Write a letter to a friend about your small homeland. A letter to a friend with thoughts about his homeland. Letter from Misha

Hello, dear friend!
You have long been interested in my homeland, that is, the city in which I was born and live. But before embarking on this topic, I would like to reflect on what, in my opinion, is contained in this painfully familiar, but very capacious word. Motherland... Fatherland... Fatherland... These words are familiar to us from early childhood. But what is this - Motherland? If you look in an explanatory dictionary, you can find an explanation of this word, simple and understandable. Homeland is the country in which a person was born.
Where does it begin? Speaking dry geographical language, we would call extreme points of her country, the parallels and meridians between which she spreads her expanses. But in fact, my Fatherland begins with the smallest things: from a courtyard next to my father’s house, from a birch tree at the gate, from a school bench, from my native street, from a town, village or small village dear to my heart. This is a tiny piece of land, which geographical map you won't find it. But it was here that we were born, took our first steps into a great life, with eyes full of surprise, got acquainted with the world around us, met our first true friends, learned the joy of victories and the bitterness of defeats. And the word “homeland”, which we found in the explanatory dictionary, becomes more significant, more significant, more native. It’s not for nothing that “homeland” and “native” came from the same root. And wherever we are, wherever fate takes us, we will always remember with special trepidation, with great warmth, the small courtyard, the birch tree at the gate, and the narrow street. Here are our roots, here are our loved ones, from here we stepped into a big life. I remember the words of V. Lazarev:
I don't just live.
I am like a river
I start in a lost place...
My “lost far away” is a town called Novomichurinsk. Someone, looking at him, might say: “...provincial outback, gray and dirty...”. But I love him. I love to wander through its friendly green streets, meet familiar faces, and enjoy the clean air. And if you knew how beautiful my hometown Ishko in different times of the year! In the summer it is all lush green, in the bright colors of flower beds and meadows, in sunny gilding. And in the fall... Multi-colored maples, yellow lindens, still green poplars, brownish oaks... In Novomichurinsk, autumn is not a “dull time”, but a wonderful time of year, simply “charm from the eyes.” In winter, Novomichurinsk is filled with magic and poetry. When you look out the window or go outside, your mood is always immediately lifted by the sight of sparkling and creaking snow and trees covered with silvery frost. And, of course, spring... A sea of ​​light, greenery, flowers and aromas. White-trunked birches, fragile willows, and delicate willows decorate themselves with luxurious earrings. The trees dress in light green dresses. Apple trees, pears, cherries, plums put on their wedding attire... Novomichurinsk is fragrant, drowning in emerald greenery, flowering linden trees, and the aromas of gardens.
And in the most ordinary outfit
You are sweet, Fatherland, to the point of tears.
Brown strands suit you
Your beloved birches.
But not only nature decorates my city. My city is famous, first of all, for its people and power units. Ryazan State District Power Plant became largest power plant in the European part of Russia, so many foreign delegations came here
You are such that you will not find anything more beautiful,
At least walk around the whole earth three times.
You are like the sea, no, like our heart,
Forever with us, Motherland, in our breasts!
But along with pride in their hometown, there are also notes of sadness and regret that all its property is drowning in piles of garbage, that the residents of Novomichurinsk do not always treat it well. Almost all of the trees planted long ago have survived to this day, but the small sticky trees planted there recently have already been broken. I love admiring the gray-haired giants while walking along quiet streets, and how painful it becomes when, instead of lush crowns of trees, I often see only stumps. Due to the fault of people, the water in the Pronya River has become dirty, the springs that once surrounded my city have disappeared, the former beauty and grandeur are fading.
I want to tell my peers, growing children, and the adult population about our city and its problems, to create in their souls a love for native land, pride in him, a desire to help him and make our Novomichurinsk even more beautiful.
On this note I end my letter. I would like to believe that now you have an idea about my town. I invite you to my hometown. Let's wander around my favorite places together. And you will see for yourself how beautiful he is. Goodbye.
May 15, 2008 Olya

