. We learned that it is a World Heritage Site natural heritage and has the status of a lake-reserve, we got acquainted with its climate, rich and diverse flora and fauna.

But, unfortunately, due to the development of industry in Siberia, including in areas adjacent to Baikal, the construction of a number of large enterprises in the woodworking, forest chemical and other industries, as well as non-ferrous metallurgy, often with gross violations of the environmental situation, a threat has hung over the unique lake. mortal threat. Saving Baikal from pollution is an urgent task of our time. Many meeting participants proposed specific environmental measures: stop deforestation on the banks, create warning posters, build wastewater treatment plants at enterprises, and raise the environmental culture of the population. Discussing serious environmental problems, those present came to the conclusion that we need to be more attentive to nature, because it depends on each of us to save or destroy the world around us.

After the event, schoolchildren got acquainted with literature about the unique lake. The library collection contains more than 50 sources of information about Lake Baikal. From the books “Legends and Secrets of Baikal”, “What is in your name Baikal” by S.A. Guruleva, “Baikal in legends and secrets”, O.K. Gusev “Sacred Baikal”, V. Bogdanov you can get information about the history of Baikal, its water, winds, islands, rivers.

You can learn about researchers and research from the books of P.A. Kardashevskaya “Researchers of Baikal”, A.I. Golenkova “Pathfinders of Baikal”. The books by S. Ustinov “Reserve on Baikal”, “Baikal, Barguzinsky Reserve” tell about the reserves of Baikal. The library has a lot of albums, which contain photographs and articles of all the fascinatingly beautiful places surrounding Baikal in Russian and English languages: bays, capes, peoples and traditions, animals, plants and other information. Most of the literature is devoted to environmental problems and issues of protecting Lake Baikal.

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Books by A.F. Karnaukhova

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    “Flashes of a Singing Soul” is dedicated to love lyrics. The poems printed in the book awaken hopes for a good future. They reveal a person’s inexhaustible faith in the power of love, which can ennoble him and the world, giving them an impetus to prosperity and development.

    The story “Where the Eagles Nest” is about proud and beautiful birds, with a mighty wingspan, selfless and devoted love; about the proud and beautiful people, with their mighty scope of deeds and accomplishments, with their courage and love for the harsh Siberian nature.

    The poems published in the book “Star Twinkles” are poems about the Motherland, love and the beauty of human life. Lyrics dedicated to the great people of the earth, as well as reflections on biblical and mythological topics.

    The collection of poems “Geometry of Life” is about the beloved village of Nevon, which is located on the banks of the Angara, about the author’s family. There are poems dedicated to the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, when not only adults, but also children made their contribution to the treasury of the common victory. The author paid due attention in his poems to the great poets of the earth, historical events, as well as problems that concern a thinking person.

    The story “Dashing” is based on a true fact that happened during the Great Patriotic War with an ordinary cavalryman Yegor, originally from the village of Nevon. Majority characters mentioned in the story are real people.

    The collection “Taiga Hops” reflects the author’s impressions of hunting, nature, and the taiga. The poems are distinguished by the originality inherent in the inhabitants of the taiga region.

    “Palette of Time” is the fifth poetry book by Anatoly Karnaukhov. In it the author talks about his love for small homeland and to the surrounding world. The poems and poems posted in the book are filled with feelings of patriotism and spirituality. They reflect the author’s deep faith in goodness and justice, in the sense of beauty and eternity.

New Arrivals

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    The publication presents selected pages from the diaries of the outstanding Russian traveler N.M. Przhevalsky, which present a fascinating story about expeditions to the Ussuri region, Mongolia, China, the Gobi Desert and Tibet. Reserved Ussuri taiga, bare Mongolian steppes, strange landscapes of China, dangerous mountain trails Lamaist Tibet, the withering heat of the Gobi and Taklamakan deserts - he went through all this, and more than once, in order to more tightly connect her own Far Eastern outskirts with Russia. Thanks to his tireless efforts, Mongolia, China and Tibet became closer to Russia. N.M. Przhevalsky was elected an honorary member of the Russian Geographical Society. After the first expedition to Central Asia, he was awarded the Konstantinovsky medal of the Russian Geographical Society, became an honorary doctor of several universities, and after the third expedition, Przhevalsky’s merits were recognized by the entire world community. This richly illustrated publication tells of the adventures and extreme incidents that await travelers in the wild, exotic corners of the Earth.