Hello, dear Arina!
In my letter I will tell you about where my Motherland begins! My homeland begins with the first step I took, with the first word, with the first book I read, with my native home, village, region.
Can you hear the song of the stream?
This is your homeland.
Do you hear the nightingale's voice?
This is your homeland.
Your mother's hands
Ringing, rain, and noise of branches,
And there are currants in the forest -
This is also the Motherland.
Motherland! This is a short but precious word. This word sounds like music. K. D. Ushinsky said: “Our Fatherland, our Motherland is Mother Russia. We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial. We call it homeland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it and everything in it is native to us, and mother because it fed us with its bread, gave us drink with its waters, taught us the language, how a mother protects and takes care of us . A person has one natural mother, and he has one Motherland.”
Where does the Motherland begin? Every person has a place that is especially dear to them. Wherever he lives on this huge planet. This place is called “small homeland”. For us, our “small homeland” is our Kuban. There are 5 million of us, the territory of the region is larger than the territory of Belgium and Holland combined, and the distance from us to the Pole is the same as to the equator. And it’s hard to imagine that there was once a vast sea of ​​wild grasses and shrubs here, and many areas were swampy. What kind of strength and faith and love for their land did our ancestors possess if they revived the wild steppes to life, creating unique place on earth - Krasnodar region. Thanks to our climate, everyone now knows our Kuban. She really is both the breadbasket and the health resort of Russia. Sochi, Tuapse, Adler, Anapa, Novorossiysk, Taman, Yeisk are cities known throughout the world. And among this splendor of resort towns and villages is my village of Novoivanovskaya. It’s small, you won’t see it on every map, but it’s the most dear and dear to me. Here is a completely different air, filled with the aromas of steppe grasses, here are birds singing their songs from dawn to dusk, here are poplars, like soldiers frozen in formation. This is my homeland. What are the sunrises and sunsets like here?! It is here, looking into the dawn sky, that you want to laugh and cry at the same time from the beauty that surrounds you. My village is located in the northeast Krasnodar region. Borders with Rostov region and Stavropol Territory. Our village was founded in 1891. The pride of the village is the Holy Protection Church, the monument to the Unknown Soldier, Eternal flame at the Memorial to the fallen villagers. But the most important wealth is the people living in this steppe village. These are real workers, masters of their craft: teachers, doctors, educators, workers Agriculture, people who preserve and enhance the traditions of our ancestors.
And also, I believe that the Motherland begins with the family, because a strong family is the most great wealth. Family is home. This is dad and mom, grandfather and grandmother... This is friendship and love. It's caring for each other. This is joy and sorrow, which are the same for everyone. These are habits and traditions. And it is also a support in all troubles and misfortunes. This is a fortress, behind whose walls only peace and love can reign. My family is my most important wealth. Our family is mom, dad, grandma and me. And this “quartet” is inseparable. Well, can you imagine yourself without any of them? The kind, gentle hands of a grandmother, who seem to never rest, they always have work to do. Mom, who protects our family hearth with her care and love. And, of course, there is no family without our dad, who is so reliable and solid. And I, the younger generation of our family, try to ensure that the honor of the family remains untarnished. When we all gather at one table in the evening, it is happiness, and this is how the Motherland begins!
Years will pass, I will grow up, but no matter where fate takes me, I will always remember that the homeland still begins from the native threshold, where you are always expected, remembered, loved. And it seems to me that my favorite place on earth will forever remain my small homeland, my Kuban, my village, my family.
Arina, I shared with you my thoughts about where the Motherland begins. I would be very interested to know your opinion about where the Motherland begins for you.
Write. I am waiting. Your friend Julia. November 2, 2011

Hello, dear friend!
You have long been interested in my homeland, that is, the city in which I was born and live. But before embarking on this topic, I would like to reflect on what, in my opinion, is contained in this painfully familiar, but very capacious word. Motherland... Fatherland... Fatherland... These words are familiar to us from early childhood. But what is this - Motherland? If you look in an explanatory dictionary, you can find an explanation of this word, simple and understandable. Homeland is the country in which a person was born.
Where does it begin? Speaking in dry geographical language, we would name the extreme points of our country, the parallels and meridians between which it spreads its expanses. But in fact, my Fatherland begins with the smallest things: from a courtyard next to my father’s house, from a birch tree at the gate, from a school bench, from my native street, from a town, village or small village dear to my heart. This is a tiny piece of land that cannot be found on a geographical map. But it was here that we were born, took our first steps into a great life, with eyes full of surprise, got acquainted with the world around us, met our first true friends, learned the joy of victories and the bitterness of defeats. And the word “homeland”, which we found in the explanatory dictionary, becomes more significant, more significant, more native. It’s not for nothing that “homeland” and “native” came from the same root. And wherever we are, wherever fate takes us, we will always remember with special trepidation, with great warmth, the small courtyard, the birch tree at the gate, and the narrow street. Here are our roots, here are our loved ones, from here we stepped into a big life. I remember the words of V. Lazarev:
I don't just live.
I am like a river
I start in a lost place...
My “lost far away” is a town called Novomichurinsk. Someone, looking at him, might say: “...provincial outback, gray and dirty...”. But I love him. I love to wander through its friendly green streets, meet familiar faces, and enjoy the clean air. And if you only knew how beautiful my hometown is at different times of the year! In the summer it is all lush green, in the bright colors of flower beds and meadows, in sunny gilding. And in the fall... Multi-colored maples, yellow lindens, still green poplars, brownish oaks... In Novomichurinsk, autumn is not a “dull time”, but a wonderful time of the year, simply “charm from the eyes.” In winter, Novomichurinsk is filled with magic and poetry. When you look out the window or go outside, your mood is always immediately lifted by the sight of sparkling and creaking snow and trees covered with silvery frost. And, of course, spring... A sea of ​​light, greenery, flowers and aromas. White-trunked birches, fragile willows, and delicate willows decorate themselves with luxurious earrings. The trees dress in light green dresses. Apple trees, pears, cherries, plums put on their wedding attire... Novomichurinsk is fragrant, drowning in emerald greenery, flowering linden trees, and the aromas of gardens.
And in the most ordinary outfit
You are sweet, Fatherland, to the point of tears.
Brown strands suit you
Your beloved birches.
But not only nature decorates my city.

Only nature decorates my city. My city is famous, first of all, for its people and power units. The Ryazan State District Power Plant became the largest power plant in the European part of Russia, so many foreign delegations came here
You are such that you will not find anything more beautiful,
At least walk around the whole earth three times.
You are like the sea, no, like our heart,
Forever with us, Motherland, in our breasts!
But along with pride in their hometown, there are also notes of sadness and regret that all its property is drowning in piles of garbage, that the residents of Novomichurinsk do not always treat it in a good manner. Almost all of the trees planted long ago have survived to this day, but the small sticky trees planted there recently have already been broken. I love admiring the gray-haired giants while walking along quiet streets, and how painful it becomes when, instead of lush crowns of trees, I often see only stumps. Due to the fault of people, the water in the Pronya River has become dirty, the springs that once surrounded my city have disappeared, the former beauty and grandeur are fading.
I want to tell my peers, growing children, and the adult population about our city and its problems, to engender in their souls a love for their native land, pride in it, a desire to help it and make our Novomichurinsk even more beautiful.
On this note I end my letter. I would like to believe that now you have an idea about my town. I invite you to my hometown. Let's wander around my favorite places together. And you will see for yourself how beautiful he is. Goodbye.

Letter to the Motherland.

Hello, Motherland! I'm writing you a letter. But it's not ordinary, no. It's special. It was very difficult for me to write it, because admitting your feelings is not easy, you know this like no one else. It's hard for you now, I know. Therefore, you need to write you more encouraging letters to all the people who are close to you. Who throughout their lives make you happy with their victories and successes, but sadden you with their terrible, unscrupulous actions. I am writing you this letter with all my heart. I know you feel it. You see how worried and worried I am about you. But that's not the main thing. I love you, Motherland! Mine is quiet, bright, warm. I love you, Motherland! Mine is gentle, soulful and understanding. I love you, Motherland! After all, only you impress me with your beauties. I love you, Motherland! Because you are that very corner of our huge planet to which you constantly want to return. Because only you, the most beloved, are always drawn to. Any time of the day, any time of the year. I always rush to meet you, forgetting about everything. About all your troubles, sorrows, grievances and sorrows. I know you will always understand. I will whisper to the wind how bad I feel, and you will warm me with the rays of the summer sun. I will cry, and you will cry with me with the heavy drops of evening rain. I will rejoice, and you will sparkle and sparkle with dew drops in the morning. I will sing, and you will sing with me like nightingales in the forest, round dances in a birch grove. I will dance, and you will dance with me, drop by drop, on a bright spring morning. I love you, Motherland! Mine is powerful, courageous, strong. I love you, Motherland! And I believe that no enemy is scary as long as we are with you, Motherland! We will save you, do you hear? And we won’t let you offend! Never! Never! I love you, Motherland! I can talk forever, but in reality, I won't say everything I feel. I love you with the most sincere, most heartfelt love that can be. There is no such love anymore! Only to you. To the Mother herself. You will succeed, do you hear? Have no doubt! Be even stronger, stay strong, my love! And everything will be fine with us. I'm sure you'll see this soon. A new generation is growing, smarter and more perfect. We will reach new heights we never dreamed of. A unique future awaits us. Not like what we're going through now. And we will achieve the most unattainable goals, I am sure, Motherland. In parting, I can only say one thing - I will always be there, do you hear? I will never leave you! We, your children, your closest relatives, will never leave you, no matter what happens. You can always rely on us.