    The strait, sea, archipelago and island are named after the famous Russian navigator, captain-commander Vitus Jonassen Bering (1681-1741). The book contains documents and reports from participants in the First (1725-1730) and Second (1734-1742) Kamchatka expeditions, detailing the progress of research in difficult, sometimes deadly conditions of trips to little-explored areas of Siberia and Far East. In a unique publication, in addition to the documents of the expeditions and the writings of their participants: Sven Waxel, G. Miller and S.P. Krasheninnikov, also included review works of the historian of the Russian fleet and maritime geographical discoveries V.N. Top and the German geographer F. Gehlwald. Thanks to the heroism and dedication of Russian pioneers, Russian geographical science has enriched humanity with invaluable knowledge about distant lands. The visuals that complement the narrative, represented by hundreds of maps, black-and-white and color ancient paintings and drawings, will allow you, while reading about the events, to vividly imagine the environment in which they took place.

    The book “Frigate “Pallada”” by Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov (1812-1891) is a unique phenomenon in its own way. None of the classics of Russian literature, either before or after Goncharov, took part in such a journey. 160 years ago, the frigate Pallada weighed anchor and left the Kronstadt roadstead. Fate would have it that the remarkable master of words I.A. would go on this ship on one of the most outstanding voyages. Goncharov. For two and a half years, thousands of kilometers by land and sea, a responsible diplomatic mission moved through Britain, Madeira, the Atlantic, South Africa, Indonesia, Singapore, Japan, China, Philippines. Ivan Goncharov was aware of his duty to his readers and the need to describe the journey, and already two months after his return, the first essays about the expedition appeared, and two years later the first complete edition of “The Frigate “Pallada”” was published, which went through many reprints and is today presented on the judgment of the modern reader in this book.

    A fascinating story about an amazing journey undertaken in the 60s - early 70s of the 15th century. the brave Russian merchant Afanasy Nikitin to distant, mysterious India forms the basis of this book. The unique literary monument “Walking across Three Seas” continues the “Great Journeys” series, beloved by readers. The Appendices contain interesting stories about travels made in different years “before and after Nikitin” to the same regions of India and neighboring countries. Thanks to this, this volume is distinguished by an amazing factual richness and abundance of material. Numerous vintage images The places described give a clear idea of ​​what they were like 500 years ago. The publication is addressed to everyone interested in the dramatic history of geographical discoveries and ancient oriental exoticism.

    “Discovery of Antarctica” is a detailed travel diary kept by the outstanding Russian naval commander Thaddeus Faddeevich Bellingshausen during his famous circumnavigation(1819-1821). Over these years, two Russian sloops - "Vostok" and "Mirny" - explored Antarctica, the last previously undiscovered part of the world, a mystery continent whose very existence many doubted.
    Book by F.F. Bellingshausen, even today, almost 200 years after it was written, captivates and captivates not only with the abundance of vivid, memorable details, but also with the very personality of the author. Bellingshausen vividly responds to everything that happened in foreign ports and on the open sea, expressively characterizes the expedition members, and writes with particular warmth about his faithful assistant, the commander of the Mirny, M.P. Lazarev. Thanks to the discoveries of F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev, Russian geographical science acquired global significance and gave a powerful impetus to the organization of the most famous Russian research organization XIX century - Russian Geographical Society. Dozens of color and more than three hundred old black and white paintings and drawings not only decorate the book - they allow you to literally look into the past, to see the expedition through the eyes of its participants.