Loving you dearly, Masha.

Hello, dear friend!

You have long been interested in my homeland, that is, the city in which I was born and live. But before embarking on this topic, I would like to reflect on what, in my opinion, is contained in this painfully familiar, but very capacious word. Motherland... Fatherland... Fatherland... These words are familiar to us from early childhood. But what is this - Motherland? If you look in an explanatory dictionary, you can find an explanation of this word, simple and understandable. Homeland is the country in which a person was born.

Where does it begin? Speaking in dry geographical language, we would name the extreme points of our country, the parallels and meridians between which it spreads its expanses. But in fact, my Fatherland begins with the smallest things: from a courtyard next to my father’s house, from a birch tree at the gate, from a school bench, from my native street, from a town, village or small village dear to my heart. This is a tiny piece of land that cannot be found on a geographical map. But it was here that we were born, took our first steps into a great life, with eyes full of surprise, got acquainted with the world around us, met our first true friends, learned the joy of victories and the bitterness of defeats. And the word “homeland”, which we found in the explanatory dictionary, becomes more significant, more significant, more native. It’s not for nothing that “homeland” and “native” came from the same root. And wherever we are, wherever fate takes us, we will always remember with special trepidation, with great warmth, the small courtyard, the birch tree at the gate, and the narrow street. Here are our roots, here are our loved ones, from here we stepped into a big life. I remember the words of V. Lazarev:

I don't just live.

I am like a river

I start in a lost place...

My “lost far away” is a town called Novomichurinsk. Someone, looking at him, might say: “...provincial outback, gray and dirty...”. But I love him. I love to wander through its friendly green streets, meet familiar faces, and enjoy the clean air. And if you only knew how beautiful my hometown is at different times of the year! In the summer it is all lush green, in the bright colors of flower beds and meadows, in sunny gilding. And in the fall... Multi-colored maples, yellow lindens, still green poplars, brownish oaks... In Novomichurinsk, autumn is not a “dull time”, but a wonderful time of year, simply “charm from the eyes.” In winter, Novomichurinsk is filled with magic and poetry. When you look out the window or go outside, your mood is always immediately lifted by the sight of sparkling and creaking snow and trees covered with silvery frost. And, of course, spring... A sea of ​​light, greenery, flowers and aromas. White-trunked birches, fragile willows, and delicate willows decorate themselves with luxurious earrings. The trees dress in light green dresses. Apple trees, pears, cherries, plums put on their wedding attire... Novomichurinsk is fragrant, drowning in emerald greenery, flowering linden trees, and the aromas of gardens.

And in the most ordinary outfit

You are sweet, Fatherland, to the point of tears.

Brown strands suit you

Your beloved birches.

But not only nature decorates my city. My city is famous, first of all, for its people and power units. The Ryazan State District Power Plant became the largest power plant in the European part of Russia, so many foreign delegations came here

You are such that you will not find anything more beautiful,

At least walk around the whole earth three times.

You are like the sea, no, like our heart,

Forever with us, Motherland, in our breasts!

But along with pride in their hometown, there are also notes of sadness and regret that all its property is drowning in piles of garbage, that the residents of Novomichurinsk do not always treat it in a good manner. Almost all of the trees planted long ago have survived to this day, but the small sticky trees planted there recently have already been broken. I love admiring the gray-haired giants while walking along quiet streets, and how painful it becomes when, instead of lush crowns of trees, I often see only stumps. Due to the fault of people, the water in the Pronya River has become dirty, the springs that once surrounded my city have disappeared, the former beauty and grandeur are fading.

I want to tell my peers, growing children, and the adult population about our city and its problems, to engender in their souls a love for their native land, pride in it, a desire to help it and make our Novomichurinsk even more beautiful.

On this note I end my letter. I would like to believe that now you have an idea about my town. I invite you to my hometown. Let's wander around my favorite places together. And you will see for yourself how beautiful he is. Goodbye.


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