    Journey to the Tien Shan is a fascinating, popular and humorous memoir written by the great Russian traveler, scientist and public figure Pyotr Petrovich Semenov-Tian-Shansky about his outstanding scientific feat - the expedition of 1856-1857. to a high mountainous country completely unknown to science at the junction of Central Asia and China: Tien Shan in Chinese means Heavenly Mountains. The book is replete with vivid details about the unique nature of the region, about the appearance, life and morals of the population, about meetings with wonderful people, including old friends, among others - F.M., who was exiled in Semipalatinsk. Dostoevsky, with whom the author was familiar from Petrashevsky’s circle. The book is beautifully designed and richly illustrated with paintings, drawings and old photographs; is designed for everyone who is interested in the geography and history of Russia, meaningful and reliable stories about exotic corners of the Earth.

    In the galaxy of Russian navigators, Vasily Mikhailovich Golovnin (1776-1831) occupies a special place. Vice Admiral, Corresponding Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, he made a significant contribution to all areas of naval affairs, did a lot for the organization and construction of the Russian fleet, is known as a talented scientist and writer, and trained a whole galaxy of brave Russian sailors: F.P. Litke, F.P. Wrangel, F.F. Matyushkin and others. A cape on the southwestern coast is named after Golovnin North America- former “Russian America”, a mountain on an island New Earth, strait in the ridge Kuril Islands, bay in the Bering Sea.
    Always in spite of circumstances and fate - this was Golovnin’s life and this was his trip around the world on the sloop “Diana”. Having repaid his debt to the Motherland, Vasily Mikhailovich fulfilled his “obligations” to the reading public, opening in the book “Notes in Captivity of the Japanese” mysterious world Japan and its inhabitants. Unique material about a then unknown country and its people plus brilliant literary talent - it is not surprising that Golovnin’s book received a lot of rave reviews and was translated into many European languages. Like all publications in the “Great Travelers” series, V. M. Golovnin’s book is superbly designed and rich in big amount rare illustrations that allow you to look at the countries and peoples described by the author through the eyes of discoverers.

    “Journey through Siberia and the Arctic Sea” by Admiral Ferdinand Petrovich Wrangel is a geographical bestseller of the mid-19th century: its European translations appeared before the first Russian edition! Committed three round the world travel The famous Russian navigator and polar explorer wrote a book full of beautiful descriptions of the natural resources of Siberia, the life and customs of the people who inhabited it, and the dangers and trials experienced during expeditions. In keeping with the wonderful tradition of the Great Journeys series, this book is adorned with hundreds of vintage color and black-and-white illustrations, allowing you to literally see what the author so excitingly talks about.

    The famous Russian traveler and ethnographer N. N. Miklouho-Maclay discovered the civilized world unique nature New Guinea and the exotic culture of the aborigines who inhabited it. In his diaries, he spoke about life and adventures among the wild tribes of the Maclay Coast (so named during the explorer’s lifetime), the mysterious “Papuasia”, onto the shore of which he stepped off the ship’s ramp.
    The volume of selected works by the outstanding Russian ethnographer includes diary entries and articles that tell about visits to New Guinea in the 70s of the 19th century, about life among the aborigines, about the study of the nature and population of this region of Melanesia.

    In 1900, a young Russian correspondent Dmitry Yanchevetsky, on instructions from the newspaper “ New region"went to China to see with my own eyes exotic country and describe the great uprising that shook the Celestial Empire. The notes made by Dmitry Yanchevetsky during this dangerous journey formed the basis of a stunningly reliable, unique book that will open to the reader pictures of the collision of medieval and modern China, an event that became the starting point of the amazing transformations of the ancient country.
    The appendix publishes the brilliant book “In China” by Alexander Vereshchagin. The opinion of a professional military man about the events of the early 20th century is interesting primarily because in defeated, destroyed, divided China, the author saw the emerging greatness of this country and for the first time in European history predicted its future power. Like all publications in the “Great Travels” series, this book is beautifully designed and filled with a large number of rare illustrations and photographs of eyewitnesses of the events described.


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